AE - Waite. .Grade - Of.zelator

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PART 11.



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Master. of the Trr,rjlc.-Fratrcs

et Sorores i n our Holy
and Glorious Fcllorvsl~ip of tllc Rosy Cross, assist mc to
o p n tllc *rc~nl)lcw i t h I-ccollcctio~~
a n d great rcvcrcncc in


the Grade of Zelator. . . . Frater Ostiarius, I direct you to

see tllat the Temple is guarded on the hither and further
sides, remembering the Treasure that is within.

Fratcr 0stitrritls.-Nono~lrable Mastcr of the Temple, I

tcstify by the Pearl of Great Price that the Portal is
watched and guarded.
Master of the Temfle.-Fratres et Sorores, let us see to
the guarding of the Sacred and Ueautiful Light which has
come in the Rosy Cross to hearts that are prepared within.

Masicy of t/re Temple.-Auxiliary Frater Zelator, I command you to prove the Brethren. Assure yourself that all
present have been advanced to the Grade of Zelator and
are zealous students, seeking the Holy Ends.

Fratev Zdaior.-Fratrcs
c t Sorores, in the name of the
Holy Watchers, and by the ordinance of the Honourable
Master, I demand the Sign of this Grade.

Frater Zclator.-Honourable Master of the Tcrnplc, in

obedicncc to your commands, I have received from the
Fratrcs ct Sororcs the Sign of Ucncdiction, which is that
of the Grade of Zelator.


Mastet*of the firrrple.-I

testify on m y own part, and on
behalf of the whole Fellowship, that we who are here present
have been dedicated by our own free will, and have pledged
and set apart ourselves, seeking the high things belonging
to this Grade of Zeal. Intervene, 0 Lord, in Thy mercy,
and so sustain those who have entered within the Gate that
they may come at last to T h y Presence.
This is said with raised eyes aud i~pCt&d Wand
pause of a ~ ~ t o ~ r fol'ows.


Master of t7ie ,7"1@e.-Let

this Fellowsl~ipof the Rosy
Cross be sprinkled with Holy Water, to synlbolise that
greater sanctification by which we arc purified from stain
in our earthly p a r t

If the Btvthuen /cave not been purt3ed previous(y irr the

Grade of Neophyte, f/tc Frater Aquarius w7nes razcnd
with the S u n to fhe Thyorre of t h Master, t l . blessing of
the Vessel 01W d e r fakes place iz the prescribed fovwt,
md th Aquarius ~ e t u r ~ with
tjre S u u to his proper
place. T/.rt-and
iu eit/ur cme -he advances to the
Pifhrs and,standing betweert t h m , describes a great tk
i7z t h air with his Asperg2Ctcs a d sprird&s freely
thrice. H e ,~ t t n h sobeisatuz to flu E a s t bcfweerz the
Piliars a n d ujVtj?s his Vcssel.
Fmter Agzrarinr. -1-Ic f hat is washcd needc th not save
to wash his feet, but is clean every whit. I have purified
the Fellowship with Water.


Master of the TclqUe.-Let this Fellowship of the Rosy

Cross be hallowed with Sacred Fire, to symbolise that
consecration of the carthly part of our nature which GOD
fulfils within us by thc Fire of I-Jis Indudling I'rcsetlcc.

Fratcu T~I-zj'icans.-It is written that GOD shall save

both man and beast. I have hallowed the Fellowship with

F r a t ~Zelator.-The

body of the Fcllowsl~ipis cleansed.

the sanctification of our

Master of the Te7rrplc.-In
earthly part, 0 Lord, grant us t o see T h y Face.

This is said with raised cycs and

paust. of a vmnent foll.oms.




Master of the Teu@le.-Let u s recall that part of l i u ~ n a n

personality which receives its plenary consccl-ation in the
symbolism of this Grade, and the clement t o which i t
corrcsponds, that a sense of our clcction may be awakened,
0 Honourable Frater Yracticus, in the hearts of those who'
are here and now present and in thc uplifted heart of this
Warden of thc TEIIZ~ZC.-T~ICwork of the wise is
perforrncd in the body of man, which is hallowcd i n this


Grade and corresponds to the Element of Earth. It is

written that t h e earth is the ~ o r d ' sand His is the fulness

-Now, therefore, Fratres et

Master of the TeuqVeSorores, let u s offer u p our bodies i n adoration, giving glory
and thanks and honour to the Lord and King of Earth.
his Throne arm!
The Master of the Gt,pZc desce~rdsfro~~t
$rces tlte E a s t in frolzt of it, with the other Oficeus am!
the rest of th Bretheil, in their respective places.
Master of the T E I ? @
~h & ghis
- r f i m ?zcprniscd ilr the
ieff /;and).-ADONAI
HA ARETZ, m N A I MALK AH (ruakiug tlporz his person the ~ a b n h t i Sigrr
of the
Cross $3 ),-unto Thee be the Kingdom, the Power and the
Valley of Vision, the Seat of Judgment and the Palace of
Magnificence. Unto Thee be the Kose of Sharon, the Lily
of the Valley, the Indwelling Glory and Fountain of all
Influx, wherewith the Garden is watered for ever and ever.

Frater Zelator.-At
thy Gates, 0 City of Jerusalem, a t
thy Sanctified Gates of Light, let the Earth adore

He retzmzs direct as / . c n m ~ The Master of the TevqCc
faces Wesf, stairditzg in front of his Throne, atzd says,
with raised eyes arrd uplz$tccd Wand ;-

Master of the Ten~@.--And purified, consecrated, dedicated, let the part of earth of his servants, the holy body of
man, adore ADONAI.



hfa-stcrof the TENQ&---~oT

the body is a holy sanctuary
and the Lord is our light therein. Therefore we look for
its adoption, a redemption in perfect transmutation, that it
may he as the body of heaven in its clearness.

The Master of the TenzpZt haZts in the Middle West,

fmittg the Tablet of the West, a t a couvenie~rtdistallrce
therefrooltt. T'x Wayden of the Ter~zplepyoceeds by
South around the Altur, where he isjoirred by the Guide
of the P a t h , zuho hcrs t a h n the BOWLof Earth fro~ttthe
Altar. They aassu71ze their plnces respectively otz the
right a n d kft of the Master. The Lzcczyer of the
To~tfZelrriltgs up his Lesser O@ceys aarrd stuuds with
raised La?}@itrtmedzate& behind t h Master, haviltg
Fvczfer Thurt~catzson his left behind thc Guide of the
P a t h a n d Frater A q u a ~ i u son his right, bthi~zdthe
Wnl-den of the Temple. A ZC p~csentare now facing
Nasfev of the Tertz@e.--From the Palace- a t the Centrc,
the Most Secret and Holy Palace, wherein is the King i n
His Beauty, to the Palace of matel-ial things, wllcreil~
reigns the Lord of the visible world i n the likeness of the
Lord of Glory, the order and sequence of high graces and
mysteries are interchanged ivithout break or interruption,
and man-by their blessed intermediation-co~rlnlunicates
with the Eternal in the hcights and the depths of his
nature. 111the mystical name ADAM, the letter ALEI'I-I
looketh toward the Supreme Crown ; tlic letter M E M
looketh toward the Great Mother in B I N A N , who is the
Divine Mother of souls ; but the letter DALETH looketh
toward the Scphira MALKUTI-I and the Bride in mani-



festation. May the power of the Lord descend upon me

and the brightness of the Lord encompass me, while I
recite the Sacred Invocations.

