Lathe Machine

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Submitted To:

Submitted By:

Mr. Syed Qaiser Husain


Department of Mechanical Engineering

1313240171 3rd


Greater Noida institute of technology


(2015-16) Certificate
This to certify that Mr. TARKESWAR GUPTA student of 3rd year mechanical
engineering in Greater Noida Institute of Technology has submitted a seminar
report on LATHE MACHINE as a partial fulfillment of degree of bachelor in
technology from UPTU.
(Mr. Syed Qaiser Husain)


What is a lathe:- It is probably the oldest machine tool, stemming from the early tree lathe, which was
turned by a rope passed around the work a few times and attached to a springly branch overhead. The work
was supported by two dowels struck in adjacent trees. The operator's foot supplied the motion, which was
intermittent and fluctuating. The tool was held in the operator's hand. Later a strip of wood called a "lath"
was used to support the rope and hence named as lathe. Lathe was actually the first machine tool which
came into being as a useful machine for metal cutting, because it permits a large variety of operations to be
performed on it.
A Lathe Is A Machine Tool Which Rotates The Workpiece On Its Axis To Perform Various Operations
Such As Cutting, Sanding, Knurling, Drilling, Or Deformation, Facing, Turning, With Tools That Are
Applied To The Workpiece To Create An Object Which Has Symmetry about An Axis Of Rotation.
Lathes Are Used In Woodturning, Metalworking, Metal Spinning, Thermal Spraying, Parts Reclamation,
And Glass-Working. Lathes Can Be Used To Shape Pottery, The Best-Known Design Being The Potter's
Wheel. Most Suitably Equipped Metalworking Lathes Can Also Be Used To Produce Most Solids Of
Revolution, Plane Surfaces And Screw Threads Or Helices. Ornamental Lathes Can Produce ThreeDimensional Solids Of Incredible Complexity. The Workpiece Is Usually Held In Place By Either One Or
Two Centers, At Least One Of Which Can Typically Be Moved Horizontally To Accommodate Varying
Workpiece Lengths. Other Work-Holding Methods Include Clamping The Work About The Axis Of Rotation
Using A Chuck Or Collet, Or To A Faceplate, Using Clamps Or Dogs.
Examples Of Objects That Can Be Produced On A Lathe Include Candlestick Holders, Gun Barrels, Cue
Sticks, Table Legs, Bowls, Baseball Bats, Musical Instruments (Especially Woodwind
Instruments), Crankshafts, And Camshafts.


Lathe removes undesired material from a rotating work piece in the form of chips with the help of a tool
which is traversed across the work and can be fed deep in work. Lathe machine holds the work piece
between two rigid and strong supports called Centers, or in a chuck or Face plate while the latter revolves.
The chuck or the face plate is mounted on the projected end of the machine spindle. The cutting tool is
rigidly held and supported in a tool post and is fed against the revolving work. While the work revolves
about its own axis the tool is made to move either parallel to or at an inclination with this axis to cut the
desired material. In doing so it produces a cylindrical surface, if it is fed parallel to the axis or will produced
a Tapered surface if it is fed at an inclination.

The Lathe Is An Ancient Tool, Dating At Least To Ancient Egypt And Known To Be Used In Assyria And
Ancient Greece. The Lathe Was Very Important To The Industrial Revolution.
The Origin Of Turning Dates To Around 1300 BCE When The Ancient Egyptians First Developed A TwoPerson Lathe. One Person Would Turn The Wood Work Piece With A Rope While The Other Used A Sharp
Tool To Cut Shapes In The Wood. Ancient Rome Improved The Egyptian Design With The Addition Of A
Turning Bow. In The middle Ages a Pedal Replaced Hand-Operated Turning, Allowing a Single Person to
Rotate the Piece While Working with Both Hands. The Pedal Was Usually Connected To A Pole, Often A
Straight-Grained Sapling. The System Today Is Called the "Spring Pole" Lathe. Spring Pole Lathes Were In
Common Use Into The Early 20th Century.

