Introduction To Categorical Logic: Steven Awodey Andrej Bauer September 14, 2009

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Introduction to Categorical Logic

[DRAFT: September 14, 2009]

Steven Awodey

Andrej Bauer

September 14, 2009

1 Algebraic Theories
1.1 Algebraic Theories . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.1 Models of Algebraic Theories
1.1.2 Theories as categories . . . .
1.1.3 Models as Functors . . . . . .
1.1.4 Completeness . . . . . . . . .
1.1.5 Functorial Semantics . . . . .

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Chapter 1
Algebraic Theories
Algebraic theories are descriptions of structures determined by operations and equations.
There are familiar examples from elementary algebra, such as groups, but also many concepts that are not evidently algebraic, such as adjoint functors, can be given algebraic
formulations. Thus the scope of algebraic theories is actually much greater than first appears. On the other hand, all such algebraic notions have in common some quite deep and
general properties, from the existence of free algebras to Lawveres duality theory. The
most important of these are presented in this chapter. The development also serves as a
first example and template for the scheme of functorial semantics, to be applied to other
logical notions in later chapters.


Algebraic Theories

We begin with a general approach to algebraic structures such as groups, rings, modules,
and lattices. These are characterized by axiomatizations which involve only variables,
constants, operations, and equations. It is important that the operations are defined
everywhere, which excludes two important examples: fields because the inverse of 0 is
undefined, and categories because composition is defined only for some pairs of morphisms.
Let us start with the quintessential algebraic theorythe theory of groups. A group
can be described as a set G with a binary operation : G G G, satisfying the two
x, y, z G . (x y) z = x (y z)
e G . x G . y G . (e x = x e = x x y = y x = e)
Taking a closer look at the logical form of these axioms, we see that the second one, which
expresses the existence of a unit and inverse elements, is somewhat unsatisfactory because
it involves nested quantifiers. Not only does this complicate the interpretation, but it is
not really necessary, since the unit element and inverse operation in a group are uniquely
determined. Thus we can add them to the structure and reformulate as follows. We require
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Algebraic Theories

the unit to be a distinguished constant e G and the inverse to be an operation 1 : G G.

We then obtain an equivalent formulation in which all axioms are now equations:
x (y z) = (x y) z
x x1 = e

x1 x = e

Notice that the universal quantifier x G is no longer needed in stating the axioms,
since we interpret all variables as ranging over all elements of G. Nor do we really need
to explicitly mention the particular set G in the specification. Finally, since the constant
e can be regarded as a nullary operation, i.e., a function e : 1 G, the specification of
the group concept consists solely of operations and equations. This leads us to the general
definition of an algebraic theory.
Definition 1.1.1 A signature for an algebraic theory consists of a family of sets {k }kN .
The elements of k are called the k-ary operations. In particular, the elements of 0 are
the nullary operations or constants.
The terms of a signature are expressions constructed inductively by the following
1. variables x, y, z, . . . , are terms,
2. if t1 , . . . , tk are terms and f k is a k-ary operation then f (t1 , . . . , tk ) is a term.
Definition 1.1.2 (cf. Definition ??) An algebraic theory T = (T , AT ) is given by a
signature T and a set AT of axioms, which are equations between terms (formally, pairs
of terms).
Algebraic theories are also called equational theories.
Example 1.1.3 The theory of a commutative ring with unit is an algebraic theory. There
are two nullary operations (constants) 0 and 1, a unary operation , and two binary
operations + and . The equations are:
(x + y) + z = x + (y + z)
x + (x) = 0
(x) + x = 0
x+y =y+x

(x y) z = x (y z)
(x + y) z = x z + y z
z (x + y) = z x + z y
xy =yx

Example 1.1.4 The empty theory with no operations and no equations is the theory
of a set.
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1.1 Algebraic Theories

Example 1.1.5 The theory with one constant and no equations is the theory of a pointed
set, cf. Example ??.
Example 1.1.6 Let R be a ring. There is an algebraic theory of left R-modules. It has
one constant 0, a unary operation , a binary operation +, and for each a R a unary
operation a, called scalar multiplication by a. The following equations hold:
(x + y) + z = x + (y + z) ,
x + (x) = 0 ,

x+y =y+x,
(x) + x = 0 .

