NASA - Composite Structures
NASA - Composite Structures
NASA - Composite Structures
April 2001
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The results of an assessment of the state-of-the-art in the design and manufacturing of
large composite structures are described. The focus of the assessment is on the use of polymeric
matrix composite materials for large airframe structural components, such as those in
commercial and military aircraft and space transportation vehicles. Applications of composite
materials for large commercial transport aircraft, general aviation aircraft, rotorcraft, military
aircraft, and unmanned rocket launch vehicles are reviewed. The results of the assessment of the
state-of-the-art include a summary of lessons learned, examples of current practice, and an
assessment of advanced technologies under development. The results of the assessment
conclude with an evaluation of the future technology challenges associated with applications of
composite materials to the primary structures of commercial transport aircraft and advanced
space transportation vehicles.
Key Words
composite materials, graphite/epoxy, graphite, carbon, epoxy, thermosets, thermoplastics,
aircraft, rotorcraft, general aviation, rockets, wing, fuselage, empennage, NDE, building-block
approach, analysis.
An assessment of the design and manufacturing practices for large composite structures
has been conducted to determine the current state-of-the-art for these technologies. The
background that motivated the assessment was a series of unexpected manufacturing and design
problems with the composite structures of several NASA experimental vehicles currently under
development. The focus of the assessment is on the use of polymeric matrix composite materials
for large airframe structural components such as those in commercial and military aircraft and
space transportation vehicles. The baseline for the assessment is the historical evolution of the
use of composite materials in actual aerospace vehicles. The assessment emphasizes the
application of composite structures in moderately to heavily loaded aerospace vehicles.
Applications of composite materials are reviewed for large commercial transport aircraft, general
aviation aircraft, rotorcraft, military fighter aircraft, and military transport aircraft. The baseline
also includes the application of composite materials for unmanned rockets and space
transportation vehicles. The assessment of the state-of-the-art includes a summary of lessons
learned, examples of current practice, and an assessment of advanced technologies under
development. The assessment concludes with an evaluation of the future technology challenges
associated with applications of composite materials to the primary structure of commercial
aircraft and advanced space transportation vehicles.
As a preamble to assessing the state-of-the-art in the design and manufacturing of
composite structures, the design requirements for aerospace vehicles are briefly reviewed.
Because of the universal design requirement to minimize the gross take-off weight of all
aerospace vehicles, aerospace structural components are designed at or near zero margin of
safety. While the margin of safety is not equal to zero for all the design criteria at each structural
location, there is typically one criterion for each structural element that governs the design
details of that element. The quest for the lowest weight structure then drives the design margin
to nearly zero for the design limit load condition. (The Code of Federal Regulations [1] for
Aeronautics and Space, Title 14, specifies that the structure shall undergo no permanent
deformation at the design limit load (DLL). In addition, the structure shall sustain the design
ultimate load (DUL) for at least 3 seconds before failing. The factor of safety between DLL and
DUL is 1.5. Since most structural materials exhibit plasticity for metallic materials or
microcracking for composite materials prior to structural failure, the factor of safety is mostly the
difference between repeatable, linear, elastic behavior and structural failure. In other words, the
1.5 factor of safety will not provide a positive margin against unanticipated permanent
deformation or damage to the structure. Therefore, aerospace structural designs will not
accommodate any deleterious structural behavior.
In some cases, names of products commonly used in the public domain may be used
herein. Any use of these company trademarks, trade names, or product names does not indicate
a NASA endorsement of those products.
higher cost of composite structures relative to conventional aluminum structures, and the
unreliability in the estimates of the design and development costs of composite structures.
Airbus was the first manufacturer to make extensive use of composite structures [4] on
large transport commercial aircraft, see Figure 2. The Airbus A310 was the first production
aircraft to have a composite fin torque box. Composite components on the A310 include the
wing leading-edge lower access panels and outer deflector doors, nose wheel doors, main
landing gear fairing doors, engine cowling panels, elevators and fin torque box, fin leading and
trailing edges, flap track fairings, flap access doors, rear and forward wing/body fairings, pylon
fairings, nose radome, cooling air inlet fairings and tail leading edges, wing leading-edge top
panels, panel aft rear spar, upper surface skin panels above the main wheel bay, glide slope
antenna cover, and rudder. The A320 was the first aircraft to go into production with an allcomposite empennage. Also, about 13% of the weight of the wing on the A340 is composite
materials. The fabrication responsibilities of the Airbus Consortium partners are as follows:
Aerospatiale fabricates the cockpit, engine pylons and part of center-fuselage; British Aerospace
fabricates the wings; Daimler-Benz Aerospace Airbus fabricates the most of the fuselage, fin,
and interior; and CASA fabricates the empennage.
The Boeing B-777 makes extensive use of composite materials for primary structure in
the empennage, most control surfaces, engine cowlings, and the fuselage floor beams. These
components are shown schematically in Figure 3. About 10% of the structural weight is
composite materials [4]. As the schematic shows, several different composite material systems
were used. Graphite/epoxy composite materials were used for most secondary structure and
control surfaces. A toughened epoxy material system, Toray T800H/3900-2, was used for the
larger, more heavily loaded components including the vertical fin torque box and horizontal
stabilizer torque box components of the empennage.
Rotorcraft and General Aviation Aircraft
Rotorcraft and general aviation aircraft have made extensive use of composite materials
to achieve performance goals. The applications of composite materials as a percent of structural
weight are plotted in Figure 4 for selected rotorcraft and general aviation aircraft to contrast the
higher percent of composite materials in these aircraft relative to the large transport aircraft [4].
The V-22 tiltrotor aircraft designed by Bell and Boeing has a number of significant applications
of composite materials. Bell and Boeing used an integrated product team approach to designing
the V-22 airframe [4]. The approach is credited with saving about 13% of the structural weight,
reducing costs by 22%, and reducing part count by about 35%. Approximately 41% of the
airframe of the V-22, shown in Figure 5, is composite materials. The wing is IM-6/3501-6
graphite/epoxy material and the fuselage and tail are AS4/3501-6 graphite/epoxy material. The
nacelle cowlings and pylon supports are graphite/epoxy material. The main cabin has composite
floor panels and the crew seats are boron carbide/polyethylene material. The fuselage is a hybrid
structure with mainly aluminum frames and composite skins. The wing box is a high-strength,
high-stiffness torque box made from one-piece upper and lower skins with molded ribs and
bonded stringers, two-segment graphite/epoxy single-slotted flaperons with titanium fittings, and
a three-segment detachable leading-edge made of an aluminum alloy with Nomex honeycomb
core. The rotor also used significant amounts of graphite/epoxy (17%) and glass/epoxy (20%)
composite materials.
