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the latest news and research into
energy-conscious tech
how to make wise decisions when it comes
to long-term enterprise storage
34 IT
Web-scale IT and what it could mean to
your organization, and a look at Supermicros
newest supercomputing servers
55 WEB
insights into social media usage for
how to get more control over the corporate
network with software-defined networking,
and how to boost your cellular signal
the latest in premium consumer electronics
advice for mobile professionals
methods for getting a better understanding
of enterprise risk so you can more easily
avoid digital security headaches
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PersistIQ Gets $1.7 Million For
Sales-Oriented Platform
Wouldnt it be helpful
to know if and when
people actually opened
the presentation deck
you emailed to them?
And wouldnt meetings
be more interesting if
presentations were interactive via any device,
allowing for such things
as on-the-fly feedback
and surveys during the
meeting? The Australian
startup Zeetings offers a service that does these things and more, allowing people
to build dynamic presentations that can include Web content and videos, and
enabling both in-person and remote participation. As reported in TechCrunch,
Zeetings has added analytics capabilities to its service to allow presenters to learn
just how engaging their presentations are and track participation. Active participants, ratings, and interactions are a few of the statistics available to presenters.
Perhaps youd like to harness your organizations data to find ways to increase
efficiency or solve certain problems,
but you dont want to hire a data scientist. DataScience hopes youll consider
its service, which can put multiple data
scientists to the task of answering your
most pressing data questions, such as why
sales might have decreased during the last
quarter. The startup, based in Culver City,
Calif., announced it had closed a $4.5 million Series A round of financing in June.
The company plans to build awareness for
its personal brand of business intelligence.
SSDs (solid-state drives) are
better in terms of latency and
performance, but they also
offer secondary cost benefits
that HDDs (hard disk drives)
cant match.
SSDs are more durable than
HDDs, but SSDs can wear out
with constant rewriting.
Total cost of ownership
should be a consideration when
comparing SSDs and HDDs.
All-flash arrays in the data
center are quickly becoming
the norm as companies are
seeing the TCO benefits.
Cost Comparison
If there has been one major
sticking point in the debate of HDDs
vs. SSDs, its cost. And while its true
that the price of SSDs is typically
higher than HDDs on a per-gigabyte
basis, that should not be used as your
only cost evaluation metric.
Tony Carbone, the Head of SSD
Enterprise Business Development at
PNY, recommends thinking in terms
of TCO (total cost of ownership) to
see the bigger picture. He explains
that with the influx of cloud computing and hyperscale data centers,
which are specifically designed to
scale quickly, companies need to take
into consideration power, cooling,
and energy costs when comparing
storage media as well. Thats why
large companies including Amazon
Facebook, Google, and Microsoft are
moving to SSDs. They need to be
able to provide highly scalable performance to their users, and quickly.
Flash storage meets those needs
much better than HDDs.
I wouldnt say that most people today are using the four
secondary economic benefits as a cost justification for an
array purchase right now. Some are, but not very many.
But clearly going forward, more will be using that. A lot
more people this year are aware of those benefits and the
magnitude of them and what they can bring to the data
center than they were even a year ago.
Research Director
Other Considerations
Another major consideration to factor
into any storage management solution
purchasing decision is whether or not
your organization might move from one
storage medium to another in the foreseeable future. For example, if youre planning to move from hard disk drives to
solid-state drives, then a storage management solution will make that transition easier. You will know where every
byte of data is stored throughout your
organization, and then you can use provisioning, categorization, and prioritization
capabilities to ensure that every workload gets moved to the correct storage
medium. This line of thinking also applies to cloud computing, because many
storage management solutions include
cloud components that help make those
environments extensions of your internal
storage system.
Lastly, Sinclair stresses the importance of finding a storage management
vendor you can trust. It can be a major
challenge to move from one storage
system to another, but the same applies
to storage management solutions from
different vendors. Thats one of the big
challenges and a risk to picking a solution, Sinclair says. Thats probably
also why you see [that] a lot of the guys
providing it [are] the larger players, he
adds, because you dont want to pick
the management console and then have
that vendor go out of business.
being to back up and then restore, the primary job is actually to resume functionality
within the appliance.
Especially for mid-sized organizations, there are a lot of reasons why you
want to embrace partner services and
third-party expertise, but having someone
run setup.exe for you should not be one
of them, says Buffington. The requirements for just getting the core software
installed and basic functionality is something you really want to get out of the
business of doing sooner rather than later.
Having the software pre-installed and
knowing with confidence that its built
for the hardware that youve chosen not
only helps with ease of deployment, it also
gives ease of acquisition since all of the
parts are already right-sized.
The fact that the backup hardware
and software are bundled together can
also provide some financial benefits.
Buffington says its a fine approach for
some companies to buy backup appliances where the software is just pre-installed and preconfigured, but the added
value really comes into play when the
vendor goes above and beyond delivering
basic software installed on generic hardware. If it really has been right-sized for
you, theres a single support channel, or
if the vendor has added capabilities that
may not have been available if youd built
it yourself, thats where the additional
value comes from, he says.
How To Choose
The Best Appliance
PBBAs may be turnkey, but that
doesnt mean that theyre the only appliances needed to support a complete
backup and recovery strategy. Buffington
stresses that companies should look at
backup appliances as building blocks or
nodes that need to be deployed, but once
they are in place, thats when the important part of configuration and customizing for your environment really
starts. Its great to have one solution that
does everything you need, but in some
situations, you may need to come up with
your own configuration in order to best
match your unique requirements.
