Mysteries of The Microscopic World
Mysteries of The Microscopic World
Mysteries of The Microscopic World
Microscopic World
Bruce E. Fleury, Ph.D.
Corporate Headquarters
4840 Westelds Boulevard, Suite 500
Chantilly, Virginia 20151-2299
Phone: 1-800-832-2412
Fax: 703-378-3819
Most recently, Dr. Fleury worked as a consultant for Warner Bros. space
epic Green Lantern, working on several classroom and laboratory scenes,
and serving as a consulting xenobiologist on alien life in general. He reports
that the movie business is an odd combination of Disneyland and the
Department of Motor Vehicles.
Having grown up in the shadow of the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New
York, Dr. Fleury admits he was always a student of the natural world, and
only recently got around to making it ofcial. He says, As a child, I only
wanted to be 2 things when I grew up (you can ask my mom)a librarian
and a teacher. He considers himself quite fortunate to have been both.
You can nd Dr. Fleurys home page at: It
includes links to several of his humorous columns on life in the Big Easy and
to the courses he is currently teaching.
Table of Contents
Professor Biography ............................................................................i
Course Scope .....................................................................................1
The Invisible Realm ............................................................................3
Stone Knives to Iron Plows.................................................................7
The Angel of Death ........................................................................... 11
Germ Theory ....................................................................................15
The Evolutionary Arms Race ............................................................19
Microbial Strategies ..........................................................................23
Death by Chocolate ..........................................................................30
Bambis Revenge .............................................................................33
The Germ of Laziness ......................................................................37
Table of Contents
The 1918 FluA Conspiracy of Silence ..........................................41
The 1918 FluThe Philadelphia Story.............................................45
The 1918 FluThe Search for the Virus .........................................49
ImmunitySelf versus Nonself ........................................................53
Adaptive Immunity to the Rescue .....................................................58
AIDSThe Quiet Killer .....................................................................63
The Deadly Strategy of AIDS............................................................68
AutoimmunitySelf versus Self .......................................................72
Allergies and Asthma ........................................................................76
Microbes as Weapons ......................................................................80
Pandoras Box ..................................................................................84
Old World to New .............................................................................88
Close Encounters of the Microbial Kind............................................92
Table of Contents
Microbes as Friends .........................................................................96
Glossary .........................................................................................100
Bibliography .................................................................................... 119
There are roughly 100 trillion cells in the human body, but roughly
90 trillion of them9 out of every 10are different kinds of bacteria.
These microorganisms do both good things and bad things for us and
to us. We interact with microbes as competitors and companions, as
predator and prey.
here are more bacteria in your mouth right now than the total number
of men, women, and children that have ever existed on Earth since
humans separated
from the great apes some
610 million years ago.
But individual pathogens
are pretty fragile creatures.
You can wipe out entire
populations of bacteria
with nothing more than a
teaspoon of antibiotics.
Not all microbes are pathogens; some are essential to our health and welfare:
They created the air that we breathe; they created the type of cells that make
up our bodies. Frankly, wed be hard-pressed to survive without them.
Will we ever reach a balance where both man and microbe can safely
coexist? Probably not. Bacteria evolve much more rapidly than we do
because they can exchange genetic
information in little snippets called
plasmids, without that lengthy
Modern ecologists have
and often messy process of sperm
learned to appreciate that
meeting egg.
nature is often not in balance.
coexist if they both need the same essential limiting resource. If one
species is a better competitor than another, it might even eliminate its rival
altogetherwhat we call competitive exclusion.
Competition can be intraspecic (between members of the same species), or
it can be interspecic (between members of different species). Intraspecic
competition is more intense because each organisms needs almost exactly
match the needs of other members of its species; they share the same
ecological niche.
Microorganisms like bacteria are so amazingly small that they actually live in
a very different physical universe from us. Theyre buffeted by microscopic
physical and chemical forces in ways that are hard for us to even appreciate.
Most microorganisms are so small they dont need specialized biological
equipment to exchange gases, get rid of wastes, or move chemicals through
their cells. The ability of microbes to sense the presence of food or danger
depends on their ability to sense the concentration gradient of certain
molecules, and to orient themselves and navigate accordingly.
Microbes accomplish all these chores and more through diffusion. Due to
their small size, bacteria have a relatively large surface area for diffusion.
As objects get smaller, they have relatively less volumeless interior
with respect to surface area. This greatly enhances their ability to rely on
Important Terms
bacteria (sing. bacterium): Primitive unicellular organisms; when
capitalized, refers to one of the 3 taxonomic domains of living things.
competitive exclusion: A situation in which one species or population
outcompetes its rival to the point where the rival is locally eliminated.
diffusion: The movement of atoms and molecules from an area of higher
concentration to an area of lower concentration.
extrinsic limiting factor: A limiting factor that comes from outside the
individual or population, such as sunlight, water, or nutrients.
niche: The functional role that an organism plays in an ecosystem; also, the
sum total of a speciess needs and the range of conditions within which it can
nonequilibrium theory: The idea that certain ecosystems are not harmed by
disturbance but rather thrive on it.
pathogen: The umbrella term for disease-causing organisms, including
bacteria, viruses, ukes, and nematode worms, and so forth.
plasmid: Tiny loops of genes freely exchanged between bacteria, often
bearing useful traits.
Suggested Reading
Crawford, The Invisible Enemy.
Dobson, Disease.
Questions to Consider
1. How does the original meaning of the word evolution (from the Latin
Lectuire 1: The Invisible Realm
evolutio) reect the way pre-Darwinian scholars saw the natural world?
About 4 to 7 million years ago, vast ice sheets began to spread over North
America and Eurasia. The tropical African climate became much cooler
and drier. This new environment favored creatures such as our distant
ancestor Australopithecus, who could live in the trees yet still cross the open
grasslands to forage. But contact with the ground meant contact with an
entirely new group of microbes.
Why didnt all these new pathogens wipe out our distant ancestors? What
probably saved us was our small population size. Humans lived in nomadic
bands of 12 dozen individuals, perhaps fewer. Bands rarely crossed paths
and were never in one place long enough to pollute the area. The occasional
disease outbreak was self-limiting; once the disease had burned through the
tribe, it had nowhere to go. Only diseases carried by insects and animals or
diseases able to persist in the soil would have caused any serious problems
for early man.
The human population made a sudden leap from 7 or 8 million people in
10,000 B.C. to about 100 million by 5000 B.C. This Neolithic population
boom probably marks humanitys transition to a radically different lifestyle,
from nomadic hunting and gathering to settled agriculture.
The agricultural revolution allowed us to build up large urban settlements
that would not only become the basis for the great civilizations of antiquity
and the nodes in a vast web of trade; they also served as a breeding ground
and transit network for many of our worst microbial foes. Food storage,
water and soil contamination, deforestation, and accumulation of personal
possessions all provided new environments for disease, especially those
carried by insects and rodents.
About 6000 years ago, human population density became high enough for 2
entirely new types of population regulation to kick in: density-dependent
limiting factors, factors related to the intensity of the competition for limited
resources, and intrinsic
limiting factors, changes in
an individuals reproductive
physiology or behavior that
reduce population size.
Important Terms
density-dependent limiting factor: A limiting factor whose effects are
directly proportional to the density of a population, such as predation or
epidemic: An outbreak of disease that exceeds the expected norm, usually
applied to an infectious disease that appears suddenly and moves rapidly
through a population.
immunity: Disease resistance acquired by exposure to a pathogen. The
immune system remembers the encounter by keeping some antibodies
around from each disease it defeats, in case the same pathogen returns.
intrinsic limiting factor: A limiting factor that operates from within
the individuals of a population, affecting reproductive physiology or
reproductive behavior.
pandemic: An epidemic that occurs over a wide geographic area.
Suggested Reading
Crawford, Deadly Companions.
Karlen, Man and Microbes.
McNeill, Plagues and Peoples.
Questions to Consider
1. How is immunity different from genetic resistance?
2. Why were epidemic diseases not a big problem for early human
populations of hunter-gatherers?
Between A.D. 950 and A.D. 1250, Europe basked in one of the most fruitful,
productive, and disease-free periods in its history, the Medieval Warm
Period. But this warm spell was followed by an extended period of damp,
chilly weather called the Little Ice Age, which lasted from about 1350 to
about 1850.
Symptoms of the coming climate shift were evident by the early 14th century;
summers in northern Europe became too cool and damp for grain to fully
ripen, leading to the Great Famine (13151317). Severe storms, oods, and
droughts became more frequent as the Little Ice Age set in, and it became
harder and harder to grow crops. Millions starved; thousands of villages
simply disappeared. Social and political structures broke down.
Into this already dismal period came the Black Death, a pandemic that would
kill half the remaining population of Europe. Caused by an ancient vectorborne microbe carried by oriental rat eas, this particular outbreak began in
Central Asia or China around 13201340, then spread to India and Africa
along the Silk Road. Italian soldiers who were exposed to the microbe during
the Siege of Caffa in the Crimea brought it to Sicily and then mainland
Europe. The disease reached Britain, its furthest port of call, in 1348.
Bubonic plague is a disease Black rats are hosts for oriental rat
eas, which in turn are hosts for the
of the lymphatic system with Black Death.
u-like symptoms, followed
by swelling of the lymph glands, delirium, convulsions, coma,
and often deathabout 4060 percent mortality in 28 days if left
In pneumonic plague, the disease spreads to the lungs and can then
be spread through coughing and sneezing. Additional symptoms
include coughing up blood, progressive pneumonia, and shock.
The fatality rate is over 90 percent, and death occurs in as little as
12 days.
Successive waves of Black Death struck the Old World over the centuries.
A pandemic that began in China around 1890 has since claimed 15 million
lives and nally circled the globe, entering the United States through Chinese
Important Terms
Great Famine: A famine in Europe between A.D. 1315 and 1317 that
claimed millions of lives.
Little Ice Age: A 500-year climate aberration (A.D. 13501850) during
which temperatures in Europe were signicantly colder than normal; the
period was characterized by extreme and intense weather, such as oods
and droughts.
Medieval Warm Period: A climate aberration preceding the Little Ice Age,
during which average temperatures were signicantly higher than normal.
Suggested Reading
Gottfried, The Black Death.
Scott and Duncan, Return of the Black Death.
Tuchman, A Distant Mirror.
Ziegler, The Black Death.
Questions to Consider
1. Why have some biologists suggested that the Black Death and the
bubonic plague are different diseases?
2. Bubonic plague is very much alive and well and living in the American
Germ Theory
Lecture 4
n the days before the invention of the microscope, before the rise of
modern medicine, the common explanations for epidemics involved
cosmic forces beyond human control, the whims of gods and demons, or
simple astrological fate. More earthly-minded theorists blamed an imbalance
of bodily uids called the humorsblack bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and
blood. Still others blamed a miasmabad air.
All these ideas might sound foolish, but up until the late 17th century, no one
on Earth had ever actually seen a microbecreatures so small, we have to
measure them in microns (thousandths
of a millimeter). Typical bacteria are
only about 0.25 microns across.
The germ theory of disease wasnt accepted until the late 19th century. Louis
Pasteur was the rst to prove that wine fermentation was caused by a living
organism, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Along the way, he also saw
other microorganisms in wine, beer, and vinegar. He concluded that different
microbes could have different effects.