Military Aircraft
Military aircraft have been designed with significant applications of composite materials
in primary structure. While not all information on military aircraft is publicly available, the data
in Figure 6, obtained from reference 4, compare the application of composite materials as a
percent of structural weight for a number of fighter aircraft. For example, the Lockheed Martin
F-22 Raptor, shown in Figure 7, is approximately 39% titanium, 16% aluminum, 6% steel, 24%
thermoset composite materials, 1% thermoplastic composite materials, and 14% other material
systems [4]. The fuselage is a combination of titanium, aluminum, and composite materials.
The wing skins are made of monolithic graphite/bismaleimide materials. A view of the wings
being assembled is shown in Figure 8. The wing front spars are made of titanium and the
intermediate spars are made of a graphite/epoxy material. The horizontal stabilizer uses
graphite/bismaleimide skins with an aluminum honeycomb core. The vertical stabilizers use
graphite/bismaleimide skins over graphite/epoxy spars. The wing control surfaces are a
combination of co-cured composite skins and non-metallic honeycomb core.
The Northrop Grumman B-2, shown in Figure 9, is constructed of almost all composite
materials [4]. Development of the B-2 began in the late 1970s. The first flight test of the B-2
was July 17, 1989. The wing is almost as large as the Boeing B-747 with a span of 172 ft (52.4
m) and surface area of 5,140 ft2 (477 m2 ).The wing is mostly graphite/epoxy material with
honeycomb skins and internal structure. The fuselage also makes extensive use of composite
materials. The outer skin is constructed of materials and coatings that are designed to reduce
radar reflection and heat radiation. Boeing Military Airplanes produced the wings and aft
section of the fuselage. Northrop Grumman produced the forward center-sections including the
cockpit. Boeing completed the outboard wing section of the twenty-first and final aircraft on
May 3, 1994.
The original design of the McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) C-17, shown in Figure 10,
uses about 8% composite materials, mostly in secondary structure and control surfaces. In 1994,
McDonnell Douglas proposed to re-design the horizontal tail using composite materials [4]. The
tail was redesigned using AS-4 fiber in an epoxy resin for a 20% weight savings, 90% part
reduction, 80% fastener reduction, and a projected 50% acquisition cost reduction. The
prototype composite horizontal tail was successfully tested in 1998 to 133% of the design
ultimate load. Orders have now been placed for 70 aircraft with the new composite horizontal
Unmanned Rocket Experimental Aircraft
The USAF DC-X and the subsequent NASA DC-XA experimental flight vehicles [5,6]
were developed to demonstrate vertical take-off and vertical landing (VTVL), aircraft-like
turnaround times between flights, and advanced technologies that will be required for a singlestage-to-orbit reusable launch vehicle (RLV). The DC-XA vehicle, shown in Figure 11, is about
a 1/4 of the scale of the size of an RLV. The DC-X demonstrated autonomous VTVL flight
operations by flying eight successful experimental flights, and also demonstrated operability and
supportability of a complex, liquid fuel RLV by a small crew. Under a cooperative agreement
with the USAF, NASA took over the DC-X program and created the DC-XA by implementing a
number of important advanced technologies that will be enabling for an RLV. The advanced
technologies implemented on the DC-XA included a composite shell intertank, a composite
liquid hydrogen tank, an aluminum-lithium liquid oxygen tank, a liquid-hydrogen to gaseoushydrogen conversion auxiliary propulsion system, enhanced avionics, and an in-situ health
monitoring system. (The composite components will be discussed in more detail in the
following paragraphs.) The DC-XA program demonstrated the use of rapid prototyping to
design and fabricate the advanced technology components. The DC-XA successfully flew four
flight tests and demonstrated the viability of significantly lighter-weight structural components,
the auxiliary propulsion system, the in-situ health monitoring system, and the VTVL autonomous
flight operation by a small operating crew.
The DC-XA composite intertank [5] resulted in a 44% weight savings over the DC-X
aluminum intertank. The intertank, shown in Figure 12, was constructed in two semi-cylindrical
halves and joined together by fore and aft aluminum attachment rings. The honeycomb
sandwich shell was fabricated using graphite/bismaleimide (T650/5250-4) face sheets and an
aluminum flex-core material. The face sheets were four plies of a fabric in a [0/+-45/90] lay-up.
The aluminum flex-core material was chosen because of ease of fabrication and ready
availability. Some fabrication problems occurred [6] in the form of ruptured core material as a
result of out-gassing of the foaming adhesive used at the high processing temperatures, 440 F
(227 C). The processing temperature was reduced to approximately 375 F (191 C), which is
below the out-gassing temperature of the foaming adhesive, and no further problems were
encountered. The intertank was ground-tested at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)
to 153% of the DC-XA maximum load, and subsequently ground-tested at White Sands Missile
Range (WSMR) before the flight test program. The intertank experienced no problems during
the flight test program.
The DC-XA composite liquid hydrogen tank [5] resulted in a 34% weight savings over
the DC-X aluminum tank. The liquid hydrogen tank, shown in Figure 13, was constructed in
two cylindrical pieces that were joined together by a belly wrap bonded splice joint. The shell
is a 24-ply IM7/8552 graphite/toughened-epoxy laminate. The shell thickness was somewhat
over-designed to avoid leakage. An internal three-dimensional reinforced urethane foam was
used to provide cryogenic insulation. Minor repairs were made to the tank due to a shop accident
and the resulting separation of the insulation from the shell wall. The tank was ground-tested at
MSFC for 29 pressure cycles filled with liquid nitrogen at 150% of the design limit load
pressure, and filled with liquid hydrogen at 100% of the design limit load pressure. The tank
was subsequently ground tested at WSMR for three engine firings and 16 pressure cycles. The
tank then performed flawlessly during the four DC-XA flight tests with no observed leaks. The
DC-XA is the first successful demonstration of a leak-free composite liquid hydrogen cryotank!
