Aec Blueprint 2025 Final

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one vision, one identity, one community

ASEAN Economic community

blueprint 2025

The ASEAN Secretariat


The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on 8 August 1967. The
Member States of the Association are Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR,
Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. The ASEAN Secretariat
is based in Jakarta, Indonesia.
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Catalogue-in-Publication Data
ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025
Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, November 2015
1. ASEAN Community AEC Blueprint
2. Economic Community Economic Integration

ISBN 978-602-0980-59-1
ASEAN: A Community of Opportunities
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Copyright Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2015.
All rights reserved


1. The implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint
2015 has been substantively achieved in, among others, eliminating tariffs
and facilitating trade; advancing the services trade liberalisation agenda;
liberalising and facilitating investment; streamlining and harmonising capital
market regulatory frameworks and platforms; facilitating skilled labour mobility;
promoting the development of regional frameworks in competition policy,
consumer protection and intellectual property rights; promoting connectivity;
narrowing the development gap; and strengthening ASEANs relationship with
its external parties.
2. ASEAN recognises that regional economic integration is a dynamic, ongoing
process as economies as well as domestic and external environments are
constantly evolving. In this context, ASEAN has initiated two studies for the
AEC Blueprint 2025. The AEC Blueprint 2025 has been developed taking into
account the recommendations of the two studies, namely, by the Economic
Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), and the S. Rajaratnam
School of International Studies (RSIS) and the Institute of Southeast Asian
Studies (ISEAS), as well as inputs from other stakeholders. The measures
taken have to lead in creating a networked, competitive, innovative, and highly
integrated and contestable ASEAN.
3. The overall vision articulated in the AEC Blueprint 2015 remains relevant.
The AEC Blueprint 2025 will build on the AEC Blueprint 2015 consisting of
five interrelated and mutually reinforcing characteristics, namely: (i) A Highly
Integrated and Cohesive Economy; (ii) A Competitive, Innovative, and Dynamic
ASEAN; (iii) Enhanced Connectivity and Sectoral Cooperation; (iv) A Resilient,
Inclusive, People-Oriented, and People-Centred ASEAN; and (v) A Global
4. The immediate priority is to complete the implementation of measures unfinished
under the AEC Blueprint 2015 by end-2016. The continuing commitments of
Cambodia, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet Nam (CLMV)
under the AEC Blueprint 2015 up to 2018 are also incorporated under the AEC
Blueprint 2025.
5. In the next decade, ASEAN will also provide a new emphasis on the development
and promotion of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in its economic
integration efforts. At the same time, ASEAN will likewise embrace the evolving
digital technology as leverage to enhance trade and investments, provide an
e-based business platform, promote good governance, and facilitate the use of
green technology.


6. The AEC 2025 is envisioned to:


Create a deeply integrated and highly cohesive ASEAN economy that

would support sustained high economic growth and resilience even in the
face of global economic shocks and volatilities;


Engender a more equitable and inclusive economic growth in ASEAN

that narrows the development gap, eliminates if not reduces poverty
significantly, sustains high growth rates of per capita income, and
maintains a rising middle class;


Foster robust productivity growth through innovation, technology and

human resource development, and intensified regional research and
development that is designed for commercial application to increase
ASEANs competitive edge in moving the region up the global value chains
(GVCs) into higher technology and knowledge-intensive manufacturing
and services industries;


Promote the principles of good governance, transparency, and responsive

regulatory regimes through active engagement with the private sector,
community-based organisations, and other stakeholders of ASEAN;


Widen ASEAN people-to-people, institutional, and infrastructure

connectivity through ASEAN and sub-regional cooperation projects that
facilitate movement of capital as well as skilled labour and talents;


Create a more dynamic and resilient ASEAN, capable of responding and

adjusting to emerging challenges through robust national and regional
mechanisms that address food and energy security issues, natural
disasters, economic shocks, and other emerging trade-related issues as
well as global mega trends;


Incorporate a sustainable growth agenda that promotes a science-based

use of, and support for, green technology and energy;


Promote the use of the ASEAN Protocol on Enhanced Dispute Settlement

Mechanism (EDSM) and develop other approaches to speed up economic
dispute resolution;

ix. Reinforce ASEAN centrality in the emerging regional economic

architecture by maintaining ASEANs role as the centre and facilitator of
economic integration in the East Asian region; and

Work towards a common position and enhance ASEANs role and voice
in global economic fora.



A. A Highly Integrated and Cohesive Economy
7. The main objective of this characteristic is to facilitate the seamless movement
of goods, services, investment, capital, and skilled labour within ASEAN in order
to enhance ASEANs trade and production networks, as well as to establish a
more unified market for its firms and consumers.
8. The key elements of a highly integrated and cohesive ASEAN economy include:
A.1. Trade in Goods


The implementation of AEC Blueprint 2015 measures relating to tariff elimination

in accordance with the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) and trade
facilitation have contributed to greater free flow of goods. In AEC 2025, ASEAN
will continue to reduce or eliminate border and behind-the-border regulatory
barriers that impede trade, so as to achieve competitive, efficient, and seamless
movement of goods within the region.
Strategic measures include the following:

Strengthen ATIGA further. In view of the ongoing review of the

ASEAN+1 free trade agreements (FTAs) and the Regional
Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations,
commitments in the ATIGA will be reviewed and refined to,
among others, enhance provisions to entrench ASEAN centrality,
strengthen the ATIGAs notification process, and bring down further
the remaining tariff barriers in ASEAN towards the free flow of goods
in the region.


Simplify and Strengthen the Implementation of the Rules of Origin

(ROO). ROO implemented by ASEAN Member States should be
simplified, business-friendly and trade-facilitative, to benefit the
regions trade, in particular the participation of MSMEs to encourage
them to expand, upgrade, and deepen their linkages within the
region. Towards this end, priority sectors for Product Specific Rules
(PSRs) can be negotiated, and processes for the determination of
origin criteria streamlined.


Accelerate and Deepen the Implementation of Trade Facilitation

Measures. ASEAN played a leading role in the conclusion of the
World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade Facilitation
(ATF) in 2013. Beyond ensuring the smooth implementation of the
ATF in ASEAN Member States, ASEAN aims towards convergence
in trade facilitation regimes among ASEAN Member States and


to move closer to the global best practice. The ASEAN Trade

Facilitation-Joint Consultative Committee (ATF-JCC) comprising
representatives from the public and private sectors has been
established to accelerate work on trade facilitation and ensure
expeditious movement of goods within the region.

Among the key measures are the following:

a. Complete measures initiated under the AEC Blueprint 2015;
b. Fully roll-out the National Single Windows in all ASEAN Member
States, and widen the scope of the ASEAN Single Window
project to include more documents and stakeholders in all
ASEAN Member States;
c. Cooperate on the effective operationalisation of the National
and ASEAN Trade Repositories for enhanced regulatory
transparency and certainty for the private sector in the region;
d. Streamline and simplify administrative regulatory regimes,
documentary requirements, as well as import and export
procedures, including customs procedures;
e. Deepen regional implementation of trade-facilitative ASEAN
initiatives such as Authorised Economic Operators (AEO)
programme and Self-Certification programme;
f. Strengthen public-private sector cooperation, collaboration,
and partnership in improving the process, institutional and
infrastructural foundations of efficient and effective trade
facilitation within the region;
g. Minimise trade protection and compliance costs in dealing with
Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs). Most NTMs address regulatory
objectives such as environmental, health and safety, security or
cultural considerations, but they can also significantly impede
trade inadvertently or by design. Addressing NTMs involves the
following: (i) accelerating work towards full elimination of nontariff barriers; (ii) standards and conformance measures, e.g.
equivalence in technical regulations, standards harmonisation,
alignment with international standards and mutual recognition
arrangements (MRAs); and (iii) streamlining procedures and
reducing requirements for certificates, permits and licenses to
import or export.

