ECO-01 Solved Assignment 2016
ECO-01 Solved Assignment 2016
ECO-01 Solved Assignment 2016
Q:-1 what are the essential requisites of an ideal form of business organization? Explain the
criteria for the selection of the form of organisation.
1. Easy formation: An important factor for preferring a particular form of organisation to another is
the ease with which a business can be brought into existence. The comparative ease of difficulty in
forming a particular form of organisation mainly depends on three factors:
formation expenses by way of registration fee, stamp duty, fees of legal experts, charges
easy to form.
Scope of raising capital: The choice of organisation mainly depends on the amount of capital
required which is determined by the nature of business and the scale of operations. For example,
if you want to open a retail shop in groceries, the amount of capital needed will not be much. But
if you want to set up a sugar factory, you may require a large amount of capital. Ideal form of
organisation is one which provides scope for raising the amount of capital as and when required.
3. Extent of liability: You know that the element of risk and uncertainty is prevalent in each
business. In view of this, normally, the businessmen prefer limited liability. Obviously, limited
liability is considered as an important feature of a good form of organisation. however, a certain
amount of risk is also found to be important to provide the needed spur for initiative, drive, and
involvement in business. Many times, the absence of such spur leads to weakness, inefficiency
and even dishonesty on the part of management personnel.
4. Flexibility of operations: The form of organisation should be very flexible and adaptable to
changing business conditions without much difficulty or complication. For example, if you want
to expand your business, diversify or modernise the plant and equipment, the organisation should
owners, employees, and customers. Employees always prefer a stable and continuous
employment. If the business is stable, the owner should be able to formulate plans for the future
and to make investments paying for a considerable length of time. From the customers' point of
view also, regular supply of goods and services is expected to meet their needs. An ideal form of
organisation is one which provides reasonable amount of stability to the business.
6. Effectiveness of management: As you know that the success of any business enterprise depends
because it mars their initiative and disrupts the working of their business.
Business secrecy: In business, it is important to maintain business secrets without leaking them
out to competitors. Therefore, a form of organisation which enables , retention of business secrets
connecting links
connecting links
They deal in limited number of products.
They deal in variety of products for meeting the
They have a direct link with the customers.
They provide free home delivery and after sales
sales services
Co-operative Organisation
Few legal formalities
are Involved
Cooperative society act 1912
Minimum 7 and
Maximum and no
no maximum no limit
Any amount
maximum limit
No subseqantial
capital can be
Complete separation
Not managed by
and ownership
of management
all members
from ownership
Very wide scope .
Scope for
Basic profit of sharing
for expertise
Shared by owners
Volume of business
in the proportion of
by each member
Ownership transfer
shares held
At will and
very easy
Perpetual existence
Death. Insolvency
Death, insolvency of
of its members
the life
Exposed to members
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Secondary Market
The auction market is a place
financial securities.
matching machines.
Interested sellers deliver their
The secondary markets
may or
may not
Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules 1957 lays down the minimum requirements with respect to
the listing of securities on a stock exchange. Listing implies that the securities have met the
satisfaction of stock exchange authorities, in respect of certain prescribed standards of legality,
security. When a security is admitted to dealings on a stock exchange, it does not guarantee the
soundness or profitability of the company, in any manner. It is also not a certificate of the stock
exchange for consideration by the investors.
Insurance is not effective for risks that are not insurable risks. For example, risks that are too large
cannot be insured, or the premiums would be so high as to make purchasing the insurance infeasible.
Also, risks that are not measurable, if insured, will be difficult if not impossible for the insurer to
quantify, and thus they cannot charge the correct premium. They will need to charge a conservatively
high premium in order to mitigate the risk of paying too large a claim. The premium will thus be
higher than ideal, and inefficient. Passing of risk involves both party to the contract. The general rule
is that unless otherwise agreed, risk passes with title. An agreement to the contrary may be either
expressed or implied. An insurable risk is a risk that meets the ideal criteria for efficient insurance.
The concept of insurable risk underlies nearly all insurance decisions
3. WarehousingWarehouse is a storage structure constructed for the protection of the quality and quantity of the
stored produce. The need for a warehouse arises due to the time gap between production and
consumption of products. Warehousing or storage refers to the holding and preservation of goods until
they are despatched to the consumers. By bridging this gap, storage creates time utility. There is a
need for storing the goods so as to make them available to buyers as and when required. Storage
enables a firm to carry on production in anticipation of demand in future. Warehouses enables the
businessmen to carry on production throughout the year and sell their products, whenever there is
adequate demand. Need for warehouses arise also because some goods are produced only in a
particular season but are demanded throughout the year. Similarly, certain products are produced
4. Development Bank
Development banks are specializes financial institutions. They provide medium and long-term finance
to the industrial and agricultural sector. They provide finance to both private and public sector.
