Pratt Mark Lynn 1982 Japan

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Central Japan Christian Mission


Campus Ministry Address

CJCM Address

Forwarding Address

iyi4rk_& Lynn Pratt

Paul and Kathleen Pratt

Mary Lou Bauer

24o W, Elbert Sto

1210 Kamikasuya

Machida City

Isehara City

Tokyo 19^, JAPAN

Ph, 0427-91-4600

Kanagawa ken 259-11 JAPAN

Indianapolis, IN 46217
Ph. 317-787-6753

Ph. o64>95-1019
IMPORTANT: The post office will not forward mail
after one year. Please change your records, noting
BOTH the new campus ministry address and the new
forwarding address. Thank you!

Volume 26 March I9S2

Dear friends,

Lilah Scott arrived on January 10. She is busy teaching

Karis every morning. In the afternoons she is helping us

prepare new Sunday school materials and also material for

English Bible classes. These are projects we've been needing
to do for a long time; but there never seems to be any time
left after the regular work is finished.

Ldlah writes, " First of all, I want to thank all of you

who have helped in some way so that I could come and be Mark
and Lynn's assistant. I'm a retired teacher, on leave from
a social service job. I come from Florence Christian Church.
Florence is a small town on the coast of Oregon. Four of ray

five children live in that area, along with many grand

children and two greats. I have been widowed since 1973

"This is ray second short-term missionary journey to Japan.
In 1979-80 I spent eleven months with Julius and Virginia
Fleenor. I met Mark and Lynn at that time, and it's a real
blessing for me to be able to serve with them here at Machida.
"It wasn't hard for me to get oriented to the Orient this
time. Japan is becoming a second home to me. I'll admit the

How t^nafwj hours does

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'^or*cV\ ou+'
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Japanese apartment took a bit of getting used to; but I'm

grateful for rry own place to live, even if I can't carry on a
conversation with my neighbors."

Lilah also helps with laundry, cleaning, watching the kids.

She's a real go-getter of a great-grandma, and we're glad to
have her!


Some people have asked, "What does Lynn do?" "Does Lynn teach any
classes?" The answer to the latter question is, "No, she doesn't." The
reason is that after the following things are taken care of, there are
no more hours in the day. These jobs are done in addition to what is

expected of every wife and mother: Lynn does virtually all of the
correspondence for the mission as well as the financial records.
Having had experience in the editorial department of Standard Publish
ing, she is good at and enjoys doing the newsletter. Playing piano
for church and leading primary church every other week are also her
duties. For primary church she uses materials from a three-year course

she is putting together. When we get willing and able teachers, this
primary church can also become a full-fledged Sunday school.

Lynn is now involved in researching the Jehovah's Witness doctrine, a cult in Japan,

This has plunged her into a deep study of God'^ Word which has strengthened her own faith and
will surely be a great tool in future classes and Bible studies.

Other projects include helping me with music and material for camps and classes. All this

means that I have more time for church work andj teaching. We enjoy sharing the work load in
this way with each of us doing what he does best,

Our kids were playing "restaurant" the other
day, doing their ordering in Japanese, Cason

wanted to order a "fish burger" (he meant the

fish sandwich like MacDonald's sells). He
should have pronounced it "fee-shoo bah-gah".
But instead he said "foo-ree-shoo bah-gah".
To us that sounded like "foolish burger".
You may eat "humple pie" in the U.S., but
people living in a foreign country eat many
"foolish burgers" during their stay:
Like the time I was going to show a

Moody Science film at camp. I got my Japan

ese messed up and announced that we would see

a film about "flower pots that make honey", No

doubt the scientists would like to see that 1

Like the missionary wife who confused the

words "ninshin" and"hinjin". This difference

of two letters made a big difference in mean

A survey of Japanese young people taken at

a Christian youth conference a couple of years
ago revealed the following:

