Happy Holidays!: Administration Cracks Down On Sharing Accounts
Happy Holidays!: Administration Cracks Down On Sharing Accounts
Happy Holidays!: Administration Cracks Down On Sharing Accounts
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Bethesda, MD
December 16, 2009 Walt whitman High school 7100 whittier boulevard Bethesda, maryland 20817 theblackandwhite.net
throughout the county has been difficult,
said building MCEA representative Jenny
Students stroll among the outdoor lights at the Mormon Temple on a recent winter evening. Higgins, a guidance counselor. Students
have different issues with attendance.
Decade in review
Happy Holidays!
At some schools, students fail to turn in
notes excusing an absence, while at other
schools, students skip to gain an academic
With holiday lights sparkling on trees and bushes across Bethesda, holiday “The problems that face some students
cheer abounds. Students are partaking in all kinds of seasonal activities from in our county regarding attendance may
performances to charitable events to family celebrations. Check out page 14 for a not be issues students at Whitman can
new take on a gift guide and then head over to page 15 for some holiday recipes relate to,” Higgins said. “We need an
LC policy comprehensive enough for the
that you probably haven’t tasted before.
entire county.”
Statistics show that a disproportionate
Administration cracks
number of Latino students, impoverished
students and special ed students lose
A lot of time credit as a result of the current policy.
knowing that I can the accounts of any students he catches it places the burden of monitoring
bring that out in Using a friend’s computer account to sharing accounts for a week and requires attendance on teachers, who must
them. type an e-mail or print a paper is no longer them to serve one detention. generate warning letters for students
a negligible offense. Within the first While Thomas always used to send with three unexcused absences and follow
-Steve Sutherland three months of school, IT specialist Greg teachers e-mails with the names and ID through with loss of credit after they have
LFI teacher Thomas suspended approximately 65 numbers of students with suspended
five. Most union members agree that if
student network accounts as punishment accounts, he now includes the students’ the burden of disciplinary action isn’t
for sharing. school picture. placed on the teacher, they would support
New software like SynchronEyes “Because there were a large number of changing the LC policy, Prouty said.
Meet the Whitman Idols! allows staff members in computer labs to students sharing accounts, we realized it The Loss of Credit Project Team, an
see a small picture of a student’s computer would be impossible for teachers to glance MCPS work group, is addressing these
screen and the account each computer is at a list of names and realize if any of them concerns. Their proposed policy revision
logged into. This feature makes it easy were their students,” he said. includes consequences for skipping class,
to identify whether two computers are Students say that the repercussions ranging from a teacher conference to a
logged onto the same account. for account sharing are too severe. Some detention. Under the proposal, students
can be denied the opportunity to make up
see ACCOUNTS page 3 missed work at the teacher’s discretion.
Teachers must base their decisions on
UMD defying
trend, capping
out-of-state admits
Crazy lines on Bradley cause
In-state students to continue to
confusion, concern among drivers make up 70 percent of student body
By Stephanie Haven said they find the skihawkedy lines humorous, By Nikhil Gupta
while other residents protest that they could be
People driving down a repaved Bradley hazardous. University of Maryland Director of Undergraduate
Boulevard may be relieved by the absence of “It looks like a small child squiggling in a Admissions Shannon Gundy has vowed to keep out-of-
construction workers and traffic. But there’s still coloring book, learning how to use crayons for the state student enrollment capped at 30 percent, against
one remaining problem: squiggly traffic lines. first time,” sophomore Naomi Stoll said. “Especially the growing trend of state schools increasing out-of-state
Something that vaguely resembles the classic in an area with so many teenage drivers, the state enrollment in an effort to raise tuition revenue.
double yellow lines twist and turn along Bradley has a responsibility to fix the lines before we have State colleges have always charged higher tuition
Blvd right before Fernwood Road, confusing and any deadly accidents.” for out-of-state students than in-state students, but the
amusing drivers. Some more experienced drivers said they felt gap has recently grown larger. Penn State, for example,
But don’t worry; the twisting lines aren’t the lines were more humorous than dangerous. charges $13,604 for state residents but over $25,000 for
permanent. “We almost pay more attention to the lines now students who live outside of Pennsylvania, according to
Construction workers typically don’t apply than we did before just to see where the lines will the Princeton Review.
temporary tape with as much care as when they weave, but, it’s just a cosmetic thing,” parent Jeffery The percentage of out-of-state students on college
apply permanent paint, said Kellie Boulware, State Trauberman said. “It didn’t look significant enough campuses has increased steadily over the last two
Highway Administration spokesperson. It’s possible to affect safety.” years. Since 2007, out-of-state student enrollment
that the lines either didn’t stick to the road properly Construction workers will fix the caddywompus has increased three percent at the College of William
or that a malfunction with the machine created air lines by the end of 2009 when they finish resurfacing and Mary, six percent at the University of Washington
between the road and the tape which caused the Bradley Blvd. and University of Iowa and nine percent at Penn State,
lines to move from their original position. “The lines you see now are only there as a according to the Washington Post.
