Blue Brain
Blue Brain
Blue Brain
Human brain is the most valuable creation of God. The man is called intelligent
because of the brain. The brain translates the information delivered by the impulses,
which then enables the person to react. But we loss the knowledge of a brain when the
body is destroyed after the death of man. That knowledge might have been used for the
development of the human society. What happen if we create a brain and up load the
contents of natural brain into it?
be up loaded into the computer. So the brain and the knowledge, intelligence of anyone
can be kept and used for ever, even after the death of the person.
very difficult and complex to us. For this we have to first know how the human brain
actually works.
2.1 Getting to know more about Human Brain
The brain essentially serves as the bodys information processing centre. It
receives signals from sensory neurons (nerve cell bodies and their axons and dendrites)
in the central and peripheral nervous systems, and in response it generates and sends
new signals that instruct the corresponding parts of the body to move or react in some
way. It also integrates signals received from the body with signals from adjacent areas
of the brain, giving rise to perception and consciousness. The brain weighs about 1,500
grams (3 pounds) and constitutes about 2 percent of total body weight. It consists of
three major divisions;
The massive paired hemispheres of the cerebrum
The brainstem, consisting of the thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus, subthalamus,
midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata
The cerebellum.
The human ability to feel, interpret and even see is controlled, in computer like
calculations, by the magical nervous system. The nervous system is quite like magic
because we cant see it, but its working through electric impulses through your body.
One of the worlds most intricately organized electron mechanisms is the nervous
system. Not even engineers have come close to making circuit boards and computers
as delicate and precise as the nervous system. To understand this system, one has to
know the three simple functions that it puts into action; sensory input, integration &
motor output.
2.1.2 Integration
Integration is best known as the interpretation of things we have felt, tasted, and
touched with our sensory cells, also known as neurons, into responses that the body
recognizes. This process is all accomplished in the brain where many, many neurons work
together to understand the environment.
Once our brain has interpreted all that we have learned, either by touching, tasting,
or using any other sense, then our brain sends a message through neurons to effecter cells,
muscle or gland cells, which actually work to perform our requests and act upon our
2.2.2 Eye
Seeing is one of the most pleasing senses of the nervous system. This cherished
action primarily conducted by the lens, which magnifies a seen image, vitreous disc,
which bends and rotates an image against the retina, which translates the image and light
by a set of cells. The retina is at the back of the eye ball where rods and cones structure
along with other cells and tissues covert the image into nerve impulses which are
transmitted along the optic nerve to the brain where it is kept for memory.
2.2.3 Tongue
A set of microscopic buds on the tongue divide everything we eat and drink into
four kinds of taste: bitter, sour, salty, and sweet. These buds have taste pores, which
convert the taste into a nerve impulse and send the impulse to the brain by a sensory
nerve fiber. Upon receiving the message, our brain classifies the different kinds of taste.
This is how we can refer the taste of one kind of food to another.
2.2.4 Ear
Once the sound or sound wave has entered the drum, it goes to a large structure
called the cochlea. In this snail like structure, the sound waves are divided into pitches.
The vibrations of the pitches in the cochlea are measured by the Corti. This organ
transmits the vibration information to a nerve, which sends it to the brain for
interpretation and memory.
In the nervous system in our body the In a similar way the artificial nervous
neurons are responsible for the message system can be created. The scientist
passing. The body receives the input has already created artificial neurons by
by the sensory cells. These sensory replacing them with the silicon chip. It
cells produces electric impulses which are has also been tested that these neurons
received by the neurons. The neurons can receive the input from the sensory
transfer these electric impulses to the cells. So, the electric impulses from
The electric impulses received by the The interpretation of the electric impulses
brain from the neurons are interpreted in received by the artificial neuron can be
the brain. The interpretation in the brain done by means of a set of register. The
is accomplished by the means of certain different values in these register will
states of many neurons.
Based on the states of the neurons the Similarly based on the states of the
representing the responses which are the artificial neurons in the body which
further received by the sensory cell of our will be received by the sensory cell.
body to respond. The sensory cells of
which part of our body is going to receive
that, it depends upon the states of neurons
in the brain at that time
There are certain neurons in our brain It is not impossible to store the data
which represent certain states permanently. permanently
When required these state is interpreted by memory. In the similar way the required
the past things. To remember thing we permanently. And when required these
force the neurons to represent certain information can be retrieved and used.
states of the brain permanently or for
any interesting or serious matter this is
happened implicitly.