The objectives of the X-33 experimental rocket-powered vehicle is to demonstrate critical
technologies for a reusable launch vehicle at hypersonic flight approaching Mach 13. Among
these technology demonstration goals is a liquid hydrogen tank fabricated from composite
materials. The structural configuration, see Figure 14, is a complicated four-lobe (quadrant)
conical shell with a noncircular cross-section and a non-spherical two-lobe end cap [7]. The tank
shell is a sandwich construction with IM7/977-2 graphite/epoxy inner and outer face sheets with
a Korex honeycomb core. The internal stiffening substructure is fabricated from textile preform
graphite/epoxy composite materials. The all-composite, all-bonded tank is assembled using a
complex, nine-step 350 F (177 C) curing and bonding procedure. In addition to the internal
pressure required to maintain the liquid hydrogen in its liquid state, the vehicle is loaded by
thrust loads during launch that are transferred directly through the liquid hydrogen tank.
Unfortunately, the tank failed during the protoflight ground structural test [7]. The failure was
primarily due to an incomplete understanding of the permeability of liquid hydrogen through
composite materials and a lower than expected, as-manufactured bond strength between the
honeycomb core and the inner face sheet of the tank shell sandwich structure.
Part II. Assessment of the State-of-the-Art
NASA uses a technology readiness level (TRL) scale from 1 to 9 to indicate the level of
maturity of a technology. (The NASA TRL definitions are given in Table 1.) TRL values of 1
to 3 indicate research levels, with TRL 1 being fundamental research. TRL values from 4 to 6
indicate technology development levels. TRL values from 7 to 9 indicate advanced development
levels, with TRL 9 signifying mature technology that is ready for actual aerospace vehicles. As a
developer of advanced technology, NASA usually targets its technology development programs
to advance the technology to TRL 6, and then transitions the technology to the aerospace
industry. The description of TRL 6 is as follows: system/subsystem validation model or
prototype demonstrated in relevant environment (ground or space). The NASA TRL scale will
be frequently used in this section to indicate the level of maturity of technologies currently under
Structural Design, Analysis, and Testing: Lessons Learned
Vosteen and Hadcock [8] conducted a study of past composite aircraft structures
programs to identify lessons learned and best practices. Interviews were conducted with 56
people from 32 organizations that were directly involved in design, fabrication, and
supportability of composite structures. The Vosteen and Hadcock [8] survey identified the
following lessons learned relative to structural design, analysis, and testing:
1. Design and certification requirements for composite structures are generally more complex
and conservative than for metallic structures.
2. Successful programs have used the building-block approach with a realistic schedule that
allows for a systematic development effort.
3. The use of basic laminates containing 0/90/+45/-45 plies with a minimum of 10% of the plies
in each direction is well suited to most applications.
4. Mechanical joints should be restricted to attachment of metal fittings and situations where
assembly or access is impractical using alternative approaches.
5. Large, co-cured assemblies reduce part count and assembly costs, but may require complex
6. Structural designs and the associated tooling should be able to accommodate design changes
associated with the inevitable increases in design loads.
7. Understanding and properly characterizing impact damage would eliminate confusion in the
design process and permit direct comparison of test data.
The Building-Block Approach is the Industry Standard Practice
Successful programs have used the building-block approach to design development and
manufacturing scale-up, illustrated in Figure 15, to develop and verify the structural design
details and manufacturing processes necessary for large composite structure. The complexities
of light-weight, built-up structure led the industry to develop a building-block approach, which is
the standard practice for both metallic and composite structures. The building-block approach
relies on tests of elements and subcomponents to establish the effects of local details and internal
load paths on structural behavior. The building-block approach also must include development
tests to address manufacturing scale-up issues. This requirement is particularly critical in
processing polymeric matrix composite materials where it is particularly challenging to scale-up
accurately the curing kinetics to large-scale component fabrication. The lessons learned by the
industry provide strong motivation for practicing collaborative engineering to design composite
structures that can be reliably manufactured. Experienced materials and processing engineers
should be included in the design phase and must be readily available to correct problems in
production processes when they occur. The building-block approach must be used to avoid overdesigned structure and high-risk structural designs.
The building-block approach relies on tests of coupons, elements, and subcomponents to
establish the effects of local details and internal load paths on structural behavior. These tests
are illustrated in the schematic shown in Figure 16 for a wing structure. By testing at each
hierarchical level of detail, the interaction between the local elements are accurately represented
in the structural design. These development tests can only be omitted if a design-by-analysis
philosophy is supported by reliable, verified, high-fidelity design tools or by adopting a
conservative design philosophy with large factors of safety. Since over-designed (heavier than
necessary) structural components are not desirable and design tools are still under development,
the building-block approach must be used to avoid high-risk structural designs.
While significant improvements have occurred to structural analysis methodologies over
the past two decades, the current structural design and analysis methodologies used by the
aeronautics industry are still largely semi-empirical. Very accurate finite element methods and
sophisticated computer codes are used routinely to calculate the stress, strain, and displacement
fields in complex structural geometries. Superior graphical interfaces have significantly
improved pre- and post-processing of data files. Automated mesh generation, mesh refinement,
and automated adaptive remeshing have resulted in major efficiencies in model development
time, analysis time, and accuracy of the numerical solutions. Post-processing algorithms and
graphical interfaces have significantly improved the ability of the analyst to interpret the results
of the stress analysis. However, the prediction of structural failure modes, ultimate strength,
residual strength of damage-tolerant structure, and fatigue life has remained elusive for the
structural engineer. A rigorous structural analysis suitable for predicting structural failure
requires the generation of high-fidelity local stresses that can be used with failure criteria and
damage models. The global/local method, illustrated in Figure 17, is one method currently under
development to predict structural failure. At the present time, global/local analysis methods for
metallic structures [9] are more mature and rigorous than are the corresponding methods for
composite structures. This observation is primarily attributed to the fact that the failure modes
for metallic structures are less complicated and, therefore, more deterministic than is the case for
the failure modes for composite structures. In addition to damage and structural failure,
nonlinear structural response characteristics such as buckling, postbucking and pressurized
structural deformations are more difficult to predict for composite structures than they are for
metallic structures. This difficulty is attributed primarily to the fact that composite materials are
not isotropic, as are metals. Therefore, computational methods that rigorously account for
material orthotrophy and anisotropy should be used for composite structures, and designers
should understand the use of these methods.