Of the total group, 75^ reported that

neither of their parents were Christians.
13/^ became Christians in jr. hi school
became Christians in sr. hi school

30;^ became Christians in college

ing.Instead of telling the nurse, "I think I'm

expecting," she said, "I think I'm a carrot,"
Like the time Lynn found a bunch of
gorgeous flowers outside the front door.
Assuming they were from a friend who owed us a

favor, she cut the flowers and placed them

decoratively around the house. Two hours later
the friend returned for his flowers. They were

for an important school project! He only left

them there temporarily so they wouldn't wilt in

Of the college students, only one had be

come a Christian during his last year. The

the hot car,

indication is that after sr, hi school, it

bus driver to let him off at 4th Street, but

said instead, " Please kill me at 4th Street!"

becomes increasingly difficult for students to

make a decision for Christ, We feel our work

with the young people is very important. It's

hard for them, especially considering their

Like the missionary who wanted to ask the


non-Christian homes. We're glad for our con

tact with the jr. hi here, because we have

longer to work with the kids before they leave


We cooperate with the camp program, believing

that the Christian camp experience is so


The 1981 financial reports f^r the campus

valuable to the young peeple, I am in charge of

camp the end of March, This means I decide on
the entire program, line up staff, order any

ffdnistry have been sent. Included in these is

materials, and handle publicity.

you did not receive one, please contact us.

Regarding church work, we need to start a

the building project financial report, too. If

We'll be glad to send you one.

class for new Christians one that will teach

them more about the Christian life and also

start preparing them for leadership. We are in

the planning stages for this class and others

Sincerely yours

and His,

we have in mind,In order to handle these new

classes, our schedule will have to undergo a

major overhaul. Pray that we'll have wisdom

when deciding what to drop from our agenda.

Mark and Lynn Pratt

^ JUN is j





Mark & Lynn Pratt

Paul & Kathleen Pratt

Mary Lou Bauer

3^0-5 Negishi

1210 Kamikasuya
Isehara City
Kanagawa ken 259-11
Ph. 0^63-95-1019

2^0 W. Elbert St.

Machida City

Tokyo 19^ Japan

Ph. Oil'27-91-4600

IN 46217
Ph. 317-787-6753

Volume 26, June I982

Dear friends,
I was in charge of camp March 29-April 1. In past camps I haven't been very
organized about recruiting help. This has resulted in my having too many re
sponsibilities myself, since I failed to assign tasks to other faculty members.
So this time I was determined to get it all togetherto get plenty of help
and spell out their duties so that I could just walk around with my clipboard
and look like a dean! Thanks to everyone's cooperation everything went quite
smoothly. In fact, I spent most of my time in bedwith the flu!
Stats on the camp: 4l campers; 12 faculty and staff; 6 visitors; 2 deci
sions for baptism. A third student was baptized later. And Satori, one of our
girls, restated her faith.. She has believed for some time now, but her parents
will not permit her baptism.


means^Kanto Evangelizing Asso-

sionaries in the Tokyo area. The men

Preparing tracts Steve

Bill Turner
Dave Cole, Dad Pratt, and
Dale Wilkinson
Fleenor me

Campers in the kitchen

plexes and 7 schools as well as

private homes. Immediate results are.

^ attending church here regularly; 6
requests for Bible and correspondence
coupe; _9 pp schpl stppts enrolled in Lilah's English-Bible

classes. (As an indirect response,

these 9 kids have brought 3 friends to

the classes.)


Harold Sims and Dad-'

counseling after
decision time at

It * s hard to believe that a year has passed since the new

building was dedicated (May 10, 198I). Regular services actually
in July. Since
time approximately
75 different people
iIItcB have
We tookthat
on Easter Sundaythought
like to know a little about some of the people who are attending.
Yuriko is a preacher's daughter. She comes here twice a
-v-# 11 month and plays piano for us (She's a piano teacher. ) She helps
|H \
/ at her
during the sermon time
every Sunday. At present there are 5 regular students. (On
16 we had 12 children, necessitating a frantic assembling
of extra craft materials? but that kind of problem is an enHH



joyable one!)

