The Nassau News 04/15/10

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Nassau Outdoors
by Ryan Conner
Advertise: Page 5 in Circulation!
Call Shirley Fountain We mail to Callahan,
Bryceville and
at 904-386-2403 Community Cookbook Hilliard. We also
or e-mail her at by Lauren Jones have drop-off
locations throughout the Page 2

The Nassau
Nassau News
entire county and surrounding areas!


sex offender
Loving husband
repeats carries on
offense in
Nassau wife’s dream
Detec- By Lauren Jones
tives with
the Nassau
The Artrageous Artwalk kicked
off its 2010 season Saturday with a
S h e r i f f ’s wide variety of art including weav-
Office ar- ing work, photographs and paint-
re s t e d ings by local artists.
M a r k This free event showcases local
Andrew artists and galleries in downtown
Mark Andrew
Stram, 42 Fernandina.
of Ohio, Stories vary on the artwalk’s ori-
on two counts of lewd and gins, but some things are clear. The
lascivious molestation, one artwalk started as a small showing
count of lewd and lascivious about seven years ago. There were a
conduct and one count of few artists who were a part of the Is-
sexual battery. land Art Association and have been
Stram registered as a sex showing together for more than 10
offender in Nassau County years. A few local artists set out their
in October 2009 when he work and other galleries started to
moved in with his fiancé’ join in. They all pitched in money Lauren Jone
to pay for marketing. The Tourist s/The Nassa
and four juveniles in Calla- u News
Development Council now takes John D’Agnese stands next to his favorite piece by his late wife, Helen D’Agnese.
han. He was first convicted
of a sexual offense against a care of the advertising and produces
a brochure. A lot of people visiting pieces as well. traveled on cruises together and she He tells her story and shows her
minor in 2003. One of the “We get to drew a lot of inspiration from the work still. It is almost a job for him
Amelia Island browse the galleries
four juveniles wrote a letter meet a lot of landscape at the many ports they but he does it out of love for his
each month, says Theresa Daily.
to a friend stating that the The walk was formerly on the first people and so- visited. She followed her dreams wife. He shows a photo of her from
suspect had been touching Fridays until last year. They didn’t cialize,” Sprovt- and did so because she wanted to, his wallet and says, “Isn’t she beauti-
the children inappropriately. have a lot of people attend because soff said. not to just make money. She later ful?”
Authorities interviewed the the tourists were just getting into Across the hall became quite famous for her work. Helen’s art is a lot of primitive
15-year-old victim who gave town and either didn’t know about at Blue Door Her paintings have been in the work, abstract and multimedia
a full account of Stram in- it or didn’t have time to get to it. Artists, a man White House during the Carter ad- work. Some pieces are done with
appropriately touching the Helen D’Agnese sits talking to ministration, the Vatican Museum glass pieces she collected at beaches
Daily says it helped with traffic
minor after the minor got moved with everyone who in Rome, the Juarez Art Museum and assembled on canvases.
when it was moved to Saturdays.
out of the shower on multi- Daily shares a room on Centre her husband comes in. John in Mexico and other churches and Other galleries participating in
ple occasions. After further Street with Carol Sprovtsoff. They to Fernandina D’Agnese shows museums in the state. She donated the artwork this year are Designs on
investigation, detectives dis- have worked together for five years Beach and be- his late wife’s a lot of her work as well. She won Sax, Hunt’s Art and Artifact Gallery
covered Stram was molest- and have seen the change of the came part of the artwork at the many awards and recognitions for and more.
ing three of the juveniles. economy affect their sales. Blue Door Art- gallery and has her work and her husband says he The artwalk happens every first
“You have to keep working. Just ists. She passed been doing so is making sure to keep her legacy Saturday of the month from April to
All of the children have been
removed from the home. because you don’t sell something away in 1999. since her death alive. December from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
doesn’t mean you stop making art,” in 1999. “I like showing her work and at various galleries in downtown
Stram is currently being held
Daily said. Helen D’Agnese went to art communicating with people,” John Fernandina and is free to the public.
in the Nassau County De- school when she had seven children said. You can download a brochure with
tention Center on $500,008 The artwalk mainly helps them
with networking and recognition. and a husband, while living in El, John owns his own cruise ship a map and a full list of participating
bond. Paso Texas. Her and her husband consulting business in Fernandina. galleries at
But they say it’s nice when they sell


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2 The Nassau News | April 15, 2010

Sweet pizza pie Fruit Pizza

1 roll sugar cookie dough Look for ways to cut
investment taxes
1 8 oz. package cream cheese
Hilliard at room temperature (You
Fernandina can use fat-free or low-fat)
Yulee Beach 1 cup confectioners sugar Like millions of your fel-
1 peach sliced low citizens, you may be
1 tangerine sliced filing your taxes this week.
1 cup strawberries sliced in If you think that things
half might have turned out dif-
1/4 cup melted chocolate
Government ferently had you paid less
in investment-related taxes,
Bryceville Roll the cookie dough on a piz- you might want to take steps
za baking dish. Bake for 17 min- soon to help ensure a differ-
utes at 350 degrees. Mix the sug- ent outcome in 2011. Edward Jones
ar and cream cheese. Set aside. Here are some “tax-smart” Financial Advisor
You don’t have to be a famous When the cookie crust is done, strategies to consider: Ronnie L. Stoots Jr.
Following are upcoming public chef on The Food Network to let it cool for about 15 minutes. • Invest in municipal
meetings in Nassau County. make a dish or entire meal pre- Spread cream cheese mixture bonds. If you’re in one of the
sentable and tasty. You defiantly on the crust, leaving the edges upper income brackets, you might benefit from
COUNTY COMMISSION (Commission don’t need a lot of money. So all exposed. Arrange sliced fruit on owning municipal bonds. The interest payments
you cooks of Nassau County; let’s the pizza. I started with the larger from “munis” are typically exempt from federal in-
chambers at the James S. Page exchange recipes. Send me your slices on the outside and worked come taxes, and may also be exempt from state and
Government Complex, 96135 Nassau thoughts on mine and send in my way in, adding the blueber- local taxes, depending on where you live. (How-
Place in Yulee. They can be reached at your own. ries last. Melt the chocolate in a ever, the interest from some types of munis may be
904-491-7380.) Community I see cooking as therapeutic. It’s double boiler. With a spoon, driz- subject to the alternative minimum tax, or AMT.)
6 p.m. Monday, April 26 Cookbook an experiment that you can make
your own. I can only describe this
zle chocolate over top of pizza.
The crust is crunchy so you
• “Max out” on your Roth IRA. If you qualify
for a Roth IRA, try to fully fund it every year. Your
Lauren Jones love of cooking with a quote by can slice it and eat it like a pizza earnings grow tax-free, provided you’ve had your
SCHOOL BOARD (Nassau County Editor Julie Powell, played by Amy Ad- slice with your hands. If you don’t account at least five years and you don’t take with-
School Board District Office building, ams in Julie and Julia. like it crunchy, cook the cookie drawals until you’re at least 59-1/2. And now, it’s
1201 Atlantic Ave., Fernandina Beach, “You know what I love about cooking? I love that dough for about 10 minutes. easier to convert a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA.
unless otherwise noted. They can be after a day when nothing is sure, and when I say noth- You can make this your own by Under previous rules, you could only convert if
ing, I mean nothing, you can come home and absolutely using any assortment of fruit. To your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) was
reached at 904-491-9900) know that if you add egg yolks to chocolate and sugar add more variety of color, I would $100,000 or less. But starting this year, you can
6 p.m. Thursday, April 22* and milk, it will get thick. It’s such a comfort.” add kiwis and bananas. My shop- convert funds to a Roth IRA even if your MAGI
*Open Forum to be held at Callahan For the first recipe, I made a fruit pizza. I adapted ping list (minus the sugar that I is over $100,000. And if you convert in 2010, you
Middle School mine from one Paula Dean makes. already had in my pantry) was can report the taxable income from the conversion
To send in your recipes, thoughts, comments or tips, around $12. The pizza serves Taxes cont. on page 6
please e-mail about 10 people.
COMMISSION (Their office can be
reached at 904-227-7305.) Pollen season is hitting harder than ever this year
6 p.m. Tuesday, April 20 Achoo! (God bless you.) Such are the general misery. tive treatment is to avoid the source of the
6 p.m. Tuesday, May 4 sounds of the season. . . and a humdinger it Although we see the yellow dust of pine allergens and stay indoors. Keep the windows
is! Due to this year’s colder than usual win- pollen everywhere, it is not the worst culprit. closed, run the air conditioning and limit out-
CALLAHAN TOWN COUNCIL (Their ter, the pollen season is later and heavier than The pollens which most cause allergy symp- door activities. While over the counter anti-
office can be reached at 904-879-3801.) most years, resulting in one of the worst al- toms in Northeast Florida are from oak, red histamines, such as Zyrtec and Claritin offer
7 p.m. Monday April 19 lergy seasons in recent memory. Despite the cedar and cypress trees; all of which generate relief, they will not be effective if you are expe-
recent nice weather, many folks are miserable microscopic pollen that invisibly creep into riencing a cold rather than allergies. Also, with
7 p.m. Monday, May 3 with seasonal allergies. Also, known as “hay the respiratory system and make you miser- allergies the nasal discharge is clear, not cloudy
fever,” neither hay nor fever are involved. We able. or yellow as with a cold.
HILLIARD TOWN COUNCIL (Their all know the common symptoms: runny nose, So, what can you do to lessen your suffer- If over-the-counter antihistamines do not
office can be reached at 904-845-3555.) sneezing, scratchy throat, itchy, teary eyes and ing? Although not practical, the most effec- provide adequate relief or if your symptoms
7 p.m. Thursday, April 15 are worsening to the point of painful sinuses,
7 p.m. Thursday, May 6 Fresh • Wild • Caught Seafood then you may need to visit a physician for
further assessment and possibly stronger, pre-
scription-strength antihistamines.
OCEAN HIGHWAY AND PORT • Shrimp • Softshell Crabs Bushels Prescription medications may include nasal
AUTHORITY OF NASSAU COUNTY • Whiting ON CREEK SEAFO  steroids and antihistamines, ocular (eye) anti-
T OD • Crab Cakes Oysters
(County Commission Chambers at the • Flounder OF • Deviled Crab histamine drops and newer generation medi-
$36 cations such as Xyzal and Clarinex. Nasal