For every a, b R we also have the equations

a(x + y) = a x + a y ,

a(b x) = (ab) x ,

(a + b) x = a x + b x .

Scalar multiplication by a is usually written as a x instead of a x. If we replace the ring R

by a field F we obtain the algebraic theory of a vector space over F (even though the theory
of fields is not algebraic!).
Example 1.1.7 In computer science, inductive datatypes are examples of algebraic theories. For example, the datatype of binary trees with leaves labeled by integers might be
defined as follows in a programming language:
type tree = Leaf of int | Node of tree * tree
This corresponds to the algebraic theory with a constant Leaf n for each integer n and a
binary operation Node. There are no equations. Actually, when computer scientists define
a datatype like this, they have in mind a particular model of the theory, namely the free
Example 1.1.8 An obvious non-example is the theory of posets, formulated with a binary
relation symbol x y and the usual axioms of reflexivity, transitivity and anti-symmetry,
xyy z xz
xyy xx=x
On the other hand, using an operation of greatest lower bound or meet x y, one can
make the equational theory of -semilattices:
xy =yx
x (y z) = (x y) z
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Algebraic Theories

Then, defining a partial ordering x y x y = x we arrive at the notion of a poset

with meets, which is equational (of course, the same can be done with joins x y as well).
Well have a proof later (in section ??) that there is no reformulation of the general theory
of posets into an equivalent equational one however.
ADD (Andrej):
Another example of fixing a non-algebraic theory: Riesz spaces (partially ordered
vector spaces) are not algebraic, but assuming they have min and max makes them algebraic
(because the poset becomes a (distributive) lattice).
Exercise 1.1.9 Let G be a group. Formulate the notion of a (left) G-set (i.e. a functor
G Set) as an algebraic theory.


Models of Algebraic Theories

Let us now consider what a model of an algebraic theory is. In classical algebra, a group is
given by a set G, an element e G, a function m : G G G and a function i : G G,
satisfying the group axioms:

m (x, m (y, z)) = m (m (x, y) , z)

m (x, i x) = m (i x, x) = e
m (x, e) = m (e, x) = x
This notion can easily be generalized so that we can speak of models of group theory
in categories other than Set. This is accomplished simply by translating the equations
between certain elements into equations between the operations themselves: thus a group
is given by an object G Set and three morphisms



Associativity of m is expressed by the commutativity of the following diagram:


m 2

0 m





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1.1 Algebraic Theories

Similarly, the axioms for the unit and the inverse are expressed by commutativity of the
following diagrams:
1G e

e 1G


m vvv
H#  {vv

G 1 HH

h1G , ii


hi, 1G i





Moreover, this formulation makes sense in any category C with finite products. So we can
define a group in C to consist of an object G equipped with arrows:


GO o

such that the above diagrams (1.1) and (1.2) expressing the group equations commute.
There is also an obvious corresponding generalization of a group homomorphism in Set
to homomorphisms of groups in C. Namely, an arrow in C between groups h : M N is a
homomorphism if it commutes with the interpretations of the basic operations m, i, and e,
h mM = mN h2

h iM = iN h

h eM = eN

as indicated in:

h2 / 2



h /




= /


Together with the evident composition and identity arrows inherited from C, this gives a
category of groups in C which we denote:
In general, we define an interpretation I of a theory T in a category C with finite
products to consist of an object I C and, for each basic operation f of arity k, a
morphism f I : I k I. (More formally, I is the tuple consisting of an underlying set
|I| and the interpretations f I , but we shall write simply I for |I|.) In particular, basic
constants are interpreted as morphisms 1 I. The interpretation can be extended to all
terms as follows: a general term t is always interpreted together with a context of variables
x1 , . . . , xn , where the variables appearing in t are among the variables appearing in the
context. We write
x1 , . . . , x n | t
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Algebraic Theories