Two of the other three categories are
really around improving the efficiency
of what youre already doing, says
Buffington. Whether its a deduplication appliance, which has the primary job
of providing you [with] a more efficient
CAPEX problem so that you store data in
less footprint, or a cloud gateway, where
again, youre solving that storage consumption problem but instead of storing
it locally, youre actually caching that to
the cloud, both of those are really meant
to supplement an existing backup solution and provide more efficiency to it.
Organizations essentially have two
choices: they can either stick with their
existing backup system and mix and
match appliances as needed, or they can
go with a vendor that offers add-ons. For
example, if your existing backup solution is working well and you are mainly
focused on improving efficiency, then you
may want to add a deduplication appliance or a cloud gateway, as Buffington
mentioned. He says what you choose ultimately depends on whether you want
all the data on-premises or you want a hybrid [arrangement] of off- and on-premises. Regardless of how you go about
it, Buffington stresses that mixing and
matching appliances is a 100% viable approach if your existing backup solution is
missing some capabilities.
However, if you do want to stick with
a single brand, many backup appliance
vendors are not only offering their base
software, theyre also offering add-on appliances that provide the same functionality as a deduplication appliance, cloud
gateway, or failover appliance. Buffington
says vendors are starting to bridge that
gap where you can stay with that turnkey
solution form factor, so you have lots of
Enterprise-Level Encryption
& The Cloud
For companies that want to store data
in the cloud but still dont trust CSPs to
handle security from every angle, it is possible to encrypt data before it goes to the
cloud and then decrypt it when you need
to use it again, but there are pros and cons
to this approach. On the pro side, you can
add an extra layer of security to your data
that the cloud provider cant get through.
This means that your data will be safe
from prying eyes. There are many examples of products that can achieve this,
but one example is Boxcryptor.
Not only does Boxcryptor offer a free
version for private use, it also offers paid
options for businesses of various sizes.
A primary feature of this particular encryption tool is its Master Key, which lets
approved users within an organization
decrypt any needed file in a cloud environment with no hassle. Depending on
the solution you choose, youll find different features and different prices, but
these offerings prove that there is a way to
boost security via encryption and still take
advantage of the cloud.
One disadvantage of encrypting data
before it goes to the cloud is that this may
ultimately be a redundant step with an
unnecessary additional cost. Check to
ensure that your cloud provider doesnt
already have some form of encryption in
place. Encryption can sometimes occur
on the network layer and be practically
invisible to the everyday user as data
passes back and forth. Also, if you feel
the need to encrypt your data before it
goes to the cloud, then you may want to
reevaluate whether or not you can trust
that CSP, or whether that data should be
stored in the cloud at all.
Regulated Industries
& Legal Concerns
Although the cloud offers many benefits, there are situations where companies should use it minimally or not
at all. Donald M. Gindy, an attorney
specializing in copyright law at the
Law Offices of Donald M. Gindy, says
that because regulated companies are
those that must answer to agencies of
the federal, state, or local government,
their records must be accessible to those
agencies, with the power of subpoena
to compel records that have been withheld. As examples, Gindy points out
that neither the Federal Reserve nor
the Department of Agriculture use the
cloud, and that its possible certain
public utilities and banking institutions are barred from using an outside
vendor to store their data.
In addition to regulatory compliance, companies also need to consider
other legal issues and liabilities when
comparing vendors or building SLAs
(service level agreements). In most instances, it is the vendor who bears liability; however, many vendors reject
liability in their terms of use for loss of
use, data, or profits, says Gindy. You
are compelled to agree to these terms
as a condition of accessing their storage
facility. Liability and damages may be
limited or unavailable in certain circumstances. One has to take a look at
the agreement to properly assess rights
When storing or backing up data,
you want to avoid copying the same
information over and over again. One
way to do this is to compress as much
information as possible. This free sup
valuable capacity on your storage systems. Deduplication identifies patterns, spotting redundant data and
eliminating it so that you only store
the version of that data you truly need.
This process can either be done in realtime as the data moves or after its
written (stored).
Fibre Channel
In a data center, storage systems are
often connected using a SAN (storage
area network) or other networking
technology. For optimal efficiency, you
need high-speed, high-performance
cables. Fibre channel supports speeds
of 2Gbps (gigabits per second) up to
16Gbps, and work is being done to
develop 32Gbps and 128Gbps speeds
by 2016.
Storage provisioning is all about
maximizing your organizations
storage and making sure you use all
the available capacity as efficiently as
possible. This could be as simple as
making sure backups are stored on
HDDs (hard disk drives) and applications are run on SSDs (solid-state
drives), or it could involve assessing
each individual storage solution and
how much capacity should be given to
each workload.
IOPS (input/output operations
per second) is a measurement of
the performance of storage systems.
Interpreting an IOPS number is not always an exact science, but generally the
higher the IOPS, the better the performance youll get from the drive. HDDs
typically top out at around 200 IOPS,
whereas SDDs can easily reach 100,000
IOPS or significantly higher.
Using RAID (redundant array of independent disks) essentially means that
instead of viewing an array as dozens
Tiered Storage
Unified Storage
PCI Express
PCIe (PCI Express) is a standard
used for connecting HDDs, SSDs,
graphics cards, Ethernet cards,
Wi-Fi cards, or other expansion
cards within computers. The standards was developed by the PCI
Special Interest Group, which continues to work on improvements and
future PCIe iterations.
