Course Description
Techniques, methods and course content used in teaching speech and theatre at the
secondary school level (Grade 6 included). Emphasis is given to theoretic base as well as
Instructional Resources
Vangelisti, Anita L., et al., Teaching Communication: Theory, Research, and Methods,
2nd ed., Lawrence Earlbaum Assoc., 1999
Allen, Ron R., et al., Communication in the Secondary School: a Pedagogy, Gorsuch
Scarisbrick Pub., 1991.
Cooper, Pamela J., Communication for the Classroom Teacher 8th ed., Pearson; 2007.
Patterson, Jim, et al., Theatre in the Secondary School Classroom: Methods and
Strategies for the Beginning Teacher, Heinemann, 2006
Hensley, Dana, and Carlin, Diana, Mastering Competitive Debate 7th ed., Perfection
Learning 2005
Supplemental Materials
Heathcotte, Toby. Program Building: A practical guide for High School Speech and
Drama Teachers., Mardel Books,2003
Frank, David A., Creative Speaking, 2nd ed. National Textbook Company, 1995.
Journal Articles as assigned
Teaching Strategies
A. Lectures
B. Classroom discussions
C. Student presentations
D. Analysis of teachers' presentations
E. Classroom activities/exercises
F. Speech Tutoring
A. Overall Evaluation
1. Students are evaluated on the completion and quality of assigned presentations.
2. Students are graded on their ability to answer questions on tests.
3. Students are evaluated on the completion and quality of assigned written work.
4. Students are evaluated on the completion and quality of participation.
B. Evaluation Weights
1. Presentations and written work
2. Tests
3. Participation
Please note: evaluation weights are subject to change depending on progress/direction
of class
C. Evaluation Scale
1. A=90-100%
2. B=80-89%
3. C=70-79%
4. D=60-69%
5. F=59% or lower