But remember that the temptation that come into your life are no
different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will
keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you cant stand
up against it. When you are tempted , he will show you a way out so
that you will not give in to it.
1 Corinthians 10:13
1. God knows us and He will never let us receive any temptation
that is too great for us to resist.
2. God provides us with a way of escape from temptation.
3. Because Christ, Himself, was tempted and overcame it, He is
there with us when we are tempted and is able to help us
overcome it.
4. Encourage the new believer to honestly acknowledge their
weakness and to ask for Gods help because He is our only
source of help.
5. Encourage them to spend time doing things that will
strengthen their spiritual life (studying and reading bible,
6. Ask them to tell you the things that have changed their life
since they got saved. Tell them what they can lose if they give
in to temptation.
4th Visit: FINANCES
Fourth Visit
OBJECTIVE: To encourage the new believer to trust that God is
able to take care of all their needs.
1. God by his nature is a giver and a provider. (Genesis 22:14)
2. The curse of financial poverty began with the fall of man
(Genesis 3:17-19).
3. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (Galatians
3:13-14).When Christ died on the cross, the crown of thorns
symbolized that He was carrying the curse of Genesis 3:17.
Therefore, today when we receive Him in our lives (confirm
their salvation at this point) we are freed from the curse of
4. God promises to supply all our needs. He commits to provide
for all His children who obey Him.
5. Encourage the person to believe in the sufficient of the death
Christ to redeem them and that He desires to give them all
they need. Invite them to begin to pray every day specifically
for their needs.
6. Pray for them!
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the aw, having become a
curse for us for it is written Cursed is everyone that is hung on a
Galatians 3:13
Fifth Visit
(This lesson needs to be taught right before they go to the
OBJECTIVE: To show the new believer their need for more power
in their walk and a deeper intimacy with the Lord.
1. The Promise
a. Jesus promise the Holy Spirit to His disciple (John 7:3739)
b. The disciples received the promised Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:14)
c. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to us. (Acts 2:29)
2. What difference does the Holy Spirit make in my life?
a. The Holy Spirit communicates to us and through us
(1Corinthians 14:2, Romans 8:26)
b. Courage- you will receive power to reach others (Acts
3. How I can I have this gift?
a. Thirst: you have to want it (John 7:37-39)
b. Believe: the Lord will give you the promised gift (Luke
c. Ask (like 11:10-13)
d. Receive (John 20:22)
e. Keep being filled (Ephesians 5:18)
1. Through the law comes the knowledge of sin- 1 Timothy 1:8,
Romans 7:7, Mark 10:17-18, Romans 3:19
2. Holy Spirit Conviction- Acts 2:37
3. Repentance- Acts 2:38
4. Water Baptism- Acts 2:38
5. Holy Spirit Baptism- Acts 2:38
6. Break the Generational Curses- Galatians 3:13
7. Command the blessings of Abraham- Deuteronomy 28:1-3
8. Join a cell- Acts 2:46
9. Connect with a cell leader and immediately begin follow upEphesians 4:11-14
10. Give them a Bible- 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Meet with your friends and family individually and share your
testimony. Your leader will be there to help you win them you Christ!
My attitudes, needs and problems before I received Christ
Some examples of needs are:
Lack of peace
No meaning to life
Lack of security
No real security
Fear to death
Desire to be in control
Lack of purpose
No motivation
Something missing
Lack of significance
My life revolved around me, and I gained happiness and
security from
Examples are
Social life
Sexual relationships
1. How did this/these disappoint me?
2. When and how did I first hear about Christ?
3. What were my struggles just before I received Christ?
4. What happened when I received Christ and how did my
attitude begin to change, why?
State specifically the steps you took to become a Christian.
What happened after I received Christ?\
How has my life changed, and when did I notice that
State how Christ is filling your deep inner needs. In the before,
you expressed your needs and how your tried unsuccessfully to
meet them. You now want to briefly show the difference that
Christ has made in your life. Be authentic. Let them know that
life can still be struggle. You might want to share how your
relation-ship with Christ has helped you through a tough time.
Conclude with a statement like this: But one of the greatest
benefits is that I know with certainly that I have eternal life. (1
John 5:11-12)
How am I motivated differently now?
One of the most effective tools you have for sharing your faith is the
story of how Jesus Christ gave you eternal life and how He has
enriched your life. By following the steps outlined in this paper, you will
learn how to tell others in the same manner about how you came to
know Christ. The choice of the right words, the flow of your story, and
knowing how to begin and how to end are all important.
Testimonies can be prepared on many subjects and tailored to various
audiences. The kind of testimony outlined here is designed to be given
To a non-Christian and is best suited for sharing one-on-one.