Exact Drawing Made With Camera Obscure Of Horizontal Boring Machine By Jan Verbruggen In Woolwich
Royal Brass Foundry Approx. 1778 (Drawing 47 Out Of Set Of 50 Drawings)
An Important Early Lathe In The UK Was The Horizontal Boring Machine That Was Installed In 1772 In
The Royal Arsenal In Woolwich. It Was Horse-Powered And Allowed For The Production Of Much More
Accurate And Stronger Cannon Used With Success In The American Revolutionary War In The Late 18th
Century. One Of The Key Characteristics Of This Machine Was That The Workpiece Was Turning As
Opposed To The Tool, Making It Technically A Lathe (See Attached Drawing). Henry Maudslay Who Later
Developed Many Improvements To The Lathe Worked At The Royal Arsenal From 1783 Being Exposed To
This Machine In The Verbruggen Workshop.[1]
During The Industrial Revolution, Mechanized Power Generated By Water Wheels Or Steam Engines Was
Transmitted To The Lathe Via Line Shafting, Allowing Faster And Easier Work. Metalworking Lathes
Evolved Into Heavier Machines With Thicker, More Rigid Parts. Between The Late 19th and Mid-20th
Centuries, Individual Electric Motors at Each Lathe Replaced Line Shafting as the Power Source. Beginning
In The 1950s, Servomechanisms Were Applied To The Control Of Lathes And Other Machine Tools Via
Numerical Control, Which Often Was Coupled With Computers To Yield Computerized Numerical Control
(CNC). Today Manually Controlled And CNC Lathes Coexist In The Manufacturing Industries.

A lathe may or may not have legs which sit on the floor and elevate the lathe bed to a working height. A
lathe may be small and sit on a workbench or table, and not require a stand.
Almost all lathes have a bed, which is (almost always) a horizontal beam (although CNC lathes commonly
have an inclined or vertical beam for a bed to ensure that swarf, or chips, falls free of the bed). Woodturning
lathes specialized for turning large bowls often have no bed or tail stock, merely a free-standing headstock
and a cantilevered tool rest.
At one end of the bed (almost always the left, as the operator faces the lathe) is a headstock. The headstock
contains high-precision spinning bearings. Rotating within the bearings is a horizontal axle, with an axis
parallel to the bed, called the spindle. Spindles are often hollow, and have exterior threads and/or an
interior Morse taper on the "inboard" (i.e., facing to the right / towards the bed) by which work-holding
accessories may be mounted to the spindle. Spindles may also have exterior threads and/or an interior taper
at their "outboard" (i.e., facing away from the bed) end, and/or may have a hand-wheel or other accessory
mechanism on their outboard end. Spindles are powered, and impart motion to the workpiece.
The spindle is driven either by foot power from a treadle and flywheel or by a belt or gear drive to a power
source. In most modern lathes this power source is an integral electric motor, often either in the headstock,
to the left of the headstock, or beneath the headstock, concealed in the stand.
In addition to the spindle and its bearings, the headstock often contains parts to convert the motor speed into
various spindle speeds. Various types of speed-changing mechanism achieve this, from a cone pulley or step
pulley, to a cone pulley with back gear (which is essentially a low range, similar in net effect to the twospeed rear of a truck), to an entire gear train similar to that of a manual-shift auto transmission. Some motors
have electronic rheostat-type speed controls, which obviates cone pulleys or gears.
The counterpoint to the headstock is the tailstock, sometimes referred to as the loose head, as it can be
positioned at any convenient point on the bed by sliding it to the required area. The tail-stock contains a
barrel which does not rotate, but can slide in and out parallel to the axis of the bed, and directly in line with
the headstock spindle. The barrel is hollow, and usually contains a taper to facilitate the gripping of various
type of tooling. Its most common uses are to hold a hardened steel center, which is used to support long thin
shafts while turning, or to hold drill bits for drilling axial holes in the work piece. Many other uses are
Metalworking lathes have a carriage (comprising a saddle and apron) topped with a cross-slide, which is a
flat piece that sits crosswise on the bed, and can be cranked at right angles to the bed. Sitting atop the cross
slide is usually another slide called a compound rest, which provides 2 additional axes of motion, rotary and
linear. Atop that sits a tool post, which holds a cutting tool which removes material from the workpiece.
There may or may not be a leadscrew, which moves the cross-slide along the bed.

Woodturning and metal spinning lathes do not have cross-slides, but rather have banjos, which are flat
pieces that sit crosswise on the bed. The position of a banjo can be adjusted by hand; no gearing is involved.
Ascending vertically from the banjo is a tool-post, at the top of which is a horizontal tool rest. In
woodturning, hand tools are braced against the tool rest and levered into the workpiece. In metal spinning,
the further pin ascends vertically from the tool rest, and serves as a fulcrum against which tools may be
levered into the workpiece.

