Work File: Origins - of - Shia PDF
Work File: Origins - of - Shia PDF
Work File: Origins - of - Shia PDF
1. Origins of Shia’a
Islam is a deen that passed through 124,000 Prophets, it came bit by bit. Imagine a jigsaw.
Each Prophet brought a piece of the puzzle, starting with Hadhrath Adam (as) until the final
piece of the puzzle came in to the hand of Hadhrath Muhammad (saws). This role of
Prophethood was explained beautifully by the Prophet (saws) himself:
"My relation to the long chain of Prophets can be understood by the parable of a
Palace. The Palace was most beautifully built. Everything was complete therein
except the place for one brick. I have filled in that place and now the Palace has
been completed".
Towards understanding Islam by Sayyid Abu'l Ala Maudoodi, page 49 Editors footnote quoting
Sahih Bukhari and Muslim (Islamic Foundation publishers)
The completion of the Palace symbolizes the completion of Allah's deen, Islam. Whilst there is
no doubting that Hadhrath Muhammad (s) is the final messenger, was there still not a risk of
individuals seeking to unlawfully enter the Palace, occupy it, rearrange its fabric or worse still,
attack its foundations?
If we have learnt anything from past peoples, it is that whilst every Prophet brought a brick
towards the building of the Palace, after their deaths their teachings were corrupted, many had
became unrecognizable. It is therefore little surprise that the Prophet (s) warned his
companions that his adherents would follow the way of previous nations, so much so "that
even if they entered a hole of a mastigure (lizard), you would follow them”. When
Hadhrath Muhammad (s) was the Last Messenger, is not logical that Allah (swt) in his infinite
wisdom would appoint guardians to the Palace to ensure that his deen is protected from
Sahih al Bukhari Arabic-English, Volume 9 hadith number 422
Some people assert that this guardianship has been provided for via the Qur'an, this clearly is
not the case, there is no standard commentary of the Qur'an, that all Muslims accept. Islam is
divided into many Sects, all of which purport to rely on the Qur'an, they present differing
interpretations of verses, based upon theological schools of affiliation. The Qur'an is helpless on
it's own as it is a silent Book, it cannot physically guide. Its words of wisdom will only go as far
as beacons of guidance without a living Guide. To bring them alive in the hearts of the
believers, it is dependent on a teacher, a correct interpreter.
During the lifetime of the companions, the Holy Prophet (s) was the Practical Guide to the inner
and outer meanings of the Qur'an. With his death, did this type of guidance end? Clearly the
need for guidance would have been much more necessary for future generations that had
never benefited from the Prophet (s)'s company. Some people assert that the companions
fulfilled this role of guidance. This contention is not supported by hadith, for the Prophet (s)
had warned the companions not to become kaffirs by killing each other.
Sahih al Bukhari Arabic-English, Volume 9 hadith number 198 - 200
He (s) also said that afflictions would fall on to their homes in the same way that rain drops
fall(1) and that some would become apostates after him(2) with the majority perishing in the
1. Sahih al Bukhari Arabic-English, Volume 9 hadith number 182
2. Sahih al Bukhari Arabic-English, Volume 8 hadith number 586
3. Sahih al Bukhari Arabic-English, Volume 8 hadith number 587
In the same way that a Doctor after identifying a condition prescribes medication for his
patient, the Prophet (s) had likewise told the companions where they should turn to for
guidance. During his farewell sermon at Arafat he (s) declared "I am leaving you two
weighty things, if you follow them you will never go astray, they are the Qur'an and
my Ahlul'bayt".
The sermon was announced to the Companions, thus proving that even they were liable of
going astray if they turned away from these two sources. Those Muslims, that have clung to
these two sources as an eternal form of guidance are called the 'Shi'a' (partisans), defined by
the Sunni scholar Ibn Manzur, as "those people who love what the Prophet's Progeny
loves, and they are loyal to such Progeny".
Lisan al-'Arab, by Ibn Manzur, vol. 8, p189
We consider the Ahl'ulbayt as the designated guides appointed by Allah (swt). While past
Khalifas were in positions of power, they did not inherit the knowledge, position and wisdom of
the Holy Prophet, who specifically told the companions that Hadhrath Ali (as) had inherited the
Qur'an and Sunnah from him.