to indicate that the term t is to be understood in context x1 , . . . xn . The interpretation of a

term in context (1.3) is a morphism tI : I n I, determined by the following specification:
1. The interpretation of a variable xi is the i-th projection i : I n I.
2. A term of the form f (t1 , . . . , tk ) is interpreted as the composite:

t1 I , . . . , tk I
where ti I : I n I is the interpretation of the subterm ti , for i = 1, . . . , k, and f I is
the interpretation of the basic operation f .
It is clear that the interpretation of a term really depends on the context, and when
necessary we shall write tI = [ x1 , . . . , xn | t ]I . For example, the term f x1 is interpreted as
a morphism f I : I I in context x1 , and as the morphism f I 1 : I 2 I in the context
x1 , x2 .
Suppose u and v are terms in context x1 , . . . , xn . Then we say that the equation u = v
is satisfied by the interpretation I if uI and v I are the same morphism in C. In particular,
if u = v is an axiom of the theory, and x1 , . . . , xn are all the variables appearing in u and v,
we say that I satisfies the axiom u = v if [x1 , . . . , xn | u]I and [x1 , . . . , xn | v]I are the same
[x1 , . . . , xn | u]I
[x1 , . . . , xn | v]
which we also write as:
I |= u = v

uI = v I .

Of course, we can now define as usual:

Definition 1.1.10 (cf. Definition ??) A model M of an algebraic theory T in a category C with finite products is an interpretation I of the theory that satisfies the axioms of
I |= u = v,
for all (u = v) AT .
A homomorphism of models h : M N is an arrow in C that commutes with the
interpretations of the basic operations,
h f M = f N hk
for all f T , as indicated in:

hk / k


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1.1 Algebraic Theories


The category of T-models in C is written,

Mod(T, C).
A model of the empty theory T0 in a category C with finite products is just an object
A C, and similarly for homomorphisms, so
Mod(T0 , C) = C.
A model of the theory TGroup of groups in C is a group in C, in the above sense, and similarly
for homomorphisms, so:
Mod(TGroup , C) = Group(C).
In particular, a model in Set is just a group in the usual sense:
Mod(TGroup , Set) = Group(Set) = Group.
An example of a new kind is provided the following.
Example 1.1.11 A model of the theory of groups in a functor category SetC is a functor
from C into groups,
Group(SetC )
= Hom(C, Group).
Indeed, for each object C C there is an evaluation functor,
evalC : SetC Set
with evalC (F ) = F (C), and evaluation preserves products since these are computed pointwise in the functor category. Moreover, every arrow h : C D in C gives rise to an obvious
natural transformation h : evalC evalD . Thus for any group G in SetC , we have groups
evalC (G) for each C C and group homomorphisms hG : C(G) D(G), comprising a
functor G : C Group. Conversely, it is clear that any such functor H : C Group arises
in this way from a group H in SetC , at least up to isomorphism.
Exercise 1.1.12 Verify the details of the isomorphism of categories
Mod(T, SetC )
= Hom(C, Mod(T, Set))
discussed in example 1.1.11.
Exercise 1.1.13 Determine what a group is in the following categories: the category of
finite sets FinSet, the category of topological spaces Top, the category of graphs Graph, and
the category of groups Group.
Hint: Only the last case is tricky. Before thinking about it, prove the following
lemma [?, Lemma 3.11.6]. Let G be a set provided with two binary operations and ? and
a common unit e, so that x e = e x = x ? e = e ? x = x. Suppose the two operations
commute, i.e., (x ? y) (z ? w) = (x z) ? (y w). Then they coincide, are commutative and
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Algebraic Theories

Theories as categories

The syntactically presented notion of an algebraic theory, say of groups, is a notational

convenience, but as a specification of, say, the mathematical concept of a group it has
some defects. We want to find a presentation-free notion that captures the group concept
without tying it to a specific syntactic presentation. The notion we seek can be given by
a category with a certain universal mapping property which determines it uniquely (up to
equivalence). This also results in a reformulation of the usual conception of syntax and
semantics so distinctive of conventional logic bringing it more in line with other fields
of modern mathematics.
Let us consider group theory again. The algebraic axiomatization in terms of unit,
multiplication and inverse is not the only possible one. For example, an alternative formulation uses the unit e and a binary operation , called double division, along with a single
axiom [?]:
(x (((x y) z) (y e))) (e e) = z .
The usual group operations are related to double division as follows:
x y = x1 y 1 ,

x1 = x e ,

x y = (x e) (y e) .