Master of the Temjl-e.-Thou hast clothed us in the earth

of worlds, and thither whence wc came at first do rvc look
in our desire and longing. Lead us i11 the paths tllcreto,
Thou Guide of all our ways. Remake us in the itnage of
the ELOHIM, that which is n~anifesti n our nature after
the mode of things that are unseen by eyes of flesll. the
will below in correspondence with'tlle will wl~ichis above.
Over fish in the sea, which are the lower emotions of our
nature ; over fowl of the air, which are wandering thoughts
of mind; over cattle and over all the earth ; over every
platerial thing; give unto us the rule of Kingship, that we
may subdue our part of earth. Breathe into our nostrils
the breath of life, that man may become a living soul.
Wiih the Bowl of Sy~tzboZicalEarth, t h Master of the
Teuzple traces the Synrbol of E a r t h i t c t/te Air before hi71z.
Master of the Te?trple.-Sanctify
our congregation, 0
Lord ; clothe us with the garments of salvation ; cover u s
with the robe of righteousness, as a Bridegroom is adorned
with jewels.. .In the Name of ADONAI MALKAW, the
Bride and Queen of the Kingdom, looking toward the
Gates of Light, let the soul of our natural manhood and
the earth of our human life adore ADONAI.



Master of thc Tc~ilpk-In the name of AURIEL, the

Great Angel o f Earlh, in memory of t h e ulanifested Law,
and by the Sign of the Head of the Bull, ye Living Souls
of Earth, adore A D O N A I .

IXE Master of the Temple rctums the Bo~ulof E U L ~

to the Guide, am' takittg from Frater Aqzcavius the
VessJ of H o b LVatc7; he wakes n Cosmic Cross i 7 z the
North am! spriukles thrice, snyizg .-Master of the Ter~tpZe.-By the Sacred Names and
Letters which are written about the Western quarter of the
universe, b y the inward mystery which they communicate,
b y the protection from the enemy therein, and b y their
grace operating within us, ye Living Souls o f Earth, adore

R eftir~z
ing the Vessel of Water,/z takes the Thr-iblefrom
Frafer Thurij%ans, aud making a Cos7uic Cross, he
oflers ilrcetzse thrice, sayi~i-g:Master of the Teuple.-By the footstool o f the King of
Glory, b y the Kingdom which is His, b y the Crown o f the
Kingdom in its splendour, ye Living Souls o f Earth, adore
Returning thc Thzruihle, he rcceives his Wand f m n ~the
Warden a d goes back by t h Norfher7t quarter t o his
Throne i n the East. The other Celebrants qud O_Oicers
retzmz with t/u S z c ~ zto their places. The Guide of f/re
Paths rcpCaces the Bow2 of Earik 012 thc Alirrv. A22
as usual.
Mem b c ~facc
Master of t h Teuzpb (with raised face and upfiffed
cs,!0 h r d , for ever with T h y Holy Kames.
- -35T.-2zLz
3t23- -A?-5%x-7%=cl L3:r:- z z zEz7.x G: :z.Fratres e t Sorores, the Spirit and the Bride say -. Come.



And come therefore, m y Brethren. Bring offerings of

aspiration, and come into the House of the Lord. . .
Auxiliary Frater Zclator, in the Name of the Holy
SI-IEKINAH, I command you to proclaim that the
Temple is open in the Gradc of Zeal.

Ft*aterZeZator.-In the Name of ADONAI MALKAH,

the House is swept and garnished. T h e Temple is opened
duly in the Holy Grade of Zelator-


The Oficers a d Members are seated.

Here e l z h t h SoZe~mCertmotzy of Owing t/rc Temple

in the Grade of ZeZator.




ZELATOII, 1= 10.

The Postukznt is alolie in the Vestibule on a Prie-Dieu, in

c o n t a i ~ h gversicles
full light, with a scroll in his /uds,
proper to the Grade.
Mastcr of t / u TerqGe.-Fratres et Sorores, the dispensation of the High Light has been committed to our charge,
working toward the will in its conversion-through conformity with Divine Will. And. seeing that I have been
entrusted with a warrant from the Most Honoured
Imperator of the Fellowship for its exercise in the person
of our beloved Frater Adveniat Regnum (we2 tzomen aliud),
a Neophyte of this Holy Order, and am empowered to
promote him from the Portal of the Rosy Cross, now therefore I call upon you to unite with me spiritualIy in the
hallowing of his natural body, for the better manifestation,
the greater preparation and liberation of the man within.
Do you, 0 Honourable Frater Theoreticus, Guide of the
Paths and Grades, as Mediator and Reconciler, Prince of
~ ofa Sorov actiag
Purity and Lord of Peace (But in t / casc
as Guide of th P a t h , substitute: Spirit of Peace and
Purity), go forth and prepare the Postulant, in the grace
and the- light, the benediction and mystical beauty, of your
all-saving office.

T h Guide

of the Paths rises i ~ zhis place a ~ z dmakes

obeisance with t/u Sijp of the Grade.



Guide of the Path.-I will take unto me the strength of

the Eagle: I will unfold the wings of the Dove ; and all
who desire in their hearts the graces and lights which abide
in the Holy Place 1 wiIl bring unto the Mercy-Seat and
the rest of an Eternal Sabbath.

T h Guide leaves.the Tenzple by South a d West.

Master of the Te~q&-Fratres et Sorores, the Neophyte
is prepared in the body because he has been prepared
already in his mind. H e bears the outward warrants of
advancement, being warranted from within the Order,
seeing that we are acquainted with his zeal. That light is
not hidden which he received in the Portal of the Rosy
Cross. I invite you to prepare for him a place in your own
hearts, that the love of brotherhood may encompass one
who is on the Quest of Divine Love and the Sacred Word
therein. Concur with me'ako in his advancement, that
with recollection and reverence we may bring him beyond
the Gate and place him at the entrance of that most hidden
path which leads from the Court of the Temple through the
Holy Place, from the place which is Holy to that which is
Holy of Holies, and thence into the Mystery of GOD.
t/u meatrtitm t/u Guide of th P a t h 1ia.sgreeted the
Postulant on tlufurther side ofthe Portal, sayiltg :-


Guide of th Paths.-Blessed

is he who cometh in the

Name of the Lord. May his light shine in this Temple as
a glory of the Rosy Cross.

