Declaration of Separation 2016
Declaration of Separation 2016
Declaration of Separation 2016
A Declaration of Separation
By Leslie Lynn Malpass of the
WHEN in the course of Human Events, it becomes necessary for One People to dissolve the
Political Bands that connect them with another and to assume among the Powers of the
Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle
them, a descent Respect to the opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the
causes which impel them to the Separation.
We hold these Truths to be self-evident , that all Men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty
and the Pursuit of Happiness-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted
among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any
Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter
or abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles in
such a Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for
light and transient causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are
more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing
the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations,
pursuing invariably the same object, Evinces a design to reduce them under Absolute
Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide New
Guards for their future security, Such has been the patient sufferance of these states since
1776; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of
Government. The History of The Rich White Man Congress of the United States of America
has a history of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct object of
Establishment of an Absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let the facts be
submitted to a candid World. Here in after~The Rich White Man Congress will be referred to
They have entered us into the utmost Dire situation, in which, Kim Jong~un, The
Supreme Leader of The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea made public to the World on
RT Live, January 13, 2016 that He is ready to detonate his H~BOMB~capable of wiping out
the whole of US all at once, the US must immediately stop its anachronistic hostile policy on
North Korea that has lasted for more than half a century now.
They have created an Enemy of the People of the Middle East that are now arriving on
Our Land, some living here, some visiting, that ambush unsuspecting People in buildings,
Children schools included, where they are trapped and killed with machine guns.
They have propelled the People of the Middle East to create a generation of Babies
specifically for the Purpose to cause Death to America as they mature, if we are still here.
Born in 2015.
They have knowingly infected The People with Cancer for over 35 years Now, for the
purpose of making money. The chemical proven to cause Cancer, very effectively and with
very little exposure, has been manufactured into our personal products and the Buildings for
which the People, Live, Work and attend School have been constructed~Infested with
They have allowed White Policemen to kill Black People, young and old, on numerous
occasions within the last three years with Cruel and Excessive Force and then report to the
Public that~the Policemens Life was in Danger~and then videos surface to prove this is not
the Truth. This of course leads to Disharmony among the Black and White People
They have allowed these Abuses since the February 26, 2012 killing of Trayvon
Martin~an innocent seventeen year~old Black Male, as a punishment to The People and a
disrespect to The President~Barack Obama for being Our First Black President, elected in
2008, by The People. Also to prove this disrespect, An Article published on December 4,
2015 by Fox News Now titled: Congress must stop Team Obamas Plan to radically
reengineer Americas Neighborhoods. They also sabotaged his White House e~mail so it
does not work for The People. They have never really cared about our lives since 1776, The
Rich White Man Congress still believe they are superior to other Humans. After 240 years,
This Tyranny has to end for the Humanity of the World
They allow the Confederate flag to be used to psychologically torment Black People.
Especially after June 17, 2015 when a White Man entered The Historic Emanuel African
Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston South Carolina and shot nine innocent praying
Black People in the Head while muttering cruel comments. He stated~he did it to start a race
war. On June 23, 2015~The HUFFPOST reported that cops bought him Burger King hours
after shooting
They have created an environment NOW in America with these acts that consist
of~Riots, An extreme rise in Gun Violence, Chaos, Unrest and a Madness in the People, for
their Inhumane Abuses.
