BYTF2008 Programme
BYTF2008 Programme
BYTF2008 Programme
Welcome to BYTF! 3
New for 2008 4
Performances 5
Workshops 12
Artists 18
Youth Theatres 21
About NAYT 27
Site Map 28
Jill Adamson
Chief Executive
New for 2008!
See the event timetable for details on when these events will take place
Some performances may be unsuitable for younger youth theatre members.
Leaders are advised to use their discretion.
Shank CYTO
A fifteen year old school boy is stabbed to death on a tram rammed with passengers.
Did anyone see anything? Will anyone speak up? As those passively involved pass the
buck and look the other way, we the audience bear witness to an urban tragedy which
is being played out on our streets right now.
Some performances may be unsuitable for younger youth theatre members.
Leaders are advised to use their discretion.
Untrodden Footsteps
Cloudbreak Studios/York Theatre Royal Youth Theatre
A unique production devised and rehearsed in two cities over six thousand miles apart.
Performed by a cast of British and Malaysian actors. Untrodden Footsteps is an
experiment, an exploration, an adventure, a beginning.
All workshops are for young people only unless stated otherwise.
Key to symbols
Working towards a performance (not compulsory)
Very physical
All workshops are for young people only unless stated otherwise.
All workshops are for young people only unless stated otherwise.
(see timetable)
Lantern Making
If you fancy a break from performing why not drop in and make a lantern to light up
the camp fire circle for the grand celebration event The Big Sing on Saturday evening!
All workshops are for young people only unless stated otherwise.
(see timetable)
Roger Hill is President of NAYT and was Live Theatre is one of the leading new
founding chairman of the organisation writing theatres based in Newcastle-upon-
when it started in 1982. He lectured for Tyne. Amy Golding is Resident Drama
seven years at the Liverpool Institute of Worker at the theatre. She is currently
Performing Arts as part of the Community directing a piece of young people’s
Arts Department. As an arts consultant he theatre based on the Angel of the North
has worked for Arts Council England, the by Shaun Prendergast. Amy has been
Council of Europe and many overseas involved in a number of projects at Live
bodies, producing several influential Theatre including a young writers’ project
reports on arts development and young for 9-10 year olds, devised, scripted and
people. Roger currently works as a live site specific pieces and collaborations
artist with residencies at the Liverpool with companies such as Northern Stage,
Bluecoat Arts Centre and the Cable RSC Learning and Seven Stories.
Factory in Helsinki in his portfolio,
alongside his continuing theatre and Tony McBride is a theatre director with a
consultancy work. He also presents the
reputation as one of the country’s leading
longest-running alternative music
social inclusion and participative arts
programme on UK local radio.
workers. Tony specialises in the
techniques of forum theatre and using
JSS Audio offers a wide range of
theatre and the arts for personal and
professional audio services. From pubs
social development. Above all, Tony has
and small venues to 25,000 capacity
worked with a view to making theatre,
stadiums, from corporate work to big
and the theatre making process itself,
name pop and rock. They have the right
accessible to unconventional audiences
equipment and the right people.
and participants. He is currently working
Pete Lawson is an acclaimed playwright with Leicester Haymarket, Lyric and
Contact Theatres to develop a major
and screenwriter, with eighteen years
project linking young offenders into
experience of creating work for adults
regional theatre projects.
and young people. His plays have been
produced at the Plymouth Theatre Royal,
Nottingham Playhouse, The Haymarket The Paper Birds is an all female
Basingstoke, The Royal National Theatre collective based in Leeds. The company
Studio, Soho Theatre, Chelsea Theatre, formed in 2003 when The Paper Birds
the Nuffield Southampton, and BBC Radio took its first production A Smile Fell in
4. For BBC One he created and wrote the the Grass to The Sunday Times National
comedy drama series Being April, and the Student Drama Festival. Since then The
screenplay Drive, for ITV he wrote the Paper Birds have co-written a television
comedy Sweet. He has written episodes of show for the BBC, completed national
Casualty, London Bridge and Night and tours of the company’s acclaimed In a
Day. Pete currently has two plays on tour Month of Fallen Sundays (2004)
with Pyramid Theatre Company, is Accidentally Waiting to Happen (2006)
developing a new series for BBC One and and 40 Feathered Winks (2007) and
is part of the writing team on EastEnders. performed at a number of festivals
He greatly enjoys helping new writers including the BBC’s Northern Exposure
develop their work and find their voices, Festival, Bristol Old Vic’s Mayfest, Mean
and has run writing workshops for all Fiddler’s Latitude, the Edinburgh Fringe
ages and all abilities. Festival and the Prague Fringe Festival.