The Guide pr@ares t/te Neophyte, who wears //LC coflnv of

a Fygot Cross to carry in his
his Grad8 arld -is
uight /rand. I n t h act of giviltg the Cross :this earthly part, 0 Lord :
purgc away the old leaven : sanctify the acts of man. And

Guide of the Pat/=-Purify



remember on your part, my Brother of the Rosy Cross,

that i t is light of grace i n the soul which enlightens the
body as its temple. I say unto you, therefore, 0 Frater
Adveniat Regnum (vel nomea aiirtd) : Hallowed be thy

Master of the Te71zpfc.-Auxiliary Frater Zelator, when

the Neophyte, under gracious guidance, gives the symbolical
Battery of the Grade, signifying the Great Law of Unity,
as a title to the freedom of the elect, you will admit him in
traditional form. Fratres Thurificans et Aquarius, folIow
with your Mystical Vessels and perform your allotted part
by the consecration of the Neophyte for the last time in
the Solemn Ceremonies of this Temple.

The A d i a r y Frater Zelator and his Lesser Oficers rise

i7z tjS& places alzd proceed to a coztvenie7zt paint in
proximity to the Door.
The Guide of the P a t h has itrstructcd the Neophyte, who
gives the Battery of th Grade-

The Frater Ostiarius ~ U Y I Z Sdown the lights, a7zd at a

s & n a l ~ o mFrater Zelator /E opens t h Door, so that it
E s J ~ C S ~+r.
Gui& of the Paths (speakingfor the Postuhnt, while they
are still on i
h further side).--Let me enter by the Gatc
of the Temple, for without are darkness and sorrow, and
the eye opens in vain.

T h F r a t ~ rOstiariz/s throws back

i/re Door, so that they

s t a d 7ww on the s a v e d thr~shold.

Fkater Zetator.-May that which has opened a t your
knocking be even as the House of GOD and to you as the
Gate of Heaven.



The Postdant crosses the Ihreshold, Icd by the Guide.

Guide of the Paths (agailt sjcaki~lg
for the PostuZa~zt).Open to me the Gates of Rightcousncss: I will go into
them : I will praise thc Lord.

in peace. The Lord loveth the
Gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.

The Guide of t/te P a t h advauc~si'o the MiddIe West

with the Postulant. T h y halt at a sjrort dixfancc
behimi t/te Pillars. The Auxiliwy Fvatev Zelator atzd
his Lesser O1picey.sfall irt and fallow behind the~~z.All
pause arrd t u v ~
East OIZ /reariltg the voice of the Master.
Masiey of fhTenzple.-The

beginning of wisdom is the

most true desire of discipline, and the care of discipline is
love ; but love is the keeping of her laws ; and the keeping of her laws is the firm foundation of incorruption;
while incorruption bringeth near to GOD. Therefore the
dcsire of wisdom bringetll to the Everlasting Kingdom.

Guide of the Pat/&-I

have passed through the Gates of

Understanding ; I have come to the Gate of Wisdom ; I
have crossed the threshold thereof. 0 give unto rnc the
path of peace, the path which leads to the Temple and the
place where Wisdom dwells. I will build my tabernacle
thereby and abide in the light of that Presence.

Master of t/' Temple.--Except

the Lord build the

House, they labour in vain that build it. Except the Lord
keep the City, the watchman waketh but in vain. May
He keep your city for ever, 0 Neophyte of the Rosy
Cross. May H e build your house in beauty. By what aid



have you come to our Portal? Who has brought you

across the threshold ! Who leads you on this holy
ground ?

Guide of Z/ie Path.-A call has come from thc Imperator

of this Tcmple, who by a gracious act of intcrvcntion has
decreed the advancement of this our bclovcd Brother.
But the call is dual and the call is also one ; it is from the
depths of the lxart of our Postulant and from that which
rules in thc Fellowship-a sacred motive working in goodwill toward man. The Neophyte enters therefore by an
act of pern~issionand an act on his own part. T h c aids to
entrance are in the sense of this twofold motive. It is
written that the earth is the Lord's and tlic fulness thereof:
the Neophyte is guided by ADONAI, the Lord of Earth.
He is prepared in his mind by faith in a path to the
heights ; he is recognised by the warrapt which you hold ;
the secrets of the Portal Grade are treasured in his heart ;
and he carries the Sacred Swastika as a Badge of

Warden of the Te~~zpZe.-The Fylfot Cross, or Swastika,

is a great astronomical symbol which speaks to those who
can interpret concerning the Divine in the universe. I t is
formed of 17 squares, extracted in a peculiar manner from
a square of 25 squares. Observe that the Sun is in the
centre and that it is surrounded by the four symbolical
elements and the twelve zodiacal signs. You also are a
centre in the universe, Brother Novice of the Rosy Cross :
let your light shine before it. You are a centre of your
own system : let the light of your consciousncss be poured
over your elements, over the parts of your personality, over
your seals and characters and signs. The portents of the
universe testify to the univcrse within.



The Badge of A dm issiotz is la id aside.

Master of the Ten$e.--Honourable
Frater Theoreticus,
you will place the Neophyte between the Pillars, with his
face toward the East.
This is dom in the auihovisedform, the Guidc leadiqq the
Master of t h Ten~ple.-Auxiliary Frater Zelator, I direct
you to receive from the Neophyte the Step, Sign, Token,
Secret Words and Temporal Password communicated a t
the last Equinox in the Portal of our Fellowship.

Th Auxiliary

Frater Zelaior Puts aside his Lamp a d

Wand. H e co~msround with the Swt to the Postulant.
Havilrg received tfu O s c i a l Secrets, he faces East,giving
the Salute of th Grade, atzd says ;-

Frater Zelatou.-Honourable
Master of the Temple, I
have received the Secrets of the First Portal Grade.
Master of the Tern@.-They
are outward forms of our
Mysteries. L e t us remember that the body of our Sacred
Ritual is not without its spirit.
The Guide resumes his seat i a the v ~ i d d hspace Jetween t/re
Altar attd the Thrones of the East. The AzuiZiary
f i a t e r ZGCatov takes charge of th Postulant.
Master of the Tezq?le.-He who certifies that ADONAI
is his Guide when he enters our Holy Temple shall ever
command our aid. The Ministers of the Rosy Cross wait
upon the Followers of GOD. Stand therefore, Frater,
and-erect between the Mystical Pillars-bear witness to
your high intention. Do you covenant to maintain the
same honourable and perfect silence on the Mysteries of
this Grade which you have been pledged already to preserve



in respect of those belonging to the Portal of our Fellowship ? Will you never revcal them to the world ? Will
you never confer thein on a Neophyte, except in an
authorised Temple, under warrant from the Imperator of
our Order, when you are acting i n the capacity of Master?
And do you tcstify with truc lips-in the presence of the
Brethren who arc herc and now assembled-that the dispositions which brought you to the Portal have passed into
a scnse of dcdication, and that you will continue to the best
of your ability to be worthy of your high calling ?
Thr N~up/lyte( b c b z ~ponptcd by Ft*ater ZeZator and
rqkati7zg the wolds nftw /lint).-I
pledge my soul to
silence ; I will communicate only as I have received in the
Ceremonics of the Temple ; and the scnsc of my dedication
burns like a holy fire in my heart.