John Tyndall and Joseph Lister studied Pasteurs results and concluded
that microbes must also be the cause of human diseases, but it fell to
Robert Koch to rmly establish germ theory in the 1870s. Koch connected
anthrax, tuberculosis, and cholera to specic bacteria. Seeking to tell
bacteria apart and how to tell the benecial ones from the dangerous ones,
Koch also invented the agar plate for culturing bacteria that is still used in
modern laboratories.
Kochs postulates are a series of steps to prove which specic microbe
is causing a particular disease: (1) The bacteria must be present in every
case of the disease; (2) it must be isolated and cultured from an infected
person; (3) injecting the cultured bacteria into a healthy host must cause
the disease; and (4) one must be able to recover the bacteria from the
newly infected host.
Ignaz Semmelweis was a germ theory pioneer who paid a huge price for
his efforts to ght puerperal (childbed) fever. In 1846, he was appointed
assistant to the professor of the maternity clinic at the Vienna General
Hospital. When one of his male medical colleagues died a few days after
pricking his nger during an autopsy on a young mother, the colleagues
body was riddled with the same type of damage seen in victims of
childbed fever.
Semmelweis realized the connection: Medical students were going
straight from performing autopsies to assisting at births, unintentionally
spreading the disease. He was able to show that the death rate among
new mothers was much, much lower if doctors and nurses washed their
hands with chlorinated lime between patients. Sadly, rather than thank
Semmelweis for his discovery, the medical community shunned him, and
his boss red him for suggesting that doctors and medical students were
killing patients.
Despite all Semmelweiss efforts, doctors who dont wash their hands are still
a problem today. Around 2 million hospitalized people every year acquire
infections that are due to doctors and nurses who dont wash their hands.
Important Terms
fermentation: An ancient metabolic pathway evolved by cells before the
formation of an oxygen atmosphere. Fermentation produces alcohol as a
germ theory: The theory that microorganisms were the cause of human
diseases, nally established in the late 19th century.
humors: Bodily uids whose imbalance was once thought to be the cause
of human diseases. The 4 humors were black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and
blood. The theory of humors was inspired by the 4 elements of the ancient
Greeks (earth, air, re, and water).
Kochs postulates: A series of steps established by physician Robert Koch
to prove that a particular microbe causes a particular disease.
miasma: A noxious vapor once believed to be the cause of human disease.
microbe: Any organism small enough to require a microscope to clearly see it.
Suggested Reading
De Kruif, Microbe Hunters.
Nuland, The Doctors Plague.
Waller, The Discovery of the Germ.
Questions to Consider
1. What were some of the ways people explained infectious diseases before
we discovered the microscopic world? Can you think of an alternate
explanation not covered in the lecture?
Leigh Van Valens Red Queen hypothesis states that organisms are
doomed to extinction if they cant evolve apace with the organisms they
interact with. He argues that genetic variation by denition is nite but
the environment never stops changing, so sooner or later every species
fails to keep up.
Some strains were more effective and more productive than others.
Penicillium chrysogenum, discovered by lab technician Mary Hunt at a U.S.
Department of Agriculture lab, turned out to have the best combination of
effectiveness and ease of production.
Penicillin was soon followed by a host of other new wonder drugs. Gerhard
Domagk discovered Prontosil, the rst sulfa drug, in 1935. In 1943, Selman
Waksman isolated streptomycin from soil bacteria, receiving the 1952 Nobel
Prize for his efforts. Tetracyclines were isolated from Streptomyces soil
bacteria in 1945 and a synthetic form patented in 1955.
But bacteria quickly evolved into strains resistant to tetracycline and every
new antibiotic that we could invent, including, unfortunately, penicillin.
Antibiotics are becoming less and less effective against more and more
diseases. By the late 1980s, antibiotic resistance had reached alarming
proportions, and multiple drug resistant (MDR) and extensively drug
resistant (XDR) strains appeared. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA) alone is responsible for 17,00018,000 deaths or more
per year.
Bacteria can evolve resistance to antibiotics in several ways: a change in the
permeability of their cell walls; disguising themselves by altering the surface
of their cell membranes; altering the binding site the drug usually attaches to;
or developing a bacterial enzyme to neutralize the drug. All of these changes
are inheritable, and bacteria evolve 1000 times faster than we do.
One of the secrets of bacterial success is conjugationthe exchange of
plasmids that code for a particular trait, like resistance to an antibiotic. A
plasmid evolved by any one bacterium can soon be passed to billions of
others; each bacterium can have several hundred copies of each plasmid,
and with a little help from us, plasmids can be carried around the globe in a
matter of hours.
Interestingly, fungi like Penicillium and bacteria like Streptomyces didnt
evolve their antibiotic properties from their war against us; these properties
evolved from their continual war with one another. Microbes have been
competing with one another for billions and billions of years, yielding some
very exotic and very effective chemical weapons.
The constant game of evolutionary one-upmanship is not only frightening;
it is also costly. By the 1980s, resistant strains of bacteria were costing
hospitals $30 billion per year because only the newest, most powerful, and
therefore most expensive drugs have a hope of treating MDR and XDR
infections. Meanwhile, a large share
of the worlds population simply
cant afford treatment, so the bacteria
The constant game of
spread on and on.
evolutionary one-upmanship
is not only frightening; it is
The hidden cost of antibiotics is that
also costly.
they are completely indiscriminate
killers of bacteria. They kill the
normal bacterial symbiontshelpful
(mutualistic) or neutral (commensal) strainsthat live inside of us. Killing
the helpful and neutral strains gives the harmful (parasitic) strains more
freedom to do their worst.
What lessons can we learn from antibiotic resistance? Doctors should limit
antibiotic use whenever possible; shouldnt prescribe antibiotics unless they
know what the disease is; and should break up prescription patterns to avoid
constant selection pressure on any one drug; Patients must use the full dosage
prescribed to completely kill the bacteria. Farmers should stop feeding
massive amounts of prophylactic antibiotics to healthy cattle and poultry.
Finally, the medical industry should retire certain antibiotics altogether to
allow vulnerable, treatable strains to reemerge and compete with the MDR
and XDR strains.
Important Terms
antibiotic: Any substance that either kills microbes outright or slows down
their population growth.
antibiotic resistance: The evolutionarily acquired ability of microbes to
either neutralize or withstand an antibiotic.
Suggested Reading
Lapp, Evolutionary Medicine.
Spellberg, Rising Plague.
Questions to Consider
1. How does the prescription of prophylactic antibiotics promote bacterial
2. Why should you always nish the antibiotics the doctor prescribes for
you to the last disgusting drop, even if you already feel better?
Microbial Strategies
Lecture 6
Both sides in the war between humans and microbes have evolved
many strategies of attack and defense. Humans strategies are avoiding
exposure to microbes, keeping microbes out of the body, and destroying
microbes that do get in. Microbes strategies are to evade the hosts
defenses; attack the hosts defenses; and change the hosts behavior to
benet itself.
High fevers can lead to hallucinations, delirium, permanent organ and tissue
damage, and even death.
Iron is an essential nutrient for both humans and bacteria, so humans have
developed various strategies for iron withholding. When were sick,
we often develop strong
aversion to iron-rich foods.
Human breast milk is rich
in an iron-binding protein
called lactoferrin, which
helps breast-fed babies ght
off infection by starving
invading bacteria.
Some microbes use the direct approach to breach our defenses: Streptococcus
kills white blood cells outright. HIV, the human immunodeciency virus,
goes for helper T cells, killing the heart of the immune system.
The most intriguing microbial attack strategy of all is host manipulation.
Y. pestis, which causes the bubonic plague, makes infected eas ravenous
so they bite harder and regurgitate concentrated wads of bacteria into their
victims. Rabies invades the neurological system and causes aggression in its
host, leading the host to bite and pass the rabies virus on.
Vector microbes, like the bubonic plague, use an intermediate organism to
disperse themselves and infect new hosts. Although this can be an effective
strategy for wide and rapid spread, the more links in a microbes dispersal
chain, the more things can go wrong.
Important Terms
host manipulation: A microbial strategy in which the parasite alters host
behavior in a way that signicantly benets the parasite.
iron withholding: Adaptive response in which the human body sequesters
or binds iron so that it is not accessible to bacteria, for whom it is a limiting
virus: A microscopic organism consisting of a core of RNA or DNA in a
protein capsule, which can only reproduce by invading a living cell and
using its protein synthesis mechanisms to make and assemble copies of the
white blood cell (a.k.a. leukocyte): An immune system cell that helps ght
infectious diseases or foreign proteins. The presence and number of these
cells is often used in the diagnosis of disease. White blood cell types include
neutrophils, dendritic cells, lymphocytes, and macrophages.
Suggested Reading
Finlay, The Art of Bacterial Warfare.
Nesse and Williams, Why we Get Sick.
Questions to Consider
1. Whats the medical wisdom in the old folk saying feed a cold, starve a
Lecture 7
The vector strategy, despite its hazards, is a clear winner in the war
between microbe and host. Vector-borne diseases are so virulent
because as long as the vector population is doing well, the microbe does
well. This suggests a strategy to tame such diseases: Isolate the vectors
from the hosts.
Lecture 7: Virulence
Pathogens like anthrax that are more durableones that can survive outside
a host for a signicant period of timecan also be much, much more virulent
than more mobile but less sturdy microbes.
Understanding the nature of vector-borne diseases suggests a very basic
strategy to tame them: Simply make it more difcult for the vector to reach
the host. Virulent strains are competing with more benign strains of their
own and related species; anything that slows down the vector should tip
the competitive balance in favor of the more benign strains. But microbial
strategies are adaptations to a shifting landscape. Thats the nature of
evolutionary adaptation: Its always responding to a never-ending series of
environmental changes.
Important Terms
benign strain: A species or subspecies of microbe that is less harmful than
competing strains of the same species.
nosocomial infection: A hospital-acquired infection.
virulence: The intensity of a particular infectious disease as measured by its
mortality rate.
Suggested Reading
Ewald, Evolution of Infectious Disease.
Gluckman, Beedle, and Hanson, Principles of Evolutionary Medicine.
Infectious Disease: A Scientic American Reader.
Questions to Consider
1. What do a hospital worker, a mosquito, and a river all have in common?
2. Why is high virulence an evolutionary trade off for a microorganism?
Death by Chocolate
Lecture 8
Transportation isnt the only technology that created new ways for microbes
to disperse. Hypodermic needles, rst used in 1844, have given microbes
a new express route into
our bloodstream via blood
transfusions, allergy injections,
and illegal narcotics. This is a
particularly serious problem
in less developed countries,
where needles are relatively
rare, very expensive, and often
reused by doctors and nurses.
New technology has also
created new microbial habitats.
Kitty litter, for example, has
given toxoplasmosis a route to spread from cats to humans. The rst known
major outbreak of Legionnaires disease, caused by the bacterium Legionella
pneumophila, was tracked to a hotel air conditioning system. The microbe
was not new, but technology has given it a new aerosol dispersal route.
