Sigiriya Herbal Garden and Forest Archaeological site Archaeology Museum and Pidu-
Arboretum (SHG) rangala Archaeological Site
Sigiriya Herbal Garden was built and opened Halmilla Ihara
Vava Pidurangala Pidurangala Across the road from Pidurangala Rock
in 1994 as an additional attraction at the Si-
giriya World Heritage Site. Although small, all Vava Museum and Temple are the remains of a monas-
common medicinal plants indigenous to the Signboard for tic complex, whose earliest phase dates
Dry Zone are represented, and endangered Pidurangala to around 5th century AC. It is rather
and rare trees and plants can be seen. In ad- Pidurangala Temple compactly built, but all five major monas-
dition to the Herbal Garden is an arboretum- 3 tic elements are visible: the Bodhighara,
park of major Dry Zone trees. At its back is an Pidurangala image house, chapter house, stupa, and
undisturbed forest with nature trails, connected Rock the central mandapa or shrine.
to forests outside the park. Ihara Talkote
Vava If you go to Pidurangala, visit this monas-
Benches of all types are available along the tic complex for some quiet and peace.
walking trail. They are not well maintained, but
if you are exhausted after climbing up Sigiriya You do not need a ticket. There is also a
Rock, this is an ideal place to refresh yourself. small site museum run by the Archaeol-
[B-4] ogy Department nearby. [C-3]