When we take decision, think about In a similar way the decision making can
something, or make any computation, be done by the computer by using some
Logical and arithmetic calculations are stored states and the received input & by
done in our neural circuitry. The past performing some arithmetic and logical
experience stored and the current input calculations.
received are used and the states of certain
neurons are changed to give the output.
is working to streamline the computation so that the circuit can function in real time meaning that 1 second of activity can be modeled in one second.
two software programs for simulating such large-scale networks with morphologically
complex neurons. A new MPI version of NEURON has been adapted by Michael Hines to
run on Blue Gene. The second simulator uses the MPI messaging component of the largescale NeoCortical Simulator (NCS), which was developed by Philip Goodman, to manage
the communication between NEURON-simulated neurons distributed on different
processors. The latter simulator will allow embedding of a detailed NCC model into a
simplified large-scale model of the whole brain. Both of these softwares have already
been tested, produce identical results and can simulate tens of thousands of
morphologically and electrically complex neurons (as many as 10,000 compartments per
neuron with more than a dozen Hodgkin-Huxley ion channels per compartment). Up to 10
neurons can be mapped onto each processor to allow simulations of the NCC with as
many a 100,000 neurons. Optimization of these algorithms could allow simulations to run
at close to real time. The circuit configuration is also read by a graphic application, which
renders the entire circuit in various levels of textured graphic formats. Real-time stereo
visualization applications are programmed to run on the terabyte SMP (shared memory
processor) Extreme series from SGI (Silicon Graphics, Inc.). The output from Blue Gene
(any parameter of the model) can be fed directly into the SGI system to perform in silico
imaging of the activity of the inner workings of the NCC. Eventually, the simulation of
the NCC will also include the vasculature, as well as the glial network, to allow capture of
neuron-glia interactions. Simulations of extracellular currents and field potentials, and the
emergent electroencephalogram (EEG) activity will also be modelled.
5.1 What can we learn from Blue Brain?
Detailed, biologically accurate brain simulations offer the opportunity to
answer some fundamental questions about the brain that cannot be addressed with
any current experimental or theoretical approaches. These include,
6.1 Advantages
We can remember things without any effort.
Decision can be made without the presence of a person.
Even after the death of a man his intelligence can be used.
The activity of different animals can be understood. That means by interpretation of the
electric impulses from the brain of the animals, their thinking can be understood easily.
It would allow the deaf to hear via direct nerve stimulation, and also be helpful
for many psychological diseases. By down loading the contents of the brain that was
uploaded into the computer, the man can get rid from the madness.
6.2 Limitations
Further, there are many new dangers these technologies will open. We will be
susceptible to new forms of harm.
We become dependent upon the computer systems.
Others may use technical knowledge against us.
Computer viruses will pose an increasingly critical threat.
The real threat, however, is the fear that people will have of new technologies. That fear
may culminate in a large resistance. Clear evidence of this type of fear is found today
with respect to human cloning.
The synthesis era in neuroscience started with the launch of the Human Brain
Project and is an inevitable phase triggered by a critical amount of fundamental data.
The data set does not need to be complete before such a phase can begin. Indeed, it
is essential to guide reductionist research into the deeper facets of brain structure and
function. As a complement to experimental research, it offers rapid assessment of the
probable effect of a new finding on preexisting knowledge, which can no longer be
managed completely by any one researcher. Detailed models will probably become
the final form of databases that are used to organize all knowledge of the brain and
allow hypothesis testing, rapid diagnoses of brain malfunction, as well as development
of treatments for neurological disorders. In short, we can hope to learn a great deal
about brain function and disfunction from accurate models of the brain.The time taken
to build detailed models of the brain depends on the level of detail that is captured.
Indeed, the first version of the Blue Column, which has 10,000 neurons, has already
been built and simulated; it is the refinement of the detailed properties and calibration
of the circuit that takes time. A model of the entire brain at the cellular level will
probably take the next decade. There is no fundamental obstacle to modeling the
brain and it is therefore likely that we will have detailed models of mammalian brains,
including that of man, in the near future. Even if overestimated by a decade or two, this
is still just a blink of an eye in relation to the evolution of human civilization. As with
Deep Blue, Blue Brain will allow us to challenge the foundations of our understanding
of intelligence and generate new theories of consciousness.
In conclusion, we will be able to transfer ourselves into computers at some point.
Most arguments against this outcome are seemingly easy to circumvent. They are either
simple minded, or simply require further time for technology to increase. The only
serious threats raised are also overcome as we note the combination of biological and
digital technologies.
[1] Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008. EMBS 2008. 30th Annual
International Conference of the IEEE
[2] Henry Markram, The Blue Brain Project, Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2006
[3] Simulated brain closer to thought BBC News 22 April 2009.
[4] Project Milestones. Blue Brain.
[5] Graham-Rowe, Duncan. Mission to build a simulated brain begins, NewScientist,
June 2005. pp. 1879-85.
[6] Blue Gene:
[7] The Blue Brain Project: