Cost Breakdown Analysis
Cost Breakdown Analysis
Cost Breakdown Analysis
IKEAs vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people by offering functional
and well-designed home furnishing products at low prices. In order to achieve and retain low
prices it is critical to monitor the product cost development. To monitor and lower costs it is
necessary to have knowledge of what drives costs in a specific product. The purpose of this
study is to increase the awareness of the costs by identifying and analysing cost drivers for
two product ranges within the kitchen appliances, hoods and induction hobs. The study will
also expose cost saving potential within the product ranges. In a broader perspective this may
result in a cost reduction and increased value for IKEA and its customers. Conclusions made
from the analysis indicated several cost saving potentials. IKEA should in the future consider
using different type of steel for some products in the hood range. It is also recommended to
consider how the design of the hood affects the performance, and thereby required motor
choice. For the induction hobs the choice of ceramic glass and the solution for the printed
circuit board should be considered. Using methodologies to decrease required assembly time
and number of components in the hoods can reduce assembly cost. For some products there is
also a substantial cost saving potential in sourcing assembly operations to low cost countries.
Company & product overview
2.1 IKEA
In 1943 Ingvar Kamprad founded IKEA, the name is an abbreviation for Ingvar Kamprad
Elmtaryd Agunnarryd (Inter IKEA Systems B.V., 2011). During the past 68 years IKEA has
grown from a small mail ordering firm outside the small village of lmhult in Sweden, to one
of the worlds leading home furnishing companies with global presence. The vision and
business idea of IKEA are, (Inter IKEA Systems B.V., 2011):To create a better everyday life
for the many people.(Vision)To offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home
furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford
The organization of IKEA consists of the IKEA group, INGKA Holding B.V. and two
foundations, Stichting INGKA foundation and Stichting IKEA foundation,
The reasons behind this setup are explained by IKEA in the following way, (Inter
appliances industry operates on a global market with regions of different value and
conditions. In general the preferences for the products are consolidating over the global
market but still the conditions differ over the market regions. Electrolux give details in the
annual report for 2010 about the value of the market for appliances.Europe, Middle East and
Africa are treated as one market region with a market value of about 23 billion EUR. The
expected increase in industry demand for year 2011 for the European market is 2-4 percent
(Whirlpool Corporation, 2011). Characteristics of the European market are that it is not
consolidated and that the brand range is different for each country. Consumer demand and
patterns varies from country to country.
Figure 5 shows the distribution of the accumulated market value for appliances. The
distribution of appliances in the European market constitutes of numerous local and
independent retailers. The trend is though that the distribution share increase for kitchen
Pie Chart
The value of the market in North America is about 20 billion EUR and the industry demand
expects to increase with about 2-3 % over 2014 (Whirlpool Corporation,2014). The North
American market is less complex with a high level of consolidation amongst manufacturers
and a homogeneous consumer pattern throughout the market. In North America there is also a
high level of consolidation in retailers for appliances, where the four main retailers hold 60 %
of the market (Electrolux, 2011). The market value for Latin America for appliances is near
11 billion, which is the lowest among the different markets. The expected increase in demand
is instead the highest with a prospect of 5-10 % over year 2011. In Latin America the greater
part of production is domestic as a result of the high transport costs and import taxes. The
market has a high level of consolidation regarding the appliances manufacturers and the
retailers (AB Electrolux, 2011). In Brazil the three main manufacturers hold 75 % of the retail
sales. The potentially largest market is the Asia/Pacific with the market value of appliances of
42 billion EUR (AB Electrolux, 2011). The expected increase in industry demand over 2011
is 6-8 % in Asia (Whirlpool Corporation, 2011). The Asian/Pacific market has as of today no
clear manufacturer in market leading position. In the Southeast Asia the consumers consider
European brands attractive. The retail structure in Asia is much like the European market with
many small, local stores. When it comes to Australia 90 % of the sales come from the five
major retailers. Each market region has its characteristics and manufacturers, and brands have
thus different positions on each market. Table 1 demonstrate the major manufacturers oneach
market, no consideration is taken into size order (AB Electrolux, 2014).
Electrolux is a global manufacturer with several brands on the household appliances market.
On annual basis Electrolux sells about 40 million products on 150 different markets, with
total revenues of 14.76 BUSD (AB Electrolux, 2011). Within this assignment one of the
samples of the induction hobs is a model manufactured by Electrolux.
Next phase is the growth stage where the product sales increase significantly by attracting
new customers and further purchase by existing customers. The demand is increasing and
the new technology can deliver high profits. This leads to more suppliers and increased
In the maturity stage the competition is high and they struggle to take market share on a
market that is increasing in a decreasing pace. Suppliers start to compete with price,
The decline stage is when the sales and profit only decline. Production and storage cost
continuously increase, in relative terms per product. In this stage the suppliers that are
still acting on the market consider to put more effort alternatives products (Slack &
Lewis, 2002).
According to Ask & Ax (1995) there are five basic steps involved in the calculations of the
total cost of a product. The steps will be shortly explained below and work as a guideline for
the research.
Identify and select activities
The first step is to identify the activities that are present in the process of a product.
Depending on what level of detail the calculations should cover appropriate activities should
be selected, the more activities that are included the higher complexity. The most favourable
method to use is to perform study visits and interviews at the production site. In some cases
this is not possible, then the study of flow charts or other documentation of the process
involved can be used (Ask & Ax, 1995).
2. Allocate costs to the selected activities
The second step is to define the costs of each activity. There are two kinds ofcosts related to
an activity, costs of resources dedicated for only that activity
and costs for resources that are included in more than one activity, for example
labor and facility costs. These costs need to be spread out to define the specific
cost for an activity.
3. Select cost drivers
To be able to assign the consumption of each activity to a specific product a
selection of cost drivers are required. Examples of cost drivers are the number
of parts included, the set-up times, the production volume etc
Define the cost driver volumes
The fourth step is to define the specific values for each cost driver. As the cost
for the activity is defined in the second step this step assigns the consumption
of that activity to a specific product. When the cost for the activity and the cost
driver volume is defined, it is possible to calculate the cost per product for that
5. Calculations
The last step is to perform the calculations and to sum up all the assigned
activity costs to define the total cost for the product.
