Inside The Vacuum Tube John F. Rider
Inside The Vacuum Tube John F. Rider
Inside The Vacuum Tube John F. Rider
Other Books by
Lt. Col. U. S. Signal Corps, (Ret.)
Illustrated by Baxter Rowe
404 Fourth Ave.
New York 16, N. Y.
Copyright, 1945, by JOHN F. RIDER
All rights reserved including that of translation into the Scandinavian and other foreign languages
Printed in the United States of America
Dedicated to
JANET 1330
who still is an inspiration to her father
OF ALL THE INVENTIONS that have ever made scientifi~ hi.story, the discovery by Lee DeForest that a few turns of WIre III between the two elements of a diode vacuum tube were able to control the flow of electrons, can without doubt be classed as among the foremost in its benefits to mankind. Not only has the three-element vacuum tube been the means of providing entertainment and education to millions of people throughout the world, but it has proved to be the keystone in the arch upon which has been built innumerable branches of scientific thought.
Considering the effect of these few turns of wire-the grid in a triode -on the transmission and reception of intelligence through the medium of radio communication alone, to put it mildly, this discovery was tremendous. Of course, the discovery of the high-frequency alternator by Alexanderson and the arc transmitter by Poulson made possible the exchange of intelligence by radio, yet this means of communication was limited in that it did not possess the versatility of electronic apparatus typified by the vacuum tube. The advent of the triode vacuum tube as an ancestor for the vast number of different types that we know today, was really a beginning of a new era in world thought. Where would television, facsimile, radio broadcasting, and radar be without it? The answer is obvious ....
In view of all this, it was felt that this book was a necessity and it has but one purpose: to present a solid, elementary concept of the theory and operation of the basic types of vacuum tubes as a foundation upon which can be built a more advanced knowledge of tubes in general. Here then are the elements-the rest is up to the reader ....
We have set certain boundaries in this book so that its scope may be considered limited to some degree, but after all-and we repeat-this is an elementary explanation of vacuum tube behavior and operation. We have kept the essential mathematics in as simple a form as possible and have included only the minimum amount. In the final chapter, we have omitted mention of certain types of tubes, for instance the lighthouse tube, the magnetron, and the klystron, because even a superficial description of their functioning would involve matters which were con-
sidered to be beyond the limits which had been set. So also did we omit the subject of reactive loads in our discussion of this important phase of tube functioning, because its inclusion would take us over those boundaries of elementary study.
The reader will find several innovations in this book. Following the explanation of the electron theory, is a new presentation of text concerning the vacuum tube: a discussion of electrostatic fields. It is our feeling that by understanding the distribution and behavior of the fields within a tube, the reader will gain a better picture of why amplification is accomplished within a tube and how the grids and plate are inter-related. Throughout the book, which covers diodes, triodes, tetrodes, and pentodes, the aim is to present a clear physical picture of exactly what is occurring in a vacuum tube, inclusive of the development of characteristic curves of all kinds, load lines, and dynamic transfer characteristics, discussion on power amplifiers, the use of pentodes as triodes, the cathode follower, etc.
One of the problems in book making has been to make illustrations easily accessible to the text describing or discussing them. We have, therefore, had certain diagrams and graphs printed on both sides of the page so that they can be consulted with a minimum of bother to the reader while reading the text referring to them.
Another innovation in the publishing of radio texts is the use of line anaglyphs that provide three-dimensional pictures which up to now have been presented in one plane only. We have used but three of these stereoscopic illustrations, because we believe that if the reader once gets the idea of a field, for instance, from an anaglyph, he can imagine how it appears under other conditions from a drawing in one plane.
We wish to express our gratitude to the RCA Manufacturing Co. for their cooperation in providing us with the hitherto unpublished data on the 6SJ7 pent ode with low screen-grid voltages, among others. Also we wish to thank the General Electric Co. and other firms for their kind cooperation. Our gratitude is expressed to Mr. Robert Lorenzen and Mr. G. C. Baxter Rowe for their contribution to this text and their conscientious criticism, and to Mr. Louis Prior for his valuable suggestions and graphical drawings.
September, 1945
The three two-colored ana glyphs facing pages 9, 37, and 122, must be viewed through the red and blue spectacles that will be found in an envelope fastened to the inside back cover. Hold the spectacles close to the eyes with the blue filter over the right eye and the red over the left eye. For a person with normal eyesight, the stereoscopic effect will be obtained with the page held at ordinary reading distance; this distance may vary for persons whose vision is not normal and uncorrected.
In the case of anyone who may be color blind, he may be unable to see the stereoscopic effect, depending on the degree and nature of the visual defect. In such event, looking at an anaglyph with one eye through one of the filters will enable him to see the illustration in at least two dimensions.
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCING THE ELECTRON-I. The Electron-2. The Atomic Theory-4. Matter Can be Transformed-6. The Atom-7. The Molecule-8. The Atom Too is a Structure-9. The Modern Idea-l1. Conductors and Insulators-13. Ions and Ionization-13. Atomic Spacing-16.
CHAPTER 2. ELECTRON EMISSION-19. Electron Emission Caused by Energy Conversion-2I. Thermionic Emission-24. The Indirectly Heated Cathode-26. Types of Electron Emitters-27.
CHAPTER 3. MOVEMENT OF CHARGES-3D. The Positive Ion-32. The Negative Ion-33. Laws of Attraction and Repulsion-34. Electrostatic Fields-35. Radial and Parallel Electrostatic Fields-36. Direction of Lines of Force-37. Forces Present in the Radial Electrostatic Field-38. Electrostatic Field Between Parallel Plates-39. Distribution of Charges -41. The Force Between Two Parallel Plates-43. Relation of Force, Voltage, and Plate Separation-45. Controlling the Force by a Third Charged Body-47.
CHAPTER 4. SPACE CHARGE AND PLATE CURRENT-51. Electrons Leave the Cathode-52. Electrons in Space-53. Space Charge-55. Density of Space Charge-56. Current is Space-Charge-Limited-58. Plate Current-58. Fields Between Cathode and Plate-61. Electrons To and From the Space Charge-62. Negative Voltage upon the Plate-64.
Vacuum Tube Relationships-67. Characteristic Curves-68. Expression of Relationship of Characteristic Curves-70. Characteristics Have Two Variables-7I. Linear and Non-Linear Characteristics-73. Static and Dynamic Characteristics-75. Number of Characteristics for Each Tube -76. Families of Curves-77. Resistance Within a Vacuum Tube-78. Power in Vacuum Tubes-79.
CHAPTER 6. THE DIODE-81. Cathode and Filament Structure-83. Directly and Indirectly Heated Tubes-83. Function of the Diode-87. Electron Flow and Current Flow-87. Plate Current in the Diode-89. Contact Potential-91. Determination of Diode Behaviour-92. Emitter Temperature-Plate Current Characteristic-92. Plate Voltage-Plate Current Characteristic-96. Resistance of the Diode-99. D-C Plate Resistance of the Diode-l00. A-C Plate Resistance of the Diode-104. Static and Dynamic Diode Characteristics-107. A-C Applied to the Diode Plate-110.
CHAPTER 7. THE TRIODE--1l2. Grid Structure--113. The Function of the Triode--114. Input and Output Circuits of the Triode--115. The Triode Operating Potentials-1l7. Electrostatic Fields in the Triode-l19. Negative Voltage on the Grid-120. Positive Voltage on the Grid-124. Zero Voltage on the Grid-127. "Free" Grid-128. Summary of Voltages Applied to the Grid-130. Why the Grid Bias-13I.
CHAPTER 8. STATIC CHARACTERISTICS OF TRIODES-136. Triode Circuit Element Notations-137. Grid Voltage--Plate Current Characteristic Curves-139. How the Curve is Developed-139. How the Curve is Used-143. The Point of Operation-145. E.-I. Curve for TungstenFilament Tube--147. Grid Family of Characteristic Curves-15I. What the Grid Family of Curves Shows-155. Plate Voltage--Plate Current Characteristics (Static Plate Family)-156. Tube Constants-160. Amplification Factor-161. Determining the Amplification Factor-162. Determining p. from the Plate Family-165. Amplification Factor of Triodes- 167. Plate Resistance--167. Finding the A-C Plate Resistance--168. Using the Plate Family in Finding A-C Plate Resistance--l71. Transconductance--173. Transconductance from Grid Family-l74. Importance of Transconductance--175. Transconductance from Plate Family-l 77. Relation Between gm, r., and p.-179. Interdependence of gm, r., and p.- 182.
CHAPTER 9. TRIODE DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS AND LOAD LINES-1S5. General Load Effects-186. The Basic Triode Circuit- 187. Plate and Load Resistances in Series-189. The Plate Voltage, eb- 190. The Effect of the Load-191. Varying the Grid Voltage--191. Introducing the Load Line--193. Resistances Graphically Represented-193. Linear and Non-Linear Resistances-197. Load Line Construction-198. Meaning of the Load Line--199. Dynamic Transfer Characteristic-203. Construction of Dynamic Transfer Characteristic-204. The Value of the Load Resistor-207. Effects of Different Loads-208. Effects of Resistance on Dynamic Transfer Characteristics-213.
CHAPTER 10. DYNAMIC TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS-217. Electrode Voltages Determine Fields-218. Influence of Grid Voltage on Plate Current-219. Initial Operating Point and Quiescent Value of Plate Current-221. Location of the Operating Point-222. Magnitude of the Signal Voltage--226. Output Plate Current and Input Signal Voltage-229. Graphical Representation of Input Voltage and Output Current-229. Comparison of Input and Output Waves-233. Similarity of Output Current to A-C Wave--235. Variation of Amplitude of A-C Wave with Time -236. Non-linearity of Characteristic Causes Distortion of Output-239. Operation on Linear Portion of Characteristic-240.
CHAPTER 11. VOLTAGE AMPLIFICATION-244. Computing the Instantaneous Plate Voltage--245. Graphical Method of Finding Instantaneous Plate Voltage--246. The Voltage Amplification Av-250. Determining Voltage Amplification Graphically-251. The A-C Components-252.
Plate Circuit Theorem-254. Determining Voltage Amplification-256. Input and Output Phase Relationships-26l. Optimum Value of Load Resistor-268. Phase Relations Again-269. When the Grid Swings Positive-27l. Influence of the Grid Resistor-274. Production of Square Waves-279.
The Tetrode-282. Tetrode Characteristic Curves-287. The Pentode Suppressor Grid-294. Pentode Plate Family-296. Amplification Constant -298. Plate Resistance-298. Transconductance-298. Load Resistor-299. Voltage Amplification-300. Screen-Grid Voltage-30l. Plate Load Resistor-306. Typical Pentode Characteristics-31l. Pentodes Connected as Triodes-316.