There may be various reasons why we prefer to work with one formulation of group theory
rather than another, but this should not be reflected in the general idea of what a group
is. We want to avoid particular choices of basic constants, operations, and axioms. This is
akin to the situation where an algebra is presented by generators and relations: the algebra
itself is regarded as independent of any particular choice of presentation. Similarly, one
usually prefers a basis-free theory of vector spaces: it is better to formulate the idea of a
vector space without speaking explicitly of vector bases, even though every vector space
has one. Without a doubt, vector bases are important, but they really are an auxiliary
As a first step, we could simply take all operations built from unit, multiplication, and
inverse as basic, and all valid equations of group theory as axioms. But we can go a step
further and collect all the operations into a category, thus forgetting about which ones were
basic and which ones derived, and which equalities were axioms. We first describe
this construction of a category CT for a general algebraic theory T, and then determine
another characterization of it.
As objects of CT we take contexts, i.e. sequences of variables,
[x1 , . . . , xn ] .

(n 0)

A morphism from [x1 , . . . , xm ] to [x1 , . . . , xn ] is an n-tuple (t1 , . . . , tn ), where each tk is

a term in the context, x1 , . . . , xm | tk . Two such morphisms (t1 , . . . , tn ) and (s1 , . . . , sn )
are equal if, and only if, the axioms of the theory imply that tk = sk for every k = 1, . . . , n,
T ` t k = sk
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1.1 Algebraic Theories


Strictly speaking, morphisms are thus equivalence classes of terms in context

[x1 , . . . , xm | t1 , . . . , tn ] : [x1 , . . . , xm ] [x1 , . . . , xn ],
where two terms are equivalent when the theory proves them to be equal. Since it is rather
cumbersome to work with equivalence classes, we shall work with the terms directly, but
keeping in mind that equality between them is equivalence. The composition of morphisms
(t1 , . . . , tm ) : [x1 , . . . , xk ] [x1 , . . . , xm ]
(s1 , . . . , sn ) : [x1 , . . . , xm ] [x1 , . . . , xn ]
is the morphism (r1 , . . . , rn ) whose i-th component is obtained by simultaneously substituting in si the terms t1 , . . . , tm for the variables x1 , . . . , xm :
ri = si [t1 , . . . , tm /x1 , . . . , xm ]

(1 i n)

The identity morphism on [x1 , . . . , xn ] is (x1 , . . . , xn ). It is easy to verify that these specifications are well-defined on equivalence classes, and make CT a category.
Definition 1.1.14 The category CT just defined is called the syntactic category of the
theory T.
The syntactic category CT contains the same algebraic information as the theory T
from which it was built, but in a syntax-invariant way. Any two different presentations
of T like the ones for groups mentioned above will give rise to essentially the same
category CT . But there is also a much more important sense in which CT represents T, as
we next show.
Exercise 1.1.15 Show that the syntactic category CT has all finite products.


Models as Functors

Let T be an arbitrary algebraic theory and CT the syntactic category constructed from
T as in the foregoing section. It is easy to show that the product in CT of two objects
[x1 , . . . , xn ] and [x1 , . . . , xm ] is the object [x1 , . . . , xn+m ], and that CT has all finite products
(including 1 = [], the empty context). Moreover, there is a T-model U in CT consisting
of the language itself: The underlying object is the context U = [x1 ] of length one, and
each operation symbol f of, say, arity k is interpreted as itself,
f U = [ x1 , . . . , xk | f (x1 , . . . , xk ) ] : U k = [x1 , . . . , xk ] [x1 ] = U.
The axioms are of course all satisfied, since for any terms s, t:
U |= s = t sU = tU T ` s = t.


