Atanatiya Sutta

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Discourse on

Atanatiya Protection
with the Protection in Pali as well

Discourse on


with the Protection in Pali as well

A condensed version based on various
translations from the Pali

Published for free distribution to commemorate the

Consecration Ceremony of the Four Great Kings Shrine,
Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary
16 March 2003

Published by
Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary
c/o 28 & 30, 1st Floor,
Jalan Medan Taiping 4,
Medan Taiping,
34000 Taiping.
T. 05 8084429 F. 05 8084423
Produced by
Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary Publication Team (English)
Editor-in-chief: Looi Sow Fei
Sub-editors: Kumara Bhikkhu, Ang Siew Mun
Pali-English translator: Aggacitta Bhikkhu
Photo credits: Law Hwee Meng, Ong Chin Cheong
Layout and design: Jotika, Sukhi Hotu
Pali text is extracted from the Vipassana Research Institutes
Chattha Sangayana CD-ROM V3.0.

Copyright Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary March 2003

Permission to reprint for free distribution and non-commercial usage
may be obtained in writing from the publisher.
This printing 20033000 copies
Printed by Printplus Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur.
Front & back covers: Day & night shots of the Four Great Kings Shrine,
Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary.


he Atanatiya Paritta (protection) is

commonly regarded by informed
Buddhists as a ghost-busting/exorcist
paritta. Nevertheless, a short extract of it
commonly found in more complete Pali
chanting booksis also traditionally chanted
on other special occasions by Theravada
This paritta is originally contained within
the Atanatiya Sutta (Discourse on the Atanatiya
Protection), the 32nd sutta in the Digha Nikaya
of the Pali Canon. As you can read from the
discourse itself, the paritta is recommended by
the Yakkha King Vessavana for the guarding,
protection and freedom from harm as well as
comfortable living of bhikkhus, bhikkhunis,

upasakas and upasikas. It is then sanctioned

by our Blessed One, Gotama Buddha, in the
words, Bhikkhus, learn the Atanatiya Paritta,
master it, remember it.
However, according to the Commentary to
the Atanatiya Sutta, when a Buddhist is
possessed or harassed by a malevolent humanlike being, the Atanatiya Sutta should not be
immediately recited. Metta Sutta (Khp 9),
Dhajagga Sutta (SN XI.3) and Ratana Sutta (Khp
6) should first be recited for 7 days. If the victim
is released by then, it is well. Otherwise, and
only then, should the Atanatiya Sutta be recited.
The bhikkhu who is reciting it should not
eat meat or food made from powdered grains.
Nor should he stay in the cemetery. Why?
Because human-like beings can get the opportunity (to retaliate, since those things are to their
liking). The place of recitation should be made
clean by smearing fresh cowdung and the
bhikkhu should sit on a clean seat.

People armed with wooden weapons

should surround the bhikkhu when accompanying him from the monastery. He should
not sit in the open to recite. Rather, he should
recite with loving-kindness, surrounded by
people armed with wooden weapons and
seated in a room with all the doors and windows closed.
He should first establish the victim in the
five precepts before making the protection. If
he cannot release the victim in this way, he
should take the victim to the monastery and
make him/her lie down, on the stupa terrace,
to be offered as a seat (for the Buddha). Then
after having had lamps lighted and the terrace
swept, he should speak on blessings.
An announcement should be made for all
bhikkhus to be assembled. The biggest tree
around the monastery should be located and
its resident deva summoned: The Bhikkhu
Sangha awaits your coming. The deva cannot

refuse to come to a place where all bhikkhus

have gathered.
Then (the spirit possessing) the victim
should be asked: Who are you? If the spirit
reveals its name, then it should be addressed
accordingly. So-and-so, this is your share of
merits from the offering of flowers and
perfumes, of a seat, and of alms food. The
Bhikkhu Sangha has spoken on great blessings
as a gift for you. Out of respect for the Bhikkhu
Sangha, release this person.
If it does not release the victim, the devas
should be informed: Please be informed that
this human-like being does not heed our words.
We shall impose the Buddhas authority. Then
the protection should be made. This is the
procedure for lay victims.
If a bhikkhu is possessed by a human-like
being, the procedure is similar but less complicated. After the seats have been washed clean,
all bhikkhus assembled, and merits from the

