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ESFEMRC Position Paper 3rd Edition February 2011

Position on the Directive

on the Protection of Animals
used for Scientific Purposes
3 Current Status of the Directive
and the Resulting Legislation
3 Key Elements of the New Directive

7 Strategic Action by EU Organisations

and EU Scientists
7 Conclusion

The aim of this position paper of the European Medical
Research Councils (EMRC), the Standing Committee
for Medical Sciences at the European Science Foundation
(ESF), is to provide continuing input into developments
resulting from the new European Directive 2010/63/EU
of the European Parliament and of the Council on
the protection of animals used for scientific purposes
(fulltext adopted at
The second ESF-EMRC position paper, published
in March 2009, was a key factor in raising awareness of
the implications of the revised Directive amongst scientists,
research funders, corporate research organisations
and patient groups, and informing the process of revising
the Directive.
This new paper is aimed at the same audience.
It summarises the current status of the Directive and looks
forward to the next crucially important stage during which
the Directive will be transposed into law and then fully
implemented in the Member States.
This paper builds on previous work of the ESF1,2,3

Sprague Dawley Variety of White Laboratory Rat
Visuals Unlimited/Corbis

and draws on documents produced by ESF member

organisations at the various stages of the consultation
process for the revision of this Directive. The key reference
document for this paper is the Directive that was formally
adopted by the European Parliament on 8 September 2010.

Liselotte Hjgaard
EMRC Chair

Marja Makarow
ESF Chief Executive

1. E
 SF Science Policy Briefing (SPB) no9 Use of Animals in Research,
September 2000 & ESF SPB no15 Use of Animals in Research,
August 2001 (2nd Edition)
2. E
 SF-EMRC Position on the Proposed Revision of the Directive on the
Protection of Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes
(86/609/EEC), September 2008
3. E
 SF-EMRC Position on the Proposal for a Directive on the Protection
of Animals used for Scientific Purposes, March 2009 (2nd Edition)

List of Abbreviations
AW: Animal Welfare Body
EC: European Commission
EU: European Union
GM: Genetically Modified
NHPs: Non-Human Primates

Position on the Directive on the Protection of Animals used for Scientific Purposes (2010/63/EU) | February 2011

1. Current Status of the

Directive and the Resulting
The Directive has now been finalised and published in the
Official Journal of the European Union, and has entered
into force as EU law. Member States must now, within
two years, pass (or amend existing) national legislation
to make the provisions of the Directive legally binding.
Subsequently, the Directive will enter into force in Member
States in January 2013 and existing legislation is expected
to remain in place until that time.
The Directive sets objectives and minimum common
standards, which Member States must transpose into
national law. It is binding as to the result to be achieved,
although the annexes can be amended through comitology
(this committee system is both a political and technical
process which oversees the delegated acts implemented
by the European Commission (EC)).
The articles of the Directive specify the legal requirements. However, the choice of form and methods to
achieve those requirements are left to the national authorities. Member states are not free to apply more stringent
national measures to this specific legislation, but can maintain more stringent measures that are already in place if
they are for the protection of animals.

What have we learned thus far?

The published version of the Directive is of course a compromise. Nevertheless, constant and effective provision of
information by the scientific community, industry, funders,
medical charities and patient groups has achieved many
significant improvements over the 2008 draft published
by the EC. Scientific bodies are now better organised and
prepared for the challenges that national implementation
will bring.
The general view now seems to be that the new Directive
will continue to allow responsible research involving animals, similar to that permitted under existing legislation.
Most of the controversial restrictions in the original draft
Directive (November 2008) have been removed. Some
examples are:
basic research using non-human primates (NHPs) is not
re-use of animals after moderate procedures is allowed
research involving endangered species is allowed, if the
animals are bred in captivity.

The new Directive offers a new opportunity for harmonisation between European countries of regulatory
outcomes of research involving animals. It should also
make pan-EU research easier to fund, since funders will be
assured of minimum welfare and ethical standards, and
the authorisation of a given project will have equivalent
status in different EU states. If the Directive is properly
implemented, no animal research should be exported
from one EU state to another due to differences in the level
of restrictions. However, each member state is still free to
set its own regulatory processes, and it is important for
the scientific community to minimise the administrative
burden of these.