James S. Page Government Complex, • Mullet • Snow Crab Legs decongestants should be avoided due to addic-
96135 Nassau Place in Yulee. They can • Grouper Fillets • Scallops tion. Remember to check with your physician
be reached at 904-261-0098.) • Live Crabs • and more 1/2 Bushels as antihistamines may cause problems if you
6 p.m. Wednesday, May 12 NOW ACCEPTING EBT Bait & Tackle Shrimp Bait  have certain medical conditions such as glau-
Oysters coma or bladder problems. Should you not get

The Nassau News Live $19

sufficient relief from prescription medications,
Jumbo Blue
then a visit to an allergist may be in order.
This article was produced by Amelia Urgent
Care, Fernandina Beach and River City Mar-
Shrimp Happy Sack
Twitter: TheNassauNews Crabs 
ketplace, which is open every day for walk-in
treatment of non life-threatening injuries and
illnesses, including seasonal allergies. Informa-
Facebook: The Nassau News
Publisher: Ray Fountain
OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK • Tues-Thurs 10-6pm • Fri-Sun 8-6pm $10 tion in the article is general and not to be con-
463477 SR 200 / A1A • Yulee • (904) 548-0803 strued as medical advice.
Editor: Lauren Jones
Distribution / Sales: Shirley Fountain
Creative Director: Jessica Woodrum Spend your tax refund on a good deal at
The Nassau News has new phone numbers
To reach our editor:904-781-2985
To advertise: 904-781-2987 904-225-0884 or 800-414-2130
0850910 U.S. HWY. 17, N.• YULEE, FL 32097
For advertising information

Call Shirley Fountain at 904-879-0596 or

904-386-2403, or send e-mail to sfountain@ $39,900! GETS NOW FOR SALE!
1.25 Acre Foreclosure