CHAPTER 13. THE CATHODE CIRCUIT-317. Self-Bias-318. Effect of Unbypassed Cathode Resistor-319. Cathode Resistor Bypass Condenser -321. Determining Value of Cathode Resistor-322. Plate Family for Tube with Unbypassed Cathode Resistor-327. The Cathode Follower- 332.
CHAPTER 14. POWER AMPLIFIERS-339. Definition of Power-340. Plate Dissipation-34l. Other Boundaries-345. Power Output-345. Distortion-347. Power Output vs. Plate Dissipation-347. Pentode Power Amplifier-352. Beam Power Tube-356.
CHAPTER 15. MISCELLANEOUS VACUUM TUBES-361. Vacuum Tube and Tube Socket Construction-362. Vacuum Tube Designa tions-368. Multi-Purpose Tubes-373. Variable Mu or Supercontrol Tube-375. Acorn Tubes-379. Cathode-ray Tubes-382. Visual Indicator Tubes- 393. Gas-Filled Tubes-396. Photoelectric Cells-400.
ApPENDIX. Typical Plate Voltage-Plate Current Characteristic Curves- 405. Letter Symbols-406.
Chapter 1
THIS IS A TALE about the second smallest thing in the world.
For centuries men sought it, yet they knew not what they were seeking. Over two thousand years ago thinkers started guessing what it was and strangely enough, some of those ancients' guesses were surprisingly accurate. They felt there had to be "something" on which to build their conceptions of the how and why of things, but what this something was-there was the rub-that they did not know.
It was not until men had discovered that research and experiment going hand-in-hand with logical thinking were the keys to the age-DId puzzle, that any progress was made in the tracking down of this famous and elusive unknown. Then for a century or so, guesses became better and better-closer and closer to the truth-and it was finally decided that men were looking for something common to every thing-a universal building block. Chemists and physicists guessed and experimented and, just about a half century ago, their efforts were at long last rewarded: they discovered the Electron! As far aswe know, it is the second smallest thing in the world.
It was discovered more than fifty years ago, but has never been seen. Science knows its weight, its size, its electrical character, how and when it moves and how fast it travels-yet we have never seen it. Strange, isn't it? We know that it has an enormous capacity for doing many jobs which we are sure it has been doing since the beginning of everything, but the important fact is today we are learning how to make it do the many jobs we require done. One of the most important of these jobs for the benefit of hundreds of millions of people is its lightning-like flight in a device known as a vacuum tube.
In order to secure a proper understanding of the vacuum tube, that most valuable of devices which has made possible the many forms of electrical transmission of intelligence, television, and radar, it is essential that you have a solid foundation in your knowledge of the electron. Not that we have any intention of considering the highly technical aspects of this subject, for, after all, this is an elementary book. But elementary as it may be, it is our personal feeling, based upon study and experiment, that every student of the vacuum tube should know something about the electron and its behavior.
The reason for this is not difficult to understand, if you appreciate the fact that the operation of the vacuum tube is based upon the actions of the electron. Realizing that many different types of vacuum tubes are utilized for many different applications and that the presence of the electron within the vacuum tube is due to different conditions, it would seem quite impossible to understand the manner in which these various kinds of tubes function to accomplish their purposes unless you understood the behavior of the electron. Under the circumstances, there seems to be no more fit starting point than a discussion of the electron.
The· Electron
If we choose to say that electricity is "something" which is capable of doing work, then that "something" which can do this work for us
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is carried from place to place by a very tiny particle known as the electron. In other words, the electron is either a carrier of a certain amount of electricity or it is a certain amount of electricity. Whichever
viewpoint you wish to adopt is immaterial, because both lead to the same conclusions. For the sake of simplicity, our preference is for the latter; so in all future discussions in this book, reference to the electron signifies a definite amount of electricity.
As to the amount of electricity involved when one speaks about a single electron, it is an extremely small figure, as witnessed by the fact that 1 ampere of electric current means the flow of about 6,000,000,- 000,000,000,000 electrons past a point in a wire in one second. But this extremely small amount of electricity in an electron is by no means a limiting factor in the discussion of the electron, for when we describe the behavior of a single electron, it is understood that this description applies to all of the electrons which may be under the same influence as the single one mentioned, so that in reality we are discussing a reasonable amount of electricity.
This is made possible by the fact that scientists agree that there is only one kind of electron and that when we speak about an electron we are talking about the same thing no matter what its source or condition. For example, it is an accepted fact that electric current in a wire, whether alternating, direct, or pulsating, whether started by batteries, dynamos, generators, or some other device, and operating a refrigerator, locomotive, airplane, or flashlight, is an electron stream moving in a definitely directed manner through the electrical system containing the device. All the electrons are the same, each identical to the other, even when there are many billions upon billions of them moving through the circuit every second.
Now it would appear from what we have said that this electron is something tangible--something physical. Although no one has ever seen the electron-and it is doubtful if anyone ever will due to its extremely small size-it is quite in order to form a mental picture of it and to accept its existence as a particle. Some scientists may not agree with this point of view, but since it makes understanding of the subject so much easier, we use it. Since science goes so far as to speak about the radius and mass of an electron, we feel fairly safe in forming the conclusion that its shape is round. And since we have occasion to speak freely about its movement under conditions which might be difficult to understand, it might be well to attempt to create for you, some idea of its extreme smallness, which will explain why it can behave and move as we shall describe. Perhaps the comparison in itself is enough to tax your imagination, but even if you do not grasp its true size, it will not interfere with your comprehending the contents of this book.
To give you some idea of the smallness of the electron, imagine the electron compared with a 1 %6-inch pingpong ball. The electron is as small compared to this 1%6-inch ball, as the 1%6-inch ball is compared to the orbit. of the earth, which is 186,000,000 miles in diameter. If you want to compare the two in inches and like to calculate, multiply the
-1l)e. Eo.rtfj's orbit IS 186,000,000 "l11«.5 II) c:1.iQ.lI)«.ter" __
orbit of the earth in miles by 63,360, which is the number of inches in a land mile. If you can use another example, the electron is about
13 500 o~o 000 000 inch in diameter.
, , , ,
The simple statement that an electron is a tiny invisible particle
representative of the basic elemental charge of electricity, that it is round and can be imagined to be a tiny ball, and that electric current consists of a tremendous number of these tiny balls in directed motion, is not sufficient. In view of the manner in which these electrons appear in the operation of different types of vacuum tubes, we must say more. We must talk about where they come from and the conditions under which they are made available for use in vacuum tubes. Before so doing, we must add that there are some who do not agree that the electron is a particle, for there are conditions under which it does not behave as such. But, since this is an elementary book and the world has not found fault with an imaginary picture of the electron as a tiny ball, and because it simplifies comprehension, we shall treat it as a particle and disregard those conditions when it does not behave that way.
The Atomic Theory
Electrons are in everything. While we may speak about electrons in connection with specific things such as solids, liquids, or gases, it should be understood that electrons already exist not only in those things, but in everything. This short paragraph says a great deal, but deserves elaboration.
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All of this can be explained by saying a few words about what this world is made of and the theory which science has established concerning the structure of things. If we attempt to find one word which identifies everything in the world, within it, above it, and upon it, it is Matter. By Matter is meant anything and everything which has weight and occupies space.
But being so broad in definition, Matter must, of necessity, have certain sub-classifications. In other words, Matter exists in three ma-
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[or states: solids, liquids, and gases. In the solid groups would be included any thing from the earth itself to the finest pulverized powder, for while a mass of powder may not behave as a solid, a single grain of that powder is a solid. Among the liquids, there is everything which
flows freely, from water to molten steel or molten rock, the lava which has engulfed many cities during volcanic eruptions. Among the gases there is everything from air, which is a mixture of many different gases, to that which is given off by a flower and sensed by the action of the membranes of the nose and nerves of the brain as a fragrance. To attempt to list all of the examples of Matter is of course impossible, as you can readily appreciate. The limits we have expressed in the preceding paragraph are by no means specific, but were selected III preference to technical definitions as expressed by Webster.
Matter Can Be Transformed
All forms of Matter, whether solids, liquids, or gases are subject to transformation of state. By this is meant that a solid upon being heated, may change into a liquid as for example iron, and, if the temperature is raised to sufficient height, becomes a gas. In the same manner, a liquid that is sufficiently cooled becomes a solid. For example, at a sufficiently low temperature water freezes into ice, whereas, if it is heated it becomes a gas called steam. A gas, on the other hand, if cooled sufficiently and also compressed, passes through the stage of becoming a liquid and then a solid. For example, air can be liquified by reducing its temperature simultaneously with an increase in compression. But when this liquid air is allowed to stand in the open air so that its temperature is raised, it again returns to its original gaseous state and mixes with the surrounding air.
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Perhaps it should have been mentioned before, that the chemist, while recognizing the three states of matter, breaks them down into even a finer degree-into elements. It has been found that at least 92 different substances exist on the earth that are pure unto themselves. These are known as elements. In other words, the finest possible divi-
sion of an element, even by chemical means, results in the same substance with the same characteristics without the presence of any other substance. The smallest possible particle of such an element is known as an atom of that substance or element.
The Atom
These a toms are extremely tiny particles which are too small to be seen, but which are accepted as existing and of such dimensions that
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tremendously great numbers of them would fit upon the point of a pin. (About 100,000,000 atoms can be placed side by side in a length of 1 inch.) Just as there are 92 different kinds of chemical elements, so there are 92 different kinds of atoms, ea-ch element having its own kind of atom. Thus the smallest possible subdivision of copper, which is a chemical element of the metal variety, would be an atom of copper. On the other hand, the smallest possible subdivision of carbon, which is not a metal, would be an atom of carbon. And the smallest possible subdivision of oxygen would be an atom of oxygen. Now many, many different substances other than just the elements exist on the earth. The chemist designates those as compounds which have two or more elements combined chemically. An example of a compound is water, which is a chemical combination of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Another grouping of elements or of elements and compounds, is called a mixture. Here the elements or compounds are merely mixed physically and do not combine chemically. For example, the air we breathe is a mixture and is composed of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, neon, and several other gases.
The total of the different kinds of chemical compounds which may be formed from the basic chemical elements is tremendous, As you look around, you see far more examples of compounds than you see of
elements. For example, in the manufacture of vacuum tubes use is made of many compounds as well as elements and it is surprising to note the number of elements which are employed; particularly those of the metal, rare earths, and gas variety. Rare earths and metals come under the general classification of solids.