2. Key Elements
of the New Directive
The new Directive is considerably longer and more prescriptive than the 1986 Directive. It specifies much more
explicitly what is allowed and what is not. The revised
Directive contains provisions on a number of key areas.
Here are some of them:
Scope: Clearly defined animals and stages covered,
with special provisions in certain instances, such as
endangered species, non-human primates (NHPs),
dogs and cats, stray and feral, or wild-caught animals.
Cephalopods are the only invertebrates included.
Purposes and procedures: Clearly defined permissible
purposes, with requirements over procedures, such as
the application of 3Rs (see below), selection of methods, stipulation of severity, methods of killing, limits
to re-use, etc.
Establishments: Definitions of breeder, supplier and user,
together with general requirements for authorisation,
equipment, staffing, record-keeping, care and accommodation, authorised personnel and animal welfare
Personnel: Requirements are based on education, training, supervision and competence, together with some
system of national authorisation.
Projects: Research projects involving animals now require
evaluation and authorisation of the proposed project
inevitably through a licensing process. Additional
requirements include non-technical summaries, and
in some cases retrospective assessment.

Position on the Directive on the Protection of Animals used for Scientific Purposes (2010/63/EU) | February 2011

In the following sections A to D, we attempt to summarise

some of the main issues which will affect the operation of
the national legislation that implements the Directive.

Animal Welfare and the 3Rs

To advance humane treatment of animals used for
research, William Russell and Rex Burch were the first to
develop the 3Rs concept in 1959 in their book Principles
of Human Experimental Technique. 3Rs stands for the
need for replacement, refinement and reduction of the
use of animals in experimental work. There has been an
ever increasing implementation of the 3Rs by scientists
and scientific institutions. Today its widespread use by
the academic community is accepted internationally as
a sound basis for the humane use of animals in research.
It is therefore not surprising that a number of provisions
in the Directive require that the 3Rs are fully applied to
further improve animal welfare and minimise animal
use. Examples include the use of alternative methods,
appropriate design of experiments, choice of humane
endpoints, and refinement of breeding, accommodation
and care, and of methods used in procedures. In general,
researchers will already be applying these principles to
their experimental projects.

Animal Welfare:
Scientific Considerations
Severity classification

Severity classification is set out in Annex VIII. Here the

position may be difficult. Some member states may wish
to push for more examples to be included, especially at the
upper threshold (see below). Procedures (not projects) must
be classified on a case-by-case basis, depending on the
degree of pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm expected
to be experienced by an individual animal during the
course of the procedure. Thus one view is that the application of a severity classification for a particular project is a
matter of professional and scientific judgement.
Upper threshold restriction

A procedure may not be performed if it involves severe

pain, suffering or distress that is likely to be long-lasting
and cannot be ameliorated. The intention of this is to
focus the minds of researchers on the amelioration of
suffering, rather than create a new restriction on research.
However, this clause was subject to some debate in Europe,
and the current wording could leave uncertainties over
some pain models that are currently undertaken routinely

for research into chronic pain states suffered by human

patients such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis
or diabetes. Restriction on these long-lasting severe pain
models could have an impact on pain research. There is
an exemption clause but it is questionable as to whether
this should ever need to be used. We need to recognise
that the creation of an additional super-severe category
of severity might create the tendency for authorities to
move some procedures from moderate into severe.
Lower threshold

The Directive has attempted to define a lower threshold of

harm to animals. Therefore, the Directive does not apply
to practices not likely to cause pain, suffering, distress or
lasting harm equivalent to, or higher than, that caused
by the introduction of a needle in accordance with good
veterinary practice. However this does not constitute
satisfactory guidance on non-invasive procedures, and
further clarification will be necessary. It is possible that
good welfare assessments of GM animals which seem phenotypically normal will mean that they fall below this
Non-human primates (NHPs)