Materials, Processes, and Manufacturing: Lessons Learned
The Vosteen and Hadcock [8] survey identified the following lessons learned relative to
materials, processes, and manufacturing:
1. Materials development in conjunction with product development creates undue risks.
2. Experienced materials and processing engineers should be included in the structural design
phase, and must be readily available to correct problems in production processes.
3. Manufacturing process scale-up development tests should be conducted to optimize the
production processes.
4. Co-curing and co-bonding are preferred over secondary bonding which requires near perfect
interface fit-up.
5. Mechanically fastened joints require close tolerance fit-up and shimming to assure a good fit,
and to avoid damage to the composite parts during assembly.
6. Dimensional tolerances are more critical for composite structures than for metallic structures
to avoid damage to parts during assembly. Quality tools are essential for the production of
quality parts.
7. Selection of the tool material depends on part size, configuration, production rate, quantity,
and company experience.
8. Tool designers should anticipate the need to modify tools to adjust for part springback, for
ease of part removal, or to maintain dimensional control of critical interfaces.
State-of-the-Art in Materials, Processes, and Manufacturing
Significant improvements in the properties [10] and processability of polymer matrix
composite materials have occurred over the past 30 years. New epoxies, as indicated in Figure
18, have been developed to improve significantly the toughness of composite materials. New
thermosets and thermoplastics, as indicated in Figure 19, have been developed to increase
significantly the use temperature of composite materials. Most epoxies cure at 350 F (177 C)
and require an autoclave to insure proper fiber wetting, remove excess resin, minimize porosity,
and promote the polymer cross-linking reaction. Material systems, such as T300/5208 with an
intermediate modulus and intermediate strain-to-failure graphite fibers, have been used to
manufacture structures such as the secondary structures and control surfaces for most
commercial transport aircraft and the primary structures of the B-2. Higher performing material
systems, such as the Toray T800H high-modulus, high-strain graphite fiber, and the toughened
epoxy 3900-2 was used to manufacture the empennage structural components on the Boeing B777. High performance military aircraft, such as the F-22, are manufactured out of materials
systems such as IM-7/5250-4, high-temperature bismaleimide (BMI thermoset) and highmodulus, high-strain graphite fibers.
In recent years, the maturity of composite curing processes, such as resin transfer
molding (RTM) and resin film infusion (RFI), have led to increased use of textile preforms such
as braided, woven, and knitted fiber preforms, and through-the-thickness stitching[11]. These
textile preforms have attractive features for low-cost manufacturing. Automated manufacturing
has been facilitated by the development of high-speed fiber placement and stitching machinery
which were adapted from those used in the textile industry. The development of advanced
processing methods, such as powder-coated fiber tows, also contributed to the automated
features of the processing of the material systems [12]. For example, fibers can be coated with a
dry epoxy powder, braided into the desired form, and then cured so that near net-shape
components can be readily fabricated. As an additional benefit, textile preform composite
materials significantly improve the toughness of the composite material by providing throughthe-thickness reinforcement. For example, the compression-after-impact (CAI) properties of
stitched laminates using low-cost brittle epoxy materials satisfy or exceed the CAI properties of
the significantly more expensive toughened epoxy systems. This technology is being used to
fabricate the braided components of the internal stiffening substructure of the X-33 liquid
hydrogen tank.
Quality Control, NDE/I, and Supportability: Lessons Learned
The Vosteen and Hadcock [8] survey identified the following lessons learned relative to
quality control, nondestructive examination/inspection (NDE/I), and supportability:
1. Automated processes can help to reduce quality control costs.
2. Inspection and quality control should focus on aspects of the process and part that have a
direct bearing on part performance.
3. Determine and understand the effects of defects on part performance.
4. Supportability should be addressed during design so that composite structures are inspectable,
maintainable and repairable during service.
5. Most damage to composite structures occurs during assembly or routine maintenance of the
6. Repair costs for composite structures are much higher than for metallic structures.
7. Improved Standard Repair Manuals are needed for in-service maintenance and repair.
8. Special long-life and low-temperature curing repair materials are required.
9. Moisture ingestion and aluminum core corrosion are recurring supportability problems for
honeycomb structures.
The State-of-the-Art of NDE/I Technology
While the visual inspection method remains the method of choice for most airlines,
nondestructive inspection (NDI) methods are also routinely used in both the manufacturing and
flight operations environments. These NDI methods include thermal, ultrasonic,
electromagnetic, radiography, and optical methods. Each method has strengths and weaknesses,
depending on the specific inspection requirement. These NDI methods are listed in Figure 20
and the technology readiness levels (TRL) of the various methods are compared for applicability
to metallic and composite structures with simple and complex configurations. (The comparative
summary given in Figure 20 was prepared by the NASA NDE Working Group.) Referring to
Figure 20, a TRL of 9 means that the technology is mature and is part of the industry standard
practices. The gray boxes without a number mean that the corresponding NDI methods are not
being developed for the specific application. The other colored boxes help to identify similar
TRL levels. The distinction between conventional and advanced systems refers to the use of
advanced computer-based numerical methods for signal processing. For example, conventional
thermography refers to techniques where the temperature distribution of a structure is mapped
using the image obtained from an infrared camera. The advanced thermography system relies on
sophisticated computational software to analyze time-phased images of the infrared radiation
given off by a structure and provides a map of the heat transfer or diffusivity of the structure. It
has been found that the diffusivity of a structure provides much greater fidelity for determining
the extent of damage than does the corresponding temperature distribution.
Boeing recently conducted an evaluation of current NDI methods for applicability to
inspecting composite fuselage structure [13]. Several methods for detecting defects in stringerstiffened structures and sandwich structures were compared. These methods include through-
transmission ultrasonic methods, lamb wave ultrasonic methods, pulse echo ultrasonic methods,
and a specialized C-scan ultrasonic method for disbond detection. The through- transmission
inspection system was found to be the most effective method and was able to resolve defects in
both the skins and the core. However, the technique requires access to both sides of the
component being inspected. Boeing concluded that improvements in current commercially
available systems would be necessary to inspect composite sandwich structures reliably in the
Assessment of the Technology Requirements for an RLV
NASA has established a goal [14] of an order-of-magnitude reduction in the cost of
launching a pound of payload to low earth orbit from current costs of about $10,000 per pound.