Unless a workpiece has a taper machined onto it which perfectly matches the internal taper in the spindle, or
has threads which perfectly match the external threads on the spindle (two conditions which rarely exist), an
accessory must be used to mount a workpiece to the spindle.
A workpiece may be bolted or screwed to a faceplate, a large, flat disk that mounts to the spindle. In the
alternative, faceplate dogs may be used to secure the work to the faceplate.
A workpiece may be mounted on a mandrel, or circular work clamped in a three- or four-jaw chuck. For
irregular shaped workpieces it is usual to use a four jaw (independent moving jaws) chuck. These holding
devices mount directly to the Lathe headstock spindle.
In precision work, and in some classes of repetition work, cylindrical workpieces are usually held in
a collet inserted into the spindle and secured either by a draw-bar, or by a collet closing cap on the spindle.
Suitable collets may also be used to mount square or hexagonal workpieces. In precision toolmaking work
such collets are usually of the draw-in variety, where, as the collet is tightened, the workpiece moves slightly
back into the headstock, whereas for most repetition work the dead length variety is preferred, as this
ensures that the position of the workpiece does not move as the collet is tightened.
A soft workpiece (e.g., wood) may be pinched between centers by using a spur drive at the headstock, which
bites into the wood and imparts torque to it.

Live center (top); dead center (bottom)

A soft dead center is used in the headstock spindle as the work rotates with the centre. Because the centre is
soft it can be trued in place before use. The included angle is 60. Traditionally, a hard dead center is used
together with suitable lubricant in the tailstock to support the workpiece. In modern practice the dead center
is frequently replaced by a live center, as it turns freely with the workpiece usually on ball bearings
reducing the frictional heat, especially important at high speeds. When clear facing a long length of material
it must be supported at both ends. This can be achieved by the use of a traveling or fixed steady. If a steady
is not available, the end face being worked on may be supported by a dead (stationary) half center. A half
center has a flat surface machined across a broad section of half of its diameter at the pointed end. A small
section of the tip of the dead center is retained to ensure concentricity. Lubrication must be applied at this
point of contact and tail stock pressure reduced. A lathe carrier or lathe may also be employed when turning
between two centers.[3]

In woodturning, one variation of a live center is a cup center, which is a cone of metal surrounded by an
annular ring of metal that decreases the chances of the workpiece splitting.
A circular metal plate with even spaced holes around the periphery, mounted to the spindle, is called an
"index plate". It can be used to rotate the spindle to a precise angle, then lock it in place, facilitating repeated
auxiliary operations done to the workpiece.
Other accessories, including items such as taper turning attachments, knurling tools, vertical slides, fixed
and traveling steadies, etc., increase the versatility of a lathe and the range of work it may perform.

Modes of use
When a workpiece is fixed between the headstock and the tail-stock, it is said to be "between centers". When
a workpiece is supported at both ends, it is more stable, and more force may be applied to the workpiece, via
tools, at a right angle to the axis of rotation, without fear that the workpiece may break loose.
When a workpiece is fixed only to the spindle at the headstock end, the work is said to be "face work".
When a workpiece is supported in this manner, less force may be applied to the workpiece, via tools, at a
right angle to the axis of rotation, lest the workpiece rip free. Thus, most work must be done axially, towards
the headstock, or at right angles, but gently.
When a workpiece is mounted with a certain axis of rotation, worked, then remounted with a new axis of
rotation, this is referred to as "eccentric turning" or "multi-axis turning". The result is that various cross
sections of the workpiece are rotationally symmetric, but the workpiece as a whole is not rotationally
symmetric. This technique is used for camshafts, various types of chair legs.