Here the spirit of the Directive is that NHP research

currently being undertaken will continue to be allowed.
However, the use of NHPs in translational or applied
research or toxicity testing is restricted to procedures
which are undertaken with a view to the avoidance,
prevention, diagnosis or treatment of debilitating or potentially life-threatening clinical conditions in human beings.
The intention of this restriction was to prevent trivial
research in NHPs, but it is not yet clear how this will
work in practice, and there is likely to be considerable
discussion and debate. The EC has offered to set up a
Europe-wide working party to further clarify this issue.
A debilitating clinical condition is defined as a reduction of a persons normal physical or psychological ability
to function. Basic research involving NHPs, or research
aimed at the preservation of the species, is not covered
by this restriction.
We should avoid a list of acceptable topics for applied
research since scientific advances cannot necessarily be
predicted. Although basic research on NHPs represents
a very small number of animals, this research nevertheless provides the engine for translational advances for
development in applied research.

Member States must ensure that, wherever possible, a

scientifically satisfactory method or testing strategy, not

Position on the Directive on the Protection of Animals used for Scientific Purposes (2010/63/EU) | February 2011

entailing the use of live animals, shall be used instead of

a procedure. The exact meaning of a scientifically satisfactory method or testing strategy needs to be properly
determined, including practical limitations.

This was another topic of considerable debate. The ability

to re-use is to be in accordance with veterinary advice
taking into account the lifetime experience of the animal.
The current view is that the final version is a good example
of a 3R (reduction) because it will reduce the number of
animals used.

Animal Welfare: Animal Care

Care and accommodation

The standards previously set out in ETS 123 (European

Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals
used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes,
Council of Europe, 1986) have been made mandatory
under Annex III, with variable lead-in times on cage
sizes, etc. This is likely to have significant impact on
costs, particularly for rodent breeding and bird housing.
There are exemptions to the requirement to conform
to Annex III for scientific, animal welfare or animal
health reasons. It will be for Member States to determine how such exemptions will be approved and applied.
Presumably this would be part of the project evaluation
by the competent authority.
Authorisation of staff

There is no mandatory authorisation of persons carrying

out or supervising procedures (apparently to reduce the
administrative burden and cater for different types of
operations). Instead, the requirements are for the competence of staff. However, there is still a requirement for
Member States to ensure, through authorisation or by
other means, that these competence requirements are

Training of professional, responsible staff to carry out

animal research remains essential. It will be in the hands
of establishments. The Directive stipulates that staff shall
be adequately educated and trained before they perform
any of the following functions: a. carrying out procedures
on animals; b. the design of procedures and projects; c. taking care of animals; d. killing animals. Institutions may
need to have their own mechanisms to monitor training and link this to competence, if they do not already.

Researchers and institutions are urged to watch this closely,

since harmonisation across Europe offers the prospect of
greater mobility of workers. Harmonisation opportunities
already exist. For example, the Federation of European
Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA) promotes a Europe-wide standard for education and training.
FELASA offers teaching programmes designed to enhance
the competence of those working with laboratory animals
(further information about the scheme at
accreditation-board). In order to contain costs and maintain the commitment of the trainees, future European
training will also need to be targeted at the specific needs
of individuals and their establishments.

The arrangements for licensing of premises, projects and

staff may be implemented differently in different countries.
EU scientists should be watchful for national arrangements
which are excessively bureaucratic or which deviate from
the spirit of the Directive. Competent authorities should
be encouraged to develop processing times for project
evaluation and authorisation which are internationally
competitive, and therefore well below the legal maximum
in the Directive of 40 days.

Animal Welfare: Bureaucracy

Competent authorities and national standards

The Directive allows EU Member States to maintain

provisions already in force aimed at ensuring more extensive protection of animals than those contained in this
Directive. The intention of this is to avoid countries being
forced to water down their existing measures. Conversely,
some countries may attempt to gold-plate the Directive
by bringing on more bureaucratic measures. However,
additional controls are specifically excluded.
Each EU Member State must designate at least one
competent authority responsible for the implementation
of this Directive. In each country, scientists will also have
to understand who is responsible in which Ministry for
this implementation.
Each Member State must have a National Committee
for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.
The National Committee should advise the competent
authorities and animal welfare bodies in matters dealing
with the acquisition, breeding, accommodation, care and
use of animals in procedures and ensure sharing of best practices. It must also exchange information on the operation
of animal welfare bodies and project evaluation and share
best practices within the Community.