Global climate change will create some new health problems and worsen
some old ones, like allergies. Its already changing the natural ranges and
distributions of a wide variety of species, including many microbes and
their vectors: Mosquitoes, ticks, and other tropical and subtropical vector
organisms are being found farther north, at higher altitudes, and in greater
One of the most profound effects of agriculture is how it changes habitats,
primarily through deforestationthat is, clearing land for pastures and
cropswhich brings humans into contact with entirely new species of
pathogens. Any such disruption in an ecosystem can give some species the
opportunity for rapid population growth.
Which brings us to the subject of death by chocolate: Chocolate is a dry
fruit, botanically speaking, whose owers are pollinated by tiny midges. The
product we eat comes from the seeds of the Theobroma cacao plant. Most
chocolate comes from West Africa, but a big portion of it comes from the
Caribbean and from South America.
In Belm, Brazil, in the early 1960s, over 11,000 residents came down
with a mysterious ulike illness. The disease turned out to be Oropouche
fever, a vector-borne illness rst described among the people of Trinidad
and Tobago.
What caused the sudden outbreak in Belm? Land had been cleared
for chocolate plantations along the then-new Blem-Brasilia road. This
clearance disturbed the habitat of the forest midge Culicoides paraensis, a
vector for Oropouche fever. The midge found a new habitat in the discarded
fruit shells from the plantations, and the microbe found virgin soil among
the plantations workers. The story of Oropouche fever demonstrates how
ecosystem disturbance can become an evolutionary opportunity, particularly
for r-selected species like microbes.
Important Terms
disturbance: Any force or factor that perturbs the normal functioning of an
herd immunity: A complete or partial immunity in the surviving population
(the remaining herd) after an epidemic.
nave population: An isolated population that has not been systematically
exposed to an infectious disease.
virgin soil epidemic: An epidemic in a population not previously exposed to
that disease.
Suggested Reading
Despommier, West Nile Story.
Garrett, The Coming Plague.
Questions to Consider
1. In addition to those discussed in our lecture, can you think of any
other ways that technology and modern lifestyles have created new
opportunities for microorganisms?
Bambis Revenge
Lecture 9
ntil World War II, microbes killed far more soldiers than ever
died in battle. During wars, public health and sanitation programs
grind to a halt; malnutrition is widespread; soldiers, prisoners, and
refugees live in crowded, unsanitary conditions; and local environments
suffer profound disturbance. Invading troops bring new diseases to native
populations and take new diseases home with them after the war.
appearance and rapid spread of Lyme
disease? Deforestation for agriculture
led to an explosion in the white-tailed
deer population across North America.
The expansion of suburbs into cleared
farmland brought large numbers of
people into regular contact with deer
habitats, where infected ticks were
waiting in the grass.
Comstock Images/Comstock/Thinkstock.
When a new microbe comes into contact with humans, there is a danger
that it will prefer human hosts to its original hosts. African relapsing fever,
carried by Borrelia duttoni, is a disease related to Lyme disease that now
occurs only in ticks and humans; it has bypassed all the intermediate hosts
it used to prefer. There is a chance this could happen with the Lyme disease
microbe as well.
Agriculture has also altered microbe habitats through irrigation. Fluke
worms like Clonorchis and Schistosoma take advantage of irrigation farming
to reach human hosts, especially in developing nations, where human
waste may be used as fertilizer.
Clonorchis sinensis infects 20
million East Asians and can cause
The great epidemics of
severe jaundice and liver cancer.
tomorrow may come from
Schistosoma can cause anemia,
diarrhea, brain damage, and
similar technology- and
damage to many other organs, with
weather-driven changes in the
a fatality rate of about 25 percent.
ecosystem. We have already
had several close calls.
Natural changes in the environment
several close calls. A sample of virus that causes Lassa fever, a form of
hemorrhagic fever that arose in Nigeria in 1969, was brought to a Yale
University laboratory and infected a researcher. That one infection could
have spread the disease to New England and beyond had the victim not
been quickly isolated and treated.
One of the latest forms of hemorrhagic fever to emerge is Ebola, named after
the Ebola River in the Congo, where it was rst described in 1976. It is a
zoonosisa disease that can infect both animals and humans. Ebola is a
savage killer, with a fatality rate between 50 and 90 percent. Its emergence
may be yet another example of expanding agriculture bringing people into
more frequent contact with the original hostin this case, fruit bats.
One of the 5 known types of Ebola, now called Ebola-Reston, almost
escaped into the United States in October 1989 from infected monkeys at
Hazleton Laboratories in Reston, Virginia. The army and the U.S Centers for
Disease control had to be called in to contain the outbreak.
Perhaps the most frightening aspects of the Reston incident were that 6 lab
workers tested positive for Ebola antibodies but displayed no symptoms, and
2 of those workers had no direct contact with infected monkeys, indicating
that the microbe might have actually gone airborne. Luckily, Ebola-Reston
turned out to be harmless to humans, but the next zoonosis may not be
so benign.
Important Term
zoonosis: A disease that pass directly from a vertebrate animal to humans
and back, with no intermediate vector such as an insect.
Suggested Reading
Harper and Meyer, Of Mice, Men, and Microbes.
Karlen, Biography of a Germ.
Preston, The Hot Zone.
Questions to Consider
1. How does warfare promote the spread of infectious diseases?
2. Why is the emergence of so many different diseases connected to
creatures like algae, but about
16,000 species of nematodes
americanus, the American
hookworm, is a parasite that
causes millions of people to
be labeled ignorant, lazy, and
shiftless. In the early 20th century, it was dubbed the germ of laziness
by the New York Sun, much to the chagrin of its discoverer, Charles
Wardell Stiles.
Hookworms are extremely common and globally distributed. Roughly
10 percent of the planets population is currently infected. Hookworm
disease was known to the ancient Egyptians and was described at length
by the Persian physician Avicenna in the 11th century A.D. N. americanus
probably arrived in the New World
with the slave trade. Today, its
Hookworm infected about 40
found throughout the tropics, in the
Southwest Pacic, in Africa, and
percent of all Southerners,
throughout Asia.
primarily in poor rural areas.
But this widespread infection
and suffering was virtually
Important Terms
interstitial habitat: A habitat within and among the grains of soil in
terrestrial or aquatic habitats.
pica: A dietary craving for nonfood items such as chalk and dirt; sometimes
a symptom of nematode infection.
Suggested Reading
Brown, Rockefeller Medicine Men.
Ettling, The Germ of Laziness.
Wray, Not Quite White.
Questions to Consider
1. Was John D. Rockefellers gift of $1 million to fund hookworm
eradication primarily philanthropic, or was he making a calculated
nancial investment in a new industrial base?
The deadliest epidemic of all time was 1918 Flu, which killed 50100
million people. The story of the epidemic shows us, for better or worse,
how society responds to a public health crisis. By learning how and why
we were so vulnerable, we may be better equipped to save ourselves
when the next global pandemic strikes.
Important Terms
antigen: A fragment of a cell or protein that can be detected by the immune
system; also, a molecule or cell with an epitope in its structure.
antigenic drift: A signicant alteration in the structure of the surface proteins
of a virus, effectively disguising it from the immune system. Usually refers
to inuenza, especially the structure of H spikes and N spikes.
antigenic shift: A dramatic alteration in the structure of the surface proteins
of a virus sufcient to trigger an epidemic.
cytokine storm: A cascade reaction of defensive proteins that can prove
fatalthe immune systems equivalent of a thermonuclear attack.
enzyme: A protein that can act as a chemical catalyst, mediating a reaction
without being changed by it. Enzymes control the rate, direction, synthesis,
and degradation of many biochemical reactions in the body. Most of what
our genes actually code for are different kinds of enzymes.
Suggested Reading
Barry, The Great Inuenza.
Crosby, Americas Forgotten Pandemic.
Pettit and Bailie, A Cruel Wind.
Questions to Consider
1. Because inuenza is an RNA virus, it lacks the proofreading mechanism
that a DNA virus would have, and its control over replication and
reverse transcription is rather messy. Why does this sloppiness turn out
to be a big advantage for the virus?
days. Every social agency in the city chipped in to help as best they could,
without regard to race, creed, or color.
By October 18, the worst was over and emergency hospitals began to close.
Churches reopened on Sunday, October 27, and schools reopened the next
day. On October 30, bars and theaters reopened.
A third and nal wave followed in late 1918 and ran through early 1919.
The virus seems to have gradually mutated into a weaker strain at this point
because the third wave was short
and sharp but relatively mild.
Estimates of American
Estimates of American dead run
dead run to 675,000 out of
to 675,000 out of a population of
a population of 105 million.
105 million. Britain lost 228,000.
Britain lost 228,000. The best
The best global estimate is 50100
global estimate is 50100
million dead out of 1.8 billion.
million dead out of 1.8 billion.
Nave native populations were
especially hard hit because they
lacked previous exposure and immunity. American Samoa survived without
a single victim because of its early quarantine, and Australia had the lowest
global death rate because of its relative isolation. But, for example, in the
Fiji Islands, 14 percent of the population died in 16 days. In Alaska, many
Inuit villages sustained an 85 percent casualty rate or higher. Over 20 million
people are thought to have died in India alone.
Those who survived the 1918 Flu developed immunity to it and resistance to
similar strains. Thus in the end, the virus had no place left to go; it couldnt
maintain itself in the human population. Fortunately for the u virus (and
unfortunately for us), it doesnt need humanity to sustain itself. Birds are its
primary host, and as long as bird populations are healthy, the u will always
nd a home.
Important Terms
incubation period: Period of time between infection and the rst symptoms
of an infection. Sometimes called the latency period, although that term
usually refers to the time between infection and becoming infectious to
resistance: A physiological trait that helps prevent infection by pathogens.
Although often used as synonym for immunity, resistance is a physical
feature that can be directly inherited (like lacking a certain protein on the cell
wall that a virus could use to enter the cell), whereas immunity is a cellular
memory of a disease in the form of stored antibodies.
Suggested Reading
Duncan, Hunting the 1918 Flu.
Kolata, Flu.
Questions to Consider
1. What does the response of Philadelphias citizens to the u epidemic tell
us about how people in general behave in a medical crisis?
2. Why did a greater proportion of native tribes in isolated areas die from
the 1918 Flu versus urban populations?
ne surprising, lingering effect of the 1918 Flu was how it helped set
the stage for World War II. President Woodrow Wilson began the
treaty negotiations with a harsh stance against the aggressors. But
after his struggle with the u in April 1919, those close to Wilson reported
a dramatic personality change. Soon, Wilson made every concession he had
previously refused.
Historians speculate that Wilson suffered a mild stroke during the talks,
but the 1918 Flu left many of its victims with permanent mental and
neurological damage. Whatever the case, the Treaty of Versailles did not
solve the problems of World War I and helped to create the conditions that
led to World War II.
What if the 1918 Flu or a similar strain were to return today? Would we be
prepared to ght it? In many ways, we are more vulnerable than ever. The
1918 Flu spread rapidly by rail and ocean liner; modern highways and global
airlines would disperse such a killer even more effectively. Our increasingly
interconnected global trade system leaves each nation less self-reliant, so a
global pandemic might trigger a cascade of economic collapse, leading to
shortages of critical items, even food.
Being more vulnerable means we have to be better prepared, starting with
a better understanding of what made this strain so dangerous. The U.S.