The smallest lathes are "jewelers lathes" or "watchmaker lathes", which are small enough that they may be
held in one hand. The workpieces machined on a jeweler's lathe are metal. Jeweler's lathes can be used with
hand-held "graver" tools or with compound rests that attach to the lathe bed. Graver tools are generally
supported by a T-rest, not fixed to a cross slide or compound rest. The work is usually held in a collet.
Common spindle bore sizes are 6 mm, 8 mm and 10 mm. The term W/W refers to the Webster/Whitcomb
collet and lathe, invented by the American Watch Tool Company of Waltham, Massachusetts. Most lathes
commonly referred to as watchmakers lathes are of this design. In 1909, the American Watch Tool company
introduced the Magnus type collet (a 10-mm body size collet) using a lathe of the same basic design, the
Webster/Whitcomb Magnus. (F.W.Derbyshire, Inc. retains the trade names Webster/Whitcomb and Magnus
and still produces these collets.) Two bed patterns are common: the WW (Webster Whitcomb) bed, a
truncated triangular prism (found only on 8 and 10 mm watchmakers' lathes); and the continental D-style bar
bed (used on both 6 mm and 8 mm lathes by firms such as Lorch and Star). Other bed designs have been
used, such a triangular prism on some Boley 6.5 mm lathes, and a V-edged bed on IME's 8 mm lathes.
Smaller metalworking lathes that are larger than jewelers' lathes and can sit on a bench or table, but offer
such features as tool holders and a screw-cutting gear train are called hobby lathes, and larger versions,
"bench lathes". Even larger lathes offering similar features for producing or modifying individual parts are
called "engine lathes". Lathes of these types do not have additional integral features for repetitive
production, but rather are used for individual part production or modification as the primary role.

Lathes of this size that are designed for mass manufacture, but not offering the versatile screw-cutting
capabilities of the engine or bench lathe, are referred to as "second operation" lathes.
Lathes with a very large spindle bore and a chuck on both ends of the spindle are called "oil field lathes".
Fully automatic mechanical lathes, employing cams and gear trains for controlled movement, are
called screw machines.
Lathes that are controlled by a computer are CNC lathes.
Lathes with the spindle mounted in a vertical configuration, instead of horizontal configuration, are called
vertical lathes or vertical boring machines. They are used where very large diameters must be turned, and the
workpiece (comparatively) is not very long.
A lathe with a cylindrical tail-stock that can rotate around a vertical axis, so as to present different tools
towards the headstock (and the workpiece) are turret lathes.[4]
A lathe equipped with indexing plates, profile cutters, spiral or helical guides, etc., so as to
enable ornamental turning is an ornamental lathe.
Various combinations are possible: for example, a vertical lathe can have CNC capabilities as well (such as
Lathes can be combined with other machine tools, such as a drill press or vertical milling machine. These
are usually referred to as combination lathes.


The bed of Lathe acts as the base on which the different fixed and operations parts of the Lathe are mounted.
Lathe beds are usually made as single piece casting of semi-steel (i.e., toughened cast iron),
with the addition of small quantity of steel scrap to the cast iron during melting; the material 'cast iron'
facilitating an easy sliding action. In case of extremely large machines, the bed may be in two or more
pieces, bolted together to from the desired length. Lathe Bed are heavy rigid structure which is having high
damping capacity for the vibrations generated by machines during machining. The rigid structure will helps
to avoid deflections. The guides and ways which are present on the top of the bed will act as rails and
supports other parts like tail stock. The bed will be designed in such a way that easily bolted to the floor of
the machine shop.

Head stock
The head stock is the part of the lathe which serves as a housing for the driving pulleys and back gears,
provides bearing for the machine spindle and keeps the latter in alignment with the bed. It is a fixed part
which will present on the left side of the lathe bed. Head stock will consists of a hollow spindle and drives
unit like main spindle, feed reverse lever, live center cone pulley etc., The tapered bar with pointed or
projected end is going to grip the work piece between two centers of lathe bed.

Tail stock
It is also sometimes called the LOOSE HEAD- STOCK or PUPPET HEAD. It is mounted on the bed of the
lathe such that it is capable of sliding along the latter maintaining its alignment with the head stock. On
common types of medium size or small size lathes it is moved along the bed by hand, whereas in heavier

types of lathes it is moved by means of a hand wheel through a pinion which meshes with the rack provided
on the front of the lathe bed. The main function of the Tail stock is to provide bearing and support to the job
which is being worked between centers. To enable this, the tail stock is made to possess a number of parts
which collectively help in its successful function.

The lathe carriage serves the purpose of supporting, guiding and feeding the tool against the job during the
operation of the lathe. The carriage will present between head stock and tail stock which will slides on the
bed ways of the lathe bed. The carriage will give feed to the tool and it holds the tool, for taper turning the
feed is cross feed, for turning it is longitudinal feed. The carriage consists of the following parts.
1. Saddle
2. Cross-slide
3. Compound Rest
4. Tool post
5. Aprone

Saddle - It is the part of the carriage which slides along the bed way and support the Cross-slide,
compound rest and Tool post.

Cross-slide - The cross-slide function is to provide cutting action to the tool and the action of cutting
tool will be perpendicular to center line of lathe. It can either be operated by hand, by means of the
cross-feed screw, or may be given power feed through the Apron Mechanism.