Position on the Directive on the Protection of Animals used for Scientific Purposes (2010/63/EU) | February 2011

In the context of the Directive this refers to internal

bodies within establishments, and not to external animal welfare groups. The Animal Welfare Body (AWB)
must include at least the person or persons responsible
for the welfare and care of the animals and, in the case
of a user, a scientific member. The body shall also receive
input from the designated veterinarian. The AWB is
expected to advise staff on matters related to animal welfare, including the requirement for application of the
3Rs, and keep staff informed of relevant technical and
scientific developments. It must also establish and review
internal operational processes (monitoring, reporting and
follow-up) and follow the development and outcome of
projects, taking into account the effect on the animals
used, and identify and advise on elements that contribute
to the 3Rs. The word ethics has been removed from the
remit of the AWB and does not occur in relation to AWB
functions; rather the emphasis is on animal welfare.

The Directive failed to ensure consistency of training

across the EU. So unless the Competent Authorities across
the EU voluntarily agree common standards, we will not
get over the current restrictions on mobility of research
personnel between EU countries.
Licensing of trained staff allows for a record of who
does what and what they are able to do in different research
organisations and within an authorised, licensed project.
Licensing of staff also encourages the provision of training conferences, workshops and course attendance, which
can improve staff competence and raise scientific and
welfare standards (e.g. the courses run by the UK Centre
for the 3Rs).


Administrative cost

The Directive says that Member States must carry out regular inspections of people and establishments. However,
there appears to be a conflict between this requirement
and the minimum requirement to carry them out on
at least one third of users. In any case, the frequency of
inspection must be adapted on the basis of a risk analysis for each establishment. Various factors are specified,
including types and numbers of animals, types and numbers of projects, and previous compliance. Wide variation
across the EU in the arrangements for inspections would
be problematic.
Retrospective reviews

Retrospective reviews will be mandatory for all projects

using non-human primates and projects containing procedures classified as severe. The Directive stipulates that
retrospective assessment shall be carried out by the competent authority. However, for practical reasons it is
desirable that much of this function be delegated to the
institutions AWB for formal reporting back to the competent authority. The AWB will be in a better position to
know the current standing of any research project within
an establishment.
There is considerable benefit in carrying out these
reviews in terms of how each project has satisfied the 3Rs,
in addition to a review of the projects scientific quality,
which is already evaluated elsewhere (e.g. by funding bodies). There is also a strong case for the local AWB to carry out
these reviews, since such bodies should be best informed
in terms of project objectives and all details of the animals
used, accommodation, procedures, staffing, etc.

It will be important to avoid situations whereby retrospective review is used as a means of blocking the
licensing of new projects.

In the current economic climate, Member States may not

be ready for the cost implications of the implementation.
Researchers should encourage their relevant Ministry to
carry out an impact assessment of the costs and regulatory
burdens. Some costs are not easy to avoid (e.g. cage size)
but others might be avoidable (e.g. number of inspections,
inspectors, committee, evaluation and authorisation of
projects, etc.). It is important to point out that additional
bureaucracy does not lead automatically to improved animal welfare. In some countries the additional bureaucratic
cost might be taken away from the national research
budget and transferred to the budget of the ministry in
charge of animal protection and welfare.
Administrative delays in authorisation are also of
potential concern as rapid processing of applications
might be prevented where there is a small, overworked
Freedom of information

There are various safeguards throughout the Directive

which protect confidentiality and commercially sensitive
information in specific places. However, there is no allembracing confidentiality clause. The Directive specifies
only that non-technical summaries shall be published,
but nothing is said about the rest of the information in
project applications. EU scientists may wish to discuss
with their Ministry what measures can be taken to protect
confidential information, which could have security or
commercial implications for institutions, scientists and
animal care staff.