Lynn also prepares Communion every Sunday and

plays piano twice a month. Pictured are our Karis, Clinton,

and Cason with Nao and Noriko Sekinaga.


I plan and MC the service every Sunday in addition to preach-

ing. We order lunch carried in by a local restaurant; and

"^*^H whoever doesn't have to rush right home remains for an hour (or
Pictured in the back row arei Naokoattends faithfully, not
a Christian; Lilah--Lilah has cleaned the church every week;

I^HIHHHB Mr. Fujiwara--Obirin teacher, Christian; me;

Mr. Hasmi--

an English teacher, has attended church and Bible study at Dad's,

and now here, for years, but never made a decision.

Front rowi


camp write-up); Mari and Mamimembers, Obirin high school students; Naomi
Obirin student, not Christian; Kei--member, Obirin college student; Mrs. Seki
naga and Yot-chan--Christian lady who brings her 3 children faithfully.


A big thank-you to Lilah Scott for being our

assistant from January through May this year.
Lilah's main job was teaching Karis's third
grade. But she also helped in many other areas
of our work. Her most recent project was to

prepare material for and begin teaching 2

English-Bible classes. A total of 1? students

are enrolled. I plan to continue these |

( We ask for your (

/ continued

) encouragement

^ ^d support. ^ ^

Sincerely yoursand His

classes after Lilah leaves.

Mark and Lynn Pratt


Can you imagine what it would be like if there were only

11 churches to serve the 11 million people in Indiana, Ken
tucky, and Tennessee?
What if most of those people knew virtually nothing
about the Gospel?

What if the people were so steeped in a background of

Buddhism and Shinto that it was extremely difficult for
them to follow Jesus?

What if you had to learn a new language and culture

in order to help those people?

Well, that's the situation of church of Christ/

Christian church missionaries in Tokyo, Japanc The task
is enormous.

Mark and Lynn went to Japan in 1975 with a

burden for the youth there, Mark, a missionary

kid, grew up in Japan, He and Lynn (Lusby)

both graduated from Cincinnati Bible College,

At present their work includes:

Bible & English classes at Obirin Jr. Hi;

2 hi school English/Bible classes at church;

Bible & English classes at Obirin College;

College/Career fellowship hour at church;

Counseling, camps, youth meetings.

In addition to the student work, the Pratts

minister wi^ the Machida Church of Christ

which was started May, I98I, Average attend

ance one year later is about 15o

Other work includes helping with rallies,

evangelistic meetings, and tract distribution.

There is plenty of work to go around,


It costs twice as much to live in Japan

as in the U.S. The missionary must
support his family and finance a busy

evangelistic effort,

Living in a foreign country can vary

from being somewhat difficult to being an
outright ordeal. The missionary cannot
stay without the support of many




Field Address

Forwarding Aadress

340-5 Negishi

Rick & Lydia Coyle

c/o Hubert Lusby

Machida City

5557 Tallahassee

Rt. 1

Tokyo 194, Japan

Ph, 0427-91-^600

Cincinnati, OH 45239
Phc 51>585-9247

Furlough Address

Williamstown, KY 41097
Ph. 606-824-5552



P o

r u


OCT 2?

T e-gaai

(Paul's Epistle)



"The people which sat in darkness saw great light,.." Matt. ^:16

Japan Address

Campus Ministry

Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pratt

Mr. 8c Mrs. Mark Pratt

2kO W. Elbert St.,

1210 Kamikasuya,

3^-5 Negishi,

Indianapolis, Ind.,

Isehara City, Japan,

Machida City, Tokyo,



Tel. (317) 787-6753

Tel. {Ott63) 95-1019

Vol. XXV, No. 2, September, 1982

C.J.C.M. Staff (U.S.)