offering of flowers, perfumes, etc. shared, the

protection should be recited.
The Sub-commentary adds that a bhikkhu
should speak on blessings before reciting the
sutta with loving-kindness. If this does not
work, all bhikkhus should be assembled and the
Bhikkhu Sangha shall have to handle the matter
with the cooperation of the most powerful deva
around the monastery, as explained above.
One may wonder if the above procedure
recommended by the Commentary contradicts
the advice of our Blessed One who said,
Bhikkhus, learn the Atanatiya Paritta, master
it, remember it. Does it also contradict King
Vessavanas assurance that any bhikkhu,
bhikkhuni, upasaka or upasika who has learned
well this Atanatiya Paritta and mastered it
thoroughly will be protected?
Here, it must be stressed that the Atanatiya
Paritta given by the Yakkha King Vessavana
comprises only the verses revering the seven

Buddhas and extolling the Four Great Kings and

their respective kingdoms. In this booklet, we
have given both the original Pali and the English
translation of these verses. These are to be
learned and mastered by Buddhists who desire
protection, freedom from harm and comfortable living with respect to human-like beings.
In other words, they can freely recite the Paritta
at any time, without following the procedure
recommended by the Commentary.
The Atanatiya Sutta, on the other hand,
comprises the above verses as well as the assurances and threats made by the Four Guardian
Kings. It also includes an invocation to the great
yakkhas and their commanders and commanders-in-chief to punish the malevolent humanlike being harassing a Buddhist. As this is a
grave action, it should be, as the Commentary
aptly suggests, the last resort.
For that reason, we have not given the
original Pali for these threatening parts of the

sutta. The actual recitation of the whole

Atanatiya Sutta should be left to the discretion
of knowledgeable and experienced members
of the Bhikkhu Sangha.
May interested Buddhists learn and master
the Atanatiya Paritta for their protection,
freedom from harm and comfortable living with
respect to human-like beings.
Aggacitta Bhikkhu

Discourse on


hus have I heard:

On one occasion the Blessed One was
living on the Vultures Peak near Rajagaha (Rajgir).
Then, the Four Great Kings,1 having placed
a defensive force to guard and watch over the
four quarters, approached the Blessed One with
a large army of yakkhas, of gandhabbas, of kumbhandas, and of nagas when the night was far
advanced, illuminating the entire Vultures Peak
with their surpassing radiance. Having approached and bowed down before the Blessed
One, they sat on one side. Some of the yakkhas
bowed down before the Blessed One, and sat
on one side. Some exchanged courtesies with
him, some saluted him with clasped hands,
some announced their name and clan, and sat
on one side. Some sat on one side in silence.

They are Dhatarattha, Virulha, Virupakkha, and Vessavana, presiding

over the four directions of their celestial region.


Then, seated on one side, the Great King

Vessavana2 said to the Blessed One:
Bhante (Venerable Sir), there are some
eminent yakkhas who have no faith in the
Blessed One, while some others have. And likewise there are yakkhas of middle and lower rank
who have no faith in the Blessed One, while
some others have. But as a rule, bhante, the
yakkhas have no faith in the Blessed One. What
is the reason for this?
The Blessed One teaches the Dhamma to
establish abstention from killing, from stealing,
from sexual misconduct, from false speech, and
from alcohol, liquor and intoxicants that cause
negligence. But as a rule, bhante, the yakkhas
do not abstain from such things. To them that
(teaching) is distasteful and unpleasant.


Vessavana, king of the North direction, according to the Commentary,

was familiar with the Buddha, expert in conversation and welldisciplined, and thus he became the spokesman. He is also known
as Kuvera.