Master of the Te71'pb.-I now bid you kneel down :place

both hands in the Vessel presented before you, which
contains cmblematical Earth and Salt. As one who calls
upon his proper body in testimony, repeat in a clear voice :
When his earthly part has been purified, the spirit of man
shall ascend, as the sparks fly upward. I give my body to
the work of Divine Life : I will follow the call of the spirit.
I swear by the Earth of Zion, which became a living soul,
and by the body with its activities and all the train of their
conscqucnces. Lct me bc uplifted on the Mountain ; let
mc trcad thc winc-prcss of thc ICingdom.



Master of t h Tellpie.-And even as the immemorial

soul, may your heart continue to demand the higher
things. . . . Frater Ostiarius, in virtue of the testimony
which has been bornc on his knees by the Postulant, let
there be a light upon his way.

The Frater Osiiarius t~rt-tzstLp tire lights of tlu Temple.

Tlu Postulant remai?zs uport /ris ktzets. The illaster of
the Telrtpb rises with uplfted arms.
Master of the Teutpk-With Water from the Wells of
Understanding, do Thou cleanse us, 0 Lord, from sin : with
Fire from the Altar of Incense, do Thou consecrate us
again to Thy service: that we may offer up a clean
sacrifice in Thy Holy Place.

Mmter of the Temp&.-Fra tres Thurificans et Aquarius,

approach in the grace and sanctification of your respective
Offices ; purify the earthly part of our beloved Postulant,

TIu Frater Aquarizds co?ltes vound t h PilCQvs with the

Sun, /MI& up his Vessel of Water i7z obeisance to t h
Thrones of the East, l u r m Westward, moss-~rzarksthe
Postulant OIJ the foreherrd nlzd sprinkks three times
before him, saying ;-Frater Aquarius.--Waters of Purification, Waters of t h i
Great Sea, for the cleansing o f earth and man, I purify
with Water.
He turm Eastward,agaiu elmates the VessJ a ~ t dresumes
his former place, moving with the Sun. Thc Fvaier
Thurzjiiss comes round t/u PiZLars itz tire same nrarzner,
Iwldr up his Thurible iir obeisarzce lo the Throir~sof the



Fraicr ir/lu~~$ca~x-Fircfrom the Altar which is abovc ;Fire for the consccration of earth and man : I consecrate
with Fire.

He turns E a s t w a d , again elevates the Thurible and71zovingwith the Sun-rcsu7rres

his former place. ..

AZastw of the Temple-Rise, Neophyte of thc Rosy

Cross, an accepted Postulant for advancement to the Grade
of Zelator.
The Postulant rises.
The Auxiliary Frater ZehtorpZaces the Bowl of Earth i n
the two 7 u d s of the Postulant, a d ~rzovingwith the
Szm proccedF to a comeniertt poiut Behi~zdhim, where he
directs t h Postzdant in a low V O ~ C Cto Z$t z@ the Bowl
to thefrill heziht of his a r ~ ~and
t s say u f e r hint cZeayiy :

The Neophyte (foZhwi~zgt h Frater Zelator).-In to thy

hands, 0 Soul of mine, for the work of the Rosy Cross, I
commend my body of life.

The Azrxiliavy F r a k r Zelafor should f e r f o r ~ ~this

t part of
the Cere~nonyso that atteatio?t' mltny be directed to the
Postula~ttrather than to his own prouzptiltg. The Bowl
i s replated 012 t h Altar.
Master of the Te~~'ple.-The blessing of the Order overshadows you, its welcome awaits you, its GOD-SPEED
goes before you, as you pass from the Court of thc Temple
toward the Sanctuary that is within. You have knclt
between the Pillars, to lay down the uneasy yoke and
intolerable burden of the old unconsecrated life. You have
risen between the Pillars, to the new and dedicated life.
Between the Pillars you have been purified and made ready



in the sense of the life of dedication ; its vistas stretch

before you. I bid you lift u p the eyes of your spirit, for
this is holy ground, and that which lies before you is the
path of your attainment and return. I-Iai1 unto you, our
Postulant and Brother, for your blessed dispositions
toward the Light.
The Gzbide of the Paths rises iz his place, with upItyted
Wu?td,facing Westward to the A [tar.

Gzcide of the Paths.-Guide us, 0 Lord, and guard in all

our ways. Watch us, going forth and returning : watch us,
our King, for ever. Lead us t o our term, 0 Hidden
Master of the Rosy Cross, that we may come alive into
T h y Presence.

Warah of the Temple.-And the Lord GOD planted a

Garden Eastward in Eden ; and there He put the man
wliom H e had formed. And out of the ground made the
Lord GOD to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight
and good for food: the Tree of Life also in the midst of
the Garden, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
It is the Tree of divided Knowledge ; but it shall be made
one with the Supernals in that Higher Knowledge which is
unity ; and it shall become t h e Tree of Life.

Gzab'e of f h Path.-In

the correspondence of things

wllicli are above with those that are manifested below, there
is a Supernal and there is a Lower Eden. lie one is the
place of our desire and the place whence the influx cometh ;
the other is that of our purgation.
Warden of t7ze Tc~~rp(e;;-Thcone is in a world of Understanding which is called in our traditional system the
S E P N I R A B I N A H ; the other is in the Kingdom of this
world, which is called the SEPI-IIRA M A L K U T H .