Measures that give rise to a trade facilitative regime in ASEAN

include the following:


1. Explore imposing stringent criteria and sunset clause on

trade-protective NTMs such as quotas and other quantity
restrictions in imports and exports;
2. Embed good regulatory practice (GRP) in implementing
domestic regulations and practices and thereby minimise
compliance cost of meeting NTM requirements;
3. Strengthen coordination with private sector in determining,
prioritising and minimising the unnecessary regulatory
burden of NTMs on the private sector; and
4. Explore alternative ways to addressing NTMs such as
sectoral or value chain approaches to deal with NTMs.
h. Work towards facilitative standards and conformance. This
involves accelerated implementation of harmonisation of
standards and technical regulations, improvement of quality
and capability of conformity assessment, enhanced information
exchange on laws, rules, and regulatory regimes on standards
and conformity assessment procedures. This also involves
regional cooperation and agreement on measures to facilitate
MSME upgrading towards regionally and/or internationally
agreed standards to facilitate exports. Relevant measures
include the following:
1. Complete and deepen initiatives begun under the AEC
Blueprint 2015;
2. Undertake concerted regional and national programmes to
upgrade the technical capacity and physical infrastructure
for effective and efficient conformity assessment regime in
the region;
3. Establish effective measures for transparency
communication on country-specific requirements;


4. Expand coverage of sectors under standards and

conformance beyond the priority integration sectors;
5. Embed GRP in the preparation, adoption, and
implementation of standards and conformance rules,
regulations, and procedures;
6. Strengthen public-private partnership and enhance
contribution of the private sector in designing, monitoring,
reviewing, and updating of standards and conformance
regime in the region; and


7. Strengthen cooperation with Dialogue Partners in the

implementation of technical barriers to trade (TBT) Chapters
of ASEAN+1 FTAs, and future economic partnership and
free trade agreements.
A.2. Trade in Services

The objective is to further broaden and deepen services integration within

ASEAN, ASEANs integration into the global supply chains in both goods
and services, and enhance ASEAN Member States competitiveness
in services. A strong services sector facilitates industrial development,
innovation, and efficiency. The end result is the maximisation of potential
contribution of the services sector to economic development and growth.


Through the subsequent rounds of negotiations under the ASEAN

Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS), ASEAN has continued to
broaden the coverage and reduce the limitations on market access and
national treatment across services sectors, which go beyond similar
efforts at the WTO. The next agenda is to facilitate the negotiations and
implementation of the ASEAN Trade in Services Agreement (ATISA)
as the legal instrument for further integration of services sectors in the


The services sector will be further integrated through the implementation

of the ATISA and continuing efforts to:

Review existing flexibilities, limitations, thresholds and carve-outs,

as appropriate;

ii. Enhance mechanisms to attract foreign direct investment (FDI)

in the services sectors, including but not limited to foreign equity
participation to support GVC activities;

Explore alternative approaches for further liberalisation of services;

iv. Establish possible disciplines on domestic regulations to ensure

competitiveness of the services sector, taking into consideration
other non-economic or development or regulatory objectives;

Consider the development of sectoral annexes; and

vi. Enhance technical cooperation in the services sector for human

resource development (HRD), joint promotion activities to attract
FDI in the services sector, and the exchange of best practices.


A.3. Investment Environment


ASEAN aims to enhance further its attractiveness as an investment

destination globally through the establishment of an open, transparent
and predictable investment regime in the region. The improvement in
the investment environment in ASEAN is being achieved through the
implementation of the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement
(ACIA), which (i) provides for progressive liberalisation of existing
investment restrictions in manufacturing, agriculture, fishery, forestry
and mining and the services incidental to these sectors; (ii) significantly
strengthens investment protection; and (iii) ensures transparency of
investment laws, regulations and administrative guidelines.


Strategic measures include the following:


Complete the built-in agenda of the ACIA, including the effective

implementation of the modality on the elimination or improvement of
investment restrictions and impediments;


Identify appropriate approaches or mechanisms for the phasing out

and/or reduction of the ACIA Reservation Lists;

iii. Continue to undertake and, where necessary, enhance the

Coordinating Committee on Investment (CCI) Peer Review
Mechanism; and

Continue to undertake joint promotion of ACIA, as well as of ASEAN

as an investment destination.

A.4. Financial Integration, Financial Inclusion, and Financial Stability


Ensuring that the financial sector is inclusive and stable remains a key
goal of regional economic integration. The financial sector integration
vision for 2025 encompasses three strategic objectives, namely financial
integration, financial inclusion, and financial stability, and three crosscutting areas (Capital Account Liberalisation, Payment and Settlement
Systems, and Capacity Building).


Strategic measures include the following:


Strengthen financial integration to facilitate intra-ASEAN trade and

investment by increasing the role of ASEAN indigenous banks,
having more integrated insurance markets, and having more
connected capital markets. These will be supported by robust
financial market infrastructure that is safe, cost-efficient, and more
connected. Financial liberalisation will be undertaken with greater
regulatory cohesiveness to keep requirements for regulatory


compliance to a minimum to reduce costs, while remaining prudent.

The key measures are as follows:
a. Further commit to liberalise financial services sector through the
ATISA, which will serve as a platform to link financial markets
within the region and with Dialogue Partners;
b. Provide greater market access and operational flexibility for
Qualified ASEAN Banks (QABs) through the ASEAN Banking
Integration Framework (ABIF), based on each countrys
readiness and on a reciprocal basis, thereby reducing gaps in
market access and operational flexibility across ASEAN;
c. Promote deeper penetration in insurance markets through the
ASEAN Insurance Integration Framework (AIIF), with greater
risk diversification, deeper underwriting capacity, improved
and strengthened insurance sector supervision and regulatory
d. Further deepen and interlink capital markets by progressing
towards more connectivity in clearing settlement and custody
linkages to facilitate investment in the region, and allow
investors and issuers to tap cross-border ASEAN capital
markets efficiently, in line with the objective of ASEAN Capital
Market Infrastructure (ACMI) Blueprint. This will ensure that the
benefits of such connectivity are shared by all ASEAN Member
States; and
e. Promote the development of sovereign bond markets as well
as corporate issuances that will diversify risks from the banking
system and provide savers with greater opportunities to invest.

Promote financial inclusion to deliver financial products and services

to a wider community that is under-served, including MSMEs. This
would also include initiatives to address the uneven digital gap in the
region and reflect changes in the demographic structure, as some
countries become aging societies. Key measures are as follows:
a. Enhance the financing ecosystem in the region to benefit
MSMEs, including through cross-collaboration among various
working groups in ASEAN. Initiatives to be explored may include
the establishment of credit bureaus to facilitate the MSMEs in
establishing credit standing to improve access to financing,
credit guarantee institutions to provide credit enhancement to
MSMEs that do not have collateral, other appropriate facilities
or mechanisms that will provide financial access for MSMEs, as
well as debt resolution agencies to assist distressed but viable


b. Expand the scope of financial access and literacy, as well as

intermediary and distribution facilities, such as digital payment
services to promote cost-reducing technologies and the
development of financial services for smaller firms and lowerincome groups. Enhance discussion channels in ASEAN to
develop best practices and exchange information as well as
strengthen cooperation;
c. Intensify the implementation of financial education programmes
and consumer protection mechanisms to bolster financial
management capacity and encourage take up of financial
services. These include raising awareness of personal
safeguard measures against deceptive practices as well as
enhancing technical countermeasures against threats of digital
fraud; and
d. Promote the expansion of distribution channels which improve
access to and reduce cost of financial services, including mobile
technology and microinsurance.

Ensure financial stability through the continuous strengthening of

regional infrastructure, particularly in times of regional stress. Key
measures are as follows:
a. Intensify the existing process of macroeconomic and financial
surveillance through identifying financial system risks and
vulnerabilities, and intensifying exchange of key macroeconomic
information among monetary and fiscal authorities. Discussions
may complement ongoing efforts by the Financial Stability
Board (FSB) at the global level;
b. Further enhance cross-border cooperative arrangements in
relation to the implementation of the ABIF with the emergence
of regionally active banks during both crisis and in the normal
course of business. In the near term, existing regional and
bilateral cooperation platforms for macro-surveillance and
supervision will continue to perform an integral role. Furthermore,
closer dialogues between authorities may be achieved through
regional supervisory colleges; and
c. Make prudential regulations more cohesive, aimed at achieving
greater consistency with international best practices and
regulatory standards.


The measures under the three key cross-cutting areas are as follows:

Enhance capital account liberalisation to encourage greater flows

of capital among ASEAN Member States to facilitate cross-border


investment and lending in the region, following these guiding

a. Ensure an orderly capital account liberalisation, consistent with
ASEAN Member States national agenda and the readiness of
their economies;
b. Allow adequate safeguards measures against potential
macroeconomic instability and systemic risks that may arise
from the liberalisation process, including the right to adopt the
necessary measures to ensure macroeconomic and financial
stability; and
c. Ensure the benefits of liberalisation are shared by all ASEAN
Member States. ASEAN will continue to monitor the progress
of capital account liberalisation among ASEAN Member States
by utilising the ASEAN Capital Account Liberalisation Heatmap
and Individual Milestones Blueprint.
ii. Payment and Settlement Systems will be further enhanced in
several areas such as promoting standardisation and developing
settlement infrastructure for cross-border trade, remittance, retail
payment systems and capital markets. This will provide an enabling
environment to promote regional linkages and payment systems that
are safe, efficient and competitive. This will also require a certain
level of harmonisation of standards and market practices based on
international best practices (such as ISO 20022) to foster stability
and efficiency within as well as outside the region.