Recognizing that a chemical compound is the result of a combination of various chemical elements, it stands to reason that the smallest possible subdivision of a compound which still retains the characteristics of that substance must be something other than the atom. For, if the subdivision is carried down to the point where the compound is subdivided into its constituent atoms, it no longer is the same substance. It is here that we encounter a new term which helps us to develop the construction of matter.
The Molecule
Whereas the smallest subdivision of an element is the atom, the smallest subdivision of a chemical compound is the molecule. For every kind of chemical compound which exists there is that kind of a molecule. For example, the smallest subdivision of water, as water, is a molecule of water; for illuminating gas it is a molecule of this gas; for steel it is a molecule of steel; and so on. Generally speaking the size of the molecule is larger than the atom, for the molecule is a structure of atoms. There was a time when it was said that the molecule, like the atom, was invisible. This is still true in almost all instances, but not in all, for recent reports about the new electron microscope, a device capable of tremendous magnification, state that large-molecules of certain materials have been seen. The molecule, however, is still an extremely small particle of matter and is generally considered to be invisible.
Thus we have reached the second building block in the constructional pattern of matter, first the atom and then the molecule. Lest you build up the wrong impression concerning the molecule, we wish to add that molecules are not associated only with compounds; they are to be found as elements as well, but such molecules of elements differ from the molecules of compounds in that the molecule of the element is made up entirely of atoms of that one element, whereas molecules of a compound are made up of different kinds of atoms which, in certain combinations, comprise the compound. As to the number of atoms which form a molecule of an element it is safe to say that it would be one or more, although this is not of great significance to us. In the case of compounds, the number varies with the compound; some molecules are
very complex and others are very simple, as, for example, water, which has two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen in each molecule.
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In some instances the arrangement of atoms is quite complex. In a crystal of common rock salt, the sodium and chlorine atoms are grouped as shown in the anaglyph, Plate 1. The sodium atom at the center of the cube is equidistant from six of the chlorine atoms and each chlorine atom is likewise equidistant from six sodium atoms. This interlocking formation is carried throughout the entire piece of rock salt. This also illustrates the fact that the atoms of a substance are not packed tightly together, but that they are separated by relatively great distances.
The Atom Too Is A Structure
Referring once more to the atom, while it is a fundamental building block of all matter, it too, is a structure. In other words, it is not an indivisible particle. If, as we have stated, there are 92 different kinds of atoms, one for each kind of element, how do they differ? What is the difference between sayan atom of copper and an atom of iron? The answer may surprise you, for the difference between atoms is the amount of electricity within the atom and the arrangement of the various particles of electricity which comprise the atom! If from this statement you conclude that every material thing in this world is made up of electricity, then you are correct, for such is the case. In other words, you may recall comment to the effect that such and such a device makes electricity. That is not so! . . . Electricity ~s never made or created-it already exists in everything! Those devices which are classified as being producers of electricity, like batteries or generators, are simply devices which can make electricity (for example electrons) move in an electrical system. They never produce electricity!
As to the atom being a structure, it is a very interesting one. Although there is not entire agreement among all scientists concerning
the make-up of the atom, and of the specific behaviour of those things which make it up, certain ideas have been accepted.
Concerning the structure of the atom, the most commonly accepted idea is that it resembles a miniature solar system, something like our Sun and the different planets which revolve around it. In accordance with this concept, the atom contains a center part or nucleus, which
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would be the equivalent, of the Sun. This nucleus in the simplest of atoms, the Hydrogen atom, consists of a particle of positive electricity called a proton. Around the proton and at a great distance from it, considering the size of the particle involved, rotates a single electron which is a particle of negative electricity. The amount of electricity represented by the proton and the electron is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign. However, the mass (weight) of the atom is represented essentially by the proton, and is about 1850 times greater than
is Q.CCOU1)ta.d. for by 1If¢. rela.tively 9ra.a.htr
of"Hje Proto'7s.
that of the electron, although the diameter of the electron is many times larger than that of the proton. It is interesting to note that as far as we know the proton is the smallest thing in the world.
In more complicated atoms the nucleus was originally supposed to consist of all of the protons (positive charges) and some of the electrons, with as many electrons remaining outside of the nucleus as would be required to balance the excess number of protons within the nucleus. These electrons outside of the nucleus were identified as planetary electrons for they revolved around the nucleus in various orbits .. Thus, if some element (manganese) was supposed to contain 55 protons and 55 electrons and of these 55 electrons, 30 were within the nucleus, there would be 25 planetary electrons. As to the exact nature of these orbits and the number of electrons within each orbit, that is still a subject of discussion and dissension, but it is generally admitted that planetary electrons exist beyond which we need not go in this discussion.
The atomic number is the number of planetary electrons which revolve around the nucleus. Thus, for copper, the atomic number is 29, which means that this atom has 29 electrons revolving at high speed in its planetary system, with great spaces between the respective electrons.
The Modern Idea
Today's theory is sometimes modified although it does not materially alter the picture. Whereas the old ideas of the structure of the nucleus of an atom evolved by Bohr considered individual protons and electrons, the modern conception recognizes the existence of the protons and electrons within the nucleus, but it states that the electrons within the nucleus are, to put it in simplest terms, in affinity with an equal number of protons in the form of pairs, each pair consisting of a proton and an electron. This new kind of particle is called a neutron and
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since each of these particles has within it a single plus charge and a single minus charge, electrically speaking, the net charge of the neutron is zero. In other words, the neutron is electrically neutral.
This does not of course disturb the electrical balance of the entire atom, for if an atom (cobalt) has 59 protons and 59 electrons, of which number of electrons 27 are planetary, the 32 electrons within the nucleus are in affinity with 32 of the total 59 protons so as to form 32 neutrons. The remaining 27 protons remain within the nucleus to balance the electrical charge of the 27 planetary electrons.
Actually, other particles have also been identified as being within the atom, but we need not discuss them for they have no immediate bearing upon our subject and it is entirely correct technically, considering the scope of this book, to view the atom as we have, inclusive of the neutron. Even if we had omitted the reference to the neutron, it would not have altered the presentation of facts associated with the operation of vacuum tubes.
Continuing with the atom, we are approaching that portion of this discussion which is of greatest significance, as far as vacuum tubes are concerned, As is readily evident, the major difference between atoms is in the distribution of the electrons and the total number of protons,
Therein lies the difference between the nature and behaviour of the various kinds of elements. From the electrical viewpoint, there is an-
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other difference between atoms which is associated with the behaviour of the planetary electrons.
While it is true that the protons within the nucleus display a powerful attracting force upon the planetary electrons and the -lectrons have a like attraction for the protons, this force is not the same in all atoms. In some atoms, the outer electrons, that is, those which revolve in the outermost orbits, are often under the influence of some external force, such as collision between atoms or extreme agitation of the atoms, and will fly out of their orbit or be knocked out of it and so leave the atom. When this happens, the atom, which is shy one or more electrons, now has a preponderance of positive charges and will therefore exert an attracting force upon other electrons. Then again, as a result of some action, one or more electrons which are not attached to any one atom, having been freed from some other atom, may become attached to an atom which was originally electrically neutral, thus making it more negative and giving it a tendency to repel other free electrons. These excess electrons may then, due to some agitation or collision, be knocked off the atom and will join some other atom so that a transfer or movement of electrons is continually taking place between the atoms of a substance especially in metals. The freedom
with which such inter-atomic movement of electrons takes place is an
indication of the suitability of that substance as a conductor of electric current. The greater the numbers of such free electrons in a substance, the better that substance is as a conductor of electricity. Free electrons are extremely abundant in metals of all kinds.
Conductors and Insulators
The difference between an electrical conductor and an insulator is, of course, a matter of chemical constituency, but from. the atomic viewpoint, it is merely that the atoms comprising a conductor part with one or more electrons readily, whereas the atoms of an insulator hold on to their electrons with extreme tenacity. When an insulating material is said to "break down," it simply means that the electrical stress upon the atoms is so great as to tear electrons from the atoms, and create a directed movement of a stream of electrons, thus constituting a flow of electric current.
In this connection it might be well to make specific reference to gases as well as metallic conductors, for both are of importance in vacuum tube operation. The atoms of certain gases are of such a type that an easy liberation of electrons from the atoms of the gas occurs. This, as you will see later, plays a dominant role in the operation of some vacuum tubes.
Ions and Ionization
Certain identifying terms are applied to atoms which are not electrically neutral due to a change in the number of planetary electrons.
WI)e.f'] alJ At-o", ~.4IN5
Q.r) Elecrrof']
An atom which has an excess of positive electricity within it, due to loss of one or more planetary electrons, is called a positive ion; whereas
an atom which has an excess of electrons, and which, therefore, is electrically negative, is identified as a negative ion. The process of producing ions is known as ionization.
In all of this discussion you cannot help but note that everything relating to the electrical is in terms of motion of the electron, that is, the movement of the negative particle of electricity. The positive portion of the atom does not, under most conditions, move, other than as a part of the complete atom. This is important in connection with what follows, for later in this text reference will be made to negative and positive polarities in electrical circuits, at which time it should be understood that such designations represent a redistribution of electrons and not a movement of the positive particles of the atoms.
Referring again to the electrons in an atom, another important consideration must be mentioned because of later comment. "\Ve are referring specifically to atoms of gases or vapors. Anything which is
(,,-..---........__.. ....
t,c.. ... __ ..
A Ball nt 01') 0- ta-ble.- bos 1)0 ~~oe,ttc, EI)q,rqy
Wbll.l) ~n~ tl)rowl), ~t' ba.s ~l)lZ.ttc Pl/~rgy be.c.aUSIL of ~t5 MotrOl)
Wryf/,!') ~r.siOp.s" ~t5 K~FJiUc. Ei)el'l:}Y cbooqes ~l)1:o He.a-t & 5oul)d. fl)e-rq y
in motion 'is capable of doing work. For example, if you throw a ball and it strikes a window, it will break that window. In breaking the window the ball is doing work; the same amount of work which you performed upon the ball by getting it to move. When you caused that ball to move you gave to it a certain amount of energy-kinetic energy -the energy of motion. When that ball struck the window, it gave up the energy you imparted to it. In the same wayan electron in motion is capable of doing work, for, being in motion it possesses kinetic energy.
If, for some reason, electrons are caused to be freed from atoms of certain gases or vapors and these electrons move between these atoms, they may strike or collide with the atoms. When they are moving
slowly and strike atoms, they may become attached to these atoms, or may bounce away from them without any effect. However, if they strike the atoms at high speed, they may give up all or part of the energy they possess to the atoms they strike. When this happens the atoms radiate light and the gas is said to glow. As a rule, the ionization of a gas atom is accompanied by such a glow of light and this is quite commonplace in vacuum tubes which contain a gas. The exact color of
the glow is dependent upon the kind of gas within the tube. Although somewhat removed from the subject, neon advertising signs are typical of such action, wherein light is radiated by the atoms of the gas due to such bombardment of the gas atoms by high-speed electrons.