A single-stage-to-orbit, reusable launch vehicle (RLV) is a leading concept for achieving this
dramatic reduction in the payload launch cost. An RLV will have to operate much more like an
airplane than the current Space Shuttle. The RLV must be robust, reliable, and require minimal
inspection and maintenance between flights. Recent systems studies have shown that
considerable reductions in the mass-fraction of the vehicle using conventional technologies must
be achieved to reduce the gross take-off weight to a level where the vehicle can achieve orbit.
(Mass-fraction is the ratio between the structural weight and the gross take-off weight.) Of all
the technologies that may reduce the mass-fraction [6], the application of advanced composite
materials for the primary structures and for the liquid hydrogen tank is projected to have the
greatest potential for achieving the current take-off weight goals.
Over the past several years, NASA planning teams have evaluated various technologies,
have estimated current technology readiness levels, and have prepared roadmaps for developing
the technologies that will be enabling for an RLV. A summary of the enabling structures and
materials technologies is shown in Figure 21 along with an estimate of the current TRL. (See
Table 1 for the TRL definitions.) For current purposes, Primary Structures are defined as all
load-bearing structures, exclusive of the integral cryogenic tanks. Cryotanks are defined as all
elements of the cryogenic tank system, including the tank pressure vessel structure and the
cryogenic insulation. Thermal protection systems (TPS) are defined as all elements of the
vehicle thermal protection systems including both external TPS surfaces and internal insulation.
Hot structural concepts applicable to vehicle leading-edges and control surfaces are also
considered to be TPS subsystem elements. Some of the technologies listed in Figure 21 are
much more complicated than others. The TRL is an estimate of the total technology, even
though parts of the technology may be at a substantially higher TRL than the number listed in the
figure. The technical evaluation summarized in Figure 21 indicates that extensive development
of structures and materials technologies will be required to enable an RLV that will replace the
Space Shuttle.
Lessons Learned from Technology Development Structural Tests
Over the past two decades, there have been a number of technology development
programs that have designed, manufactured, and tested large composite structural components.
Each of these tests is a source of lessons learned and provides valuable insight into further
developmental requirements. The following paragraphs summarize the results of six significant
structural tests that have provided lessons learned.
Under contract to NASA, Lockheed-Martin designed and manufactured a large
technology integration box beam [15]. The configuration, shown in Figure 22, resembled the C130 center wing box and was about 150 inches (3.81 m) long, 50 inches (1.27 m) wide, and 28
inches (0.71 m) deep. The stiffness requirements were established to meet the commercial flutter
requirements specified in FAR Part 25 [1]. The damage tolerance requirements satisfied both the
FAR Part 25 requirements and the corresponding military requirements. Two graphite/epoxy
material systems (AS4/1806 and AS4/974) were used. The ribs and spars were mechanically
fastened to the cover panels. The test plan included a test of the box beam to design limit load
with down-bending plus torsion loads, a test to design ultimate load with up-bending plus torsion
loads, and a residual strength test to failure with impact damage at several locations with upbending plus torsion loads. The box failed prematurely during the design ultimate load test at
only 125% of the design limit load condition (83% of design ultimate load). An extensive failure
investigation [15] determined that the failure initiated in the upper cover skin due to severe local
bending of the skin in the region of the hat stiffener termination. It was found that a very small
gap of unstiffened skin between the hat stiffener termination and the rib shear tie, as indicated in
Figure 22, led to a local short-wave-length shear-crimping failure in the skin that resulted in the
complete failure of the box. This unexpected failure highlighted the sensitivity (criticality) of
composite structures to local structural detail features and complex local stress gradients.
A composite wing stub box was designed and fabricated by McDonnell Douglas, and
tested by NASA Langley Research Center [16]. The wing stub box was the first of two major
technology demonstration milestones in the NASA Advanced Subsonic Technology Composite
Wing Program. The objective of the wing stub box was to demonstrate the viability of low-cost
manufacturing technology. The wing stub box was fabricated using graphite/epoxy textile
materials (AS4/3501-6 and IM7/3501-6) and stitched together using Kevlar thread. The IM7
graphite fibers were used only for the 0-degree fibers in the lower cover panel skin. The
composite skin and stiffeners were composed of layers of dry fiber preforms that were prekitted
in nine-ply-thick stacks with a quasi-isotropic stacking sequence. The resin film infusion (RFI)
process was used to impregnate the dry fiber preforms with resin and the subsequent composite
structures were cured in an autoclave. The composite test article, shown in Figure 23 (a), was
attached to a metallic extension box to provide a load transition section so that loads
representative of a transport wing structure could be applied to the stub box. The test plan
included design limit load and design ultimate load tests with impact damage. The comparison
of the test results to finite element model predictions, shown in Figure 23 (b), was excellent [16].
The model accurately predicted the onset of buckling in the cover panels of the box. The box
failed at only 93% of the design ultimate load, which was slightly less than expected. The posttest investigation determined that the failure was initiated by nonvisible impact damage in the
web and flange of a stringer that terminated near the front spar. This test highlighted the
sensitivity of composite structures to nonvisible impact damage in regions of load redistribution
such as the stringer termination. The cover panel was designed to account for compression-afterimpact conditions, but the damaged stringer added a transverse shear load component to the
locally damaged area of the cover panel. This local shear load component created a local
combined load condition in the damaged area of the cover panel.
June 1, 2000, marked the formal completion of the Advanced Subsonic Technology
Composite Wing Program with the successful test of a 42-ft-long (12.8 m) Stitched/Resin Film
Infused (S/RFI) Composite Wing Box [17]. The wing box, a manufacturing technology
verification article, was designed and fabricated by the Boeing Company under contract to
NASA to satisfy the requirements of a 220-passenger commercial transport aircraft. The S/RFI
manufacturing process stitches together layers of multi-axial warp-knit graphite/epoxy fabric
using Kevlar thread, and then impregnates and cures the resulting preform using the resin film
infusion process. The tests of the wing box was conducted at NASA Langley Research Center
and the wing is shown in Figure 24 for a design limit load condition. Prior to the failure test, the
wing box was subjected to several design limit load (DLL) tests to measure structural response
and to verify the accuracy of nonlinear finite element analysis procedures used to predict the
wing box response. These tests included a 100-percent DLL test representative of a braked rollout condition, a test with a 1-g down-bending condition, and a test with a 2.5-g up-bending
condition. In addition, the wing was subjected to 7 inch (17.8 cm) long saw cuts, which are
representative of discrete source damage, in the upper and lower cover panels. The wing box
successfully supported the 70-percent DLL requirement with the saw cuts as required by the
FAR Part 25 [1]. Prior to the design ultimate load (DUL) test, the saw cuts were repaired by an
airline maintenance contractor to restore the wing box to its design ultimate load capability.