“It can be tricky sometimes,” media spokesperson marker so that people are more familiar with the While this new admissions trend may be unfair to
Kim Frum said. “[The tape] may have shifted.” paint,” she said. “It’s not something that will be in-state students, senior Noah Gavil can sympathize
The lines have turned into more of a joke than a there long term.” with the colleges.
guide for where to drive on the road. Many travelers “They’ve got to do what they’ve got to do to uphold
a certain level of education,” he said. “Sometimes that
photo by JENNY BALDWIN means bringing in the students that will provide the
largest amount of revenue.”
While most state colleges have followed this general
trend, the University of Maryland is one of the few that
Neighbors campaign for stoplight at River has vowed to maintain consistent in-state acceptance
rates. Despite the recession, the University’s Board of
and Braeburn intersection, cite accidents Regents has upheld its mandate that at least 70 percent
of the student body each year be Maryland residents.
Gundy explained that the school is making both staff
By James Dionne improved,” Boltuck said. and program cuts in light of declining funds, but that it
Boltuck has been involved in attempts to install won’t compromise in-state enrollment.
Students have struggled to drive across River Road a traffic light for two years. One of his most pressing “I can understand where other universities are
and turn into the back entrance of the school during concerns is the high number of student drivers crossing coming from,” she said. “It’s a quick source of revenue.
rush hour for years. Residents of the Bannockburn the intersection on their way to school. But as a state institution, you have to remember where
neighborhood have campaigned to install a traffic light “There are numerous student drivers because it’s your priorities lie. Our priority is not to generate the most
at the intersection of Braeburn Pkwy and River Rd. for near Whitman’s back entrance,” he said. “It’s too much revenue; our main responsibility is to serve the residents
15 years. to expect perfect judgment from everyone.” of the state of Maryland.”
The Maryland State Highway Administration has Junior Ned Daryoush fell victim to the dangers of
repeatedly denied requests for a light at the intersection. the intersection earlier this year, totaling his car crossing
IT personnel
After a petition and numerous complaints, the SHA the intersection.
conducted a traffic analysis in March, 2008 and found “I would be so happy if they installed a light there,”
that the installation of a light isn’t warranted. he said. “It would make my—as well as many other
However, former Whitman parent Richard Boltuck kids’—commute to school a whole lot easier. Right now
said the study was faulty. In an e-mail to Whitnet Nov.
15, he claimed that several accidents that occurred at the
intersection were left out of the final report.
there’s a huge problem with that intersection because
there’s so much chaos.”
Parent Debbie Flack thinks that the light could be a
suspend accounts
A variety of factors—ranging from locations of nearby
traffic signals to intersection design— affect the SHA’s
decision to install a light , said Charlie Gischlar of the
traffic hazard.
“I’m worried about it,” she said. “It would make River
very stop and go, especially because it’s a main artery.”
after students share
SHA Office of Communications.
Because of the SHA traffic analysis, the intersection
will remain without a light. But proponents say they will
But Educational Facilities Officer Arnold Aubrey
thinks that a light would be beneficial, and wouldn’t
cause traffic problems.
continue to advocate for one. “A light could be timed so there wouldn’t be a large
“It has been a community consensus for over a build-up,” he said. “I don’t think it would be that much
decade that the safety of the intersection must be of a problem.”
New district divisions As second semester approaches and the days get
colder, students will do just about anything to hold onto
would redirect the a glimmer of summer.
But don’t rely on tanning salons to maintain that
few students who go summer glow this holiday season; multiple Maryland
counties have recently banned tanning beds for minors
to Pyle from Bethesda or are in the process of doing so.
Howard County’s Nov. 10 restriction on tanning beds
is the first ban of its kind in the nation.
By Sahil Ansari “Teenagers are much more likely to burn with indoor
tanning,” Howard County board of Health officer Dr.