Now, bhante, there are disciples of the

Blessed One in the forest who frequent remote
lodgings of woodland wilderness where there
is little noise or shouting, where the breezes
are void of human contact, and which are
suitable for human privacy and retreat. And
there are eminent yakkhas living there who
have no faith in the word of the Blessed One.
Bhante, in order to instill faith in them,
may the Blessed One learn the Atanatiya3
protection for the guarding, protection, safety
and comfortable living of bhikkhus, bhikkhunis,
upasakas and upasikas.
The Blessed One consented with his
silence. Then the Great King Vessavana, noting
the Blessed Ones consent, recited the Atanatiya

According to the Sub-commentary to the sutta, King Vessavana had a

town by the name of Atanata, where the four kings assembled and recited
this Paritta which speaks of the virtues of the seven Buddhas: Vipassi,
Sikhi, Vessabhu, Kakusandha, Konagamana, Kassapa, Gotama. They
approached the Buddha with the intention of obtaining his approval, in
which event, they felt that this Paritta will attain a revered position.



Vipassissa ca namatthu,
cakkhumantassa sirmato.
sikhissapi ca namatthu,

Vessabhussa ca namatthu,
nhtakassa tapassino;
namatthu kakusandhassa,





Homage to Vipassi (Buddha),

glorious one with the eye (of wisdom).
Homage to Sikhi (Buddha),
compassionate towards all beings.

Homage to Vessabhu (Buddha),

ascetic bathed in purity.
Homage to Kakusandha (Buddha),
conqueror of Maras armies.





Kogamanassa namatthu,
brhmaassa vusmato;
kassapassa ca namatthu,
vippamuttassa sabbadhi.

Agrasassa namatthu,
sakyaputtassa sirmato;
yo ima dhamma desesi,

Ye cpi nibbut loke,

yathbhta vipassisu;
te jan apisutha,
mahant vtasrad.

Hita devamanussna,
ya namassanti gotama;
mahanta vtasrada.

Homage to Konagamana (Buddha),

Brahmin perfect in holiness.
Homage to Kassapa (Buddha),
liberated from all defilements.

Homage to the radiant one,

glorious son of the Sakyas,
who proclaimed the Dhamma
that dispels all suffering.

In the world those who have quenched

perceive according to reality.
They do not speak to disunite,
Mighty and fearless are they.

To him who benefits devas and men,

to Gotama, they too do homage,
the wise one of virtuous conduct,
the mighty and fearless one.




Yato uggacchati sriyo,

dicco maal mah.
yassa cuggacchamnassa,
savarpi nirujjhati;
yassa cuggate sriye,
divasoti pavuccati.

Rahadopi tattha gambhro,

samuddo saritodako;
eva ta tattha jnanti,
samuddo saritodako.


Verses 7-14 describe Gandhabba King Dhatarattha, his

kingdom that covers the East quarter of the Realm of the Four
Great Kings, and his subjects reverence toward the Buddha.

From where the sun rises

Aditis child, the great disc,
as it arises,
the night also ceases;
when the sun has risen
it is said to be day

There the lake is deep,

an ocean where rivers have entered.
Thus, there people know it as
an ocean where rivers have entered.


Ito s purim dis,

iti na cikkhat jano;
ya disa abhipleti,
mahrj yasassi so.

10 Gandhabbna adhipati,
dhatarahoti nmaso;
ramat naccagtehi,
gandhabbehi purakkhato.
11 Puttpi tassa bahavo,
ekanmti me suta;
asti dasa eko ca,
indanm mahabbal.
12 Te cpi buddha disvna,
buddha diccabandhuna;
dratova namassanti,
mahanta vtasrada.


From here that is the East direction,

so people call it
this direction he governs,
the Great King, the famous one,

10 Lord of the gandhabbas

Dhatarattha by name.
He who delights in dances and songs,
honoured is he by the gandhabbas.
11 Many are his sons,
all of one name, so have I heard.
Eighty, ten and one,
named Inda, the mighty ones.
12 They too, beholding the Buddha
the Buddha, Kinsman of the Sun
pay homage to him from afar,
the mighty and fearless one.