Army preserved many lung tissue samples from dead soldiers. Jeffery
Taubenberger and Ann Reid of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
have begun trying to isolate the virus from such a sample. Pathologist Johan
Hultin found samples in a mass grave at Brevig Mission, Alaska, in 1997 in
Important Terms
DNA vaccine: Plasmids that code for a critical protein in the life cycle of a
particular microbe.
epidemiologic cycle: The demographic pattern of infection or mortality over
time in a given population.
Suggested Reading
Blakely, Mass Mediated Disease.
Jones, Inuenza 1918.
Questions to Consider
1. Why doesnt our annual u shot always work?
2. In what way are we more vulnerable during a major u epidemic, as
You might be starting to wonder why humans arent all sick all of the
time. For that, you can thank your immune system, your rst line of
defense against infection. This extremely complex system saves our lives
every day, but it can also turn on us, sometimes with fatal consequences.
here are thousands and thousands of tiny organisms whose only goal
in life is to survive and reproduce in or on you. All kinds of creatures
can live in the diverse habitats that exist inside our cells, and theyve
evolved many strategies for exploiting the human body. We need a complex
immune system to deal with that endless diversity.
The immune system has evolved to master the difcult art of telling the
difference between self and nonself. Thats not as easy as you might think. It
must recognize and kill invaders without harming the host. In other words, it
must learn self-tolerance.
Our immune system consists of many specialized cells. One of the most
important defensive cells is the leukocyte, or white blood cell. Leukocytes
actually can be found not just in the blood but all throughout the body.
There are many different types with many different functions, but the 3 main
types are phagocytes, or eating cells; cytotoxic cells, or killing cells; and
inammatory cells, which are responsible for local inammation.
Phagocytes literally wrap themselves around microbes and pinch off a little
part of their outer membrane to enclose the microbe in a tiny little sphere
called a vesicle or a vacuole. Once inside, lysosomes, organelles that hold
digestive enzymes, are used to kill and digest the microbes. That simple act
of good cells killing bad cells is part of what we call cellular immunity.
Russian zoologist lie Metchnikoff won the Nobel Prize in 1908 for
discovering cellular immunity. His focus was comparative embryology,
but while studying the larvae of starsh, he became curious about groups
of amoeba-like cells he saw moving through the starsh larvae. He thought
these eating cells formed a primal digestive system in the early evolution
of animal body plans. He also reasoned that these cells might be part of the
larvaes defense system.
One of phagocytes many functions is to devour all the dead cells and the
debris at the site of wounds or infections. Recent studies suggest they also
have a much broader role in maintaining our tissues, like ensuring the
structural integrity of vascular tissue.
Phagocytes, along with cytotoxic cells and inammatory cells, are part
of what we call innate immunity. But the white cells involved in innate
immunity are very unusual in one key respect: Theyre the only cells in our
body that arent associated with a specic tissue or organ.
Defensive cells recognize invaders the way a lock recognizes its key.
Phagocytes are covered in surface receptors; if they encounter a microbe
with surface molecules that t one of their receptors, they can latch on to it.
Cytotoxic cells are our second line of defense. Cytotoxic cells dont poison
microbes, as the name implies; they stab them to death. Natural killer (NK)
cells are cytotoxic cells unique to vertebrates. NK cells dont kill microbes
directly but rather kill the cells that those microbes have invaded. They
specialize in tumor cells or cells that have been infected by a virus. They
release a protein called perforin that perforates the cell walls of the infected
cells, through which the NK cells send molecules that cause the infected cell
to commit suicide, taking any invading microbes along with it. NK cells also
release cytokines.
NK cells look for cells that lack a cellular ID card called the major
histocompatibility complex (MHC). MHC molecules haul bits and pieces
of the cells proteins to the surface of the cell where they are visible to any
passing NK cell. If a virus is at work, pieces of viral proteins will be hauled
to the surface as well, where they will be spotted by passing killer cells.
The inammatory cells, our third line of defense, create an inammatory
response that is local and nonspecic. The chemicals that cause local
swelling attract swarms of phagocytes, cytotoxic cells, and defensive
In addition to defensive
cells, our bodies have
evolved many different
proteins that can attack
microbes. Interferon, for
example, attacks viruses.
The complement system,
a more primitive proteinbased defense system, is a
group of about 25 proteins The immune system identies bacteria, like
these Haemophilus inuenzae, by their cellthat build up on the surface surface molecules.
of a microbe. They may
destroy the microbe themselves or may release chemicals to attract other
immune cells. They also opsonize invading cells, coating them with proteins
that help phagocytes bind to them.
Higher animals have adaptive immunity as well as innate immunity. Their
immune systems arent limited to recognizing a small number of basic
patterns. Rather than looking for patterns of sugar molecules like those
found on a bacterial cell wall, they look for pattern differences in proteins
specically, for groups of amino acids called epitopes, unique molecules
found on the surface of antigens. The adaptive immune system has to
make a different type of antigen receptor to match each different epitope
potentially over 100 million different epitopes.
proteins called antibodies. The most important inammatory cells are mast
cells and basophils They respond to injury or attack by releasing chemicals
like histamine that cause our
capillaries to dilate, making
them more permeable,
which allows the phagocytes
to pass through.
Important Terms
adaptive immunity: A type of immunity evolved by higher animals that
doesnt look for general patterns of shared structure but rather for minute
differences in molecules shared by hosts and microbes.
antibody: A protein that can attach to a corresponding epitope and ag a cell
or molecule for destruction by the immune system.
cytotoxic cell: A type of defensive cell common to all animals that effectively
stabs foreign cells to death by punching holes through their cell walls.
epitope: A fragment of protein from a cell or molecule that can be detected
by the immune system.
phagocyte: An amoeboid eating cell found in all types of animals that can
engulf and consume other microbes.
Suggested Reading
Clark, In Defense of Self.
Playfair, Living with Germs.
Questions to Consider
1. I have type O blood and my friend has type AB. When it comes to
blood transfusion, why am I the universal donor, and why is he the
universal recipient?
2. What is it about larger, more complex animal bodies that made the
adaptive immune system necessary?
Lecture 15: Adaptive Immunity to the Rescue
To thwart future attacks from that same microbe, the adaptive immune
system makes memory cells that are matched to that particular microbe.
These memory cells can live for several years, and if the invader returns,
we can build up a new population of cloned soldiers so quickly that we
might not even have any symptoms of infection at all. We are now said to
B cells and T cells are especially important in this process. Both are made
in bone marrow; B cells mature in the marrow, while T cells migrate and
mature in the thymus gland. The B cells are the deputies; they check cellular
IDs for known villains
and they mark them with
antibodies. Antibodies can
directly neutralize some
toxins made by microbes
and can prevent some
microbes from binding to
our cells. But their most
important function is to pin
a ag on invading microbes
to call out the possethe T
cells, which release a wide
array of chemicals that
marshal the attack on an
invading microbe.
Lymphocytes act as killer cells, destroying
microbes directly, and as messengers to other
cells, stimulating the immune response.
particular part of the body. T cells can recognize each group and know where
to nd the infection.
There are 2 kinds of T cells: helper T cells (TH cells) and killer T cells (TC
cells). APCs release the cytokine interleukin-1, which activates the TH cell
and stimulates the hypothalamus to raise body temperatures, causing a fever.
Fever stimulates the macrophages to start eating bacteria and causes the
liver and the spleen to begin iron
withholding. The TH cell releases
interleukin-2, which triggers the
At any given moment there
activation of TC cells and B cells.
are roughly 900 billion
lymphocytes moving through
The activated TC cell clones itself
your body.
and goes off to seek the enemy. The
B cells split into 2 lines: plasma
cells and memory cells. The plasma
cells make antibodies, and the memory cells hold onto the proper receptor
site in case the invader ever returns. The point when antibodies appear in the
bloodstream is called the humoral response.
The terms immunity and resistance are often used interchangeably, but
they dont quite mean the same thing. Resistance comes from a structural
change in a cell or in a moleculechanges that are coded for in our genes
and can therefore be inherited. Immunity is learned resistancesomething
we acquire only by encountering a new disease. It does not change our
genes, and we cannot inherit it or pass it on.
Important Terms
antigen-presenting cell (APC): Immune system cells that act as messengers
by carrying antigens on their major histocompatability complex to the
corresponding T cells for activation. APCs include macrophages, B cells,
and dendritic cells.
B cell: A type of lymphocyte whose function is to produce antibodies for
specic antigens and to form memory cells to guard against any future
encounters with that same antigen.
Suggested Reading
Mak and Saunders, Primer to the Immune Response.
Sompayrac, How the Immune System Works.
Questions to Consider
1. How can a nite number of animal genes make a sufciently large
number of proteins to match up with millions of possible microbial
2. Why do we often get sick for a day or two when we catch a disease
o one has ever truly survived infection with HIV, the virus that
causes acquired immunodeciency syndrome (AIDS) in humans.
Once symptoms emerge, the fatality rate is 100 percent. There is no
cure; the most we can do is slow it down. Without treatment, victims have
about 11 years to live from the time of infection.
HIV relies on the uid route for transmission, namely blood and semen.
Microbes that travel in the blood often rely on insect vectors like mosquitoes
or their technological counterpart, the hypodermic needle. But the trifecta
for the uid route is sex; saliva, semen, and sometimes blood are all owing.
Throw in intimate bodily contact, and you have the ideal mode for dispersal.
Unsurprisingly, many of the deadliest diseases are sexually transmitted.
HIV produces no killer toxins, no violent symptoms. Instead, it cripples the
immune system by striking at its most vulnerable partthe TH cells that
orchestrate the adaptive immune response. Once the virus kills enough TH
cells, the immune system can no longer coordinate an attack. AIDS victims
dont die from AIDS; they die from cancer or a secondary infection.
Because an AIDS victims body can no longer recognize a cancerous cell, any
cancerous growth can be fatal. More AIDS victims die of cancer than from
any other cause; 3040 percent of AIDS victims will develop a malignant
tumor. In fact, AIDS was rst discovered from a cluster of Kaposis sarcoma
cases in the gay community of San Francisco in 1981.
Like so many of our worst diseases, AIDS came out of the jungle, specically
from increased human contact with other primates. Recent genetic analysis
puts the viruss origin in West Africa sometime between 1930 and 1950
One of the reasons that AIDS is so deadly is that its so new. A scant 50
years have passed since the rst cases appearednot much time for humans
to evolve defenses, nor for AIDS to
coevolve to a less virulent strain.
daughter cells. Even if the immune system kills every single active virus in
the body, the instructions for making more will live on.
DNA contains the instructions our cells use to make proteins. RT reads the
cells DNA and maps it onto a strand of messenger RNA (mRNA). This
strand is a set of instructions for building a protein from amino acids. The
mRNA travels to the cytoplasm, like a foreman bringing plans to the factory
oor, where ribosomal RNA (rRNA) will read them and transfer RNA
(tRNA) will use them to assemble
a protein.
The ultimate origin of viruses
DNA is a chain of molecules called
is a complete mystery.
nucleotides, of which there are
4 types. A group of 3 nucleotides,
called a codon, is used to code for each of the 20 amino acids used in making
proteins. The amino acids used and the order in which they are assembled
determine the nal shape of the protein and thus its chemical properties.
By changing the amino acid sequence, you change the proteins ability to
interact with other chemicals. So in essence, retroviruses like HIV change
the codons of the hosts DNA, getting the cell to build the proteins needed to
make a new virusan elegant act of biological piracy.
