Congressional Webquest
Congressional Webquest
Congressional Webquest
Review the information contained in this webquest packet. Complete the tasks using the
websites: and There are also opinion questions to answer. We will
discuss your findings in class tomorrow.
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a
Senate and House of Representatives. Constitution, Article I, section 1.
Congressional Leadership
The House
Led by Speaker of the Houseelected by House members
Presides over House
Major role in committee assignments and legislation
Assisted by majority leader and whips
The Senate
Formerly lead by Vice President
Really lead by Majority Leaderchosen by party members
Assisted by whips
Paul D. Ryan
Majority leader
Minority leader
Kevin McCarthy
Nancy Pelosi
There is a significant chance of being reelected if one is an incumbent, and there is a 10%
higher chance that a House incumbent will be reelected rather than a Senate incumbent.
What factors could account for this?
Incumbents have more experience rather than candidates who have never been in Congress,
and it will also incumbents will be able to take action faster since non-incumbents will need
some time to settle in.
See the following table, Standing Committees in the Senate and in the House.
Select one Committee in the Senate and one in the House. Use and to
identify: (1) the chairman of the committee; (2) important issues that the committee is
presently working on.
Use and to identify some of the caucuses. If you were a member of
Congress, which caucuses would you like to be a member of?
Congressional Academic Medicine Caucus
Congressional Caucus on Youth Sports
Motorcycle Caucus
Task Force on Anti-Terrorism and Proliferation Financing
Sustainable Energy and Environmental Coalition
I would like to be part of the rare disease caucus, democratic Israel working group, and
the full employment caucus.
Congressional Staff
- Personal staff: They work for the member, mainly providing constituent service, but help with
legislation too.
- Committee staff: organize hearings, research and write legislation, target of lobbyists
- Staff Agencies: GAO, CBO provide specific information to Congress
GAO-The government accountability office is a government agency that provides auditing, evaluation,
and investigative services for the United States Congress.
CBO-The congressional budget office provides budget and economic information to Congress.
Go to and click on Educators & Students. Go to Legislative Process to confirm the
accuracy of the information in Figure 12.2. Is there any additional information provided?
Also, the Government Printing Office prints the revised bill and in known as enrolling.
The President has ten days to sign or veto the enrolled bill, and if he vetoes it, Congress
can override his veto with enough votes.
Party, Constituency, and Ideology
Party Influence:
- Party leaders cannot force party members to vote a particular way, but many do vote along
party lines
Constituency versus Ideology
- Prime determinant of members vote on most issues is ideology
- On most issues that are not salient, legislators may ignore constituency opinion.
- But on controversial issues, members are wise to heed constituent opinion.
Foreign Relations Committee
Banking Committee
Finance Committee
- Choose three issues (e.g., healthcare, terrorism, education) and find your senators positions on these
Booker: Taking action to address climate change and cleaning up New Jersey communities, biomedical research
and medicare, and to rebuild transportation and infrastructure networks.
Menendez: Making college affordable for all students and expanding early childhood education, fighting against
discrimination and hate crimes, and investing in new transportation infrastructure.