Tel. (0'*27) 91-'^600

Dear friends,

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pratt

Mr. 8- Mrs. Mark Pratt

P'oiwavdii.g Sec'y.
Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer
Recording Sec'y.

Mrs. Polly Wilkinson

Just 25 years ago this September Kathleen and ^ closed our ministry at

Vandalia, Michigan (now Pleasant View Church.! to enlist support for our go
ing to Japan.

Praise the Lord, of the 20 churches that stood behind us

with prayer and financial help 17 have continued faithfully until the pre
sent. Twelve others have joined them along the way. May God's richest be

upon each of you for such faithfulness. (Let me urge all that it is un-

Harold Akers

HarryBaue r-

Roger Burnliam
Ernie Wilkinson

thinkabl_e for any church to withdraw support from it's missionary wi'yiout
sufficient advance notice, and statement of the reason.)

It was a tremen

dous boost to us, too, to have had the faithful service of Polly Wilkinson

Sannobara Ch. of Christ

as our Forwarding Agent from the beginning for lb years. Her husband Ernie,

Isehara City, Japan

Roger Burnham and Harry Bauer have been serving as trustees for nearly that



Harold Akers was chosen as trustee in 197b.

Paul S. Pratt
Mark F. Pratt
Tadashi Sato

Yukiya Shiraokawa
Takeshi Takahashi
Michio 'Yamada
KatS'.imi Yamazaki

In our last Epistle we were expecting Lydia's family's arrival. What

a glad reunion we had with all five of our grandchildren and two of our own
children here,
celebrated our 3^th Wedding Anniversary together. Lydia
spoke twice to ladies groups, remembering her Japanese very well. Rick

spoke to both church groups thru an interpreter.

Together we enjoyed the

sights, one game of baseball and a day at the Sumo (wrestling) matches.
Yuichi N.akagawa returned from his training at Cincinnati Technical In
stitute. He will work for a computer company and assist us in setting up
our Christian video library. He recorded much of the Japan National Con
vention held at Kochi City, July 27-31st. Veteran missionary, Miss Vivian

Lemmon was honored on her 80th birthday and we remenisced with her about

her 50 faithful years in Japan.

God grant her still more souls.

August bth brought another baptism at Sannobara.

Hitoshi Nishiyama is

a young man of 23 years who graduated from college this spring. He works
at a big supermarket chain store one hour from Isehara. Bill Turner taught
him during his college days and we.had contact with him at three different
new Christian, Hitoshi

He has been taught, too, through our correspondence course.

One of the engineers in my English class has had emotional problems.

He travels the round-trip distance to Osaka and back (600 miles) twice _a
month learning what this certain religion calls, "How To Be A True Japanese"

He is taught that the soul is immediately behind the navel.

Since the na

vel has been attached to the mother, thru her one is closely tied to


On the other hand, I received some bits of wisdom from a lowly

farmer in our community. "Looking back on the war," he said, "it is as if

the entire nation of Japan were mad following the dictates of the national

istic war cabinet."

To this he added, "Compared to the sacrificing we


for the sake of that crazy war, we feel that what effort we are making for
our nation's progress and prosperity now, is like child's play."

Did vou know that...typhoon #10 produced the most total damage of any

to hit Japan (August 1, 1962) in the past 25 years?...Mark and Hideto


shli both spoke at this year's Japanese Convention at Kochi?... FundamenMiss Lemmon honored.

talists have at least four half-hour TV programs per week being shown

50 of her 30 years
have been in Japan.

the people chose Ch.ristianity as their religion?

many areas of Japan?...the Japanese government census revealed that 3%



Yuichi Nakagawa


Grandma & Lauren



Lauren & Lydia


Grandpa & Clinton

Rick Coyle


Feeling the need for a period of rest, I Lynn returned to Kentucky with the three children
in late May. A counsellor recently explained to her that she had experienced 'job burn out'. So,

Mark decided to join the family and take a_ furlough at this time.