13 Namo te purisjaa,
namo te purisuttama;
kusalena samekkhasi,
amanusspi ta vandanti;
suta neta abhihaso,
tasm eva vademase.
14 Jina vandatha gotama?
Jina vandma gotama;
buddha vandma gotama.


13 Homage to you, noble steed of a man.

Homage to you, foremost among men.
Skilfully you look after (us).
Even human-like beings revere you.
This we have often heard.
Therefore, we say thus (when asked)
14 Do you revere Gotama the Conqueror?
We revere Gotama the Conqueror
wise and of virtuous conduct
We revere Gotama the Buddha.



15 Yena pet pavuccanti,

pisu pihimasik.
ptiptino ludd,
cor nekatik jan.
16 Ito s dakkhi dis,
iti na cikkhat jano;
ya disa abhipleti,
mahrj yasassi so.


Verses 15-21 describe Kumbhanda King Virulha, his
kingdom that covers the South quarter of the Realm of the
Four Great Kings, and his subjects reverence toward the

15 From where the deceased are said

(to be removed),
speakers of disunity, backbiters,
cruel murderers,
robbers and cheats too;
16 From here that is the South direction,
so people call it
this direction he governs,
the Great King, the famous one,


17 Kumbhana adhipati,
virho iti nmaso;
ramat naccagtehi,
kumbhaehi purakkhato.
18 Puttpi tassa bahavo,
ekanmti me suta;
asti dasa eko ca,
indanm mahabbal.
19 Te cpi buddha disvna,
buddha diccabandhuna;
dratova namassanti,
mahanta vtasrada.


17 Lord of the kumbhandas,

Virulha by name.
He who delights in dances and songs,
honoured is he by the kumbhandas.
18 Many are his sons,
all of one name, so have I heard.
Eighty, ten and one,
named Inda, the mighty ones.
19 They too, beholding the Buddha
the Buddha, Kinsman of the Sun
pay homage to him from afar,
the mighty and fearless one.


20 Namo te purisjaa,
namo te purisuttama;
kusalena samekkhasi,
amanusspi ta vandanti;
suta neta abhihaso,
tasm eva vademase.
21 Jina vandatha gotama?
Jina vandma gotama;
buddha vandma gotama.


20 Homage to you, noble steed of a man.

Homage to you, foremost among men.
Skilfully you look after (us).
Even human-like beings revere you.
This we have often heard.
Therefore, we say thus (when asked)
21 Do you revere Gotama the Conqueror?
We revere Gotama the Conqueror,
wise and of virtuous conduct.
We revere Gotama the Buddha.



22 Yattha coggacchati sriyo,

dicco maal mah.
yassa coggacchamnassa,
divasopi nirujjhati;
yassa coggate sriye,
savarti pavuccati.
23 Rahadopi tattha gambhro,
samuddo saritodako;
eva ta tattha jnanti,
samuddo saritodako.


Verses 22-29 describe Naga King Virupakkha, his
kingdom that covers the West quarter of the Realm of the
Four Great Kings, and his subjects reverence toward the

22 From where the sun sets

Aditis child, the great disc,
as it sets,
the day also ceases;
when the sun has set
it is said to be night
23 There the lake is deep,
an ocean where rivers have entered.
Thus there people know it as
an ocean where rivers have entered.


24 Ito s pacchim dis,

iti na cikkhat jano;
ya disa abhipleti,
mahrj yasassi so.
25 Ngnaca adhipati,
virpakkhoti nmaso;
ramat naccagtehi,
ngeheva purakkhato.
26 Puttpi tassa bahavo,
ekanmti me suta;
asti dasa eko ca,
indanm mahabbal.
27 Te cpi buddha disvna,
buddha diccabandhuna;
dratova namassanti,
mahanta vtasrada.


24 From here that is the West direction,

so people call it
this direction he governs,
the Great King, the famous one,
25 Lord of the nagas,
Virupakkha by name.
He who delights in dances and songs,
honoured is he by the nagas.
26 Many are his sons,
all of one name, so have I heard.
Eighty, ten and one,
named Inda, the mighty ones.
27 They too, beholding the Buddha
the Buddha, Kinsman of the Sun
pay homage to him from afar,
the mighty and fearless one.


