SAN 18B-R Multiprotocol Router

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Designed for secure high-performance SAN routing over Fibre

Channel or Internet Protocol networks to interconnect multiple SANs

IBM System Storage SAN18B-R

multiprotocol router

A wide range of IBM System Storage

mid-range and enterprise Storage
Area Network (SAN) infrastructure simEfficient package with sixteen 1, 2 and 4 Gigabits per second Fibre Channel ports and two
1 Gigabit Ethernet Internet Protocol ports

plification and business continuity

solutions can be created with the
IBM System Storage SAN18B-R multi-


protocol router. Infrastructure simplification solutions for the IBM System i,

Enables consolidation of

Hardware-based compression,

System p, System x and

Storage Area Network (SAN)

large window sizes and selec-

System z family include SAN island

islands for infrastructure simpli-

tive acknowledgement of IP

consolidation, while business continuity

fication without compromising

packets designed to optimize

solutions include disaster tolerance over


performance of SAN extension

metropolitan and global IP networks

over IP networks

with IBM System Storage disk arrays,

Designed for high performance

with 4 Gigabit per second

tape libraries and IBM Tivoli Storage

Eight virtual FCIP tunnels per IP

port help maximize scalability

and hardware-assisted traffic

and utilization of MAN/WAN

Since the introduction of Storage Area

processing for line-rate per-


Networks, customers have built multiple

formance across Gigabit

Ethernet (GbE) Internet

SAN networks (or islands) for different

Integrated router and

applications, often with fabric switch

IBM System Storage SAN

components from different manufactur-

b-type (Brocade) switch man-

ers. Some islands were built by different

Utilizes existing IP Metropolitan

agement helps simplify installa-

departments within a company, while

Area Network (MAN) or Wide

tion and administration and

other islands resulted from mergers,

Area Network (WAN) infrastruc-

helps provide fabric investment

tures for metro and global SAN


Protocol (IP) ports

Manager data protection software.

(Gbps) Fibre Channel (FC) ports

extension for business continuity solutions

acquisitions or reorganizations.
Dissimilar SAN equipment with different
capabilities or a desire to isolate important applications has constrained
opportunities for enhanced infrastructure simplification and vital business
continuity solutions.
The IBM System Storage SAN18B-R
multiprotocol router provides Fibre
Channel FC-FC Routing Service, which
allows the interconnection of multiple
SAN islands without requiring that the

Diagram #1: FC-FC routing help simplify SAN island consolidation

separate fabrics be merged into a single large SAN. As shown in Diagram

High performance

improve reliability. The SAN18B-R

#1, this capability can help create a

The IBM System Storage SAN18B-R

router is designed to provide hot-

tiered or extended enterprise SAN infra-

multiprotocol router is designed to

swappable, load-sharing dual redun-

structure without having to redesign or

deliver 1, 2 and 4 Gigabit per second

dant power supplies that allow the

reconfigure the entire environment.

(Gbps) full-duplex Fibre Channel or

router to remain online if one power

1 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) line-rate per-

supply fails. Dual power cords allow

Local site infrastructure simplification

formance on all ports. Each router FC

attachment to separate power sources

solutions may be extended to one or

port auto-negotiates to 1 or 2 or

to for improved availability. Hot-

many remote sites for enhanced data

4 Gbps depending on the speed of the

swappable power supplies and redun-

protection and disaster tolerance. The

device at the other end of the link. The

dant cooling fans help eliminate down-

IBM System Storage SAN18B-R multi-

GbE ports enable reliable SAN exten-

time for service when replacing a failed

protocol router provides Fibre Channel

sion across suboptimal Wide Area

component and help reduce or elimi-

over IP and FCIP Tunneling Service for

Networks (WANs) through the use of

nate the risk of erroneously cabling a

distance extension which can enable

Fast Write, hardware-based compres-

replacement router because of a simple

cost effective and manageable metro

sion and storage-optimized protocol

component failure. Hot-pluggable SFP

and global business continuity solu-


optical transceivers are designed to be

replaced without taking the router

tions. This extended distance connectivity can help create consolidated

High-availability features

remote tape vaulting data protection

Mid-size and enterprise SAN users

plus metro mirror and global mirror

require high-availability fabric solutions.