Pilot Theatre is based at York Theatre Nominated Blast for BBC Radio 4.
Royal, where the 10th anniversary tour of Technical Stage Services was formed in
the award-winning Lord of the Flies opens 2002 and serves the technical
in September 2008. Alongside touring requirements of the entertainment
productions it runs workshops in schools, industry in dynamic and innovative ways.
so that students can try out the TSS can provide everything for the live
performance techniques the actors use on events industry. From equipment hire and
stage. Pilot also takes part in sales, system design and installation, full
international theatre projects, including event production and rigging to video
youth exchanges and co-productions. production and advice.
Visit the Pilot website at www.pilot- or find them on Facebook Unpacked was formed in 2004. The
and MySpace. company tells darkly comedic stories,
using high-octane physicality, new
Promote YT (Scotland) is the national writing, object animation and a distinctive
network and development agency for puppetry aesthetic. The five core
youth theatres in Scotland. Promote YT members met and trained at the Central
provides information services, networking School of Speech and Drama. Funeral
opportunities, training and advocacy as Games toured the UK this spring and will
well as producing Scotland’s annual do so again in the autumn. Unpacked’s
National Festival of Youth Theatre. other shows include The Fourth Violin from the Left and No Obvious Trauma,
which is touring to Poland and Scotland
Ian Stapleton is a stage combat teacher this year. Unpacked is currently working
and fight director with lots of experience on children’s shows called Jumping
of working with youth groups and Mouse and Pip.
schools. He is the stage combat tutor for
Mountview, LIPA and until recently Yellow Earth Theatre Liya Wu is the
Bretton Hall. Ian has trained fighters for assistant director for Yellow Earth
the Royal Armouries and Jorvik Viking Theatre’s Running the Silk Road
Centre and has directed fights in many production. She trained at LISPA (London)
professional theatres. and has worked internationally as a
drama workshop facilitator and
Ivan Stott has worked professionally in performer. Now concentrating on writing
theatre for 20 years predominantly as a and directing, Liya’s plays include Mr
composer/sound designer. His recent Whippendale (selected by the English
work includes soundtracks for Edward Theatre of Bruges to perform in Belgium)
Bond’s The Children (Dundee Rep), and Cherry or Burgundy? Before coming
Fungus the Bogeyman (ArtsDepot, London to London Liya was a journalist reporting
and national tour 2008), The Little on CCTV cameras in Taiwan where she
Mermaid (Honolulu Theater for Youth, also co-directed a documentary, Lu Man-
Hawaii, USA), Death of a Salesman Mei, about the Taiwanese Comfort
(Octagon Bolton) and Whiter Than Snow Women captured by the Japanese army
(Graeae/Birmingham Rep). Ivan has during the War.
facilitated work with young people all
over the UK and in Romania and Japan. He Photography BYTF 2008 photography
composed the music for the Sony Award will be by Pete Byrne.
Youth Theatres
The ACTAS Company is based in Weald Bristol Old Vic Young Company works
and takes new members from the Act 2 with over 400 young people aged 7-21 a
Academy of Performing Arts and others week, who are excited about theatre and
aged 15 plus. They appeared at the curious to find out more. Weekly
Edinburgh Festival last year with great workshops teach skills and experiment
success after first playing at BYTF! Tel. with ideas, while regular productions
01732 463293. Email challenge them to perform for real in an
exciting professional environment. Tel.
Anna Fiorentini Theatre & Film School 0117 949 3993. Email education@bristol-
provides weekly workshops taught by
leading industry professionals. Many
students have appeared on TV, film and Broadway Youth Theatre (BYTe) has
theatre. In September 2008 its youth been running for over two years,
theatre will open for 18-24 year olds. introducing young people from Barking
Website Tel. 020 and beyond to the wonderful world of
7682 1403. Email theatre. It has over 100 members aged 6-
ARClub is based at ARC, Stockton’s arts 21 and produces two full-scale
venue. Now in its fifth year, this group of productions a year. Tel. 020 8507 5606.
40 13-16 year olds provide all the ideas Email
and take it in the direction they want to
go in. So far they have covered acting, Brunshaw Action Group was set up in
dancing, script writing, film making and 2000 as an independent voluntary
have even staged a pantomime every organisation setup by residents in
Christmas since 2004. Tel. 01642 conjunction with Lancashire Constabulary
525183. Email to offer young people activities and to
bring different communities together. Tel.
