Northern Brewer Classic Dry Mead Kit: Procedure
Northern Brewer Classic Dry Mead Kit: Procedure
Northern Brewer Classic Dry Mead Kit: Procedure
Dry Mead shows off the amazing complexity of honey.
When nearly all of the sugars have been fermented out
of a quality honey, its intricate, delicate floral character
predominates. This recipe can be made still (without
carbonation) or sparkling by adding optional priming
O.G: 1.080-1.085 READY:3 MONTHS
2 weeks primary, 2 months secondary,
2 weeks bottle conditioning
2. Sanitize the fermenting equipment fermenter, lid or
stopper, fermentation lock, funnel, etc along with the
yeast pack and a pair of scissors.
-- 5 oz priming sugar
3. Fill a sink or cooler with hot tap water and soak honey
container(s) to make the honey easier to pour. If your
honey is crystallized, don't worry - all raw and natural
honey crystallizes over time, especially in colder temperatures. Soaking the honey container in hot water will turn
it back into liquid form.
-- 2 oz yeast nutrient
-- Homebrewing starter kit for brewing 5 gallon batches
-- Approximately two cases of either 12 ounce or 22 ounce
pry-off style beer bottles OR approximately 24 750 ml wine
bottles with corks.
10. Pour the warm water and dissolved honey into the
fermenter. Top up with additional water as needed to
achieve a volume of 5 gallons. The mixture is now called
the must.
11. Stir the must until all honey is dissolved and well
mixed. This may take 5 to 15 minutes, possibly longer.
12. Using the sanitized scissors, carefully cut open the
yeast pack and pour the slurry into the fermenter.
13. Seal fermenter with a sanitized airlock and locate
fermenter in an area that is 65 to 70 deg F.
14. Fermentation should start within 24 hours.