Assessment For Learning in Practice: Criteria For Observation
Assessment For Learning in Practice: Criteria For Observation
Assessment For Learning in Practice: Criteria For Observation
Sharing learning
objectives and
expected learning
Rich questioning:
feedback and
The context of the lesson is explained briefly previous learning how the lesson
fits into the big picture.
Learning objectives and outcomes are shared with pupils (in age appropriate
Children are involved in deciding what the success criteria will be
Learning objectives and success criteria are visible
If asked during a lesson, pupils can explain what they are trying to learn and why.
Pupils can demonstrate an understanding of the success criteria (what they need
to do to demonstrate success).
Learning outcomes form the basis of feedback to, and discussions with pupils
Hands down; teacher selects pupil(s) to answer.
Wait time; all pupils have the opportunity to think before answering.
Pupils encouraged to consult in their group/with a partner in order to formulate an
Teacher involves a number of pupils in the answer to a single question creating
the opportunity for discussion e.g. What do you think? Do you agree with that
Use of wrong answers to develop understanding.
Appropriateness of questions; fitness for purpose.
Quality of questions i.e. good question stems e.g. Why does..?; What if..?;
How would you..?; Could you explain..?.
Opportunities for pupils to formulate questions.
Rich questioning: