IB Overview - BBI Specific
IB Overview - BBI Specific
IB Overview - BBI Specific
Who we Thinking
are Function -Considering opinions Commitment -making sense, develop understanding, make decisions, construct
knowledge, problem solve, ask questions, challenge ideas
-Thinking about thinking
How does it work?
Where we Using language, symbols and texts
are in
Social Skills Confidence -making meaning, communicating, produce texts, interpret, use
Causation -Accepting responsibility
language, use ICT
-Respecting others
place and Why is it like it is?
time -Resolving conflict Managing self
-Group decision-making -self-motivation, “can-do” attitude, self-assessment, making
Change -Adopting different roles goals, make plans, manage projects, set high standards, meet
How we How is it changing? Creativity challenges, follow others, act independently
express Communication
ourselves Connection Skills Relating to others
How is it connected -Listening, reading, Curiosity -interacting effectively, listening, respect points of view,
How the viewing negotiate, share ideas, open to new learning, working effectively
to other things? -Speaking, writing, together
world presenting
works Perspective -Non-verbal Participating and contributing
What are the points -being actively involved, communities, contributing in groups,
How we of view? Self-management Enthusiasm making connections with others, sense of belonging, sustaining
organise Skills
What is our
-Controlling my body
-Spatial awareness Independence Learner Profile
Sharing responsibility? -Time management
the planet -Being safe and healthy Integrity Inquirers Knowledgeable
Reflection -Behaviour
How do we know? -Making good choices
Thinkers Communicators
Research Skills Respect
-Creating questions
Principled Open-minded
-Collecting and
interpreting Caring Risk-takers
-Presenting findings
Balanced Reflective