4.3 Product cost structure
There are several factors involved in the supply chain and production that affect the
cost of the final product. There is no conventional cost structure that is in common use
and applicable to the product set-up of this project. This implies that the definition of
the cost structure must be defined for each product cost breakdown. This section
describes a general structure that was used to divide and categorize these costs, with
the general starting point in the activity based costing method described in previous
Jonsson & Mattson (2009) describe with a general model how the production process
and the logistic process are coupled to each other regarding the material flow. From
this model a product cost structure, shown in Figure 8, could be developed as a basis
for the cost break down. Further configuration was done when it was applied at IKEA,
for example was the packaging activity defined. The structure is created with
consideration to the sample products and their production set-up. The product cost
structure is in line with the activity based costing (ABC) method for accounting, see
Chapter 4.2.
4.3.1 Material
The category for cost of material comprises component cost and direct cost of
material. That means material that is directly associated to the product (H'mida &
Martin, 2006). The cost estimation for material is affected by the spot price for the
applicable raw material and the amount of required raw material. The amount of raw
material is depending on the material type, shape complexity and the amount of waste
in the manufacturing process of the product. There are obvious dependencies between
material cost and processing cost. Specific raw materials have different suitability for
different shapes and processing techniques (Swift & Booker, 2003).
Since a product can consist of several parts with different complexity and material
composition, a total breakdown of the material composition can be difficult. Some
parts can be considered as finished or semi-finished products that are bought off the
shelf. These parts can be considered as material cost, or component cost. The
difference between material and component is the level of processing and complexity
they stand for. Both have been manufactured but components can be viewed upon as
finished products that have been processed at higher levels. The cost for a component
depends in general on the number, type and its specifications.
4.3.2 Manufacturing process
Components that are defined to be semi-finished or finished parts need no further
processing before the assembly operations, see Figure 8. This distinguishes the logical
flow for raw material and purchased parts according to Jonsson & Mattson (2009).
The processing of raw material is only covering the machining to attain desired shape
and function, not assembly operations. The manufacturing process cost of a part is
dependent on factors such as necessary equipment and installation, required tools, the
time for processing and the operating procedures (Swift & Booker, 2003). Jonsson &
Mattson (2009) categorize production cost into three categories; capacity cost, set-up
cost and cost for changing rate of production. Set-up costs are the costs that emerge
when changing production of one item to another. These activities include tool
changes and adjustments, downtime in production, re-balancing of line, testing new
set-up and equipment configuration. The capacity cost is typical investments in
machines and equipment, maintenance and operation cost. The category of costs for
changing rate of production is costs for non-fixed factors. An example of this could be
changing labor cost by varying overtime and sub-contracting of workforce in order to
meet the demand over time (Johnsson & Mattsson, 2009). According to Jonsson &
Mattsson (2009) the included factors in production can be visualized as in Figure 9.
The manufacturing process cost is coupled to the material cost since the necessary
equipment, tooling and processing time is dependent on the material type. This
relation always has to be considered in the calculations of both the manufacturing
process and material cost estimations. In the operating cost factors such as
maintenance, labor intensity, level of automation, quality assurance and shift structure
can be included. This is also a category where some overhead costs can be included,
depending on chosen cost structure (Swift & Booker, 2003).
4.3.3 Assembly
Assembly expenditures are the cost for direct labor i.e. workers that are performing
the mounting and fitting of parts. Depending on the product design various assembly
operations may be necessary for finishing the product. Manual assembly is the most
common system used in the manufacturing industry and highly relevant in the cost
breakdown of a product. Assembly cost is dependent on the design complexity, which
affects the number of operations, motions and difficulty in component handling
(Freivalds & Niebel, 2009). These factors have an effect on the required time for
assembly of a product and thus the cost. A fundamental approach to assembly cost is
consequently to measure assembly time as the factor that influences costs (Swift &
Booker, 2003).
4.3.4 Packaging
Cost related to packaging is considered as indirect cost and can vary between
producers of the same product. Packaging material such as cardboard, foam and
plastic materials are not material for the product itself and are thus indirect cost. The
packaging and labelling process, can be either manual labor or with a higher level of
automation. The packaging has an effect on the handling in production and
transportation. Different types of packaging require different ways of handling
material when it comes to packing and unpacking (Johnsson & Mattsson, 2009). More
complex packing will require more work and consequently add cost. The packaging
also affects the filling rate and the weight of transported goods, which affect the
external transportation cost (Berglie & Hedberg, 2009). A straightforward way of
dealing with these costs is to have one category with all costs related to the packaging.
4.3.5 Transport
The logistics cost is an extensive category that can include everything from cost for
packaging, transportation, storage, alternative cost in tied-up capital and customs fees.
The external part of transportation is the movement between logistics nodes such as
the production facility and the distributions centre. Costs related to the external
transportation are mainly affected by the material supply and allocation in the
logistics system (Johnsson & Mattsson, 2009). Though it has to be considered that the
material supply is not unbiased to the production system in regard to the order
quantity, lot sizing, delays and stock shortages. These factors have an effect on the
required number of transportations, which makes the supply chain behavior act
different. Internal transportation is the movement of goods inside warehouses,
storehouses and production facilities (Johnsson & Mattsson, 2009).
Internal transportation is to high extent influenced by the production system and the
production layout. Factors such as buffer sizes, number of buffers and just-in-time
production are configured by the productions system, and influence the internaltransportation.
Factory layout such as the functional workshop or assembly line will
have an impact in how the internal transportation will be utilized.
According to Jonsson & Mattson (2009) inventory cost is a part of the logistics cost
and can be divided into three areas; storage cost, risk cost and capital cost. Storage
costs are the expenditures related to the warehouse space utilization, material handling
equipment and the storage shelves. The capital cost is not an expenditure but more of
an alternative cost. Having material and finished goods in inventory implies low
utilization of money, and cost in form of tied-up capital. The alternative could be to
have corresponding value of the inventory invested at the bank and gain interest. This
alternative cost is calculated by taking the inventory value times a pre-determined
interest level.
The costs that are related to risk are insurance expenditures and product waste and
scrap. Insurance expenditures depend on the total value of the inventory i.e. larger
inventory results in higher insurance cost. Product waste and scrap depend on the
level of obsolescence goods, which in return often depends on the inventory size
(Johnsson & Mattsson, 2009). With large stock levels it can be difficult to sell
everything before the product model gets old and later obsolescence. Even if all
products are saleable the depreciation cost increase with increased inventory.
4.3.6 Other
The cost referred to as other costs can be divided into two parts, the overhead
expenditures and the profit margin. In general, the overhead cost category refers to
costs that cannot be assigned to a specific product but that still is required for the
running of the production, for example administrative expenditures, costs for research
and development, costs for marketing and sales (Freivalds & Niebel, 2009).