Pray for them and their work.

I '

When your missionaries from a foreign country request your prayers there is a reason.


face pressures which you do not have, such as (1) different languages and customs, (2) the child

ren's education"^ (3) financial reports and tax terms. Add to these the responsibility of using
your money and our time wisely and the deep feeling oli' responsibility for the work now and for it's


We realize that we cannot do it ,in our icwn strength.

and sense of failure are enemies which we battle constantly.

Loneliness, homesickness, fatigue

Thus, we all are grateful' for your

constant prayers.

Recently the Sannobara Church purchased

new Canon 120 RE (reducing - enlarging) copier for

just over $1^00 and they are generously making i|t available to C.J.C.M. free of charge. For this
we are very thankful.

The Lord has been blessing the use of our Elibl'- Correspondence Course. Until recently it has
been used for betrinners. It is, however suitable ti'aining for young Christians and we are using
it more and more for tliaf purpose. Many are busy through the week or live a distance from church

and can't attend classes. We personally correctj'their answers when they come for services.
Harold & Neomia Akers, Hubert & Sadie Evelyn L)isby and possibly Mark will be tending the Cen

tral Japan Christian Mission booth at the NationjaL Missionary Convention in Lexington, Ky., Sept.
28 - Oct. 1, 1982. If you -can attend, drop by aril ray, "Hi".

a. . .

Central Japan Christian Mission Inc.
1919^ Helen St.



yiiii --.atlon

South Bend, Indiana, 46637




ction Requested

South Bend, Ind

Permit No. 316



i 2427


Laxittgton, KMtocky

Sept. 28-0<t.LI982










Rick and Lydia Coyle

c/o Hubert Lushy

Machida City

3357 Tallahassee

Rt. 1

Tokyo 194, Japan

Cincinnati, OH 45239
Ph. 51>385-9247

Williamstown, KY 41097

Pho 0427-91-4600

Ph. 606-824-5552

Volume 26, September 1982

decided she needed to go back to the States for a rest. The

kids went with her, and I was left alone to "batch it." The
months were lonely, but educational. Having to do everything
myself, I soon realized why Lynn felt she could no longer

handle 3 part-time jobs along with her wife/mother duties. I

was amazed to learn that dinners didn't automatically materialize at mealtimes; stunned that my belongings needed help finding their way back to their proper places; and appalled as the
stack of paperwork grew toward the ceiling. Wives everywhere,

A Christian man named Mr. Ono came to our church services for

the first time. He lives just 5 minutes away by bus and had
been attending a church farther away. He passed o\ir church as

he went to work every day and "wondered what it was like." He

has been coming every week now.

Dr. J. Lowell Lusby

Former President of Kentucky Christian College J. Lowell Lusby

visited with me for 3 days in July. He is a distant relative

of Lynn's; and although he didn't get to see her, the two of
us had a great time. He preached while I interpreted on Sunday


morning. It was good to have someone in the house again. He

even made the most delicious pancakes one morning. Thanks for

Prom the middle of July through the beginning of August, I had

3 camps. There were no formal decisions at these camps. But 3

girls from our chiorch attended a later camp and the 2 of them

who weren't Christians made decisions to accept Christ. Naoko

first started coming to Lilah's English/Bible class. We

'te"- m

' If

praise the Lord that the seeds Lilah has sown are bearing
fruit. However, Naoko's parents will not consent to her baptism. We hope you will all pray that Naoko will be allowed
to be baptized soon. The other girl, Mariko, has been taking
the correspondence course offered through the KEA. Her decision is a direct result of the KEA work (see article in last
newsletter: June '82). I have received word that Dad has

At the end of July I also attended the All Japan Church of

Christ Convention# I was privileged to be on the Japanese

part of the program, speaking on "A Second Generation Missionaryto the Glory of God." It was
thrilling to sit on stage next to Hideto Yoshii, a long-time friend who lived with us when I

was in high school. Then during the English (missionary) part of the program, we praised God
for allowing Miss Vivian Lemmon to live to see her 80th birthday and for her 50 years of
sejrvice in Japan.