This syntactic model U in CT is universal in the following sense: any model M in any
category C with finite products is the image of U under an essentially unique, finite product
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Algebraic Theories

preserving functor CT C. In a certain sense, then, CT is the free finite product category
with a model of T. We now proceed to make this more precise.
First, observe that any FP-functor F : CT C takes U to a model F U in C, just
because FP-functors preserve models of algebraic theories, as is easily seen. Moreover, any
natural transformation : F G between FP-functors determines a homomorphism of
models h = U : F U GU , since clearly, for any basic operation f ,
h f F U = f GU hk
by naturality. In more detail, suppose f : U U U is a basic operation, then there is a
commutative diagram,




F (U U )



G(U U )

f GU




h = U

/ GU

where the upper square commutes by preservation of products, and the lower one by
naturality. Thus the operation evaluation at U determines a functor,
evalU : HomFP (CT , C) Mod(T, C)


from the category of finite product preserving functors CT C, with natural transformations as arrows, into the category of T-models in C.
Proposition 1.1.16 The functor (1.6) is an equivalence of categories, natural in C.
Proof. Let M be any model in an FP-category C. Then the assignment f 7 f M given
by the interpretation determines a functor M ] : CT C, defined on objects by
M ] [x1 , . . . , xk ] = M k
and on morphisms by
M ] (t1 , . . . , tn ) = ht1 M , . . . , tn M i.
In detail, M ] is defined on morphisms
[x1 , . . . , xk | t ] : [x1 , . . . , xk ] [x1 , . . . , xn ]
in CT by the following rules:
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1.1 Algebraic Theories


1. The morphism
(xi ) : [x1 , . . . , xk ] [x1 ]
is mapped to the i-th projection
i : M k M.
2. The morphism
(f (t1 , . . . , tm )) : [x1 , . . . , xk ] [x1 ]
is mapped to the composite

M ] t1 , . . . , M ] tm


M ]f


where M ] ti : M k M is the value of M ] on the morphisms (ti ) : [x1 , . . . , xk ] [x1 ],

for i = 1, . . . , m, and M ] f = f M is the interpretation of the basic operation f .
3. The morphism
(t1 , . . . , tn ) : [x1 , . . . , xk ] [x1 , . . . , xn ]
is mapped to the morphism hM ] t1 , . . . , M ] tn i where M ] ti is the value of M ] on the
morphism (ti ) : [x1 , . . . , xk ] [x1 ], and
hM ] t1 , . . . , M ] tn i : M k M n
is the evident n-tuple in the FP-category C.
That M : CT C really is a functor now follows from the assumption that the interpretation M is a model, which means that all the equations of the theory are satisfied by
it, so that the above specification is well-defined on equivalence classes. Observe that the
functor M is defined in such a way that it obviously preserves finite products, and that
there is an isomorphism of models,
M ] (U )
= M.
Thus we have shown that the functor evaluation at U ,
evalU : HomFP (CT , C) Mod(T, C)
is essentially surjective on objects, since evalU (M ] ) = M ] (U ).
We leave the verification that it is full and faithful as an easy exercise.
Exercise 1.1.17 Verify this.
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Algebraic Theories

Naturality in C means the following. Suppose M is a model of T in any category C with

finite products (FP-category). Any finite product-preserving functor (FP-functor) F :
C D to another FP-category D then takes M to a model F (M ) in D. The interpretation
is given by setting f F (M ) = F (f M ) for the basic operations f (and composing with the
canonical isos coming from preservation of products, F (M ) F (M )
= F (M M ), etc.).
Since equations are described by commuting diagrams, F takes a model to a model, and
the same is true for homomorphisms. Thus F : C D induces a functor on T-models,
Mod(T, F ) : Mod(T, C) Mod(T, D).
By naturality of (1.6) we mean that the following square commutes, up to natural
/ Mod(T, C)
HomFP (CT , C)
HomFP (CT , F )

Mod(T, F )

HomFP (CT , D)


Mod(T, C)

But this is clear, since for any FP-functor M : CT C we have:

evalU HomFP (CT , F )(M ) = (HomFP (CT , F )(M ))(U )
= (F M )(U )
= F (M (U ))
= F (evalU (M ))

= Mod(T, F )(evalU (M ))
= Mod(T, F ) evalU (M ).