According to Lennart Hjalmarsson1, professor at the University of Gothenburg, the
included costs in overhead differs between all companies. Therefore it is inconvenient
to do this in a standardized way when products from different manufactures are to be
compared. According to Lennart Hjalmarsson, only the costs that clearly are defined
by the company to be overhead cost should be included. Profit margin is a financial
statement and is defined by each supplier.
4.4 Estimation of product costs
To be able to apply the product cost structure described in the previous chapter on the
setup of this research several methods are required. These methods are required to be
able to estimate the costs for each defined category, and will be described in the
following sections.
4.4.1 Estimation of material and manufacturing process costs
In manufacturing industry, product cost is always a key issue and in many cases the
main factor for decision making. The decision of a products realization is taken early
in the product introduction phase when only conceptual ideas and designs are
available. In many cases this causes a problem, due to that the provision of reliable
cost information throughout the process of the product is limited (Swift & Booker,
2003). It is crucial for companies to be able to take the decisions of rejecting
uneconomically designs before the production process has been initialized. This is
mostly due to very high costs involved in making changes in the production phase of
the product (Swift & Booker, 2003).
According to Swift & Booker (2003) estimations of the costs involved in the
production process of a product can be performed with the use of a theoretical model.
This demands no access to the production site or the need of specified production
setup. The model is based on the design and material of the product and the
characteristics of applicable production processes.
The method can be approached in two ways, with the difference in the accuracy of the
results. The most favourable setup is to use specific data for the process that is
considered. This setup demands access to the cost for tooling equipment, the required
process time, overhead cost involved etc. for the specific manufacturing process. This
approach is time consuming but the ideal one to obtain the most accurate results. The
second approach is to use predefined data for each process, developed through the
study of several main process groups in industry (Swift & Booker, 2003). This
approach has been validated in many case studies in industry and is proven to give
adequate results. The model
To estimate the cost of manufacturing a product the material volume and process
considerations are the base factors (Swift & Booker, 2003). The processing cost has a
starting point in a basic process cost for an ideal design, with additional designdependent
cost coefficients. For the material cost the model considers the
transformation of material to its final form. The total manufacturing cost (Mi), is the
sum of the material cost (Mc) and the process cost (Pc), see Equation 1.
!! = !! + !!
Equation 1 - Total manufacturing cost
To make it possible to apply the model on designs that differs from the ideal one, the
complexity of the shape needs to be determined. This is done by the use of a shape
complexity index where the part is positioned in one of three categories depending on
its basic geometry. The different categories are solid revolution, prismatic solid and
done by considering specific design characteristics that influence the costs, see
Equation 5.
!! = !!"!!!!!!"
Equation 5 - Relative cost coefficient
!!" Due to the difference in suitability of certain materials to a specific process,
this factor accounts for the possible cost effect.
!! To be able to adjust the cost to shapes that differs from the ideal design, this
factor considers the shape complexity of the part. The part is positioned in the
shape complexity index, see Chapter, which makes it possible to
define a suitable coefficient to account for the change in costs.
!! The factor accounts for the cost consequence of producing parts with specific
wall/section thickness. !!" This factor is used to cover the costs involved in specific demands
tolerance and surface finish. It is build up on two separate values, one for
tolerance and one for surface finish, where only the highest one is used.
According to that the relative cost coefficient considers design aspects of a more
complex nature then the ideal design the initial value for each factor is one, i.e. the
cost will not decrease below the cost for an ideal design.
4.4.2 Estimation of assembly costs
According to Swift & Booker (2003) approximately 50 percent of all labor working in
the mechanical and electrical industries is involved in work closely related to
assembly, handling and fitting processes. Due to that, the costs involved in these
operations are crucial to include in a cost breakdown study.
To calculate the total cost of manual assembly the time consumed by each operation is
multiplied by the labor rate per time unit (Swift & Booker, 2003). The time consumed
by each operation is divided into two parts, handling times and fitting times. The
method for calculation manual assembly cost used by Swift & Booker (2003) includes
indexes for handling and fitting operations. The handling index considers difficulties
involved with gasping and holding the part while the fitting index considers the
difficulties involved in fixing or placing the part in its target position. The total cost of
manual assembly (!!") can be calculated with the following equation, see Equation
!!" = !!(! + !)
Equation 6 - Cost of manual assembly
!! The labor rate per time unit. Including costs for tooling, equipment and other
expenses involved in the operation.
F The component fitting index.
H The component handling index. Handling index
The equation for the handling index (!) can be seen in Equation 7 and consists of
three parts, a basic handling index (!!) and two penalty coefficients (!! and !!)
associated with the geometry and characteristics of the design. Penalty is in this case
referred to as an additional cost due to less good design from an assembly point of
!! The basic handling index accounts for the characteristics of the handling for a
part of ideal design, defining the difficulties in the operation. The index varies
from the value of one to three, in handling actions that is from the use of only
one hand to the need of two persons.
!!! The first orientation penalties referring to difficulties in the operators
possibility to see fixation points along the axis of insertion. The values vary
from zero to 0,5.
!!! The second orientation penalty referring to difficulties in the operators
possibility to see fixation points about the axis of insertion. The values vary
between zero and 0,5.
!!" The general handling penalties accounts for the extra time required due to the
sensitivity of the part. Examples of issues affecting the sensitivity can be
fragile material, sharp corners or thin walls. Several values can be used to
cover for all sensitivity issues for a specific part. Fitting index
The equation for the fitting index (!) is build up in similar way to the handling index,
consisting of a basic fitting index for an ideal design with two additional penalty
coefficients, see Equation 8.
!! The basic fitting index accounts for the difficulties involved in the fixation of
the part of an ideal design using a given assembly process. The index varies
from the values one to four, covering the variation of assembly processes from
a simple insertion of the part to the need of screwdriver or rivet fastener.
!!" The insertion penalties consist of six different coefficients covering the
difficulties associated with the placement or insertion of the part. The
coefficients are related to the insertion direction, collateral, stability, access,
alignment and resistance.
!!" The additional assembly process index accounts for a number of additional
assembly processes carried out on components already positioned. Examples
of additional operations are screw driving, welding and reorientation.
4.4.3 Estimation of packaging costs
Within the category of packaging the main costs are assigned to the packaging
material and the additional parts added in the package, for example manuals, fitting
and handling components etc. The material used in the packaging of hoods and
induction hobs are cardboard and EPS (expanded polystyrene), the costs are presented
in the results, see Chapter 5. In the package category the manuals are also included
with an additional cost of 2 EUR per manual, based upon data from IKEA of Sweden.