Master of the Te~n@e.-From MALKUTH, which is the

tenth SEPHIRA, the manifested world, there extends a
Path of Life, and it is the way of your return to the heights,
0 Frater Adveniat Rcgnurn (vd7zomcrc al't'ud).
Guide 4 t h Przt/ls.-The Legend of Eden is an allegory
of our first estate, when Divine Substance was communicated to the soul of man in a Paradise which is above. But
since that immemorial pt-c-natal time he has been the
denizen of an Inferior Gardcn. Yct the vestiges of his old
transcendent state have not been removed utterly, and
scattered fragments of the Divine Food allure him still
amidst the quests of material life. T o him who can
receive they are administered in the Sacraments of Nature
and Grace for ever and ever. T h e y are aids and consolations on the way of his return homeward ; they are
sanctities in his path of liberation. You who have been
nourished on fruits of the Tree of Knowledge, remember
the Tree of Life. Whence you have come remember, and
also whither you are going. Lift up your eyes, looking t o
the Land of Life, beyond the Mountains of Salvation.
The A uxiliavy Fratev Z c h t o r p r o ~ ~ z jthe
t s Postulant in a n
ulzdtrtone, from be/ii~~d

Th Neophyte

(follawing Fvatcr ZeZator).-I

stand between the Mystical Pillars ; I seek the way t o the heights
and thc Path of Life, in the Namc of ADONAI.

The Guide of the P a t h rises in his plate, with uplzyted


Guide of the Paths.-I

have watched long for your

coming, 0 Son of Truth.

H e proceeds slrru2y Westward, a d says in his p r o g ~ z u:Guide of the Paths.-I rise in the place of Benignity. I
come in the Name of the Light. I come from the Mercy-



Seat. I am the Preparer of the Way which leads to the

Celestial Light. Peace and reconciliation are in m y hands.
I have the power and will to perfcct all who shall enter by
the path of prudence. I have seen t h e Tree of Life and
the twelve manners of fruit. Make way for me, ye Lords
of Truth. I carry the grace of mediation, and before I
have finished m y course I look to makc all things onc.
He is stamding i7z fvont of the PostuZa7rt1who is di~cctcd
by the A uxiJiary Frateu ZeJator to kned with bmt h a d .
Master of the Tem#c.-May
GOD be with you for ever,
true Guide ijf the Paths and Grades. Fulfil your ministry
of mercy, in the performance of which you represent in this
World of Action the glorious loving-kindness descending
from the Supreme Crown through the unmanifest and
manifest worlds.

The G u i A of t h Path gives the R itual Be~miictw~z

of tl're
Grade over the bowed h a d of the Postula7zt. It is give~z
with both arms extc~zded hrizontaZCy, the figers
separated and inchzed daw~tward,symbofising the good
will o f th FeZhws/t$ f i w i u g over the personaZi~of tlre
R ccz$ient.

G u 2 e of the Path.-Frater Adveniat Regnum (vel rro7rzea

aliud), may GOD be with you in your Quest, and seeing
whence you have come down, may His own wisdom teach
you the most practical of all lessons, which is how to go

Th Guide of the P a t h lzyts up the PostzcJant by his two

arms and draws /rim thvongt'z the Piffars.

Guide of flu Paths.-You

who are zealous of the Light, I

will lead you, I will bring you, even unto the House of



Adveniat Regnum (vd

~zomenalir'ud),you tvere admitted in the Grade of Neophyte
through the Portal of a Holy House, typically represented
by that place of GOD which was built of old in Israel.
You came already within the precincts, even into the Court
of the Tabernacle, where stood the Altar of Burnt Offerings,
on which animals were immolated in sacrifice. On such
an Altar you have dedicated your body of life to the high
ends of the Spirit, that in your soul you may see the Light.
A4asteu of

the Te71@Lc.-Fratcr

Gai& of the Paths.-When

the Light of the Spirit is
declared, my Brother, in your consciousness may the Life
be communicated to you therein.
Warden of the Tet~tP/e.-Between the Altar of Burnt
Offerings and .the entrance to the Holy Place stood the
Laver of Brass, \vhercin the priests washed before they
entered the Tabernacle of the Congregation.
Guide of the Path.-Remember, 0 Brother of -the Rosy
Cross, that through the fires and waters of this earthly life
wc are prepared for thc things that arc of heaven.
Mdctcy of the Terrzple.-Having
been clcanscd in the
Laver of Brass, having made his offering at the Altar of
Burnt Sacrifice, the priests then entered the Holy Place.

The Gaide of ihe Paths riscs, with zqlt.ted Wand.

Guide of the Paflu.--From earthly into spiritual life,
from places of lcsscr purification, coluc into the place that
is lml~-. E n t x into fhc Yrc.~.cnic~f GOD.



Mastev o f the Terl'pk-The

path of your symbolical
progress in this Grade has brought you from the Court of
the Temple into the Holy Place. Beyond it is a Holy of
Holies, and yet beyond is another Mystery of Religion,
leading by successive stages to a central place of experience,
unto which all faiths testify, which all set forth i n types.

The Guide of the Pczths h s vcsu~nedhis seat.

lVa?zbn of the Tel~pZe.-The Golden Table of Shewbread stood on the Northern side of the Holy Place, and
tllc twelve loaves placed thereon were symbolical of the
Bread of Life, of which those who partake in the spirit are
joined together into one mystical body and con~munityof
the elect. They signify to us that the nlaterial nourishment of man may become the food of souls by the power
behind the sacraments, the grace and life and light which
it is the purpose of all the signs of Nature t o communicate
under their proper veils. For this reason the twelve loaves
typify the universe of manifested things, behind which the
Divine Immanence abides like a Secret Light. And
because the Word of God-which is sought and found in
our Fellowship after an arcane manner-finds
in creation, but is veiled also therein, the twelve loaves are
referable to the twelve simple letters - of tlle Hebrew
Alphabet. They signify further-but this is in the sense of
the niicrocosm-the Twelve Tribes of Israel, understood
mystically as those who have been called and choscn, out
of a11 tribes and tongues and peoples and nations, for
Divine work in the world. They are in correspondence
also with tlle figurative crown of twelve stars on the head
the Bride and Qucen in manifcstation, ruling in the spiritual
nTALKUTH, which is Sanctum ltegnum, the Kit~gdornof
in sacramental analogy with the Kingdom of this
lvorld, \\-hi& is also a City of GOD. T h e loaves of the



Table of Shewbread may be likened again to twelve petals

composing the Rose of Creation ; and on the microcosmic
side of the symbol, seen under this aspect, they typify
finally the Rose of our Humanity, in the ccntre of which is
consciousness enlightened by GOD, as the world itself is
enlightened by virtue of the Immanence within.

Guide of the Paths.-The

Seven-Branched Candlestick
stood on the Southern side of the Holy Place, wrought
about with golden lilies, lighting tllc Altar of I n c c ~ ~ and
the Table of Shewbread. I t corresponds in our Secret
Tradition with the Seven Embletnatical Palaces of the
World of Action, or the material world, and with the seven
double letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, signifying the
Divine Efficacy therein, by which the Palaces of Action
become the Holy Place. This Place is the glorious
Palace of Holiness and the Secret Tcrnple at the Centre.
T h e Seven-Branched Candlestick is also in analogy with
the Seven Churches of Asia ; and even as the petals of a
rose, like the branches of the Light-Bearer in the Temple,
are bound together, springing from one root and one stem,
so are the Seven Churclles one Holy Church of the Elect.
And as the Angels of the Churcl~esare Stars for the
enlightenment thereof, so is there a mystical lesson in the
days of the week. For those days are like Seven Churches,
and it is yours, 0 chosen Brother, so to consecrate and rule
your life within them that they shall be one Churcl~and
one Most Holy Temple, with GOD dwelling therein. Thus
shall you deserve to be crowned a t the end of ali with that
Chaplct of Seven Stars, which are the Gifts of the Spirit.