To summarize the foregoing we may state that electrons move within the atom and under proper conditions, move freely between atoms, Further, since everything upon this earth consists of atoms, electrons are available in everything. Whether or not they can move freely is another matter, depending upon the nature of the substance, that is, the kind of atom. And last, although the particles within the nucleus of the atom are supposedly packed tightly together (about this no one is certain), there is plenty of room between the planetary electrons and the nucleus. In other words, there are great spaces within the atom.
How about the complete atom? How does that behave? This is largely a matter of conjecture. Scientists say that the atoms of a substance are always in a state of agitation and this applies to all substances. They move about and collide with each other and with free electrons. The greater the number of free electrons which have been liberated from atoms, the greater the number of these collisions. Since the individual atoms are in a state of agitation, it stands to
• reason that they are not solidly packed in any substance.
compressed, the molecules are quite close together. But even here they are not solidly packed, but have a definite freedom of motion, and are in a state of agitation.
So much for the subject of electrons as it relates to the electronic theory of electricity and the atomic theory of matter.
Chapter 2
IN CHAPTER 1 we discussed the electron concept of electricity in general terms, namely, that an electric current is a directed stream of tiny particles of negative electricity, identified as electrons. Also that these electrons are one of the fundamental building blocks of all forms of matter and are to be found in everything. In this second chapter we shall consider another phenomenon associated with electrons, namely, electron emission. To state this differently, electron emission is the liberation of electrons from substances under particular conditions. This action is of vital importance in the operation of every type of vacuum tube.
In contrast to the general discussion of electricity and the reference to all kinds of materials, electron emission, as related to vacuum tubes, narrows the kinds of matter which need be considered to just one kind,-solids-and among solids specifically to metals, for it is with metals that we have to work. Concerning metals, which are generally good conductors, you will recall that we mentioned the profusion of free electrons which rove haphazardly through the material, Also, that collisions between atoms, wh'ch normally are in an agitated state,
results in the dislodgement of still more electrons. All in all, such materials contain an abundance of these roving negative particles.
Recognizing the manner in which these electrons behave in such metals, one is tempted to ask a very natural question. If these electrons move about so readily, why don't they move right out of the substance? What keeps the free electrons within the boundaries of the metals, say a length of wire? Why don't they break right through the surface and get into free space?
Well, the answer is that some do just that, but they are so few in number under normal conditions that they are negligible. In fact, they are so few that the generally accepted description of what happens is that there is no emission of electrons from metals unless certain special conditions are deliberately established. As to why these electrons do not leave the metal, the answer was advanced first by O. W. Richardson, in 1901. He assumed a certain state of affairs which has subsequently been proved to be right.
Imagine, if you will, a number of individuals within a circle formed by a number of men standing shoulder to shoulder or holding hands. The men who form the ring are determined that the individuals inside will not get out, and those who are encircled make but a feeble effort to get out. Although they are milling around, those of the inner group who come in contact with this human barrier bounce back or are deflected in different directions and remain inside the circle. As a result of the slowness of their movements, the kinetic energy possessed by those within does not enable them to overcome the work being done by the encirclers to keep those who are inside within the circle.
But suddenly those inside the circle speed up their movements. Instead of moving slowly towards the encircling ring of people, they start running rapidly and thereby gain kinetic energy (the energy of motion). When they reach the barrier the energy they possess is converted into work, and if it is greater than the work being done by those trying to keep them inside, they break through the human barrier and are free. .
In a general way that is what happens inside of a metal. At the surface of the metal a sort of barrier exists, the exact nature of which has not as yet been fully determined, but which tends to keep the electrons within the confines of the metal. Inside the metal some of the free electrons move very slowly and others move more rapidly. Some move with sufficient speed so that the energy they possess, is sufficient io permit them to break through the barrier but, as has been stated, these are extremely few in number.
Assume now that something is done to the metal, which causes increased speed of movement of all the electrons. As the electron speed of movement increases, the kinetic energy acquired by the electrons also increases until finally great numbers of them break through the surface and escape from the metal. This is the phenomenon of electron emission.
Electron Emission Caused by Energy Conversion
Naturally, we are interested in what is done to the metal to cause such emission of electrons. What will speed up the motion of the electrons so that the work they can do is sufficient to cause them to break through the surface? Numerous conditions will create such a state, for there are a number of ways in which additional energy can be imparted to the electrons within the metal. For example, there is the application of heat. Heat is a form of energy, and if the temperature of a piece of metal is raised by anyone of a number of heating processes, some of the energy in the heat is transferred to the electrons and they are made to move faster than their normal speed of motion. This is the equivalent of conversion of heat energy into kinetic energy. When electrons are freed by heating a metal it is called thermionic emission.
Then there is the application of light. Light, which is an electromagnetic radiation, is a form of energy. Although the exact mechanism whereby electrons are liberated from substances when electromagnetic waves of the proper frequency impinge upon them has not as yet been determined, it is a well-established fact that electron emission does take place. Very many different electrical systems are in use today which depend upon this phenomenon for operation, and these
will be discussed later. But for the present, we can accept the statement that the energy contained in the light rays which strike the substance under consideration is in some way transferred to the electrons
TI)(l, c.urre,Qt from Q. ba.1tq,ry bfl-ots a. wire "Hjrouq9 wbtcry i~ flows OolJd itjtZ- HtZ.a.t EIJcz.rqy il)c,r~a.5~S 19~ KilJlZ,ttc... ElJlZ,rqy of 1t)(.,
EIcz.cJrOI)5 i I). tt)cz.,
wmz .. GlJa-
i1Jq k.av~ ~t
in the substance, and that their motion is accelerated sufficiently so "that they are liberated from the substance. This action is called photoelectric emission.
W~e9 L·~g~t EI)<l.rgy . falls Or) substal)ces tl)e Ki9~f~G El)ul3Y of tl)eir Electrorys is incrzcsed eQougf) 50 t1)a.t_ tlfe.y
A third type of emission is called secondary emission. This is the liberation of electrons from a substance as a result of the bombardment of the substance with fast-moving electrons. In other words, the
Wbe-l) Ekcrror)5 tro.v<z-iil)g very fasf .strik.e. cILrtoil) .substal)c(!s tt7ey 9ivIL up some of "tl)e,ir Kir)etrc E!)(rgy to E IH-troQS
if)"tl)e, 5ubsta!)Ul, wb~c~ are,
1I)i1) (l.m~"ttq_ d.. =--~~ ~~ y;
--,,~~. ~~ ~~ .
~~~.:_~ -=V:: -c_ ~ 416 5pe.ed ~#- ~b -~- ~ _~, .
Elecfrof}5", --- =~ ~:= . ~~ ... _ -=. ,.\ ~=D- _ - ~.~
-=~ _~~-:=~_~~ ~i~
~. =~~~~~~ fit~~-=~~-=~
energy contained in these high-speed electronic bullets is given up to the electrons and atoms which they strike, and in so doing increases the kinetic energy of the electrons in the metal and thereby enables them to gather sufficient speed so that they can break through the surface of the metal and be liberated. You will see later in this text that the existence of this condition is undesirable in certain vacuum tubes and provision has been made to prevent it. On the other hand this is a deliberately created condition in other tubes. Naturally, the highspeed electrons, which are used as the bullets, are also secured from some source by the process of emission. In secondary emission electron emission is also attained by means of the transfer of energy.
A fourth method is identified as cold-cathode emission. In this the electrons are literally pulled out of a substance by the attracting power of an extremely strong electric attracting force. Since the electron is a negative particle, the existence of a point which is positive with respect to the electron source (the cathode), will tend to draw electrons towards it. If this attracting source is sufficiently powerful it will pull electrons out of a metal, without any heat being applied or the application of any other action which would tend to free the electrons from the metal. Due to the extremely high voltages involved, such coldcathode forms of emission are not commonly used, therefore we shall not discuss such tubes in this book.
Wrye.f) Q, sirol')q posHwll.. f~(£.Id. is I')Il-a.r Q. rt)({,ti.1 piaU, it" o-irrocls ~ Eledrol)s God pulls il%rry fron] ~
Thermionic Emission
As we stated earlier in this chapter, of the various methods of obtaining electron emission from a metal that which employs heat is of the greatest interest to us. While it is true that some types of vacuum tubes are of the photoelectric variety and others of the secondaryemission variety, they are relatively few in comparison with those which depend upon thermionic emission for their operation. Under the circumstances, we shall discuss thermionic emission in this chapter and reserve further comment upon the other systems until we reach that chapter in which special-purpose tubes will be described. As to the tubes, which are of the thermionic variety-they employ heat as the means of adding energy to the electrons in the metal so that they will be liberated-every vacuum tube which is spoken of as using a heater or filament or indirectly-heated cathode comes within this category.
It might be noted in passing that the discovery of the emission of electrons from heated bodies was not born of the vacuum tube we know today. Investigators back in the 18th century noted that open areas adjacent to heated bodies were better conductors of electricity
than those which were not heated. Just why this was so they did not know, for the electron theory was non-existent at that time, but the results were observable. In the 19th century experimenters established that an insulated body located near an incandescent metallic body would acquire an electric charge, thus indicating the presence of some action associated with the state of heat of the incandescent body.
Then the action came to the attention of Edison when he was working with his incandescent light and also to the attention of Fleming. Edison noted that if a metal plate was located within his incandescent lamp and this plate was joined by a wire to the positive side of the filament, an electric current would be indicated upon a meter connected into this circuit. Just what was taking place he did not know, until in 1899, J. J. Thomson described it as the flow of negatively charged particles between the filament and the metal plate. Since the plate was connected to the positive end of the filament, the filament was negative with respect to the plate, hence electrons liberated from the filament
WrylZ-? 19<- + <Z-1Jd.. of Q. 9¢.O.ted f~Ia.I1'}IZ-I)T b COl)l)ecT""cz.d. to
G 1lJcz.t"cd plat"cz."? a. voc ovm, EIcz.cT"ro')s will 'J0t-oit)~ploh",i1f(Z.1}
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to tt)~
11)(. filoll)lU]t' ')0 to 1l)e rylLo~q baitery were attracted to the plate. The earlier observations then were understood-the heated bodies had emitted electrons!
