07 Rr320204 Instrumentation
07 Rr320204 Instrumentation
07 Rr320204 Instrumentation
1. Distinguish between systematic and random errors in a measurement and how they
are usually minimized.
of an oscilloscope.
2. Distinguish between analog modulation and digital modulation and explain the
3. (a) How does the sampling oscilloscope increase the apparent frequency response
(b) Voltage E1 is applied to the horizontal input and E2 to the vertical input of a
CRO. E1 and E2 have same frequency. The trace on the screen is an ellipse.
The slope of major axis is negative. The maximum vertical value is 3 divi-
sions and the point where the ellipse crosses the vertical axis is 2.6 divisions.
The ellipse is symmetrical about horizontal and vertical axis. Determine the
possible phase angle E2 with respect to E1 . [8+8]
(b) What is the relation between sensitivity and area of plates? [8+8]
8. What is the principle of ultrasonic flow meter? Explain the operation of ultrasonic
flow meter with neat sketch. [16]
1. Draw the block diagram of the measuring system and explain the each stage with
their functions.
(b) A lissajous pattern on the oscilloscope is stationary and has 6 vertical maxi-
mum values and five horizontal maximum values. The frequency of the hori-
zontal input is 1500HZ. Determine the frequency of vertical input
(b) Explain in detail the working of inductive transducers operating on the prin-
ciple of eddy currents? [8+8]
7. (a) Explain the construction of different types of strain gauges with neat sketches.
(b) Explain in general how pressure is measured with electrical transducer as
secondary transducers. [8+8]
8. (a) Discuss the merits demerits of constant temperature method over constant
current method of measurement at flow using hot wire anemometer .
(b) With a neat sketch explain the measurement by constant - temperature anemome-
ter. [8+8]
1. Distinguish the important characteristics of instrument that are totally electrical
and totally electronic in nature.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Continuous wave signals.
(b) Amplitude modulation.
3. (a) An electro statically deflected cathode ray tube has plane parallel deflecting
plates which are 2.5cm long and 0.5cm apart, and the distance from their
centre to the screen is 20cm. The electron beam is accelerated by a potential
difference of 2500v and is projected centrally between the plates. Calculate
the deflecting voltage required to cause the beam to strike a deflecting voltage
and find the corresponding deflection of the screen.
(b) What is the relationship between the period of a waveform and its frequency?
How is an oscilloscope used to determine frequency? [8+8]
4. (a) Explain with an appropriate circuit for measurement of low impedance com-
ponent with respect to Q-meter.
(b) For measuring small values of capacitance, a 60 MHZ signal source is to be
used in a capacitance meter. What value of series resistance is required if the
phase shift is to kept below 5.7 degrees for full scale capacitance readings of
1, 10 and 100 PF.
5. (a) What are the various types of inductive transducers?
(b) Explain in detail the working of inductive transducers operating on the prin-
ciple of eddy currents? [8+8]
6. Explain in detail the applications of photodevices? [16]
7. (a) Explain the principle of thermo couple vaccume gauge.
(b) Explain the measurement of vaccume using pirani gauge. [8+8]
8. (a) Write short notes on post deflection acceleration with respect to oscilloscope
(b) What is the minimum distance, L, that will allow full deflection of 4cm at the
oscilloscope screen with a deflection factor of 100v/cm and with an accelerating
potential of 2000v. [8+8]
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Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications
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1. (a) Define Instrumentation and the importance of the Instrumentation systems.
(b) Explain the role of electronic circuits in the field of modern Instrumentation.
(c) Distinguish a meter from an instrument and state the primary role of each.
2. (a) Distinguish between periodic and a periodic signals and give examples for
(b) Derive from fundamentals the expression representing a rectangular wave by
Fourier series. [8+8]
3. Derive the equation D = [L[2 IddEEad]] with respect to the concept of electrostatic de-
flection of a cathode ray oscilloscope, where D= deflection of electron beam on
the screen in Y direction; mtr, L= distance between screen and the centre of the
deflecting plates; mtrs; Id = length of the deflecting plates, Ed = potential be-
tween deflecting plates, d= distance between deflecting plates, Ea = voltage of the
pre-accelerating anode. [16]
4. (a) Write short notes on:
i. Resolution in digital meters
ii. Sensitivity of digital meters
(b) A 4 1/2 digit voltmeter is used for voltage measurements.
i. Find its resolution
ii. How would 12.98 volts be displayed on 10 volt range?
iii. How would 0.6973 be displayed on 1 volt range?
iv. How would 0.6973 be displayed on 10 volt range? [10+6]
5. (a) A single strain gauge is mounted to measure the axial strain in a simple tensile.
member. If the recorded strain is 380 micro strain what is the axial stress.
i. if the member is steel?
ii. if the member is aluminium?
(b) What are the advantages of electrical transducers? [8+8]
6. (a) Discuss specifications of LVDT ?
(b) A copper constantan thermocouple with “∀”=3.75X10?2 mv/0 c and % = 4.5x
10−5 mv/0 c. If T1 = 100 0 c and the cold junction T2 is kept in ice compute
the resulting emf?
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8. (a) Explain in general, the measurement of torque using digital technique com-
pare the merits of multi toothed flange over single toothed flange. Give the
necessary sketch.
(b) Explain the measurement of torque using strain gauge torque method. Also
give the advantages of this method. [8+8]
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