Important Terms
codon: A series of 3 genetic nucleotides that code for a particular amino
acid. The sequence of codons determines the proper sequence of amino acids
needed to assemble a particular protein.
DNA: Two strands of complementary nucleotides attached to a molecular
backbone of sugar and phosphate molecules. The sequence of nucleotides
codes for the synthesis of proteins.
messenger RNA (mRNA): A form of RNA used in the synthesis of proteins
that is assembled by matching complementary nucleotides (A/T, C/G) to
replicate the sequence of nucleotides on a strand of DNA.
Suggested Reading
Davis, Defending the Body.
Shilts, And the Band Played On.
Questions to Consider
1. AIDS may be the ultimate killer, yet no one has ever actually died from
it. How can this be true?
By attacking the immune system, AIDS gets a double bonus. The HIV
virus itself is protected, and other invading microbes stimulate TH cell
production, giving the virus more cells to attack. At the moment, there
is little hope for a vaccine against HIV or a cure for AIDS; we need to
focus on prevention.
or more years after infection. These individuals are still losing TH cells,
though at a much slower pace.
The AIDS pandemic is increasing at an astounding rate. Over 33 million
people worldwide are infected, with over 25 million deaths so far. There
are about 1.5 million AIDS victims in North America, 2.25 million in
South America, and 22.4 million in sub-Saharan Africa. Worldwide, there
were 7400 new cases of AIDS every day in 2008; 1200 of those new cases
were in children under the age of 15. Over 2 million children worldwide are
currently living with AIDS. Nearly
half of the newly diagnosed cases
in 2008 were in womenso much
A small handful of individuals
for the gay plague.
can carry the HIV virus but
arent infected by itthey
never develop AIDS.
chance, even with a dead virus vaccine, because one live virus could slip
through. Attempts to make HIV vaccines based on viral fragments, or
epitopes, have so far been unsuccessful. Scientists are researching the use
of a DNA vaccine to enhance the ability of TC cells to kill HIV. Others are
looking at some newly discovered antibodies from AIDS victims that seem
effective against 90 percent of all known HIV strains and variants.
Our best hope to stem the AIDS pandemic is to change human behavior.
The virulence of AIDS changes with changes in the frequency of sexual
contact. In a population with high monogamy and low promiscuity rates,
a sexually transmitted diseases best strategy is to mutate into a strain that
keeps the host alive as long as possible to wait out a new contact. A less
virulent strainHIV-2is already circulating in West Africa. Reducing the
frequency of unprotected sexual contacts should help nudge AIDS toward
more benign strains. Distributing free condoms and free sterile needles
would go a long way toward slowing down the AIDS pandemic.
Important Terms
fusion inhibitor: A type of AIDS drug that prevents HIV from fusing with
the surface of a cell to inject its contents.
long-term nonprogressor: An HIV-positive individual who has avoided
developing the symptoms of AIDS for 10 years or more.
Suggested Reading
Barnett and Whiteside, AIDS in the Twenty-First Century.
Epstein, The Invisible Cure.
Levenson, The Secret Epidemic.
Questions to Consider
1. Why was it already too late to stop the AIDS epidemic when the
rst cases were recognized? What factors helped to prolong the
delayed response?
2. Why are vaccines based on dead viruses so much more dangerous than a
vaccine based on viral fragments?
The whole idea of autoimmune disease might seem a little strange. Why
hasnt natural selection weeded out those individuals whose immune
systems cant make that critical distinction? In fact, autoimmunity isnt
entirely a bad thing. Self-reactive B cells can be found throughout the blood
in small numbers. Its as if the immune system needs to constantly challenge
itself in order to stay sharp.
However, a little challenge
can go a very long way.
Self-reactive cells are like
ticking time bombs in the
immune system.
A critical period for learning
self versus nonself occurs
very early in embryonic
development. Every fetus
is the product of 2 parents,
which means every fetus
has both parents antigens
on every cell, so the fetus
Important Terms
autoimmune disease: The failure of the immune system to properly
distinguish self from nonself, causing the immune system to attack the
bodys own cells and tissues.
molecular mimicry: The similarity between epitopes in our cells and those
in various microbes, probably resulting from a shared genetic heritage; these
similarities may be exploited as a microbial strategy.
self-tolerance: The immune systems tolerance for the bodys own cells.
self-reactive cell: An immune system cell that reacts to the bodys own cells
as if they were foreign.
Suggested Reading
Albert and Inman, Molecular Mimicry and Autoimmunity.
Fehervari and Sakaguchi, Peacekeepers of the Immune System.
Lagerkvist, Pioneers of Microbiology and the Nobel Prize.
Questions to Consider
1. Why do we keep the same relative risk of getting multiple sclerosis that
we had when we were a child if we move to a region where the risk is
he word allergy comes from the Greek allos (other) and ergon
(work or action). In medical terms, refers to hypersensitivity to
any foreign substance to which most people dont react, called an
allergen. When the term was coined in 1906 by Dr. Clemens von Pirquet,
allergies were rare, almost fashionablea rich persons disorder.
immunoglobulin G (IgG)
E (IgE). IgG makes up
roughly 7580 percent of
all antibodies in circulation
at any one time; they ght
viruses and bacteria. IgE Asthma may be a disease of civilization. The
immune system overreacts to minor threats
antibodies are found in the because it has too few major ones to combat.
skin, mucous membranes,
and lungs; theyre best
at handling allergens like pollen, fungal spores, or parasitic worms. Small
doses of IgG provoke a low-level immune response, and continued doses
can gradually override the more hypersensitive IgE response.
There is relatively little IgE in the body compared to the IgGroughly
a ratio of 1 to 100,000but this tiny amount of IgE can do an incredible
amount of damage. IgE stimulates mast cells to release histamine, triggering
an inammatory response, leading to itching, a runny nose, and so forth.
Allergies are on the increase worldwide; one theory behind this is our
lifestyle in the developed world, living in airtight homes lled with objects
that retain allergens, like upholstered furniture, carpets, drapes, bedding,
mattresses, and stuffed animals. Surrounded by allergens from an early
In anaphylaxis, the rst contact with the allergen causes a reaction. This socalled sensitizing dose causes the immune system to overreact if it encounters
that same allergen later onthe shocking dose. Researchers are experimenting
with exposing bee venom
sensitive to increasingly
large amounts of bee venom
and reduced the chance of
shock to 2 percent after 3 to
5 years of regular treatment.
This type of therapy is
called desensitization.
Important Terms
allergen: Any environmental substance that provokes an allergic reaction.
IgE and IgG: Two immunoglobulins (Ig) that lie at the heart of the allergic
reaction. IgG antibodies, which make up about 7580 percent of the
antibodies in circulation, are good for ghting viruses and bacteria, and IgE
antibodies, found in skin, mucous membranes, and the lungs, are best at
handling allergens like pollen, fungal spores, and parasitic worms.
Suggested Reading
Adams, The Asthma Sourcebook.
Jackson, Allergy.
Questions to Consider
1. Is raising children in clean and airtight houses in articial urban
environments a good idea from the standpoint of the immune system?
Microbes as Weapons
Lecture 20
nimals ght with horns, hooves, tooth, and claw; Plants ght quieter
battles, as do fungi and bacteria, using exotic chemical compounds
to stop an enemy in its tracks. Humans dont have sharp fangs nor
slashing claws, but we can forge knives and swords. We cant secrete venom
but can borrow venom from other animals.
We know that the use of animal venom as a weapon goes back at least as
far as classical Greece. Homer describes warriors using poisoned spears and
arrows in his epic poems. In legend, Hercules used the Hydras venom to
poison arrows to slay the centaur Nessus; later, that same poison was used
where it is still located today. Britain and Canada later joined the program. In
1942, the British military used Gruinard Island, off the coast of Scotland, to
test anthrax; it devastated the tiny island and even crossed to the mainland. It
took 47 years to clean up the mess.
Important Term
inoculation: Introduction of a serum or vaccine into the body of an animal.
Suggested Reading
Harris, Factories of Death.
Koenig, The Fourth Horseman.
Mayor, Greek Fire, Poison Arrows, and Scorpion Bombs.
Questions to Consider
1. Does Lord Amherst really deserve the blame for the incident in which
native Americans were given blankets infected with smallpox?
Pandoras Box
Lecture 21
Following World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union
launched massive germ warfare research programs; today, both nations
and non-state militants have access to deadly microbial weapons.
This threat raises many questions, from the practical (What can we
do to prepare for biological attacks?) to the ethical (Is it right to arm
ourselves with bioweapons?).
The American and Soviet germ warfare research programs were among the
worst-kept secrets of the Cold War. Both the Americans and the Russians
developed an anthrax bomb during the war; after, emphasis shifted from
weapons production to researchespecially eld testing. In September
1950, the U. S. Navy bombarded San Francisco with a supposedly harmless
bacteria and measured the bacterias progress through the citys population.
We now know that bacterium, Serratia marcescens, which causes that pink
slime found on bathroom tiles, is harmful, causing low-level infections like
conjunctivitis and urinary tract infections, as well as more serious ones like
meningitis and pneumonia. Nobody knows how many similar attacks were
made on the U.S. population by its own government.
By the late 1960s, both the United States and Soviet Union had stockpiled
several tons of biological weapons. In 1972, a new international treaty
was written to replace the 1925 Geneva Protocol: the Biological Weapons
Convention (BWC). To date, 163 countries have ratied it, although Israel
still refuses to sign. The BWC declared that bacteriological methods
weapons and dont require elaborate missile systems to disperse, just access
to your enemys air and water.
There are many ways to tamper weaponize microbes, even with common,
normally harmless bacteria like Escherichia coli. You could try to create
an MDR strain, to alter its surface structure, to increase its growth rate,
reproductive rate, or virulence, or the amount or the potency of the toxin that
it can produce. But your weapons effectiveness will still depend on many
random factors: weather, wind speed, humidity, dispersal location, and so on.
Bioweapons are the last resort of the desperate and the foolish. The bad news
is there are a lot of desperate and foolish people out there. Bioterrorism
has become a constant threat. During the past century, there have been at
least 52 cases where biological weapons were sought, obtained, or used by
bioterrorists, with almost 1000 victims and 9 deaths.
What can we do to prepare for bioweapon attacks? Surveillance and arrests
are not enough. Mandatory vaccinations may be required, which, in the
United States at least, may not go over well with the populace. Bioweapons
also pose a moral dilemma: Whether we continue to develop these weapons
or not, other nations and groups will. Does this make it right to arm ourselves
with these same horrible weapons?
Important Terms
Biological Weapons Convention (BWC): A 1975 agreement extending
from the 1925 Geneva Protocol that bans the production and stockpiling of
biological agents for use as weapons.
bioterrorism: The use of biological weapons in terrorist activities.
weaponize: To convert or prepare a biological agent for use in warfare.
Suggested Reading
Cole, Clouds of Secrecy.
Mangold and Goldberg, Plague Wars.
Questions to Consider
1. If all organisms have a right to life, should we prevent the extinction of
species like the polio virus or the smallpox virus?