As you can readily understand, the primary requisite to secure thermionic emission is the application. of sufficient heat to that source from which the electrons are desired. There are various ways of applying this heat, the most satisfactory of which is the use of electric current. In modern tubes, two. methods of employing electric current to
heat the electron emitter are in use. One is the direct method, wherein the electric current, which may be either a-c or d-e, is caused to flow through a filament of wire and heat it to either a cherry red or a white heat" depending upon the nature of the filament.
The Indirectly Heated Cathode
The second method, and the one which is most common today, employs an indirectly-heated cathode. The cathode is the element which is the electron emitter, and this is heated to the electron emitting temperature, which is usually a cherry-red heat, as a result of the heat from the heater. The electric current flows through the heater. The cathode surrounds the heater and the heat energy created in the heater is conveyed by conduction to the cathode by means of an electrically insulating sheath. This is somewhat similar to what happens in an ordinary soldering iron or household iron. The heating element is inside and is electrically insulated from the outside surface. The outer sheath of metal to which the soldering tip is attached in the soldering iron becomes hot as the result of the heat from the heating element. Incidentally, such heated surfaces, like the soldering iron, the curling iron, the heating elements in toasters, all emit electrons but in such small quantities as to be entirely impractical of use.
The amount of electron emission that can be obtained from an incandescent filament or cathode depends upon a number of factors. Essentially it depends upon the temperature of the emitter which, in ordinary vacuum tube operation, is determined by the current through the filament or the heater, depending upon the type of tube, and also upon the nature of the emitter.
Considering these separately, it would seem that the higher the temperature of the emitter, the higher the emission. That is correct, but for a limiting agency: the effect of excessive temperature upon the emitting material. These substances are designed for operation within certain temperature limits in order to obtain maximum operating life. Excessive temperature causes an extremely rapid deterioration of the material, and thereby results in an extremely great reduction in operating life if not immediate irreparable damage. This applies equally to the filament, heater, and cathode, hence to all types of tubes which use heated electron emitters. This topic is further discussed under the heading of "Plate Dissipation'iin Chapter 13.
The abundance with which electrons are emitted also is influenced by the chemical nature of the emitter. Certain materials, such as oxidecoated filaments and cathodes, are more. prolific emitters than either
tungsten or thoriated tungsten. During the early days of vacuum tube development, filaments and cathodes coated with the oxides of alkaline earths were used only in special tubes and were very highly prized. Today they are used in the majority of receiving tubes and in most of the low-powered transmitting tubes. These electron-emitting surfaces are in reality surfaces baked upon a core material.
Types of Electron Emitters
In the early days the core material of such oxide-coated filaments, made famous by the Western Electric "E" and "J" tubes, was either platinum or an alloy of platinum and iridium. Today it is frequently an alloy of iron, cobalt, nickel, and titanium, which is commercially known as Konel, This core is covered by a coating of a paste of strontium and barium, the oxides of which are formed during manufacture. Such tubes are operated at a cherry-red temperature, as are also the oxide-coated cathodes.
The reasons why such oxide-coated filaments are more prolific emitters of electrons than filaments not coated is still a matter of disagreement. Van der Bijl says' that such a coated filament enables electrons to break through the barrier at a lower speed than they could in the uncoated filament.
A 1i)o6a:ti.d. TUr}qst"elJ f~Ia."1(L.'it: .. ba.s
a. cora, of Tuoqst-cz.1') -'--
covered. w~try Q.. lQ,y~r of-
Tbo6url') one, - a.tOI1')
Thoriated-tungsten filaments as electron emitters largely supplanted tungsten filaments in receiving and low-powered transmitting tubes. This type of filament affords the advantage of greater electron emis-
sion than is obtained from a plain tungsten filament when operated at the same temperature. The basic purpose of the thorium oxide, which is added to the tungsten during manufacture, is that it reduces the force present at the surface which tends to keep the electrons inside the material. The thorium appears as a layer one atom thick at the surface of the tungsten and gradually' evaporates during use. As it evaporates it is replenished from within the filament wire. In other words, when the thorium is mixed with the tungsten it is not chemically combined with the tungsten. The thorium atoms remain free to move, so that under normal conditions a monatomic layer of thorium exists at the surface of the filament.
If, by chance, the single layer of thorium atoms is burned away by excessive filament temperature, the electron emission is very materially reduced, since the absence of the layer of thorium changes the surface work function to that of the tungsten only, and this is higher than that of the mixture of tungsten and thorium. When this happens the tube must be reactivated. This operation, consists of flashing the filament at approximately three times its normal voltage for about 10 or 15 seconds and then operating the filament at approximately 1.5 times its normal voltage for about 2 hours. Both operations are carried out without any other voltages applied to the tube elements. This procedure restores the layer of thorium.
Of course, if the thorium within the tungsten filament has been exhausted due to long use, then such reactivation is of little value and the emission is reduced to that of the pure tungsten, which, considering the basic design of the tube, is insufficient, and the tube must then be replaced.
Tungsten as material for an electron emitter is not as good from the emission standpoint as either the thoriated tungsten or the oxide coatings, but mechanically, it is the strongest of the three types. Because it is capable of high overloads, it still finds application in high power transmitting tubes, but does not justify such detailed discussion as was accorded to the other two types of emitters. It is of interest, however, to note that it is frequently used as the heater in indirectly heated tubes.
As a final thought concerning the three types of electron emitters, it might be well to mention a detail relating to operation. Since both the oxide coated filament and cathode as well as thoriated tungsten filaments depend upon the action of the coating for their efficient operation, the general structure of the filament remains intact for practically the full span of efficient operating life. In the case of the
tungsten filament, however, a gradual evaporation of the tungsten accompanies its use, so that the filament becomes thinner and thinner, and consequently its resistance rises and its current carrying capacity decreases. In order to maintain the longest possible life, the voltage across the terminals is usually held constant, rather than keeping the current through the filament constant. Accordingly filament circuit indicators used in high-power transmitting systems employing tungsten filament tubes are voltmeters instead of current meters.
So much for the present about the subject of thermionic emission.
What we have said is by no means a complete explanation of the subject. Much has been left unsaid, some of it because there will be further discussion later in this text, and the remainder because it is too detailed for inclusion in a book of such elementary character.
Chapter 3
THE EDISON EFFECT was mentioned in Chapter 2 without any special comments that the conditions of operation associated with it were of extreme importance in describing the basic manner in which vacuum tubes work. Yet that is actually the case. The Edison effect is the movement of electrons from the vicinity of the filament to the metal plate which is joined to the positive end of the filament. The current indicated upon the meter in the circuit is greater for this method of connection than when the metal plate is connected to the negative end of the filament. Here is a clear example of the motion of charges between bodies. This example of the movement of the electron, is not a complete description of the movement of charges, for it is possible to have both positive and negative charges in motion in tubes of special types as you will see later. However this brief comment on electron motion serves as a satisfactory starting point.
But we must do one thing more before we delve into this discussion.
For the sake of clarity, it is necessary to set up certain distinguishing features concerning charges and the charged body, for otherwise some confusion may result.
As you go along you will find reference to charges in motion. Now, in accordance with what we have told you so far in this text, there are two elemental charges, the two basic particles of electricity: the negative charge or the electron, and the positive charge or the proton. Of these two, we have mentioned that only one is mobile, that is, moves from place to place. This is the electron. Either the nucleus or the proton we assume to be immobile.
We have also spoken of the existence of two states in electrical circuits-{)f something being positive and of something being negative, two terms which appear quite frequently in all electrical discussions. These two states will hereafter be viewed as representative of condi-
11)(.. NE.~ATIVE. poi9t" it) o.I)Y electrico-I 5yst"erl') "0.5 ~ ~t~t- 9Q:t~riI)9 of Electl"09s a-I)d 1fji. POSITIVE: poiryt" ~a.s Q. eoruspond.illq
.surplus of 'Positive. 101)5. .
tions associated with the presence or absence of electrons. That point. or place in any electrical system where there is a surplus of electrons with respect to the electrons at another point is referred to as being a negative point in the system, and that place where there is a shortage or deficiency of electrons with respect to the electrons at another point is a positive point in the system. Thus we establish the two polarities in electrical circuits in terms of surplus and deficiency of stationary electric charges, each being mentioned with respect to the other, for in an electrical circuit there may be both a deficiency as well as a surplus of electrons at different points.
The reason for speaking about stationary electric charges at this point, rather than charges in motion (electric current), is because the conditions created in a vacuum tube so that it is capable of functioning, are examples of charged bodies, which subject receives more attention later. Between these charged bodies is a movement of negative electric charges in most of the tube types, and the movement of both negative and positive in a few of the tube types.
(A disciple of absolute technical aocuracy might claim that the analysis here presented is not scientifically rigorous, since we have neglected to take into account the relation between charge, capacitance, and potential. Disregard of this relation is deliberate, for it was felt that the rigor that would have resulted by its inclusion was of less importance than the aid in visualization that resulted from its omission.)
The Positive Ion
There need be little difficulty in visualizing the existence of a surplus of electrons at a certain point, for we have asked you to visualize the electron as a tiny ball. The visualization of the positive state, that is a shortage of electrons at a point which is supposed to be positive, might appear somewhat more difficult. Actually this need not be so, for as we stated in this text, the removal of an electron from an atom leaves that atom with a net surplus of an elemental positive charge.
M(.(.t tift. POSITIVE ION wl)o
tC1r ~:: "" [fur"", ood
wOl)lS it bock
Such an atom was given the name of positive ion. That same name applies if the atom has lost more than one electron, and difference in its state, either with one, or with more than one electron shy from its structure, is the magnitude of positive charge which that atom will display. Thus, if one electron has left an atom, we can say that the positive ion which is the result, has a positive charge equal to the one surplus proton in the structure. Alternatively, we can say that the aforementioned positive ion has a positive charge which is equal in magnitude to the negative charge of the electron which has left the atom. When we say a point in an electrical system is shy a number of electrons, and hence is positive, we mean that at that point, an accumulation of positive ions exists.
For example, if by some means we create a shortage of electrons upon a piece of metal-and if we say that this metal therefore becomes positively charged and that this charge is uniform across its surface, a visual picture that we can form of this condition is that the surface of this metal is covered with a number of such positive ions. We can actually visualize that these ions have come from places within the metal and have formed such a surface layer. It is possible that
the actual condition is not exactly as we have outlined, but it is convenient to accept something of the order of what we have described. Actually, the positive charge which is displayed by the metal is not
W~I) Elu.tror)s go f,.on) OIJe.. body to Ql)o11)CU", il)ey
Ie..Qvq" ~I) tl)eir place.. "Pos~trve.. Ions Q.1)a..
./ U)l.s body
~a 'PoSit~VIZ.Iy O)Q.rged.
altered whether or not our conception is correct. If, during other operations, this positively charged plate is again made neutral, this is accomplished by supplying electrons to the plate, and not by the movement of positive ions from the plate to some other place in the system.