Also, prior to the DUL test, the upper and lower cover panels were subjected to local impact
damage events with impact energies ranging from 83 to 100 ft-lbs (113 to 136 Nm) to simulate
foreign object damage. Sections of the wing structure were nearly 1-inch (2.54 cm) in thickness
and were subjected to average running loads greater than 24,000 lbs/in (4.20 MN/m). The wing
box failed at 97-percent of the DUL requirement with unrepaired nonvisible damage. This
failure load is within the failure prediction accuracy of the finite element analysis used for this
complex structure, and within the experimental scatter band for typical material properties. The
ability of the wing box to sustain discrete source damage and foreign object damage
demonstrates the robustness of the S/RFI composite manufacturing process and validates the
accuracy of state-of-the-art damage-tolerance analytical methods for primary composite aircraft
structures. (While few details were given, Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 20, 2000,
p. 61, reported that DASA Airbus successfully completed a similar test program on a full-scale
carbon fiber reinforced plastic wing and wing box.) These test programs clearly demonstrate
that composite structures and materials can be scaled-up effectively to realistic, heavily loaded
aircraft primary structures.
A full-scale segment of a reusable launch vehicle prototype wing was fabricated as a test
article to demonstrate the integration of the thermal protection system (TPS) with large
composite structural components and to validate the fabrication, design, and analysis methods for
this wing [6,18]. A honeycomb sandwich construction was selected to provide broader design
and fabrication experience. The upper and lower skin panels were fabricated using a
graphite/bismaleimide (IM7/5250-4) material system. This material system was selected
because it has good fracture toughness and good mechanical properties at elevated temperatures
up to 350 F (177 C). The honeycomb core was glass/polyimide HRH-327 with a 3/16-in.
(0.476 cm) cell size and a 4.5 lbs/ft3 (72.1 Kg/m3) density. The wing box is approximately 10
feet (3.05 m) long, 5 feet (1.52 m) wide, and 43 inches (1.09 m) deep with three ribs and three
spars. While the wing box was not subjected to an elevated temperature test condition, three
different types of TPS were installed on the upper skin to demonstrate the load carrying
capability of the integrated structure. The test was conducted at NASA Langley Research Center
and the test set-up is shown in Figure 25 (a). The wing box was loaded to design limit load and
to design ultimate load with both up-bending and down-bending loading conditions. The box
was then loaded to failure with the up-bending loading condition. Selected measured strain
values recorded during the tests are shown in Figure 25 (b), and the results are in excellent
agreement with the values calculated by the finite element analysis. The predicted upper skin
buckling load was within 3% of the experimental value. The predicted shear failure load was
within 5% of the experimental value. While considerable work is still required to develop
manufacturing technology that can be scaled-up to an RLV size vehicle, the success of this test
clearly indicates the viability of composite structures technology for primary structures
applications to reusable launch vehicles.
A composite intertank design for the body of a reusable launch vehicle was developed,
and a full-scale segment was fabricated and tested [6, 19]. The intertank was designed to contain
the payload for the vehicle and, therefore, would have payload bay doors. The critical design
condition is the compressive load due to maximum ascent acceleration; and the load transfer
around the payload bay doors is a major design consideration. A design trade study resulted in
the selection of a stiffened-skin configuration with internal frames. The graphite/bismaleimide
(IM7/5250-4) material system was selected for the skin, stiffeners, and frames due to its good
fracture toughness and good mechanical properties at temperatures up to 350 F (177 C). A
curved section of the intertank design was selected as a structural test article. The test article,
shown installed in the test facility in Figure 26 (a), was approximately 10 feet (3.05 m) long and
22 feet (6.71 m) wide, and includes about a 90-degree section of the intertank. The test was
conducted in a structural test facility at NASA Langley Research Center. The test article failed
prematurely when subjected to a compression load due to the separation of the hat stiffeners
from the skin at approximately 70% of the predicted failure load. The failed test article is shown
in Figure 26 (b) with a buckled skin. The premature failure was attributed to a poorly
manufactured bond between the hat stiffeners and the skin. This test illustrates the critical need
to include manufacturing scale-up development tests in the building-block approach to the design
and fabrication of large-scale structural components.
The development of a lighter-weight liquid hydrogen tank is continuing with a series of
ground tests at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, see Figure 27 [20]. The objectives of the
ground test program are to verify the structural integrity of an RLV flight weight tank, to verify
the structural design and analysis methods, to verify the impermeability of the tank skin to liquid
hydrogen, and to verify the lifetime performance of the insulation. The 8 ft (2.44 m) diameter
tank, 1/4- scale for an RLV, was fabricated using fiber-tow-placed IM7/977-2 graphite/epoxy
material and co-bonded stiffeners. A honeycomb core insulation was bonded to the outside of
the tank. The tank shell wall thickness is only 14 plies in contrast to the over-designed 24-ply
thickness of the DC-XA tank. To date, five pressure cycles in the test plan have been completed
with liquid nitrogen. While the tank is structurally sound, a few minor leaks have required some
repairs to the tank. The pressure testing with liquid nitrogen is continuing, and the test program
will eventually begin testing with liquid hydrogen. While considerable work is still required to
develop manufacturing technology that can be scaled-up to an RLV size vehicle, the success of
this test indicates the viability of composite structures technology for the cryotanks of an RLV.
Part III. Future Directions
Revolutionary Structural Concepts for Next Generation Aircraft
The quest for improved materials for aerospace vehicles is never ending. Design and
market drivers include lower weight, improved corrosion and fatigue resistance, and lower
acquisition and operation costs. It is interesting to contemplate the current use of composite
materials on commercial transport aircraft and to try to extrapolate to the next generation aircraft.