Development banks are multipurpose financial institutions. They do term lending, investment in
securities and other activities. They even promote saving and investment habit in public. Development
banks are those financial institutions whose prime goal is finance the primary needs of society.
Q:-4 what is channel of distribution? Discuss various factors which influence the choice of
channel of distribution.
The path through which goods and services travel from the vendor to the consumer or payments for
those products travel from the consumer to the vendor. A distribution channel can be as short as a
direct transaction from the vendor to the consumer, or may include several interconnected
intermediaries along the way such as wholesalers, distributors, agents and retailers. Each intermediary
receives the item at one pricing point and movies it to the next higher pricing point until it reaches the
final buyer.
(1) The Nature of the Product:
These factors include physical characteristics of a product and their impact on the selection of a
particular channel of distribution.
Various factors under this category are:
(a) Perishability:
Products which are perishable in nature are distributed by employing a shorter channel of distribution
so that goods could be delivered to the consumers without delay. Delay in distribution of these
products will deteriorate their quality.
(b) Size and weight of product:
Bulky and heavy products like coal and food grains etc. are directly distributed to the users involve
heavy transportation costs. In order to minimise these costs a short and direct distribution channel is
(c) Unit value of a product:
Products with lesser unit value and high turnover are distributed by employing longer channels of
distribution. Household products like utensils, cloth, cosmetics etc. take longer time in reaching the
consumers.. On the other hand, products like jewellery having high product value are directly sold to
the consumers by the jewellers.
(c) Standardization:
Products of standard size and quality usually take longer time by adopting longer channel of
distribution. For example, machine tools and automobile products which are of standard size reach the
consumer through the wholesalers and retailers. Un-standardised articles take lesser time and pass
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are provided by the wholesalers and retailers. Examples of such products are televisions, scooters,
refrigerators, etc.
(f) Product Lines:
A manufacturer producing different products in the same lines sells directly or through retailers and
lesser time is consumed in their distribution. For example, in case automobile rubber products this
practice is followed. On the other hand, a manufacturer dealing only in one item appoints sole selling
agents, wholesalers and retailers for selling the product. For example, in case of Vanaspati Ghee
longer distribution channel in undertaken.
(2) The Nature of the market:
This is another factor influencing the choice of a proper channel of distribution. The number of buyers
of the product affects the choice of a f channel of distribution.
Following factors are considered in this regard:
(a)Consumer of industrial market:
In case of industrial markets, number of buyers is less; a shorter channel of distribution can be
adopted. These buyers usually directly purchase from the manufacturers. Marketing intermediaries are
not needed in this case.
But in case of consumer markets, where there are a large number of buyers, a longer channel of
distribution is employed. Distribution process cannot be effectively carried out without the services of
wholesalers and retailers.
(b) Number of prospective buyers:
If the number of buyers is likely to be more, the distribution channel will be long. On the other hand,
if the number of consumers is expected to be less, the manufacturer can effectively sell directly to the
consumers by appointing salesmen.
(c)Size of the order:
If the size of the order placed by the customers is big, direct selling can be undertaken by the
manufacturer as in case of industrial goods. But where the size of the order is small, middlemen are
appointed to distribute the products.
Where the customers are concentrated at one particular place or market, distribution channel will be
short and the manufacturer can directly supply the goods in that area by opening his own shops or
sales depot. In case where buyers are widely scattered, it is very difficult for the manufacturer to
establish a direct link with the consumers, services of wholesalers and retailers will be used.
(e) Buying habits of customers:
This includes tastes, preferences, likes and dislikes of customers. Customers also expect certain
services like credit and personal attention and after sales services etc. All these factors greatly
influence the choice of distribution channel.
In appointing middleman, the manufacturer must take into consideration the financial stability and
reputation of the middleman. A financially sound middleman can provide credit facilities to customers
and make prompt payment to the manufacturer.
(4) The nature and size of the manufacturing unit:
The nature and size of manufacturing unit has a great impact on the selection of a distribution
Reputed and financially sound manufacturing concerns can easily engage middlemen as compared to
lesser reputed and newly established units. Usually a manufacturing unit having a sound financial
base can easily distribute the goods without appointing middlemen by opening their own sales depots
and branches. A financially weaker unit cannot operate without the help of middlemen.
