How To Assess Surgical Site Infection
How To Assess Surgical Site Infection
How To Assess Surgical Site Infection
Surgical site infections (SSIs) are a common postoperative complication and represent a significant burden in terms of patient morbidity and mortality, and
cost to health services around the world.1 The surveillance of SSIs has been undertaken in many centres worldwide to ascertain the extent of the problem
and where possible, to improve the incidence rates, thereby decreasing the undesirable outcomes.2 This paper aims to assess the validity and reliability
of definitions and methods of measuring surgical wound infection. The use of standardized definitions is fundamental to the accurate measurement and
monitoring of SSIs.
Key Words: Surgical site infection (SSI), infection control, wound infection, ASEPSIS score, Southampton Wound Assessment Scale
Surveillance is defined as the ongoing, systematic
collection, analysis, and interpretation of health data
essential to the planning, implementation, and evaluation
of public health practice, closely integrated with the
timely dissemination of these data to those who need
to know.1-3 Surveillance identifies clusters of infection,
risk factors and establishes risk indexes for infection,
provides comparisons between hospitals or surgical
specialties, and permits evaluation of control measures.4
Correspondence to:
Alina Petrica, Emergency Department, County Emergency Hospital Timisoara,
10 I. Bulbuca Blvd., Timisoara, Romania, Tel. +40-747-025027.
Received for publication: Sep. 11, 2009. Revised: Dec. 08, 2009.
The most widely recognized definition of infection,
used throughout the USA and Europe, is that devised
by Horan and colleagues and adopted by the CDC.9
According to CDC definition, surgical site infections
are classified into three groups superficial, deep
incisional SSIs and organ-space SSIs depending on
the site and the extent of infection. These definitions
are summarized in Table 1.
ASEPSIS is an acronym of seven wound assessment
parameters. (Table 2)
Its a quantitative scoring method that provides a
numerical score related to the severity of wound infection
using objective criteria based on wound appearance and
the clinical consequences of the infection.10,11
At least one of the following criteria:
purulent drainage from the incision
organisms isolated from an aseptically obtained culture of fluid or tissue from the incision
at least one of the following signs or symptoms of infection pain or tenderness, localized swelling, redness or heat and the incision is
deliberately opened by a surgeon, unless the culture is negative
diagnosis of superficial incisional SSI by a surgeon or attending physician.
The following are not considered superficial SSIs:
stitch abscesses (minimal inflammation and discharge confined to the points of suture penetration)
infection of an episiotomy or neonatal circumcision site
infected burn wounds
incisional SSIs that extend into the fascial and muscle layers (see deep SSIs).
Deep incisional surgical site infections
Deep incisional surgical site infections must meet the following three criteria2:
occur within 30 days of procedure (or one year in the case of implants)
are related to the procedure
involve deep soft tissues, such as the fascia and muscles.
At least one of the following criteria:
purulent drainage from the incision but not from the organ/space of the surgical site
a deep incision spontaneously dehisces or is deliberately opened by a surgeon when the patient has at least one of following signs or symptoms
fever (>38C), localized pain or tenderness unless the culture is negative
an abscess or other evidence of infection involving the incision is found on direct examination or by histopathologic or radiological examination
diagnosis of a deep incisional SSI by a surgeon or attending physician.
An organ/space SSI
An organ/space SSI must meet the following criterion:
Infection occurs within 30 days after the operative procedure if no implant is left in place or within 1 year if implant is in place and the infection appears to
be related to the operative procedure and infection involves any part of the body, excluding the skin incision, fascia, or muscle layers, that is opened or
manipulated during the operative procedure and patient has at least 1 of the following:
a. purulent drainage from a drain that is placed through a stab wound into the organ/space
b. organisms isolated from an aseptically obtained culture of fluid or tissue in the organ/space
c. an abscess or other evidence of infection involving the organ/space that is found on direct examination, during reoperation, or by histopathologic
or radiologic examination
d. diagnosis of an organ/space SSI by a surgeon or attending physician.
Alina Petrica et al
scoring system
wound scoring
Wound characteristic
Serous exudate
Purulent exudate
Separation of deep tissues
Additional treatment:
Serous discharge*
Purulent exudate*
Isolation of bacteria
daily 0 - 5
daily 0 - 5
daily 0 - 10
daily 0 - 10
* Given score only on five of seven days. Highest weekly score used
Category of infection: total score 0 - 10 = satisfactory healing; 11 - 20 = disturbance
of healing; 20 - 30 = minor wound infection; 31 - 40 = moderate wound infection;
(Adapted from Wilson AP et al, Lancet 198611).
Normal healing
Some bruising
Considerable bruising
Mild erythema
At one point
Around sutures
Along wound
Around wound
Large volume
IV Pus:
There is no validated universal system designed
specifically to aid the assessment and management of
surgical wounds. The most commonly used, the CDC
definition, employs stringent criteria to classify infection.
A single, standard definition of surgical wound infection
is needed so that comparisons over time and between
departments and institutions are valid, accurate and
useful. Meanwhile, comparisons will be compromised by
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Alina Petrica et al