Compound Rest - The compound Rest will be placed over the cross slide and it consists of a
graduated circular base which is having swiveling nature.

Tool post - It is the top most part of the carriage and is used for holding the tool or tool holder in

Aprone - Aprone houses the feed mechanism, clutch mechanism split half nut, gears, leavers, the
apron wheel can be rotated by hand for longitudinal motion of the carriage.

They are the supports which carry the entire load of the machine over them. The prevailing practice is to use
cast legs. Both the legs are firmly secured to the floor by means of foundation blots in order to prevent
vibrations in the machine. One of these legs, usually the one on the left hand side of the operator, serves as a
housing for the electric motor and countershaft etc., both these legs should be of robust construction.



There is a verity of lathe machine manufacturing processes. A very wide classification of
lathe machine is available according to many ways.

Some of lathe machine are classified below.

1. Centre / Engine Lathe
2. Multiple Tool Lathe
3. Capstan Lathe
4. Copy Turning Lathe
5. Automatic Lathe
6. Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine
7. Multispindle Automatic Screw Machine
8. Combination Lathe
9. Vertical Lathe
10.NC And CNC Lathe


The Centre Lathe is used to manufacture cylindrical shapes from a range of materials including; steels and
plastics. Many of the components that go together to make an engine work have been manufactured using
lathes. These may be lathes operated directly by people (manual lathes) or computer controlled lathes (CNC
machines) that have been programmed to carry out a particular task. A basic manual centre lathe is shown
below. This type of lathe is controlled by a person turning the various handles on the top slide and cross slide
in order to make a product / part.


The headstock of a centre lathe can be opened, revealing an arrangement of gears. These gears are
sometimes replaced to alter the speed of rotation of the chuck. The lathe must be switched off before
opening, although the motor should automatically cut off if the door is opened while the machine is running
(a safety feature).
The speed of rotation of the chuck is usually set by using the gear levers. These are usually on top of the
headstock or along the front and allow for a wide range of speeds.

A capstan lathe is a milling machine used to create the same parts over and over again. The cutting bits are
mounted on a rotatable turret known as a capstan, which allows the user to quickly change the orientation of
the bits for cutting without having to take off the first bit and then mount the second. A piece of raw
material, sometimes known as a blank, is mounted into the capstan lathe and is then spun at high speed.
The cutting tools, sometimes known as knives, are then used to cut into the blank to create a new shape or
When a new shape or design needs to be cut on the same blank, the tool turret can be rotated and a different
knife can make contact with the rotating blank. This makes the capstan lathe quick and easy to use, which is
important when the user is creating the same part over and over again from various blanks. All of the tools
are already mounted on the capstan lathe, and with a simple turn of the turret, the user can make the
necessary cuts. Older machines do require that the user rotate the turret manually.
Newer machines may use computer numeric controls (CNC). A computer can be programmed to rotate the
blank at a specific speed, adjust tool depth and contact, and rotate the capstan or turret when necessary to
create the proper cuts. The advantages of a CNC capstan lathe over a manual lathe include time savings,
efficiency, and tight tolerances of cuts. The computer ensures all blanks are cut to within a certain tolerance,
making a uniformity among the parts that most consumers or clients will demand. A CNC capstan lathe
operator will have to monitor the machine once it is programmed, and he or she will need to add or remove
the blanks from the headstock, but otherwise, the machine will perform much of the cutting without any
human interaction.
Manual capstan lathe machines can also index the tools to a specific position to create parts repeatedly, but
mechanical blocks will need to be placed by hand before the operation begins. The user will place bars or
blocks strategically for each successive tool that will perform the cutting, and those blocks will have to be

removed and then replaced if a different part is to be made. This adds a bit of time over a CNC machine, but
saves time over other styles of lathes that do not feature capstans.



A machine used for the reproduction of plane and curved surfaces from a master (template, pattern, model, o
r blueprint) on products made ofvarious materials. Copying lathes are made for plane, contour, threedimensional, and combined profiling with a mechanical, hydraulic,
electric, or photoelectric servomechanism or without a servomechanism.
The main assembly of a copying lathe is a duplicating device. Copying milling machines are widely used in
metalworking; lathes and millingmachines are used in woodworking. Many all-purpose lathes (such as turni
ng lathes) are also equipped with a duplicating device. Copyinglathes are used in series and mass production
of patterned furniture pieces, complex casting patterns, profiled cams, eccentrics, templates, and matrices.


