Car Crane
Car Crane
Car Crane
The objective of this project was to implement a mobile robot model shown in
Fig. 1, for the aim of mining and navigation process. This was done in two stages: the
first was to study the kinematics of robot and to propose the navigation strategies. The
second was to propose a detailed complete design and implementation of electronic
interface, and software algorithm.
Assume that no slipping to the front wheels the velocity equation can be written as
car follow the path. These inputs are used in the kinematics model
to update the car’s position and the animation is then updated to
show the car’s new location. These steps are repeated until the end
of the simulation is reached.
Fig. 4 Simulink representation of car kinematics model
Signal Cond.
Intelligent Master &
Control ADC
Interface Drive2
Modulation/Demo Transceiver Transceiver (Ultrasonic ,Infrared ,..etc..)
The main interface circuit is shown in Fig. 7 while fig. 8 shows the motion algorithm
for programming the used PIC microcontroller
Fig. 7 Main interface circuit for mobile car
is left /right
sensor detect
5.1 Industrial Crane Model
The objective of this project was to build a prototype model of single girder
overhead crane that has a length of 2 m, a width of 1.2 m and a height of 1 m. The
design used three DC motors for xyz-directions, PIC microcontroller, keypad, limit
switches, three positioning sensors, control and drive circuits. The user can specify
the desired position by entering the coordinates on the keypad. Then, the controller
sends the appropriate signals to the motors in order to move the girder to its target.
The mechanical components are composed of the frame, the girder, and the
trolley. The electrical parts consisted of three DC motors (easier to control and
interface than AC). The system has three DC motors as: Hock Motor: to lifted the
load. Trolley Motor: to moved the trolley above the girder. Girder Motor: to
moved the girder above the bridges. Each dc motor has internal gears to reduce
the speed and increase the torque with gear ratio 1/140 (3 – Ampere, 12 - Volt., )
36 - Watt power.
Three displacement sensors (x,y,z) : hook position, trolley position, bridges position
But these sensors is too expensive so we took decision to made linear optical
encoders for the X and Y direction that’s give digital signal with resolution 1pulse/cm
We used 2 optical switches LTH860-T55 and we made its tracks from the plastic then
we fixed it on the frame. For Z direction we put rotational optical encoder on the shaft
of the pulley to get the cycles that the pulley rotates then we can calculate the
displacement of Z. The resolution of the disc used is 20pulse/revolution
Four digital limit switches. We need four limit switches to stop the hock, trolley and
Auto Mode
Manual Mode
GO To Check the
Home position form
Check Position Keypad
Manual Read
Check Mode Auto Mode
Mode M/A
Drive The
Check the
direction of X Y Z
Check the and Calculate the
Limit Sw of Displacement Of
the Movment XYZ
Read encoder
of the Drive The
Movment Motors
Out The
position On Read encoder
LCD of the
Stop The
When they get
the position