Master of the Teuqle (at t/te f i t c~nsirrg).-Glory be

to GOD, Who is declared in the heart of man to those
who are pure in heart. ( A t the second cerzsing). Glory be
to GOD, Who is manifested in the light of created things.
( A t the third C E I I S ~ ~ J . ) Glory
bc to GOD in the Transcendence, i n the place of concealed mystery. We adore
Thee in the presence of the veil. 0 take us in Thine q y n
good timc, Thy gracious and saving time, beyond all veils,
bchind Thy palms and pomegranates, into the Holy of

Master of the Te~~tpk-Before the Veil of the Holy of

Holies stood the Golden Altar of Incense ; but this Altar
stands in the middle place of our Temple. I t is in the
form of a double cube, presenting the surface of things to
the eye of sense, but concealing the root and the source, as
He is concealed in the universe Who is Author and
Causc of all. The Altar of Incense was golden to signify
that perfect state which it is possible for our human nature
to attain in union with its source, and wherein our human
will becomes an acceptable offering, integrated in the will
of GOD. But this Altar is black, because we await the
conversion of our personal elements from the state of
impurity into the state of living gold, because of the Divine
Darkness, and because the witness of Nature to Grace is a
witness in the night of time. Upon the Golden Altar were
Inccnsc, Oil and Fire, corrcsponding to ALEPH, M E M
and SHIN, the three Mother letters of the Hebrew
Alphabet. The divisions of this Alphabet, of which you
have heard briefly in connection with the Table of Shewbread, the Seven-Branched Candlestick and the Altar of
Incense, arc but a part of thc dccp symbolism which lies



behind the letters of the word of man-itself

a shadow and
reflection of that Eternal Word to the quest whereof tve are
dedicated-that Word which is concealed evcrywherc, but
is declared in the secrct hcart. From the throne of your
imperishable spirit, 0 Frater Advcniat Kegnum (4
~ r o ~ ~alilsd),
~ e n may the Triad and the Unity therein look
forth upon the Kingdotn which is yours ; nlay tlle Seven
Spirits and t h e Seven Graccs cncircle it ; and may the
Twclvc Fruits of thc Trce of Lifc ripen in your external
The Mastcu of the Tc71gk~ z t ~ c r t~o rhis
s Tht-o~~c
a d thc
A z~~-iZia)
y F m tcu ZeLa for COIILCS folward, Zcn vi7g his
L m l p and Wand. T a k i q thc PostrsZu~ztby his two
hands, he taum him with his back to the North and
faccs /rim at a short distance.

Masfeu of the Tmpk.-Auxiliary Frater Zelator, you will

now impart to the Postulant the Sccret Sign, Sacred
Words, Password and Mystical Number which are allocatcd
to the I = xo Grade in the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross.
Fyater Zelatou.-Frater
Adveniat Regnum (ueL no71ten
aliud), by the decree of thc I-Ionourablc Master of the
Temple, receive a t my hands the official secrets which are
reserved to the Grade of Zelator. You will advance to me
in the first place with the step of a Neophyte. I t is in this
position that the Sccret Sign is communicated. T h e Sign
is given with both arms extcnded horizontally, the fingers
separated and inclined downward, as i f in the act of benediction. I t signifies the goodwill of the Fellowship flowing
over him who receivcs it, and it was by this memorable
Sign that the Guide of the Paths bestowed his blessing upon
you, on the part of tlle whole Order, as you knelt between
the Pillars. T h e Sacred Words are ADONAI MALKAH,
and-as understood among us-they have reference to the
Bride or Quecn of Earth, to which symbolical Element this



Grade is attributed. The Password is NAH, which

signifies Ornament. I t is formed from the two Hebrew
letters N U N and HE, the numerical value of which is 5 5 ;
and this is the Mystical Number. T h e Grip of the
Neophyte Grade obtains throughout the First Order, and
so also the Step.

Mastzu of I'e~t~ple.-The three Great Banners in the East

are Signs of the Paths which connect the Grades of
MALKUTH with the Grades and S E P H I R O T H that are
above. These Banners are inscribed respectively in their
centres with the Hebrew Letters RESH, S H I N and TAU.
The Paths refer to the mode of symbolical ascent through the
Grades and S E P H I K O T H comprised in the Second Order
of the Rosy Cross. They are symbols, my Brother, and
the realities to which they correspond are states of high
experience belonging to the life of the soul on its search
for GOD. I bid' you remember that there is an Eternal
Covenant between the Divine in man and the Divine in the
universe, by which there is-world without end-a way of
return to GOD.
Warden of t h TemnpZt.-The four-square Tablet which
stands in the Middle West of the Temple contains Divine
and Angelical Names referable to the Western Quarter of
the heaven and-by correspondence-to
the element of
earth. They teach us that the universe and man who
dwells therein are encompassed by the powers and the
providences, the graces and benedictions of the Divine.
They serve, moreover, to remind us that GOD has given
His Angels charge over all those who work for the Hidden
Wisdom and follow the Quest of Him.



Mmfer o f the Te~rrplc.-I now confcr

on you the Mystical

Title of Pereclinus de Faustis, which signifies that on this

earth you are as one who walks in a ~trilderness,and it bids
you tllercforc crcate a gasdcn of the soul therein. Your
work is the rcgencration of carth in your own personality,
that you may renew it i n that which is about you. I give
you thercforc thc symbol of AIIETZ, being the Hebrew
name of EARTH. May you so work, m y Brother, that
through Naturc you s11;lll cntcr into Grace. May you be
worthy of your high calling. May you come with joy and
go forth in glad~lcss. May GOD still guide you, if haply
our leading fail in the path that goes to the hcights.

Master of the Tei~qVe.-AusiIiary Frater Zelator, lift up

your Wand of Office ; lift up the Light which you carry ;
and declare in this Holy Temple that our Frater Advcniat
nliz~d)has been advanced to the Grade
Regnum (vel ~zo~rzcn
of Zclator and has received, by a regular communication,
the titles conferrcd therein.