Capacity Building will help to narrow the financial development gap

in the region. This can be achieved through the conduct of learning
programmes and exchanges of knowledge and experiences,
and best practices in areas relevant to financial integration and
development, such as financial regulation and supervision, financial
inclusion, and payment and settlement systems.

A.5. Facilitating Movement of Skilled Labour and Business Visitors



The objective of facilitating the movement of skilled labour in ASEAN

began with MRAs that would allow practitioners in eight professions to
practice in other ASEAN Member States through mutual recognition of
their qualifications and, where appropriate, through the implementation
of the ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF), for which
referencing by the ASEAN Member States is voluntary, to support
lifelong learning and enhance recognition and the ASEAN Agreement
on Movement of Natural Persons (MNP). These arrangements aim to
facilitate the temporary cross-border movement of natural persons and


business visitors engaged in the conduct of trade in goods, trade in

services, and investment.

Strategic measures include the following:



Expand and deepen commitments under the ASEAN Agreement on

MNP where appropriate; and


Reduce, if not standardise, documentation requirements.

If necessary, ASEAN will consider further improvements to existing

MRAs and consider the feasibility of additional new MRAs to facilitate the
mobility of professionals and skilled labour in the region.

A.6. Enhancing Participation in Global Value Chains


The broader objective of becoming a highly integrated and cohesive

economy is to enhance the regions participation in global value chains
(GVCs). The benefits entailed from deep regional integration include
better realisation of economies of scale, collective efficiency and the
organic formation of regional innovation systems.


Regional value chains are not mutually exclusive from GVCs. However,
the development and strengthening of regional value chains, as facilitated
by the formation of a highly integrated and cohesive economy, is a key
way to enhance ASEANs GVC participation but is not an alternative.
For newer ASEAN Member States, participation in regional value chains
can also act as a stepping-stone to their integration into GVCs. For more
developed ASEAN Member States, becoming leaders in regional value
chains is a stepping-stone towards leading at the global level.


The other elements in Characteristics 1 and 2 could contribute to enhancing

ASEAN Member States GVC participation either through the removal of
formal restrictions (market access and discriminatory measures) or better
trade facilitation and regulatory coherence. A more strategic approach to
GVCs can also be pursued through specific initiatives such as:

Regional branding, roadshows and other joint marketing strategy;


Trade facilitation initiatives focusing on both imports and exports;


Harmonisation with international standards and support for standards

compliance capacity building;


Better information sharing; and


Greater focus on connectivity, lessening the trade restrictive effects

and costs of NTMs, and domestic regulatory reform.


B. A Competitive, Innovative and Dynamic ASEAN

25. The objective of this characteristic is to focus on elements that contribute to
increasing the regions competitiveness and productivity by (i) engendering
a level playing for all firms through effective competition policy; (ii) fostering
the creation and protection of knowledge; (iii) deepening ASEAN participation
in GVCs; and (iv) strengthening related regulatory frameworks and overall
regulatory practice and coherence at the regional level. The key elements of a
competitive, innovative and dynamic ASEAN include:
B.1. Effective Competition Policy

For ASEAN to be a competitive region with well-functioning markets, rules

on competition will need to be operational and effective. The fundamental
goal of competition policy and law is to provide a level playing field for
all firms, regardless of ownership. Enforceable competition rules that
proscribe anti-competitive activities are an important way to facilitate
liberalisation and a unified market and production base, as well as to
support the formation of a more competitive and innovative region.


Strategic measures include the following:

i. Establish effective competition regimes by putting in place
competition laws for all remaining ASEAN Member States that do
not have them, and effectively implement national competition laws
in all ASEAN Member States based on international best practices
and agreed-upon ASEAN guidelines;

Strengthen capacities of competition-related agencies in ASEAN

Member States by establishing and implementing institutional
mechanisms necessary for effective enforcement of national
competition laws, including comprehensive technical assistance
and capacity building;

iii. Foster a competition-aware region that supports fair competition,

by establishing platforms for regular exchange and engagement,
encouraging competition compliance and enhanced access to
information for businesses, reaching out to relevant stakeholders
through an enhanced regional web portal for competition policy and
law, outreach and advocacy to businesses and government bodies,
and sector-studies on industry structures and practices that affect
iv. Establish Regional Cooperation Arrangements on competition
policy and law by establishing competition enforcement cooperation
agreements to effectively deal with cross-border commercial




Achieve greater harmonisation of competition policy and law in

ASEAN by developing a regional strategy on convergence;


Ensure alignment of competition policy chapters that are negotiated

by ASEAN under the various FTAs with Dialogue Partners and
other trading nations with competition policy and law in ASEAN to
maintain consistency on the approach to competition policy and law
in the region; and

vii. Continue to enhance competition policy and law in ASEAN taking

into consideration international best practices.
B.2. Consumer Protection

Consumer protection is an integral part of a modern, efficient, effective and

fair market place. Consumers will demand the right of access to: adequate
information to enable them to make informed choices, effective redress,
and products and services that meet standard and safety requirements.
Increased cross-border trade, use of e-Commerce and other new trading
methods resulting from globalisation and technological advancement
require governments to find innovative ways of protecting and promoting
the interests of consumers. This will require comprehensive and wellfunctioning national and regional consumer protection systems enforced
through effective legislation, redress mechanisms and public awareness.


Strategic measures include the following:


Establish a common ASEAN consumer protection framework

through higher levels of consumer protection legislation, improve
enforcement and monitoring of consumer protection legislation, and
make available redress mechanisms, including alternative dispute
resolution mechanisms;


Promote a higher level of consumer empowerment and knowledge

by addressing consumer concerns as well as enhancing consumer
knowledge and advocacy;


Build higher consumer confidence and cross-border commercial

transactions by strengthening product safety enforcement, stronger
participation of consumer representatives, and promotion of
sustainable consumption;

iv. Encourage consumer-related matters in ASEAN policies through

impact assessment of consumer protection policies and development
of knowledge-based policies; and




Promote consumer protection measures in products and services

sectors such as finance, e-Commerce, air transport, energy, and

B.3. Strengthening Intellectual Property Rights Cooperation


Intellectual Property (IP) has an important role in contributing to the

achievement of national and regional socio-economic development
goals. Protecting intellectual property rights (IPR) is critical for
ASEAN Member States to move higher up in the technology ladder, in
encouraging transfer of technology, and in stimulating innovation and
creativity. The approach in the next 10 years will be based on the need
to support the economic development in the region through effective use
of IP and creativity. National IP regimes should achieve full technical and
procedural convergence, and IP Offices have adopted modern business
models and practices that enable provision of efficient and effective
world class services to clients at the national and regional levels. The
future landscape will be more competitive and productive as IP is one
of the contributory factors towards enhancing the volume and value of
exports, flows of domestic and foreign direct investment and improved
global competitiveness rankings.


Strategic measures include the following:


Strengthen IP offices and build IP Infrastructure, in order to ensure

the development of a more robust ASEAN IP system, through the
following key measures:
a. Improve IP services, particularly in the areas of patents,
trademarks and industrial designs;
b. Expand work-sharing activities among ASEAN Member States
to reduce the workload of IP Offices and duplication of activities;
c. Promote improvement of IP services in term of timeliness and
quality of output;
d. Complete accession to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT),
Madrid Protocol, Hague Agreement and endeavour to undertake
accession to the Singapore Treaty on the Law on Trademarks
(STLT) and other World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO)-administered international treaties; and
e. Develop competency-based training programmes for
trademarks, patents and industrial designs through the virtual
ASEAN IP Academy, with a focus on Cambodia, Lao PDR and



ii. Develop regional IP platforms and infrastructure, through the

following key measures:
a. Develop new networks of integrated IP services for the region,
including technology transfer offices and innovation technology
support offices (patent libraries) focusing on commercialisation
and linking existing or new virtual IP marketplaces of ASEAN
Member States;
b. Improve service delivery of ASEAN Member States through
connected online services, including patent, trademark and
design search systems, and online filing systems;
c. Improve and centralise the management of the ASEAN IP
Portal by ensuring that IP information, including statistical
data, is accurate and regularly updated (e.g. number of filings,
registrations, grants, pendency periods); and
d. Adopt information technology (IT) modernisation to improve
quality of services, including the development of an automated
translation system for sharing of patent information, and regional
patent and trademark databases.
iii. Expand the ASEAN IP Ecosystem, through the following key
a. Establish an ASEAN network of offices (IP, judiciary, customs
and other enforcement agencies) to enhance effective
cooperation on the regional IPR enforcement and to promote
building respect for IP;
b. Enhance engagement with private sector, IP associations, and
other stakeholders within the region and external parties; and
c. Increase the capacity of ASEAN IP practitioners through a study
on a regional accreditation system.
iv. Enhance regional mechanisms to promote asset creation and
commercialisation, including the development of supporting
schemes for MSMEs and creative sectors through the following key
a. Improve awareness and respect of IP to promote its protection
and utilisation, including incentive schemes for MSMEs and
creative sectors;
b. Develop IP valuation services to create awareness of the value
of IP as a financial asset;



c. Promote the commercialisation of geographical indication (GI)

products in ASEAN by improving the capacity of the productive
sector in the development of protection and branding strategies;
d. Promote a protection mechanism for GIs and genetic resources,
traditional knowledge, and traditional cultural expressions
(GRTKTCE) and assist in their protection in ASEAN and in
foreign markets.
B.4. Productivity-Driven Growth, Innovation, Research and Development,
and Technology Commercialisation