ItLssionaries Martin Clark and EtheJ

Beckman congratulate Vivian Leiiimon

on 50 years in Japan

Rick and Lydia Coyle, with Shara and Lauren

In early August X got a letter from Lynn saying that she had "job burnout." This condition is
brought on by a prolonged period of unrelieved work stress. It seemed best for Lynn to have a
lengthy rest from her duties. So I decided to return to the States to revmite the family. We

will take our furlovigh now and are available for speaking through May, 1985*

Before I could leave Japan, several things had to be taken care of. I had to drop my classes
at Obirin jr. hi and college. I was a little uneasy about leaving the church, but everyone

cooperated wonderfully. Ity Dad, a retired preacher Mr. Kubota, Jon Sims, and Yuichi Nakagawa
are leading the services once a month each. For the 5th Sundays, I plan to tape a sermon and
send it from here. Please pray for the church while we are on this side of the ocean. Penny
Boggs, who had an internship with Harold Sims, plans to be in Japan sometime in October. She
will live in our house while she attends language school. This will help her and us, too.

Penny will continue with Lilah's English/Bible classes and the College/Career Fellowship

So we feel that things are pretty well taken care of.

My uncle and aunt, Harry and Mary Lou Bauer, have been our forwarding secretaries since be
fore we went to Japan in 1975 This is one of those jobs that consists of quite a bit of work
and not much material reward. We appreciate the Bauers contributing many long hours on behalf
of the Campus Ministry in Japan. Taking their place will be my sister and her husband, Lydia

and Rick Coyle. Lydia, like me, grew up in Japan. She and Rick have visited there twice in
recent years. So we are confident they can answer questions you may have about our work. Rick
and Lydia are active members at Highview Christian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rick works at
Federal Reserve Bankso if we run out of money, we'll know where to go!



1. Don't forget that the land loan is for 12 more years. We are

responsible for those p^mients of $600 per month. (Ity folks are
presently helping us on this.)
2. We had to borrow $9000 to finish the building and to sponsor

the Kentucky Sonshine evangelistic tour last year. We still have

$3000 left to pay on this.

3# Our financial situation is such that I'm still having to teach
English to make ends meet. (Our regular support has increased
ery little since 1975*) T would like very much to use these
hours for mission work.









y^5 Negishl

Rick and Lydla Coyle

3557 Tallahassee

e/o Hubert Lusby

Machida City-

Tokyo 194, Japan

Ph. 0427-91-*^^


Rt. 1

Williamstovm, KY 41097

Cincinnati, OH 45239
Ph. 51>385-9247


Ph. 606-824-5552
Volume 26, November 1982

Season's greetings to all of you who help us to minister in Japan by means of your prayers,
encouragement, and financial support! We are thankful for each of you.

The people at our Machida Church of Christ have written to us regularly since we left Japan.
Here is a sampling of what they've been telling us:

Mrs. Hata (works at deaf school): Today I brought

|Mari (high-schooler):
a man from Pakistan who teaches at a deaf school. I

He was so impressed with the family-type a-tmos- j

phere at the church . . . .

Rest assured that J

we want to continue faithfully in the worshio/

services here while you're gone.


Please tell Lynn

not to worry about the church and your

house. I pray every day 'Lynn get well

soon and all your family come back to^

^Japan soon.'

V^^ii (high-schooler): I wasn't able

^Mr. Pujihara (Obirin teacher): We are k I to come to church for 3 weeks and it

a great feeling to be back. It

1 praying for all the members of your 'II was
like you get a good heart\ family. . . . We pray your stay in >
\the States will be fruitful.^,....

cleansing. I hope all of you will

( hurry back. . .. God's will will

toe done. I sincerely believe it.