More than a century ago, NEC
was founded by one of the few
Japanese innovators to have
worked with Thomas Edison.
The company started by
developing telephony components and eventually moved
toward displays, projectors,
storage, and much more.
NECs enterprise products
cover a wide range of industries
and include ERP, CRM, and
other solutions.
NEC also offers smart energy
products designed to help organizations improve their energy
it focused heavily on the customer experience and follow-up service in a time when
companies primarily focused on product
production and then moved on to the next
project. It is this focus on the customer and
the accompanying dedication to quality
that helped NEC grow in interesting ways.
From Telephones
To Television & Beyond
The period from 1919 through the
1950s was a formative and foundational
one for NEC. The company was global
from the start, as it was a joint Japan-U.S.
venture, but because communication
technology was in its early stages, there
was much research and development to
be done. In 1919, NEC produced switchboards for long-distance toll calls. The
company began developing wireless technologies in 1924, and in 1927 NEC built a
PBX (private branch system) to help connect and centralize internal business lines.
In 1928, during Emperor Hirohitos
Imperial Accession Ceremony, NECmanufactured phototelegraphic equipment (a predecessor to fax machines) was
used by newspapers to transmit photos all
over Japan. This was NECs first foray into
image-related technologies, which would
grow to become a sizable part of the companys product offerings.
From 1929 to 1956 and beyond, the
company continued improving its telephone technologies, including the first
Japan-made XB (crossbar) switching technology for PBX systems, which increased
automation within the call switching process. But in 1958, after only beginning research in 1954, NEC developed its first
computer, the NEAC-2201. This computer was unique in that it was highly reliable and also had what was then a high
memory capacity of 1,024 words.
In 1963 and 1964, NEC was instrumental in the development of TV broadcasting in Japan through the use of
satellite communication earth stations and
receiving equipment. This development
is especially noteworthy for the fact that it
customers can more easily find the products theyre looking for.
Similar in some respects to retail, the
hospitality industry focuses almost solely
on customer experience. Negative experiences, of course, can result in brutal
reviews, with individuals often deciding
never to use a companys services again.
For that reason, NEC offers its Smart
Hospitality Solutions, a portfolio containing multiple tools for improving
hotel operations and the guest experience
overall. The portfolio includes
UC (unified communications)
and PMS (property management systems), as well as technologies that let hoteliers take
advantage of interactive digital
signs and facial recognition.
For those in the automotive
NEC offers a DMS
NEC Global Enterprise
(dealer management system),
The best way to illustrate
which is all about building
how much NEC has changed
a stronger sales network and
over the past century and
reaching more customers.
how its focus has shifted subDMS allows dealers to view the
stantially in that time is to
sales of vehicles as well as mainlook at the companys Global
tenance records, so its easier to
Enterprise Solutions. Broken NEC Corporation has office locations worldwide. The NEC Corporation of
track the life of a vehicle from
down by industry, NEC offers America headquarters, located in Irving, Texas, is pictured here. (Photo
beginning to end and better
a wide range of products and courtesy of BOKA Powell, LLC.)
serve customers. And as an
services designed to bridge the
added bonus, dealers can use
gap between internal business
DMS to let customers know
goals and the overall values of society. Its a it. This also includes an inventory and
about potential new campaigns or even
unique approach that not only takes sales,
supply chain management component to manufacturer recalls; this opens a commurevenue, and operational efficiency into make sure that customers always have acnications channel for reaching customers
account, but also safety, security, environ- cess to the products they need when they about potential future sales as well as safety
mental concerns, and equality. Regardless need them.
issues, helping to build stronger customer
of the product, NEC backs it up with easyRetail-oriented offerings include so- relationships.
to-use tools and support based on years of
lutions for improved in-store operation,
NEC understands that various busiexperience and knowledge.
merchandizing, CRM (customer relationness categories and technologies arent
NECs Global Enterprise Solutions
ship management), and payments. Having
necessarily separate and self-contained,
focus on the needs of five industries in
a strong focus on customer satisfaction and that crossover is often a distinct posparticular, offering solutions for manu- enables NEC to deliver products that help
sibility. To that end, the company offers
facturing, logistics, retail, hospitality, and
companies better connect with customers solutions that arent designed specifically
automotive industries as well as crossand provide an improved customer expe- for one industry over another. Along with
industry solutions. For businesses in the rience. These solutions not only advance the previously mentioned ERP systems
manufacturing space, NEC offers ERP (en- the operating efficiency of the retail store
that can be used across multiple industerprise resource planning) systems to help itself, but also help with such things as intries, NEC also offers business consulting
improve all aspects of asset management, store organization and layout to ensure services so that it can share its knowledge
Smart Energy
NECs commitment
to environmental improvement solutions
and green technologies extends at least
as far back as the late 1990s, when NEC
introduced the Earth Simulator to the
world as a way to better understand how
technology affects the environment and
what can be done to minimize its impact.
Today, NEC is working on lithium ion
batteries, energy storage systems, energy
management systems, electric vehicle
charging solutions, and other projects designed for utilities companies.
With its smart energy products, NEC
is using both business- and consumerfocused initiatives to lessen technologys
negative impact on the environment. This
is part of NECs aforementioned Group
Vision 2017 and it runs through the core
of what NEC has been about from the
very beginning: bringing the world together and making it a better place
thought the use of technology.
