Support Site Manual Completed (2016)
Support Site Manual Completed (2016)
Support Site Manual Completed (2016)
Welcome Page...............................................................................3
Entity Setups............................................................................................. 5
Reps.......................................................................................................... 5-7
Merchants................................................................................................ 8-24
Rate Plans...................................................................................26
ISO Rate Plans....................................................................................... 26-27
Rep Rate Plans........................................................................................... 28
Transaction Summaries.........................................................................31-35
Payment Detail Report............................................................................... 36
Credit or Payment Summary by
Merchant Credit Detail................................................................................ 37
Account Status by Merchant Credit Detail Report......................................38
PIN Return Request Report.........................................................................39
Void TopUp Request
Contact Us/Log Out......................................................................43
Emidas Support Site system is designed to provide at a glance
information to ISOs and their distribution channel down to the
merchant level. This document navigates the user through the site
while providing detailed descriptions of all features, including viewing
and updating customer information and transaction and analysis
Once an ISO has been enabled, the user can sign into the
Support Site using an Emida provided URL and the provided
credentials. Type in the username and password, then click
Login to enter the site.
Welcome Page
Once the user signs on to the Emida Support Site, they first see the
Emida Welcome (home) page.
Across the top of the page the user is given several different options to
choose from, the first of which is Customers. By clicking on this
option, the rest of the chain will appear showing: Agents, SubAgents,
Representatives and Merchants. Click on the contact type desired to
find that specific entity. In the image below, we have chosen
The next few pages will focus on what the user sees after they click on
the entity name link and entity set ups and edits.
Entity Setups
Once the user clicks the entity name link, they will view the Rep
Detail for that specific rep. The image below shows the typical
Rep Detail page. When signing in under the prepaid model, the
user will be given the option to select a credit type of Prepaid
and Apply Payment towards the reps credit line. The image
below shows a typical Rep Detail page when Prepaid is enabled
as the credit type.
Credit Limit
The Credit Limit section allows the user to determine an
amount that is available. If the entity has a credit type of
Unlimited, the Credit Available Field will list the available credit
At the bottom of the Apply Payment section, the user is able to make
the Update (which makes the payment), they can View Credit
History (to show all the payments for the rep) or they can View
Credit Assignment History (to show all payments for their
merchants). Also on the Detail Page, the user can view company
information, address, and contact information, and Time Zone set up
for the entity. To edit rep information, the user must select Edit Rep
Info (see the image on the following page). This allows them to edit
contact information, address, and banking information as well as the
rep Time Zone and the Account Type.
Once the information has been updated, click the Update Rep button.
If the user would like to view their merchants or add a new one, they
would click on the Customers category at the top of the page,
followed by selecting Merchants.
In the Merchant view from the Customer tab, each merchant now
shows a Dashboard icon () next to the View Transactions () icon in
the right side of the row. Below is a snapshot of the Merchant View
page along with the aforementioned Dashboard icon.
The next screen will prompt the user to populate the standard
merchant information, which includes entering contact
information and the Account Type. Each Emida Agent, SubAgent, Rep, and Merchant account is flagged to either Internal (I)
or External (E). The default is External. When creating a new
entity, choosing external or internal as a customer type will be
Note: Internal (I) are OCL owned Emida Accounts and External (E)
that are OCLs customer account.
The banking information also needs to be entered (for Prepaid
Prepaid, banking information doesnt apply; please type in NA in
each field except for ABA/Routing Number where you must type
a single 0), and user names and passwords and permissions for
the Support Site. During initial set up of a Prepaid Prepaid
merchant, the only available credit type is Prepaid which can be
found grayed out in the Terminal Information section. Here the
user can set the Credit Limit. If unsure on the amount, but
would like to continue the set up process, leave the field blank
and the system will automatically enter a default amount of 1
in the credit limit field.
The user also must select the time zone via the Time Zone drop
down. The Time Zone feature allows the user to change the
time zone for any entity (Agent, SubAgent, Rep, and Merchant)
and then see the time zone change on transactions and reports
run at the terminal level (this feature is not compatible with Nurit
and Ingenico terminals). Lastly, determine who should receive
notification regarding this merchant set up and hit Add New
The next screen will prompt you for several different options. To
complete the addition of a new merchant, the user must add a
terminal. Click the Add New Terminal hyperlink (in blue).
The Add Terminal page allows the user to enter in the standard
terminal information. There is also an option to enter a Monthly
Fee for the terminal (if leased to the merchant) and a Monthly
Fee Sales Threshold. For security reasons, the Clerk Name
and Clerk Code are required. Additionally, the user must attach
the appropriate ISO Rate Plan for the merchant (note, rate plan
Once the user clicks a merchants name, they will be taken to the
Merchant Detail page. This page will allow the user to review the
details for that merchant, edit merchant information, or view merchant
notes. In addition to the contact information, the monthly threshold,
and the available credit limit can be managed. The user can also see
the terminals associated with a given location.