Many of our worst Old World epidemic diseases came from domestic
animals, but the New World had relatively few species that could be
domesticated. Most of the large animals in North and South America were
wiped out by the end of the Pleistocene, some 12,000 years ago. Paul Martin,
a prominent geoscientist, claimed that this extinction event was due to the
rst organized human hunting.
The most abundant large New World mammal was the buffalothe
American bison. Buffalo were so abundant, you didnt need to domesticate
them. If you wanted one, you just went out back and got one. The only New
World animals available for domestication were llamas, alpacas, guinea pigs,
turkeys, Muscovy ducks, and dogs. None of these animals were kept in large
numbers and none were used for milk.
The Old World had much greater diversity of animals for domestication,
as well as a much larger land area, than the New World. Our large herds
of cattle and ocks of poultry became giant incubators for new strains.
Century after century of constant and intimate contact with animals gave
these microbes ample opportunity to jump from cattle or poultry to humans.
Among the diseases that made the leap are measles, tuberculosis, inuenza,
whooping cough, and malaria.
None of these Old World diseases existed in the New World. Native
Americans were a nave population, and many virgin soil epidemics
measles, tuberculosis, u,
typhus, malaria, diphtheria,
and plague. The New
World population, estimated
at roughly 20 million at
the time of European
contact, declined by more
than 90 percent during
Columbuss voyage.
rst time in history that the human race took aim at a single microorganism,
with the sole intent of wiping it out of existence, and won.
Important Terms
Columbian Exchange: The exchange of trade goods, cultures, ideas, crops,
livestock, and diseases between the Old World and the New World following
the voyage of Columbus.
crowd disease: A disease that requires a dense population to sustain itself.
pus: A mixture of dead and dying neutrophils, microbes, and body cells that
forms at the site of an infection.
variolation: Intentionally introducing smallpox into a human body to
provide immunity.
Suggested Reading
Crosby, The Columbian Exchange.
Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel.
Martin, Twilight of the Mammoths.
Questions to Consider
1. Why do we rarely catch diseases directly from other animals, yet many
of our worst human diseases came from animals?
2. Why was smallpox such a big problem for the American colonists when
so many of their parents and grandparents were born in Europe, where
immunity to smallpox was relatively common?
When we voyage into the nal frontier of outer space, will our bacterial
hitchhikers nd alien races waiting for their deadly microbial sting? Or
will we bring back an alien microbe that will spell doom for the human
race? In fact, microscopic creatures could make our long journey to the
stars possible and help turn our destination into a new Eden.
Digital Vision/Thinkstock.
We already know that Earths microbes are hardy enough to survive for
long periods of time in outer space, especially if theyre embedded in a
solid object, like a rock or a piece of space equipment. If we are truly the
descendants of alien microbes, then an alien virus or bacterium might be
able to start the ultimate virgin soil
pandemic, possibly bringing about
the end of humanity.
Life on Earth could actually
have begun with the arrival of
Mars seems a dead planet today, but can we bring it back to life? The logical
way to try would be with cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, the microbe
that invented photosynthesis some 4 billion years ago. Cyanobacteria
created Earths oxygen atmosphere as a waste product, changing the basic
chemistry of the planet to an oxidizing environment. This so-called oxygen
revolution allowed eukaryotic cells, the oxygen-using cells that we are made
from, to replace prokaryotic cells, the cells bacteria and archaeans are made
from, as the dominant organisms on Earth in terms of size and complexity.
Important Terms
archaea (sing. archaean): Primitive prokaryotic cells that share a common
ancestor with members of the domain Eukarya; when capitalized, refers to
one of the 3 taxonomic domains of living things.
cyanobacteria: Formerly called blue-green algae, a diverse group of bacteria
that evolved photosynthesis nearly 3 billion years ago.
directed panspermia: The theory that life was intentionally seeded on Earth
by an alien race, either directly or through robotic probes.
Eukarya: One of the 3 domains of living things; Eukarya include plants,
animals, fungi, and protists (algae and protozoa).
extremophile: A microorganism (bacterium or archaean) that is adapted to
live in extreme environmental conditions.
oxygen revolution: The creation of the oxygen atmosphere by ancient
cyanobacteria and the many chemical and biological changes that resulted
from this fundamental alteration of planetary chemistry.
panspermia: The theory that life was seeded on Earth from outer space.
photosynthesis: The synthesis of glucose from water and carbon dioxide
through the use of light energy, producing atmospheric oxygen as a
Suggested Reading
Boss, The Crowded Universe.
Cooper, The Search for Life on Mars.
Davies, The Fifth Miracle.
Ward and Brownlee, Rare Earth.
Questions to Consider
1. What do you think of the theory of panspermia? If you think such a thing
is possible, do think accidental or directed panspermia is more likely?
Microbes as Friends
Lecture 24
By now, you may be thinking microbes are all bad guys. Nothing could
be further from the truth. Bacteria literally created the world we
know today; they continue to make life as we know it both possible
and pleasurable.
ore is not only cheaper than traditional methods; it also does much less
environmental damage. About 25 percent of the worlds copper is currently
obtained through biomining.
When we study bacteria in the lab, we usually study them in a liquid
suspension. But in nature, bacteria more often occur in thin sheets called
biolms. Bacteria in biolms can behave very differently than bacteria in
liquid suspension. For instance, bacteria in biolms may be more resistant
to antibiotics. The study of biolms
is at the cutting edge of modern
Microbes also make the world
a tastier place to live in.
Yeast is also used in beer making, and a scientist named Vladimir Baibakov
has discovered that adding Bidobacteria to beer slows down oxidation.
The bacteria absorb traces of detergents and heavy metal from the brewing
process and allow the beer to function as a probiotic. This makes bidobeer
a better-tasting and much healthier brew.
Bacteria could also be used to help protect babies from AIDS. A team at
the University of Madrid recently isolated several species of bacteria in
breast milk that can inhibit infections of HIV-1 up to 55 percent. That study
explains the puzzling fact that breastfed babies do not tend to get AIDS from
their HIV-positive mothers. It remains to be seen whether the bacteria are
effective in isolation or only work as part of breast milk.
Dr. Dorothy Matthews found that mice fed a common soil bacterium,
Mycobacterium vaccae, complete lab mazes at twice the speed of control
mice and showed signicantly less stress in the testing environment. As it
turns out, these bacteria activate a group of neurons in the brain that secrete
serotonin. Cancer patients treated with the bacteria show much lower
depression scores than the average patient.
The long road of coevolution with our constant microscopic companions has
changed our bodies, our history, and our world. Where the future of men and
microbes is concerned, were only limited by our imagination. I hope this
series of lectures has given you a new perspective on the invisible world that
surrounds us. Solving the mysteries of the microscopic world will not be
easy, but learning more about our microbial partners will make the world our
children inherit a better place to live.
Important Terms
bioremediation: The use of natural organisms to decontaminate polluted
bidobeer: Beer prepared with bidobacteria, which are a common gut
bacteria that aid in digestion.
Suggested Reading
Davidson, Big Fleas Have Little Fleas.
Margulis and Sagan, Microcosmos.
Sachs, Good Germs, Bad Germs.
Questions to Consider
1. Can you think of some of the ways we teach our children, by word or
action, about the microbial world that might predispose them to consider
all microbes as bad or dangerous?
cytotoxic cell: A type of defensive cell common to all animals that effectively
stabs foreign cells to death by punching holes through their cell walls.
Darwinian medicine (a.k.a. evolutionary medicine): The consideration
of traditional medical problems from an ecological and evolutionary
perspective, focused on the coevolution of humans and pathogens.
dendritic cell: A type of lymphocyte in mammals that functions as an
antigen-presenting cell, helping to bridge the gap between the innate and
adaptive immune systems.
density-dependent limiting factor: A limiting factor whose effects are
directly proportional to the density of a population, such as predation or
density-independent limiting factor: A limiting factor whose effects are
not proportional to population density, like bad weather or natural disasters.
diffusion: The movement of atoms and molecules from an area of higher
concentration to an area of lower concentration.
directed panspermia: The theory that life was intentionally seeded on
Earth by an alien race, either directly or through robotic probes. See also
disturbance: Any force or factor that perturbs the normal functioning of an
DNA: Two strands of complementary nucleotides attached to a molecular
backbone of sugar and phosphate molecules. The sequence of nucleotides
codes for the synthesis of proteins. See also RNA.
DNA vaccine: Plasmids that code for a critical protein in the life cycle of a
particular microbe.
domain: The highest level of biological classication. See archaea,
bacteria, and Eukarya.
magic bullet: Term coined by the physician Sir Alexander Fleming to refer
to drugs that can target a particular type of bacteria.
mast cell: An inammatory cell that releases the cytokine histamine.
Medieval Warm Period: A climate aberration preceding the Little Ice Age,
during which average temperatures were signicantly higher than normal.
See also Little Ice Age.
memory cell: An activated B cell that is relatively long-lived and can be
rapidly cloned if the same antigen or invader returns. See also plasma cell.
messenger RNA (mRNA): A form of RNA used in the synthesis of proteins
that is assembled by matching complementary nucleotides (A/T, C/G) to
replicate the sequence of nucleotides on a strand of DNA. See also codon,
ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and transfer RNA (tRNA).
methanogens: A group of anaerobic archaeans that generate methane as a
result of their metabolic processes. Found (among other places) as symbionts
in the guts of cows and termites, where they help digest cellulose.
major histocompatability complex (MHC): A receptor site on the outside
of every vertebrate cell that can hold onto an epitope or antigen so that
immune system cells can recognize it. See also antigen-presenting cell
miasma: A noxious vapor once believed to be the cause of human disease.
See germ theory and humors.
microbe: Any organism small enough to require a microscope to clearly see
molecular mimicry: The similarity between epitopes in our cells and those
in various microbes, probably resulting from a shared genetic heritage; these
similarities may be exploited as a microbial strategy.
RNA virus: A virus whose genetic material consists solely of RNA (not
DNA). Because such viruses lack the proofreading mechanism that
governs the reproduction of DNA, they mutate at a very high rate. See
hypermutability and retrovirus.
secondary immune response: The rapid cloning of memory cells and
production of appropriate antibodies in response to a second encounter with
will form a protein. It has a binding site on one end that matches up with a
codon on messenger RNA and a binding site for the corresponding amino
acid at the other.
vaccine: A therapeutic technique that introduces foreign antigens into an
animal to help improve immune response to a particular pathogen; usually
made from dead microbes, fragments of dead microbes, or microbial toxins.
See DNA vaccine.
variant: A distinct genetic variant of a virus subtype.
variolation: Intentionally introducing smallpox into a human body to
provide immunity. See vaccine.
vector: Any organism that carries a pathogen.
virgin soil epidemic: An epidemic in a population not previously exposed to
that disease. See nave population.
virulence: The intensity of a particular infectious disease as measured by its
mortality rate.
virus: A microscopic organism consisting of a core of RNA or DNA in a
protein capsule, which can only reproduce by invading a living cell and
using its protein synthesis mechanisms to make and assemble copies of the
weaponize: To convert or prepare a biological agent for use in warfare. See
also bioterrorism.
Bud, Robert. Penicillin: Triumph and Tragedy. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2007. A well-written and authoritative history of the discovery,
application, and importance of penicillin and the evolution of resistant
Burney, D. A., and T. F. Flannery. Fifty Millennia of Catastrophic
Extinctions after Human Contact. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 20, no.
7 (July 2005): 395401. Reviews the various theories proposed to explain
the Pleistocene extinction event and concludes that we need to have a deeper
appreciation of the way humans affect ecosystems.
Bushnell, O. A. The Gifts of Civilization: Germs and Genocide in Hawaii.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1993. Examines the effect of Captain
Cook and other European explorers and exploiters on the health and
abundance of native Hawaiians, with an excellent bibliography.
Byerly, C. R. Fever of War: The Inuenza Epidemic in the U.S. Army During
World War I. New York: New York University Press, 2005. A scholarly and
in-depth account of the effects of the u both in military camps and on the
front, as well as the conicting roles of medical doctors in wartime. Argues
that the war created the pandemic by giving the virus a new environment in
which to mutate and thrive.
Cassedy, James H. The Germ of Laziness in the South, 19001915: Charles
Wardell Stiles and the Progressive Paradox. Bulletin of the History of
Medicine 45 (1971): 159169. Discusses the contrast between economic and
evangelical motives in the Rockefeller Sanitary Commissions campaign to
eradicate hookworm disease.
Clark, Thomas Dionysius. The Emerging South. 2d ed. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1968. A classic study of the rise of the New South; dated
but still relevant.
Clark, William R. In Defense of Self: How the Immune System Really Works.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. An excellent and very readable
introduction to the bewildering complexities of the immune system. Highly
Cohn, Samuel Kline. The Black Death Transformed: Disease and Culture
in Early Renaissance Europe. New York: Arnold/Oxford University Press,
2002. Takes the controversial view that the Black Death and the bubonic
plague are actually different diseases with distinct differences in their
virulence and epidemiology.
Cole, Leonard A. Clouds of Secrecy: The Armys Germ Warfare Tests over
Populated Areas. Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Littleeld, 1999. A shocking
expos of the secret germ warfare experiments conducted in San Francisco,
the New York City subway system, and elsewhere, including a detailed
account of the lawsuit by Edward Nevin over the death of his grandfather,
the rst ofcial victim of U. S. germ warfare.
Cooper, Henry S. F. The Search for Life on Mars: Evolution of an Idea. New
York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980. A good contemporary account of
NASAs quest to nd life on Mars, with much insider historical information.
Not in print, but regularly available through Amazon.
Cowdrey, Albert E. This Land, this South: An Environmental History. New
Perspectives on the South. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1983.
An excellent and classic survey of the ways that Southern culture and history
have been shaped by environment.
Crawford, Dorothy. The Invisible Enemy: A Natural History of Viruses. New
York: Oxford University Press, 2000. A well-written introduction to the
world of viruses, including an extensive discussion of viruses and cancer.
Crawford, Dorothy H. Deadly Companions: How Microbes Shaped Our
History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. One of the best books in
print on the coevolution of humans and microbes; well-written, absorbing,
and informative, with an excellent bibliography and glossary.
Crosby, Alfred W. Americas Forgotten Pandemic: The Inuenza of 1918.
2nd ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Crosby is one of the
most authoritative sources on the u, and his book is an excellent starting
point for further research. Previously published as Epidemic and Peace,
1918 (1976).
Native American populations and the effects of diseases and other factors in
reducing them.
Duckett, Serge. Ernest Duchesne and the Concept of Fungal Antibiotic
Therapy. The Lancet 354, no. 9195 (1999): 20682071. A good biographical
sketch of Duchesne, focused on his discovery of the antibiotic properties
of penicillin and his pioneering recognition of the importance of microbial
Duncan, Kirsty. Hunting the 1918 Flu: One Scientists Search for a Killer
Virus. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003. Chronicles the efforts of
amateur virologist Kirsty Duncan to recover an intact sample of the 1918
Elkin, W. B. An Inquiry into the Causes of the Decrease of the Hawaiian
People. The American Journal of Sociology 8, no. 3 (November 1902):
398411. A valuable turn-of-the-century survey of the gradual destruction
of Hawaiian native populations, including a discussion of the effects of
epidemic diseases.
Gross, Ludwik. How the Plague Bacillus and Its Transmission through Fleas
Were Discovered: Reminiscences from My Years at the Pasteur Institute in
Paris. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America 92, no. 17 (August 15, 1995): 76097611. An excellent account
of the pioneering work of Yersin and Simond in the third plague pandemic.
Haensch, Stephanie, Raffaella Bianucci, Michel Signoli, Minoarisoa
Rajerison, et al. Distinct Clones of Yersinia pestis Caused the Black Death.
PLOS Pathogens 6, no. 10 (October 2010): 18. DNA analysis of the remains
of medieval plague victims from mass graves across Europe conrm that the
Black Death was actually caused by Yersinia pestis.
Harper, David R., and Andrea S. Meyer. Of Mice, Men, and Microbes:
Hantavirus. San Diego: Academic Press, 1999. A comprehensive study of the
emergence of hantavirus among the Navajo and the evolutionary response of
microbes to natural environmental changes.
Harris, Sheldon H. Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare
193245 and the American Cover-Up. New York: Routledge, 1994. An eyeopening account of the secret Japanese warfare campaign against China and
America by the maddest of mad scientists, Shiro Ishii, and the subsequent
cover-up by the Allies. Extensively researched and referenced; out of print
but regularly available through Amazon.
Henderson, Donald A. Smallpox: The Death of a Disease: The Inside Story of
Eradicating a Worldwide Killer. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2009. An
excellent and detailed review of the global campaign to eliminate smallpox
from the planet, including a good short history of the disease.
Herring, Ann, and Alan C. Swedlund. Plagues and Epidemics: Infected
Spaces Past and Present. Wenner-Gren International Symposium Series.
English ed. New York: Berg, 2010. A good collection of current scholarly
articles on several epidemic diseases, both historical and modern.
Honigsbaum, M. Living With Enza: The Forgotten Story of Britain and the
Great Flu Pandemic of 1918. London: Macmillan, 2009. A detailed and
scholarly account of the British experience during the pandemic. Later
chapters provide a good summary of more recent encounters with the u and
efforts to sequence the 1918 virus.
Hopkins, Donald R. Princes and Peasants: Smallpox in History. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1983. An excellent survey of smallpox in
human history, from ancient Egypt to the modern-day campaign to eradicate
the disease. One of the best scholarly books on smallpox, with an extensive
Hotez, Peter J., Jeffrey M. Bethony, David J. Diemert, Mark Pearson, and
Alex Loukas. Developing Vaccines to Combat Hookworm Infection and
Intestinal Schistosomiasis. Nature Reviews: Microbiology 8 (November
health policies in pandemics. Concludes that the u had a more severe impact
on the poor, the working class, and women than is generally acknowledged.
Karlen, Arno. Biography of a Germ. New York: Pantheon Books, 2000.
A good popular account of the emergence, biology, and ecology of Lyme
. Man and Microbes: Disease and Plagues in History and Modern
Times. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996. Traces the history of our
coevolution with epidemic diseases, including the rise of crowd diseases and
the modern emergence of new diseases related to our continuing cultural and
technological development. Includes an excellent bibliography.
Kelly, John. The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the
Most Devastating Plague of All Time. New York: HarperCollins Publishers,
2005. A popular and fast-paced account of the plague in the 14th century.
Kelly does a good job of bringing the medieval world alive but sometimes
takes a few historic liberties in trying to make us feel the personal impact of
the plague.
Knollenberg, Bernhard. General Amherst and Germ Warfare. The
Mississippi Valley Historical Review 41, no. 3 (Dec. 1954): 489494.
Presents contemporary letters and notes to determine whether the military
used smallpox as a biological weapon during the Pontiac Indian Rebellion,
concluding that although someone deliberately gave blankets infected with
smallpox to Indian diplomatic representatives, there is no direct evidence
that they were instructed to do so by their superiors.
Koblentz, Gregory. Pathogens as Weapons: The International Security
Implications of Biological Warfare. International Security 28, no. 3 (Winter
2003): 84122. Reviews the characteristics of pathogens used as weapons
and how to defend against them, concluding that the intense secrecy
surrounding their use is a destabilizing factor in bioweapons security.
Koenig, Robert L. The Fourth Horseman: One Mans Secret Mission to
Wage the Great War in America. New York: PublicAffairs, 2006. The tangled
tale of Anton Dilger, the son of an American war hero who grew up to run
Lagerkvist, Ulf. Pioneers of Microbiology and the Nobel Prize. River Edge,
NJ: World Scientic, 2003. Biographies of some of the great pioneers of
immunology and microbiology: Paul Ehrlich, Emil von Behring, Robert
Koch, and Elie Metchnikoff.
Lapp, Marc. Evolutionary Medicine: Rethinking the Origins of Disease.
San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1994. An excellent introduction to
evolutionary medicine. Concludes that considering traditional medical
problems from the standpoint of ecological and evolutionary theory may
offer new solutions to old diseases.
Mak, Tak W., and Mary E. Saunders. Primer to the Immune Response.
Boston: Academic Press/Elsevier, 2008. A good general textbook on
immunity, profusely illustrated and relatively well written. The word
primer in the title may be a misnomer, but it does make you wonder how
much more formidable an advanced textbook would be!
Mangold, Tom, and Jeff Goldberg. Plague Wars: A True Story of Biological
Warfare. New York: St. Martins Press, 2000. A highly detailed and chilling
history of biological warfare programs in Russia, Iraq, and South Africa,
with an emphasis on the Russian program.
Margulis, Lynn, and Dorion Sagan. Microcosmos: Four Billion Years
of Microbial Evolution. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.
Margulis is a towering gure in biodiversity and a skilled writer. The book
highlights the many contributions microbes have made to the history of life
and the evolution of the modern world.
Martin, Paul S. Twilight of the Mammoths: Ice Age Extinctions and the
Rewilding of America. Organisms and Environments. Vol. 8. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 2005. A scholarly yet readable investigation
of the role of human hunters in the Pleistocene extinction event.
Mayor, Adrienne. Greek Fire, Poison Arrows, and Scorpion Bombs:
Biological and Chemical Warfare in the Ancient World. Woodstock, NY:
Overlook Press, 2003. A well-written and absorbing history of germ warfare
in the ancient world, highly recommended. Warningthis book can be hard
to put down!
McNeill, William Hardy. Plagues and Peoples. Garden City, NY: Anchor
Press, 1976. One of the best books ever written on the coevolution of the
human race with its microbial adversaries, including the social, political, and
ecological context of epidemic diseases. Highly recommended.
Merrell, D. S., and S. Falkow. Frontal and Stealth Attack Strategies in
Microbial Pathogenesis. Nature 430, no. 6996 (Jul. 8, 2004): 250256. An
excellent but advanced overview of microbial strategies, both direct and
stealthy, with the focus on molecular-level immune system mechanisms.
Moote, A. Lloyd, and Dorothy C. Moote. The Great Plague: The Story of
Londons Most Deadly Year. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 2004. A good detailed account of the Great Plague of London;
scholarly and thorough, yet told from the viewpoint of the people who
suffered through it.
Morens, David M., and Anthony S. Fauci. The 1918 Inuenza Pandemic:
Insights for the 21st Century. Journal of Infectious Diseases 195, no. 7 (April
1, 2007): 10181028. Considers the origins of the virus and its age-related
pattern of mortality, including a table summarizing current information on
basic questions posed by the pandemic.