The Negative Ion
In line with this discussion of charges, one more point must be stressed. You will remember that we discussed the possibility that an atom under various conditions may gain, although only temporarily,
one or more surplus electrons, and thus become a negative ion. What we failed to mention at that time is that this condition is seldom associated with the atoms of metal. However, such a condition is not of
any importance, for if we had the negative ion as a carrier of an electrical charge, it would be doing nothing more than could be done by the electron itself, which is far more mobile than the negative ion. In gases and liquids however, the negative ion occurs sufficiently often to justify its recognition as another example of a carrier of a negative charge.
Now, using this summary of the properties of charges as our basis, we can make further progress in our effort to clarify the problem of charges and charged bodies. Actually, the smallest particles of electricity in order of size are the proton and the electron, so that there are only these two elemental charges. All things larger than this can very readily be classified as charged bodies. A distinction should be made between electrons and ions, which are charges, and a charged body, which is the material object upon which the charges exist.
Laws of Attraction and Repulsion
Referring again to what Edison found in his incandescent lamp, we now are in a position to consider the motion of the electrons in that tube. Why did the electrons move to the metal plate which Edison connected to the positive end of his filament? The reason is expressed in the most basic laws of electricity, the laws of attraction and repulsion, which state that
1. Like charges repel one another.
2. Unlike charges attract one another.
This means that electrons have no appeal for other electrons; positive ions do not like other positive ions, and negative ions also do not like other negative ions. On the other hand, electrons like positive
LIKE CryarCj(l..s 12£PEL
ions, but dislike negative ions. To put this differently, anything which is electrically negative has an attraction for anything which is electrically positive, and vice-versa, but things electrically positive do not like other things which are electrically positive, and the same applies
for two things which are electrically negative. Thus, in Edison's tube the metal plate which he connected to the positive end of the filament, became a positively charged body and therefore attracted the electrons towards it.
Electrostatic Fields (Zone of Influence)
Now, if you ask why this attraction or repulsion takes place, we cannot give you this answer. All we know is that scientists have established these laws of attraction and repulsion and we accept them as fact. However, some explanation does exist, developed no doubt as a convenience, which describes some of the conditions involved in this process of attraction and repulsion, but it still does not answer the question "why." That some sort of invisible influence does exist between charges has been definitely established, and the fact that this influence is a force, is also conclusively proven since it can cause objects to move.
This something, which we have referred to as an influence, has been named an electrostatic field and it is inseparably associated with the
Wry~Y) 01) AtolT) /05fl-S 01) tlq,ctrbl), itckvlI.lops 0- cl)arq~ lZquol io il)at of ~ EI-,c:trOI) but oppositi ~I) ~ts d~rt.c.tivlZ.- fc,rc.lZ.-.
w~U) GI) Atoll) 94j.f}~ alJ£I~c.rrol),~t'1G~IJS 0.. cl)nrqlZ.- equal to 1I)Ot- of- 1I)Q: Ekc.trol) GI)d. of-1:I% sa.l1)~ d~ru:tfv~ forc.~.
elemental charges and ions, and hence it is associated with all objects larger in dimensions than these elemental charges-for all things are composed of elemental charges. Where such an elemental charge exists, such a field also exists, for the two are inseparable. In the normal atom where there are equal numbers of unlike elemental charges, the field of each charge exists, but it does not manifest itself. Everywhere around that atom the fields of the unlike charges are counteracting each other insofar as influence upon something else outside of the atom is concerned; hence the net effect is that there is no external electrostatic field. But, if an electron is taken from that atom so that it becomes a positive ion, then it will be surrounded by an electrostatic field, having a magnitude representative of that one surplus positive
In the case of a point charge, the lines of force radiate in all directions. In other words, point charges have a radial fie~d. These lines of force are the same for both kinds of charges, and differ only in their direction. The single plane of the paper ordinarily permits showing the lines of force in one plane only, whereas these lines really radiate in all directions, just as if you had stuck a number of long pins into an orange pointing all of them towards its center and using as many as are needed to cover the entire surface of the fruit.
This is illustrated in the anaglyph of Plate 2. Of course, only a comparatively few lines are shown in the three-dimensional drawing for the sake of clarity.
We mention the fact that the entire surface of the orange is covered so as to explain that there is no space between these lines of force. Nowhere within this field would you be able to find any space where no lines of force exist. All the pins are pointed toward the center of the orange to illustrate that the lines of force originate at the center, since a spherical body whose surface is covered with charges behaves as if all the charges were concentrated at the center of the sphere.
Direction of Lines of Force
It is of interest to consider the direction which the lines of force emanating from a charged body will take when they act upon another charged body. Here we find a peculiar condition-one which seems to have been established as the result of a bad guess by Benjamin Franklin almost 200 years ago.
19~s is iI)£.. way_ frol)klil) i1)ou9br 1ti- Lil)£..s of forccz.. rodio.1id froll)
Q. "Posi1TVe CIxi~e. a N(qotrw. CI}aIljQ-
During the days of Franklin, Dufay, and others who were conducting electrostatic experiments with sealing wax, eat's fur, pith balls, glass rods, and silk, a great controversy arose concerning the nature and behaviour of electricity. Without going into details, although it was upon this work that the basic electrical laws previously mentioned were founded, Franklin's guess was that positive electricity was
transferred to the sealing wax by the eat's fur and that positive electricity was removed from the glass rod rubbed with silk. Today we know that this guess was wrong. Until the birth of the electron concept the belief was that the flow of electric current was from positive to negative. The result has been, even in such basic things as representations of the direction of the lines of force which emanate from the elemental charge, that the positive charge is shown as being mobile.
Since the electron is the essential item in the operation of the vacuum tube and in the majority of vacuum tubes the only mobile kind of electricity is negative, we shall consider all things in terms of the modern conception of electron movement as being from minus to plus.
Under the circumstances, our illustration of the direction of electro-
static lines of force will assume the motion of the negative charge,
J:)l/.ccw:;CI. E11!.Ct"ro1)5 (~ati v e.. CI)a.rqlZo:;) ere, I'I')O~ rr)Obil~ 11)0.1) "ProtolJs (po:;ttv<Z. c?arq(..~) o.rrOW5 ~l)d.tcattl)9 dirWiOl) of Lil')e..:; or,poil)r away frol'l') iIj(, Ele..c..trol) GI']d toWGrci.5 tI5t- "Proto')
~ ~~ ~
therefore our test charge whenever mentioned, will be negative. This means that if an arrowhead is used as an indicator of the direction of a line of force of an electron, it will point away from the electron.
In the case of the positive charge, the arrowheads indicating the direction of the force exerted by the electrostatic field is towards the positive charge, since the field would cause the negatively charged body to move towards the positively charged body along a line of force.
When we associate a negative charge and a positive charge, according to our convention, the direction of the lines of force of the electron is toward the positive charge and the direction of the lines of force of the positive charge are in towards itself, thus indicating that the negative charge would move to the positive charge. (See Plate 2.)
Forces Present In The Radial Electrostatic Field
Continuing with the discussion of the electrostatic field between point charges, we shall next consider the force which exists between such point charges.
Experiments performed by Coulomb towards the latter part of the 18th century, established the law that the force exerted by electro-
static fields varies inversely as the square of the distance between the point charges responsible for the fields. This applies to attraction as well as repulsion and means that if two similar point charges are 1 inch apart and exert a certain repelling force upon each other, increasing the separation to 2 inches; twice what it was before, the force now active between the two decreases to 1:i of what it was before. If the spacing is increased to 3 times what it was, then the force decreases to ~ of what it was originally. Conversely, if the separation between charges is reduced, the force increases inversely as the square of the distance. Thus, if the separation is reduced to 7\J of what it was, the force increases 4 times; if it is reduced to Ya, the force increases to 9 times, etc. This relationship is expressed by the equation
i= qXq'
where f = force
q and q' = magnitude of charges d = separation between charges
Assuming unit charges for q and q' in air, then the force is
f = (J!
While this relationship is often applied in various electrical arrangements, it is not employed in the same way in vacuum-tube theory. Due to the structure of the vacuum tube, a different relationship between charged bodies has been found more convenient. The use of the inverse-square law and radial electrostatic fields does not lend itself properly. This, however, does not imply that any discrepancy exists in the inverse-square law or its application to numerous other subiects,
Electrostatic Field Between Parallel Plates
The conditions existing within a vacuum tube, as far as electrostatic fields are concerned, differ from those used in the discussion just completed. The electrostatic fields used when considering the vacuum tube are those between charged bodies in the form of parallel plates of infinite size. If ever you have seen a vacuum tube you know that. this structure applies more directly to what you find in a vacuum tube than electrodes or elements of very small dimensions.
In days of old, friction between two bodies was the method whereby electrons were removed from one body so that it would be positively charged and added to another body so that it would be negatively charged. In vacuum-tube systems we operate on a different principle.
We use batteries or other kinds of voltage sources to attain the same end. This is made possible by virtue of the fact that, the plus and minus terminals of a voltage source, during the time that a voltage; difference is present between the terminals, are electrically charged bodies due to a deficiency and a surplus of electrons which exists upon these respective terminals. Thus, if we connect the plus or positive end of say, a battery to one metal plate and the negative end to another plate, the former will become positively charged and the latter will become negatively charged. The metal plates joined to these terminals assume the same electrical relationship as the two terminals of the battery.
The positive terminal of the battery has a deficiency of electrons, that is, a preponderance of positive ions, equal to the number of surplus electrons upon the negative terminal. When the uncharged metal
WI)e,IJ two ,.,,60.1 pla.Ths on. COI')"tl..cted. to a bait"tl..ry. Elu:trol)s '30 to il)ft,. 0I)ft.. COl)l)ctcUd. -to 'tf5«. I)( ~rmilJa.1 Ie.avinq Positive. 101)5 on if}i O~I~ UI}IZ-s of, (e1e.ct'rost"atrc.{e.Id.) set" up bet""wrz.rz." ~ plat"tl..s.
plates are connected to the terminals of this battery, electrons flow from the metal plate connected to the plus terminal and other electrons flow from the negative terminal to the other metal plate, so that these extensions of the voltage source develop an electron distribution, shortage and surplus, exactly equal to that which exists at the terminals of the voltage source. The charges upon these plates are assumed to be uniformly distributed upon the respective surfaces.