Some Bethesda Elementary Peter Bielenson said in a Baltimore TV interview. “And
students may have to transfer to burns, particularly at a young age, are clearly correlated
Bradley Hills Elementary in the near with developing melanoma and other skin cancers later
future as a result of an upcoming in life.”
examination of MCPS boundary Because this type of ban has been relatively unheard
lines. New district divisions may of, pediatricians and other health officials are pleasantly
force some students who live in the surprised.
Bethesda Elementary district to graphic by SHIN DUK SEO
“[Tanning beds] are dangerous,” says Hillary
transfer to Bradley Hills Elementary Deutsch, a pediatrician at Bethesda Pediatrics. “They
as a result of overcrowding. perpetuate the idea that having darker skin is what’s
Currently, the majority of Some students may have to transfer from Bethesda Elementary to Bradley Hills, due cool, and a lot of teenagers don’t look down the road at
students who attend Bethesda to new district divisions. Shown above is the area subject to boundary review on the terrible effects tanning will have on their skin.”
Elementary go to Westland Middle Dec. 15 when parent representatives from the two schools will meet to discuss the Adrienne Mac, an employee at Hollywood Tans in
School and then Bethesda Chevy- matter. Bethesda disagrees with Deutsch and is appalled by
Chase High School. Only a small the ban.
number of students who live in the One benefit of the proposed among the PTA. “I t ’ s r e a l l y b l o w n o u t o f p r o p o r t i o n , ” h e
westernmost segment of the district change is an easier transition to Some parents are concerned that says. “Tanning doesn’t do anything wrong
attend Pyle and then Whitman. Pyle for some students. A few of the the change may only affect students for you. All that UV stuff really isn’t a big deal. I
On Dec. 15, parent representatives Bethesda Elementary graduates, who who have not yet begun elementary go tanning all the time and I don’t have cancer.”
from Bethesda Elementary and attended Pyle instead of Westland, school, which could split families In fact, tanning beds expose tanners to much stronger
Bradley Hills Elementary will meet about 20 out of 400, found that the up among different schools, Brown UV rays than the sun does. The American Cancer society
to discuss possible transfers, which transition was difficult when most said. says that no one under 18 should be exposed to those
will alleviate the problems posed by of their peers went to a different Chiyo Kobayashi, the mother of levels of UV rays.
large class sizes. They will then send a middle school. three children who attended Bethesda Junior Catherine Block occasionally spray tans
report to Superintendent Jerry Weast “It would have been nice to have Elementary then Pyle, will have her or goes to tanning beds for special events and thinks
in February and reconvene to further known the Bradley Hills kids earlier son starting elementary school next Howard County’s new ban is unnecessary.
discuss new boundaries in March, because it was harder to break into year. She says she wouldn’t mind if “If minors’ parents let them tan they should be
according to Bruce Crispell, MCPS groups of friends,” junior Leo Doran he attended Bradley Hills instead of allowed to,” she says. “And I don’t think teenagers even
director of long-range planning. said. “This way you would be going Bethesda Elementary, even though need parental consent. You don’t ask your parents if
“It’s a very long process with in with a familiar group of people the latter is in walking distance from you can go out in the sun, so why ask them if it’s okay
a lot of community involvement,” instead of going to a completely her house. to go tanning?”
Crispell said. new school where you don’t know “I’ve heard Bradley Hills is Although Block disagrees with the ban, she still
If the parent representatives and anybody.” excellent, and my three kids say BE acknowledges how dangerous tanning can be.
Weast agree on a change, students Bethesda Elementary PTA is fantastic,” Kobayashi said. “Both “Just from my experience with tanning beds my skin
affected would begin attending president Patricia Brown said that are great schools.” is already slightly damaged,” she says. “My friends who
Bradley Hills Elementary in 2013. at this point there is no consensus go tanning have white spots all over their bodies.”
december 16, 2009 news 5
6 opinion december 16, 2009
facing new struggles, the media has emphasized only together to create the Ohio News Organization. They
the complications, while pushing aside the positives of share most types of news but independently work on
the situation.
The bottom line is that a large group of readers
American society must take investigative and enterprise reporting.
By sharing the straightforward news stories, these
still embrace newspapers. According to the Columbia some collective responsibility for newspapers have more staff to work on the in-depth
Journalism Review, 48.6 million people in the U.S.
bought newspapers every day last year. Although the
supporting independent news pieces that distinguish each individual publication.