ASEANs long-term competitiveness rests on significantly improving

ASEAN Member States labour productivity and total factor productivity
performance if ASEAN is going to move up the GVCs. Labour productivity
and total factor productivity, in turn, are determined by efficiency in the use
of inputs, and advancement of knowledge, innovation and technological


Given the critical role of technology adaptation and diffusion, as well as

innovation in ASEANs productivity growth and long-term competitiveness,
ASEAN Member States need to take a concerted effort to improve their
innovation and technological capability. The challenge towards a more
innovative ASEAN is in terms of investment in research and development
(R&D) and human capital development, and the strengthening of
the policy and institutional environment (e.g. IPR regime) for quality
assurance, technology diffusion and innovation. Efforts to address the
following strategic measures could contribute to enhancing ASEANs

Promote strategic partnerships among the academia, research

institutions and the private sector towards developing capabilities
and creating an effective channel for technology transfer and


Strengthen the competitiveness of the MSMEs sector in ASEAN

through the application of science and technology (S&T) tools and
methodologies; and

iii. Enhance the support system and enabling environment to nurture

a highly mobile, intelligent and creative human resource that thrives
on knowledge creation and application.


To promote innovation, more attention needs to be given to the

development of national and cross-border mechanisms that promote the
following strategic measures:



Information sharing and networking to stimulate ideas and creativity

at the universities and business-level;


Place a greater focus on entrepreneurship, and development of

business incubator programmes for commercialisation;


Foster a hospitable intra-ASEAN policy environment for technology

transfer, adaptation and innovation, including increased level of as
well as supportive fiscal and non-fiscal policies for R&D in both local
and foreign owned firms in the region;


Focus support on the development of research and technology parks,

joint corporate, government and/or university research laboratories,
R&D centres, and similar science and technology institutions and


Develop and strengthen ASEAN linkages to global and regional

R&D networks;

vi. Promote strong IPR protection in the region; and

vii. Promote programmes that enhance ASEAN participation in global
and regional value chains and production networks, including
programmes and joint promotions that attract leading technology
firms to set up shop in region, develop industrial clusters and support
industries, and improved physical and institutional connectivity
within the region and with the rest of the world.
B.5. Taxation Cooperation

Tax cooperation serves as one of the key elements to support regional

competitiveness in ASEAN by addressing the issue of fiscal barriers.
Several ongoing and future measures have been committed to be
undertaken, including:

Concerted efforts to support the completion and improvement of

network of bilateral tax agreements to address the issues of double
taxation, and work towards the enhancement of withholding tax
structure, where possible, to promote the broadening of investor
base in ASEAN debt issuance;

ii. Improve the implementation of exchange of information in

accordance with international standards;

Discuss measures to address the issue ofbase erosion and profit

shiftingto ensure fiscal health;




Explore the possibility of global taxpayers identification number

toimprove tax collection and enhance monitoring of transactions;

v. Explore the possibility of collaboration in excise taxation and

information sharing among ASEAN Member States on common
excisable products.

B.6. Good Governance


ASEAN recognises the need to continue engaging the various

stakeholders to build a more dynamic AEC 2025. Strategic measures
include the following:

Promote a more responsive ASEAN by strengthening governance

through greater transparency in the public sector and in engaging
with the private sector; and

ii. Enhance engagement with the private sector as well as other

stakeholders to improve the transparency and synergies of
government policies and business actions across industries and
sectors in the ASEAN region.
B.7. Effective, Efficient, Coherent and Responsive Regulations, and
Good Regulatory Practice

The regulatory environment has substantial impact on the behaviour and

performance of companies. The drive towards a competitive, dynamic,
innovative and robustly growing ASEAN entails that the regulations are
non-discriminatory, pro-competitive, effective, coherent and enabling of
entrepreneurship, and the regulatory regime responsive and accountable
whereby GRP is embedded. As regulations are essential for the proper
functioning of society and economy, the challenge for ASEAN Member
States is to ensure that they effectively address the identified problem
while minimising the cost of compliance to, as well as preventing
unwarranted distortions and inconsistency arising from, the regulations.


Regional economic integration necessitates policy and regulatory

changes and refinements in most, if not all, ASEAN Member States, taking
into consideration their different levels of development. Indeed, in many
ways, the AEC is a concerted regulatory and institutional improvement
process for ASEAN Member States. In view of global competition and
of social, economic and technological changes and imperatives, ASEAN
Member States need to ensure that the regulatory regime is relevant,
robust, effective, coherent, transparent, accountable, and forward looking
in terms of regulatory structures and design, as well as implementation



processes. In addition, ASEAN recognises the need to continue engaging

the various stakeholders to build a more dynamic AEC 2025, in particular,
the need to promote a more responsive ASEAN by strengthening
governance through greater transparency in the public sector and in
engaging with the private sector.

Strategic measures include the following:


Ensure that regulations are pro-competitive, commensurate with

objectives, and non-discriminatory;

ii. Undertake regular concerted regional programmes of review of

existing regulatory implementation processes and procedures for
further streamlining and, where necessary, recommendations for
amendments and other appropriate measures, which may include
iii. Institutionalise GRP consultations and informed regulatory
conversations with various stakeholders in order to identify problems,
come up with technical solutions, and help build consensus for
reform. Enhancing engagement with the private sector as well as
other stakeholders contributes to regulatory coherence, increased
transparency and greater synergies of government policies and
business actions across industries and sectors in the ASEAN region;
iv. The regulatory agenda may include the setting of both targets
and milestones in order to facilitate a regular assessment of the
regulatory landscape, and periodic review of progress and impacts
in the region; and

Undertake targeted capacity building programmes with knowledge

partners such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) and ERIA to assist ASEAN Member States
in the regulatory reform initiatives, which takes into account the
different development levels, development needs and regulatory
policy space of each ASEAN Member State.

B.8. Sustainable Economic Development


ASEAN recognises the importance of sustainable economic development

as an integral part of the regions growth strategy. Protection of the
environment and natural resources supports economic growth and vice
versa. ASEAN would actively promote green development by developing
a sustainable growth agenda that promotes the use of clean energy
and related technologies, including renewable energy through green
technology, as well as enhances sustainable consumption and production,
and including it in national development plans.




Strategic measures include the following:


Foster policies supportive of renewable energy and set collective

targets accordingly;


Develop a framework to support the deployment and utilisation

of efficient and low carbon technologies, and call for international
support to ensure ASEAN access to mechanisms that foster low
carbon technologies more affordably;


Promote the use of biofuels for transportation. This includes ensuring

free trade in biofuels within the region and investment in R&D on
third-generation biofuels;

iv. Enhance connectivity within ASEAN, including through multilateral

electricity trade under the framework of the ASEAN Power Grid
(APG) and greater liquefied natural gas (LNG) cooperation under
the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAGP);

Identify infrastructure investment requirements to increase production

and reduce post-production losses to meet projected future demand
and ensure food security, review existing investment programmes
and address investment needs in the food and agricultural sectors;

vi. Develop new and appropriate technologies, best practices and

management systems to ensure food safety and address health/
disease and environmental issues, particularly in the fast growing
aquaculture, livestock and horticulture sub-sectors;
vii. Promote good agriculture practices to minimise the negative effects
on natural resources such as soil, forest and water, and reduce the
greenhouse gas emission; and
viii. Promote forest management involving the community living within
and surrounding the forest for the sustainability of the forest and
prosperity of the people.
B.9. Global Megatrends and Emerging Trade-Related Issues

To sustain and enhance the regions economic dynamism, and be a

progressive region with a high quality of life, the AEC Blueprint 2025 will
include the formulation of appropriate strategies on global megatrends
and emerging trade-related issues.