High availability solutions require redun-

disk-based disaster tolerant solutions

The IBM System Storage SAN18B-R

dant components, including clustered

as shown in Diagram #2.

multiprotocol router uses second-

servers with dual Host Bus Adapters,

generation advanced application-

dual independent fabrics and disk stor-

specific integrated circuits (ASIC)

age arrays with dual controllers each

electronic components to help minimize

the number of components and


This can help enable business continuity solutions to maintain high performance 4 Gbps operation over extended
distances of up to 100 km. Extended
distance long wave SFP optical transceivers are available for up to 35 km
Diagram #2: FCIP Tunneling Service for metro and global business continuity solutions

distances. Extended Fabric Activation

helps optimize switch buffering to pro-

with dual adapters. Dual

Integrated management

IBM System Storage SAN18B-R

WEBTOOLS (standard feature) is inte-

routers may be configured in a high

grated with the IBM System Storage

availability solution to create a resilient

SAN18B-R router to simplify monitoring

meta SAN infrastructure.

and configuration management.

WEBTOOLS is designed to provide a

Configuration flexibility

comprehensive set of management

All eighteen ports are active in the

tools that support a Web browser inter-

SAN18B-R router, however only

face for flexible, easy-to-use integration

enough SFP optical transceivers need

into existing enterprise storage man-

to be installed to support the number of

agement structures. Although multiple

links desired. Additional SFPs can be

SANs are physically connected,

added non-disruptively when additional

WEBTOOLS supports security and data

links are needed. A variety of SFP opti-

integrity by limiting (zoning) host system

cal transceivers are available to meet

attachment to specific storage systems

diverse requirements. Standard short

and devices to ensure the appropriate

wave Fibre Channel SFPs are available

level of SAN fabric isolation.

to connect at distances up to 1500

FC-FC Routing Service (standard fea-

are available to connect at distances of

ture) is designed to allow devices

up to 4 km, 10 km or 35 km. Quad-

located on separate SAN fabrics to

rate short wave and long wave SFPs

communicate without merging the fab-

are available which support both Fibre

rics into a single large SAN environ-

Channel and Internet Protocol in the

ment. This routed network consists of

same SFP. The maximum distance of a

multiple individual SAN fabrics that for

quad-rate long wave SFP is 10 km.

one large storage network, known as a


The router helps provide full Fibre

Advanced Security Activation
(optional feature) is designed to help
secure storage networking infrastructure required for multiple-protocol operation and SAN island consolidation.
Advanced Security Activation extends
basic fabric security features provided
by Advanced Zoning hardwareenforced worldwide name (WWN) zoning. It is designed to provide a
comprehensive, polity-based security
system for IBM SAN b-type switch fabrics with FAB OS V3, V4 and V5.
tect prior generation switch investment.
All switches in an advanced security
fabric must be upgraded before
Advanced Security Activation can be
Performance MonitoringField
(optional feature) provides support for
frame filtering-based performance monitoring tools for enhanced end-to-end

Channel fabric services with many stan-

Extended Fabric (standard feature)

dard features including WEBTOOLS

extends SAN fabrics beyond the Fibre

with Advanced Zoning, FC-FC Routing

Channel standard of 10 km distance.

Extended Fabric.

switch ISLs with additional buffer

Support for Fabric OS V2.6 helps pro-

meters. Long Wave Fibre Channel SFPs

Service, FCIP Tunneling Service and

vide high performance by configuring

performance monitoring. It is designed

to help identify end-to-end bandwidth
usage between host/target pairs and to
provide information for capacity

Enhanced ISL TrunkingField

FCIP Tunneling Service is designed

Flexible Fibre Channel connectivity

(optional feature) enables Fibre Channel

to allow organizations to extend Fibre

The IBM System Storage SAN18B-R

packets to be efficiently distributed

Channel SANs over longer distances

multiprotocol router is designed to pro-

across multiple Inter-Switch connec-

using an IP-based Metropolitan Area

vide Fibre Channel connectivity to:

tions (links) between two SAN b-type

Network (MAN) or Wide Area Network

switches, directors or routers while

(WAN) infrastructure. This service can

preserving in-order delivery. Both

be integrated with the FC-FC Routing

SAN b-type devices must have

Service. Such integration helps prevent

Enhanced ISL Trunking activated.

faults on MAN/WAN links from propagating between sites and can help

As many as eight 4 Gbps links between

enable a more secure distance-

SAN18B-R routers and 4 Gbps

connectivity infrastructure for disaster

IBM b-type SAN switches and directors

recovery applications.

can be combined to form a single

logical ISL with an aggregate speed of

Open fabric management

up to 32 Gbps per trunk. As

IBM SAN b-type switch and router

many as four 2 Gbps links between

management framework is designed to

SAN18B-R routers existing 2 Gbps

support the widest range of solutions

IBM SAN b-type switches and directors

from very small workgroup SANs up to

can be combined to form a single logi-

very large enterprise SAN fabrics with

cal ISL with an aggregate speed of up

thousands of devices. Small SANs

to 8 Gbps per trunk.

require rapid deployment and plug-and-

play simplicity. Very large SAN fabrics

Performance BundlePlant (optional

require centralized management and

feature) provides Performance

automated administration.