The most significant current barriers to increased use of composite materials are high
manufacturing costs, poor reliability in estimating the design and development costs, and the
inability to predict accurately structural failure. As illustrated in Figure 3, the advantage of
composite materials in secondary structures and lightly loaded primary structures has been moreor-less fully demonstrated. Given the current state of the technology, a consensus has emerged
within the community that the next step in the evolution of composite structures for commercial
transport aircraft applications is a composite wing. Beyond this developmental step, the
marketplace will decide the next opportunity for composite materials and structures. For
example, composite materials may prove to be an enabling technology for a new class of aircraft
that have superior performance characteristics compared to todays commercial transport
aircraft. Several revolutionary aircraft configurations are illustrated in Figure 28. The
aerodynamic performance of these vehicles may prove to be quite superior to conventional
subsonic aircraft. The potential benefits that may be derived from these revolutionary aircraft
include significant increases in flight range or performance, significant reductions in fuel
consumption, significant reductions in engine emissions, and significant reductions in airframe
and engine noise. However, major improvements in the current state-of-the-art for composite
structures will be required to design and build these new aircraft reliably and economically. For
example, the noncircular cross-section and compound curvature features of the blended wing
body configuration will be a particularly significant challenge for structural designers.
Current research is expected to result in dramatic improvements in structural design and
analysis tools. Reliable, advanced analysis methods will significantly reduce current dependence
on the empirical design approach and provide better capability to optimize structural designs.
High-fidelity, physics-based structural analysis tools are under development using both
deterministic and non-deterministic computational methods. Rigorous, physics-based
computational methods to predict accurately damage initiation and growth, structural failure
modes, and the residual strength of damaged structure remains a grand challenge that is
motivating considerable research attention in the structures community. Next generation
structural design tools are under development that exploit the revolution in information
technology. The use of intelligent systems to improve graphical user interfaces and threedimensional immersive simulation of structural analysis results is illustrated in Figure 29. As
illustrated in Figure 29 (a), the next generation design tools will use libraries of smart
components to assemble finite element analysis models easily. Interface elements are under
development that will provide seamless transitions between regions of a finite element model
with different mesh refinements. These advanced methods not only automate model generation,
but also facilitate the implementation of global-local modeling strategies that are essential for the
prediction of progressive damage and structural failure. Finally, advanced three-dimensional
virtual reality capabilities, such as the system shown in Figure 29 (b), will greatly enhance our
ability to interpret the results of structural analyses.
Breakthroughs in Materials Synthesis and Processes
Current manufacturing technology requires an autoclave to cure polymer matrix
composite materials to provide high-quality, high-performance structural components.
Eliminating the autoclave will dramatically lower the cost and complexity of manufacturing
composite structures. Revolutionary new methods of curing composite materials are being
developed to eliminate the autoclave from the curing process. These new out-of-the-autoclave
processes, such as the electron-beam magnetic suspension process shown conceptually in Figure
30, may also facilitate the manufacturing of virtually final, near-net shape components. The
concept illustrated in Figure 30 has the added advantage of eliminating the expensive tools
currently required to make composite parts where precision controlled design tolerances are
required. This technology could eliminate the need for mechanical fasteners and adhesive bonds,
except for those associated with major airframe assembly splices.
The general field of nanotechnology offers the potential to be the next great industrial
revolution. In the field of materials science, a paradigm shift may occur away from the
traditional materials role of developing metallic, polymeric, ceramic, and composite materials to
a revolutionary role of developing nanostructured, functionalized, self-assembling, and selfhealing materials. Looking into the future, the theoretical potential of these revolutionary classes
of new materials will create breakthroughs that will enable technology developments that are
barely imaginable today. In the aerospace field, these new technologies may make space travel
routine and enable human exploration of space beyond our current practical limitation of low
Earth orbit. Imagine the possibilities if there was a material to replace aluminum that is an order
of magnitude stiffer and two orders of magnitude stronger!
Breakthroughs in the methods used to synthesize new polymer chemistries will lead to
highly tailored materials with significantly improved properties. For example, advanced
computer software is being developed to exploit new knowledge in nanostructure-property
relationships. Referring to Figure 31, computational materials is one of the emerging fields of
computer-designed materials that is attempting to build a bridge between our knowledge of
quantum physics and continuum-mechanics-based micromechanics. Computer models are
generated at the atomic and molecular levels that model the relationship between the atomic
structure of the material at the nano-scale and the physical properties exhibited at the macro-scale.
First principles of quantum mechanics, molecular dynamics, thermodynamics, and continuum
mechanics are being used to predict the properties of new material chemistries. These new
computational tools have an extraordinary potential to optimize chemistries for specific
performance goals and to conduct trade-off studies that quantify the effects of changes in
chemistry on various material properties.
Computer simulation results and limited experimental studies show that small diameter,
single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT) may possess elastic moduli in excess of 145 Msi (1 TPa),
and strengths approaching 29 Msi (200 GPa) [21-34]. If small-diameter, single-walled tubes can
be produced in large quantities, and incorporated into a supporting matrix to form structural
materials, the resulting structures could be significantly lighter and stronger than those made
from current aluminum alloys and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite materials
used in conventional aerospace structures. Properties of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT)
and multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNT) reported in the literature exhibit quite a range in
values. Theoretical properties have been determined from computer simulations using quantum
mechanics [29, 30], atomistic simulation (molecular dynamics) [31, 32], and continuum
mechanics [33, 34]. Experimental measurements of properties have been reported using atomic
force microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy. The table below illustrates the variability in the data
reported in the literature [21-28]:
Tensile modulus
Tensile ultimate strength
Bending strength
Elongation (strain to failure)
Thermal conductivity
The specific modulus and specific strength of several aerospace materials currently used
in structural components of aerospace vehicles are compared in Figure 32. The properties of
sheet and plate forms of aluminum 2219 alloy were obtained from MIL-HDBK-5D [35]. The
CFRP composite material indicated in the figure is a high-modulus, high-strength fiber in a
toughened polymer matrix with a quasi-isotropic laminate stacking sequence and a 60% fiber
volume fraction [36]. Theoretical properties of the carbon nanotube fiber reinforced polymer
(SWNTFRP) composite were calculated using standard micromechanics equations. The
modulus of the SWNTFRP was assumed to be 174 Msi (1200 GPa). The SWNTFRP laminate
is assumed to be the same laminate as the CFRP laminate and the strength was limited to 0.9 Msi
(6 GPa) (1% strain) to reflect current structures design practices. The single crystal bulk material
(SWNT) plotted in Figure 32 represents the theoretical potential of nanostructured carbon that
will require several breakthroughs in nanotube production technology to achieve. This highly
perfect, single crystal, bulk material does not require a matrix binder material and is viewed as
theoretically possible. As is evident from Figure 32, the polymer composite reinforced with
nanotubes offers a significant advantage over conventional aluminum and carbon fiber
reinforced polymer composite materials.