ASEAN would need to engender and maintain an industrial relations

environment that facilitates, as smoothly as possible, investing in
workers and firms as learning centres for industrial upgrading, and



managing labour adjustments in the integrating ASEAN. This may

involve deepening the social dialogue process of shared responsibility
and enhanced synergy among firms, workers and the government to
ensure greater competitiveness, dynamism and inclusiveness of ASEAN
Member States.

ASEAN can further maximise the benefits of regional integration and

cooperation by capitalising on global mega trends, such as the expanding
interconnected global cross-border flows and accelerating technologydigital advancement that are increasingly defining international
production, trade, services and investment. To enable ASEAN to seize
the opportunities associated with these mega trends, all sectoral working
groups will need to proactively consider the impact of these trends and
integrate it into their future work programmes. Consultations with relevant
stakeholders in such undertakings would be imperative as they are often
at the forefront of these trends.

C. Enhanced Connectivity and Sectoral Cooperation

45. The main objectives of this characteristic are to enhance economic connectivity
involving various sectors, namely, transport, telecommunication and energy, in
line with and in support of the vision and goals of the Master Plan on ASEAN
Connectivity (MPAC) and its successor document, as well as to further integrate
and cooperate in key sectors that complement existing efforts towards creating
an integrated and sustainable economic region, with the aim to maximise
their contribution in improving the overall competitiveness of ASEAN and
strengthening soft and hard networks in the region.
C.1. Transport

The AEC 2025 vision for transport cooperation will be towards greater
connectivity, efficiency, integration, safety and sustainability of ASEAN
transport to strengthen ASEANs competitiveness and foster regional
inclusive growth and development.


It is envisaged that ASEAN transport cooperation will have to remain

focused in the areas of land transport, air transport, maritime transport
and transport facilitation, and to embrace sustainable transport as a
new key sectoral focus as it has a vital role to play in the sustainable
development of the ASEAN region.


Strategic measures include:


Land transport: Establish an efficient, safe and integrated regional

land transport network within ASEAN and with the neighbouring
countries to support the development of trade and tourism, through
the following key measures:


a. Achieve land transport infrastructure (road and railway)

integration and inter-modal interconnectivity, with principal
airports, ports, and inland waterway and ferry links; and
b. Promote concerted and coordinated efforts at policy and
operation level to develop ASEAN land transport trade corridors.

Air transport: Strengthen the ASEAN Single Aviation Market (ASAM)

for a more competitive and resilient ASEAN, through the following
key measures:
a. Advance safer and more secure skies in ASEAN;
b. Enhance air traffic management efficiency and capacity through
a seamless ASEAN sky; and
c. Foster greater connectivity, including the conclusion of aviation
agreements with Dialogue Partners.

iii. Maritime transport: Establish an ASEAN Single Shipping Market

(ASSM) and promote maritime safety, security and strategic
economic corridors within ASEAN, through the following key
a. Continue to strengthen maritime connectivity within ASEAN
through the establishment of ASSM regional maritime transport
cooperation and effective implementation of the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) conventions towards realising
an integrated, efficient and competitive maritime transport,
including fostering a culture of maritime safety within ASEAN;
b. Develop strategic maritime logistic corridors.

Transport facilitation: Establish an integrated, efficient and globally

competitive logistics and multimodal transportation system, for
seamless movement of passengers by road vehicles and cargos
within and beyond ASEAN, through the following key measures:
a. Operationalise the ASEAN Framework Agreement on the
Facilitation of Goods in Transit (AFAFGIT), the ASEAN
Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Inter-State
Transport (AFAFIST), and the ASEAN Framework Agreement
on Multimodal Transport (AFAMT);
b. Operationalise the ASEAN Framework Agreement on
Facilitation of Cross-Border Transport Passengers by Road
Vehicles (CBTP); and



c. Enhance capacity and skills development to further progress

regional transport facilitation cooperation as well as transport
facilitation beyond ASEAN.


Sustainable transport: To formulate a regional policy framework to

support sustainable transport that includes low carbon modes of
transport, energy efficiency and user-friendly transport initiatives,
integration of transport, and land-use planning.

The above measures will prove that by facilitating to expand economic

opportunities and services, and providing people with access and mobility,
transport contributes to inclusive growth of new business opportunities,
including MSMEs, and is a key enabler for the attainment of full potential
of regional economic integration.
C.2. Information and Communications Technology


Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is recognised as a

key driver in ASEANs economic and social transformation. A strong ICT
infrastructure with pervasive connectivity in ASEAN can facilitate the
creation of a business environment that is conducive to attracting and
promoting trade, investment and entrepreneurship. ASEAN will need to
continue prioritising the bridging of the digital gap and ensure that all
communities and businesses can benefit from ICT adoption.


The AEC 2025 vision will be built upon the successes of the past ASEAN
ICT Masterplan. It will aspire to propel ASEAN towards a digitally-enabled
economy that is secure, sustainable and transformative, and to further
leverage ICT to enable an innovative, inclusive and integrated ASEAN.
Strategic measures include the following:

Economic Transformation: Explore the further utilisation and

coordination of ICT for economic development and promote digital
trade in ASEAN;

ii. People Integration and Empowerment through ICT: Strengthen

digital inclusion efforts to empower individuals and to enable
community development, and explore new ways to enhance Internet
broadband penetration and affordability in ASEAN;
iii. Innovation: Support ICT innovations and entrepreneurship as well
as new technological developments such as Smart City, and Big
Data and Analytics;
iv. ICT Infrastructure Development: Improve ICT infrastructure and
connectivity especially in the rural areas, and develop measures to
enhance the resilience of ICT infrastructure, including submarine



Human Capital Development: Strengthen the

development of the ICT workforce in the region;


vi. ICT in the Single Market: Promote the freer flow of ICT products,
services and investment in the region as well as the lowering of
international mobile roaming charges in ASEAN;
vii. New Media and Content Industry: Encourage the growth and use of
e-services and new media in the region; and

Information Security and Assurance: Build a trusted digital

ecosystem including through further strengthening cooperation on
cyber security and developing measures to protect personal data.

C.3. E-Commerce1

Global electronic commerce (e-Commerce) has become an increasingly

vital element of the global economy as part of a retailers multi-channel
strategy. In a globalised world interconnected through ICT, e-Commerce
plays a key role not only in cross-border trade, but also in facilitating foreign
investment through the supply of intermediary services. E-Commerce has
significantly lowered barriers to entry and operating costs for businesses,
and is particularly beneficial for MSMEs.


In view of these potential contributions of e-Commerce to support regional

economic integration in ASEAN, ASEAN shall intensify cooperation on
e-Commerce building upon Article 5 of e-ASEAN Framework Agreement
adopted by ASEAN Leaders in November 2000, with a view to develop
an ASEAN Agreement on e-Commerce to facilitate cross-border
e-Commerce transactions in ASEAN. These could include, but are not
limited to, strategic measures such as putting in place the following:

Harmonised consumer rights and protection laws;


Harmonised legal framework for online dispute resolution, taking

into account available international standards;

iii. Inter-operable, mutually recognised, secure, reliable and userfriendly e-identification and authorisation (electronic signature)
schemes; and
iv. Coherent and comprehensive framework for personal data
E-Commerce is the sale or purchase of goods or services, conducted over computer networks by methods specifically designed for the
purpose of receiving or placing of orders. The goods and services are ordered by those method, but the payment and ultimate delivery
of the goods or services do not have to be conducted online, (OECD (2011), OECD Guide to Measuring the Information Society 2011,
OECD Publishing)



C.4. Energy

With a strategic theme Enhancing energy connectivity and market

integration in ASEAN to achieve energy security, accessibility, affordability
and sustainability for all, the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation
(APAEC) 2016-2025 will be implemented in two phases, namely, Phase
I from 2016-2020 and Phase II from 2021-2025. Strategic measures
include the following:

ASEAN Power Grid (APG): Initiate multilateral electricity trade in at

least one sub-region in ASEAN by 2018;


Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAGP): Enhance connectivity within

ASEAN for energy security and accessibility via pipelines and
regasification terminals;

iii. Coal and Clean Coal Technology: Enhance the image of coal in
ASEAN through promotion of clean coal technologies (CCT) as well
as increase in the number of CCT projects by 2020;

Energy Efficiency and Conservation: Reduce energy intensity in

ASEAN by 20 percent as a medium-term target in 2020 and 30
percent as a long-term target in 2025, based on 2005 level;


Renewable Energy (RE): Increase the component of RE to a mutually

agreed percentage number in the ASEAN Energy Mix (Total Primary
Energy Supply) by 2020;

vi. Regional Policy and Planning: Better profile the ASEAN energy
sector internationally through an annual publication on ASEAN
Energy Cooperation; and
vii. Civilian Nuclear Energy: Build capabilities on nuclear energy,
including nuclear regulatory systems, amongst officials in ASEAN
Member States.
C.5. Food, Agriculture and Forestry

ASEAN cooperation on food, agriculture and forestry (FAF) plays a

crucial role in the context of rising population, strong income growth and
an expanding middle class.