Press button manual electric controls

Hydraulic copying unit with highly sensitive tracer working on both wooden samples and
templates, for copying.
High Precision Ball Screw Advance for Accurate Saddle Feed Speed Programming.
Capable of two working passes, roughing first and then finishing
Semi-automatic mechanical workpiece centering device
Electric spindle brake
Turning with a single cobalt gouge, radius 1.2 mm
Spindle reversing to change from copying to manual working and vice versa or for manual
Milling cutter head with driving centre 30mm and ball bearing tailstock centre.

An automatic lathe is a lathe (usually a metalworking lathe) whose actions are controlled automatically.
Although all electronically controlled (CNC) lathes are automatic, they are usually not called by that name,

as explained under "General nomenclature". The first kinds of automatic lathes were mechanically
automated ones, from the 1870s until the advent of NC and CNC in the 1950s and 1960s. CNC has not yet
entirely displaced mechanically automated machines. The latter type of machine tool is no longer being
newly built, but many existing examples remain in service.


The historic advantage of single spindle automatic lathes is high volume production. These machines are
able to bring several tools into the cutting zone simultaneously. The advantage of this processing technique
is reduction of parasitic time from tool changing and indexing and other non-cutting movements. Lower
overall cycle time for workpiece production is a net result of using this class of machine tool. As lot sizes

have diminished the traditional cam actuated axis motions for these automatics is being supplanted by CNC
servo driven axis actuation systems in many applications enabling the user to more quickly changeover the
machine to reflect lower volume-higher mix demands. In many cases a properly setup cam actuated
automatic delivers a faster per part cycle time than a CNC machine. However the reduced setup time from
job changeover provided by the CNC machine, often makes the overall job processing time between CNC
driven machines equivalent or better than cam actuated automatics. Single Spindle Screw Machine Trends:
Sub-spindle synchronization back working capability live tooling for turn-mill operations Compound slides
for single point turning.


As an automatic lathe, the multi-spindle screw machine allows multiple tools to cut multiple pieces of
material simultaneously. Usually configured in 4, 5, 6 or 8 spindle models, each spindle is attacked by a
cross-slide and end-slide tool effectively making each spindle a 2-axis lathe. As CNC is applied to some or
all slides on these historically cam actuated machines, their ability to machine complex and high accuracy
parts has grown significantly. Numerous attachments are available for use on one or more stations for
specific metalworking operations. The multiple spindles are carried in a precision machined drum that

rotates in a horizontal orientation. In production, the operations needed to be performed on a part are divided
among the number of spindles. Because each spindle station is being machined simultaneously, when the
drum indexes from one station to the next a complete part is produced. In other words on a six-spindle multi,
six parts are completed with one full rotation of the drum. While the cycle time on a single spindle machine
is additive--its the sum of the operations performedbecause the multi-spindle is cutting six parts
simultaneously its cycle time is simply whichever is the longest single operation performed. Multi-spindles
are either automatic bar or chucker depending on the raw stock being used. Bar machines uses a drum feeder
that aligns the machines spindle number. On a chucker the first station is loaded externally using a feeder
system and increasingly, a robot or gantry loader. Bar machines usually employ collets to hold the raw stock
while chuckers use either collets or external chuck to secure the workpiece. Multi-Spindle Trends:
Individually programmable spindle motors Linear axis motors on tool slides Internal gantry load/unload and
palletization In-process gaging and sensing Quick change tooling Closed loop feedback for tool
compensations Compound slides for single point turning Robotic loaders.

A combination lathe, often known as a 3-in-1 machine, introduces drilling or milling operations into the
design of the lathe. These machines have a milling column rising up above the lathe bed, and they utilize the
carriage and topslide as the X and Y axes for the milling column. The 3-in-1 name comes from the idea of
having a lathe, milling machine, and drill press all in one affordable machine tool. These are exclusive to the
hobbyist and MRO markets, as they inevitably involve compromises in size, features, rigidity, and precision
in order to remain affordable. Nevertheless, they meet the demand of their niche quite well, and are capable
of high accuracy given enough time and skill. They may be found in smaller, non-machine-oriented
businesses where the occasional small part must be machined, especially where the exacting tolerances of

expensive tool room machines, besides being unaffordable, would be overkill for the application from an
engineering perspective.

