Game Theory To Optimize Stock Portfolio
Game Theory To Optimize Stock Portfolio
Game Theory To Optimize Stock Portfolio
Ashutosh Kumar(11168)1
Stock market is one of the most lucrative career choice for gifted mathematicians and economists, so
it comes at a no surprise that a lot of work has been done on the application of game theory to stock
market . Game theory with its vast arena of approaches that are simple and rationale in nature have
been extensively used as an indispensable tool by Quantitative Analysts. This paper tries to find the
development of game theory as a tool to optimize stock portfolios.
Stock market is a place for sellers and buyers to meet and exchange stocks, bonds etc. under the supervision of a regulatory body i.e. the Exchange. Its a hub of people crunching numbers trying to figure out
what is the market gonna do next. But its a difficult job, the market is volatile and a good way to get some
idea is from historical data. With regression analysis or more advanced artificial intelligent networks like
Neural Network, CNN we can do that up to a certain extent. But the historical data is not sufficient, it fails
to measure the sentiment of the market. As we will discover later in this paper, in a stock market the health
of the sock may depend more on the rumors flying about the company shutting down than its balance sheet.
The expected earnings from a stock is measured by the expected value of return and its volatility is
measured by its variance called risk. Return on an stock is the sum of dividend received and change in
market price. Here we assume that only return possible is the change in the market price. Similarly, risk
is the off-chance of producing negative returns. The riskier the stock the more likely is a negative return.
1.1 Risk and Returns
Consider a single stock with an expected return of 12%. If there exists a risk free investment like a bank
deposit with an interest rate of 12%, then anyone would be better off to invest in the bank as this entitles
him to the same return with no risk. It may also be possible that some people may choose the bank even if
the interest rate offered is 10%, less than 12% offered from the stock. This is called Risk Aversion. No
rational person would undertake a risk without adequate compensation. The minimum difference in the
expected compensation between a risky asset, like stocks here, and the compensation from a risk-less
asset to make a rational person indifferent between the two is called Risk Premium. Hence risk premium
can be considered as the compensation to investors for holding on to riskier investments. If the expected
return of an stock falls below the sum of risk free return and risk premium, then no rational person will
buy that stock. Please bear in mind that risk premium is a personal construct and may vary from person to
person, with a high value for those who are more risk-averse. We will talk of stocks only with a further
assumption that all the prices and cost, that in future too, have been reduced to their present value.
1.2 Portfolio
According to Investopedia, A portfolio is a grouping of financial assets such as stocks, bonds and cash
equivalents, as well as their mutual, exchange-traded and closed-fund counterparts. Portfolios are held
directly by investors and/or managed by financial professionals. Portfolio are more attractive to stand
alone stocks. The reason will become clear with a bit of math ahead.
Consider there are n stocks in a portfolio with weight wi and expected return Ei . The expected return
of the portfolio is the weighted average of the expected return of the stocks. But due to the correlation
between the stock the risk is less than both the individual risk and the weighted risk of the stocks. Hence
their is a sharp decrease in the risk with a small decrease in expected return. This property of portfolio, to
provide average return with a lower than average risk, makes it more attractive.
1.3 Risk of a stock in a portfolio
The next question that arises is that how do we calculate the risk added by a particular stock to a portfolio.
The risk of a stock in a portfolio is measured by the ratio of its volatility to that of an average stock on the
market, called . If = 1, then the stock is as volatile as an average stock, if this value is greater than 1,
then the stock is more volatile than an average stock. Conversely,if the value is less than 1 then the stock
is less volatile than the market. If a stock with greater than 1 is added to a portfolio with = 1, then it
increases the volatility of the portfolio and vice-verse. can be calculated by running a regression on the
past data of returns on the market.
M,M p
subject to
w j y jt 0,t = 1, ...t, T
w j W,
w j 0, j = 1, ..., N.
Constraint on M p makes sure that it is greater than the portfolio return and hence M p is being maximized.
These sets of equations will give the value of maximum minimum return, or the minimum maximum loss.
2.3 MAD
This model was developed by Konno and Yamazaki and was presented in 1991. This model combines the
advantages of MV model with outdoing its dependence on quadratic solvers. It minimizes the portfolio
returns mean absolute deviation for a given expected return. As it is linear in nature, it scores major
brownie points over MV model.
Game theory has ever increasingly spread its influence in the financial markets. Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel
(2005) tried to model stock market as a dynamic game with a continuum of players. This concept was
first introduced by Aumann (1964) and Aumann (1966). Before these articles, the games couldnt model
the insignificance of the action of a single player on the market. These games as a continuum of players
were further studied by Mas-Colell (1984), Balder (1995) and Wieczorek (2004). The same in dynamic
setting were explored by Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel (2000) and Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel (2001).