The equivalence of categories

HomFP (CT , C) ' Mod(T, C)


actually determines CT and the universal model U uniquely, up to equivalence of categories

and isomorphism of models. Indeed, to recover U , just put CT for C and the identity
functor 1CT on the left, to get U in Mod(T, CT ) on the right! To see that CT itself is also
determined, observe that (1.9) essentially says that the functor Mod(T, C) is representable,
with representing object CT . As usual, this fact can also be formulated in elementary terms
as a universal mapping property of CT , as follows:
Definition 1.1.18 The classifying category of an algebraic theory T is an FP-category CT
with a distinguished model U , called the universal model, such that:
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1.1 Algebraic Theories


(i) for any model M in any FP-category C, there is an FP-functor

M ] : CT C
and an isomorphism of models M
= M ] (U ).
(ii) for any FP-functors F, G : CT C and model homomorphism h : F (U ) G(U ),
there is a unique natural transformation : F G with
U = h.
Observe that (i) says that the evaluation functor (1.6) is essentially surjective, and (ii)
that it is full and faithful. The category CT is clearly determined up to equivalence by this
universal mapping property in the usual way. Specifically, if (C, U ) and (D, V ) are both
classifying categories for the same theory, then there are classifying functors,


the composites of which are necessarily isomorphic to the respective identity functors, since
e.g. U ] (V ] (U ))
= U ] (V )
= U.
We have now shown not only that every algebraic theory has a classifying category, but
also that the syntactic category is essentially determined by that distinguishing property.
We record this as the following.
Theorem 1.1.19 Every algebraic theory T has the syntactic category CT as a classifying
Example 1.1.20 Let us see what the foregoing definitions give us in the case of group
theory G = TGroup . Recall that the category G consists of contexts [x1 , . . . , xn ] and terms
built from variables and the basic group operations. A finite product preserving functor
M : G Set is then determined up to natural isomorphism by its action on the context [x1 ]
and the terms representing the basic operations. If we set
G = M [x1 ] ,
i = M (x1 | x1 1 ) ,

e = M ( | e) ,
m = M (x1 , x2 | x1 x2 ) ,

then (G, e, i, m) is a just a group with unit e, inverse i and multiplication m. That G
satisfies the axioms for groups follows from functoriality of M . Conversely, any group
(G, e, i, m) determines a finite product preserving functor MG : G Set defined by
MG [x1 , . . . , xn ] = Gn ,
MG (x1 | x1 1 ) = i ,
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MG ( | e) ,
MG (x1 , x2 | x1 x2 ) = m .


Algebraic Theories

This shows that ModSet (G) is indeed equivalent to Group, provided both categories have
the same notion of morphisms.
Suppose then that (G, eG , iG , mG ) and (H, eH , iH , mH ) are groups, and let : MG =
MH be a natural transformation between the corresponding functors. Then is already
determined by its component at [x1 ] because by naturality the following diagram commutes,
for 1 k n:
[x1 ,...,xn ]
/ Hn
Gk = k

Hk = k

[x1 ]

If we write 0 = [x1 ] then it follows that [x1 ,...,xn ] = 0 0 . Again, by naturality

of we see that the following diagram commutes:

0 0 /




Similar commutative squares show that 0 preserves the unit and commutes with the inverse
operation, therefore 0 : G H is indeed a group homomorphism. Conversely, a group
homomorphism 0 : G H determines a natural transformation : G = H whose
component at [x1 , . . . , xn ] is the n-fold product 0 0 : Gn H n . This demonstrates
ModSet (G) ' Group .
Example 1.1.21 Recall from ??that a group G in the functor category SetC is essentially
the same thing as a functor G : C Group. From the point of view of algebras as functors,
this amounts to the observation that product-preserving functors G Hom(C, Set) correspond (by exponential transposition) to functors C HomF P (G, Set), where the latter
Hom-set consists just of product-preserving functors. Indeed, the correspondence extends
to natural transformations to give an equivalance of categories,
Group(SetC ) ' (Group(Set))C ' GroupC .