As the process cost of the packaging activity will not be regarded in this research the
calculations of the packaging costs consists of the material consumption times the
material cost per unit, plus the additional cost for manuals.
4.4.4 Estimation of transportation costs
The costs involved in external transportation are divided into two parts, the cost for
transportation of semi-finished components and the cost for delivering the finished
products to IKEA distribution centre. Transportation of semi-finished components
The cost involved in the transportation of components covers all costs for getting a
component from producer to customer. According to the Swedish Trade Council the
costs can be divided into three categories, transportation, customs and the cost of tiedup
capital and storage (Berglie & Hedberg, 2009). These costs are specific for each
component due to differences in custom fees, dimensions of the products etc. The
Swedish Trade Council (2009) has provided generic data for these costs based on a
study of the costs involved in the sourcing of production. As can be seen in Table 4,
there are different percentage values for the categories of electronics, cables and
shafts. Transportation of finished goods
The cost for transportation of finished goods refers to transportation by truck within
Europe. To be able to estimate the cost for a specific product the cost per unit distance
is required. According to IKEA of Sweden the general cost for transportation, of a
container of 70 cubic meters, from supplier to a distribution centre in Europe is 1500
EUR. If the packaging dimensions are known it is possible to calculate the number of
products that can be transported in one container and thereby the cost per product.
According to IKEA of Sweden it is a good approximation the use a filling rate of 75
percentages to reflect the real situation.
4.4.5 Estimations of other costs
The cost for R&D and profit is based on data acquired from annual reports of each
supplier of the product samples. The R&D cost is stated with a fixed percentage
number which is added to the product cost. The profit is based on the stated EBITDA
margin (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes and Depreciation and Amortization).
Profit and R&D is only added for the tier one supplier. Cost for semi-finished
components is quoted from second tier supplier and therefore are profit and R&D
included in the quotation.
5.1 Total product cost
The empirical result of the research for the complete cost break down of the products
will be presented in Figure 10 and Figure 11. All values for the costs in this thesis
have been altered. For a more detailed presentation of the absolute values for each
product, see Appendix I. The costs are divided in the following categories:
Material - Raw material and semi-finished goods
Process - Total cost of processing the raw material
Assembly - The cost of performing the assembly operations
Transport - Transport of semi-finished components and finished goods
Packaging - The material cost for packaging
Other cost - Overhead and profit
5.1.1 Research preferences
The results presented in this chapter are acquired by an empirical study based on a
theoretical method, see Chapter 4. To make the empirical study applicable to the
theoretical method several considerations were required as well as differences in the
approach for each category. These preferences will be explained in detail in the
of a components shape complexity influences both the processing cost and the waste
coefficient i.e. the material cost. The procedure for defining the shape complexity
does not consider the size of a component as an influential factor. This was
compensated for the process cost by increasing the complexity coefficient for larger
components. For the material cost the component size plays an evidential role. The
process costing method does not include some operations that most probably are used
in the real life production. In these cases an approximation has been done with similar
processes or possible solutions in order to get a cost estimate. For example are the
hoods welded manually but in the calculations it is done with automatic machining.
The estimations of process cost are based upon a method that was developed in year
2003, with price levels from that year. To correct the cost for current price levels, the
inflation rate between years 2003-2011 has been added as a factor.
5.3.2 Results - hoods
In general it can be said that cooker hoods mainly consist of steel material. That
statement can be derived from the Table 12 and Figure 14, where the cost for sheet
metal work in most cases is the main expenditure. Only for Hood 1 is the cost for
processing of plastic material higher than for steel. From the data, see Figure 14, it is clear
that the Hood 2 has the highest process cost. A
comparison of the material cost, in Figure 12, and the process cost, in Figure 14,
indicates that there is a distinct relation. More material implies more processing and
accordingly higher process cost. The factor of production volume also affects the
process cost. 5.3.3 Results - induction hobs
The manufacturing process cost for components in the induction hobs are presented in
Table 13. The process cost for sheet metal work in Induction hob 1 is higher than
most of the hoods, only Hood 2 has higher costs. Appendix I show that the induction
hobs consist of much less raw material, especially steel. For that reason the process
cost should be lower and the cause of the high cost in Induction hob 1 is the low
production volumes. Actually Induction hob 2 is built on more raw material, since it is
a larger model, and have higher raw material cost, see Figure 15. The typical required
manufacturing processes are the same for the two hobs, but still Induction hob 2 have
lower process cost compared to Induction hob 1, evidentially Induction hob 2 is a high
volume model.
5.4 Assembly cost
The empirical results of the costs involved in the assembly operations are presented in
Figure 16 and Figure 17. The results are based on a time study analysis and a
theoretical model for estimations of assembly cost, see Chapter 4.4.2.
5.4.1 Research preferences
The theoretical model described in Chapter 4.4.2 demands a high level of detail in the
analysis of the assembly procedure. Due to that the scoop of this research mainly
focus on the material and process costs, the time and resources required to fully apply
the theoretical model were limited. The approach used by the authors has been to use
the basic equation for cost estimations, based on the time spent for each assembly
operation and the labor cost per time unit. The use of fitting and handling indexes
described in the method has therefore been neglected. The labor cost for the countries
of interest represent the levels in 2010 and is presented in Table 14. Due to the absence of
access to the production site for hoods the assembly studies has
been based on the knowledge of technicians at IKEA of Sweden, theoretical assembly
theory and the authors own experience in the field. The unlimited access to the
products during the research made it possible to perform repeated assembly studies to
acquire satisfactory results. 5.4.2 Results - hoods
The assembly cost for the five different products, four hoods and one additional
chimney, can be seen in Figure 16. The figure show that the assembly cost varies a lot
between the different models. The chimney has no cost in the assembly category, due
to the lack of assembly operations required for the product. For a complete
documentation of the results, see Appendix I. 5.4.3 Results - induction hobs
The assembly cost for the two induction hobs included in this research are presented
in Figure 17. The cost for the Induction hob 1 is clearly higher compared to the
Induction hob 2, but the variation is lower than for the hood range. 5.5 Transport cost
The empirical results of the costs involved in the transportation of products and semifinished
components are presented in Figure 18 and Figure 19. The approach by the
authors has been to cover the costs for components and material provided by sub
suppliers as well as the costs involved in the transportation of finished products to
5.5.1 Research preferences
There are several ways to handle the costs involved in the transportation of material
and components, with the difference in the level of detail of the specific method. Due
to that the needed level of detail is fairly low, and due to limitations in time and
available data the approach has been to apply generic data for transportation cost, see
Chapter 4.4.4. The generic data that was used covers the cost of transportation,
customs, tied up capital and storage. The data is applied on components that are
provided by sub suppliers, for example PCBs and small electrical components. For the
transport cost of raw material the price acquired by IKEA is the landed price at the
supplier, i.e. transport is included in the price. For the transport cost of finished
products the approach has been to calculate the cost from the supplier to an IKEA DC,
see Chapter
5.5.2 Results - hoods
The transport cost for the hoods are presented in Figure 18, covering the cost for
semi-finished components provided by suppliers and the cost for transportation of
finished products. In the cost for transporting the finished goods almost accounts for
the total cost.