A Visual Evolution
Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab
has found that people often evaluate
the credibility of a website based on its
visual design. The images you use, the
layout, and even the typography matter.
Using graphics and visuals are the path
of least resistance to get consumers to see
How Graphics
& Videos Communicate
Youve likely heard the phrase a picture
is worth 1,000 words, and the same concept is true with graphics and videos. The
ability to create an emotional appeal, and
to do so quickly, is one of the key elements
A Concrete Definition
Is Hard To Come By
For decades, if not centuries, businesses have used some form of analytics
to inform their futures. Going back to
the days of tracking sales in paper ledgers, analytics was a way for business
owners to keep track of what they sold
Caveats Of Choosing
A Self-Proclaimed Data Scientist
The problem with data science being
a somewhat loaded term, or at least one
that can be used to describe a discipline
that already exists to some degree, is
that almost anyone can call himself a
data scientist. Although some universities offer courses that at least mention the term "data science" in some
capacity, you dont need a special degree or a certification to assign yourself
the title of data scientist. However, its
important to remember there are quite
a few unique roles in the big data analytics space, and not all of them fit into
the data scientist mold.
For example, there is a role in analytics that revolves around data mining,
which is the process of sifting through
large amounts of data to find patterns.
There are expert data miners who excel
at sorting and categorizing data in a
way that makes it usable for the enterprise, but that doesnt mean that they
also have the skills to fully analyze that
data and suggest ways for the business
to take advantage of those insights. For
that reason, data miners shouldnt technically be called data scientists because
they only handle one part of the process.
This same idea also applies to BI
(business intelligence) and system analysts, and to anyone else whose role
consists of sorting through data to find
actionable insights. BI analysts, for example, may be able to look at the insights gathered from a big data analytics
project and use them to improve the
business in some way, but that doesnt
necessarily mean theyd have the expertise to sort through that data on their
own and detect patterns in the same
way a dedicated data mining expert
would. If the data mining expert and
What To Do As A Business
Should you hire a data scientist
thinking he could handle every aspect
of an analytics project, but find out instead that he is only an expert in data
mining or BI, then you may not get the
return on investment you were expecting
form that hire. This is perhaps the biggest problem that organizations face
when trying to figure out the types of
employees they need to implement and
manage a big data analytics program.
While it is necessary to have the right
tools in place to run analytics projects,
you also need to employ experts who
know how to use those tools efficiently
and effectively.
The key for each business is to look at
what it hopes to get out of an analytics
program. This starts with determining
whether to use the program primarily
for internal or external use cases. For
example, if you want to use analytics
to improve internal business processes
and give your enterprise an organizational face-lift in some respects, then you
may want to go with a systems analyst.
A systems analyst looks at what could
be changed within to make an organization more efficient or employees more
productive, for instance, and then hands
those ideas over to other people in the
company who will design and implement those solutions as needed.
If you want to have a more external
focus for your analytics program, then
you may want to go with an analyst
who specializes in customer or sales analytics. These types of analysts will look
at a range of customer data, whether
from a customer relationship management system or other channels, such
as social media. Following evaluation,
The technologies
that make our
lives easier also
produce some
unwanted side
effects on the
However, many
and businesses
are developing
solutions that are
designed to keep
us productive
while reducing
energy demands
to lessen our impact on the environment. Here's
a look at some of
the newest such
This 40-ton vehicle from BMW Group and SCHERM Group is the first electric truck of its size to transport materials
on public roads in Germany. When fully charged, the truck has a range of about 62 miles (100km).
Siemens SWT-7.0-154 offshore wind turbine has been installed in sterild, Denmark, as a
prototype. It is capable of producing enough electricity to power 7,000 homes.
Denmark has traditionally been home to so many windmills for a reason. Today,
plentiful offshore winds combine with wind turbines to produce more than one-third
of the nations electricity. Among the newest installments is Siemens SWT-7.0-154,
a prototype of which is up and running in sterild. This 7MW (megawatt) turbine is
capable of producing 32 million kilowatt hours of electricity, about enough to power
7,000 households, 10% more than its predecessor. Based on the reliable technology
and supply chain of our 6MW machine we have improved our flagship wind turbine
with stronger permanent magnets, optimized generator segments and upgraded converter and transformer units, says Morten Rasmussen, head of technology at Siemens
Wind Power and Renewables Division. With only these minor changes we expect to
get it ready for serial production within only two years.
outsource so much of their infrastructure is because it can often offer performance and other benefits that internal IT
teams simply cant match. Traditionally,
Hendrick says, IT teams have had to deal
with a procurement process where they
have to go out there, attain the hardware,
and get it configured, which requires
quite a few manual activities to actually get
everything online and to move the necessary workloads.
In traditional IT, organizations always
had to look very carefully at trying to understand patterns of capacity and patterns
of demand and how to set capacity to ensure they met demand, says Hendrick.
There were a tremendous amount of
inefficiencies built into the IT stack. We
solved a whole variety of those with virtualization, were going to be able to solve
a whole bunch more with converged systems, and there will be even more that we
can solve with containers. There is a lot of
evolution in technology thats helping us
understand how to better right-size demand against capacity.
Meeting demand is one of the hardest
jobs of IT because it is dealing with more
sizable and less predictable workloads
than ever before. The role of IT has transitioned from maintenance and management of physical infrastructure to
essentially being service providers within
an organization. Hendrick points out
that if mission-critical applications even
have multi-second response times, people
Learn More
Supermicro offers multiple supercomputing servers to meet specific requirements. Contact Supermicro to find out
more about pricing and availability.
