PGI Haiti Handout 3-10-10
PGI Haiti Handout 3-10-10
PGI Haiti Handout 3-10-10
Emergency Energy Relief &
Long Term Development
To provide ethanol fuel and CleanCook
stoves to Haitian families for immediate
cooking needs and to revive the local
ethanol industry by developing a market
for household cooking fuel.
No.1 Lincoln Square, Box 4190 • GETTYSBURG PA 17325 • 1 717 334-5594 • WWW.PROJECTGAIA.COM
Project Gaia is a global
initiative promoting
clean alcohol fuels for
cooking, for the three
billion people who subsist
today on solid fuels.
Our Strategy:
PHASE 1: EMERGENCY INTERVENTION. Place stoves in a targeted community under the care
of a local partner (Viva Rio). Brazil has donated the ethanol for this. Develop logistics and
organization for larger intervention, set up fuel supply chain, train local staff and provide technical
support. Monitor experience with stoves and adjust stove design as necessary. Report to the
Haitian Government and interested partners.
PHASE 2: SCALE UP. Build on the lessons of Phase 1. Scale‐up ethanol & stove supply to IDP
camps and large communities. Partner with organizations with sufficient capacity to handle this
expansion. Address needs on a scale of 10 to 20 thousand families. Project Gaia will maintain
teams on the ground to provide support to partner organizations and assist with supply chains.
PHASE 3: SUSTAINABILITY & LOCAL DEVELOPMENT. Encourage government to pass a
biofuels plan to stimulate production of alcohol fuels for distributed energy supply. Assess the
state and capability of existing Haitian mills, distilleries and farms. Source best technology for
micro‐scale production and create model business plans. Assist in financing first projects. Facilitate
partnerships to build alcohol stove in Haiti. Introduce new energy feedstocks.
Our collaborators include: A donation of $50 will deliver a
Government of Haiti Ministry of clean, safe stove to a family.
Women’s Affairs, Government of Brazil
No.1 Lincoln Square, Box 4190 • GETTYSBURG PA 17325 • 1 717 334-5594 • WWW.PROJECTGAIA.COM