Morse, Stephen S. Emerging Viruses. New York: Oxford University Press,
1993. A collection of authoritative and scholarly articles on the modern
emergence of infectious diseases like AIDS, Ebola, and Hantaan fever.
Mullen, T. The Last Town on Earth. New York: Random House, 2006. A
rare novel about the u that tells the story of a young soldier who talks his
way through a quarantine roadblock in a small mining town in Washington,
triggering a series of events that illustrates the problems faced by small
communities during the pandemic.
Nesse, Randolph M., and George C. Williams. Why We Get Sick: The New
Science of Darwinian Medicine. New York: Vintage Books, 1996. A great
introduction to the coevolution of humans with their microbial pathogens.
Includes material on the evolutionary arms race, microbial strategies, and
allergies as well as a survey of nonmicrobial disease problems related to the
nature of human evolution and lifestyles (evolutionary legacies and diseases
of civilization).
Nuland, Sherwin B. The Doctors Plague: Germs, Childbed Fever, and the
Strange Story of Ignaz Semmelweis. Great Discoveries. New York: W. W.
Norton, 2003. An engaging biography of the doctor who taught us to wash
our handsa troubled man with a noble but elusive goal.
Oro, J., Stanley L. Miller, and Antonio Lazcano. The Origin and Early
Evolution of Life on Earth. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences
18 (1990): 317356. An excellent, if challenging, review of experiments in
prebiotic synthesis and the origin of life, with an inside perspective from
Stanley Miller.
Patterson, Andrea. Germs and Jim Crow: The Impact of Microbiology
on Public Health Policies in Progressive Era American South. Journal of
the History of Biology 42, no. 3 (Fall 2009): 529559. Addresses the racial
attitudes that excluded African Americans from public health programs and
how these attitudes were exploited by the eugenics movement and other
racist organizations. Well written, well researched, and very disturbing.
Pettit, Dorothy Ann, and Janice Bailie. A Cruel Wind: Pandemic Flu in
America, 19181920. Murfreesboro, TN: Timberlane Books, 2008. An
excellent introduction to the pandemic; stands with Barry and Crosby as one
of the best books on the u. Scholarly and well-written, it tells the story of
the u through contemporary accounts, with an emphasis on the individuals
who struggled against it.
Pier, Gerald Bryan, Jeffrey B. Lyczak, and Lee M. Wetzler. Immunology,
Infection, and Immunity. Washington, DC: ASM Press, 2004. If textbooks
were worth their weight in gold, anyone possessing this book would be very
wealthy indeed! A good introduction to an extremely complex subject at an
advanced undergraduate or medical-school level.
Purkitt, Helen E., and Stephen Burgess. South Africa's Chemical and
Biological Warfare Programme: A Historical and International Perspective.
Journal of Southern African Studies 28, no. 2 (Jun. 2002): 229253. A
detailed analysis of one of the planets best-kept secrets, the extensive germ
warfare program developed by South Africa.
Ramenofsky, Ann F. Vectors of Death: The Archaeology of European
Contact. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1987. An
independent and scholarly effort to chart the size of native populations and
determine the effect of European contact in the 16th century.
Reidel, Stefan. Biological Warfare and Bioterrorism: A Historical Review.
Baylor Univeristy Medical Center Proceedings 17 (2004): 400406. Hard to
locate but worth the effort, this is a concise review of the history of biological
warfare with a lengthy bibliography.
Reisman, Robert E. Insect Stings. New England Journal of Medicine 331,
no. 8 (1994): 523527. An excellent review of allergic responses to insect
stings; an important source for those with severe bee and insect allergies.
Ripple, William J., and Blaire Van Valkenburgh. Linking Top-Down
Forces to the Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinctions. Bioscience 60, no.
7 (JulyAugust 2010): 516526. Reviews evidence that human hunting
caused the Pleistocene extinctions and concludes that the vanished species
were especially vulnerable due to their low population densities and their
susceptibility to predators.
Rockefeller Sanitary Commission for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease.
Publication. No. 19. Washington, DC: Ofce of the Commission, 1910
1915. A very thick stack of government documents detailing the long and
thorough investigation of the commission over several years and several
Sachs, Jessica Snyder. Good Germs, Bad Germs: Health and Survival in
a Bacterial World. New York: Hill and Wang, 2007. A well written survey
of how microbes affect our lives, with a particularly useful section on the
relationship between hygiene and immunity. Includes several examples of
how microbes can be used to improve our health and welfare.
Sompayrac, Lauren. How the Immune System Works. 3rd ed. Malden, MA:
Blackwell, 2008. A popular, concise guide to the bewildering complexity
of the immune system that has saved the skin of many a medical student
cramming for exams; clearly written, well organized, and profusely
Sartin, Jeffrey S. Infectious Diseases during the Civil War: The Triumph of
the Third Army. Clinical Infectious Diseases 16, no. 4 (April 1993): 580
584. An informative summary of the extent of disease-related casualties,
versus combat casualties, in the American Civil War, concluding that 2/3 of
the total casualties were due to disease.
Savitt, Todd Lee, and James Harvey Young. Disease and Distinctiveness
in the American South. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1988. A
collection of papers on the effects of various epidemic diseases on Southern
health and history, including an informative essay on hookworm.
Scientic American. Infectious Disease: A Scientic American Reader.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008. A collection of 30 articles
published in Scientic American between 1993 and 2007 on viruses, bacteria,
and other microbial pathogens, including several articles on immunity.
Scott, Susan, and C. J. Duncan. Return of the Black Death. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 2004. A good treatment of the medieval and modern outbreaks of
the plague, maintaining that the 2 pandemics were caused by 2 different
diseases, with the Black Death caused by an unknown Ebola-like virus.
Sencer, D. J., and J. D. Millar. Reections on the 1976 Swine Flu Vaccination
Program. Emerging Infectious Diseases 12, no. 1 (January 2006): 2933. A
good review of the policy decisions surrounding the swine u vaccination
program, with lessons learned for coping with future epidemics of avian u.
Shilts, Randy. And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS
Epidemic. Rev. ed. New York: St. Martins Grifn, 2007. An important and
controversial work rst published in 1987 and recently revised and reprinted.
Shilts followed the rst 5 years of the AIDS epidemic as a reporter for the
San Fancisco Chronicle and deplored the inaction and grandstanding he
observed on all sides of the issue.
Silverstein, A. M. Autoimmunity versus Horror Autotoxicus: The Struggle
for Recognition. Nature Immunology 2, no. 4 (April 2001): 279281.
Studies the early history of immunology, noting the negative effects of Paul
Ehrlichs theories on the acknowledgement of the existence and prevalence
of autoimmune diseases.
. Clemens Freiherr von Pirquet: Explaining Immune Complex
Disease in 1906. Nature Immunology 1, no. 6 (December 2000): 453455.
A good sketch of von Pirquets career, including his famous research in
fungal antibiotics.
Smith, Geddes. Plague on Us. New York: The Commonwealth Fund,
1941. A classic work on the epidemiology of infectious diseases; dated but
informative and well written.
Spellberg, Brad. Rising Plague: The Global Threat from Deadly Bacteria
and Our Dwindling Arsenal to Fight Them. New York: Prometheus Books,
2009. A compelling review of the rise of antibiotic resistance and a critique
of the current state of drug research, or lack thereof, with several suggestions
for restoring the balance.
Stiles, Charles Wardell. Hookworm Disease in its Relation to the Negro.
Public Health Reports (18961970) 24, no. 31 (Jul. 30, 1909): 10831089.
Stiles acknowledges the Rockefeller Sanitary Commissions neglect of the
problem of hookworms in Southern black communities but concludes that
exposure in Africa has kept them relatively immune to its effects.
University Press, 2002. A brief but fascinating survey of the most critical
period in the formulation of germ theory. Very highly recommended.
Walters, Mark Jerome. Six Modern Plagues and How We Are Causing Them.
Washington, DC: Island Press/Shearwater Books, 2003. A good survey
of modern diseases caused by humans impact on natural environments,
including mad cow disease, AIDS, salmonella DT-104, Lyme disease,
hantavirus, and West Nile virus.
Ward, Peter Douglas, and Donald Brownlee. Rare Earth: Why Complex Life
is Uncommon in the Universe. New York: Copernicus, 2000. Takes the view
that complex alien life forms may actually be scarcer than we think due to
a variety of geological, physical, and biological factors illustrated by the
history of our own planet. Microbial life, however, may be abundant in the
Watkins, Renee Neu. Petrarch and the Black Death: From Fear to
Monuments. Studies in the Renaissance 19 (1972): 196223. A scholarly
study of Petrarchs reaction to the outbreak of Black Death that claimed his
lover Laura and most of his friends, as well as its effects on his writing.
Conveys the despair of the plagues survivors.
Watkins, W. E., and E. Pollitt. Stupidity or Worms: Do Intestinal Worms
Impair Mental Performance? Psychological Bulletin 121, no. 2 (Mar. 1997):
171191. Reviews 80 years of research on the cognitive effects of parasitic
worm infection and concludes that the effect is signicant but that not all
victims recover cognitive performance after treatment.
Westing, Arthur H. The Threat of Biological Warfare. Bioscience 35, no.
10 (November 1985): 627633. A good article for the general reader on the
spread of biological weapons and the possibility of a biological arms race
with the Russians.
Wilcox, Lynne S. Worms and Germs, Drink and Dementia: US Health,
Society, and Policy in the Early 20th Century. Preventing Chronic Disease:
Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy 5, no.4 (October 2008): 112.
Examines hookworm, pellagra, alcoholism, and cholera to show how public
policy is often shaped by social and political forces instead of by logic and
scientic data.
Woese, Carl R., Otto Kandler, and Mark L. Wheelis. Towards a Natural
System of Organisms: Proposal for the Domains Archaea, Bacteria, and
Eucarya. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America 87, no. 12 (Jun. 1990): 45764579. The classic paper in
which Carl Woese formally dened and named the Domain Archaea and
proposed the 3-domain system, one of the most signicant publications in
biodiversity in the last 50 years.
Wolfe, Thomas. Look Homeward Angel. New York: Scribner, 1929. Hailed by
many as the great American novel, Wolfes autobiographical masterpiece
is one of the few works of ction that mentions the u. His sad and eloquent
description of his brother Ben on his deathbed is a scene that was repeated
hundreds of thousands of times across America during the 1918 pandemic.
Wray, Matt. Not Quite White: White Trash and the Boundaries of Whiteness.
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006. A fascinating scholarly study
of the phenomenon of the white trash stereotype, with extensive material
on the role of the hookworm campaign in redening the Southern white
working class.
Wright, Willard H. Charles Wardell Stiles: 18671941. The Journal of
Parasitology 27, no. 3 (June 1941): 195201. A more formal biography of
Stiles with good background on his early research on tapeworms.
Ziegler, Philip. The Black Death. Wolfeboro, NH: Sutton, 1991. A detailed
account of the 14th century pandemic, with an emphasis on England. Well
researched and authoritative but a bit dry.
Zinsser, Hans. Rats, Lice and History. Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press,
1935. The rst great study of epidemic and vector-borne diseases, with an
emphasis on typhus. Especially good for historical plagues.