Unit 1 Notes
Unit 1 Notes
Unit 1 Notes
3) Individuals who approach ethics from this perspective feel that ethical business practices are the ones
that make most money.
Stakeholder perspective
1) Corporate social responsibility is often used in discussions on business ethics.
2) Companies should consider the needs & interests of multiple stakeholder groups.
3) Individuals and group affect or affected by companys actions and decisions.
Shareholders are stakeholders, they are not the only ones who fall under the definition of stakeholder.
Stakeholders: employees, suppliers, customers, competitors, gov.agencies the news media, community
residents and others
Normative Ethics-concerns how people ought to act.
Descriptive Ethics-how people are actually acting.
Is business ethics necessary?
Business needs policying because it is dirty enterprise featuring people who get ahead by being selfish
Successful business work well to enrich society, and business ethicists are interfering and annoying scolds
threatening to ruin our economic welfare.
1.2 Theories of Duties and Rights: Traditional Tools for Making Decisions in Business
If the means justify the ends if you should follow the rules no matter the consequences then when
the agents ask Lepp point blank whether he is selling the medicine, the ethical action is to admit it. He
should tell the truth even though that will mean the end of his business.
if the ends justify the means if your ethical interest focuses on the consequences of an act instead of
what you actually do then the ethics change. If there is a law forcing people to suffer unnecessarily, it
should be broken. And when the agents ask him whether he is selling, he is going to have an ethical
reason to lie.
Duties to ourselves
Begins with our responsibility to develop our abilities and talents.
Duties-Duties to others
Avoid wronging others
Honesty duty to tell the truth
Respect others
Beneficence duty to promote the welfare of others
Gratitude duty to thank those who help you
Fidelty duty to keep our promises
Reparation duty to compensate others
Treating equals equally and unequals unequally
Fairness does not mean everyone gets the same treatment: it means the rules for treating people must be
applied equally
Impartiality the rule of no exception
Modern fairness: Rawls
A veil of ignorance
As a way of testing fairness, especially with respect to the distribution of wealth
Rawls proposed that we try to re-imagine society without knowing what our place in it would be.
Is the idea that when you set up rules, you do not get to know beforehand where you will fall inside them,
which is going to force you to construct things in a way that is really balanced and fair.
Consequentialists. They do not care so much about your act; they want to know about the
consequences. Consequentialists will want to know about the effects.
Utilitarianism: The greater good
Apparent injustice
The utilitarian monster
The utilitarian sacrifice
An action is morally right if the actions consequences are more beneficial than unfavourable for
everyone except the person who acts.
Eg Mother Theresa, Gandhi
Rules of altruism
Hard questions faced by altruist:
The happiness definition what counts as happiness?
The happiness measure how can it be measured?
The happiness foresight are recipients going to be happier overall?
Altruism: advantages & disadvantages
Clarity and simplicity
Uncertainty about the happiness of others
Shortchanging yourself.
Egoism: Just me
Ethical egoism
Whatever action serves my self-interest is also morally right action.
Egoism means putting your welfare above others while selfishness is refusal to see beyond
Enlightened egoism, cause egoism, the invisible hand
Enlightened egoism
The conviction that benefitting others acting to increase their happiness
Cause egoism
Works from the idea that giving the appearance of helping others is a promising way to advance
my own interest in biz.
Invisible hand
The force of the marketplace competition, which encourages individuals to make money for a
better life
Rules of egoism
Cultural ethics
Cultural ethics embrace the idea that moral doctrines are just the rules a community
believes, and they accept that there is no way to prove our societys values are better than
Right and wrong in the business world is nothing more than what is commonly
considered right and wrong in a specific community.
Cultural ethics: advantage & drawback
Allows people to be respectful of others and their culture
Explicitly acknowledges that there is no way to compare one culture against
another as better or worse.
adapts well to contemporary reality
It does not leave any clear paths to make things better
It provides few routes to resolving conflicts within a society
Virtue theory
The idea that people who are good will do the good and right thing, regardless of the
circumstances: whether they are at home or abroad.
The idea that we can and should instill those qualities in people and then let them go out
into the complex business world confident that they will face dilemmas well.
Virtues and Vices
Virtue ethics: advantage & drawback
Confidence that the virtuous will be equipped to manage unforceable moral
dilemmas in unfamiliar circumstances.
Lack of specificity
Theory does not allow clear, yes or no responses to specific problems.
Discourse Ethics
1. Define the stakeholders
The search for solution opens the door all the way. Everything is on the table.
Everything is on the table.
For every ethical dilemma faced, you have to start over.
Ethics of care
The basic question is not about yourself
Focus of moral regulation from the individual to networks of social relationships
Ethics of care: advantages & drawbacks
It can cohere
It humanizes
It allows
Threatens to devolved into tribalism