Below is a sample of the Merchant Detail page for Prepaid ISOs. The
detail page will appear with the additional Apply Payment section.
Note, once an ISO is enabled with Prepaid, all existing merchants will
be shown with Prepaid as their Credit Limit Type.
To View Merchant Notes, enter the desired time frame and click
Show Report to view the dates and users that have made updates to
the merchants information. Brief descriptions of the updates are also
The Terminal section provides the ability to Edit Clerk Codes (see
image below). Enter a new clerk code and name (optional) and click
Submit to add a new clerk code. Simply check Delete to remove an
existing clerk code.
Going back to the Merchant Detail page and the Terminal section,
click on View under Clerk Report. Enter the time frame desired and
click Show Clerk Report to view the transactions by clerk for a given
The man icon will allow for the user to edit the support site login and
password credentials. Here, users can be added or removed. Note:
Users can be given access to add or edit support site logins, add or
remove clerk codes, view PIN information, view terminal rates, and
enable Top Sellers on their Microbrowser or PC Term 2.0 terminals.
Simply check the appropriate box to do so.
The Support Site Transactions tab is an easy way to view all
transactions during a specified time frame. Enter a start and end date
or a Transaction Id or PIN number as well as select either ALL
merchants or a specific merchant and then click Show Transactions.
The name of the rate plan, the product, the product sku (or id) and the
splits assigned to the down line will appear. If permission is enabled,
the user can view the Hot Products functionality. This gives the user
the option to select the hot products in order (12 products maximum)
for that particular rate plan.
Then, Microbrowser and PC Term 2.0 terminals attached to that rate
plan will show the same hot products (Hot Products functionality is
only available on the Microbrowser POSA terminal and the PC Term 2.0
terminal. Note if the user selects more than 10 Hot Products, only the
first 10 products will appear on a Microbrowser terminal.)
3) You will then see all the entities under that Rate Plan
The image on the following page shows the Reports page from the
Prepaid Prepaid View. The Reports tab can be broken into two
types of reporting: Transactions and Analysis.
Transactions Reporting includes Transaction Summary by Merchant,
Transaction Summary by City, Transaction Summary by Terminal Type,
Collections Report, Non Transaction by Terminal, Credit or Payment
Summary by Merchant or User, Merchant Credit Detail, Account Status
for Merchant Credit Detail, Daily Liability Report, Payment Deposits by
Merchant, and Maximum Sales Limits by Merchant. ISO Reporting
includes ISO actions performed on Rep accounts. Inventory and
Refunds Reporting includes Pin Return Request Report, Pin Inventory
Report, and Pin remaining Inventory Report. (Note: There is also a Void
Top Up Request Report that can be run if permission is enabled. That
report, along with the New Void Top Up Request Tool, will be discussed
in more detail in the Tools section of this Support Guide.)
Analysis Reporting includes a Management Dashboard, Total Volume
(Daily, Weekly, Monthly), the Top 10 (Agents, SubAgents, Reps and
Merchants), Churn Reporting, Merchant Activity Report, Merchant
Notification List, Merchant Detail by Site ID, Recharge Data by Phone
Number and Search Terminals by Serial Number (if permission
The following pages will provide information on each of the
aforementioned report types in detail.
The results will appear in the format below showing the DBA name, the
Address information, Merchant ID, Qty of transactions sold, Recharge
Value, the assigned splits for the down line, the Balance (or total of
product sold against the limit) and the Limit (or Credit Limit) for the
merchant, and lastly the Available amount to sell before the next ACH
Select a date range and the entity (all lower level entities will be
Click on the Total hyperlink (in blue) to drill down and see the
credit or payment activity:
Status by
Credit Detail
This report
shows the
sales and
The user
can view
applied to a
by transaction ID and this relationship is shown via 2 columns:
The generated report will show the case number, date and time of the
request, the business name, site Id, SKU, control number, product
description, amount and the status of the request. From here, the user
is able to view more information by either clicking the case number
and/or the control number (both are blue hyperlinks).
Click here
to view
If the user clicks on the case number hyperlink, they can view the
reason for the request and comments posted (if any) regarding the
return posted by either Emida or the ISO depending on the product
If the user clicks on the control number hyperlink, they can view the
transaction Id, date and time of purchase and credit (if applicable),
business name, site number, clerk code, amount and location.
The Tools category provides options for various types of requests,
including PIN Return Request, New Pin Return Request, Payment
Requests, New Void Top Up Request option (if permission enabled),
Customer Support Portal, Merchant Bulk Import tool, Terminals
Inventory Administration, Notifications, and Account Executives.
When a search is performed, the system will show the user documents
that have
The Help tab provides to the user additional tips and information
regarding the Support Site.
Log Out
Click the Log Out tab to log out of the Support Site.