5.5.3 Results induction hobs
The empirical results of the transport cost for induction hobs can be seen in Figure 19.
The result is the opposite towards the hoods. The total cost can almost be described by
the cost for transportation of semi-finished components. 5.6 Packaging cost
The empirical results of the costs involved in the packaging of the finished products
are presented in Figure 20 and Figure 21. The cost cover the material required for the
packaging while the process cost of the packaging operation is excluded.
5.6.1 Research preferences
To cover the total packaging cost for a product both the material used and the cost of
the packaging process needs to be included. To be able to consider the cost for the
packing operations the possibility to study the real process is necessary. The lack of
this possibility required to many assumptions to be made to acquire accurate results,
therefore this part was excluded from the research.
The materials included in the packaging of the products are cardboard and expandable
polystyrene (EPS), also known as cell plastic. The cost of the cardboard is based on
prices provided by IKEA and considers cardboard packages that are ready to use
but unfolded. The quality of the cardboard that IKEA uses for the hoods differs for
each model, though an average value has been used in the calculations. The cost for
EPS is also based on prices provided by IKEA. An assumption is made that all
products uses the same type of EPS. Cost indications for the materials are presented in
Table 15.
that reason the results will be analyzed separately in the following sections.
Due to the differentiation of reference products, in terms of design and performance,
the total product cost differs as mentioned above. To be able to fully understand the
results a comparison to the purchase price of IKEA was requested. The numbers were
presented to the authors but due to confidentiality it cannot be presented. Instead the
result will be compared to the retail prices of IKEA, see Figure 24.
One has to consider that the estimated product cost only includes costs for the tier one
supplier. For IKEA the total product cost will be higher since internal costs at IKEA
are added, for example cost for storage and overhead expenditures. The retail prices in
Figure 24 are altered by a conversion factor.
In Figure 24 one can see that the gap between consumer price and production cost is
very different among the products, especially for the hoods. The induction hobs have
the same retail prices but some difference in production cost. The highest gap is for
the Hood 2, with the chimney for the Hood 1 close behind. Both these products has a
gap of about five times the cost of producing the product, see Table 16. The smallest
gap is for Hood 1, due to that IKEA has put a lot of effort in keeping the price down
for this particular article. The product has the lowest consumer price in the range,
within IKEA this is known as a BTI (breath taking item). In the following two
sections the empirical results for each product will be analyzed.
6.1.1 Hoods
In Figure 25 the percentage distribution of the costs included in each product is
presented. The results for each product will be shortly commented in this section
followed by a deeper analysis for each category in Chapter 6.2-6.7.
Hood 1
This is a product in the low price segment, supposed to have the lowest price
on the local market. In Figure 25 it is clear that the material category
consumes most of the costs, approximately 60 percent of the total cost of the
product. The costs for the other categories are spread out among the
remaining 40 percent with the packaging cost as the second largest. The major
costs in the material category are steel and the cost for the motor, see Chapter
5.2.2 for further explanation.
Chimney for Hood 1
The chimney for Hood 1 is a very simple product consisting of a metal sheet
that is processed with low complexity. The major costs add up from the
material and the packaging activities. Packaging accounts for the second
highest cost in this product, which can be explained by the low utilization of
the packaging size, due to the product shape.
Hood 2
The Hood 2 is the most expensive one in the hoods range, both in retail price
and in product cost. The most cost consuming categories are material, process,
packaging and assembly. The high material cost can be explained by the high
consumption of steel as well as the high cost for the motor, see Chapter 5.2.2.
Compared to the other products the process cost has a larger impact on the total cost of the
product. This is due to the low volumes of the Hood 2, see
Chapter 5.3.2. The assembly cost can be explained by the complex design
solutions and the high labor rates in Italy, see Chapter 5.4.2.
Hood 3
The product is one of the most selling hoods of IKEA within the medium price
level. The material and assembly categories are the two major cost consuming
parts, adding up to over 80 percent of the total cost, see Figure 25. In the
material category the high consumption of steel drives the costs together with
the choice of motor, see Chapter 5.2.2. As in the case for the Hood 2 the
assembly is highly affected by the complex design solutions and the high labor
rate in Italy, see Chapter 5.4.2.
Hood 4
The Hood 4 is also one of the top selling models and has almost the same
relation between the product cost and the retail price as the Hood 3. The
material category is the main cost consuming category also for this product,
with the same explanation as for the other hoods. The assembly cost is very
low, compared to Hood 2 and Hood 3, explained by a less complex design and
that the production is placed in Poland with much lower labor cost.
6.1.2 Induction hobs
In Figure 26 the percentage distribution of the costs included in each product is
presented. The results for each product will be shortly commented in this section
followed by a deeper analysis for each category in Chapter 6.2-6.7.
Induction hob 1
For both the induction hobs the material category accounts for the most of the
costs included in the product. Compared to the hoods, the number of semifinished
component included in the product is much higher which increases
costs. The level of manufacturing process work is at the same time less
compared to the hoods, which also increases the percentage value for material,
see Figure 26. Due to low volumes the manufacturing process cost accounts
for a larger part in the Induction hob 1 compared to the Induction hob 2.
Induction hob 2
The Induction hob 2 is one of the top selling models in the induction hobs
range and is therefore produced in high volumes. In Figure 26 it is clear that
the material cost accounts for most of the costs. Within this category the semifinished
components drives the cost, as mentioned above. The components of
highest cost are the glass and the induction coil controls, see Chapter 5.2.3. 6.2 Material
The following section is an analysis of the research results from Chapter 5. Table 17
shows the relative proportions of the material costs.