Add more access points to
combat the strain that more mobile devices coming into the workplace are putting on networks.
If older devices on a corporate
network are slowing down other
devices, consider upgrading any
legacy devices.
When upgrading capacity, keep
in mind that users will likely connect more devices to the corporate
network in coming years.
Upgrading to 802.11ac technology will add extra capacity and
other improvements that should
alleviate some issues an organization may be currently experiencing.
Devices = Problems
Increasingly, WLANs are becoming
mission-critical infrastructures to organizations, to the point that wireless networks
are becoming the primary access layer in
many environments, says Mark Tauschek,
Info-Tech Research Group associate vice
president, infrastructure research practice. In other words, the vast majority of
users are relying on wireless connectivity
and not plugging blue cables in, he says.
For many enterprises this means simply
installing an AP (access point) in a boardroom for Wi-Fi access during meetings
isnt enough anymore. Workers need and
expect throughput in all locations.
Not long ago, network administrators
could roughly plan for one wireless device per user. With widespread tablet and
smartphone adoption, Tauschek says to
assume each user will now connect up to
three devices. As wearables, such as smart
watches, catch on and begin connecting
Problems At Hand
Older devices may pose wireless network-related problems, because they can
slow down other devices on the network.
Lee Badman, Syracuse University adjunct
and network architect, says that while
less powerful Wi-Fi radios dont equate
to slow, especially in a well-designed
WLAN environment, where slowness can
occur is from dated radio technology, such
as 802.11b/g, operating in a world thats
Avoid Mistakes
For organizations considering a wireless network refresh or upgrade, performing a thorough site audit up front
that covers device density, analyzing network traffic (applications in use, where
people use devices, etc.), WLAN security,
ALTHOUGH CELLULAR coverage has improved substantially over the past few
years, there are still gaps in certain areas
that result in degraded or lost signals. And
in office buildings, sports arenas, and other
large facilities, there are often so many devices competing for a signal that performance isnt as good as it could be. If your
organization has such an environment, its
good to analyze the geography and determine what technologies or strategies will
work best to improve the cellular signal
overall and provide users with the best experience possible.
Software-Dened Networking
work, the more critical it is to your business, and the more you spend on it,
the bigger benefit youre going to get,
says Andrew Lerner, research director
at Gartner. Some of these benefits include a more agile and easier-to-manage
network as well as reduced OPEX and
CAPEX. Lerner says SDN also brings
on another, less obvious benefit in that
it enables market innovation. Because
you can do things faster and in more
unique ways, you can differentiate yourself in the market and offer more valuable services to your customers.
Lerner admits that SDN isnt restricted only to larger organizations and
that some smaller companies may benefit from its implementation. However,
because SDN is such a major technological change, it requires a different approach, mindset, and skill set that SMBs
(small to midsize businesses) simply
may not have in place. If you think
For example, Lerner says, companies can connect their cloud management platforms directly to the network
so they dont need to make as many
manual changes. He adds that the same
idea can be applied to multifaceted applications with different networking
needs. Instead of having one base network for doing everything, an SDNenabled network can essentially adapt
to a given application and give it access
to the specific resources it needs.
Take an application such as Microsoft Lync, which can do voice calls, video
calls, desktop sharing, instant messaging,
and more. "Those all have dramatically
different networking requirements."
Lerner says. "The way networks are built
today its just one network, and that
traffic would all follow the same path.
With SDN, that Lync server could send
an API to the SDN controller and say
this is voice traffic, so I want to apply
this set of policy to it or this is video
and this is instant messaging, so I want
to go this other way. It creates this opportunity to dynamically change the network to the needs of applications, which
is something we dont have in todays
traditional networks.
Just because SDN is a big change in
terms of technology and introduces
Risk and security are actually
business issues, so a business
should manage them and have IT
put solutions in place.
Data loss and loss of brand
reputation are among the most
crucial issues youll face if you
dont take a risk-based approach.
Consider implementing GRC
platforms, to better handle risk and
compliance, and put strong quality
assurance processes in place.
Security and IT teams need to
use business terms when communicating risks so execs and
managers understand the importance of fixing those issues.
Understanding Risk
Once conversations among the business
and IT groups begin, you can move on to
establishing the definition of risk and work
to spread that idea throughout the organization. The first step, according to Versace,
is to understand that risk and security are
actually business issues and not software or
technology issues. For that reason, he recommends companies consider moving security out of IT and making it a function of
the business instead. Using this approach,
the business can pinpoint enterprise risks,
and IT can help put software and technology in place to minimize those risks.
Ultimately, the end responsibility with
incentives and compensation models
around it for security and risk, have to be
established at the line of business level,
says Versace. These folks have to have the
ultimate endgame responsibility, and its
their responsibility really to bring development, operations, and security together on
solving those problems for their products,
services, and ultimately the line of business
that they operate.
Versace also recommends that companies put business training programs in
[Companies need to make] information security a business quality priority. . . . Its not something that simply
sits in technology. Its something that must sit in the line
of business, and we see that. We see a whole bunch of
trends indicating how much more business is influential
in making technology decisions that relate to risk and
security. Organizationally and policy- and process-wise,
making these things a business responsibility, priority and
accountability with incentives is really important.