Although our main goal for this furlough is to get some much-needed rest, we are trying

to get aroiand to our contributing churches on Sundays. So far we have spoken at the River
Drive Christian Church and Bethel Christian Church in Irvine, KY; missions fair at Central
Christian Church, Carmel, IN; Western Hills Church of Christ, Cincinnati, OH; missions fair
at Church of Christ, Harrison, OH; Highview Christian Church, Cincinnati, OH; missions fair
at Lakeside Christian Church, Ft. Mitchell, KY; Southside Church of Christ, Falmouth, KY;
Milburn Blvd. Church of Christ, Mishawaka, IN. I was born in Mishawaka and consider Milburn

my "home church." Silver Grove Church of Christ, Silver Grove, KY; Antioch Church of
Christ, Corinth, KY; Montgomery Road Church of Christ, Cincinnati, OH, where I served as

youth minister for over 2 years; Christ's Church at Eastside Park, Butler, KY; and Unity
Christian Church, Cynthiana, KY. It's great to renew many old acquaintances and exciting
to see faith in Christ burning in the hearts of many young people.

We appreciate the hospitality shown to us by those who gave us a bed for the night and
meals when we have spoken at the churches. We*re also thankful for the free-will offerings

that so many have given above and beyond the regular support.

These help with our travel

expenses here. At Silver Grove it was good to hear the Quiggles reminisce about their
stay in Turkey when he was in the Air Force. They are some of the few people I know in
the States who enjoy eating squid. At Montgomery Road it was unbelievable to see one of
my former youth group kids married and carrying a newborn baby and uplifting to see her
husband serving at the Lord's table. Also there, "little Becky" who was in grade school
is now playing the piano for the morning services. Does that ever make you feel like
you're getting old!

It seems that when we are in Japan we are always on the giving side and don't get to take
much inspiritually speaking, I can't think how long it's been since I've heard a choir
concert. Lynn goes for months without hearing a sermon due to leading Primary Church every
week. So when we're in the States we enjoy chances to do a little "feasting." We attended
some of the National Missionary Convention in Lexington, KY. We were inspired by the

messages and the music and by meeting lots of other missionaries and interested friends.
The Cincinnati Bible Seminary's Conference on Evangelism was also a treat for us. Plus we
had the added bonus of meeting with about 25 members of our class of '72 for a reunion
dinner, I've been taking Dr. Cottrell's "Doctrine of Grace" classa great comprehensive

study of Romans 18. And Lynn has been making use of CBS library books for her research
on Jehovah's Witnesses.

All experiences of this nature are terrific for our spiritual

enrichment, getting us all fired up to go backito work in Japan.

Right after Christmas our family will be moving to spend one semester at Kentucky

Christian College in Grayson, KY. (We can still be contacted through the addresses on
this letter.) I have been asked to teach 2 missions classes: "Cross-Cultural Communica
tion" and "The Missionary's Personal Life and Problems." I told Prof. Gemeinhart that I
didn't think I could cover the topic of the missionary's problems in just one semester!
We will be living in a double-wide trailer right on campus. We're looking forward to

this new opportunity. But HiAY FOR KARIS AND CASON that they'll be able to easily
adjust to a new school. Up till now we've been living with Lynn's parents. We're thank

ful that, since we don't own a home, they've provided a place for us to come to. We'll
miss Granny and Papa's good cookin' and baby-sittin'.
This picture was taken from our front yard. The flat
dirt field you see may not look significant to you,

Thanks to Harold and Neomia Akers

(members of Milburn Blvd. Church in

but it is to us. This area is being made into a park

Mishawaka, IN)

ing lot for a supermarket.

for manning

We are relieved that it's

not going to be a high-rise apartment building] Let

our booth at

the sunshine in!

the National

Miss. Conv

Sincerely yoxars
and His,

-J -l. Jv:'..

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