Another popular perspective is to the view the market as evolutionary and hence try to find the
evolutionary stable strategy. Cai et al. (2008) tries to model the market as a continuous double auction
in a homogeneous population. A continuous double auction allows both buyers and sellers to exchange
offers simultaneously and continuously throughout the auction. Smith (1962, 1965) conducted many
an experiments to document the behavior of the players in the game. Smith (1962) claimed that even
with limited information available, the continuous dynamic game can model the market very efficiently.
Another breakthrough was that it didnt need a very large number of players contrary to the classical theory.
There are multiple think tanks working on separate theories to use game theory to optimize a portfolio
and maximize profit thereof. gto (1988) tried to build a game theoretic model to optimize portfolios for a
wide variety of payoff functions in a single or multiple play of the stock market. He postulated that if the
payoff of the two players satisfied that the primitive -game has pure optimal strategies W 1 = W 2 =1 if
and only if (1) 0 exists and
((t 1)/t 0 (1) (t) (1) (t 1) 0 (1)
for all t>0, then any player would achieve the optimum value by choosing the conditional expected log
optimal portfolio.
Another theory in the making is the canonical coalition game theory for optimal portfolio selection.
Kocak (2014) tried to find the optimum of a portfolio for stocks with identical targets but different risk
capabilities by applying Coalition Game theory. Evolutionary game theory too has been put to use to
find the optimum portfolio. Evstigneev et al. (2008) examines a dynamic model of financial market with
endogenous asset prices. The model determines the short term equilibrium of demand and supply. An
assumption is made the traders use fixed-mix investment strategies and distribute their wealth in fixed
proportions. The result corroborate that of Kelly (1956) that investing in stocks according to their expected
relative returns is a evolutionary stable strategy.
A further study in the same field with an incomplete market was done by Hens and Schenk-Hoppe
(2005) It studies the evolution of wealth shares, in incomplete markets with short-lived assets, of portfolio
rules. It derives the necessary and sufficient conditions for evolutionary stable strategy and states that if
investors employ only simple strategies, i.e. (w) k , then the simple strategy * defined by,
k = E(Rk (w))
for k = 1,. . .,k is evolutionary stable. Furthermore, there is no other strategy that is evolutionary stable.
a probability of 2/3 and downmarket with a probability 1/3. For the high risk stock Nature can play
downmarket with a probability 2/3 and upmarket for 1/3. The player dont know the move of the Nature
and play without knowledge of the trend of the market. It has been assumed that the price of the stock
reached 1.25 in an upmarket and 0.75 in the downmarket. Furthermore a risk premium of 0.1 has been
taken i.e. if the seller sells the stock, he gains 0.1 for doing away with his uncertainty while the buyer
loses 0.1 for the uncertainty regarding the future of the stock.
An extensive form of the game is shown in the Figure 1 below. A normal form of the game is given in
Figure 1. An extensive form of the game. Player 1 is the buyer and player 2 is the seller
Table2. The value of each column in the normal form can be calculated by the following.
(-0.1,0.35) (0.15,0.1)
(-0.6,0.35) (-0.35,0.1)
The upmarket game has a (1,1.25) and (0.75,1.25) as pure strategy Nash Equilibrium. This makes sense
as if the players know that the market is going to soar in future, the seller would sell at a higher price.
Though surprisingly, the buyer doesnt buy the stocks, the reason is that the seller will only sell the stock
at 1.25, but this doesnt cover the risk premium of player 1 as he is paying 1.25 for an uncertain asset
worth 1.25 now but whose values could take a dip later. The downmarket game has (0.75,0.75) as the NE
as both know that the value of the stock has fallen and hence would only bid or ask for 0.75. One should
note that if Pstock > 0.35 here, then there would be a unique Nash equilibrium to the upmarket game
namely (1.25,1.25) for this time player 1 is getting adequately compensated for the risk he has taken by
buying the stock.
4.3 Bayesian Nash Equilibrium
A point to note is that in an upmarket selling at 1.25 for player 2 and buying at 1 for player 1 are weakly
dominant strategies while in a downmarket buying at 0.75 for player 1 is a weakly dominating strategy.
This is analogous to that stocks should be sold at greater than par value and bought at below par value to
maximize profit. Furthermore, player 2 is always better off by making a sale in a downmarket
Each player has nine moves. To make our lives easier we will just calculate the expected payoffs
for each of the possibility assuming that = 1/2 and that both players can only use either 1.25 or 0.75.
The expected payoffs are shown in Table3. From the table we can ascertain that the only pure strategy
0.75, 0.75
A lot of text can be found the application of game theory for stock market portfolio optimization.
Though the models can be very complicated mathematically, the underlying concept is simple enough to
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