Existing System
Existing System
Existing System
problems.By this we can save the time lost in reinventing the wheel by looking a
t systems
already working. Even this help us in solving slightly different problems,
they often provide valuable clues as to what you need to do.
Applying analysis tool for structure analysis
we use Prosa structured analysis tool,it is a visual system and development envi
ronment which
support industry standar. It help in design with real-time extensions modelling
It aslo supports data flow diagrams,state transition diagrams and entity relatio
nship diagrams.
It has integrated data dictionary. It guides designer to create perfect and prop
er relevent graphs
that help in project work. Prosa provides automation creation of all for impleme
ntation of sql,
code headers.its ensures exactly to perfect or exact to performance document whi
ch contains with
software design.
Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study in software development life cycle is a process that determine
whether the solution is achievable
for future or not. In the process of feasibility study,the cost and benefits are
estimated with greater accuracy.
A feasibility study is a shot,focused study that aims to answer a number of ques
Does system contribute to overall objectives of the organization?
Can the system be integrated with other system which are already in place?
cost/benefit analysis
In our existing system all the transaction of books are done manually, So taking
time for a transaction like borrowing a book or returning a book and also for se
arching of
members and books. Another major disadvantage is that to preparing the list of b
borrowed and the available books in the library will take more time, currently i
t is doing as a
one day process for verifying all records. So after conducting the feasibility s
tudy we decided
to make the manual Library management system to be computerized.
Problems in the cirrent existing system
1:-lack of of security.
2:-the lack of storage in common mistakes.
3:-Too much paper in the room of large sum of money to take wastage.If you purc
hased a computer system from all
the paper used for our other purposes will make it even more free space.
4:-Poor data storage-all data isstored in filling cabinets.Data may be incorrect
due to human error.
a lot of data can be easily stolen.
5:-A lack of information.
6:- Slow retrivel of data-information stored in different locations,and the data
is returned as long as it takes.
7:-Manual systems to operate slowly.instead of issuing and place,to take the boo
ks back to using a computer and
and a card index update will be a slow and laborious.
8:-Staff with manual system,mechanical,clerical tasks rather than liasing librar