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April 15, 2010| The Nassau News 3
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Like many who work for the church, my mercy don’t just happen. They are followed Making healthy choices never looked or
wife and I usually schedule some runaway by Easter which usually means extra worship felt so good!
time right after Easter every year. We spent opportunities and lots of special things which
last week in Fairhope, AL, a beautiful little don’t just happen on their own, either. Now
town on the east side of Mobile Bay. While you know why some of us run away for a few
we were there we spent most of one day at days after the big Easter celebration.
nearby Bellingrath Gardens, just south of For many years, our runaway place has
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time. Everywhere we went, the azal- most people go to that part of the FREE GIFT!
eas, wisteria and dogwoods were in country to see because we’d rather
full bloom and the camellias were sit by a creek or walk in the woods 961687 Gateway Blvd. • Suite 101-J • Amelia Island, FL 32034
just finishing up their display. We
snapped several pictures and bought
than go to shows or outlet malls.
They were right, but we knew why
a souvenir book so we could remem- we went. While we were renewing
ber the beauty we saw, but mostly, our spirits in Fairhope and Bell-
we just soaked it in. The azaleas were ingrath on this year’s after Easter You’re Invited to a
particularly spectacular. In every im- runaway, nearby Gulf Shores and
aginable variety and color, from the Pastorally Orange Beach were filled, I’m Financial Empowerment and
small ones like we can have in our
tiny yard to plants that towered at
sure, with spring breakers who
Speaking would have scoffed at us old folks Healing Conference with
twice my height and burst forth in Rev. Bob Phelps spending our time watching azal- international teacher and evangelist,
rich and vibrant colors, they put on eas bloom.
quite a show. The breath-giving time we got to enjoy for Dr. Nasir Siddiki.
A word we heard over and over from folks a few days will enable us to hit the ground
around us as we strolled through the Garden running now that we’re back at work, find- Dr. Siddiki holds crusades around the world and has led
was breathtaking. The guides and maps the ing ways to help our congregation continue thousands to the Lord. He and his wife, Anita, host a television
Garden provided used that word a lot too. to experience Easter joy. In fact, the time we program on TBN, Winning with Wisdom, which is broadcast to 15,000 stations via
Every season, the promise is breathtaking as spend together in worship, in study, and in satellite reaching millions of people. You won’t want to miss these powerful meetings!
the garden staff provides just the right plants other activities designed to help us grow as
for every season. disciples is a lot like our time away. Most of
I understand why people call displays like what happens in worship is not breathtaking.
Sunday, April 25 at 10:30 am and 6 pm
that breathtaking. I’m not nearly the pho- Sometimes the music is spectacular. Some- Monday, April 26 and Tuesday, April 27 at 6:30 pm
tographer our younger son is, but one of the times the preaching is better than others. But
pictures I snapped looks good enough to be I don’t remember many Sundays when folks The Bridge Family Worship Center on 85031 Landover Dr. in Yulee.
a calendar illustration, and, I suspect some came out of worship using “breathtaking” to
would call it a breathtaking shot. describe what they had just experienced.
In my case, though, that day surrounded by I hope that what we do in worship and in Visit
the beauty of what God has made was much other areas of the Church’s life can be breath-
more breath-giving than breathtaking. For giving, even when they’re not breathtaking. or call 904-225-4860
those of us who work in the church the days As we worship and learn and grow together, for more info.
and weeks leading up to Easter can be breath- God renews and empowers us for service we
taking, not because of any splendor in them, can’t deliver by our own power. I’m thankful
but simply because of what they require of for all the ways the breath of God comes to

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us. Weeks of events and activities designed us. I hope you experience it in ways that are
to help people experience God’s grace and meaningful and sustaining for you too.

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April 15, 2010| The Nassau News 5

The fish are biting and the birds are flying In Loving
With all my dedication directed
at spring gobbler season I have not
nice change compared to the cold
water fishing doldrums we have ex- Memory
been able to put much time in on perienced the past three months. I
the water. However, I have recently have talked with several other local
fished a couple of times with great fisherman and they reported increas-
results. Last Wednesday I snuck a ing numbers as well.
couple of hours in on the outgoing Kent Poteat recently took a trip
tide, late after- with a few friends and family. Us-
noon. ing Carolina rigs fitted with dead
I fished a creek shrimp, they absolutely destroyed
mouth with a the whiting. The majority of the fish
Skitter Walk for were in the one-pound range. If you
the first hour know whiting fish, you know that
and had phe- catching over 50 in the over one-
nomenal results. pound range is a great day. Not only
I caught over 20 did Kent have a great day on the wa-
trout up to 22 ter fishing but got an added bonus
Nassau inches. I noticed as well. On the way back he noticed Kent Poteat/Photographer