If the positive terminal of the battery is 100 volts plus with respect to the negative terminal, then the plate connected to the p~sitive ter-
minal becomes 100 volts plus with respect to the plate connected to the negative terminal. In like manner several more plates or other structural forms may be connected to intermediate points between the positive terminal and the negative terminal. These will' become electrically charged in exactly the same way as the first two plates we discussed. In each case the number of electrons added or removed is determined by the condition of the voltage terminal to which the plates are electrically connected. These plates are either positive or negative with respect to each other depending upon their connection to the voltage source and by an amount which is determined by the distribution of electrons.
Distribution of Charges
Thus, if we have three metal structures joined to a voltage source, the one which is connected to the most negative terminal has the greatest surplus of electrons upon it. That plate which is connected
TI),z. EI .. et~orys 01) 115«- I .. f~ plc>ta. ",e>k .. II' ry .. ""tiv .. wi1tj ""'po.ei- 1'0
11)e 011; by 90 GI)~ 180 volrs. Tbe diff .. ,..."C4. II) 1!,,z.
')umb s of Po.itiv4. 10", mGk4..1Ij4. .,.,iddl4. pI<>t4. 90 volts
1)C'Ic>tiw. w;m respe.c:t to 1Ij0t (1) 11;4. ri"IJi-.
+ 'k
to an intermediate terminal, which happens to be 90-volts plus, then has the deficiency of electrons which would charge that plate 90-volts plus with respect to the negative plate. If the third plate is connected to the plus ISO-volt terminal of the voltage source, that terminal has a deficiency of electrons (a preponderance of positive ions) equal to the surplus upon the negative plate, but twice as many positive ions as the plate which is joined to the 90-volt terminal of the voltage source.
Suppose for a moment that we consider only the two plates which bear a preponderance of positive charges with respect to the negative plate. You can readily see that the plate connected to the 90-volt junction can be viewed as being negative with respect to the plate connected to the 180-volt junction of the voltage source. The reason is that the plate connected to the 90-volt junction has fewer positive ions upon it than the plate connected to the 180-volt junction. In this example one plate (90 v) is less positive than the other (180 v). The plate which is less positive (90 v), can be viewed as being negative with respect to the other (180 v) although both (90 v and 180 v) are positively charged with respect to the third (-) plate.
In this way there can be any assembly of elements or plates or electrodes, all of which are joined to different points of a voltage source and all of which become charged and can therefore exert a force upon an electron test charge. The direction of this force is dependent upon the polarity of the charges upon the plates. A plate which is positively
1l7e. il'Jte,rvlZ.l7~lJq plate. t)ud. Qot be. solk!. to bcwe. Q. d)Q.rqe., j it- OO!) be. Q.. qr~d.-I~k.fl. structurcv
charged will have a field which will act in such direction as to attract a negative charge and repel a positive charge, while a plate which is negatively charged will attract a positive charge and repel a negative charge.
Charged bodies need not be solid plates. They can take various shapes as for example, a wire bent back upon itself to form a ladderlike structure. The active surface upon which the charge exists upon such a structure is the wire forming the ladder. If an electrostatic field exists between this ladder-like structure and a solid plate, the lines of force are found to extend from the wire rungs to the solid plate. Lines of force also emanate from the edges where the wire supports-the mesh, but in this discussion we will neglect their presence. If such a screen or any form of structure which does not present a solid surface is located between two solid plates or two other charged bodies, the center grid-like structure will act as a partial shield between the solid plates, so that only part of the electrostatic field of the two outer plates penetrates through the open spaces between the wires. Naturally the closer these horizontal wires are to each other, so that there are less open spaces, the more completely will the screen structure act as a shield located within the field of the other two plates and which will affect the nature of the field existing between the two solid plates. An idea of the electrostatic field which would exist in such an assembly is shown in a subsequent chapter.
The Force Existing Between Two Parallel Charged Plates
As we stated earlier in this text, the inverse-square law is not used when examining the force existing in the electrostatic field of structures which are the equivalent of vacuum tube electrodes. Because of conditions within the tube, it has been found preferable to consider the field between two parallel plates (theoretically of infinite size, which stipulation we can neglect) as being uniform throughout the space between the two plates. Lines of force shown between such plates, one of which is positive and the other negative, would appear as parallel lines starting from one plate and ending upon the other. The direction of the lines of force are given as they would act upon a negative charge: namely, from the negative plate to the positive plate.
At first thought, the reference to a uniform field existing between two parallel plates of infinite size may be confusing; however, a little further consideration will clear away any misunderstanding that may exist.
If a voltage is applied between two parallel plates which are separated by a fixed distance and an electron is inserted in the space between the plates, the force which will be exert-ed upon this test charge will be the same no matter where the test charge is located between the two plates. Although actually only one force acts, for purposes of illus-
tration we may consider that two forces are acting upon this test charge. As has been shown in the illustrations, the electrostatic lines of force which fill the space between the plates are in such a direction as to move the electron to the positively charged plate, but this movement of the electron towards this plate is not due solely to the attraction of the positively charged plate. A distinct contribution to this action is made by the negatively charged plate as well. During the time that the positively charged plate is attracting the test charge, the negatively charged plate is repelling the charge towards the positively charged plate. Hence two forces are acting upon the test charge (electron) .
Now if we imagine the electron initially located midway between the two charged plates, equal forces of attraction and repulsion will move
TI)~s pla.t(.
REPELS [ltctro~s
ll)~s plG-te ATTRACTS E lectrons
1"&e.. ur;Jiforll) f,dd. is due, to 1r)e exist~IJc.e_. of two forces actlog Of} m-~ ~~ctrol) a.l)d If}e fad 't9a.t 16"(. .sUIl) of tf5ise forces rell)ai"s Ufe_. sal17c.. 1]0 ll7a:tte.r 11fe electro!) rr)oy be located. betww") l15i two fixed. cba.rqed. plates.
the electron in a single direction, i.e. towards the positively charged plate. The total force moving the electron will be the sum of these two individual forces, both, you will remember, acting in the same direction.
If the location of the electron is changed so that it no longer is located midway between the two plates, but instead is located nearer the negatively charged plate, the total force acting upon the electron is still the same as before. Although it is true that the magnitude of the attracting force has decreased due to the greater separation between the electron and the positive plate, the magnitude of the repelling force due to the closer proximity of the electron to the negative plate, has been correspondingly increased, thus maintaining the total force constant.
Reversing the location of the electron, that is, locating it nearer the positive plate and farther from the negative plate, maintains the total force the same as it was before. Now the reduction of the force acting upon the electron by the negatively charged plate is compensated for by the proper corresponding increase in the attracting force by the positively charged plate.
Thus it is clearly evident that the electrostatic field acting upon the electron anywhere between the two plates is uniform throughout the space between the charged surfaces. Accordingly, it is possible to say that the magnitude of the force which acts upon the electron and tends to move it towards the positive plate, is the same everywhere within the space between the two plates. This holds true for anyone set of conditions which establish the electrostatic field and for anyone set of plates which are separated by a certain distance.
Relationship of Force, Voltage, and Plate Separation
The relationship between the force f upon a unit charge, the applied voltage E, and the distance d between the two plates, is expressed by the equation
E f=(l
where f is in dynes, a unit of force equal to approximately 1/445,000 pound or 1/28,000 ounce; E is in statvolts (1 statvolt equals 300 practical volts), and d is in centimeters (2.54 centimeters equal 1 inch).
The term statvolts not being in general use, it is much more convenient when talking about voltages applied to tubes, to refer to conventional or practical units. This can be done by a modification of equation (1). Since the term E is equal to 300 practical volts, the equation can be changed to
j = EliOO (2)
and the quantity EI300 can be expressed in volts. A much more convenient form for this equation is
f = 300 d (3)
wherein E is in conventional or practical volts and f and d remain just as they were in equation (1). Accordingly, future applications of the basic equation (1) will be in the form represented in (3) and the term statvolts will be replaced by the normal volts as used every day.
From equation (3) we learn that the force f is proportional to the voltage between the plates and inversely proportional to the distance or separation between the plates.
Suppose for the sake of illustration that we imagine two parallel plates 10 centimeters apart with 300 volts applied between them. According to equation (3), the force upon a unit charge at any point between the two plates is
E 300 300
f = 300d = 300 X 10 = 3000 = 0.1 dyne
and according to the relationship previously expressed, reducing the separation between the plates to 5 centimeters, increases the force to 0.2 dyne; decreasing the separation to 1 centimeter, increases the force to 1.0 dyne. This is indicated in the illustration. It is also clearly
For~ = --:3:-:~"':O:-d'- = DYI)<t.s
w9",rtl. E. volt"
d. c"J.bdwul) 11)", plotlZ-5
RIZ~"'toor- ot 01)1 po,,,r bdw ee ~ plat es for d.stal)Cll. Ltjoicatttd.
.'25.143 _'" .2 .25 ~.JJ.5 ID
6 7 6 !5 4 .3 2. ,
.D~I)Gl.<ttt') plaru
.300 volt5
evident that increasing the separation between the plates to 20 centimeters would decrease the force to 0.05 dyne, assuming, of course, that the voltage between the plates remains 300 volts.
Continuing with our example of two plates separated by 10 centimeters and 300 volts applied to the plates, let us further imagine a unit negative charge located somewhere in the space between the two plates. Also that the movement of the unit charge due to this force is towards the positive plate. According to equation (3), this unit charge will move towards the positive plate under the influence of a force equal to 0.1 dyne.
Let us decide that we consider this force insufficient. How can we increase it? Equation (3) shows that this can be done in two ways:
by a reduction in the separation between the plates or by an increase in the voltage applied to the two plates. Of course, a third method is a combination of both the others. Let us decide upon the voltage method, leaving the separation constant at 10 centimeters.
For instance, we desire a force of 0.19 dyne rather than 0.1 dyne to act upon the unit charge while the plates are separated by 10 centimeters. What is the voltage necessary between the plates? Transposition of equation (3) to solve for E results in
E = !X300d
= .19 X 3000 = 570 volts
Since we were already applying 300 volts uetween the plates, we would have to increase this voltage by 270 volts. In the same way, if we desired to decrease the force upon the unit charge to 0.01 dyne, it would require a voltage of
E = 0.01 X 300 X 10 = 30 volts
This is a reduction of 270 volts from the original value.
Controlling the Force by a Third Charged Body
Such control is not as satisfactory as another means which is available. This is the insertion of another charged structure between the test charge and the positive plate. Assume that the formation of this
Wbc.r) 1fjc. fteld. clue tb1lfe wtre ",est,is1l)e aon,e cu1'fja.t" of 1tji. plo.t"c.;"fe Pr'09rclS of1t]e u"lt" c~Grqe ~s ~"d.ea., blJt:"-
(9;11 ; [J.