Investigative pieces are part of the reason people still
number was higher three years ago, the losses aren’t as reporting in this new environment. buy papers when online offers so much info for free.
monumental as some might think. The peak population
that reads newspapers every day was 62 million in
-Leonard Downie While newspapers try new tactics to maintain a high
standard of reporting with less revenue and a smaller
1990, but that was at a time when the Internet wasn’t The Reconstruction of American staff, Downie and Schedson suggest, “American society
an integral part of our daily life. It has been dropping Journalism must take some collective responsibility for supporting
since then, but the numbers are still large enough to independent news reporting in this new environment.”
keep many papers alive. Americans have already come together to save public
For some reason, whether it be the high quality of information? Most readers still think that we shouldn’t programs such as health care, scientific research, and
reporting found in newspapers or the nostalgic feeling have to find that answer out on our own. education, and newspapers should be given the same
of a paper in your hands, newspapers are not going Large newspapers are vital to the preservation attention.
away any time soon. Although ad revenues may be of accurate and truthful reporting because of their Instead of seeing the future of journalism as a
down, the Audit Bureau of Circulations found that the standards. You don’t see websites and bloggers held to dying business, see it as a challenge. Many publications
Wall Street Journal, one of the largest papers in the a set of strict rules that dictate the way they go about are now stepping up to the plate, thinking of unique
country, is gaining readers and has already increased their jobs; readers have no guarantee that the content answers to these problems. And although 48.6 million
circulation by 0.6 percent. The New York Times Co. also they produce is accurate. In a 2009 survey by the Pew Americans still actively read newspapers, there is still
reported that in the third quarter, “circulation revenues Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, work to do. The real question is, are you willing to roll
rose 6.7 percent, mainly because of higher subscription 45 percent of respondents thought that the Internet was with the changes to preserve our publications? Students
and newsstand prices at The New York Times and The changing the fundamental values of journalism and should keep subscribing not only to the B&W, but talk
Boston Globe.” loosening standards. to their parents about keeping subscriptions to national
In an editorial in the Nov. 1 issue of the Washington Leonard Downie, former executive editor of the newspapers at home. If anyone is going to help papers
Post, columnist Kathleen Parker introduces Alex Jones, Washington Post, and Michael Schedson, professor of stay afloat, it is the younger readers.
a Pulitzer Prize-winning media critic and author of communication at Columbia, wrote a study titled “The Don’t look at the problems facing newspapers as a
“Losing the News.” Jones believes that although the Reconstruction of American Journalism.” They write reason to complain, but a reason to come together and
journalism business is most certainly changing, the that the backbone of American journalism seems to be ensure the survival of one of the most important outlets
shift is bringing out the best in a considerable number the local newspapers situated in smaller cities and towns. of freedom of speech in our country.
8 opinion december 16, 2009
Ben Wolcott (‘09), left, is spending a gap year in Israel with Workshop, the socialist and
progressive labor Zionist youth movement Habonim Dror runs.
Last year’s managing editor, Ben of us played in a Quidditch tournament
Wolcott (‘09), opted to do a gap year a few weeks back. We basically just ran
in Israel instead of going directly to around and yelled at each other as a few
Swarthmore College. people, the “bludgers,” tackled whoever
$-"44 )0634
$-"44 )0634
10 photo December 16, 2009
1. 3.
2. 4.
time you’re tempted to scrawl a not-so-delicate word in a bathroom stall or
write a cute reminder for your peers to wipe their nether regions, take a cue
from these street artists who have made the city their canvas—legally.
December 16, 2009 in-depth 11
Jan. 1, 2000:
2002 2004
Start of the new Feb. 1, 2004:
millennium. People
speculate that the new Oct. 7, 2001: Space Shuttle Columbia
millennium will cause disintegrates upon reentry
computers to malfunction, due U.S. goes to war in into the atmosphere, killing
to numbers rolling over from Afghanistan. The United all seven crew members in the
the two-digit symbol for 1999, States launches Operation Jan. 8, 2002: worst accident of its kind since
“…99,” to “00,” for 2000, but Enduring Freedom in response the 1986 Challenger accident.
no widespread errors seem to to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist The No Child Left Behind
Act is signed into law by Aug. 2003:
occur. attacks and in an effort to find
Al-Qaeda. George W. Bush. The act
requires states to develop After a computer
standardized assessments malfunction results in the May 2004:
evaluating basic skills in order “Northeast Blackout.”
to receive federal funding. The blackout affects 45 The Lance Armstrong Foundation
million people in cities from sells Livestrong bracelets to
Baltimore to Ottawa. raise money for cancer research.