Outdoors the trout were some eagles fishing on the south end Thanks to conservation efforts, anglers can once again enjoy the beauty of a Charlotte M. Gomez
ambushing small of the island. He slowed down to bald eagle scanning the waters on the south end of Amelia Island.
Ryan Conner shrimp in about observe the beautiful birds and got Aug. 31, 1937-
six inches of wa- some great pictures as well. Kent at- in the Bladerunner vessel. some success with the kingfish at L April 14, 2008
ter, so I switched baits up. I used a tributes the rising number of eagle The offshore report improves dai- Bottom, but not huge numbers.
three-inch Berkley Gulp mullet on sightings to great conservational ef- ly. Captain Alan Mills gave a great With the great report he also in-
a 16-ounce jig head and had imme- forts. It’s been two years but we
report this week. The sea bass are still formed me of an upcoming local
diate results. Dark was approaching Captain Dan Flynn also reports being caught in huge numbers. He fishing event. The Amelia Island will always cherish and
quickly so I left the fish biting. staggering numbers in shore as well. has also had great results with the Blue Water Shootout will be held on remember the love and
On the way back to the boat He reported catching some very nice snapper and grouper offshore even Mothers Day weekend. The captains
ramp I fished a few docks with some trout in the over 25-inch range us- though all these fish are still catch meeting will be held May 7, the memories you left us.
lights. I noticed bait being am- ing live shrimp under a float. He also and release only. The wahoo bite tournament takes place May 8 and
bushed under the lights so I set up to caught some very nice over slot reds has slowed down in the stream but a huge fish fry May 9. For more in-
cast. First toss was a 23-inch trout. as well, especially in the vicinity of Love always and forever,
trolling for these strikers is still pro- formation on Alan’s charters or the
Next cast was a 20-incher. I fished the south jetty. With the red drum, ducing results. The dolphin bite has upcoming tournament visit www. your husband Ben, your
for about 20 minutes and had non- he also reported catching and seeing picked up this week but the water children, grandchildren
stop action. In more than two hours, some very nice black drum being still needs to warm up just a tad for Until next time, good luck and be
I caught close to 60 trout. This is a caught. An 82-pounder was landed them to really turn on. He also had safe out there. and great grandchildren.

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6 The Nassau News | April 15, 2010

2 ROOMS - 2 TYPES OF ENTERTAINMENT Taxes Cont. from page 2

stocks, in your taxable account; as long as you
hold these assets at least a year, you’ll only have
to pay the long-term capital gains rate, which
All new Edge night club brings to you a nice, classy and clean environment for over a two-year period, in 2011 and 2012. is currently 15 percent if you’re in one of the
people to enjoy a variety of music. We offer two rooms: Studio 50 & the Blue Room. • Distribute assets between taxable and re- top three tax brackets. (This rate may soon rise,
Live bands every weekend and a live DJ. We have the best drink specials in Florida tirement accounts. You’ll want to look at all however.)
and Georgia. Our drinks will give you 100 % satisfaction. Entertainment 7 nights a your investments as a whole to determine if • Sell your “losers” throughout the year. If
week big screen TV’s, pool tables and much more... they’re working together to help you achieve you own investments that have lost value and
your goals. But in considering ways to control that you don’t need to keep for other reasons
investment taxes, you may also find it useful to (such as portfolio balance), consider selling
look at two separate categories: your tax tax- them throughout the year. Your losses can off-
deferred retirement accounts, such as your tra- set any capital gains you might have achieved;
ditional IRA and your 401(k), and your taxable if you don’t have any gains, the losses can offset
accounts, which hold all the investments not in up to $3,000 of your regular income. Plus, any
your retirement accounts. As a (very) general losses that you don’t use in a given year can be
rule, you might want to put income-produc- carried forward indefinitely for use against fu-
ing securities, such as taxable bonds, into your ture capital gains.
tax-deferred retirement accounts. When you Before embarking on any of these strate-
ultimately take out this money, presumably gies, consult with your tax advisor. Every “tax-
at retirement, your withdrawals will be taxed smart” move may not be appropriate for your
at your income tax rate, but by then, you may individual situation. But if you’re concerned
be in a lower tax bracket. Conversely, you may about the impact of investment taxes, it can
want to put growth-oriented securities, such as certainly pay to explore all your options.