Consider an algebraic theory T and an equation s = t between terms of the theory. If

the equation can be proved from the axioms of the theory, then every model of the theory
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1.1 Algebraic Theories


satisfies the equation; this is just the soundness of the equational calculus with respect to
models in categories. The converse statement is:
Every model of T satisfies s = t. T proves equation s = t. .
This property is called completeness, and (together with soundness) it says that the calculus
of equations suffices for proving all (and only) the ones that hold in the semantics. This
holds in an especially strong sense for categorical semantics, as shown by the following.
Theorem 1.1.22 (Completeness for algebraic theories) Suppose T is an algebraic
theory. Then there exists an FP- category C and a model U ModC (T) with the property
that, for every equation s = t between terms of the theory T,
U |= s = t T ` s = t.
That is, satisfaction by U is equivalent to provability in T. Thus the equational calculus of
algebraic theories is complete with respect to general categorical semantics.
Proof. This follows from the classifying category theorem 1.1.19 as follows: Let C = CT
the classifying category and U the universal model. If T ` s = t, then by the syntactic
construction of CT we have sU = tU . Any model M in an FP-category C has a classifying
functor M ] : CT C, which preserves the interpretations of s and t in the sense that (up
to canonical isomorphism):
M ] (sU ) = sM (U ) = sM
and similarly for t. Thus from sU = tU we can infer sM = tM , i.e. M |= s = t.
Conversely, if U |= s = t, then sU = tU . But by the syntactic construction of CT , it
then must be the case that T ` s = t.
Finally, note that M |= s = t for every model M if and only if this holds in the universal
model U .
Definition 1.1.23 A single model with the property mentioned in the theorem, of satisfying all and only those equations that are provable from the theory, shall be said to be
logically generic.
Thus, by the foregoing, the universal model is logically generic. Classically, it is seldom
the case that there exists a single, logically generic model; instead, for the sake of completeness, we consider the range of all models in Set. Completeness with respect to a restricted
range of models is of course a stronger statement than general completeness. Toward this
classical result, we first consider completeness with respect to variable models in Set, i.e.
models in presheaf categories SetC .
Proposition 1.1.24 Let T be an algebraic theory. The Yoneda embedding
y : CT C
is a generic model for T.

[DRAFT: September 14, 2009]


Algebraic Theories

cT preserves limits, and in particular finite

Proof. The Yoneda embedding y : CT C
cT . Simply because y is a
products, hence it corresponds to a model U = y(U ) of T in C
functor, U satisfies all equations that hold in U , but because it is faithful, U 0 does not
validate any equations that do not already hold in U . But since U is logically generic, so
is U 0 .
Example 1.1.25 We consider group theory one last time. The universal group is a group
that satisfies every equation that is satisfied by all groups, and no others. Let us describe
it as a generalized set. Recall that the theory of a group is a category G whose objects are
contexts [x1 , . . . , xn ], n N. The carrier U of the universal group is the Yoneda embedding
of the context with one variable,
U = y[x1 ] = G(, [x1 ]) .
This is a set parametrized by the objects of G. For every n N, we get a set Un =
G([x1 , . . . , xn ], [x1 ]) that consists of all terms built from n variables, modulo equations
of group theorywhich is precisely the free group on n generators! Unit, inverse, and
multiplication on U are defined at each stage Un as the corresponding operations on the
free group on n generators.
To summarize, the universal group is the free group on n-generators, where n N is a
Finally, we consider completeness with respect to Set-valued models M : CT Set,
which of course correspond to classical models. We need the following:
Lemma 1.1.26 For any small category C, there is a jointly faithful set of FP-functors
Ei : SetC Set, i I. That is, for any maps f, g : A B in SetC , if Ei (f ) = Ei (g) for
all i I, then f = g.