Nov. 2000:
These bracelets become a huge
Boys Soccer wins State trend among teenagers and adults.
Sept. 18, 2001: June 2003:
championships for the
seventh time since 1979. Letters containing Martha Stewart May 2004:
anthrax are mailed from is indicted for insider
Princeton, NJ to several Oct. 2002: trading and lying to Cicada invasion begins and
senators, ABC News, CBS News, investigators. She lasts the entire summer. Some
NBC News, the New York Post, The sniper attacks kill 10 serves five months students get their protein by
and the National Enquirer. people and critically injure in jail. daring each other to eat the
three over a three-week period. insects. At the end of the
Area schools go into code blue summer, the cicadas
alert, keeping students inside at depart for 17
recess. years.
Nov. 2000:
Nov. 2002:
20, 2003:
War in
Iraq begins
after Bush
Jan. 28, 2001: administration
The Baltimore suspects
Ravens defeat the New weapons of mass
York Giants 34–7 in Super destruction.
Bowl XXXV to win their
first ever championship
2001 2003
epth december 16, 2009 13
2006 2008
Aug. 2005:
July 21, 2007: Olympics
begin in
J.K Rowling releases Beijing. Michael
the seventh and final Phelps becomes
installment of the Harry an American hero
Potter Series, “Harry when he wins a total of
Potter and the eight gold medals, the
Deathly Hallows.” most of any Olympian
Fans everywhere line in history. His image
up at bookstores for the as a role model is later
midnight release. tarnished after tabloids
print photos of Phelps
smoking marijuana.
By Julia Weingardt
Holiday gift shopping can be tough. Whether it’s for the friend who has everything or for the parent who “wants nothing but your love,” there’s always someone
for whom you just don’t know what to buy. There’s no reason to bring out the gift cards and baked goods—we’ve compiled the best gifts that are sure to be attention
“L ast year I went to Hawaii “O n Christmas Eve “M y brothers “O n Christmas Eve we eat “M y family is Jewish,
over winter break. On Christmas everybody gets rice pudding, and I built Lego chocolate fondue with all my family so on Christmas day we go to
I spent my time at the beach and and in one of the bowls creatures and hid them and we open the presents at midnight. the movies and then we get
going scuba diving.” of pudding there’ll be an in the middle of the We also eat vitelle tone, which is a Chinese food.”
almond. Whoever gets the Christmas tree.” typical Argentina food. We all wear
almond gets a marzipan pig; Santa Claus hats and play with sparkle
it’s a Scandinavian thing.” firework sticks.”
December 16, 2009 Feature 15
Recipes Ingredients:
7 large granny sm
. . . for even the it
6 tablespoons unsa h apples
¼ cup packed bro ed butter, softened
Scrooge-iest baker w
1/3 cup chopped n sugar
1/3 cup pecans, to ed cranberries
3 tablespoons old sted and coarsely chopped
1 teaspoon grated shioned rolled oats
by sarah craig and megan dwyer
½ teaspoon groun nge zest
d cinnamon
pinch of salt
1/3 good quality
1/3 plus 2 tablespoo aple syrup
of applesauce and s apple cider (or combination
orange juice)
goat cheese tarts Melt remaining tablespoon butter in 12-inch cast iron skillet over medium heat. Once
foaming subsides, add apples, stem-side down, and cook until cut surface is golden
brown, about 3 minutes.
Flip apples, reduce heat to low, and spoon filling inside, mounding excess filling over
1 package frozen puff pastry, thawed cavities; top with reserved apple caps. Add maple syrup and 1/3 cup cider to skillet.
1 tablespoon flour Transfer skillet to oven, and bake until skewer inserted into apples meets little re-
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil sistance, 35 to 40 minutes, basting every 10 minutes with maple syrup mixture in
2 large purple Vidalia onions skillet.
1 red bell pepper Adapted from a recipe in “Cooks Illustrated”
better scores.
better choices.
PrepMatters. individual test preparation
& educational counseling
King named
‘High School
Hero’ for
Awareness month
continued from page 1
“Tim is one of the most determined individuals I
have ever met,” she says. “He just doesn’t know the
meaning of giving up.”