Test Your 1. Name the 2 St Bernards who played the friendliest

and the scariest movie dogs.
2. What Nordic country consumes more spicy Mexican

Knowledge food than any other European nation?

3. Which US President do we have to thank for signing
the first federal income tax law?
Sunday-ThurSday: Service Industry night
$2 Wells and draft
Trivia by Maggie 4. In the US, what is the most dreaded day of the year?
5. For Kids Only: What do you call cheese that doesn’t
$3 Jager $4 Calls “The Triviameister” belong to you?
Test your knowledge every Wednesday
5. Nacho Cheese
TueSday: Beer Pong Tournament at 7 p.m. at the Crab Trab in downtown
4. Apr 15 of course! Income Tax Day!
help finance the Civil War
Fernandina Beach. (One of these
WedneSday: Ladies night $3 cover
3. Abe Lincoln in 1862 ---3% on incomes over $600 to
questions will be featured at the next ANSWERS: 1. Beethoven and Cujo 2. Norway
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April 15, 2010| The Nassau News 7


Are you old enough, must be over the

Advertise in the Classifieds. Deadline is 3:00 on Tuesdays. CALL 904-386-2403
Nice Chrome Brush Guard fits 02 to 06 Ford 150 or
250 $400.00 obo. Also Railroad Memorabilia Switch
Stand to lanterns. 904-879-1317.
homes forsale
home for sale
NEW HOME FOR SALE in Callahan, call Ken Greene,
RV Camp Spots Available: in Hilliard Fl., water,
Sewage, electric included $350.00. Also have land to
plant a garden. Call 349-0585.
age 55 and SINGLE to join. JUST FRIENDS. 904-813-9187 or 879-7001. We also do custom
Monthly events by invitation only, must register call Master built commercial freezer 2 door new Cope- homes, room additions and garages. lot
Lotfor sale
for sale
904-321-1116. land compressor. $600.
Sandwich cooler with 2 sliding glass doors $400. 53 acres on Lem Turner in Callahan. Easy commute
Looking for female roommate in Callahan area. Call 912-473-2302 or 912-258-6130. to Jax. Development potential. 45 Acres uplands.
904-879-0138 or 904-229-2469. Ann Ryan, Realtor , Hometown First Realty, 904-964-
55 gallon screw top drums -$25 a piece. Regu- 7330 or 904-364-6148.
automotive lar 55 gallon plastic drums- $15 a piece. Call
(912)473-2302 or (912)258-6130. Beautiful 2-Story Home on 1 Acre Screened In- SERVICES
1999 Dodge 2500 catering truck. Stainless steel ground POOL w/Kool Deck4 Bdr/2.5 Bth $229,900Jeri
catering box, Automatic/A.C. Power steering/power homes
homes for rent
for rent Gething, RealtorWatson Realty Corp. 904-403-6888. Nate’s Handyman Svc.: All types of Home and Busi-
brakes, diesel. “Money Maker” Asking $12,500. Call Call for appt! ness Repair, Ceramic tile, Deck, Pump Repair- Prop-
955-0302. Unfurnished Apt. Very Nice. 1BR/1BTH with sep- erty clean up. 34 years experience. Nate 904-226-
arate dining are, water, & sewer furnished. Inside 5BR/2BA HOME on 4+ acres in Callahan. 541801 5970 .
Kountry Air 40ft. 5th Wheel tip out, ready to move Callahan city limits. Private Patio, no pets. 904- Lem Turner Rd: Easy commute to Jacksonville . Hard-
in. Washer/Dyer, AC, Call 628-0167. wood floors, fireplace, 2 car garage. Only $169,000. HANDYMAN FOR HIRE! Home repair, windows,
