Project - Future and Options
Project - Future and Options
Project - Future and Options
I, Dominic Anupam Sarkar, hereby declare that this dissertation titled as Future
& Option market, is my original work under the guidance of Prof. Binita
Mukherjee towards partial fulfillment of the requirements for the PGPBM course
of International School of Business & Media. This report has not been submitted
earlier for the award of Degree/Diploma/Programme by any other University/Bschool.
(Signature of Student)
Page No.
The trading on the stock exchange is an online process.
NSE introduced a nationwide online fully automated screen based trading system
(SBTS or Terminal). There are 19 stock exchanges all across India. NSE became
the leading stock exchange in the country, impacting the fortune of other stock
exchanges and forcing them to adopt screen based trading system. Almost 100% of
trading takes place through electronic order matching. It provides full anonymity
by accepting orders, big or small form without revealing their identity, thus
providing the equal access to everybody.
The trading member has the facility of defining hierarchy among its users of NEAT
system (National Exchange For Automated Trading). The hierarchy comprises of
The system is normally made available for the trading on all days except Saturdays
and Sundays and other holidays approved by the exchange.
1. Opening the trading members perform the following certain activities after
login to the NEAT system.
a. Setup market watch
b. Viewing inquiry screen
However at the point of time when the market is opening, the trading members
cannot login. He / She cannot perform the trading activities till the market is
2. Open Phase the phase is signified by the start of trading. It allows all the
securities to be opened. During this phase the orders are matched on
Title Bar it displays trading system i.e. NEAT, the data and the current
Ticker Window it displays information on all trades in the system as and
when it takes place. Securities in ticker can be selected for each market type.
On the extreme right of the ticker is the on-line index window that displays
the index value of NSE indices namely
S&P CNX Nifty, S&P CNX
Defty, CNX IT, Bank Nifty, etc. the users can scroll within these and view
the index value respectively.
Tool Bar it has many functional buttons which can be used with the mouse
for quick access to various functions such as Buy Order Entry, Sell Order
Entry, Market By Price (MBP), Activity Log (AL), Order Status (OS),
Market Watch (MW), Snap Quote (SQ), Market Movement (MM), Market
Inquiry (MI), Auction Enquiry (AE), Order Modification (OM), Order
Cancellation (OCXL), Security List, Net Position, On-Line Backup,
Supplementary Menu, Index Inquiry, Index Broadcast And Help.
Market Watch Window it displays trading information for the selected
Inquiry Window this screen enables the user to view information such as
MBP, PT, OO, AC, etc.
Snap Quote it allows a trading member to get instantaneous market
information on any desired security.
Order/Trade Window allows the user to enter/modify/cancel orders.
Message Window it enables the user to view messages broadcast by the
exchange such as corporate auctions, any market news, auction related
In any kind of capital market two conditions occurs which are as follows
1. Buyers want to buy at low price
2. Seller wants to sell at high price
* 100
Last Traded
Average Traded (AT) = high + low
Volatility - risk in financial markets is the likelihood of fluctuations in the
exchange rate of currencies. Therefore, it is a probability measure of the
thread; an exchange rate movement is to an investors portfolio in a foreign
Market Cap = Share Price * no. of shares outstanding
Cash Market
Future Market
Minimum 1 Share
Time Period
Not Defined
Delivery settled
Cash settled
The futures market is a centralized marketplace for buyers and sellers from around
the world who meet and enter into futures contracts. Pricing can be based on an
open cry system, or bids and offers can be matched electronically. The futures
contract will state the price that will be paid and the date of delivery.
A futures contract is an agreement between two parties: a short position - the party
who agrees to deliver and a long position - the party who agrees to receive.
The profits and losses of a futures contract depend on the daily movements of the
market for that contract and are calculated on a daily basis. For example, say the
futures contracts for wheat increases to $5 per bushel the day after the above
farmer and bread maker enter into their futures contract of $4 per bushel. The
farmer, as the holder of the short position, has lost $1 per bushel because the
selling price just increased from the future price at which he is obliged to sell his
wheat. The bread maker, as the long position, has profited by $1 per bushel
because the price he is obliged to pay is less than what the rest of the market is
obliged to pay in the future for wheat.