The purpose of preparing a testimony is not necessarily to memorize it
and give it verbatim, but to help you put into words some off the
and interesting details of your conversion and personal relationship
with Jesus Christ. A testimony serves primarily as a doo-opener, not
convincing tool. Many people are open to talk about the gospel after
Hearing a personal testimony.
When you feel comfortable giving your testimony, you may begin to
wonder, When do I share it, or How do I initiate conversation that
will lead to presenting my testimony? The following suggestion may
1. Establish rapport and include some small talk: Discuss
job, hobbies, interest, etc
2. Be alert for expressed needs such as family problems or
stress on the job: Be a good listener, first! You can them share
how Christ has helped you through some of the same areas
After the initial teaching you can use the following messages
according to their needs.
Also, if they need ministry in one of the following areas you may
substitute it in place of one of the initial teachings. (But make sure that
you make up the missed lesson. You must teach them all of the initial
Family Problem
OBJECTIVE: To motivate people to trust in the Lord as their source of
1. What is fear? Fear- to feel a painful apprehension of some
impending evil; to feel anxiety on an account of some expected
evil. If you focus on what
you fear, it will take root in your heart. It then comes out of your
mouth and is empowered by a demonic spirit. The fears of the
wicked will all come
true; so will the hopes of the righteous. (Proverbs 10:24)
2. Fear start limits our abilities (Proverbs 29:25). Fear will cause you
to miss out on opportunities, to be negative and to think that
everything is
impossible. What controls your life, fear or faith? Are you afraid
to surrender your life to Jesus? Are you afraid to trust the Lord with
your money? Are
you afraid to trust Lord with your children?
3. The solution is faith. We are called to live a life motivated by faith
and not by fear. Fear is the opposite of faith. Dont live your life
dedicated by fear.
4. We conquer our fears by the love of Jesus. There is no fear in
love. But perfect love drives out the fear.. (1 John 4:18) His
presence brings us strength, value and faith, and takes away
every negative thought. For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but power and love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
5. Encourage the new believer not to let fear and negative thinking
dominate them. Motivate them to confess that now they are in
Jesus, He will go
before them and no evil will come to them. Pray with them,
emphasizing the fact that Jesus is in them and that he will remain
with them. will remain
with them.
b. Renounce rejection
Satan specializes in making man fell rejected. This is one of
his most powerful weapons. (If you want to be a good wife,
mother, friend you have to get healed emotionally) Rejection
is the most terrible feeling that a person can experience.
Things That Cause Rejection: Not loved as a child (feel loved),
negative or destructive words, physically or emotionally
abused, adultery, divorce, constant criticism as a child, sexual
Sign or Expression of Rejection: Depression, violence, anxiety;
escaping through excessive work, TV, drugs, hobbies, video
games, psychosomatic disease (originates in the
mindulcers) manipulation, lust and fantasies, obsessive
behaviors, rebellion.
c. Releasing Forgiveness
Jesus was clear about forgiveness
Forgive us for doing wrong, as we forgive others. (Matthew
Jesus knows how much bitterness can destroy our heats.
3. It is important to show the new believer just how valuable he or
she is to God. Ephesians 1:13-14 shows hoe God blesses us and
wants the best for us, He has adopted us as His children,
forgiving us, and loving us in spite of everything.
COMMENTS: Encourage the new believer not to believe things that
people have said about them in the past. Rather encourage them to
believe what
says about them and to understand their adoption as a child of God
and the real value God places on them.
OBJECTIVE: To make the new believer aware of the importance of
courtship, making decisions about courtship, and the role of courtship
as a preparation towards marriage.
1. God loves you and wants the best for you. For I know the plans I
have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you not to harm
you, plans to give you a hope and better future. There is no one
that knows you better than God. He knows exactly the type of
person who is best suited to your character, and He will give him
or her to you. Just how God made Eve and Adam, He has made
someone just for you!
God knows your heart, and He knows better than you
do who will be the best for you For the lord does not see as man
sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord
looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)
By far the best and safest way of choosing the right person is to
seek the guidance of the One who knows our hearts. Our own
wisdom can fail us, but God does not make mistakes.
3. Courtship is a preparation for marriage. For this reason we
should be careful who we give our hearts and affection to. Keep
your heart with all diligence, for out of its springs the issues of
life. (Proverbs 4:23)
4. Lead the person to commit their emotions to the Lord, seeking
His direction until He gives them an answer. Encourage the
person to ask God if the person they are friends with is the right
person for them. Get them ask God to develop[ a close spiritual
harmony between them if the person is right for them to marry
and, if not, for Him to take away their peace. If the person is not
right, tell them to ask God to give them the boldness to end the
5. Pray for them that they will have a pure relationship, focused on
God and His plan in this.
6. Tell them that you will hold them accountable for the things that
they desire this relationship.