Ann Ryan, Realtor - Hometown First Realty, 904-964- doors, all roofing, decks, pressure washing, all floor-
For sale
sale 3br/1/bth Home, fenced in yard on ¼ acre, located 7330 or 904-364-6148. ing, siding repair and all your home repair needs.
near Hilliard schools. $750/month, $700 deposit. Call 904-583-9105 or 912-729-3529.
AMERICAN BULLDOG PUPPIES for sale- $300.00 904-845-3697. 3/2 2001 Horton D/W large walk in closets all bed-
Born 2-9-10 tails cut, Shots and wormed. 545-2416. rooms. If you want to see go to spring clean Jerry Lee Pressure Washing, Aver-
3/1 block home in Folkston Georgia. Fenced in you can see inside as well as the outside. If interest- age one-story home $125 Roof, decks, driveways
I BUY JUNK CARS & heavy equipment for scrap! yard, just minutes to the river. $750.00 a month, plus ed please call. This home is located off of East 252 & pool decks, 30 years experience. Dirt, mildew and
Cash Paid! Towing also. Call Warren at 879-1190 $750.00 deposit, and $100.00 per pet deposit. Call in Folkston, GA. 904-476-2845 cell or 912-496-0004 mold GONE! 904-993-6434 or 904-662-1628.
or 705-8626. 904-318-1246. home.
Southeast’s Largest Locally
Largest Locally
Fire Engine bed with crib size mattress $100. Call Triple Wide Mobile Home: For rent up to 2400 sq. WOW! Custom built 3br/2bth brick home and Owned
Owned Waste
Waste Company
Company Offering: Curbsite Pick-up,
Offering: Curbside Pick-up,
845-4193. ft. 4 bd 2bth on two acre completely fenced, pond, 3br/2bth mobile, both with many extras includ- Front
Front Load
LoadService and Roll-off
Service Dumpsters.
and Roll-off Dumpsters.
shed, carport. $1100.00 a month $800.00 deposit ing pool, located on 4 cleared acres. Much a buy at GUARANTEED
Order online
online at
JOE’S CONCRETE AND STEEL BUILDINGS, SPE- Call 904-803-2122. $465,500. Call for appt. 904-879- 5950. ororcall
CIAL DISCOUNTS THIS WEEK! Carports, buildings,
barns, garages, storage, utility carports, etc. Best Nice 2 BR $550 monthly. 3/2 D/W on one acre + or - with detached garage
quality for your money. 18 x 21, $690 plus tax in- Remodeled 3BR $725 monthly water, trash, & at back of property all fenced$55,000 AS IS. Property
stalled. We build up to 60’ wide open span and as lawn included. Located in Yulee, small pet only. is in Hilliard, FL. 904-476-2845 cell or 912-496-0004
long as you need. We build any type and size car- Call(904)501-5999. home.
port or buildings certified for all of Florida. Call Joe
904-545-0555 or 904-845-3637 for best price. Visit for Nassau County’s larg- One acre and old house 2 blocks off Trout River Blvd
est selection of Long Term Rentals! (904) 261-0604. $35,000 with $10,000 down. Owners Financing. Call yard sale
yard sale
2BR/1.5 BA Townhouse Apt. on Ame- BIG YARD SALE: Hilliard Across From State Line Bar
lia Island. Newly Rebuilt ch/air, stove, lot
lot for rent
for Rents Something For Everyone 8/? Name Brand Radio’s To
refrigerator, D/W, carpet, $795.00/ month + deposit Much To List Saturday’s Only Rain Cancels.
& references. 828 Nottingham Dr. (904) 261-3035. LOT 4 RENT-- 60 x 100 MH Lot. $295/month. Includes
water, sewage, trash & Lawn. (904)501-5999.