Mathis to take students on trip to Uganda
King’s family first realized there was an issue
the summer before he turned nine, when he started By Emily Aronson
experiencing intense bouts of fatigue. King’s parents Soviet Union and England.
took him to a local clinic, where he tested positive In order to teach the adults and children in the
for the disease. Trekking through the desert, taking bucket showers village about technology, Whitman students will bring
“Looking back now, all I remember is waking and living without electricity in a Ugandan village for 20 15 laptops donated by Discovery Communications in
up and having a Broviac catheter in my chest and days may not seem like the ideal way to spend summer Silver Spring to the village. The students will participate
knowing it’s been there a while,” King writes on the break for most students. But from July 25 to Aug.12 this in workshops at the beginning of the trip to learn how to
LLS website. “I’ve heard people’s memory can shut summer, a dozen students and history resource teacher teach computer skills to the people in the village.
down to prevent additional trauma, and I suppose Bob Mathis will volunteer in eastern Uganda through the “I’m looking forward to seeing how our students
that’s what happened.” Women’s Microfinance Initiative. Montana Stevenson relate and act while providing the service that they’re
After treatment, King found himself in and out
of the hospital for complications from medication, (’06) and Laura Van Oudenaren (’06), seniors at UVA going to do,” Mathis says.
including a blood clot and a temporary case of and Davidson respectively, will also accompany them. Nietert says that a special bond forms when teenagers,
diabetes, but he was in remission. WMI is a non-profit organization founded by Robyn rather than adults, counsel their younger peers.
When King turned 13, the bouts of fatigue came Nietert and Betsy Gordon, both former “The children just respond so
back, and testing revealed that the cancer came Whitman mothers, that provides positively to young adults,” she
back. When chemotherapy failed, the Kings opted micro-loans to impoverished women says. “I think that that teenage
for a bone marrow transplant. Blood test showed in Uganda so they can start their own connection to teaching children
that King’s older brother, junior J.T., was a perfect businesses. The student volunteers how to use computers is going to be
match. He would be the donor. will set up an Internet café in the magnificent.”
J.T. says it was worth it when he woke up in newly-constructed village meeting Some of the other community
the hospital and heard that the surgery had been a
success. hall of Buyobo, a rural village service activities that Whitman
“I was relieved that it worked and very hopeful 150 miles from Uganda’s capital, students will participate in include
that my brother could lead a normal life, that he Kampala. volunteering at a local elementary
might finally be cancer-free after all he’s been Nietert and Gordon have traveled school, planting fruit trees in Kabale
through,” J.T. says. to Buyobo with WMI, but this is the and helping at a Kabale sports clinic.
Since then, Tim says his classmates have been first time that the Initiative will bring Students will also get the chance to
supportive and compassionate about his condition. a group of high school students on experience African culture through
“I’ve had a lot of people say ‘I’m sorry you’re the trip. activities like bead-making, dancing
feeling bad,’ or ‘Get well soon,’ and that’s always “It was amazing to me the and drumming.
nice,” he says. way the children in the villages The itinerary also includes visits
Tim has not always taken part in the fundraiser
in the past. reacted to young adults being in to the Bwindi Impenetrable National
“Last year I wasn’t very involved in Pennies for the community,” Nietert says about Park, one of the few existing homes of
Patients,” he says, “but seeing a lot of people getting taking her own daughters, one of photos courtesy WMI
endangered gorillas, the Chimpanzee
excited and donating money, not just to me but to them Stevenson, to the village in Sanctuary and Wildlife Conservation
leukemia patients in general – that gave me a good January of 2008. Trust on Ngamba Island and a
feeling.” Mathis says he looks forward to the unique experience rafting trip on the Nile. To experience the more modern
As he became more involved, Tim worked hard and the chance to give back to the community. part of the country, students will meet with a government
to raise awareness not only at Whitman but at other “The main goal is to expose students to another official and visit a local NGO in Kampala.
area schools. way of life, another culture, and also to have a service Mathis expects that Stevenson and Van Oudenaren
“So far 15 [schools] have joined us to host the exchange,” he says. will take a leadership role on the trip. They both traveled
High School Challenge this February in Tim’s honor,”
Walker says. “They are rallying around a teen just Because over 30 students have expressed interest with Mathis to the Three Affiliated Tribes Reservation in
like them, but who has experienced more than most in the trip, Mathis hasn’t yet determined who will North Dakota while in high school, which they say first
of them ever will.” go. Seniority will most likely be the determining interested them in helping underprivileged areas.