The theoretical properties of the SWNTFRP were used in a simple, systems analysis
concept model of a reusable launch vehicle shown in Figure 33 (a). The computed vehicle dry
weight results are shown in the accompanying bar chart in Figure 33 (b). Dramatic reductions in
weight are achievable by replacing the aluminum components of the airframe structure and the
cryogenic propellant tanks with the CFRP composite material or the SWNTFRP composite
material, and then resizing the vehicle.
validated computer software modules, which represent a wide range of scientific disciplines, will
operate together in a robust fashion to yield credible optimized mission performance [38]. The
path to achieving credible optimized structural designs is dependent on the fidelity of the
individual software modules and the optimization processes.
Summary of Assessment
Aerospace structural components are usually designed to be very close to a zero design
margin. While the margin of safety is not equal to zero for all of the design criteria at each
structural location, there is typically one criterion for each structural element that governs the
design details for that element. The quest for the lowest weight structure then drives the design
margin to be nearly equal to zero for the design limit load condition. The factor of safety
between the design limit load and the design ultimate load conditions accounts for the difference
between linear, elastic behavior and complete structural failure, and for uncertainties in other
parameters such as loads and material properties. Therefore, aerospace structural designs do not
have a large factor of safety to accommodate any unanticipated deleterious structural behavior.
Composite structures fail differently than metallic structures. The 65 years of successful
experiences with the design of metallic structures cannot be directly transferred to the design of
composite structures. First, composite materials are not isotropic like most metallic alloys.
Second, the initiation and growth of material level damage and the failure modes of composite
structure are not well understood and cannot always be predicted accurately. Due to these
complications, the best design practices for composite structures are fully understood only by
those engineers who are experienced at designing composite structures.
Composite structural design and manufacturing technology is not yet fully mature for all
applications. There are three key factors that contribute to the lack of maturity of the design and
manufacturing technology for composite structures. These factors are the lack of a full
understanding of damage mechanisms and structural failure modes, the inability to predict
reliably the cost of developing composite structures, and the high costs of fabricating composite
structures relative to conventional aluminum structures. While the technology required to
overcome these uncertainties is under development, these factors are barriers to expanding the
application of composite materials to heavily loaded, primary structures. For those applications
where development and fabrication costs are not a factor or where risks to aircraft structural
integrity are low, there is extensive use of composite structures.
Successful programs have used the building-block approach to structural design and
manufacturing process development with a realistic schedule that allows for a systematic
development effort. The complexities of lightweight, built-up structure led the industry to
develop a building-block approach, which is the standard practice for both metallic and
composite materials. The building-block approach relies on tests of elements and
subcomponents to establish the effects of local design detail features and load paths on structural
behavior. The building block approach also must include development tests to address
manufacturing scale-up issues. This observation is particularly critical in processing polymeric
matrix composite materials where it is particularly challenging to scale-up the curing kinetics to
large-scale component fabrication. The lessons learned by the industry provide strong
motivation for practicing collaborative engineering to design composite structures that can be
reliably manufactured. Experienced materials and processing engineers should be included in
the structural design phase of a project and must be readily available to correct problems in
production processes when they occur. The building-block approach must be used to avoid overdesigned structure and high-risk structural designs.
Maintenance, inspection, and repair technologies for composite structures are not yet
fully mature for all applications. Technologies in everyday use today to support metallic
structures do not apply to composite structures. Furthermore, the long-term, field experiences
necessary to develop a support infrastructure does not yet widely exist for composite structures.
Therefore, support issues must be anticipated in the design phase for composite structures to help
facilitate effective maintenance, inspection, and repair procedures. Structures must be designed
so that they that can be inspected and repaired in the field. In addition, NDE experts should be
part of the collaborative engineering team so that inspectability is built into the structural design
from the outset of the design.
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Actual system completed & flight qualified through test and demonstration
(ground or flight)
has kept
as % of
Concept demonstration
at component level
Manufacturing process
development and scale-up
3900-2 Toughened
AS4 / 3501-6
T300 / 5208
in composite
Carbon, MY-720
Boron, ERL-0510
L1011, DC10
B 727, B 737
F14, F16
Lear Fan
F 117
Figure 18. Evolution of composite resin development: Epoxies.
X-33, X-34
B-2, B-777
Conventional thermography
Advanced thermography
Conventional ultrasonics
Advanced ultrasonics
Conventional X-radiography
Computed tomography
Backscattered X-ray
Optical shearography
Primary structure
NASA prediction
Normalized Tip Displacement
Load-introduction actuator
(b) Test results
Magnetic field to
shape/position material
with E-beam
nanophase resins and textile
sources for
Finished composite
fuselage barrel
Baseline material
Emerging material
Single crystal
bulk material (SWNT)
SWNTFRP composite
CFRP Composite
Aluminum 2219
55 % reduction
82% reduction
(a) Reusable launch vehicle
Thermal diffusivity
Magnetoptic imaging
Contamination monitor
NDE/I computational simulations
Computer tomography
Laser ultrasonics
Eddy current
Fluorescent penetrant
Magnetic particle
Birth of radiography
Figure 34. Evolution of composite materials NDE technology.
Flight Loads
Life Cycle
NDE Simulations
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Washington, DC 20503.
April 2001
Technical Memorandum
WU 706-85-20-01
Subject Category 24
Distribution: Standard
Availability: NASA CASI (301) 621-0390
13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)
The results of an assessment of the state-of-the-art in the design and manufacturing of large composite structures
are described. The focus of the assessment is on the use of polymeric matrix composite materials for large
airframe structural components, such as those in commercial and military aircraft and space transportation
vehicles. Applications of composite materials for large commercial transport aircraft, general aviation aircraft,
rotorcraft, military aircraft, and unmanned rocket launch vehicles are reviewed. The results of the assessment of
the state-of-the-art include a summary of lessons learned, examples of current practice, and an assessment of
advanced technologies under development. The results of the assessment conclude with an evaluation of the
future technology challenges associated with applications of composite materials to the primary structures of
commercial transport aircraft and advanced space transportation vehicles.
NSN 7540-01-280-5500