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P060218FL 7/06 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company • Bloomington, IL®

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To advertise in the
Card Connection call
Crime Beat
8 The Nassau News | April 15, 2010

These reports are based on information supplied by the Nassau

County Sheriff’s Office. Anyone whose name appears in the reports can
contact The Nassau News if the case is dismissed, charges are reduced, or
they are acquitted of the charges. Call 781-2985, or e-mail Please be prepared to provide
documentation of the developments.

Tuesday, April 6 with a suspended license and failing to appear in Korry Westfall, 32 of Yulee: possession of a con- Anthony Carter, 47 of Yulee: driving with a sus-
court for driving with a suspended license. trolled substance. pended license with knowledge.
Ann Green, 49 of Callahan: retail theft.
Michael Van Zant, 45 of Yulee: contempt of court. Heather Edenfield, 33 of Jacksonville: burglary to David Walker, 47 of Jacksonville: trespassing and
Kenyaundau Carter, 32 of St. Marys, GA: battery. an unoccupied dwelling, grand theft and dealing driving with a suspended license.
Santonoio Martin, 25 of Fernandina Beach: theft; in stolen property.
Jeremy Hutchenson, 34 of Callahan: domestic shoplifting. George Melton, 28 of Callahan: trespassing.
battery. Jerra Bowen, 47 of Callahan: offer prostitution
Joseph Doyle, 25 of Fernandina Beach: domestic third offense and possession of a controlled sub- Jason Riggins, 29 of Jacksonville: failing to ap-
Peter Dwinnell, 29 of Yulee: violation of parole for battery and criminal mischief. stance and paraphernalia.
DUI with property damage. pear in court for resisting an officer and driving
Walter Luton, 26 of Yulee: knowingly driving with without or with a suspended or revoked license
Randy Daniels, 24 of Fernandina Beach: obtain-
David Bunk, 47 of Fernandina Beach: DUI. a suspended license. ing property in return of a worthless check and and driving without or with a suspended or
three counts of worthless check. revoked license.
Wednesday, April 7 Christine Miner, 46 of Fernandina Beach: dis-
orderly intoxication in a public place causing a Kimberly Williams, 30 of Yulee: possession of Sunday, April 11
Justin Krulac, 24 of Hilliard: driving with a sus- disturbance.
pended license for DUI. cocaine, possession of a controlled substance and
possession of drugs. Joshua Wilkes, 25 of Fernandina Beach: DUI.
Jessie Wilson, 37 of Keystone Heights, FL: habitu-
Jeremiah Kirby, 24 of Fernandina Beach: leaving ally driving with a suspended license, DUI and Denise Harrison, 21 of Jacksonville: driving with
the scene of a crash with property damage. Tiffany Mack, 20 of Callahan: possession of a
refusal to submit to a test. controlled substance without a prescription. a suspended license.
Susan Myatt, 48 of Yulee: DUI. Thomas Mercer, 23 of Macclenny, FL: violation of Will Stokes, 24 of Columbus, OH: criminal
James Scott, 19 of Yulee: marijuana: producing
parole for grand theft. schedule I. mischief, property damage over $200 and under
Brandon Conaway, 25 of Hilliard: driving with a
suspended license and DUI. $1,000 and petit larceny – first offense.
Frank Carver, 24 of Fernandina Beach: two Edilberto Gonzales, 54 of Jacksonville: schemes
counts of grand theft and dealing in stolen to defraud, fraudulent use of credit cards (seven Daniel Bartley, 24 of Yulee: domestic battery.
Darion Braswell, 22 of Jacksonville: uttering a property.
forged check, two counts of fraud in uttering a counts). Buying gas at the Flash Foods in Hilliard
on U.S. 1. More than $300 worth. He had been Emily Sykes, 20 of Bryceville: military desertion.
false instrument and grand theft. Marcus Woodard, 27 of White Oak, GA: violation
of parole for aggravated stalking and battery. involved in the activity since Jan. and started the
Jeremiah Kirby, 24 of Fernandiana Beach: fleeing fraud in the past two weeks. Terrance Smith, 22 of Fernandina Beach: viola-
and attempting to elude, leaving the scene with tion of parole for child abuse.
Robert Powell II, 39 of Hilliard: aggravated bat-
property damage and DUI with property damage. tery on a pregnant woman. Connie Bass, 44 of Yulee: felony dumping, illegal
dumping of raw human waste, and obstructing Keno Smith, 33 of Callahan: two counts of ag-
Daniel Obrian, 48 of Yulee: aggravated domestic Friday, April 9 justice: intimidate, threaten etc. victim/witness gravated battery.
assault and domestic battery by strangulation. informant. He told him to change his statement to
Rodney Wingate, 28 of Callahan: possession of DEP with regards to illegal dumping. He drove by Monday, April 12
Thursday, April 8 marijuana. him several times.
Richard Parker, 21 of Hilliard: domestic battery
Thomas Pope, 20 of Yulee: accessory after the Vincent Ferrara, 48 of Yulee: driving with a sus- Saturday, April 10 and violation of injunction.
fact. Pertaining to the boat bugluries in January. pended license with knowledge.
Tammy Ward, 34 of Fernandina Beach: five counts Mark Petrasek, 46 of Yulee: disorderly intoxica-
Derek Moody, 39 of Fernandina Beach: driving of failing to appear for worthless check. tion and prowling.

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