Global Research Director
Communication Is Key
Although the strong risk-aware culture
has to come from the top of the organization, there is also a huge amount of responsibility on the security team within
an organization to properly communicate
its concerns to executives. Murphy says
that too often executives in companies are
warned about security issues but because
the warning isnt given in business terms,
it falls on deaf ears. Its important that the
security team learns how to speak to the
business and that the business listen to
what the security team has to say.
Even when you do bring them the
risks, if management doesnt have an understanding, then that, to me, is the biggest
disconnect, says Murphy. Once you understand the risk, you have to understand
how it actually feeds into the corporate
risk and figure out how your security solutions and your security risks impact that
business. Then, he adds, you can point
it back to the business and have business
conversations with the rest of the world.
You can have your conversations about
security and technology internally, but the
minute you take that out of your own department, understand that you need to
speak in business risks, because technology
risks will never win the day.
Tape is still the least expensive
and one of the most reliable longterm storage options.
High-capacity disk storage is a
great fit for primary and secondary
backup, but it isnt necessarily a fit
in regard to price as archives dont
require quick recovery times.
A disk and tape hybrid strategy
is often best because you get the
quick recovery time of disk for primary backup and the low cost and
reliability of tape for archiving.
Although long-term cloud
storage is a hot topic, you often
wont know whether data is stored
on tape or disk due to abstraction.
Tape Storage
Tape is by far the longest-standing type
of long-term storage available today. Even
though it has been around for about 60
years, a majority of companies still use the
technology today for archiving and other
long-term storage needs. Because it has
been in use for so many decades, vendors
have practically perfected the technology
to be cost-effective and reliable, but that
doesnt mean the technology is stuck in
neutral. Sloan says that many vendors are
adding LTFS (Linear Tape File System)
formatting to their tape storage solutions,
which essentially makes it much faster to
restore media than it was in the past because you can find out very quickly whats
on the tape and then pull it up.
In addition to being inexpensive, sometimes costing as little as pennies per gigabyte to store data, tape is popular for
its reliability and longevitybut only if
its properly maintained. Tape has a long
shelf life and the range that it can hold data
is 30 years, which makes it ideal for longerterm storage, says Sloan. But there is
also a component of actually managing
the media, moving it from place to place,
putting it in proper storage, and having it
properly indexed. And that has to be done
well in order to get the value of tape as a
long-term storage medium.
This is where tape starts to get a bad
rap in some circles. Sloan says hes talked
with organizations and heard horror stories about pulling up an important file
from a tape only to find it was corrupted.
However, he points out that this is often
caused by the user and not necessarily the
medium. Often the issue is not with the
tape itself, because the tape should be able
to last 30 years, he says. It may well have
to do with human error in the backup process or with the actual physical handling
and storage of the tapes.
One last caveat when it comes to tape
is that many people make the erroneous
Disk-Based Storage
Another long-term storage option companies tend to consider is high-capacity
disk, but that doesnt necessarily mean they
should use it for archiving and similar use
cases. Tape got a bad rap, and somewhat
deservedly, in the 80s and 90s, as being
slow, dusty, and horrible to work with,
says Mark Peters, practice director and senior analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group.
There are many people who still view it in
that light, despite that not being the truth
these days. There is an emotional detachment from tape and an emotional attachment to disk, which leads to many people
incorrectly storing long-term data on disk,
even though thats probably a bad idea.
Cloud Storage
Sloan and Peters agree that companies
need to look at the cloud as a delivery
method or a consumption model rather
than an entirely new storage medium. The
reason why its important to make this distinction is because the cloud is abstracted
and a cloud service could very well be
using tape, but you just dont know whats
on the back end, says Sloan. This could be
a benefit for your company because you
dont have to worry about what medium
your data is stored on as long as its accessible, but for other companies, this abstraction could be a disadvantage, especially
when it comes compliance and auditing
where you have to know exactly where
data is being stored at any given time.
Companies may also look toward the
cloud for long-term storage because as
Sloan says, there is a veritable price war
going on with major public cloud providers. But just because the cloud is the
least expensive on paper, doesnt mean
it will always be that way. Those incremental costs add up over time, says Sloan.
People want to use it as a long-term
storage option, but when they make out
the numbers, they realize its actually going
to cost them a bit over time. The cloud has
not always been the most economical solution in the long-term.
Whether you go with the cloud or stick
with a more traditional storage medium,
its important to compare feature sets
and find the technology that will fit your
needs. Dont forget that there is no such
thing as the cloud, and what I mean by
that is that everything about tape and disk
applies to the cloud, says Peters. The
only difference is that the cloud is owned
and operated by someone else. They will
be, and should be, going through the exact
same decisions.
Kris Davenport: 602.622.5619
Certied Piedmontese beef tastes great: lean and tender, juicy and delicious.
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Research Director
Customer Support
Another great use case for social networking, and one that builds on the idea
of customer outreach, is customer service
and support. The old days of customers
calling in or sending emails asking for
product support or troubleshooting are
fading as many users are now reaching out
to the social media presences of businesses
and expecting a quick response. For that
reason, some companies even have dedicated customer support Twitter handles
where users can go to ask questions and
get answers. In this regard, you need to
look at social networks as two-way streets
where you can reach out to customers and
market to them, but you also need to have
a system in place to support them in the
long run.
OF THE CURVE to get up
to speed on the latest technology news and information about
products for your company.