On the day the change occurs, the farmer's account is debited $5,000 ($1 per
bushel X 5,000 bushels) and the bread maker's account is credited by $5,000 ($1
per bushel X 5,000 bushels). As the market moves every day, these kinds of
adjustments are made accordingly. Unlike the stock market, futures positions are
settled on a daily basis, which means that gains and losses from a day's trading are
deducted or credited to a person's account each day. In the stock market, the capital
gains or losses from movements in price aren't realized until the investor decides to
sell the stock or cover his or her short position.
As the accounts of the parties in futures contracts are adjusted every day, most
transactions in the futures market are settled in cash, and the actual physical
commodity is bought or sold in the cash market. Prices in the cash and futures
market tend to move parallel to one another, and when a futures contract expires,
the prices merge into one price. So on the date either party decides to close out
their futures position, the contract will be settled. If the contract was settled at $5
per bushel, the farmer would lose $5,000 on the futures contract and the bread
maker would have made $5,000 on the contract.
But after the settlement of the futures contract, the bread maker still needs wheat to
make bread, so he will in actuality buy his wheat in the cash market (or from a
wheat pool) for $5 per bushel (a total of $25,000) because that's the price of wheat
in the cash market when he closes out his contract. However, technically, the bread
maker's futures profits of $5,000 go towards his purchase, which means he still
pays his locked-in price of $4 per bushel ($25,000 - $5,000 = $20,000). The
farmer, after also closing out the contract, can sell his wheat on the cash market at
$5 per bushel but because of his losses from the futures contract with the bread
maker, the farmer still actually receives only $4 per bushel. In other words, the
farmer's loss in the futures contract is offset by the higher selling price in the cash
market - this is referred to as hedging.
Now that you see that a futures contract is really more like a financial position, you
can also see that the two parties in the wheat futures contract discussed above
could be two speculators rather than a farmer and a bread maker. In such a case,
the short speculator would simply have lost $5,000 while the long speculator
would have gained that amount. In other words, neither would have to go to the
cash market to buy or sell the commodity after the contract expires.)
Economic Importance of the Futures Market
Because the futures market is both highly active and central to the global
marketplace, it's a good source for vital market information and sentiment
Price Discovery - Due to its highly competitive nature, the futures market has
become an important economic tool to determine prices based on today's and
tomorrows estimated amount of supply and demand. Futures market prices depend
on a continuous flow of information from around the world and thus require a high
amount of transparency. Factors such as weather, war, debt default, refugee
displacement, land reclamation and deforestation can all have a major effect on
supply and demand and, as a result, the present and future price of a commodity.
This kind of information and the way people absorb it constantly changes the price
of a commodity. This process is known as price discovery.
Risk Reduction - Futures markets are also a place for people to reduce risk when
making purchases. Risks are reduced because the price is pre-set, therefore letting
participants know how much they will need to buy or sell. This helps reduce the
ultimate cost to the retail buyer because with less risk there is less of a chance that
manufacturers will jack up prices to make up for profit losses in the cash market.
contract (one contract is equivalent to 1,000 barrels) at $25 per barrel, for a total
value of $25,000.
By March, the price of oil had reached $20 per barrel and Sara felt it was time to
cash in on her profits. As such, she bought back the contract which was valued at
$20,000. By going short, Sara made a profit of $5,000! But again, if Sara's research
had not been thorough, and she had made a different decision, her strategy could
have ended in a big loss.
As you can see, going long and going short are positions that basically involve the
buying or selling of a contract now in order to take advantage of rising or declining
prices in the future. Another common strategy used by futures traders is called
Spreads involve taking advantage of the price difference between two different
contracts of the same commodity. Spreading is considered to be one of the most
conservative forms of trading in the futures market because it is much safer than
the trading of long/short (naked) futures contracts.