Arts Labyrinth is a group providing 01282 715400. Email
opportunities in leisure, entertainment
and performing arts. Its members enter
festivals, participate in community Burnley Youth Theatre provides arts
productions, provide entertainment opportunities for young people aged 5-
across Essex/East Anglia, run holiday 25. Its programme includes cross art
schools and train young people in form workshops, performances and
stagecraft. Tel. 01702 232289. Email exhibitions and projects for hard to reach young people and projects in schools.
The ARROW group, Burnley is part of the
Barnsley Youth Theatre aims to give
ARROW (ART: a Resource for
young people the opportunity to perform
Reconciliation Over the World), a
a range of theatrical styles and to various
community arts group that explores
audiences. The emphasis is on having fun
conflict reduction, community cohesion
whilst learning and performing. Tel.
and the celebration of understanding. Tel.
01226 291525. Email
01282 427767. Email
Brighton Youth Theatre runs Burton Youth Theatre aims to provide a
workshops for young people aged 11-18. worthwhile opportunity for young people
Much of the work is devised by members to gain experience in the disciplines of
and it has just celebrated its anniversary. drama and musical theatre. Email
Youth Theatres
Calderdale Theatre School is based in Conquest Youth Theatre is a vibrant
Halifax and open to young people aged and adventurous youth theatre based at
11-19 from all over Calderdale. 2008 is Bromyard in rural Herefordshire.
its 40th anniversary. Staffed by a mix of Dedicated to exploring new plays,
professional actors and drama teachers, devised works and different modes of
CTS provides skills workshops and performance, this is their third BYTF! Tel.
performance opportunities for its 85 01885 490571. Email youth@conquest-
members throughout the year. Tel. 01422
843505. Email
Youth Theatres
Dundee Rep Youth Theatre has over Grays Youth Theatre is a young
180 young people aged 5-25 attending company established in March 2007. It
every week to take part in workshops and has so far devised all of its work; with
work towards performances on the Rep We’ll Meet Again - a play set in the Second
main stage and elsewhere. The youth World War - shown in December 2007.
theatre is open access, free to attend and Grays like to use mask and physical
part of the Rep Creative Learning theatre in their storytelling, and look
Programme. Tel. 01382 342660. Email forward to sharing their work at BYTF. Tel. 01375 411814. Email
Ego Performance Company always
seeks to create new work that is led by its Halewood Youth Theatre is a
members, exploring ideas, pushing their Merseyside based group. It meets on a
imagination, taking risks and producing weekly basis and has an exciting
theatre to be proud of. Email programme of performances, outings, residentials and workshops. They are
currently working on their own adaptation
EIL is a group of young people from the of John Wyndham’s The Chrysalids. Tel.
USA interested in theatre and how it 0151 443 5618. Email
impacts on British culture. They didn’t
know each other before arriving in the UK
Hazlitt Youth Theatre celebrated its
and have put their performance together
tenth birthday in 2007 and is going from
in two weeks! Tel. 01684 562577. Email
strength to strength. It caters for 6-18s
and is run from a professional theatre
Forest Forge Youth Theatre is based in based in the heart of Kent. HYT deliver 6-
10 productions annually ranging from
the New Forest and encourages young
new writing to full scale musicals. Tel.
people aged 6-21 to participate in weekly
01622 686958. Email
workshops and performances. In
2006/07 they performed site-specific
Halloween stories, a Christmas poem, It’s Our Theatre is from Norfolk. Its
Metamorphosis, Faust, street theatre and members came together as participants in
BYTF. They are very excited about their a project run by Theatre Is, funded by
third outing to BYTF. Tel. 01425 470188. Arts Council England’s Young People’s
Email Participatory Theatre initiative. Working
with artists from Throwdown, they fuse
Fusion Youth Theatre is a multi-award
elements of hip hop, theatre and their
winning drama group for young people in
own talents to create a unique style! Tel.
north east Lincolnshire. FYT provides
01707 281100. Email
weekly workshops and regular projects
including an annual summer school. The
group explore a variety of art forms and Jackass Youth Theatre was born in the
no child is excluded for financial reasons. last month of the last century. Now most
The group has recently returned from of the Jackass babies have grown up but
Ghana where they performed live on new ones have arrived. The grown-up
African TV and are set to visit Japan in ones won’t leave! They are not really
2009! Tel. 01652 662052. Email grown up at all! Tel. 01388 730574. Email
Youth Theatres
Library Theatre Company is one of the New Vic Youth Theatre is attached to
North West’s leading producing theatres, the New Vic Theatre in Newcastle-under-
made up of young people aged 5-18 from Lyme. It involves 140 young people aged
across Manchester. Its young people’s 10-18 and focuses on all aspects of
company is an integral part of the theatre making. Young people are given
programme. Tel. 0161 234 1913. Email the chance to learn about backstage work and groups regularly present youth
theatre productions in one of the New Vic
Lyme Youth Theatre began three years performance spaces. Tel. 01782 717954 ext.