Going beyond 2015, the vision for the FAF sector will be Competitive,
inclusive, resilient and sustainable FAF sector integrated with the global
economy, based on a single market and production base, contributing
to food and nutrition security, and prosperity in the ASEAN Community,
with the goals of ensuring food security, food safety and better nutrition,



gaining from access to global market as well as increasing resilience to

climate change.

The following interventions will be considered to promote deeper

integration of the FAF sector in the region and the world through, among
others: (i) enhancing trade facilitation and economic integration; (ii)
strengthening cooperation and capacity for sustainable production;
(iii) enhancing agricultural productivity; (iv) increasing investment in
agricultural science and technology; and (v) ensuring the involvement
of agricultural producers in globalisation process. Strategic measures
include the following:

Increase crop, livestock, and fishery/aquaculture production;


Enhance trade facilitation, and remove barriers to trade to foster

competitiveness and economic integration;


Enable sustainable production and equitable distribution;

iv. Increase resilience to climate change, natural disasters and other

v. Improve productivity, technology and product quality to ensure
product safety, quality and compliance with global market standards;
vi. Promote sustainable forest management;
vii. Further enhance cooperation in production and promotion of halal
food and products; and
viii. Develop and promote ASEAN as an organic food production base,
including striving to achieve international standards.
C.5. Tourism


The AEC 2025 vision for tourism is for ASEAN to be a quality tourism
destination offering a unique, diverse ASEAN experience, and committed
to responsible, sustainable and inclusive tourism development, so as
to contribute significantly to the socio-economic well-being of ASEAN
peoples. The proposed strategic directions and action programmes
address the core challenges facing the sustainable development of
quality tourism and its integration within ASEAN Member States: creating
a better balance in the distribution of benefits of tourism among ASEAN
Member States, reducing concerns over safety and security, making
cross-border formalities more convenient and less costly, and reducing
transportation and destination infrastructure congestion.



To work towards achieving the ASEAN tourism vision, efforts will be

focused on two strategic measures:

Enhance competitiveness of ASEAN as a single tourism destination

through the following key measures:
a. Intensify the promotion and marketing of ASEAN through its
Southeast Asia campaign as a Single Destination;
b. Diversify ASEAN tourism products;
c. Attract tourism investments;
d. Raise capacity and capability of tourism human capital;
e. Implement and expand standards for facilities, services and

Improve and expand connectivity and destination infrastructure;


g. Enhance travel facilitation.


Achieve a more sustainable and inclusive pattern of ASEAN tourism

through the following key measures:
a. Mainstream local community and public-private sector
participation in the tourism value chains at the destination level;
b. Ensure safety and security, prioritising protection
maintenance of natural and cultural heritage; and


c. Increase responsiveness to environmental protection and

climate change.
C.7. Healthcare

ASEAN will continue to promote the development of a strong healthcare

industry that will contribute to better healthcare facilities, products and
services to meet the growing demand for affordable and quality healthcare
in the region. The development of the healthcare industry in the region
will include traditional knowledge and medicine, taking into account
the importance of effective protection of genetic resources, traditional
knowledge, and traditional cultural expressions (GRTKTCE).




Strategic measures include the following:


Continue opening up of private healthcare market and Public-Private

Partnership (PPP) investments in provision of universal healthcare
in the region;


Further harmonisation of standards and conformance in healthcare

products and services, such as common technical documents
required for registration processes and nutrition labelling;

iii. Promote sectors with high-growth potential such as health tourism

and e-healthcare services, which will not have negative impact on
the healthcare system of each ASEAN Member State;

Promote strong health insurance systems in the region;

v. Further facilitate the mobility of healthcare professionals in the

vi. Enhance further the development of ASEAN regulatory framework
on traditional medicines and health supplements, through the setting
of appropriate guidelines or frameworks; and
vii. Continue to develop and issue new healthcare product directives to
further facilitate trade in healthcare products in the region.
C.8. Minerals

To support the AEC 2025 vision, the ASEAN Minerals Cooperation

Action Plan 2016-2025 (AMCAP-III) will be implemented in two phases,
namely, Phase I from 2016 to 2020 and Phase II from 2021 to 2025,
and would create a vibrant and competitive ASEAN mineral sector for the
well-being of ASEAN peoples through enhancing trade and investment,
and strengthening cooperation and capacity for sustainable mineral
development in the region.


Strategic measures include the following:


Facilitate and enhance trade and investment in minerals;

ii. Promote environmentally






iii. Strengthen institutional and human capacities in the ASEAN

minerals sector; and





Maintain an efficient and up-to-date ASEAN Minerals Database,

including its infrastructure towards achieving deeper integration in
the mineral sector.

Cooperation in ASEAN minerals sector shall continue to involve

partnership in policy development and in programme implementation in
key measures such as:
a. Exchange information and develop the ASEAN Mineral
b. Promote and facilitate intra- and extra-ASEAN trade and
c. Promote environmentally and socially responsible mineral
resources management and development;
d. Intensify private sector participation and public-private sector
collaboration in ASEAN mineral cooperation programmes and
e. Foster cooperation with Dialogue Partners and relevant
international and regional organisations in the promotion
of scientific and technological R&D in mineral resources
development and geosciences, as well as cooperative
programmes on technology transfer;
f. Coordinate and harmonise development
programmes on mineral resources;



g. Exchange technical information, experience and good practices;

h. Strengthen cooperation and joint approaches in addressing
international and regional issues and concerns of common
C.9. Science and Technology

Realising ASEANs intent to sustain its economic growth and to remain

globally competitive would be supported by appropriate science,
technology and innovation (STI) applications. The ASEAN Plan of Action
on Science, Technology and Innovation (APASTI) 2016-2025 and its
implementation plan will serve as important reference in identifying,
planning and implementing initiatives that will contribute to making
ASEAN innovative, competitive, vibrant, sustainable and economically




The vision and various goals of the APASTI would require concerted efforts
and pooling of resources to address the following strategic measures:

Strengthen existing networks of S&T centres of excellence to

promote cooperation, sharing of research facilities and manpower
towards joint research and technology development, technology
transfer and commercialisation;


Enhance mobility of scientists and researchers from both public S&T

institutions and private sector through exchange programmes and
other appropriate arrangements, according to the respective laws,
rules, regulations and national policies;


Establish systems and mechanisms that will increase the engagement

of women and youth in STI to promote entrepreneurship;

iv. Raise public awareness of the various achievements derived from

ASEAN cooperation in STI;
v. Establish innovative support systems to promote and manage
regional STI enterprise arising from spin-offs and joint ventures; and
vi. Establish new strategies for partnership with dialogue partners &
other relevant organisations on mutually beneficial projects.
D. A Resilient, Inclusive, People-Oriented and People-Centred ASEAN
67. The AEC Blueprint 2025 seeks to significantly enhance the third characteristic
of the AEC Blueprint 2015 on Equitable Economic Development by deepening
existing elements and incorporating other key elements.




D.1. Strengthening the Role of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises

MSMEs are the backbone of the ASEAN economies. However,
globalisation, advances in technologies and communications, trade
liberalisation and the evolution of the production processes pose
challenges which need to be better addressed as ASEAN continues to
deepen its economic integration. Work has focused mainly on enhancing
networking, information flows and capacity building for government
agencies working on issues and capabilities building in the following
dimensions: access to finance, technology and innovation, markets,
human resource development and enabling policy and regulatory
A more structured and targeted MSME programme will be instituted
to enhance MSME competitiveness, resilience and to enable greater
benefits from ASEAN integration. Initiatives towards improved conducive

policy environment for MSMEs and enhanced market-related measures

are required to support these objectives, and to drive MSME productivity
and innovation as well as inclusive and equitable development, and
gender opportunities for micro enterprises and SMEs. In meeting these
aspirations for a globally competitive and innovative MSME sector that
is seamlessly integrated into the ASEAN community and contributes
to inclusive development, the following strategic measures would be

Promote productivity, technology and innovation through measures

to enhance MSME productivity by understanding key trends in
productivity; build industry clusters through industrial linkages,
promote technology and build capabilities to foster industry
clustering; as well as promote innovation as a key competitive
advantage through technology usage and its application to business
and business-academia linkages;


Increase access to finance by developing and enhancing the

institutional framework in respect of improving understanding and
strengthening traditional financing infrastructure as well as the
policy environment and measures that foster alternative and nontraditional financing; promote financial inclusion and literacy and the
ability of MSMEs to be better engaged in the financial systems; and
enhance tax and other incentive schemes;

iii. Enhance market access and internationalisation by extending and

developing support schemes for market access and integration
into the global supply chains including promoting partnership with
multinational corporations (MNCs) and large enterprises to increase
market access and opportunities; promote the use of e-Commerce;
and enhancing measures to promote exports through mechanisms
such as export clinics, advisory services and ROO utilisation;
iv. Enhance MSME policy and regulatory environment that promotes
intra and inter-governmental cooperation and coordination
mechanisms, involvement of MSMEs in the decision-making process
to enable better representation of MSME interests; provide support
to micro enterprises in the informal sector and their integration; and
streamline processes involved in obtaining of permits and business
registrations to enable less costly and faster business formation;
v. Promote entrepreneurship and human capital development by
creating a more conducive environment for entrepreneurship
through the ASEAN On-line Academy; and enhancing human capital
development for MSMEs, in particular youth and women.