A Turbo-Charged Smartphone
What does a 15-minute charge get you these days? If youre using the Verizon Wireless Droid Turbo by Motorola with
its Turbo Charge technology, it gets you eight hours worth of battery power. And on a full charge, the smartphone lasts
for up to 48 hours. You can even charge the Droid Turbo wirelessly. The smartphone sports a turbo-fast 2.7GHz quad-core
processor for fast app-switching, and it includes Verizons Advanced Calling feature so you can make high-definition voice
and video calls to other Advanced Calling-enabled phones while continuing to use data. The phone has a 21MP (megapixel) camera with two LEDs for an extra-bright flash, and it can be used to record video at 4K resolution. Theres also a
2MP front-facing camera. The Droid Turbo runs Android 4.4.4 (aka KitKat) and includes 32GB or 64GB of storage (no SD
card slot), as well as a Corning Gorilla Glass 3-covered 5.2-inch Quad HD display. The case is sturdy (reinforced by DuPont
Kevlar), water-repellent, certified as energy efficient, and recyclable.
Images, clockwise from top left, courtesy of Apple (1), Samsung (2), Sony (3), Microsoft (4, 5), and BlackBerry (6)
Smartphone Tips
Let The Local Scout
Find Places For You
If youre looking for someplace to eat
or something to do nearby, press the
Search button on your Windows Phone
device and tap the Scout (three buildings) icon, and then flick left or right to
view choices under Eat + Drink, See +
Do, Shop, and For You. For personalized results, choose the For You category. By default, the results are sorted
by distance, so whatever is closest to
you is at the top of the list; tap Sorted
By Distance to choose a different sort
order or to filter the results. Tap any
item to find out more. To find places
in a location you are heading to, find
the location using the Maps app before
launching the Local Scout.
Dont Settle For
The Standard Notifications
If you like the array of items that
appear in your Android smartphones
Notification panel, youre all set. If
you never want to use a certain feature, however, such as Driving Mode
or Multi Window, or if youd like to
add a feature to the Notification panel,
such as NFC or Smart Stay, you can
adjust the panel to your liking. Access
Settings and tap Notification Panel
to get started. Youll see two panes at
the bottom of the Notification Panel
setting screen: one for active notifications and another for available buttons. Simply press and drag the icons
from one area to the other for the features youd like to add to or remove
from the Notification panel, and then
exit Settings.
Enable Notifications
For New Messages
By default, the Gmail app only
displays a notification for each new
email thread, not for new messages
that occur within a thread. For those
who watch their email like a hawk,
leaving this default setting turned
on is akin to putting blinders on as
countless new messages roll in unnoticed. To correct this situation,
open the app tray, tap the Gmail icon,
press the Menu key, tap Settings, select an account, scroll to and select
Labels To Notify, and then tap Inbox.
On the Notifications For Inbox window, uncheck the Notify Once setting. Tap OK, and then press the
Escape key until youre back at the
Home screen. Now you just have to
make sure you keep up with the influx of notifications.
What or who was that you were looking for? Was there somethinga document, say, or contact informationstored on your iPhone? No? If you are performing a search on your iPhone (which, by the way, you can initiate by swiping
down from any main screen and typing) and dont find what youre looking for as
you type the search term, you can tap Search Web to instantly change your iPhone
search into a Web search.
Dismiss Currently
Running Apps
The iPhones multi- Tap and hold the period key for a selection of domains.
tasking feature is great for
quickly switching back to
a recently used app, but it also opens the door for multiple apps to run in the background. Apps running in the background dont usually hamper performance, but
they can, and restarting the iPhone doesnt shut down the apps. To view all currently
running apps, press the Home button twice quickly. Swipe left or right to locate each
app you would like to shut down, and simply swipe the apps thumbnail screen upward to dismiss it from the list and stop it from running. Doing this does not cause
any data loss. Press the Home screen again to return to the normal view.
Quick Key Shortcuts
You can use BlackBerry Link software (available via the BlackBerry website) to
transfer data from a non-BlackBerry device to a device running BlackBerry OS 10.
If the other device is an iPhone, sync it with iTunes, disconnect it from your computer, download and install BlackBerry Link, connect the BlackBerry using a USB
cable, select iTunes as the music source, and access the desired views (Pictures
and Video, Music) in order to select and drag files from your computer to the
BlackBerry. If you have an Android device or a feature phone and a Windows PC,
you can simply connect both the non-BlackBerry device and the BlackBerry to
the PC using the corresponding sync cables, open Windows Explorer (click Start,
Accessories, Windows Explorer), and then drag files directly from the Android
device or feature phone to the BlackBerry.
A - switch to agenda view
C - create new calendar item
D - switch to schedule view
M - switch to month view
S - search calendar items
T - switch to current day
W - switch to week view
B - jump to bottom of contact info
E - edit contact information
T - jump to top of contact info
Web Browser
H - access browsing history
I - zoom in
K - access bookmarks
L - refresh the Web page
N - go to next page (forward)
O - zoom out
P - go to previous page (back)
S - search for text on a Web page
BlackBerry Link software simplifies the process of transferring data from another device.
Consider Online
Productivity Tools
A plethora of Web apps fall under
the umbrella of productivity, but in
no way is that a bad thing because there
is an app for practically every task, priority, project, and goal. For instance,
you can use project management tools
to juggle deadlines, manage to-do lists,
track workflows, and more. Adding to
these capabilities, Microsoft Office 365
gives team members shared access to
master documents via user-created intranet sites, so they can edit in real-time
and manage file access among customers
and partners.
