Lac Caninum
Lac Caninum
Lac Caninum
We have just mentionned it. Dr Didier GRANDGEORGE can be quoted here " I am useless, I
am a crap" sensation that he is dirty and ugly, washes his hands all the time.
Thinks his person is not important.
Does not tolerate the sight of his own body ( this symptom can easilly lead to mental anorexia )
2)Loss of self confidence:
Mistake his own identity.
Dillusion he is immaterial.
Dillusion he is someone else.
Dillusion he becomes smaller.
Depression, wants to die.
Problems with his memory and concentration.
School problems.
4)Frights and phobic attitudes:
* Phobic attitudes: essentially with snakes, has the impression they are all around him, in his
dreams. Imagines he sees insects and creepy-crawlies.
* Frights:
They may concern failure, the fact of being incapable of doing what is asked of them/
Fear of disease , washes his hands all the time. Frightened to faint.
5)Possibility of agressive attitudes:
LAC CANINUM can be like the dog ie, capable of agressive reactions. Children who scream at
night, rudeness, writes horrible things to his friends.
Hypersensitive to noise and light. Hysterical reactions very often.
Physical symptoms
* General sympoms:
Alternative laterality, infections with no temperature/.Craves for salt and especially pepper,
aversion for sweets. Good remedy for infections with no temparature, erratic pains and variable
Sensation he is walking in the the air and can not touch the bed when he is in it. Very tired. Does
not tolerate parts of his body being in contact. He must separate his fingers.
* Nervous system:
Headaches with schoolchildren, talks and shouts during his sleep. Dreams of snakes and sleeps
with one leg stretched and the the other one folded; dreams he is urinating and wakes up at night
with the impression that his bed is moving. Sexual excitment and nymphomania.
( Cf our clinical case)
Tonsilitis , very frequent ,sore throat symptoms with alternating laterality.
Sore ear on the the right.
Frequent croup
Sensation of cracking in the mandibular articulations whilse eating ( NITRIC A and RHUS T)
Hypersalivation at night.
* Rhumatism:
Very frequent stiff neck.
Right sciatic.
Pain alternating side.
Having reviewed LAC CANINUM symptoms it would seem important to give more
information about its indications in child sexual abuse.
There is a duality in the very name LAC CANINUM. First the notion of milk and secondly
that of dog or canidy .
1)Let us study the LAC composant. It sends us back to food. What we can say is that bitch's
milk as opposed to human milk, has its origins on the abdominal part of the body and not the
thoracic part of it.
Dr Didier GRANDGEORGE says that the LAC CANINUM patient feels castrated.
We notice in our clinical case and others I have in my practice that there can be feeding
problems with our patients involved in child abuse.
The association of alimentary trouble and sexual abuse , can orientate the prescription of LAC
A child that has been raped or abused, and then has feeding problems, needs bitch's milk to
correct those feeding problems and balance them with their sexual fonction that has been
violently overpowered . It is in fact absolutely necessary for human beings to separate
nutritional and sexual functions.
We all know the indications of LAC CANINUM for stimulating milk for nursing mothers. It
seems to me in this last situation , that lack of milk may be explained by a breakdown in the
balance between the reproduction function and the digestive fonction of the body .
In both situations here quoted LAC CANINUM brings the nutritional fonction to its sus
diaphragmatic level, hereby permitting the sensation of castration to disappear.
I have checked very good results of its prescription in mental anorexia linked to child abuse
(personal case ).
2) The CANIDE composant of LAC CANINUM, reveals to us the archac and instinctive
nature of mankind.
Bitch's milk takes us back to the etymological roots of the latin word: CANIDE is linked to the
Dr Jacques LAMOTHE says " the tooth goes into the flesh deeply and rips it badly into pieces"
How can we not compare this to rape?
One more thing already mentionned is that the dog is a subjected animal very often
contemptible to whom mankind has managed to give his rules by training him ( contrary to the
The consequences of child abuse , in our case reveals the internal contradiction of the person ,
the body doing the contrary of the heart and of course the consequent auto devaluation of the
There are in LAC CANINUM two composants that seem to indicate it as a really good remedy
after child rape.
I have infact observed very good results after its prescription in those situations.
On looking at the problem the other way round , I have already been able to discover
situations where LAC CANINUM had be prescribed ( self-devaluation, dreams of snakes,
school problems....) and after having seen the remarkable result of its prescription, to assume the
possibility of incest or child abuse.
We know that children who are badly treated and these who surround them , generally do not
talk about their ill treatment and try even to hide it .
I have a case to quote here of a small girl M. (4 years old) , showing obstruction at school ,
with heavy oncopresia , and for whom LAC CANINUM had been prescribed. This led to
discussion on the possibility of incest by the father , who shortly after was able to speak of it to
the psychiatric doctor and appropriate treatment was undertaken.
So it would seem that LAC CANINUM is an important remedy , and one that is worth while
using for children who are abused and who are more and more numerous.
Even if those patients try to hide so that they can not be looked after , because as they say they
are not "worth it" , bitch's milk can give them a new lease of life and make them retract from
their miserable dog's life...
Review of other child rape remedies
There is a paragraph in the MURPHY repertory " Children, Ailments from sexual abuse"
For us homeopaths and pediatricians it seems important to make a point in studying all the
therapies we can use in those situations.
We all know that child sexual abuse is a public health problem of great importance, in our own
countries as well as in the developing countries , where child sexual tourism is a source of
money (especially in some countries of Asia)
We have as homeopaths possibilities to cure our patients from violent traumatisms where as
conventional medecine is usually more limited ( psychotherapy and tranquilliser are the only
used in those situations)
I have noticed that the treatment given to those children in the acute situation, in hospitals for
instance is really bad.
As a duty doctor I have terrible memories of those children who are brought in amongst all the
other various emergencies ,usually on a Saturday or Sunday evening, having to wait for the duty
specialist, the legal authorities, and myself being very little available because exhausted by the
So we ,as homeopathic doctors , must be in the forefront with our capacities to listen and use our
therapeutic possibilities to repair those tragic situations when we see these children after in our
I will therefore study this paragraph in the MURPHY repertory and I am open to any
After having completed this important paragraph of the MURPHY repertory, I would like to
conclude by underlining the practical aspects which enabled me to write this paper.
I realise that more and more often we are faced with the need to cure important problems
through homeopathic therapy.
Without abandoning our artistic approach to the patient which I have developped at the French
international Jerusalem congress in June 1998, our effort in research must be based on practical
and clinical situations.
This effort of research must be consistently followed by the evaluation of our results with clear
scientific criterias.
To do so, we must force ourselves every so often , to update our computer programs, or reading
and completing our patient papers ,to evaluate the success or not of our different treatments, for
example in certain situations like ours : child rape.
Our Dutch, German, and Scottish amongst lots of other friends all try to do it even on a small
range of patients.
They demonstrated it to us during the last Liga congress in Amsterdam. I have personally used
the Dutch model . We really must be able to give correctly evaluated clinical cases to the
conventional medical corporation, and show therefore that we have real results in the problem of
sexual child abuse. I would like to thank our friends in Holland for drawing our attention to
these aspects of our profession of whitch we are often unaware in our every day practice.
Finally, I insist on the necessity of maintaining an artistic attitude in our practice .
This will enable us to approach our patients in their integrity enabling us to cure them and give
them relief . Our task is great , but it is really worth the effort...
GRANDGEORGE D " L'esprit du remde " Edicom 1995
"Homopathie, chemin de vie " Edicom 1998
LAMOTHE J " Homeopathie pdiatrique"/ Similia 1997
LOUTAN G : Repertoire
MURPHY R : Repertoire
VERMEULEN F " Concordant Materia Medica"