D.2. Strengthening the Role of the Private Sector


The role of the private sector in ASEAN integration is important as a key

stakeholder in the process. In the AEC 2025 environment, it is recognised
that greater involvement of the private sector and more structured
participation will be beneficial to the achievement of ASEAN goals. Private
sector inputs and partnerships are essential not only in designing regional
strategies and initiatives, but also in identifying impediments to realising
deeper regional economic integration. Efforts must be made to engage
the business sector and community-based organisations more effectively,
both to provide easier access to official information on implementation,
and to obtain timely feedback on policies.


Currently, there are the ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC)

as the apex private sector body, nine ASEAN+1 business councils, and 66
business entities interacting with the various ASEAN sectoral groups. The
ASEAN-BAC will take the lead in coordinating inputs from established
business councils and entities in their interactions with various ASEAN
sectoral groups. In harnessing the collective resources of the private
sector to enable more effective participation in ASEAN activities and to
assist ASEAN to achieve its goals, the strategic measures include the

Implement a more inclusive and consultative process involving the

private sector:
a. Guidelines: Formulate a set of guidelines to maximise benefits
from engagement with the private sector. The guidelines may
include criteria for the involvement of private sector entities
(e.g. demonstration of value-add to ASEAN, leveraging on core
competencies, mechanism for involving MSMEs).
b. ASEAN Bodies: Relevant ASEAN bodies to institutionalise
within each body a consultative process with lead private sector
entities (business associations and business councils) as well
as ASEAN-BAC representatives to support the implementation
of initiatives under the sectoral work plans.
c. Business Entities: Private sector groups to initiate cluster
groups to engage in specific issues; hold partnership events
on key issues, such as trade facilitation, services, investment,
connectivity, food and MSMEs to raise issues and provide key
inputs on emerging trends and issues.
d. Online Networking Forum: With many different bodies and
multiple issues, the private sector needs to develop its own
platform for networking.




Enhance ASEAN-BACs role:

a. Composition: Membership to reflect strong linkages with
business stakeholders.
b. Engagement: Build-in a more structured engagement with
business councils/business entities, establish own structure
to monitor progress of key initiatives or priority integration
sectors of interest to the private sector so as to support the
implementation and provide feedback.

Coordination between ASEAN-BAC and the ASEAN Secretariat:

Enhance coordination with ASEAN-BAC by providing regular
updates of the AEC; providing minutes of consultations with the
private sector; and ensuring ASEAN-BAC recommendations
feed into the consultative process with sectoral bodies.

D.3. Public-Private Partnership


Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is an important tool for decision makers

to strengthen economic and social development through the harnessing
of private sector expertise, sharing of risks, and provision of additional
sources of funding. ASEAN has been seeking to drive the PPP agenda
further, particularly for infrastructure initiatives under the AEC and
under the MPAC and its successor document. The non-binding ASEAN
Principles for PPP Frameworks recommendations were adopted by the
46th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting in August 2014 and presented
to the 25th ASEAN Summit in November 2014.


Strategic measures include the following:


Review and scope the national legal and institutional frameworks

that support PPP at both the national and regional levels, with a view
towards strengthening the PPP legal and operating environment;


Identify partners to provide technical assistance to ASEAN Member

States to support an enabling environment conducive to PPP,
including the necessary policies, laws, regulations, institutions and
government capacity;

iii. Identify partners to provide PPP project development facilities and

transaction advisory services;
iv. Establish an ASEAN network of PPP agencies and stakeholders
(legal firms, companies, financial institutions) in ASEAN Member
States to share experiences and collaborate on joint projects;




Encourage the ASEAN Infrastructure Fund (AIF) to study ways to act

as a catalyst in order to attract private sector funding for financing
commercially viable PPP projects that will contribute towards
poverty reduction, inclusive growth, environmental sustainability
and regional integration; and


Promote the use of PPP for infrastructure projects, where appropriate.

D.4. Narrowing the Development Gap


The Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) has been a key initiative to address
narrowing the development gap (NDG) by providing support to Cambodia,
Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam (CLMV) to augment their capacity to
implement regional agreements and accelerate the regional integration
process as a whole. Recognising that pockets of underdevelopment
and development gaps exist in all countries, ASEAN has also continued
coordinating closely with other sub-regional cooperation frameworks in the
region (e.g. Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines East ASEAN Growth
Area (BIMP-EAGA); Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand Growth Triangle (IMTGT), Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), Mekong Initiatives) as part of
NDG. The second phase of the IAI Work Plan spanned 2009 to 2015, while
the annual CLMV Senior Economic Officials Meeting (SEOM) Action Plans
have been implemented since 2011.


Having taken into consideration the recommendations in the Mid-Term

Review of the IAI Work Plan II and the ASEAN Equitable Development
Monitor 2014, the IAI and NDG implementation plan beyond 2015 will
focus on the following strategic objectives:

Sustain the pace of economic growth among ASEAN Member



Strengthen the capacity building in newer ASEAN Member States

to implement regional commitments towards ASEAN economic


Reduce the burden placed by business regulations on the creation

and successful operation of formal enterprises;

iv. Building business opportunities for growth and employment, and

increasing access to financial services;
v. Enhance productivity and competitiveness of rural economies,
especially in the newer ASEAN Member States;
vi. Emphasise on the development of MSMEs of ASEAN Member
States; and



vii. Identify development donors to provide technical and financial

assistance for the MSMEs to focus on potential sectors, which allow
them to effectively participate in regional and global value chain

Effective engagement between ASEAN and sub-regional frameworks to

translate cooperation into concrete and sustainable actions that harness
each others strengths and advantages will be continued.
D.5. Contribution of Stakeholders on Regional Integration Efforts


Enhanced engagement could be undertaken to provide for better

transparency of ASEAN activities and progress in ASEAN integration.
The stakeholders, including civil society organisations, can contribute to
the integration efforts by communicating the initiatives undertaken by the
governments on economic integration initiatives to the general public.
These stakeholders could also contribute by providing feedback on the
impact of the integration efforts on ASEAN peoples.


Strategic measures include the following:


Continue to enhance engagement with stakeholders on economic

issues to promote a better understanding of ASEAN economic
integration initiatives;


Work closely with stakeholders towards promoting corporate social

responsibility (CSR) activities; and


Enhance consultations with stakeholders on new initiatives.

E. A Global ASEAN
79. ASEAN is continuing to make steady progress towards integrating the region into
the global economy through FTAs and comprehensive economic partnership
agreements (CEPs) with China, Japan, Republic of Korea, India, Australia
and New Zealand. Negotiations to conclude the Regional Comprehensive
Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the ASEAN-Hong Kong FTA (AHKFTA) are
also ongoing. These FTAs/CEPs have been strengthening ASEANs position as
an open and inclusive economic region, and lay the foundation for ASEAN to
retain its centrality in global and regional engagements, where possible. ASEAN
Member States are also engaged in FTAs and CEPs with their strategic trade
partners to complement the regional FTAs/CEPs.
80. Building on the gains from ASEANs global engagement and its economic
integration initiatives, ASEAN shall work towards further integrating the AEC into
the global economy. Through these engagements, ASEAN can seek to promote
complementarities and mutual benefits for ASEAN. Strategic measures include
the following:



Develop a more strategic and coherent approach towards external

economic relations with a view to adopting a common position in regional
and global economic fora;


Continue to review and improve ASEAN FTAs and CEPs to ensure that
they remain modern, comprehensive, of high-quality and more responsive
to the needs of businesses operating the production networks in ASEAN;


Enhance economic partnerships with non-FTA Dialogue Partners by

upgrading and strengthening trade and investment work programmes/


Engage with regional and global partners to explore strategic engagement

to pursue economic partnerships with emerging economies and/or regional
groupings that share the same values and principles on improving the
lives of their people through economic integration;


Continue strongly supporting the multilateral trading system and actively

participating in regional fora; and


Continue to promote engagement with global and regional institutions.