Position on the Directive on the Protection of Animals used for Scientific Purposes (2010/63/EU) | February 2011

3. Strategic Action
by EU Organisations and
EU Scientists

With the help of ESF-EMRC and other pan-European

groupings we can learn from experience involving other
EU Directives. The European Clinical Trials Directive
(EU 2001/20/EC), for example, had the laudable aim to
improve the safety and efficiency of clinical trials and to
provide the basis for improved European competitiveness. Unfortunately, it has had adverse effects and the
implementation of the directive by individual EU member
states has caused legislative differences between different
nations and obstacles to the conduct of clinical trials.
ESF-EMRC recommends that a mechanism through
which scientists in particular Member States can be alerted
to progress on implementations, including those that are
off-target to the general aims of the Directive, is rapidly
put in place. ESF-EMRC and other pan-European organisations should offer their expertise to Member States and
to the EC throughout the transposition process. We will
be at their disposal to explain how best to deal with the
terms of the Directive to promote animal welfare while
minimising red tape. This could additionally help to bring
rationalisation at the national level to be applied at the EU
level. Besides providing support to its member organisations at a national level, ESF-EMRC will also improve links
with other pan-European organisations to ensure a close
synergy at the EU level. We are for example now working
closely with the European Federation of Pharmaceutical
Industries and Associations (EFPIA), the European Society
of Laboratory Animal Veterinarians (ESLAV) and FELASA
to produce a more detailed document and additional
resource to complement the present paper. The aim is to
further help the community during the implementation
process. Finally scientists should also engage with panEuropean scientific organisations that promote animal
research and welfare.
National level

At the national level, EU scientists must avoid complacency: if Member States do not implement the spirit of the
Directive, supporting effective and responsible research
in animals, everything that has been achieved to date
could be lost. Scientists must be watchful and make sure
they and their representative bodies are fully engaged and
consulted in the process of implementation. ESF-EMRC
member organisations will be key players in this process
and we will provide them with support if necessary but

the development of national coalition groups would also

greatly facilitate this process.
The quality of the translation of the Directive into
national language is one factor that needs particular
attention. The Directive offers plenty of flexibility for
implementation and this might be positive through a
pro-science translation but could also lead to the risk of
gold-plating in some countries.
Scientists should encourage national ministries responsible for the Directive to keep up to date with what is
happening in other Member States. New national laws
will not necessarily be needed in all Members States such
as the UK, France or Germany which already have laws in
place. Specific areas and issues will be addressed by new
text of laws depending on the country. Other countries
might need completely new laws.

4. Conclusion
We are now entering a critical period for the future of
animal research in Europe. Scientists must be vigilant
that their governments now enact legislation that is in
keeping with the more positive spirit of the Directive.
That legislation should continue to allow the responsible
use of animals in research for maximum scientific, medical and veterinary benefit carried out in conditions that
optimise animal welfare. Scientists must therefore be
ready to participate in the translation of the Directive in
national legislation. In addition, they should try to participate as experts in the different committees involved
and provide the EC with valuable scientific results on the
development and limits of alternative methods, the upper
and lower thresholds and the impact of the Directive on
animal welfare and science.
In the future, ESF-EMRC will remain actively involved
throughout the transposition of the Directive. We will of
course provide support to scientists as well as our member
organisations at a national level but we will also remain
at the disposal of the EC and of those Member States that
request our input.

Position on the Directive on the Protection of Animals used for Scientific Purposes (2010/63/EU) | February 2011

High-level Expert Group and ESF-EMRC Standing Committee

High-level Expert Group

Roger Lemon,
University College London, London(UK)
Expert Group
Bas Blaauboer,
Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences
(IRAS), Utrecht (NL)
Heinz Brandstetter,
Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry,
Martinsried (DE)
Aurora Brnstad,
Vivarium, University of Bergen,
Bergen (NO)
Carmen Cavada,
Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM),
Madrid (ES)
Thomas Dantes (Science Officer),
MPI for Infection Biology, Berlin (DE)
Victor Demaria-Pesce,
General Directorate, Institut National
de la Sant et de la Recherche Mdicale
(Inserm), Paris (FR)
Pierre Drion,
University of Liege, Liege (BE)
Cornelia Exner,
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Senate Commission on Animal Protection
and Experimentation,
c/o University of Marburg, Marburg (DE)
Simon Festing,
Understanding Animal Research, London (UK)
Philippe Hantraye,
Commissariat lnergie Atomique (CEA),
Fontenay-aux-Roses (FR)
Max Headley,
University of Bristol, Bristol (UK)
Coenraad Hendriksen,
Netherlands Vaccine Institute (NVI),
Netherlands Centre Alternatives to Animal
Use (NCA) and Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht (NL)
Magali Jacquier,
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
(CNRS), Toulouse (FR)
Stefan H. E. Kaufmann,
MPI for Infection Biology, Berlin (DE)
Franois Lachapelle,
Institut National de la Sant et de la
Recherche Mdicale (Inserm), Paris (FR)
Jan Motlik,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
Prague (CZ)
Mathias Mller,
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna,
Vienna (AT)
Timo Nevalainen,
University of Kuopio, Kuopio (FI)
Hasso Seibert,
University Medical School SchleswigHolstein, Kiel (DE)
Wolf Singer,
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research,
Frankfurt am Main (DE)
Dag Srensen,
Centre for Comparative Medicine,
Rikshospitalet, Oslo (NO)
Gnther Sperk,
Medical University Innsbruck, Innsbruck (AT)

Ranko Stojkovic,
Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb (HR)
Max Planck Society
Stefan Treue,
German Primate Center, Gttingen (DE)
Ewa Szczepanska-Sadowska,
Warsaw Medical University and Committee
on Physiological Sciences, Polish Academy
of Sciences, Warsaw (PL)
Giovanni Vesce,
School of Veterinary Medicine, University
of Napoli Federico II, Naples (IT)

EMRC Standing Committee

Members consulted
EMRC Chair
Liselotte Hjgaard,
Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine & PET
Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen
and Danish Technical University (DK)
Austrian Academy of Sciences,
Austrian Science Fund, Markus Mller
Fund for Scientific Research,
Research Foundation Flanders,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Kresimir Pavelic
Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation,
Constantinos Deltas
Czech Republic
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
Josef Syka
Danish Medical Research Council,
Estonian Academy of Sciences & Estonian
Science Foundation, RaivoUibo
Academy of Finland, Tuula Tamminen
French National Centre for Scientific
Research, Emmanuelle Wollman
French National Institute of Health and
Medical Research, Anne Bisagni
German Research Foundation,
MartinRllinghoff / Georg Munz
National Hellenic Research Foundation,
Andrew Margioris
Hungarian Academy of Sciences and
Hungarian Scientific Research Fund,
Icelandic Research Council,
Health Research Board, Catherine Godson

National Research Council, Giovanni Pacini
Lithuanian State Science and Studies
Foundation, Zita Kucinskiene
National Research Fund, Carsten Carlberg
The Netherlands
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and
Sciences/Netherlands Organisation for
Scientific Research, Marcel Levi
The Research Council of Norway,
Polish Academy of Sciences,
Foundation for Science and Technology,
Isabel Palmeirim
National University Research Council,
Simona-Maria Ruta
Slovak Republic
Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Uros Skaleri
Council for Scientific Research,
Ministry of Science and Innovation,
MiguelAngel Piris Pinilla
Swedish Research Council, Mats Ulfendahl
Swiss National Science Foundation,
Stephane Clarke-Hosek
The Scientific and Technological Research
Council of Turkey, Haluk Topaloglu
United Kingdom
Medical Research Council, Mark Palmer
Wellcome Trust, Nancy Lee
Stephane Berghmans,
Head of Unit, Medical Sciences

The European Science Foundation (ESF)

was established in 1974 to provide a common
platform for its Member Organisations to advance
European research collaboration and explore
new directions for research. It is an independent
organisation, owned by 78 Member Organisations,
which are research funding organisations and
research performing organisations, academies
and learned societies from 30 countries. ESF
promotes collaboration in research itself, in
funding of research and in science policy activities
at the European level.
European Science Foundation
1 quai Lezay-Marnsia BP 90015
67080 Strasbourg cedex France
Tel: +33 (0)3 88 76 71 00
Fax: +33 (0)3 88 37 05 32
ISBN: 978-2-918428-33-6

Position on the Directive on the Protection of Animals used for Scientific Purposes (2010/63/EU) | February 2011

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