28 Namo te purisjaa,
namo te purisuttama;
Kusalena samekkhasi,
amanusspi ta vandanti;
suta neta abhihaso,
tasm eva vademase.
29 Jina vandatha gotama,
jina vandma gotama;
buddha vandma gotama.


28 Homage to you, noble steed of a man.

Homage to you, foremost among men.
Skilfully you look after (us).
Even human-like beings revere you.
This we have often heard.
Therefore, we say thus (when asked)
29 Do you revere Gotama the Conqueror?
We revere Gotama the Conqueror,
wise and of virtuous conduct.
We revere Gotama the Buddha.



30 Yena uttarakuruvho,
mahneru sudassano.
manuss tattha jyanti,
amam apariggah.
31 Na te bja pavapanti,
napi nyanti nagal;
akahapkima sli,
paribhujanti mnus.


Verses 30-51 describe Yakkha King Vessavana, his
kingdom that covers the North quarter of the Realm of the
Four Great Kings, and his subjects reverence toward the

30 Where lie Uttarakuru so-named,

and Mighty Meru, a lovely sight,
there are born people
unpossessive and unmarried.
31 They do not sow seeds,
and the ploughs are not drawn.
There is wild ripened rice
that the people enjoy.


32 Akaa athusa suddha,

sugandha taulapphala;
tuikre pacitvna,
tato bhujanti bhojana.
33 Gvi ekakhura katv,
anuyanti disodisa;
pasu ekakhura katv,
anuyanti disodisa.
34 Itthi v vhana katv,
anuyanti disodisa.
purisa vhana katv,
anuyanti disodisa.
35 Kumri vhana katv,
anuyanti disodisa;
kumra vhana katv,
anuyanti disodisa.


32 Unbroken, husked, clean,

fragrant grains of rice
in a pot are cooked,
and from there (only) do they enjoy food.
33 Making a cow like a single-hoofed mount,
they ride about from place to place.
Making a beast like a single-hoofed mount,
they ride about from place to place.
34 Or making a woman like a vehicle,
they ride about from place to place.
Making a man like a vehicle,
they ride about from place to place.
35 Making a girl like a vehicle,
they ride about from place to place.
Making a boy like a vehicle,
they ride about from place to place.


36 Te yne abhiruhitv,
sabb dis anupariyyanti.
pacr tassa rjino.
37 Hatthiyna assayna,
dibba yna upahita;
psd sivik ceva,
mahrjassa yasassino.
38 Tassa ca nagar ahu,
antalikkhe sumpit;
n kusin parakusin,
nasuriy parakusian.
39 Uttarena kasivanto,
janoghamaparena ca;
navanavutiyo ambara-ambaravatiyo,
akamand nma rjadhn.


36 Mounting on vehicles, they

wander in all directions,
the attendants of that king.
37 Elephant-vehicle, horse-vehicle,
and celestial vehicle are near at hand;
so too are palaces and palanquins
for the Great King, the famous one.
38 And his cities are
well built in the heavens:
Atanatiya, Kusinata, Parakusinata,
Natasuriya, Parakusitanata,
39 To the North, the city of Kasivanta,
and to its side, Janogha,
Navanavutiya, Ambara-ambaravatiya,
and the royal city named Alakamanda.


40 Kuverassa kho pana, mrisa,

mahrjassa vis nma rjadhn;
tasm kuvero mahrj,
vessavaoti pavuccati.
41 Paccesanto paksenti,
tatol tattal tatotal;
ojasi tejasi tatojas,
sro rj ariho nemi.
42 Rahadopi tattha dhara nma,
yato megh pavassanti;
vass yato patyanti,
sabhpi tattha slavat nma.
43 Yattha yakkh payirupsanti,
tattha niccaphal rukkh;
kokildhi vagguhi.