A. Implementation Mechanism
81. The ASEAN Economic Community Council (AECC) shall be the principal body
accountable for the overall implementation of the strategic measures in the AEC
Blueprint 2025.
82. To ensure effective implementation of the AEC Blueprint 2025, the following
strategic measures will be undertaken:



AECC shall monitor and enforce compliance of all measures agreed in

this document. AECC shall also establish special task forces/committees
to assist the Council in facilitating resolution of non-compliance related to
implementation of measures agreed upon. The composition and terms of
reference (TOR) of special task forces/committees will be determined by
the Council, taking into consideration the usefulness of independent views,
in the monitoring and implementation of the resolution of non-compliance;


A strategic action plan will be developed comprising of key action lines

that will operationalise the strategic measures in the AEC Blueprint 2025.
The strategic action plan will take into account the relevant sectoral work
plans, and will be reviewed periodically to account for developments in
each sector;



Relevant ASEAN sectoral bodies will coordinate the implementation of

their work plans, while relevant government agencies will be responsible
for following up on, and overseeing, the implementation and preparation
of more detailed action plans at the national level;


ASEAN Member States may also access other mechanisms such as

the ASEAN Solutions for Investments, Services, and Trade (ASSIST).
Notwithstanding the above, ASEAN Member States retain the option to
utilise the ASEAN Protocol on Enhanced Dispute Settlement Mechanism
(EDSM) to promote a rules-based community;


ASEAN Member States shall translate milestones and targets of the AEC
Blueprint 2025 into national milestones and targets;


The monitoring/tracking of the implementation and compliance of strategic

measures/action lines agreed upon in the document will be conducted
by the ASEAN Secretariat through an enhanced monitoring framework
using appropriate approaches and robust methodology. The impact and
outcomes of the AEC Blueprint 2025 will be monitored, including with the
support of the ASEAN Community Statistical System (ACSS);


As may be appropriate, the implementation of AEC Blueprint 2025 will

allow for both a consensus and flexibility approach in the decision-making
process by economic bodies in certain sensitive aspects. Where there is
no consensus or when the need for expedited decisions arises, ASEAN
will apply Article 21.2 of the ASEAN Charter;


AEC Blueprint 2025 will promote transparency and improve the operation
of notification procedures under all ASEAN economic agreements through
the Protocol on Notification Procedures;


The ratification of ASEAN legal instruments after signing will be

accelerated, with best endeavours, within 6 months, subject to domestic
processes of ASEAN Member States; and


Partnership arrangements with the private sector, industry associations,

and the wider community at the regional and national levels will also
be actively sought and fostered to ensure sustained participation of all
stakeholders in the integration process.

83. The next phase of integration will require strong institutional support, further
strengthening of ASEAN Secretariat and strategic collaboration with other



A.1. ASEAN Secretariat

84. The timely and effective strengthening of the Secretariat will be imperative.
Efforts to strengthen the Secretariat will be done by, among others, implementing
the report and recommendations of the High Level Task Force (HLTF) on
Strengthening the ASEAN Secretariat and Reviewing ASEAN organs, as
adopted by the ASEAN Leaders at the 25th ASEAN Summit in November 2014.
The Secretariat is also expected to continue to monitor as well as evaluate, for
the AECC, the progress and impact of AEC Blueprint 2025 measures, tapping on
internal resources as well as external expertise or stakeholders, as appropriate.
85. The Secretariat will also continue to assume an active role in the dissemination
of information to all stakeholders, and in the conduct of research or other
initiatives that are relevant to, and supportive of, the AEC Blueprint 2025.
A.2. Other Institutions
86. The support of and strategic collaboration with other institutions involved in the
work on regional economic integration, such as, but not limited to, the ASEAN+3
Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO), the World Bank, Asian Development
Bank, ERIA, and OECD, will also be essential in achieving the goals of AEC
Blueprint 2025.
B. Resources
87. ASEAN will continue to facilitate the mobilisation of resources from ASEAN
Member States, Dialogue Partners and international institutions, in terms of, but
not limited to, funding, expertise, and capacity building support to implement the
agreed measures.
88. In mobilising resources, in the form of funds, expertise, or knowledge assets,
consideration shall be given to the sustainability of efforts, initiatives, or projects,
and established mechanisms.
C. Communications
89. Building upon the existing ASEAN Communications Master Plan (ACMP),
ASEAN will step up its efforts to systematically disseminate information on the
implementation of the various measures under the AEC Blueprint 2025 to the
Community, within and outside of ASEAN. The overall objectives are to:


Bring about greater awareness of the importance of building an ASEAN

Community, including the economic community that contributes to the
overall economic development, sustainable and equitable growth, and
well-being of the people in the region;



Explain to stakeholders within and outside the region on the approach taken
to promote regional economic integration and address any misconception
on the economic integration model undertaken by ASEAN; and


Obtain feedback from the various stakeholders, through the communication

networks, on the outcomes and possible impact of economic integration
on the people in the region.

90. The measures, among others, include the strategies outlined in the ACMP such
as to:

Celebrate the establishment of AEC as well as AEC progress and

achievements on a formal basis within ASEAN and outside the region
with high impact events;


Promote both ASEAN and non-ASEAN investors to be spokesperson/

advocate to highlight ASEANs integration initiatives and how businesses
can benefit from these initiatives;


Promote awareness through regular publication of updates on economic

activities and opportunities using online communication, print and other
media mechanisms, including social media;


Undertake dedicated programmes, including highlighting success stories

of MSMEs aimed at promoting awareness among youth, women and
MSMEs to facilitate their participation and benefit from the economic
integration in the region; and


Use ASEAN Member States embassies and high commissions outside

the region to assume a more proactive role in promoting ASEAN as a
strong and dynamic economic entity.

D. Review
91. The AEC Blueprint 2025 shall be reviewed periodically as decided by the AECC,
but not more than every three years, unless otherwise agreed. Mid-term and
end-of-term evaluations covering the periods 2016-2020 and 2021-2025 will
be conducted to monitor progress and evaluate outcomes/impacts, including
achievements and challenges from the implementation of the AEC Blueprint
2025, with a view towards enhancing the level of economic integration in
ASEAN. The mid-term and end-of-term evaluations may be complemented with
more regular monitoring and reporting of implementation progress.





ASEAN Banking Integration Framework


ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement


ASEAN Capital Market Infrastructure


ASEAN Communications Master Plan


AEAN Community Statistical System


ASEAN Economic Community


ASEAN Economic Community Council


Authorised Economic Operators


ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Goods in


ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Inter-State

ASEAN Framework Agreement on Multimodal Transport


ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services




ASEAN Infrastructure Fund


ASEAN Insurance Integration Framework


ASEAN Minerals Cooperation Action Plan


ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office


ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation


ASEAN Plan of Action on Science, Technology and Innovation


ASEAN Power Grid


ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework


ASEAN Single Aviation Market



ASEAN-BAC ASEAN Business Advisory Council


ASEAN Solutions for Investments, Services, and Trade


ASEAN Single Shipping Market


WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation


ASEAN Trade Facilitation-Joint Consultative Committee


ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement


ASEAN Trade in Services Agreement


Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area


Cross-Border Transport of Passengers


Coordinating Committee on Investment


clean coal technologies


comprehensive economic partnership agreements


Cambodia, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Myanmar

and Viet Nam


corporate social responsibility


Enhanced Dispute Settlement Mechanism


Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia


food, agriculture and forestry


foreign direct investment


Financial Stability Board


free trade agreement


geographical indication


Greater Mekong Subregion


good regulatory practice

genetic resources, traditional knowledge, and traditional cultural



global value chain(s)


High Level Task Force


human resource development


Initiative for ASEAN Integration


Information and Communications Technology


International Maritime Organization


Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand Growth Triangle


Intellectual Property


Intellectual Property Rights


Institute of Southeast Asian Studies


International Organization for Standardization


information technology


liquefied natural gas


multinational corporations


Movement of Natural Persons


Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity


mutual recognition arrangements


micro, small and medium enterprise(s)


narrowing the development gap


non-tariff measures


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


Patent Cooperation Treaty


public-private partnership


Product Specific Rules




Qualified ASEAN Banks


research and development


Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership


renewable energy


rules of origin


S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies


science and technology


Senior Economic Officials Meeting


small and medium enterprise(s)


science, technology and innovation


Singapore Treaty on the Law on Trademarks


Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline


technical barriers to trade


terms of reference


World Intellectual Property Organization


World Trade Organization






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