Frater Zclator.-The
Namc of A D O N A I is before u s ;
the Name of MALKAH is bcfore us ; thc Lord of Earth,
the Bride and Quccn of thc Kingdom. I3onourablc
Master of the Tcmple, in thosc Namcs and obeying your
high ordinance, I proclaim that Fratcr Adveniat Rcgnum
(veC uolneu alir~d)has bccn advanced i n traditional form to
thc Gradc of Zclator, 1 = 1 0 in our Fellowship, and has
rcccivcd tllc Mystical Titlc of Pcreclinus de Faustis, with
thc symbol of AKETZ.



Wav&n of the Tenzpk-MALKUTH is a place of the

darkness, a place of the shadowed light, a place of illumination in Holy and Secret Sanctuaries. The powers and the
glories, the graces also and mercies, through Paths and
Worlds of the S E P H I R O T H above, are sent down therein.
I t is the first SEI'H-IIRA in the way of our return whence
we came, and'it'is therefore called 1 in our system. But
seeing that on the outward path by which man travelled
into manifestation, it is the tenth and last S E P H I R A , so
also its number is 10 ; and it is in such sense that the Grade
to which you have been advanced is described as 1 = 10.
A corresponding symbolisnl of numbers obtains through all
Grades of the Order on the ascent to the heights. In this
dual Quest of the Spirit of Man, the world of MALKUTH
is denominated a path by the Secret Tradition of Israel,
and it is termed also the Resplendent Intelligence, a root
and fountain of light. But this is in the restored state,
when the Kingdom of manifest things has become the
Kingdom of GOD. I counsel you to remember, my
Brother, that for you in the work of our Fellowship the
Kingdom of Heaven is a t hand.

Master of Te7rrph.-Frater
Adveniat Regnum (vel
tromen aliud), your title to further advancement in the
Grades of this Order will continue to depend upon the
maintenance of that Holy Fire which your zeal has
kindled within you. Guard therefore that Fire, as we on
our side will guard your memory in our hearts ; and be
sure that when 'you come again to our Temple, carrying
the proper warrants, asking in humility and reverence for
tidingsof the Holy of HoIies, we shall hear your voice, and
when you knock we shall surely answer. Meanwhile, you
arc appointed Keeper of the Threshold in this Grade of
Sacred Zeal.



Th Azui/iaty Fratcv Zelator comes forzavd, ~cmovesthe

chair of t/le Postzdant and ha& him to the Door of the
Tenlple, where he is met by the Actizg Ostiayiz~s,WAO
deZivevs to hint his Wand of Osee.
The AZhcutiou of tAe Grade foZZows, a ~ t dis ddivcvcd by
the Imprator, but him faiZi~zg by his Sz~bslitute,.or
by the Master of the Temple,




Fratres et Sorores, by the faithful witnesses whose
counsels have been transmitted from of old, we k n o w that
the Tree of Knowledge becomes the Tree of Life and is
made one with the Supernals i n that Higher Knowledge
whicli is unity. In some high region of the mind, above
the distinctions that obtain between good and evil, and
merged in an Absolute Goodness which fills the soul
entirely, there is an union that the soul attains, so that
Knowledge is on' all sides and is universal and holy.
Looking to that end of our desire, I invite you to hear in
the repose and the stillness which follow each stage of our
activity, marking progress in the work, the Allocution
belonging to the Grade of Zelator. And you, our' Postulant, who have this day crossed that threshold to which
you were brought only in the previous Degree, I solicit and
claim your attention to a few salutary inferences which
should be taken away from the experience through which
you have just passed, being that of the advancement which
follows reception into the House of our Fellowship. Here,
.as in other departments of intellectual and spiritual life,
advancement is in knowledge and experience acquired
slowly: I t is the continued communication of that light
which is conferred. symbolically on the Postulant in the
Grade of Neophyte and which it is prayed that he may
realise within him. H e is brought to the Door of the
Temple, and if it be only in symbolism that he has earned
the title for a further share in its mysteries, he is still



instructed to knock, and what follows is that the Door

opens. H e enters amidst the harmonious rumours which
n-rove about the activity of the Spiritual House and of the
Mystical City. His facc is set toward the East, as onc
who should sce Zion on thc sacred hill when the Orient
from on high has flooded it, when the night and its shadows
are ovcr. Let us pray that for lninl and those who are like
him all scales a n d bandages may fall from the inward eycs
and that thcrc sllnll bc no mol-e darkness within.
From his base on this cart11 hc looks toward the City
which is bcyond and the I-Iousc of his desirc ; he sccs the
great distalice stretching bcfore him--an immeasurable
distance that he is prepared to enter. H e will understand
also, if he have brought within the circle of our Fellowship
something of the light of thought, that distances themselves
are nothing, nor do places signify, because that which we
reach in the height is already here. There are no greater
opportunities than tllosc of to-day ; there are no hindrances
so insuperable that will and desire cannot-in their transmutation and with their tingeing power--convert into
perfect paths. When the voice of the Master speaks to the
Postulant of the great old allegories, of thc Tree and the
Garden, he knows that their inward meanings are here and
now among us, that Earth's Kingdom is also a Garden, the
Paradise which is below, while the Tree is not separable
from tIiese. Fratres et Sorores, here is the Way of the
Tree of Life, now is the call thereto ; and if some swords
are broken at the entrance-gate, if for some the sword of
the KERUBIM keep that way too keenIy, there is also a
Sword of the Spirit, before which even the KERUBIM
raise tllcir guard, so that thosc who are born for the Sanctuary may enter and go in.
Amidst such intimations, and such awakenings within, is
the Postulant brought from the Court of the Temple to the
Holy Place, and is told of the h/Iystcrics that arc beyond,



of religion behind religion, and of that which is the centre

of all, worlds without end of symbolism and one world of
key and explanation of all. But in the
deep places of his mind he will know that the world about
him is truly the Court of the Temple, that here is the Holy
Place and. a Holy of I-Iolies within it for those who are
qualified to enter. So also-and whether we are consciou~
or not of His Divine Presence-the lieconciler is always
with us, speaking from the hfercy-Scat and preparing the
way to the Celestial Light. In GOD'S most spiritual
once manifest and concealed-you
are the
burnt-offerings, my Brethren ; you are also the altar. It
is by the sacrifice of your proper selves, and so only, that
you can enter truly and essentially that Holy Place which
you have now entered syn~bolically. There is the Bread of
Life, which is shewn in our symbolism to correspond with
the wholc of creation, because GOD nourishes His children,
substantially and super-substantially, on all the planes ; and
the high angels, which guard the inmost precincts of the
Mysteries, do comnlunicate-to those who can receivethe Food of Souls, in every region of the universe. In
that Temple also arc hcld-as
if in arcllives-thc hidden
doctrines of Divine Mystery, leading by steep paths to the
crown of all experience in the term of sanctity. After this
manner docs the Mystical Temple, of which this is the type
and symbol, contain all things. The last message which i t
communicates to the Postulant in this Grade is that the
path of life in which it has pleased GOD to call him is the
nearest way of his election. The Mystery of the Tenth
Path, about which you have just heard, shews that MALKUTH is underdood after more than one manner, that
tile pearl of great price is in your own House, in the
Temple of your own personality, while that which is begun
on earth from every point of departure may be completed
also on cart11 i n the I-Icavcn within you.