(B) Ability and Experience of the Undertaking:
Industrial undertakings having ample marketing ability and experience can effectively manage their
distribution activities themselves. They have lesser dependence on undertaking intermediaries. On the
other hand, marketing units possessing lesser marketing ability and experience depend more on
middlemen for the distribution of goods.
(C) Desire for Control of Channel:
A manufacturer may resort to a shorter distribution channel in order to exercise effective control over
distribution. This is suitable in case of perishable goods and is helpful in establishing direct link
between the manufacturer and the consumer. The cost of distribution may be more by adopting such a
channel of distribution.
(D) Industrial Conventions:
Industrial conventions followed influence the selection of distribution channel. If a particular mode of
distribution is adopted in an industry, the same will be followed by every manufacturing unit in that
industry in distribution their products.
(E) Services Provided By the Manufacturers:
The selection of marketing intermediaries is also influenced by various services provided by the
manufacturer. These services include extensive advertisement for the product, after sales services and
facilities of credit. The manufacturers providing these services can easily avail the services of reputed
retailers and wholesalers.
(5) Government Regulations and Policies:
Government policies and regulations also influence the choice of distribution channels. The
Government may impose certain restrictions on the wholesale trade of a particular product arid
takeover the distribution of certain products. All these restrictions have a direct impact in selecting the
channel of distribution.
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(6) Competition:
The nature and extent of competition prevalent in a industry is another detrimental consideration in
selecting a distribution channel. Different manufacturers producing similar products may employ the
same channels of distribution.
Q (5.a):- What is stock exchange? Explain its various functions.
Stock exchange, being a part of financial market, plays a very important role in the economic
development of the country. These functions may be enumerated as
Safety of investment and equity in dealings: The stock exchanges do not allow trading in
each and every company's securities. Companies which want their securities to be traded on
the floor of a stock exchange have to fulfil certain conditions. The stock exchange satisfies
itself about the genuineness and soundness of the company to protect the investors from being
cheated. There are a wide variety of securities.
Easy liquidity: The investors usually prefer liquidity of their investment i.e.. easy conversion
into cash, besides adequate return on their investment. The stock markets provide that
assurance to investors. These are markets which facilitate buying and selling of securities. As
such the investors readily come forward to
Subscribe to new issues. Thus, stock exchange assures liquidity of investments which goes to
serve the investor's need.
Accurate and continuous report regarding sales: All stock exchanges maintain regular
record of the securities traded each day and the prices at which deals are finalised. This
information is supplied to newspapers and other information media along with the prices of
important securities which ruled at closing time. The statistics relating to prices at which
securities were traded are published in weekly bulletins for the information of the investors.
This information helps in ascertaining the trend of price fluctuations and promotes healthy
Full information regarding listed companies: The organised stock exchanges collect
information about the companies listed with them and publish the information in the form of
"Official Year Book". This proves very useful to the investors in making investment
Q:-5 (b) There is no difference between money market and capital market. Comment upon
the statement.
Money Market:The money market is often accessed alongside the capital markets. While investors are willing to take
on more risk and have patience to invest in capital markets, money markets are a good place to "park"
funds that are needed in a shorter time period - usually one year or less. The financial instruments
used in capital markets include stocks and bonds, but the instruments used in the money markets
include deposits, collateral loans, acceptances and bills of exchange. Institutions operating in money
markets are central banks, commercial banks and acceptance houses, among others.
Capital markets are perhaps the most widely followed markets. Both the stock and bond
markets are closely followed and their daily movements are analyzed as proxies for the
general economic condition of the world markets. As a result, the institutions operating in
capital markets - stock exchanges, commercial banks and all types of corporations, including
nonbank institutions such as insurance companies and mortgage banks - are carefully
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The institutions operating in the capital markets access them to raise capital for long-term
purposes, such as for a merger or acquisition, to expand a line of business or enter into a new
business, or for other capital projects. Entities that are raising money for these long-term
purposes come to one or more capital markets. In the bond market, companies may issue debt
in the form of corporate bonds, while both local and federal governments may issue debt in
the form of government bonds. Similarly, companies may decide to raise money by issuing
equity on the stock market. Government entities are typically not publicly
Institutionheld and, therefore,
do not usually issue equity. Companies and government entities thatpublisher
issue equity or debt are
are neither
considered the sellers in these markets.
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