Proof. Consider the evaluation functors evC : SetC Set for all C C. These are
clearly jointly faithful, and they preserve all limits and colimits, since these are constructed
pointwise in presheaves.
Proposition 1.1.27 Suppose T is an algebraic theory. For every equation s = t between
terms of the theory T,
M |= s = t

for all models M in Set T ` s = t.

Thus the equational calculus of algebraic theories is complete with respect to Set-valued
Exercise 1.1.28 The universal group U is a functor Gop Set. In the last example we
described the object part of U . What is the action of U on morphisms?
[DRAFT: September 14, 2009]

1.1 Algebraic Theories


Exercise 1.1.29 Let s be a term of group theory with variables x1 , . . . , xn . On one hand
we can think of s as an element of the free group Un , and on the other we can consider
the interpretation of s in the universal group U , namely a natural transformation U s :
U n = U . Suppose t is another term of group theory with variables x1 , . . . , xn . Show that
U s = U t if, and only if, s = t in the free group Un .


Functorial Semantics

Let us now summarize our treatment of algebraic theories so far. We have reformulated
the traditional logical notions in terms of algebraic or categorical ones. The traditional
approach to logic may be described as involving four different parts:
Type theory
There is an underlying type theory, which is a calculus of types and terms. For
algebraic theories the calculus of types is trivial, since there is only one type which
is not even explicitly mentioned. The terms are built from variables and basic
Logic A variety of different kinds of logic can be considered. Algebraic theories have a
very simple kind of logic that only involves equations between terms and equational
A theory is given by basic types, basic terms, and axioms. The types and the terms
are expressed in the type theory of the system, and the axioms are be expressed in
the logic of the system.
Interpretations and Models
The type theory and logic of a logical system can be interpreted in any category
of the appropriate kind. For algebraic theories we considered categories with finite
products. The interpretation is denotational, in the sense that the types and terms
of the theory are assigned to objects and morphisms (which they denote) by
induction on the structure of types, terms, and logical formulas. An interpretation
of a theory is a model if it satisfies all the axioms of the theory, where in the present
case the notion of satisfaction just means that the arrows interpreting the terms
occurring in the equations are actually equal.
The alternative approach developed here called functorial semantics may be
summarized as follows:
Theories are categories
From a theory we can construct a category which expresses essentially the same
information as the theory but is syntax-invariant, in the sense that it does not depend on a particular presentation by (basic) operations and axioms. The structure
of the category reflects the underlying type theory and logic. For example, single
sorted algebraic theories give rise to categories with finite products.
[DRAFT: September 14, 2009]


Algebraic Theories

Models are functors

A model is a (structure-preserving) functor from a (category representing a) theory
to a category with appropriate structure to interpret the logic. The requirement
that all axioms of the theory must be satisfied by a model translates to the requirement that the model is a functor and that it preserves the structure of the theory.
For models of algebraic theories we only required that they preserve finite products,
whereas functoriality ensures that all valid equations of the theory are preserved,
thus satisfying the axioms.
Homomorphisms are natural transformations
We obtain a notion of homomorphisms between models for free: since models are
functors, homomorphisms are natural transformations between them. Homomorphisms between models of algebraic theories turned out to be the usual notion of
morphisms that preserved the algebraic structure.
Universal model
By admitting models in categories other than Set, functorial semantics allows the
possibility of universal models: a model U in the classifying category CT , such
that every model anywhere is a functorial image of U by an essentially unique,
logic-preserving functor. Such a universal model is then logically generic, in the
sense that it has all and only those logical properties had by all models, since such
properties are preserved by the functors in question.
Logical completeness
The construciton of the classifying category from the logical syntax of the theory
shows the soundness and completeness of the theory with respect to general categorical semantics. Completeness with respect to a special class of models (e.g.
Set-valued ones) results from an embedding theorem for the classifying category.

[DRAFT: September 14, 2009]

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