There are many different types of spreads, including:
Calendar Spread - This involves the simultaneous purchase and sale of
two futures of the same type, having the same price, but different delivery
Intermarket Spread - Here the investor, with contracts of the same
month, goes long in one market and short in another market. For example,
the investor may take Short June Wheat and Long June Pork Bellies.
Inter-Exchange Spread - This is any type of spread in which each
position is created in different futures exchanges. For example, the investor
may create a position in the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) and the
London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE).
This versatility, however, does not come without its costs. Options are complex
securities and can be extremely risky.
Option trading involves risk, especially if you don't know what you are doing.
Because of this, many people suggest you steer clear of options and forget their
On the other hand, being ignorant of any type of investment places you in a weak
position. Perhaps the speculative nature of options doesn't fit your style. No
problem - then don't speculate in options. But, before you decide not to invest in
options, you should understand them. Not learning how options function is as
dangerous as jumping right in: without knowing about options you would not only
forfeit having another item in your investing toolbox but also lose insight into the
workings of some of the world's largest corporations. Whether it is to hedge the
risk of foreign-exchange transactions or to give employees ownership in the form
of stock options, most multi-nationals today use options in some form or another.
Option Market
Definition - An option is a contract that gives the buyer the right, but not the
obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a specific price on or before a
certain date. An option, just like a stock or bond, is a security. It is also a binding
contract with strictly defined terms and properties. Options are traded only on
Types of Options
Call Option
A call gives the holder the right to buy at a certain price within a specific period of
time. Calls are similar to having a long position on a stock. Buyers of calls hope
that the stock will increase substantially before the option expires.
This has direct relationship with cash market i.e. if the price of the share traded
goes up in the cash market one earns profit here.
Put Option
A put gives the holder the right to sell (no obligation) at a certain price within a
specific period of time. Puts are very similar to having a short position on a stock.
Buyers of puts hope that the price of the stock will fall before the option expires.
This has the indirect relationship with the cash market i.e. if the price of the share
traded goes down in cash market one earns profit here.
Exercise Date
The date at which the option is exercised
Strike Price
At the time of entering into the contract, the parties agree upon a price at which the
underlying asset may be bought or sold. At this price the buyer of a call option can
buy the asset from the seller and the buyer of the put option can sell the asset to the
writer of the option. The strike price is fixed by the exchange. It is further
categorized in three main heads
1. In the money less than market price
2. At the money at the market price
3. Out of the money above the market price
Expiration period
It is the period being specified by the exchange during which the option can be
exercised or traded. Depending on the expiration period, an option can be shortterm or long-term in nature.
Buying a call at X strike price and selling two calls at x+1 strike
price then buying one more call at X+2 Butterfly
1. Arbitrage buy in one counter and sell in another with a very small price
difference. This can only be profitable if transactions are done in bulk.
2. Trade to trade buy today and sell only after the delivery.
3. Portfolio management basket of shares you buy.
4. Hedging minimization of risk.
5. Freezing concept (in cash market) it is a limit set by the exchange for a
particular script in a day. (the limits are only set for the stocks which do not
trade in F&O segment)
6. Swaps - A swap is an agreement between two parties to exchange a sequence
of cash flows.
7. Speculation this concept is for day traders. (used for intraday trading)
8. Risk Management acquiring derivatives that will offset (hedge) risk
exposure to interest rate changes, foreign currency movements, and
commodity prices. May be hedge of current exposure or hedge of future
9. Spot Price the price at which an asset trades in the cash market
10.Futures Price the price at which the futures contract trades in the futures
11.Long position any contract bought is long position. (open contract)
12.Short Position any contract sold is short position. (open contract)
An option is a contract giving the buyer the right but not the obligation to
buy or sell an underlying asset at a specific price on or before a certain date.
Options are derivatives because they derive their value from an underlying
A call gives the holder the right to buy an asset at a certain price within a
specific period of time.
A put gives the holder the right to sell an asset at a certain price within a
specific period of time.