Reverse Aum Om
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God is Word
And word is AUM
Tasya: His Vchakah: verbal indicator Pranavah: Sacred symbol AUM
1.27 Q: How to can we refer to God?
A: can be referred to as Word and the word is AUM
Bible says: In the beginning was Word. Word is God. God is referred to as Iswara b
y the Hindus. Swara is breath, though commonly understood as Sound. The most app
ropriate expression for Swara in English is the current of life . This current of l
ife, this motive power of Universal Intelligence can be referred to as God
Every time a word is uttered (a sound is produced) a new knowledge (meaning) is
created. A mental imagery follows the hearing of a sound. Hindus refer to God in
million ways. Emotional man refers to God as the Benefactor, Protector, Giver,
Savior and so on. He is referred to as Vishnu( meaning he is present in every An
u(Atom) of the Viswa(Universe). as Sankara(Sam is good-Kara is doer- Samkara mea
ning Good doer, benefactor) as Vinayaka ( Vi standing for Viswa -Universe- Nayak
a meaning Ruler; Iswara is God- remover of obstacles),Brahma( Brih meaning Infin
ite, endless-man meaning mind) meaning thereby Cosmic Mind.
When we utter the mystic syllable AUM , we feel the vibrations . It will change
the whole structure and attitude of the mind and the molecules of the body will
begin to vibrate in a different way. God is also referred to as UMA, the reverse
of AUM. When AUM is pronounced the the travel is Sound Au to Silence- M . When UMA is
pronounced it is ;uM silence to A sound. God (AUM)the inactivity is imagined as act
ivity too(UMA). God is the cause of activity, but God is inactive. By sound and
form, AUM symbolizes the infinite Brahman (ultimate reality) and the entire univ
erse. A stands for Creation, U stands for Preservation and M stands for Destruct