Rubber Tyre Gantry Report
Rubber Tyre Gantry Report
Rubber Tyre Gantry Report
A Rubber Tyred Gantry (RTG) is a mobile gantry crane used for stacking shipping containers
within the stacking areas of a container terminal.
There are two main sides of RTG.
a) E-room side
b) Generator side
In RTG 8 motors are fitted. Four motors are fitted on each side. The parameter of each
motor are as follows.
a) All motors are 3 phase 440v
b) Frequency 0-49.3 hz
c) Torque – 370NM
d) W- 22KW
e) AMP. -- 30A
f) RPM --- 1800
Generator generates 940vAC ,step down transformer is fitted on the upper side of
generator section it decrease voltage up to 750Vac.
SWL 40 tonnes
Hoist speed empty spreader 56 m/min
Hoist speed 40.6 tonnes 28 m/min
Trolley speed 70 m/min
Gantry speed max.. 130 m/min
Simultaneous hoist, trolley and gantry (positioning) motions
All-electric spreader with 20 ft. and 40 ft. positions
AC drive control systems
RTG gantry brake is installed on the gantry driving motor shaft. When an emergency-stop occurs,
the big force will be happened on the whole driving system.
RTG has frequently gantry turning. During the gantry turning, the tyres also need to rotate 90degree.
When the tyres are turning at their fixed positions, not only the tyre surface abrasion will be increased
greatly under the big wheel load (normally bigger than 25T), but also the big stress on the tyre inner
sealant and cord fabric will be brought. Thus, the tyre service life is shortened.
In order to extend the tyre service life, ZPMC developed gantry turning hydraulic jacking device. When
the gantry is turning, the jacking device will automatically jack up the whole RTG. The tyre abrasion is
then reduced, and the service life.
AC gantry motors receive power from an inverter that provides the required voltage and frequency for
the travelling function.