With a cloud service such as Microsoft Office 365, you can co-author Word documents, Excel sheets,
and other files with colleagues. Unlike traditional Office products, you dont have to save a separate
version for yourself or wait until another person closes the file.
Use Whiteboards
When you cant meet in person,
members of your virtual team can interact and brainstorm on full-featured
online whiteboards. Browser-based
whiteboards typically let you invite
meeting participants to create and sketch
on the same board. A number of whiteboard apps also support real-time collaboration in which everyone in the
session is an equal participant. This is
a good tool for tablet users who want
to share ideas on the go but need input
from others.
If youre a Windows Phone user, you can easily access Office 365 apps from your device. Specifically,
you can start a new OneNote page, create a new Office document, or edit files saved in SharePoint.
Print Documents
When you need to print content
from your mobile device, you can use
one of many available apps to print
documents from OneDrive that were uploaded from a different source. To sync
all of the photos, audio files, and videos
stored on your Windows Phone device,
you must install Microsofts Zune software on your computer and connect the
mobile device to the computer via USB.
Physical Backup
Finally, you cant sync a certain
amount of valuable device data to the
cloud (or to your main computer via the
cloud), so be sure to back up that data as
often as possible to a second device (such
as a laptop) or storage solution (such as a
microSD card or portable hard drive).
Excel Formulas
Calculate Percentages
Calculate Compound Interest
Because Excel doesnt have a builtin function for calculating compound
interest, Microsoft provides a formula
that will get you the results you need
using present value (PV), interest rate
(R), and the number of investment
periods (N). So, if you make an investment of $100 and want to see how
much money youll have in 10 years
MATCH Function
Excels MATCH function makes it
easier to find the location of a specific
figure relative to its order in a column.
For instance, if you are searching
for the number 780 in a column of
30 cells, you can type the formula
=MATCH(780,B1:B30,0) to find
your exact match. If the information
is located in the 15th cell, for instance,
youll receive the result of 15 from the
formula. You can also use a 1 or -1
modifier in place of the 0 to find the
number that is greater than or less than
your desired figure.
Round Up Or Down
If you work with figures that have
multiple decimal numbers and need to
round up or down to a specific decimal
place, then Excel has two easy functions you can use to get the job done:
For example, take a number you want
WORKDAY Function
WORKDAY lets you take a start
date and a number of days to determine what your end date will be
with weekends and holidays taken
into account. For example, you need
to enter the DATE formula, well use
=DATE(2015,4,1) into the A1 cell,
and a specific number of days in the
A2 cell, well use 18, you can use the
formula =WORKDAY(A1,A2) to find
your end date, which in this case is
April 27, 2015. You can also add holidays to the formula by entering the
dates into cells
and adding them
to the end of the
formula =WORKDAY(A1,A2,A3:A9),
which will change the end date.
REPT Function
Typing the same thing over and over
can quickly get repetitive, especially if
you need 32,767 instances of the same
information. If you think that number is
oddly specific, youre right. Its the maximum number of times you can use the
REPT function, according to Microsoft.
To use the REPT function, simply take a
word, number, or other entry (Repeat,
in this instance) and tell
Excel how many times you
want it repeated by typing
=REPT(Repeat,5) into a cell.
You can also use this function to better visualize data.
For instance, you can use
symbols to represent sales
figures or your amount of
customers and watch your
growth over time.
Rootkit Attacks
What Is A Rootkit?
A rootkit is software that infects and
gains privileged access to a computer.
This means it can perform administrator-level type tasks, says Michela
Menting, digital security research director with ABI Research. The primary
feature is that it can hide itself in the
system and remain undetected.
The Damage
Essentially, rootkits give an attacker
free reign to perform any task desired, including installing software; deleting files;
modifying programs; transmitting data;
and using spyware to steal credit card
numbers, passwords, keystrokes, etc. A
rootkits ability to modify existing programs and processes, says Menting, enables it to avoid detection by security
software that would normally catch such
There really arent any limits to
how much damage it can do to a PC,
Olds says. It can delete data files and
then rewrite gibberish on the hard
drive to ensure that the data cant be
recovered, or it can quietly work in the
background and log user keystrokes,
eventually capturing workplace, ecommerce, or banking user-names and
passwords. Ultimately, a rootkit can
route that data to a hacker to plunder
Unfortunately, the likelihood of being hacked or unwittingly downloading malware on a computer is extremely
high. Especially in the network-connected environment
of a company, even if you take all precautions necessary
someone else may not have and you get a virus from
them internally.
Practice Director
ABI Research
What To Do
For typical users, arguably the worst
news concerning rootkits is that getting
rid of one can be beyond their scope.
Olds says, in fact, most users should
probably seek an experts help if they
suspect a rootkit infection. Though
some security programs can detect and
remove specific rootkits, Menting says,
there are so many variants that it can
be impossible to detect and remove
them all. Often, she says, getting rid of
a rootkit requires a radical solution.
If a user suspects a rootkit, he should
first disconnect the system from the
Internet to cut off possible remote access
and prevent data from leaking, Menting
says. Next, remove data from the infected
computer and scan it for malware on another device. (Menting notes that if the
data contains unknown [or zero-day]
malware, this step may not guarantee the
malware is eradicated.) Finally, the computer should be purgedwipe the hard
drive and reinstall everything, she says.