40 And Sir, Kuvera

the Great Kings royal city is named Visana.
Therefore, the Great King Kuvera
is called Vessavana.
41 Special investigators who inform him are
Tatola, Tattala, Tatotala,
Ojasi, Tejasi, Tatojasi,
Sura, Raja, Arittha, Nemi.
42 And the lake there is named Dharani,
from where clouds bring rain,
from where showers of rain spread.
And the hall there is named Salavati,
43 Where the yakkhas assemble.
There trees bear perpetual fruit,
multitudes of birds flock,
and melodies are sung by peacocks
and herons,
cuckoos and other birds.


44 Jvajvakasaddettha,
atho ohavacittak;
kukkuak kurak,
vane pokkharastak.
45 Sukasikasaddettha,
daamavakni ca;
sobhati sabbakla s,
kuveranain sad.
46 Ito s uttar dis,
iti na cikkhat jano;
ya disa abhipleti,
mahrj yasassi so.
47 Yakkhnaca adhipati,
kuvero iti nmaso;
ramat naccagtehi,
yakkheheva purakkhato.


44 There are the cries of the Live-on birds;

and also the O-uplift-your-hearts birds,
the jungle fowls, the kuliraka (crab-birds?),
the pokkharasataka birds in the forest.
45 There are the cries of the parrots and mynas;
and the dandamanavaka birds.
Always beautiful is
Kuveras lotus-pond in all seasons.
46 From here that is the North direction,
so people call it
this direction he governs,
the Great King, the famous one,
47 Lord of the yakkhas,
Kuvera by name.
He who delights in dances and songs,
honoured is he by the yakkhas.


48 Puttpi tassa bahavo,

ekanmti me suta;
asti dasa eko ca,
indanm mahabbal.
49 Te cpi buddha disvna,
buddha diccabandhuna;
dratova namassanti,
mahanta vtasrada.
50 Namo te purisjaa,
namo te purisuttama;
kusalena samekkhasi,
amanusspi ta vandanti;
suta neta abhihaso,
tasm eva vademase.
51 Jina vandatha gotama,
jina vandma gotama;
buddha vandma gotama.


48 Many are his sons,

all of one name, so have I heard.
Eighty, ten and one,
named Inda, the mighty ones.
49 They too, beholding the Buddha
the Buddha, Kinsman of the Sun
pay homage to him from afar,
the mighty and fearless one.
50 Homage to you, noble steed of a man.
Homage to you, foremost among men.
Skilfully you look after (us).
Even human-like beings revere you.
This we have often heard.
Therefore, we say thus (when asked)
51 Do you revere Gotama the Conqueror?
We revere Gotama the Conqueror,
wise and of virtuous conduct.
We revere Gotama the Buddha.


This, sir, is the Atanatiya protection for

the guarding, protection, freedom from harm
and comfortable living of bhikkhus, bhikkhunis,
upasakas and upasikas.
If any bhikkhu, bhikkhuni, upasaka or
upasika has learned well this Atanatiya protection and mastered it thoroughly, then if any
human-like beinga yakkha man or woman, a
yakkha boy or girl, a great minister or assemblyman of the yakkhas, or a yakkha servant; a
gandhabba... a kumbhanda... a naga man or
woman, a naga boy or girl, a great minister or
assemblyman of the nagas, or a naga servant
should maliciously walk or stand or sit or lie
down with him or her, such a human-like being,
sir, would not obtain honour or respect in my
villages or towns. Such a human-like being, sir,
would not obtain a dwelling site or residence
in my royal city of Alakamanda. Such a humanlike being, sir, would not be admitted to my
yakkhas assembly. Moreover, sir, human-like


