Welfare Economics
Welfare Economics
Welfare Economics
Social welfare:Social welfare refers to the overall welfare of society. With sufficiently strong
assumptions, it can be specified as the summation of the welfare of all the
individuals in the society. Welfare may be measured either cardinally in terms of
"utile" or dollars, or measured ordinally in terms of Pareto efficiency. The cardinal
method in "utile" is seldom used in pure theory today because of aggregation
problems that make the meaning of the method doubtful, except on widely
challenged underlying assumptions. In applied welfare economics, such as in costbenefit analysis, money-value estimates are often used, particularly where incomedistribution effects are factored into the analysis or seem unlikely to undercut the
The capabilities approach to welfare argues that freedom - what people are free to
do or be - should be included in welfare assessments, and the approach has been
particularly influential in development policy circles where the emphasis on multidimensionality and freedom has shaped the evolution of the Human Development
Other classifying terms in welfare economics include externalities, equity, justice,
inequality, and altruism.
1 Two approaches
2 Efficiency
3 Income distribution
9 Criticisms
The marginal resource cost is equal to the marginal revenue product for all
production processes. This takes place when marginal physical product of a
factor must be the same for all firms producing a good.
3. Income distribution:There are many combinations of consumer utility, production mixes, and
factor input combinations consistent with efficiency. In fact, there is infinity of
consumption and production equilibrium that yield Pareto optimal results. There
are as many optima as there are points on the aggregate production possibilities
frontier. Hence, Pareto efficiency is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for
social welfare. Each Pareto optimum corresponds to a different income distribution
in the economy. Some may involve great inequalities of income. So how do we
decide which Pareto optimum is most desirable? This decision is made, either
tacitly or overtly, when we specify the social welfare function. This function
embodies value judgments about interpersonal utility. The social welfare function
shows the relative importance of the individuals that comprise society.
A utilitarian welfare function (also called a Benthamite welfare function)
sums the utility of each individual in order to obtain society's overall welfare. All
people are treated the same, regardless of their initial level of utility. One extra unit
of utility for a starving person is not seen to be of any greater value than an extra
unit of utility for a millionaire. At the other extreme is the Max-Min,
or Rawlins utility function (Stieglitz, 2000, p102) [incomplete reference].
According to the Max-Min criterion, welfare is maximized when the utility of
those society members that have the least is the greatest. No economic activity will
increase social welfare unless it improves the position of the society member that is
the worst off. Most economists specify social welfare functions that are
intermediate between these two extremes.
The social welfare function is typically translated into social indifference
curves so that they can be used in the same graphic space as the other functions
that they interact with. A utilitarian social indifference curve is linear and
downward sloping to the right. The Max-Min social indifference curve takes the
shape of two straight lines joined so as they form a 90 degree angle. A social
indifference curve drawn from an intermediate social welfare function is a curve
that slopes downward to the right.
The intermediate form of social indifference curve can be interpreted as
showing that as inequality increases, a larger improvement in the utility of
relatively rich individuals is needed to compensate for the loss in utility of
relatively poor individuals.
4. A simplified seven-equation model:The basic welfare economics problem is to find the theoretical maximum of
a social welfare function, subject to various constraints such as the state of
technology in production, available natural resources, national infrastructure, and
behavioral constraints such as consumer utility maximization and producer profit
maximization. In the simplest possible economy this can be done by
simultaneously solving seven equations. This simple economy would have only
two consumers (consumer 1 and consumer 2), only two products (product X and
product Y), and only two factors of production going into these products (labor (L)
and capital (K)). The model can be stated as:
Maximize social welfare: W=f (U1 U2) subject to the following set of
K = Ki + KY (The amount of capital used in the production of goods X and
L = Lx + Ly (The amount of labor used in the production of goods X and Y)
X = X (Ki Lx) (The production function for product X)
Y = Y (KY Ly) (The production function for product Y)
U1 = U1(X1 Y1) (The preferences of consumer 1)
U2 = U2(X2 Y2) (The preferences of consumer 2)
The solution to this problem yields a Pareto optimum. In a more realistic
example of millions of consumers, millions of products, and several factors of
production, the math gets more complicated.
Also, finding a solution to an abstract function does not directly yield a policy
recommendation! In other words, solving an equation does not solve social
problems. However, a model like the one above can be viewed as an argument
that solving a social problem (like achieving a Pareto-optimal distribution of
wealth) is at least theoretically possible.
Although all the points on the grand social utility frontier are Pareto
efficient, only one point identifies where social welfare is maximized. Such
point is called "the point of bliss". This point is Z where the social utility
frontier MN is tangent to the highest possible social indifference curve labeled
as microeconomics and can be seen as intermediate or advanced
microeconomic theory. Its results are applicable to macroeconomic issues so
welfare economics is somewhat of a bridge between the two branches of
Cost-benefit analysis is a specific application of welfare economics
techniques, but often excludes the income distribution aspects.
Political science also looks into the issue of social welfare (political science),
but in a less quantitative manner.
Human development theory explores these issues also, and considers them
fundamental to the development process itself.
8. Parisian welfare economics:Parisian welfare economics rests on the assumed value judgment that, if a
particular change in the economy leaves at least one individual better off and no
individual worse off, social welfare may be said to have increased.
possible to do welfare economics without the use of prices, however this is not
always done.
Value assumptions explicit in the social welfare function used and implicit in
the efficiency criterion chosen tend to make welfare economics a normative and
perhaps subjective field. This can make it controversial.
However, perhaps most significant of all are concerns about the limits of a
utilitarian approach to welfare economics. According to this line of argument
utility is not the only thing that matters and so a comprehensive approach to
welfare economics should include other factors. The capabilities approach to
welfare is an attempt to construct a more comprehensive approach to welfare
economics, one in which functionings, happiness and capabilities are the three
key aspects of welfare outcomes that people should seek to promote and foster.