6.2.1 Hoods
The research results indicated that a significant part of the material cost for hoods are
the steel and motor cost. Table 18 demonstrates that the cost for steel in general
accounts for about 36-40 percent of the total material cost. An exception is the Hood 3
where the steel cost is only 16 percent of the material cost, even though it has
relatively high proportion of steel. The reason for this is that Hood 3 is constructed
with mainly low cost carbon steel, while the other models use stainless steel for the
cabinets, see Table 17. For instance, the Hood 1 has higher steel cost but lower steel
weight, compared to the Hood 3, see Chapter 5.2.2 for research results. This indicates
that the cost driver in this case is the consumption of steel with a clear cost saving
potential in the choice of steel material and quality. The material choice often depends
on customer preferences and process suitability, which also has to be considered
before changing material. For example replacing the stainless steel 430 to carbon steel
in the Hood 1 would reduce the steel cost with more than 50 percent, with no
considerations taken to the material characteristics. Since the steel cost is a cost driver
this would reduce the total product cost with almost 20 percent. The subsequent highest
material cost in hoods is the cost for motor and scroll, the
cabinet to the motor. In general this cost accounts for about 40-50 percent of total
material cost in the hoods, see Figure 27. All models, but the Hood 2, use a motor
model which is a cheap solution with lower performance compared to the motor
model used in Hood 2. The cost for a low performance motor is almost half of the cost
for a high performance motor, but the specified performance is also the half.
The research showed that differences in performance relates to the orientation of the
motor and the conveyor. The Hood 3 uses two motors with a performance of 325
m3/h, while the Hood 4 uses one motor with performance of 400 m3/h. This indicates
that vertical mounted motors and horizontal conveyors, as in Hood 3, have lower
performance. By re-designing the motor orientation it is possible to go from two
motors to one motor. This would reduce the motor cost with approximately 25
percent. Since the motor is a cost driver this would reduce the total product cost with almost
16 percent. It would also reduce the necessary assembly operations in the
production, and accordingly lower assembly cost. Table 18 confirms what was described in
the results about the semi-finished
components i.e. they account for a small proportion of the total material cost, except
for the motor. For the semi-finished components there are three parts that drives
majority of the cost, the motor, the grease filter and in one case the lightning
components. The results pointed out that it was only in the case for Hood 2 that the
grease filter stood for less than five percent of the material cost. The research
demonstrated that Hood 2 and Hood 4 uses the same model of grease filter, but Hood
4 is built with two and Hood 2 with only one, which consequently lower cost. Both
models are also designed with one conveyor so the reason for using one grease filter
in one case and two in the other is not clear. Since the Hood 2 is in the higher price
range with higher performance specifications, it should be sufficient with one filter in
the Hood 4 as well. There is a cost saving potential for the Hood 4 by reducing the
number of grease filters.
All models but Hood 2 uses incandescent lamp for the lightning, while Hood 2 uses
halogen lamp. The Table 18 indicates that the solution with halogen lamp drives cost
significantly. The actual halogen holder with halogen lamp is not the factor which
drives the cost for lightning, see Chapter 5.2.2, it is the required transformer for the
halogen solution. The cost for the halogen lamp and transformer is based on an IKEA
supplier and products that IKEA have in-house. An idea could be to use existing
sourcing for halogen solutions in the next coming hood models, since they most likely
meet the requirements. The research result indicated that the induction coils account for about
9-12 percent of
the material cost. Factors that affect the cost for induction coils are the holder of the
coil, number of strands, cycles around the coil, number of ferrite cores and mainly the
quantity of the copper. The empirical data, see Appendix I, showed that the
construction of the coils is the same with and without booster effect. But the cost for
the coils is affected by the required power, although not significantly, see Appendix I.
This indicates that, in the case of Induction hob 2, the supplier has chosen to go for
higher volumes to reduce cost per unit i.e. volumes affect price more than the other
6.3 Manufacturing process
The results in Chapter 5 showed that the quantity of the raw material affect the
processing cost, which is self-explanatory. It pointed out that the number of parts to
process affects the process cost more than the total quantity i.e. 10 parts of 1 kg cost
more than 1 part of 10 kg. This indicates that the number of required processes drives
For all product samples the sheet metal work can be assigned for the majority of the
number of manufacturing processes. The data for the manufacturing process cost did
not always reflect this. It turned out that the share for the plastic processing cost were
not proportional to the number of processes, it was always higher. This results point
out that plastic processing is more expensive than processing of steel. 6.3.1 Hoods
The results showed that the total manufacturing process cost were significant higher
for Hood 2 than for the other hoods. The reason behind this is not only that it is an
advanced design that requires a lot off processing. Actually the Hood 3 requires more
manufacturing process steps but have much lower process cost. This result depends on
the low volume that Hood 2 is produced in, which increases the production cost
significantly, see Chapter 5.3.2. The process costs are mainly driven by the cost of
processing steel i.e. sheet metal work, which is natural since the hoods are mainly
made of steel, see Table 20.
Figure 29 visualize the process cost for each sample of hoods. It shows that Hood 3
has a process cost for cold continuous extrusion, CCE, which accounts for about 5-6
percent of the costs. This 5-6 percent is based on processing only one component and
indicates that this sort of process is very expensive. The result also indicates that
components in aluminium are very expensive to work with and should be used as little
as possible. The process cost can be lowered by reducing number of parts in each
product, reducing components made in plastic, aluminium and increase volumes as
much as possible. Working with sheet metal processes such as cutting, bending and
shearing are less costly in high volumes6.3.2 Induction hobs
The induction hobs are mainly made of semi-finished components and requires thus
less processing compared to the hoods. Still Induction hob 1 has relatively high
manufacturing process cost and it can be explained by the low volume. The analysis
of the hoods also applies on the induction hobs. The main part of the manufacturing
process cost is assigned to the steel processing, see Figure 30. Cost saving potentials
appears by reducing required process steps i.e. reducing the amount of components.
6.4 Assembly
The results presented in Chapter 5 indicated high differences in the costs related to
assembly operations for the product range. The factors included in the study of the
assembly cost are the assembly time required for each product and the labor cost in
the specific country of operation. As can be seen in Table 14 in Chapter 5.4.1 the
labor cost differs a lot between the countries and therefore has a major impact on the
costs. The labor cost in Poland is approximately 16 percent of the labor cost in
Germany. To produce products with a high degree of manual work is therefore not
favourable in either Germany or Italy and the possibilities to move the production to a
low cost country should be considered.
The time consumed by the assembly operations is also closely related to the costs and
in most cases a factor that can be improved with less effort, compared to moving the
production. When performing assembly operations the complexity of the operation is
more important than the complexity of the product. The use of fitting and handling
operations that demands the operator to use tools or that needs to be done with high
precision should be avoided. To illustrate this the amount of screws in each product is
compared with the time consumed by the assembly operations, see Figure 31. As can
be seen, the higher amount of screws, thereby increased demand for screwing
operations and complex fitting operations of placing the screw in position, increases
the assembly time. To design the products and components for assembly is a good
way to decrease the time consumed by the operations and thereby lower the cost. The
cost driver in this category is the assembly time, with the cost saving potentials in
moving production to a low cost country or by lowering the assembly time. 6.4.1 Hoods
The supplier of the hoods has production units in Italy and Poland. The setup of today
is that the models Hood 1 and Hood 4 are produced in Poland while Hood 2 and Hood
3 are produced in Italy. As mentioned above, the labor cost is a major difference
between the countries and thereby affecting the total assembly cost. For example
sourcing assembly operations for Hood 3 and Hood 2 would reduce the assembly cost
by approximately 70-80 percent. Since assembly cost is the cost driver for Hood 3 this
would reduce the total product cost by more than 20 percent. For the Hood 2 this
would reduce the total cost by approximately 12 percent.
In general the authors of this research question the presence of design for assembly
issues considered in the construction of the hoods. The reasons are for example that
the screws are often placed in tight spaces and could in many cases be replaced by
clips or similar quick fastening solutions. The high number of separate parts,
especially in Hood 2 and Hood 3, can also be questioned. As simplification of the
product is one of the major methods to improve assembly performance, decreasing the
number of parts should be considered.
6.4.2 Induction hobs
Both Induction hob 1 and Induction hob 2 are produced in Europe but in different
countries. The difference in labor cost between the countries has to be considered
when comparing the results, but does not differ as much as between the products in
the hoods range.
As these products mainly consist of components that are provided by suppliers and
delivered preassembled, the number of parts are not as high as for the hoods. The
number of screwing operations are limited and the complexity of the once who are
required is low. In that sense the issues of design for assembly has been taken to
account in the construction of the hobs. This also shows in the way that the inductioncoils are
mounted, especially for Induction hob 2. The metal frame on which the coils
are placed has small metal pins, making the coils align in position, in the end
decreasing the time consumed by the activity.
6.5 Packaging
The cost for packaging consists of the cost for manuals, cardboard and EPS. The price
level for manuals is the same for all products and has a major influence on the total
cost of packaging, see Figure 32. The price indications for the materials are, 0,49
EUR per kg for cardboard and 1,53 EUR/Kg for EPS. According to Figure 32 one can
see that the cost for cardboard still is a major part of the total cost, though the cost is a
third of the cost for cell plastic. 6.5.1 Hoods
The results presented in Chapter 5.6.2 indicated similar levels of costs for three of the
hoods with the Hood 2 as a remark. The usage of cardboard for this model is huge in
comparison to the other products. This is an interesting result due to that the
dimensions of the product is very similar to the once for Hood 4. In Figure 33 the
volume for each package of the hoods is compared which further states that there is a
potential of lowering the consumption of cardboard and thereby lowering the costs for
the Hood 2. With almost the same dimensions of the products of Hood 2 and Hood 4
the difference in packaging volumes should not be that high. 6.5.2 Induction hobs
The hobs are packaged with the use of only cell plastic and a plastic shrink film. The
film makes the cell plastic stay on the sides of the product while also protecting it.
The package is in that way simplified and the cost saving potential is fairly low.
6.6 Transport
The transportation cost consists of two parts, the cost for transporting semi-finished
components and the cost for delivering finished products to IKEA Distribution
Centres. The cost for transporting components is related to the number of component
provided by sub suppliers for each product, while the cost for transportation of
finished products is related to the dimension of each product and its packaging
6.6.1 Hoods
In Figure 34 it is clear that the transport cost for hoods in all cases is mainly affected
by the cost of transporting finished goods. One of the reasons for this result is that the
semi-finished components provided by suppliers in other countries are small and of
low cost. The components are transported in high volumes and the specific cost for a
single product becomes very small. The second reason is that the finished products are
big in comparison with these components. The transport cost for these components is
mainly affected by the volume and therefore this drives costs. The Hood 2 has
approximately the same volume as the Hood 4 but with significant larger packaging
dimensions, see Figure 33. By re-calculating the transport cost for Hood 2 with the
packaging dimensions of Hood 4 it is possible to reduce the transport cost by 65
percent. Since transport cost is a major cost category for Hood 2 this would reduce the
total product cost by approximately 10 percent.
6.6.2 Induction hobs
As can be seen in Figure 35 the situation is different when it comes to induction hobs.
The cost for transportation of finished goods is very low compared to the cost for the
transportation of components that in this case drives the cost. This is due to that the
induction hob mostly consists of components provided by sub suppliers, thereby
adding cost for the transportation activity. Looking at the packaging solution for the
hobs the use of only cell plastic makes the dimensions of the packaging very similar
to the dimensions of the product resulting in low transportation cost for finished
6.7 Other cost
The other costs consist of profit and overhead costs, the results for the studied range
of products are presented in Chapter 5.7. As the data for these costs are in percentage
values it reflects the total cost of the products and a comparison is not that interesting.
It is more interesting to look at the profit margin and overhead expenditures for each
company, see Table 21.
The level of cost dedicated for research and development vary between the
companies, from 2,09 percent to 3,77 percent. The profit is an average of the profit
margin for the company as a whole and thereby not reflecting the individual profit
levels for each product. The authors of this thesis have compared the results of theresearch
with the purchase price that IKEA pays. The numbers cannot be presented in
the report due to secrecy issues but the indications are clear, the profit margin for
induction hobs are higher than for hoods according to this research. The theory of a
products life cycle, see Chapter 4.1, also describes this situation with the induction
hobs still being in the introduction phase while the hoods are a more established
As the overhead cost for the products only reflects the cost for research and
development, with other costs missing, and due to that the profit reflects an average
value for all products the cost drivers cannot be stated. The high profits in the
induction hob range are the remark in this category and where the potential of saving
cost lies within.
Results and analysis
In general the results of this research should be treated as an indication of costs rather
than the absolute values. This is mainly due to that there has been very limited
possibilities to acquire insight in the production processes in the production of today
and due to that the suppliers used today has been hard to contact. The approach of the
authors has been to use theoretical methods and data available at other suppliers. This
surely affects the product cost identified by the research, making it an indication of
costs rather than a reflection of the actual production of today. This setup also requires
some reflections in terms of quality and functional issues. Due to that the majority of
the suppliers contacted in the project are placed in China, there has been no possibility
to secure the quality level. The function and specifications has been described for
each component but the possibility to secure the suitability is also in this case limited.
