UCSniff - Voip Sniff PDF
UCSniff - Voip Sniff PDF
UCSniff - Voip Sniff PDF
By chap0
chap0x90 at gmail com
chap0 at corelan be
Table of Contents
1. Intro .....3
2. VoIP Phones What they advertise .....4
3. Is this line secure? .13
4. Conclusion ..........20
5. References .21
In the world of VoIP phones, each person may look at them differently. For some, it is
just an annoyance that sits on their desk. For others, it is simply a part of their job, either
deploying them or as a help desk position taking phone calls all day. For the vast majority
of people it is just a tool. They simply use them on a daily basis at home or in a lobby.
But what about in a professional Penetration Testers mind? What kind of simple yet
sensitive information are we leaving out in the open for malicious users?
We see VoIP phones everywhere now days, for example Colleges, Local and Corporate
businesses, even Government buildings. If we take a deeper look at these phones, what
kind of information can we gather from just a phone on a desk? Immediately when I think
of a VoIP phone, I dont think about making my daily phone calls or checking who left
me voice mail. In the back of my mind I recall places where I have seen a VoIP system in
place and the information I can gather from those places. For example, I was once at a
local Library and took notice not only to the free WiFi sign but the study rooms with
VoIP phones in them. Another place I recall is my local Bank with a private room just for
customers to use with a VoIP phone inside. This is interesting enough already and this is
without a laptop. Put that in the mix and it would be a field day!
As we know VoIP stands for Voice over IP, and usually companies move to VoIP when
moving away from the PBX systems. One main good reason may be less cost and that
you are able to use them on your local network side by side with your computers, servers
and so on. So my main focus for the topic will be Cisco VoIP phones, mainly because the
popularity of the vendor. This write up will also focus on having physical access to the
phones. I will also like to state that this document is for educational purposes only! I
cannot be held responsible for what any individual does with this information, and do
not wish for anyone to use this information for illegal use.
First let me just clarify that the models of Cisco VoIP phones that we will have a look at
are the 7941, 7971 which are very similar (from non color display to a color display). The
rest of the Cisco VoIP phones should be very similar in functions and navigation. Now let
us begin the journey of unraveling what type of sensitive information we are placing on
our network with these VoIP phones.
On the Cisco 7941 and 7971 there are four major buttons, and these buttons all have
different functions and settings for the phone:
Messages Button
Services Button
Directories Button
Settings Button
We will go through each button and learn about its features and functions. We will also
be able to realize what information an attacker can gain about the phones, network and
organization to help with their attack.
Messages Button
The Messages button is straight forward. It is where the users retrieve voicemails.
Possibly from an attackers side you could password guess the voicemail password or
find it on a sticky note somewhere if you wanted to get into the voicemail to gather
information. Or in some cases where the voicemail box is not set up yet, if you wanted to
you could set it up and lock the voicemail box with a password of your choice, along with
a custom message as a social engineer attack. This can be used by an attacker or pen
tester, and if people happen to leave messages, it may help in information gathering. So if
the attacker sets up the voicemail, they will be able to come back to that phone and
retrieve those messages. It would probably take a while until the IT department figured
out this was going on. Also in some cases there is no voicemail box for the phone period.
However it still allows you either enter another extension to retrieve voicemails or
browse the corporate directory by last and first name. With enough time on your hands
you could sit at a phone all day, and try to guess passwords for other voicemail boxes.
Also you could browse the corporate directory, which could be used for information
gathering of users that can lead to usernames that may be used on the network.
Services Button
The Services button provides access to features that have been set on your phone related
to web based features. Some features may include the local weather or stocks, or even
sports scores. Also if no special web based features have been set on the specific phone
and this button is pushed, it will reveal the direct link to the Cisco Call Manager login
page. In most cases I have seen that these features are not set and the default is to give out
the Call Manger URL instead. This could be very useful to an attacker. Even better, my
testing shows with the default settings on the Cisco Call Manager, there is no threshold of
how many attempts you can try to log into the Cisco Call Manager. This would be useful
information for an attacker to start brute force attacks against the Cisco Call Manager. I
should also mention if for some crazy reason the Administrator did not change the default
username and password for login credentials, it will be either admin/admin or cisco/cisco.
Most of the time the URL for the the admin page will be
Another good point to make is once you have the URL for the Cisco Call Manager you
may be able to login into the users options webpage. If the defaults are also set, the
phone number for the target phone is the username (ex: 5555555 would be the username).