For there is a certain mode of mind which is other than

logical understanding-more
respIendent and more highly
enthroned. A light descends therefrom through an ordered
channel ; it is called the Light of the Spirit ; and this
chan~lelis that path by which the Zelator goes up.

If the Millutes of

sly pvmiozu

Meeting- or other oJiciaC

Busi~cessare to Be take?Z itt thr Grade of Zelatov, t i c
~ I Z ~ be
~ S reduced
at this point to the Grade of
Nt.ophytc. Ey the power of his Wand, the M a s t ~ r~ I L I L S ~
close in t h Higher Gvaa'e, open by Fiat i?z the Lower,
and after the busi?rm has hem covtplekd must stirtihrdy
close tlleuein and re-opetz in tlte Gradi? of Zclator.





Master of the Temple.--


Master of the Tentpk-Fratres et Sorores Zelatores, I

pray you to assist m e with one mind in the closing of the
heart against the world.
Wardot of t h Tenzplc.-Honourable
Master of the
Temple, I testify on behalf of the Brethren, I testify on m y
own part, that the heart is guarded.
that which is watched within,
Master of
even in the sacred precincts, be protected also beyond, in
the world to which we return.
. . Frater Ostiarius,
remembering the correspondence between things wit!lin
and without, I direct you to see that the Temple is duly

The Frater Ostia~ius,

/ravirrg seen that the Door isfast :firat~r0siiarius.-I-Ionourable
Master of the Temple,
the precincts are guarded without by the Invisible Kecpers
of the Mysteries ; the Door is secured within ; and I stand
on the hither side as a witness of vigilance and a gage of



Afasteu of t h Tcnzph.-The Earth is full of His goodness ; the Pillars of the Earth are the Lord's ; the Earth is
full of His riches: Let u s adore the Lord and King of

Masto- of the Tcmp1e.-AD 0I\'A I

1-1A- A RETZ,
ADONAI MALI<AII, we have desired Thcc in all
generations. Spirit of thc Lord, say : Come. Bride of
the Lord, say: Come. Wc have watched in the night
because of Thee : wc have worked in the day bccause of
Thee : we die in the endurance of our longing. Make us
alive in Thee. 0 Earth. Earth, Earth, part of the Earth
in us, hear the Word of the Lord. Amen.

Mast# of the Tentpk-The

Guide of the Elect, t h e
Abiding and Indwelling I'resence, remain with this Temple
for ever, and in the hearts of the Brethren. Hail unto the
Holy S H E K I N A H on the hlllercy-Seat, between the folded
wings of the KERUBIM.

Alarter of t / T&~ltpCe.-Remember
the end, m y Brother.
TYa~dcrrof t/rc TCIIZJUC.-Thcend is Unity.



The Master of the TemjZe retzrum to his Thvom and thve

~ c m n i standing-,
Mem5ers face as I C S Z C ~ ~The
o f the Paths lays asia2 his bV'a~tdam' turm to t h
Wal-&?t of the Temple ilt the Middie East. They
a@voach o m auotheu. The Wardm gives the Benediction o f t/ze Grade to the Gz~ide,w h o receives it with

bowtd head. T/rq excha?zge the previous Formulary.

The Wayden r ~ t u r mto his Thru~rea d theye remaim
sfarrdi?zg. The Guide o f the Paths tunzs Westward
azd proceeds with the Su7z to a poifzt ilt frout of the
Pillars. The Azuiliary Frater Zelator comes forward
a d pauses between t h P i h r s . The Gaide gives t h
Beltedicrtb~z of t h Grade to t h Frater Zelator, who
The Formulary is
vcccives it with bowed Itead.
exchrzged bctweerz tlum The G u d e returns to his eat
with the Sun and t/tere re~naimstamiitrg.
The A~cxiliavy Frater Zelator returm direct as Ire came,
arrd statzdiltg i 7 z his own place he t u r m to t h F r a t .
T/lurzj?cans, who tuyns also to him. T h Auxiliary
Frater Zehtor givw tIu Be~zedicrionof t h Grade to the
Frater T ' u r z ~ i a ~ zwho
s , receives it with bowed head
The Formmdary is reputed. Th Frater Thurzj%arzs
carries the Benediction to the Frater Aquarius, wlw
ucceives it with bowed had. The Formdary is
yepea ted.

T h Frater Aquarius proceeds with the Sun to the first

unoficial Brot/ter i 7 z the Sozcth-East a d gives the h z e dictioi~of the Grade. The For~izdmyis rqcated. It is
comnurzicated frouz Member to AfmzBev omz the Southern
side in the same malrner. Meanwhile t/te Fvater



Aquarius p~ocecdswith thc Szrn to the f i 7 ~ tunoficial
Brother i n the NorthEast a d gives the Be?z~dictio?z.
It is communicnted from Member to Melrzber oft the
Nor't/lcr?zside. The Last 1-cc$ient gives it to the Frater
t the day.
Ostiu~ilrs,who is the P o ~ i u h of

The Most Honourt.d I~rzpcuatouo f the FeZZowshz) comes

vou~zdto that p o k t with the Szm a d reeeiues the Benediction of the Grade fvam Frater Ostia&s with bowed
I d . The Formzdary is exchanged, as in all cases
prmiozlsCy. The Fraier Ostiarizcs is Ced back to his place
and there re~nai~zs
The Most Ho~zou~ed
Imperator turus Eastward with
extended arms.
Inqkrator of the FeZlowsh$.-And
in all.

GOD shall be all

Having said this i72 a clear voice, a d with great

reverence, the Ivzferator refuras to his $lace. All
face as usual.
Master of t h Te~tqUe.--Ourhearts are licensed to go
forth into the world without, carrying the memorials o f the
covenants made within. Depart in the peace o f the
Eternal. Depart to your proper places, your paths in life
and their activities. . . . Frater Zelator, by virtue of your
High Office in the World o f Action, I command you to
close the Temple.
The Frater ZeCntor Zzyts z/p his W a r d olzCy.



FratevZe2ator.-The graces and bencdictionsof ADONAI

be upon us, as Chiidren of the Restored World. Be we
ready for the call of His service, under the Banner of the
Rosy Cross. I n the Name of the Holy SHEKINAH,
I declare this Temple closed in the Grade of Zeal.

Guide of the Paths-


G. WHITI, Printer. 396, King's Road, Chelsea, S.W.

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