Monitoring and Enhanced ISL Trunking

in a convenient package at the time a

IBM SAN b-type switch management

router is manufactured.

options include browser-based

WEBTOOLS and open standards-

IBM System z and selected

S/390 servers
IBM System p and selected
RS/6000 servers
IBM System i and selected
AS/400 servers
IBM System x and selected
Netfinity servers
Other Intel processor-based
servers with Linux, Microsoft
Windows 2000 and Windows
Server 2003
Selected Sun and HP servers
IBM TotalStorage DS8000
IBM TotalStorage DS6000
IBM TotalStorage DS4000
IBM TotalStorage Enterprise
Storage Server
IBM TotalStorage FAStT Family of
Storage Servers
IBM TotalStorage 357x, 358x and
359x Tape Drives and Libraries
IBM TotalStorage 3494 Tape
Other selected storage systems

FCIP Activation (optional feature)

based interfaces to enterprise SAN

enables organizations to extend their

managers. With an industry-standard

Fibre Channel SANs over longer dis-

SNMP interface, customers know that

For specific support dates, configura-

tances that would be impractical or too

IBM System Storage SAN b-type

tion options, server models, operating

expensive with native Fibre Channel or

switches can gain the benefits of cen-

system levels, attachment capabilities

in situations where dark fibre

tralized management with Tivoli SAN

and throughput connectivity speeds,

resources are unavailable but in which

management software.


IP connectivity already exists. Eight virtual FCIP tunnels per IP port help maximize scalability and utilization of
MAN/WAN resources.

IBM System Storage SAN18B-R multiprotocol router at a glance

Physical characteristics:
Height (rack mount)

42.44 mm / 1.67 in (1U)

429 mm / 16.89 in
635 mm / 25.00 in
12.43 kg / 27.4 lb (without SFPs)
1 RU, 19-inch EIA-compliant with non-port (front) to port (back) airflow

Operating environment:
Relative humidity

0 to 40 degrees C (32 to 104 degrees F)

20% to 85%, non-condensing at 40 C (104 F)

Electrical requirements:
Input voltage
Power consumption

85 to 264 VAC, universal

47 to 63 Hz
240W Maximum, 215W typical

Product Numbers

2005 Model R18IBM System Storage SAN18B-R multiprotocol router with eighteen ports
activated (sixteen Fibre Channel and two Internet Protocol), no transceivers, embedded
WEBTOOLS management, FC-FC Routing Service, Advanced Zoning, dual replaceable
power supplies, line cords and cooling fans, rack mount kit
FC 2130Quad Rate Short Wave SFP Transceiver
FC 2140Quad Rate 10 km Long Wave SFP Transceiver
FC 2150Quad Rate 4 km Long Wave SFP Transceiver
FC 22354 Gbps 35 km Extended Distance Long Wave SFP Transceiver
FC 24104 Gbps Short Wave SFP Transceiver
FC 24144 Gbps Short Wave SFP Transceiver4-pack
FC 24204 Gbps 10 km Long Wave SFP Transceiver
FC 24244 Gbps 10 km Long Wave SFP Transceiver4-pack
FC 24304 Gbps 4 km Long Wave SFP Transceiver
FC 24344 Gbps 4 km Long Wave SFP Transceiver4-pack
FC 7574R18 Advanced Security Activation
FC 7575R18 Performance BundlePlant
FC 7576R18 Performance MonitoringField
FC 7577R18 Enhanced TrunkingField
FC 7579R18 FCIP Activation

Fibre-optic cables

Multimode and single-mode fibre optic cables and couplers are available in various lengths

Power cords

Country-specific power cords are available for desktop installation

For more information

Contact your IBM representative or
IBM Business Partner or visit:
Copyright IBM Corporation 2006
IBM Systems and Technology Group
5600 Cottle Road
San Jose, CA 95193
Produced in the United States of America
May 2006
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