Riyadh al Nadira, by Mohibbudin al Tabari, Vol 3 p 123
The inheritance of religious guidance passed through 12 designated Imams from Ahl'ulbayt,
there are numerous hadith where the Prophet (s) declared that Islam would remain intact until
the passing of 12 khalifas.
Mishkat al Masabih: (Vol 4 p 576), Hadith 5
The number 12 is of significance here, it can not apply to political leadership since the number
of khalifas at the helm of the Khilafah far exceeded 12. The Prophet (s) was not talking about
leaders appointed by men, he was talking about absolute religious guides appointed by Allah
(swt) and the Prophet (s) declared that in every generation the members of his Ahl'ulbayt
would counteract attempts to alter and corrupt the religion.
al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar, Ch. 11, section 1, p231 under the commentary of verse:
"And stop them, for they shall be questioned [37:24]"
This fact is strengthened further by the hadith recorded by the recognized Sunni scholar Al-
Juwayni in which the Prophet said that he would have 12 successors the first being Imam Ali,
the last being Imam Mahdi.
Fara'id al-Simtayn, pg 160
As for the Shi'a of the Ahl'ul bayt, numerous Sunni scholars have recorded hadith in which the
Prophet (s) had said that the group that Allah (swt) describes as "the best of the creatures"
(Qur'an 98:7)" are Ali and his Shi'a and that they will enter paradise.
1. Tafsir Ibne Jarir, Volume 33 page 146 (Cairo edition) narrated from Hadhrath Muhammad bin
Ali (as)
2. Tafsir Durre Manthur by Jalaladeen Suyuti, in his commentary of verse 98:7 Volume 6 page
379 -3 separate chains.
3. Tafsir Fatha ul bayan Volume 10 page 333 (Egypt edition)
If the Prophet (s) said the best of creations are Hadhrath Ali (as) and his Shi'a, then in the
same way that this verse is applicable until the end of the world, Ali (as)'s Shi'a will likewise
exist to provide a practical commentary to it. The Ahl'ul Sunnah believe that 70,000 Muslims will
enter paradise without answering any questions(1) and Anas bin Malik, narrates that the
Prophet (s) said that the 70,000 were Ali and his Shi'a(2).
1. Islam: The Basic Articles of Faith - According to the Beliefs of the Ahl al Sunna wa al Jama'a -
a Modern English translation of Bahar-e-Shariat Part One (Unnamed author) page 67 - quoting
a hadith to this effect.
2. Manaqib Ali al Murtaza, page 184 by al Maghazli (An ancient Shafi scholar)
There are no traditions, in which the Prophet (s) guaranteed paradise for any other companion
and his followers. These hadith prove that the Shi'a were not a Sect founded by fictitious
Abdullah bin Saba but were adherents to Ali (as) who existed during the lifetime of the Prophet
The Shi'a have despite centuries of persecution and false propaganda maintained their
affiliation with the Imams from the Ahl'ul bayt clinging to the "two weighty things" - seeking
solace in the guarantee of the Holy Prophet (s): "Recognition of the family of Muhammad
is freedom from the Fire. Love of the family of Muhammad is crossing over the Sirat.
Friendship for the family of Muhammad is safety from the fire".
1. Ash-Shifa, page 142 by Qadi Iyad, (d.544 Hijri) English translation by Aisha Bewley, Madinah
Press 1991.
2. Yanabi al-Mawaddah, al-Qundoozi al-Hanafi, section 65, p370
With such a clear hadith it is little surprise that the Prophet (s) declared: "O Ali four people
will enter heaven first of all. Me, you, Hasan, Hussain and your descendents will
follow us and our wives will follow our descendents and our Shi'a will be to the left
and right of us".
al Sawaiqh al Muhriqa page 159, by Ahmad ibn Hajr al Makki (Cairo edition)
These hadith need to be pondered over carefully. Remember, the Prophet (s) said in a well
known hadith that Muslims would be divided in to 73 sects of which only one would attain
paradise, one hopes that this article has been able to shed light on which group that is.
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