However, this will still leave us guessing a password depending on what setting the
administrator or user has used. For example if the Cisco Call Manager URL is to browse to the users page it would be Some of the
options users have inside this page are:
Forward Calls
View Users Guide
Set Speed Dials
Change Personal Address Options
In order to connect to the Cisco Call Manager Login page you must be on the network,
but this is without doubt useful information.
Directories Button
The Directories Button will give you several different directories and information. For
example we can see listings of missed calls, received calls, and placed calls which can be
useful to us, especially if it is an important person such as the CEO of the company. We
can see who they have been talking to, who has called them etc. What comes next would
be that much more important to us if we were trying to gather some good information
about users, and usernames which can be used for social engineering and password
guessing. The personal and corporate directory, if set up, will give you names of users
and the phone numbers associated with their names. To add to this, all the information in
this sub directory can be deleted or cleared.
Settings Button
To me this is where it starts to get real interesting. At first thought from a VoIP
Administrators point of view, the risks do not seem to be high. But to an attacker, this is
just the foundation of the Lego blocks. What are we leaving wide open for anyone
walking up to the VoIP phones? Settings, functions, network information, not only to
view and take note of but to change also.
First off, when we push the settings button we can view all the directories, but take notice
of the lock in the top right corner of phone display screen.
Well this lock indicates that the settings are, well locked! Never fear! Most likely the
default unlock password is still in place. It took me one hard Google fu search of :
Under the User Preferences directory, is where you will find the typical settings such as
Ringtone, Background Image etc. Not to much valuable information in this directory.
Now moving onward to the Network Configuration directory, in this area we do retrieve
some useful and valuable information that we could put to good use. Here is a list that we
will focus on as the major settings.
Network Configuration Directory:
DHCP Server
BOOTP Server
MAC Address
Host Name
Domain Name
IP Address
Subnet Mask
TFTP Server 1
TFTP Server 2
Default Router 1 5 (Separate entry for each)
DNS Server 1 5 (Separate entry for each)
Operation VLAN ID
Admin. VLAN ID
DHCP Enabled
DHCP Address Released
Alternate TFTP
SW Port Configuration (Auto, 10 Full/Half, 100 Full/Half)
PC Port Configuration (Auto, 10 Full/Half, 100 Full/Half)
For starters we see a whole bunch of information that we are familiar with. Let us
consider the Domain name. If this option is configured on the VoIP Phone itself, its a
very good possibility that this is the domain name not only for the VoIP phones that
reside on the network, but also for all the machines that are on the network. Consider the
list here of these settings:
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Router
DNS Server 1
You can gather some valuable information from these settings that are set on the VoIP
phone. You could possibly even jump on the network if DHCP is not set to dynamic and
set a static ip address on your laptop. Now taking a look at the rest of the settings, usually
DHCP is set to yes (set to on) for the phone. Since I am on the topic, this one button
stood out to me while looking at some of the other setting that seem to be configurable,
but the edit button was not functional. Every time I would try to edit a setting, the
Cisco VoIP Phones A Hackers Perspective
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phone would scream back, this is not active here. Now as a pen tester or attacker you
would not give up that easily.
If you take a look at the picture, the edit button is sort of what I would call grayed out.
Possibly if it wasnt grayed out then we would be able to do something with it, just as it
shows here on the IP Address setting. So as the gears in my head started turning again to
figure this out, I played around with different settings and this is where the DHCP setting
comes into play. When DHCP is configured to yes on the VoIP phone, these settings
cannot be edited. But when DHCP is set to no then they are free to change to whatever
we want them to be. Since we unlocked the Settings, we are able to change the DHCP
Setting, allowing us to also configure the rest of the settings. Consider this list of settings
affected by this:
Domain Name
IP Address
Subnet Mask
TFTP Server 1
TFTP Server 2
Default Router 1 5
DNS Server 1 5
SW Port Configuration (Auto, 10 Full/Half, 100 Full/Half)
PC Port Configuration (Auto, 10 Full/Half, 100 Full/Half)
DHCP set to YES:
Compared to previous IP Address settings picture from above, when DHCP is set to No,
this setting along with the list of others can now be changed once the DHCP setting is
Take note of the Edit button. It is no longer grayed out. There are still some other
settings that are configurable in the Network directory. These settings are not affecting by
the DHCP setting but are changeable:
Alternate TFTP yes/no
DHCP Address Released yes/no
Admin VLAN ID may be edited
In the same directory, the Settings directory, if you go to the main view you can see
Device Configuration. In here is a sub directory, the Call Manager Configuration
directory. This will allow you to know the IP address of the call manager, if you could
not find it from the Services Button, and also in some cases multiple call managers are set
up on the network. In that directory you can view the IP addresses of them. Again this
may be useful information if an attacker wished to brute force the Cisco Call Manger.