The vertical lathe makes it convenient to mount, align, and fasten the items to be worked. For this reason it h
as replaced the facing lathe,
which was used previously. The distinguishing feature of the vertical turning lathe is the vertical position of t
he spindle. A chuck is located onthe top of the spindle; the piece to be worked is fastened to the chuck, using
radially displaced cams. It is the item itself that goes throughthe principal rotary motion on the vertical lathe;
the cutting tool, fixed on a support, has a translatory feed motion. The strain on the spindle ispartially relieve
d because the weight of the item and the cutting forces are absorbed by the circularly directing chucks.
There are open-sided and double-sided (portal) vertical lathes. Open-sided vertical lathes usually have both
vertical and lateral supports; two-sided lathes have two vertical and either one or two lateral supports. A rota
ting turret is often placed on one of the vertical supports. Thevertical lathe is usually driven by several electr
ic motors (many, in the case of the heavy lathe), which, during operation, transmit the motionto the chuck sp

indle and supports (working and idling or accelerated) and serve to attach the crosshead and brake engageme
The vertical lathe is used to machine and bore cylindrical, conical, and contoured surfaces and to trim face e
nds. Lathes with a turret canalso drill, counterbore, and ream. Engraving, slotting, milling, and polishing are
possible with special attachments. It is possible on a verticallathe to work with a number of cutting tools sim
ultaneously, with each tool fastened to a separate support. This increases efficiencysignificantly.
The rigidity of construction of the vertical lathe makes it possible to work on particularly large items with a
high degree of precision. Forexample, pieces weighing as much as 500 tons and more, with diameters to 30
m (parts of powerful hydraulic turbines, turbogenerators,atomic reactors, and proton synchrotrons), may be
worked on heavy two-sided models.


Numerical control (NC) is the automation of machine tools that are operated by precisely programmed
commands encoded on a storage medium, as opposed to controlled manually by hand wheels or levers, or
mechanically automated by cams alone. Most NC today is computer (or computerized) numerical
control (CNC), in which computers play an integral part of the control.
In modern CNC systems, end-to-end component design is highly automated using computer-aided
design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) programs. The programs produce a computer file
that is interpreted to extract the commands needed to operate a particular machine by a post processor, and
then loaded into the CNC machines for production. Since any particular component might require the use of
a number of different tools drills, saws, etc., modern machines often combine multiple tools into a single

"cell". In other installations, a number of different machines are used with an external controller and human
or robotic operators that move the component from machine to machine. In either case, the series of steps
needed to produce any part is highly automated and produces a part that closely matches the original CAD



The bed is the main body of the lathe, made from rough but sturdy cast iron. The ways are the
ground surface on the top side of the bed on which the carriage and tail stock raid.
The ways have inverted V-shaped ridge on the front side and are flat on the back side.


A matching groove on the underside of the saddle rider along this ridge. The headstock casting also
has a V-groove which aligns it with the ways.


The lathe Headstock used, at one time, to be called the "Fixed Headstock" or "Fixed Head", and the
rotating shaft within it the "Mandrel". Today the mandrel is usually called the "Spindle", but this can
cause confusion with the tailstock, where the sliding bar is known variously as the "ram", "barrel" and "spindle".
The headstock is normally mounted rigidly to the bed (exceptions exist in some production, CNC,
automatic and "Swiss-auto" types) and holds all the mechanisms, including various kinds and
combinations of pulleys or gears, so that the spindle can be made to turn at different speeds.

The Tailstock was once known in England as the "loose stock", " Ppoppet head" or "loose head" the latter old-fashioned term being used by Harrison and other English firms in some of their
advertising literature until the early 1970s. The unit is arranged to slide along the bed and can be
locked to it at any convenient point; the upper portion of the unit is fitted with what is variously
called a "barrel", "spindle" "ram" or "shoot" that can be moved in and out of the main casting by
hand, lever or screw feed and carries a "Dead Centre" that supports the other end of work held (by
various means) in the headstock.

Special centres, which rotate with the work, can be used in the tailstock; these are known as
"Rotating Centres" and should not be referred to as "live centres" - that term being reserved for the
centre carried in the headstock spindle.
Long ago centres were referred to by turners as "Poppets" - presumably from "pop it in" - and they
carried their own with them, secured in cotton waste and jealously guarded in the top pocket of their


The whole assembly of Saddle, Apron, Top and Cross Slide is known as the "Carriage". Some
American publications (even makers' handbooks) have been known to casually refer to this as the
"Saddle" - but this incorrect.


