Estimation of PKa
Estimation of PKa
Estimation of PKa
Let us discuss the following equilibrium in aqueous solutions in the ground state:
where AH and A- symbolize acid and wnjugated base, respectively. The equilibrium constant for eq 1in dilute solntion is given by
1.W3 l ( ~ r n ~ ' l
( 4)
. Em- EA=
where R is the gas constant (8.31 J mol-' K-'), T is temperature (K), and Em and EA- are the energies of the electronic transitions for the conjugated acid and base
determined as the 0-0 transition energies.
In the majority of absorption and fluorescence spectra in
solutions it is not so simple to determine the 0-0 transition precisely. An estimate may be made by taking the
value from the region where the absorption and fluorescence spectra of both acid and base overlap. These values
can be estimated, for example, by averaging the frequencies of absorption and fluorescence maxima of both acid
and base forms:
Kinetic analysisb
2.5-3.1 (23)
2.83.0 (2,3)
acid or only base forms were obsewed. The measured absorption and wrrected (for apparatus response) fluorescence spectra are presented in Figures 2 and 3. The solvents used do not show a n y emission u n d e r t h e
experimental conditions used.
Following the procedure described in the experimental
section, the value of pK,* for the excited singlet state of
2-naphthol was estimated a s pK,* = 3.1 0.3. This value
shows that for 2-naphthol the increase in acidity with excitationis very large, 6 pK, units (in the ground state pK.
= 9.5).
If the student's time is not limited, he or she can estimate 0-0 transitions for acid and base forms a t the intersection point of mutually normalized absorption and emission spectra (Figs. 2 and 3). I n this case, however, the
fluorescence spectra must he wrrected for apparatus response, which can be done automatically (MPF 44A) or by
the "point by point" method (see 6).As is described in reference 5. this is a better aonroximation to the 0-0 transition for 2-naphthol than &e average of the corresponding
absorption and luminescence maxima. The pK.* values obtained by students in our laboratory as well a s those taken
from the literature are summarized in the table. The pK.*
values obtained for 2-naphthol in the f r s t excited singlet
state using the Forster cvcle are in good agreement with
those measured by different more t&e-co&uming methods.
Even the results obtained by the approximation of 0-0
transition as the average
.. value of wavenumhers for the
maxima of absorption and fluorescence spectra teq 7, arc
com~arablcwtth the data taken from the literature (see
This exueriment can be extended bv the determination of
fluorescence gpectra of 2-naphthol as a function of pH to
see ifthe resultant -titration curves" eivc the samc cxctted
state pK.* value as fmm the Forster cycle method. The detailed description of pKS* determination b s the fluorescence titrati'n and kinetic analysis method;including the
casc of 2-naphthol, can be found in references 2 . 3 , and 8.
Finally, a student can also measure the fluorescence
spectra for different excitation wavelengths (ex.. 282 nm
Gves excitation to the S2 state; 315 nkand 3 G n m give
excitation to the St state for the HAand A- forms, respectively) and prove that the fluorescence handshape of 2naphthol and &naptholate in solution and its position do
not depend on the excitation wavelength.
Financial support from the Ministry of National Education, is gratefully acknowledged.
Literature Cited
1. Barltmp, J A ; Coyle, J. D. P~incipkaofPhotochernisfry; Wiley: Nev York, 1978: pp
.C 7