The next valuable sub directory I found is the Security Configuration sub directory and
Cisco VoIP Phones A Hackers Perspective
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the settings of the PC port. Let me explain. On the back of most Cisco VoIP phones,
notice two ethernet ports. They are built with the ability to daisy chain a laptop,
desktop, printer or almost whatever you want that will run on CAT5 to the back of the
phone, and hop onto the network. This includes wireless routers!
First glance at the image should look some what familiar. These can be used as NICs
from the phone. One is labeled PC for the daisy chained device the other is labeled SW
for the CAT5 that will be plugged into the network. Now the light bulb turns on when we
recall that study room in the library with no one around acting like we are studying. If
this was the only way to get onto the network, no WiFi, no other data drops, this would
be the best solution. In fact since it is a study room, if you placed a wireless router and
connected it to the phone, chances are no one will ever say a word. People studying
would assume it was put in place by the IT staff. Better yet take a long enough CAT5
cable so that you can daisy chain it from the phone onto the floor or in the ceiling.
Thanks Cisco! In most cases the PC Port feature is turned on by default and left alone.
This is left wide open just waiting for a device to be plugged into it.
One last setting that is functional, in the Settings Directory, is the Status sub Directory.
You can clear all status messages and network statistics messages from the phone, and no
one will ever know.
Lastly, if a person wants to be flat out malicious, there is a huge risk of VoIP phones just
waiting to be reset on the network. This could be like a VoIP Phone frenzy or something
and could cause hours of work for many VoIP Administrators. These VoIP phone have a
reset to factory setting functionality on them that are not complicated to follow. As
well as taking little to no time, phones can be reset everywhere. Now I can understand
why Cisco would do this for their Routers and Switches, these devices are suppose to be
locked up in a closet with some super duper James Bond type security. But for devices
that are going to be out in the open that people use on a daily basis? To some it may not
matter, but I know if I was the one having to do the resets, well I better have the coffee
and meds to back it up.
These are the steps to do so:
Step 1 Unplug the CAT5 cable from the phone, the cable that connects to the switch.
Once the phone is powered off reconnect the CAT5 cable again. This will begin the
power up cycle and will start to turn on the phone.
Step 2 Immediately press and hold the # key after you have plugged in the CAT5 cable.
While the Headset, Mute, and Speaker buttons begin to flash in sequence, release #.
The line buttons flash in sequence in order to indicate that the phone waits for you to
enter the key sequence for the reset. (They will flash orange)
Step 3 While the line buttons are flashing orange Press 123456789*0# within 60
seconds after the Headset, Mute, and Speaker buttons begin to flash.
If you do not complete this key sequence or do not press any keys, after 60 seconds the
Headset, Mute, and Speaker buttons no longer flash, and the phone continues with its
normal startup process. The phone does not reset.
If you enter an invalid key sequence, the buttons no longer flash, and the phone continues
with its normal startup process. The phone does not reset. If you enter this key sequence
correctly, the phone will restart and displays this prompt:
Now that we have gathered some information from the phone physically, what if we went
ahead and added a laptop in the mix? So the big picture now is, you are pen-testing for a
company, you are in a hole in the wall room, with a VoIP phone a laptop running
UCSniff, and no one around. . . Let us see what more information we can gather.
Running UCSniff MitM mode with Learning mode is the way you would reproduce
running UCSniff in Monitor mode. While UCSniff MitM is in learning mode, users are
mapped out and this is when the targets.txt file is created for you. So once you have the
targets.txt file as stated above, this file will contain phone numbers and ip address and
this is the beginning of mapping out your targets. With Monitor Mode, UCSniff only
passively listens for traffic. To run UCSniff MitM mode with learning mode the
commands you would supply are:
ucsniff i eth0 // //
The -i eth0 is pretty obvious states the interface you are working off of, and the // //
is the command to use to allow UCSniff to enable MitM learning mode. While running
UCSniff and performing MitM also gives us the capabilities to:
- VLAN hop
- Download the targets corporate phone directory
On a flat network, no dedicated VLANS for DATA or VoIP, it can be quite simple to
obtain the corporate phone directory by issuing this command at the Konsole:
ucsniff i eth0 a m 00:00:00:00:00:00 // //
We already know some of the switches shown and what they do. The a is the switch in
UCSniff for a utility called ACE. ACE is a stand alone utility but it is also included in
UCSniff. Let me give you a little background on ACE. ACE (Automated Corporate
Enumerator) basically imitates the behavior of a VoIP phone using DHCP, TFTP, and
HTTP to pull down the users, the corporate directory, and in the end this information that
is gathered is placed in the directry-users.txt file as stated earlier. This is a major reason
why we use the m with a valid VoIP phone mac address. You can think of this as proof
of imitation or sort of tricking the TFTP server into thinking that our laptop is a valid
VoIP phone on the network. It also should not be a problem to obtain a mac address since
we already gathered our information from a physical phone early on.
Now if we didnt have access to the phone and we needed to learn what vlan the VoIP
phones are on we would run this command at the Konsole:
ucsniff -i eth0 -c 1 // //
The c is new to us. This is for using UCSniff in CDP spoof mode. This will allow us to
learn the vlan of the VoIP phones and then allow us to hop onto that vlan. So this
command would be very useful to us if we did not have the physical phone to look at. If
the network is running CDP, and most of the time they are, then the CDP spoof mode
will be perfect to discover what the VoIP vlan is. Of course there is a way to place the
vlan ID in the command if you already know what it is:
ucsniff -i eth0 -v # // //
Cisco VoIP Phones A Hackers Perspective
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This command will hop to the specified vlan, and start running in MiTM mode.
So where does this leave us? We now know some background of UCSniff and what
commands can be ran with it. Interesting enough we know that if we can gather some
useful information before hand by using the VoIP phone, and then running UCSniff with
specified commands we can gather even more information. To me this is great, I mean
really great. We just went in, gathered information from the VoIP phone, and then used
UCSniff to gather the corporate directory of our target. But I am not satisfied and you
shouldn't be as well.
We work for a Pen-testing company and the target is a bank. Our main goal is to succeed
at gathering sensitive information, specific to conversations on the wire about bank
records, accounts etc. This will be shown as proof of concept that the VoIP network in
the organization is insecure. At this point you have scoped out the bank, gathered some
useful information, vlan ID of VoIP vlan, if PC port is enabled on the physical VoIP
phone, the mac address of the phone. Also we have taken some other notes, specifically,
the IP scheme the organization is using just in case they do not have Dynamic DHCP set.
We are using a netbook, only because it is small and compact and lightweight. Also we
cannot forget our CAT5 cable. Remember we need this in order to plug into the network,
and my weapon of choice, Back Track running off a USB drive which includes UCSniff.
(I recommend Back Track on a USB drive just in case you need to run out and toss or
smash the thing on the floor. What evidence officer?)
Our target is a small Bank branch office. The bank tellers window aligns with the room
in which you will be working out of, our targeted area. This is good for us because they
will not have line of sight, and have a visual of what we are doing. As we walk into the
bank, no hesitations, poker face on, ready to social engineer if necessary, and we explain
to one of the bank tellers how we need to use the phone for calls about our credit, bank
accounts, anything really that will give us access to the room. (I know when I tried to use
the phone at my local Bank, all it took was Excuse me, May I use this phone to make a
call? Was I rejected? No. Did I have any reason to be? No.) These people do not wish
to be rude. Also, its a bank. They do not want any upset customers. That only leads to
bank robbery. Also remember they are human too. It is not like you are walking through
airport security. These people are just here to do their jobs. They have a Who cares who
you are, make a call! type of attitude.
So we do not waste too much time, let us say we had the laptop turned on already with
Back Track booted up, and ready to log in and go. So we log in, plug in onto the network
through the phone, and make sure we are alive on the network. Starting up UCSniff is not
Cisco VoIP Phones A Hackers Perspective
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difficult at all, in Back Track you can either browse through command line or use the
menu. (I prefer command line):
Once we are logged in and UCSniff is ready to go, our goal is to be in and out as fast as
possible so that we do not get caught. We reference our notes, the VoIP vlan is 48, and
mac address of the phone is 00:1E:F7:28:97:C2. We know by now that this bank is not
running a flat network and has data and VoIP data separated by vlans on the network, so
the usually command will not work for us.
ucsniff i eth0 a m 00:00:00:00:00:00 // //
Thinking fast, and since we have spent time with UCSniff, and gathered information
before our initial attack, we know of a way that will do exactly what we want it to and
By issuing this command at the Konsole, we are starting our MITM attack on the VoIP
network. Actually most of this should look familiar by now.
-i eth0
// //
Yes at first we are attacking the phone we are sitting by, and this will get us no where.
We are only doing this to download the corporate directory of our target. From there we
Cisco VoIP Phones A Hackers Perspective
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will gain the rest of the VoIP phones mac addresses and choose our targets at will. Lets
take a closer look at what the command we issued is doing.
Now we see the bright light! We are successfully running UCSniff, and it is
automatically creating the files for us. Looking at the output, UCSniff successfully
created the .xml file along with retrieving the Directory users and placing them in a file
named directrory-users.txt for us. Taking even a closer look, UCSniff has saved a file
called arpsaver.txt.
If we recall from earlier, I mentioned that this file is like gold to us. Basically we can
use the information in this file for our next victims. The arpsaver.txt file contains all the
mac addresses for the VoIP phones on the network. Also very important to remember:
when we are running UCSniff, and when we finish gathering our information and
conversations, we must quit properly.
Note that through testing, if you do not properly quit UCSniff will cause a DOS (denial
of service) on the VoIP network and all phones will be unusable. This will bring the kind
of attention that we do not want.
Moving on, we have successfully captured targets and we are ready to capture
conversations on the wire. Simple. All that needs to be done to the command we issued
before is to change the mac address to a different VoIP phone on the network and just
wait for the calls to come in. Of course we get this mac address of our new target from
the arpsaver.txt file. Once this is done you will be capturing bank account numbers in no
time, through conversations of course.
Sample Output of conversations being captured:
Of course as it says when capturing the call is complete and both sides have disconnected
from the phone call, UCSniff will save the calls to .wav files for you. All this is great but
why stay limited to capturing one phone call at a time and only pointed at one target?
Instead, we use this command:
Ucsniff i eth0 a m 00:00:00:00:00:00 v 48 garpdb // //
In short, the new switch garpdb is GARP Disablement Bypass. Since Cisco phones by
default have GARP Disabled in the IP Phone settings, this command will help in getting
around that. Basically you will be able to capture more then just your targeted VoIP
phone conversation. Any other call that is in progress will be captured as well. Success!
We have captured conversations on the wire and the job is done. As always make sure
you save your evidence. Dont forget to go up to the counter with a smile ask to close
your bank account, and when they ask why simple tell them,
I just had this weird feeling that my money wasn't safe here anymore. (Sneakers 1992)
Possible Preventions
So now we have learned how to attack, but what about how to defend? Well it is always a
game of cat and mouse, capture the flag, good vs evil. What ever you may call it! Here is
Cisco VoIP Phones A Hackers Perspective
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a list of some possible preventive steps we can take, making it harder to leave your
network for dead, and having VoIP calls being collected off your network. I will not be
going into too much detail. I enjoy the attacking side a lot more, with good ethics of
VoIP Encryption
Dynamic Arp Inspection & DHCP Snooping (They sort of go hand in hand)
Mac address access list ( Yes, tedious, but will work)
Enable Port Security
Disable Gratuitous Arp
Change Defaults on Phone
Lock Down Physical Security
Dont put phones tucked away. Have them in the open for people to use.
VoIP is the newer technology for phone systems. As in anything new at one time or
another, flaws are going to happen and arise and sometimes those flaws will never
vanish. In VoIP technology many experts may take a look at this paper and feel that there
is nothing they need to worry about. Plenty of times I have seen even Voice Engineers
and Professionals plan, set up and configure VoIP networks and these flaws are in place.
This is not entirely on them. The organization that is having VoIP installed should also
have some kind of awareness. Hopefully this will open some eyes, and these
organizations will realize what a security risk VoIP phones in small tucked away rooms
can be. As I stated before, Lego blocks being used as foundation for an attack is
something I do not want to be handing out or helping with. We all know and understand
that we cannot lock down every single phone. That would kill the ease of use for users.
But perhaps we can come up with solution on how to mitigate security risk. I do not
necessarily feel at ease giving away the IP scheme, subnet mask or my default gateway to
anyone walking up to my VoIP phones. Also, we need to keep in mind that rarely used
rooms containing a VoIP phone, are just waiting for a Wireless Router to be plugged into
them. At this point I believe it is as they say, you have to make your organization look
less attractive to attackers so they will move along. Remember best practices. Disable
these functions, change default passwords etc.
I would like to say thanks to the Corelan Crew, a special thanks to breadcrumbs for the
support. I would also like to thank the community. I hope this paper helps it as much as
the community has helped me, and last but not least God the creator for the talent.