They cruely and intentionally neglect our Veterans of War after they return home, to the
USA. They offer The Veterans very little medical care for their physical and psychological
injuries from war. Veterans end up Homeless, Poor, Hungry and Alone to fend for
They continuously neglect our Children in the most Cruel and inhumane ways such as:
Our Children test below standards of the World
Teachers are not paid fairly for the importance of their jobs
Mass shootings have been occurring in Elementary Schools up to the Colleges
They allow college girls to be raped without punishment to the rapist~usually a Rich White
Mans Son
Doctors are prescribing our young Children mind altering drugs for medical insurance
money, in outrageous numbers, that now students are selling the drugs to their fellow
66,000 children are abused and neglected weekly in the USA
Children are Poor and Hungry, some only eat once at school for the entire day
Young girls are being used as Sex Slaves, usually coerced into, after fleeing an abusive
Home or Foster Home and have no other Family. They are also bringing young girls from
other countries here for the sole purpose of Sex Slave Trafficking
Our Childrens Fathers cannot find jobs in this economy, therefore cannot pay child support
and then They suspend their Drivers License and charge the Father money to get them back,
which leads to further neglect of Our Children
Single Mothers struggle to pay bills to have a Home for Children, some work two and three
jobs just to get by monthly which leads to further neglect Our Children
They cruely and continuously neglect our Animals, the shelters that are paid for by the
taxpayers money, tell the public they cannot afford to care for them, therefore with the bad
economy and madness, has created an onslaught of outrageous abuses to the Animals
They are aware of Hunger problems in the USA, and leave it up to the communities to
feed, the young and old, of their own Neighborhoods
They have allowed the disrespect and abuses of Women for over 240 years Now, that
Women have to fight and demand respect. Our young Men, ages 20~30, have been raised in
war and now have psychological issues and dont know how to Respect a Woman, as a Man
should. Some Counties in the USA have up to 300 rape kits that have never been tested
They take money that is paid by the taxpayers to improve the roads and never complete
the work
They keep us down financially, as to not Encourage or Help The People start a business
they might have a passion for and thrive and then the community will thrive
They allow the jails to charge an absurd amount of money to make a phone call to the
Free World and also for soups and snacks sold to the inmates
They allow the Policemen to buy new cars every few months, even when they are not
They neglect our Elderly~where they cannot afford medicine they need and pay their
bills. They have to choose between~bills, medicine or eating~which ones they would prefer
for the month
They are trying to sabotage the Respect and Reputation of the Woman that is trying to
become the First Woman President, spending over 500 Million dollars, of the taxpayers
money, to demean her cruelly and excessively through the media Worldwide
They intentionally poisoned the People of Flint Michigan. In 2011 They agreed to change
the water supply to The Flint River, to save money. Now four years later High levels of Lead
have plagued the water supply. All the People are now suffering from Lead Poisoning, which
is irreversible
They have contributed to the Global Warming, that is now destroying the Earth, from
exploring outer space by way of NASA, which they established in 1958 for the pressures of
National Defense~they stated. An Article published January 26, 2016 in Business Insider
Science~The Russian Scientists estimated anywhere from 500~600,000 pieces of
human~made space debris between 0.4 and 4 inches in size are currently orbiting the Earth
and traveling at speeds over 17,000 miles per hour. That would explain the erosion of the
Earth recently. The debris from last 58 years of exploring and the Formaldehyde from over
35 years of manufacturing have bonded together and cant escape the orbit and is
continuously orbiting the Earth and with the force of the waters of the Oceans have led to our
They spend 800 million on NASA yearly
They killed Two of our Presidents and a Nobel Peace Prize Recipient, over the last 150
years. These Three Great Men were trying to get them to abide by the Declaration of
Independence 1776, and truly treat everyone equally, when they couldnt stop these Men,
they killed them to be able to keep control and continue their Tyrant ways:
President Abraham Lincoln killed April 15, 1865
President John F Kennedy killed November 22, 1963
Nobel Peace Prize Recipient 1964 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr killed April 4, 1968
They used these three tragic events to affect the People psychologically, kind of like a
brainwashing way, and because these crimes were committed before technology evolved,
They were successful, and kept their Despotism with the use of weapons, and then
continued to commit Tyrant Acts against the entire Human Race of the World that has
continued up to today and has entered us into the most terrible situation NOW and with the
evolution of time Nuclear Bombs have been created that can destroy an Entire Nation with
Its People in the most atrocious and inhumane ways imaginable, and with the orbit
problems~will damage the Entire World~if one were to go off
They created the Second Amendment in 1791 for the sole purpose of keeping
Despotism over the Slaves~so the policemen, known then as slave patrols and slave
owners could commit Tyrant Acts on them without being punished legally. I would like to
reference an Article published December 6, 2015 in the Daily Beast Paris titled: The Right to
Own Guns Came With The Right to Own Slaves~written by Christopher Dickey: The
Second Amendment, was essentially written to protect the interests of Southerners in the
States that formed militias~often known as slave patrols to crush any attempt at what was
called, in those days servile insurrection. Thats why the full text reads: A well regulated
militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and
bear Arms, shall not be infringed. To keep slaves in slavery, you need militias and they
needed to be armed. The guns are still with us and so are the Beast
They spend 80 Billion a year on war
They intentionally excluded all these People from The United States Constitution:
Women, Jews and Moslems, Black People, both slaves and free, Native Americans, Poor
White Men, Children and Teenagers. They all wanted Rights for themselves and asked
Congress before they wrote the Constitution;
Haym Solomon in 1784 asserted that, and I quote, I am a Jew: it is my own nation; I
do not despair that we shall obtain every other privelege that we aspire to enjoy along with
our fellow citizens
Prince Hall in 1777 and eight other Black Men wrote a petition to the courts of
Massachusetts saying, and I quote that your Petitioners apprehend that they in common
with all other men a Natural and Unalienable Right to that freedom which Grat Parent of the
Universe that Bestowed equally on all mankind and which they Never forfeited by any
compact or agreement whatever
Native Americans: The Constitution (Article 1, section 2) says that Indians not taxed
should not even be counted in the census at all. The men who wrote the Constitution
thought that Native Americans belonged to their own group, and were not part of the United
States at all: they were not American Citizens. Native American Men did not get the right to
vote until 1889, and then only if they left their tribes and lived as White Men
Poor White Men: The way the Constitution was written in 1789, which White Men could
vote was left up to the states. In most states, you could only vote if you were a White Man
AND owned property, like a house, farm or a store. This meant that most White Men living in
the United States at this time could not vote. Rich Men said this would make sure that only
smart, sensible people voted
Women: They never intended to treat Women as equals. Proven in this personal letter,
Mrs. Abigail Adams wrote to her husband while he was gathered to write the Declaration of
Independence July 4, 1776 and I quote in the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be
necessary for you to make. I desire you would Remember the ladies, and be more generous
and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands
of the husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could. for which Mr. John
Adams responded to her in a letter dated April 15, 1776 and I quote As to your extraordinary
Code of Laws, I cannot but laugh...We know better than to repeal our masculine systems.
and with that being said, They EXCLUDED every other Human Being, except the Rich White
Man from being treated as equal, on purpose. Therefore creating the most atrocious longest
running Tyranny this World will have ever known.
They intentionally left this out of the Declaration of Independence 1776 which I will
include in this one Here and Now in 2016 with the UTMOST RESPECT and SACRED HONOR
to THOMAS JEFFERSON, who wrote it, and I quote he has waged cruel war against human
nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a district
people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another
hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither, this piractical warfare,
the opprobrium of INFIDEL POWERS, is the warfare of the CHRISTIAN King of Great Britain,
determined to keep open a market where MEN should be bought and sold, he has prostituted
his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable
commerce and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is
now exciting those very People to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of
which he has deprived them, by murdering the People upon whom he also obtruded them;
thus paying off former crimes committed against the LIBERTIES of one People, with crimes
which he urges them to commit against the LIVES of another
As proof that they plan to continue these Tyrant Acts~I would like to reference three
Articles from 2011, 2015 and 2016
*Published in The Atlantic, U.S. by Dominic Tierney dated March 15 2011 (almost five
years ago) titled:
The F~35: A weapon that costs more than Australia~ The U.S. will ultimately spend
one trillion dollars for these fighter planes. Washington intends to buy 2,443 planes at 90
million dollars a piece= 382 Billion dollars and to maintain them will cost 1 trillion. The
program has fallen behind schedule, causing billions of additional expense, and wont be
ready until 2016
*Published by RT LIVE June 1, 2015 titled:
Memo to Obama: Learn Lessons of Korean War to Avoid Showdown with China~
Tensions between the US and China have been severely exacerbated in recent days by
repeated flights by US military aircraft near the Chinese~controlled artificial islets being built
with land from the sea bottom in the South China Seas Spratly Islands. China is growing
increasingly wary of US militarys presence in the region.
*Published by Fox News Military by Cody Derespina dated February 3, 2016 titled:
The Pentagons Secret Weapon Maker~ A department deep inside the Pentagon that
officials dont often talk about is churning 3~D printed microdrones, self driving boats and
a electromagnetic railgun that can shoot a projectile at 4,500 mph~all in the name of
combatting the growing global threat from Russia and China
In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble
terms; our repealed petitions have been answered by repeated injury. The Rich White Man
Congress, whose character is thus marked by every act that defines a Tyrant, is unfit to be
the ruler of a Free People
The Supreme Judge of the World charges they have been against President Obama even
before he was elected and plotted, behind closed doors, to destroy his Presidency if he Won.
Since he Won they have infected the entire World with Evil because President Obama didnt
want any wars, they increased weapons & wars just to spite him. Their Tyrant Acts are
leading to the Nuclear War that will End this World~just because Americans elected their
First Black President. The Rich White Man Congress of the USA is the Biggest and Strongest
EVIL in this World, But they are not~STRONGER than GOD
People and The Rich White Man Congress of The United States of America is and ought to
be totally dissolved.
The Supreme Judge of the World would like to appoint President Obama with The Divine
Power to make any decisions that may arise pertaining to this Band of Government until the
535 members are replaced by The American People, for this is the most crucial of times for
All of His Children of the World. He has the Ultimate Faith in President Obama, after he learns
these Truths, he will do the Right Thing~for The World is in his Hands
I have contacted the United Nations concerning this Declaration and requested their
assistance in helping facilitate this transition in the most Peaceful Way possible.