ago in a galaxy far away (Dorset). LYT has 323. Email
doubled in size since last year, giving
more enthusiastic young people the Oldham Theatre Workshop is a
chance to explore theatre and develop creative, inclusive and quality drama
their skills. Last year only two members resource contributing to the personal and
could come to BYTF - watch out for them social development of young people and
this year! Tel. 01297 442394. Email the community in Oldham. It provides a wide range of drama and theatre related
workshops for young people aged 6-25
Manx National Youth Theatre is an and opportunities to perform in major
energetic and creative group of young theatre productions. Tel. 0161 770 3241.
people aged 8-21 who are developing Email
their craft including singing, dancing,
acting, theatre skills and all related areas. Open Door Youth Theatre is for young
Fun and frantic! Email people aged 10-21, interested in all aspects of theatre and performing.
Although young, this is a lively, energetic
Momentous Youth Theatre is one of and supportive group who have
Nottingham Playhouse’s youth theatre completed some exciting projects. Tel.
groups. Its last performance was Find Me 01629 540612. Email
by Olwyn Wymarkin in April on the
Playhouse main stage. Young people are
tutor selected to be in Momentous from
Orpheus Centre is a residential
its four satellite youth theatre groups. performing arts centre for young disabled
Tel. 0115 873 6231. Email people with physical and/or sensory impairments. It doesn’t set out to train its
apprentices to be actors, singers or
NewVIc Theatre Ensemble is a group of musicians. Tutors use their passion for
young, multi-talented actors from the performing arts to teach life skills and
Newham Sixth Form College (NewVIc) in improve self knowledge, self-confidence
East London. Under the direction of Ray and teamwork. Tel. 01883 744664.
Downing, the ensemble creates devised
Peshkar (Hamara Ayna) is for young,
and collaborative theatre in a supportive
South Asian women to develop skills in
atmosphere whilst preparing young
acting, writing, directing, marketing and
actors for professional training. NewVIc
physical performance. They meet on a
has a reputation in creative arts for its
weekly basis to transform their stories
innovative approach to partnerships,
into exciting and innovative
professionalism and integral work. Tel.
performances. Tel. 0161 620 4284. Email
020 7473 4110. Email
Youth Theatres
Play on Words Youth Theatre meets on Stephen Joseph Youth Theatre is a
a weekly basis to learn new skills, mix 200 strong company of young people
with different people and have fun! Email aged 8-25 from all over Scarborough. This multi-skilled group of young
performers takes part in weekly
Quaker Youth Theatre (The Leaveners) performance workshops and regular
runs drama and music residential projects productions throughout the year. Most of
for young people from all over Britain and the work is newly commissioned, in line
beyond. The Leaveners consist of the with the SJT new writing ethos. This
Quaker Youth Theatre, Quaker Music makes for innovative and exciting
Makers and Words, Signs & Vibes (for performances in both theatre spaces and
deaf and hearing young people). Tel. outdoor venues. Tel. 01723 370540.
0121 414 0099. Email Email Swan Youth Centre is a place for young
people to meet and take part in a variety
Riding Lights Youth Theatre’s motto is of organised activities and events. The
“theatre gets everyone”. They hope to drama group meet every week to devise a
make this come true by creating physical, piece of theatre. This is their second
emotional and entertaining drama. performance at BYTF. Tel. 01442 384349.
Members stage productions, devise their Email
own work and learn the dramatic skills
required to create high quality, powerful Talisman Youth Theatre is a young
theatre. Tel. 01904 655317. Email community youth theatre for young people aged 9-16 based at an amateur
theatre in Kenilworth. Their most recent
Shakeybill Theatre School and Torbay performance was a specially written
Youth Service have collaborated to make production of Dracula in March. Tel
theatre skills and performance more 01926 511922. Email
accessible to all young people. Having
performed for friends, family and locals Theatre for Change is a network of
at the end of last summer, a small group youth theatres which works with young
prepared and performed as part of the people in their communities making
National Delay Campaign on sex and theatre which comes from their
relationships to over 70 young people. experience as young people. Tel. 0113
Tel. 01803 208104. 307 0905. Email
Arts Centre
Vane Terrace