beings would even make him or her unacceptable for taking or giving in marriage. Moreover,
sir, human-like beings would even abuse him
or her with thorough, personal abuses.
Moreover, sir, human-like beings would even
turn an empty bowl upside down on his or her
head. Moreover, sir, human-like beings would
even split his or her head into seven pieces.
There are, sir, human-like beings who are
violent, hostile, given to retaliation. They do not
heed the Great Kings, or their officers, or their
attendants. These human-like beings, sir, are said
to be in revolt against the Great Kings. Just as in
the kingdom of Magadha, sir, the bandits do not
heed the king of Magadha, or his officers, or
their attendants, and are said to be in revolt
against the king of Magadha; so there are
human-like beings who behave similarly and are
said to be in revolt against the Great Kings.
Sir, if any human-like beinga yakkha
man or woman, a yakkha boy or girl, a great


minister or assemblyman of the yakkhas, or a

yakkha servant; a gandhabba... a kumbhanda...
a naga man or woman, a naga boy or girl, a
great minister or assemblyman of the nagas,
or a naga servantshould maliciously walk or
stand or sit or lie down with a bhikkhu, bhikkhuni, upasaka or upasika, then the yakkhas,
the great yakkhas, their commanders and
commanders-in-chief should be informed by
calling out, by shouting:
This yakkha seizes (me/him/her)! This
yakkha possesses (me/him/her)! This yakkha
harasses (me/him/her)! This yakkha oppresses
(me/him/her)! This yakkha harms (me/him/
her)! This yakkha torments (me/him/her)! This
yakkha does not release (me/him/her)!
Who are the yakkhas, the great yakkhas,
their commanders and commanders-in-chief?
Inda, Soma, and Varuna,
Bharadvaja, Pajapati,


Candana, Kamasettha too,

Kinnughandu, Nighandu,
Panada, Opamaa too,
Devasuta and Matali,
Cittasena and Gandhabba,
Nala, Raja, Janesabha,
Satagira, Hemavata,
Punnaka, Karatiya, Gula,
Sivaka, Mucalinda too,
Vessamitta, Yugandhara,
Gopala, Supparodha too,
Hiri, Netti, and Mandiya,
Pacalacanda, Alavaka,
Pajjunna, Sumana, Sumukha,
Dadhimukha, Mani, Manivara, Digha,
With these Serisaka.
These are the yakkhas, the great yakkhas,
their commanders and commanders-in-chief


who should be informed by calling out, by

shouting: This yakkha seizes (me/him/her)! This
yakkha possesses (me/him/her)! This yakkha
harasses (me/him/her)! This yakkha oppresses
(me/him/her)! This yakkha harms (me/him/her)!
This yakkha torments (me/him/her)! This yakkha
does not release (me/him/her)!
And this, sir, is the Atanatiya protection
for the guarding, protection, freedom from
harm and comfortable living of bhikkhus, bhikkhunis, upasakas and upasikas.
Well then, sir, we must go; we have many
duties, many things to do.
Now, Great Kings, you (should) know the
time for that.
Then the Four Great Kings got up from
their seats, bowed down before the Blessed
One, paid homage and vanished. Some of the
yakkhas got up from their seats, bowed down
before the Blessed One, paid homage and


vanished. Some exchanged courtesies with

him, some saluted him with clasped hands,
some announced their name and clan, and
vanished. Some vanished in silence.
And when the night was over, the Blessed
One addressed the bhikkhus: Bhikkhus, this
night the Four Great Kings with a large army
ofapproached me. (The Buddha related to
the bhikkhus word for word what had been said
by the Great King Vessavana, as above.)
Bhikkhus, learn the Atanatiya protection,
master it, remember it. This Atanatiya protection, bhikkhus, is for your welfare, for the
guarding, protection, freedom from harm and
comfortable living of bhikkhus, bhikkhunis,
upasakas and upasikas.
Thus said the Blessed One. Delighted, the
bhikkhus rejoiced in the words of the Blessed


Bhikkhus, learn the Atanatiya Protection,

master it, remember it. This Atanatiya
Protection, bhikkhus, is for your welfare,
for the guarding, protection, freedom from
harm and comfortable living of bhikkhus,
bhikkhunis, upasakas and upasikas.
Lord Buddha
Atanatiya Sutta (DN 32)

Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary


Cover & layout by Jotika, SukhiHotu

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