It is important to point out that there are differences in the specifications of some of
the components that are present in more than one product. One example is the motor
that in some products includes the costs for the conveyor and the plastic or steel
scroll, while in some products it only covers the cost for the separate motor and
conveyor. This affects the comparison between the specific categories of the products
by in some cases indicating the wrong relation. To fully understand the included costs
for each product the reader should study Appendix I. It should also be pointed out that
some components have not been included in the calculations. The reason for this is
that the authors did not find the cost for them. It regards very few components and it
has been indicated that they are not significant for the total cost.
The cost for some PCBs and the electric motors are based upon data that has been
received from suppliers. The supplier has owner interests in companies that
manufacture this type of products, and it can be argued that they have lower cost for
these components. This has not been regarded in the thesis.
The authors have had the opportunity to compare the outcome of this research with
the purchase price of IKEA. The number cannot be reviled in the report but it should
be mentioned that is clearly validates the credibility of the research. Even though it
validates the results it also indicates that for products with high volume the cost are to
some extent over-estimated.
8 Conclusion
In the introduction of this thesis three questions were defined. The answer to the first
question can be found in Chapter 5 and Appendix I. The answer to the second and
third question are based upon the answer of the first, derived from the results and
analysis of the research and finally presented in this chapter.
8.1 Hoods
In general the material cost accounts for the majority part of the total cost in the
hoods, while assembly and transport cost varies between the samples but also account
for a significant part of the cost. Table 22 indicates the cost drivers and cost saving
potential related to each cost driver.
The motor is the main cost driver for the hoods. The motor cost varies considerably
between the models but is always the main cost. Cost saving potentials appears by the
possibility to reduce the number of motors or change the motor model. The analysis
showed that the hood design affects the required number and model of motors.
Thinner designs require a motor setup where the conveyor is mounted in horizontal
direction. This setup tends to have lower performance and require a more powerful
motor, or more than one motor, which drives cost. There is therefore a cost saving
potential in the choice of hood design. Designs that make it possible to mount a motor
with vertical conveyor require lower motor power, which can reduce motor cost. Cost of raw
material for steel is the second largest factor that influences the cost for
hoods, and the quantity is the cost driver. The analysis shows that a cost saving
potential is to use carbon steel instead for stainless steel to lower the cost for raw
material. These two cost drivers account for the majority of the material cost and asmall cost
reduction in them would be as significant as a large reduction in the other
material cost.
Cost for assembly operations varies between the models, but are significant for
several of them. The analysis indicated that the required assembly time is a cost driver
together with the number of parts in the hood. Required assembly time is highly
affected by the number of components in the hood, and by reducing the amount of
components the assembly time will be reduced. By using methods like design for
assembly it is possible to reduce the number of parts and lower the assembly cost. The
analysis also indicated that by sourcing assembly operations to low cost countries
there is a potential to reduce the assembly cost significantly.
The transport cost is very significant for one sample and the cost driver is the
packaging volume. Transport cost can be reduced considerably by optimizing the
packaging solution. As of today large share of the transport cost is made up of
transporting air.
8.2 Induction hobs
The total cost for the induction hobs is mainly affected by the material cost. The raw
material adds modest cost and the main cost are assigned to the semi-finished
components. The main cost drivers for material are shown in Table 23.
Table 23 - General cost driver and cost saving potential for induction hobs
The main cost driver in the induction hobs is the induction coil controls. This cost can
be reduced by integrating the filter board into the induction coil control. This is done
by the supplier of the Induction hob 1 and the analysis show that it lowers the cost.
The ceramic glass is the most significant cost driver after the induction coil controls. The
ceramic glass is the most significant cost driver after the induction coil controls.
The cost for ceramic glass can be reduced, or held on low levels, by using glass with
standard edge shape and size. For models that are designed with manual knobs the
glass cost can be reduced by using metal trim for mounting knobs instead of mounting
them in the glass.
The analysis of the induction hobs also indicates that the suppliers have high margins
on this product and there can be potential cost savings by negotiating with several
suppliers, for example in China.
Table 11 - Material cost for induction hobs
The retail industry is constantly struggling with attracting new and existing customers
by lowering prices and expanding the offer of appealing products. Globalization has also
introduced more competitors on an already competitive market. IKEAs vision is to create a
better everyday life for the many people by offering functional and well-designed home
furnishing products at low prices In order to achieve and retain low prices it is critical to
monitor the product cost development. By doing this it is also possible to lower the prices
relative to the general price trend. IKEA have an apparent cost consciousness throughout the
whole organization and puts efforts in offering high value for low prices. By doing so they
will also achieve a financial stability, which allows IKEA to develop and grow in a long-term
view. To monitor and lower costs it is necessary to have knowledge of what drives costs in a
specific product. IKEA have an appliances range included as a part of their kitchen range of
products that they offer their customers. The kitchen appliances are considered as of high
commercial importance for IKEA. Due to the complexity as well as the range variety, IKEA
has until date not been able to analyse all cost-drivers in detail. A solid knowledge of the cost
drivers is central for IKEAs understanding and professional behaviour towards the
appliances industry.
Problem definition
The sourcing structure and the product diversity within the kitchen appliances makes it
complex to entirely comprehend all the costs involved. IKEA is therefore focusingon this area
in order to get a more complete picture of the costs related to the appliance industry. By
acquiring knowledge of the critical cost drivers IKEA can expose cost saving potentials, and
in the end increase the value for both IKEA and its customers.The main problem is to clarify
the costs and what drives them in the range of hoods and induction hobs. Without this
knowledge it is not possible to facilitate cost saving potential. The following questions reflect
different steps in the research and will be answered during the progress of the project. IKEA
are sourcing the production of their kitchen appliances to producers of appliances that in their
turn partly source their production, this forms a complex structure. Till date IKEA has not
defined and analyzed all the cost drivers for the kitchen appliances. Thereby they do not have
a complete picture of the costs concerning the kitchen appliances products they are offering
their customers. In order for IKEA to stay competitive on the appliances market it is
important to have knowledge of the appliance industry. To maximize the value for IKEA and
their customers the understanding of processes and costs related to the appliances are a
necessity. The purpose of this project is to increase the awareness of the costs by identifying
and analyzing potential cost drivers for two product ranges within the kitchen appliances,
hoods and induction hobs. In a broader perspective this may result in a cost reduction and
increased value for IKEA and its customers.