Walker commends the High School Challenge factor, Mathis says, and though there aren’t specific Nietert hopes that students see how much of a
for the role it plays in raising awareness about the prerequisites, he prefers students who have taken difference a small amount of effort can make in peoples’
prevalence of blood cancers. World History. To prepare for the trip, Mathis will lives, and that the trip will spark students’ interests in
“The more students that know about Tim’s story most likely assign readings about Uganda’s history and global events and advocating change. She’s excited that
and get involved in helping him and others like him, government. the Whitman community has expressed so much interest
the better,” she says. “I’ve never taken students to a third world village,” in helping people all over the planet.
he says, though he notes that he has personally travelled “Whitman’s just kicking butt in global engagement,”
in developing areas and has taken students to the former she says.
“Some people tend to use it in schools.
a way to embarrass somebody, but One Nov. 18 “tweet” read, “Board phone throughout the day for updates
very rarely does that happen,” of Education to decide on facilities, on celebrities and friends that I
It’s like instantaneous Mahdesian says. “I don’t read boundaries and capital improvements follow,” Backenstoe said. “It’s great
those emails.” tomorrow night at 7 p.m.” The next that I can check for school news at
yellow pages. Unlike those neighborhood day’s post read, “The thrill of the the same time.”
-Natalie Mahdesian gossips who cornered residents
in the past, list servs let residents
Whitman parent decide if they want to be
“You have the option of
just deleting them,” Mahdesian
december 16, 2009 Arts 21
The Whitman Idols sound-off before their Jan. 27 performance. “I mainly want to have a good
“I hope that it will be a lot of “It’s a great way to get time. I don’t expect to win or
fun for those in it and those involved with music aside anything; I just want to see
watching” from the plays” other people’s talents”
- Senior Ellen Hoffman - Freshman Emma Keltetas - Sophomore Samantha Thurber
‘Leggo my Eggo!’
His 2007 hit, “Nike Boots,” which includes a
shout-out to Montgomery County, not only helped
boost Wale’s fame, but made Nike boots, officially
named Nike Air Max Goadomes, a trademark of D.C.
By Hailey Siller XO acknowledges Wale’s success, but takes note
to differentiate himself, saying that he’s going to
Imagine a world without waffles. Many would say continue what he’s been doing.
that that’s no world at all. “I hope his album does well, but I’m in my own
Unfortunately, Mother Nature doesn’t understand lane,” he says.
the concept of “Leggo My Eggo.” Kellogg’s Eggo waffle graphic by ELENA TOUMAYAN
XO started his rapping career in his teens by
bakery in Atlanta has flooded due to extreme weather participating in open mics and earning respect in
conditions this past fall, in addition to existing equipment experienced such very poor weather conditions affecting freestyle circles, known as ciphers, in the U-street
failures at their largest bakery in Tennessee. our harvest,” says Roz Ohearn, the Marketing and area around 1997.
Widespread response to this news has been nothing Communications Director of Nestle Prepared Foods XO plans to release his sophomore LP, “1-1-
short of outrage. Company. 10,” on the same date as the album title, which will
“There’s an Eggo Waffle shortage?!” freshmen He says tractors and other harvesting equipment be available for download on his label’s website,
Moriah Heaney exclaims. “I might not be able to make were unable to move through the fields and prepare studio43.com.
it through this week!” them for harvest, meaning that this year, some had to go Wale and XO have very different sounds, but both
What many students rely on to start their day right without the sole reason for celebrating Thanksgiving– are reflective of D.C. and offer different styles to the
has gone so, so wrong. But, rest assured, the product pumpkin pie. same genre.
will be available sometime before we’re dead. As a result of the shortage, Libby’s managers have “My sound is all over the place-soul influences,
“The Eggo team is working around the clock to decided to not ship anymore pumpkin pie mix and go-go influences, as well as more organic hip-hop,”
bring everyone’s favorite waffles back to store shelves as canned pumpkin products until 2010, when hopefully Wale says.
quickly as possible,” according to the Kellogg website. Mother Nature will take pity on the pumpkin-lovers of XO heavily emphasizes meaningful lyrics,
The team better get on it or they may have more than the world. something that is becoming more of an underground,
a few upset teens on their hands. “We hope she’s better to us next season, giving us a art as opposed to rapping about clothes and going
“Every day when I get home I find myself craving little less rain and a lot more sunshine, because we are to clubs.
some sort of delicious treat,” sophomore Ari Kapner already planning to plant even more acres of pumpkins,” “Thought-provoking lyrics come with thought-
says. “Usually what I’m searching for are frozen Eggo Libby’s staff says in an apology posted on their website. provoking topics,” XO says. “So it’s the message the
waffles!” “This way everyone can enjoy as many delicious pumpkin machine wants to push, not the music.”