The casting that fits onto the top of the bed and slides along it is known, almost universally, as the
"Saddle" - a self-explanatory and very suitable term.

The tool bit is mounted in the tool post which may be of the American lantern style, traditional foursided square style, or a quick-change style such as the multifix arrangement pictured. The advantage
of a quick change set-up is to allow an unlimited number of tools to be used (up to the number of
holders available) rather than being limited to one tool with the lantern style, or to four tools with the
four-sided type. Interchangeable tool holders allow all tools to be preset to a center height that does
not change, even if the holder is removed from the machine.


Turning :: Turning is an engineering machining process in which a cutting tool, typically
a non-rotary tool bit, describes a helical toolpath by moving more or less linearly while the
workpiece rotates. The tool's axes of movement may be literally a straight line, or they may
be along some set of curves or angles, but they are essentially linear (in the nonmathematical

sense). Usually the term "turning" is reserved for the generation of external surfaces by this
cutting action, whereas this same essential cutting action when applied tointernal surfaces
(that is, holes, of one kind or another) is called "boring". Thus the phrase "turning and
boring" categorizes the larger family of (essentially similar) processes. The cutting of faces
on the workpiece (that is, surfaces perpendicular to its rotating axis), whether with a turning
or boring tool, is called "facing", and may be lumped into either category as a subset.

Facing: facing is the act of cutting a face, which is a planar surface, onto the workpiece.
Within this broadest sense there are various specific types of facing, with the two most
common being facing in the course of turning and boring work (facing planes perpendicular
to the rotating axis of the workpiece) and facing in the course of milling work (for
example, face milling). Other types of machining also cut faces (for
example, planning, shaping, and grinding), although the term "facing" may not always be
employed there.

Knurling: The operation is performed for producing indentations on a part of a workpiece.

Knurling allows hands or fingers to get a better grip on the knurled object than would be
provided by the originally smooth metal surface. Occasionally, the knurled pattern is a series
of straight ridges or a helix of "straight" ridges rather than the more-usual crisscross pattern.

Parting and grooving Parting uses a blade-like cutting tool plunged directly into the
workpiece to cut off the workpiece at a specific length. It is normally used to remove the
finished end of a workpiece from the bar stock that is clamped in the chuck. Other uses
include things such as cutting the head off a bolt.

Drilling Drilling is a cutting process that uses a drill bit to cut or enlarge a hole of
circular cross-section in solid materials. The drill bit is a rotary cutting tool, often multipoint.
The bit is pressed against the workpiece and rotated at rates from hundreds to thousands of
revolutions. This forces the cutting edge against the workpiece, cutting off chips (swarf) from
the hole as it is drilled.

Boring boring is the process of enlarging a hole that has already been drilled (or cast), by
means of a single-point cutting tool(or of a boring head containing several such tools), for
example as in boring a gun barrel or an engine cylinder. Boring is used to achieve greater
accuracy of the diameter of a hole, and can be used to cut a tapered hole. Boring can be
viewed as the internal-diameter counterpart to turning, which cuts external diameters.

Reaming Reamers are used to finish drilled holes or bores quickly and accurately to a
specified diameter. When a hole is to be reamed, it must first be drilled or bored to within
0.004 to 0.012 inch of the finished size since the reamer is not designed to remove much
Milling Milling is the machining process of using rotary cutters to remove material from a
workpiece advancing (or feeding) in a direction at an angle with the axis of the tool. It covers
a wide variety of different operations and machines, on scales from small individual parts to
large, heavy-duty gang milling operations. It is one of the most commonly used processes in
industry and machine shops today for machining parts to precise sizes and shapes.

Grinding Grinding practice is a large and diverse area of manufacturing and toolmaking. It
can produce very fine finishes and very accurate dimensions; yet in mass production contexts
it can also rough out large volumes of metal quite rapidly. It is usually better suited to the
machining of very hard materials than is "regular" machining (that is, cutting larger chips
with cutting tools such as tool bits or milling cutters), and until recent decades it was the only
practical way to machine such materials as hardened steels. Compared to "regular"
machining, it is usually better suited to taking very shallow cuts, such as reducing a shafts
diameter by half a thousandth of an inch or 12.7 m.

Taper turning Taper turning means, to produce a conical surface by gradual reduction or
increase in diameter from a cylindrical work piece. This tapering operation has wide range of
use in construction of machines. Almost all machine spindles have taper holes which receive
taper shank of various tools and work holding devices.



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