According to National Public Radio, waffles are still dishes as they want!” When asked what comes to mind when they think
being produced at bakeries in San Jose, CA and Blue Without the trusty golden goodness of Kellogg’s about hip-hop, XO and Wale seem to agree on what
Anchor, NJ. Eggo waffles or Libby’s perfect pumpkin pies to snack hip-hop should be.
Angry Eggo fans will not be alone during this on, some students are not sure how they will make do “I think about expression, the capabilities of a
holiday season. Due to heavy rains in the Morton, IL with significantly less delectable alternatives. message through hip-hop,” XO says.
area, Nestle’s Libby’s pumpkins were not able to be “I am absolutely heartbroken,” junior Hannah “I think of heads nodding to the beat and poetry
harvested. Nowack says. “I will not be able to function without my – expressing yourself,” Wale says.
“This is the first time in decades that we have daily Eggo chocolate chip waffle before school!”
december 16, 2009 arts 23
2000: All That You Can’t Leave Behind by U2 2005: Late Registration by Kanye West
It really was a beautiful day when U2 released All That After a slew of unimaginative lyrics and dry albums, the
You Can’t Leave Behind. After years of experimentation with rap scene seemed to be falling into a slump. But Kanye’s Late
different genres like electronic, U2 found its niche on the Registration redeemed rap with instant hits like “Gold Digger”
airwaves with pop. Led by strong singles “Beautiful Day” and and “Hey Mama.” The album was a triumph in versatility,
“Elevation,” the album was able to accomplish one of the most showing off Kanye’s wit and political savvy while also revealing
difficult tasks in the music business: pleasing the critics, the his sensitive side.
old fans and the new fans simultaneously.
2001: Love and Theft by Bob Dylan 2006: Continuum by John Mayer
Never before had the music scene seen so many genres It’s no secret that John Mayer had (okay, still has) a bit of an
packed into one album than on Bob Dylan’s Love and Theft. ego problem, but with the release of Continuum, he at least had
After a decade passed without him producing a new song, something to back it up. By intelligently fusing blues, R&B and
Dylan released Love and Theft as his comeback album. Not pop, Mayer produced an album that validated his reputation
only did he exceed expectations, but he did it while using for being a thoughtful, gifted musician, and proved him to be
less popular styles like folk and blue-grass (impressive) more than just a pretty face for girls to swoon over.
and singing about Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum (super
impressive). 2007: Kala by M.I.A.
For M.I.A.’s Kala, the term “sophomore slump” didn’t
2002: Sea Change by Beck apply. The Sri Lankan rapper brought back the infectious,
Considering that Beck wrote Sea Change after breaking chaotic beats from her successful debut album that have
up with his longtime girlfriend, it could have easily turned become her signature, and the results are surprisingly fresh,
into a mopey, self-absorbed mess. But though Beck crooned giving fans even more to satisfy their appetites for the neon-
mostly in monotone, the acoustic guitar and soft vocals created wearing rapper’s electronic beats and cheeky lyrics.
a bleakly beautiful album.
2004: American Idiot by Green Day 2009: Merriweather Post Pavilion by Animal
On American Idiot, Green Day produced something that Collective
isn’t ordinarily seen on an album but nevertheless proved This year, Animal Collective created an album some
effective: a story line that smoothly connects all the songs. might interpret as weird and difficult to understand. But in
Plus, the album covered the country’s political failures during contrast to the sea of pop and dance albums released this
the George W. Bush era, and who doesn’t like to bash (or listen year, Merriweather Post Pavilion was innovative. By fusing
to people bash) the president who brought us No Child Left psychedelic sounds, bursts of noise, whining vocals and a
Behind and the Iraq War. variety of instruments and textures, the band invented a
distinctive style that couldn’t be placed in any specific genre.
24 Arts december 16, 2009
● News: Art school forum draws students from all over county
● Life: Gifts for tech-lovers
● Opinion: Facebook shouldn’t affect college decisions
● Arts: “Glee” mania sings its way into students hearts
● Blogs: Christmas in October? No thanks