Wt,&.r) iii .. fht.14 d.uc. tb-n,i. wtre n,, ~. opposiR. "tb1f;o:t· o"'1I;i. pl4tC., 16¢ df'1ffe Uf).reba~« ts ~~f)aend..
structure is such that it will not prevent the movement, of the unit charge towards the positive plate, as, for example, if it were a wire mesh so that there are spaces within the structure. Its electrostatic field can then either aid or oppose the existing electrostatic field due to the voltage between the two outside plates and in that way speed up or slow down the movement of the unit charge towards the positive plate. In other words, it can act as a control surface by controlling the effectiveness of the electrostatic field at that point where the unit test, charge is located. This comes about as the result of the location of this intervening plate with respect to the location of the positive plate.
As you probably realize, if you are at all familiar with the vacuum tube, this third charged surface resembles the control grid in the normal triode vacuum tube, for basically the control grid functions as an electrostatic field control. Let us see how this third charged surface functions. In the explanation which will follow we are limiting our discussion in accordance with the elementary nature of this book, and hence omit some of the special considerations which are technical in nature and not essential for this text.
Let us now recall that when the plates were 10 centimeters apart the first change in attracting force which we desired upon the unit test charge, was to be accomplished by raising the voltage upon the positive plate from 300 to 570 volts. This increased the force upon the unit charge located between the plates from 0.1 to 0.19 dyne.
The second suggested change in force upon this unit test charge was a reduction from 0.1 to 0.01 dyne or a total swing of 0.18 dyne from the minimum of 0.01 dyne to the maximum of 0.19 dyne. This, you will remember, called for a total swing of 540 volts upon the positive plate.
Suppose for the moment that we imagine this third charged surface is located 7 centimeters in from the positive plate, thereby making it 3 centimeters from the negative plate. Knowing the required values of force upon the unit charge and also the change in voltage upon the positive plate, we can now imagine that the positive plate is disconnected and that a unit charge is located between the remaining plate and the grid-like structure. Now we must establish what voltages are required up<ln this intermediate or control body to fulfill our requirements. The minimum force is 0.01 dyne, hence according to the equation for voltage and with 3 centimeters as the value of d in the equation, the voltage on the control electrode will be
E = 0.Q1 X 300 X 3 = 9 volts
For the maximum force of 0.19 dyne upon the unit charge, the voltage on the control electrode will be
E = 0.19 X 300 X 3 = 171 volts
The swing in voltage between the minimum and maximum voltage limits is 162 volts upon this third electrode, whereas the swing in
voltage required upon the original plates, which were separated by 10 centimeters in order to create the same change in the force upon the unit charge, is 540 volts. Thus we see that this third electrode is about 3.3 times as effective as the positive plate in controlling the force upon the test charge.
By varying the separation between the original positively charged plate and the intervening plate, it is possible to arrange for any predetermined ratio of effectiveness in the force exerted between the two plates by the electrostatic fields due to the charges on these plates. You can see from the example given that by applying a negative charge to this intervening plate it is possible to offset the force of the positive charge upon the positive plate at any point which is so located that the intervening control surface is between it and the positively charged plate. In like manner a positive charge on the intervening surface can aid the existing field.
Suppose that we wanted the intervening plate to exercise an even greater control over the test charge than was the case in the preceding example. As has already been pointed out, this may be accomplished by moving the intervening plate still closer to the left-hand plate. Let us assume that this separation is 1 centimeter and that we still wish to maintain the force exerted upon a unit test charge at 0.1 dyne. Applying the equation, we obtain
E = 300 f d = 300 X 0.1 X 1.0 = 30 volts
From this example it will be observed that when the intervening plate is only 1 centimeter away from the left-hand plate, only 30 volts need be applied between them. This is in contrast to the 300 volts
Loca.tif)q a. cbo.rqe.d. body closer to 1l)e. ttst cryarqll. requires
c l'I)ucb lower volt-a.qll. to e.xe.rt" a.} coo.sta.lJt force- UpOr) (1.0 electron then a.r)ot~r cbcrqcd. body furti)e-r rellJoved.
needed between the plates when they are separated by 10 centimeters. In other words, the plate separated by 1 centimeter is 10 times as effective as when the plates are separated by 10 centimeters.
In the same way it is possible to visualize more than two charged surfaces acting upon a unit charge. This is done in practice by making all the surfaces intervening between the highly charged positive plate and the location of the unit charge, of such a type that they can be charged and have electrostatic fields, yet not interfere with the movement towards the positive plate of the unit charge being acted upon. Their specific purpose will be considered later on.
Admittedly, many things related to charges and charged bodies have not been told, nor will they be discussed even in the remainder of this book. What we have described is in accordance with the technical level of this book and we hope will serve as an aid in understanding the discussion which follows.
Chapter 4
IN AN EARLIER CHAPTER we discussed what happens in a metal when it is heated to a sufficiently high temperature so that it is capable of emitting electrons. What we did not then mention, but which we intend to cover in this chapter, is what happens to the electrons after they leave the emitter.
The emission of electrons in a vacuum tube is from that element which is referred to as the filament or cathode. The electrons tear through the surface of the emitter material and become free in space. By space, in this instance, we mean the space within the glass or metal envelope which houses the various components of the tube. Incidentally, the fact that vacuum tubes are housed within such evacuated envelopes is of great importance, for were such emitters heated to their proper electron-emitting temperature in open air they would almost immediately burn up.
N ow let us imagine that the emitter is contained within a glass envelope from which all air and gases have been removed, at least to 51
such an extent that the remainder is entirely negligible. In other words, it is a vacuum tube. Further, let us imagine that we have control over the emitter, which we shall hereafter identify as the cathode, so that we can vary its temperature, and hence the electron emission, at will. The question then arises, "Where do these electrons go after they have left the cathode?"
In answering this question we shall speak about that phenomenon known as space charge which has a tremendous influence upon the actual operation of the vacuum tube, particularly that action known as the flow of plate current through the tube.
Electrons Leave the Cathode
Let us suppose that we raise the temperature of the cathode very gradually and, when we reach the electron-emitting value, that we can follow the first group of electrons which are emitted from the full length of the emitting surface. We shall imagine these electrons leaving the cathode in a sort of a layer, although actually emission is anything but uniform because of the different speeds of the emitted electrons. However, for illustrative purposes we shall assume such uniformity. Thus, these electrons, in the form of a layer one electron thick, are traveling away from the cathode.
This movement of electrons away from the cathode deserves some comment in view of the fact that for many mathematical computations relating to vacuum tubes it is customary, in order to avoid unnecessary complication, to consider the electron as being emitted with zero velocity. This is also done later in this text. However, our statement that the electron leaves the cathode with a finite velocity does not create any real conflict between these two viewpoints, because first, we are not concerned with the mathematics of the tube and hence are not required to avoid the complications introduced by the velocity, and second, the electrons actually do leave the cathode with different finite velocities.
The speed with which these electrons move away from the cathode again requires us to make an assumption for the sake of simplicity. We shall assume that the electrons are moving with a uniform speed when they leave the cathode, although actually, both high-speed and low-speed electrons are emitted. This depends upon the amount of kinetic energy imparted to the electron within the emitter and upon how much of this energy the electron retains after it has given up that amount which is required to overcome the surface forces tending to keep it within the boundaries of the emitter material. The greater the
kinetic energy retained by the electron after it has overcome the surface force, the greater its speed of movement away from the cathode. The phenomenon associated with such high-speed electrons will receive special mention later.
In the meantime, let us forget about these high-speed electrons and consider only that group which leaves the emitter at a comparatively slow speed.
Electrons in Space
Since the temperature of the cathode is such that emISSIOn can continue, other electrons will follow the first group, and still other electrons will follow the second group until tremendous numbers of electrons have left the cathode and are out in space. In our discussion we are assuming an orderly emission and an orderly motion of these electrons, whereas, in fact, the motion is definitely haphazard.
The first group of electrons have nothing in front of them to retard them, whereas they have the second group in back of them, the third group in back of the second, the fourth group in back of the third, etc.
Since the basic law pertaining to charged bodies states that like charges repel one another, the electrons in back of the first group are experiencing a repelling force due to the electrons in front of them and the direction of this force is such as to tend to retard the motion of the electrons in their advance away from the cathode.
So we have layer after layer of electrons moving from the cathode because of their velocity of emission. We ultimately arrive at a distribution of these electron layers wherein those nearest the cathode are crowded closely together and those further away towards the boundaries of the glass envelope, are further and further apart. In other words, the electrons occupying the space within the tube are non-uniformly distributed, being relatively dense in the vicinity of the cathode and less and less crowded as the distance from the emitter is
increased. You must realize that our simplified representation is necessarily crude because of the difficulty of showing such exact graduations that do exist in the layer-like arrangements of the electrons.
Actually, these arrangements are haphazard and the distribution is not uniform, for the reasons mentioned above.
There is another factor contributing to a maximum density of the
electrons at the cathode. This is the fact. that as the cathode loses an electron, the cathode becomes positive to the extent of that charge, and hence tends to exert a force upon that. electron pulling it back to the cathode. While it may not accomplish this, due to the initial velocity of the electron when it left the cathode, as well as other factors which may exist and which will be discussed later, it can, however, slow down the electron speed. Cumulative action of this kind and also the repelling force acting upon a newly emitted electron by those already out, tends to cause an accumulation of electrons outside the cathode and near it.
Space Charge
Now, each of these electrons is an elemental charge of electricity and since they are out in space, the very descriptive name of space charge is given to them. Furthermore, you have learned that each elemental charge of electricity, positive or negative, is inseparably associated with an electrostatic field. When an accumulation of charges exists, the electrostatic field is assumed to be that of the entire group of charges, so that the space charge which surrounds the cathode in all. directions has associated with it an electrostatic field. This field has
a direction such that it would tend to repel a negative test charge in the vicinity of the field.
The nature of this field is similar to the electrostatic fields previously discussed in connection with vacuum tubes. In other words, if we imagine the emitter to be a surface, then the lines of force emanating from the space charge would be parallel straight lines between the
space charge and the emitting surface. We make specific mention of this in order to preclude any possible misconception of radial fields emanating from the individual electrons in the space charge.
What we said should give you an idea of what happens to the electrons after they leave the emitting element, although you still do not have a complete picture because all of the facts have not been stated. These will now follow for this sample tube containing just the emitting cathode. Naturally, you must realize that this is not a typical tube, for there is more than one element. within even the simplest of tubes, the diode. However, the existence of the space charge as described will be found in all vacuum tubes and plays a tremendously important role in them. It is further true that in conventional tubes you will not be interested in the spreading out of this space charge to occupy all of the space within the tube, but rather in the concentrated space charge between certain elements.
Returning to the space charge in our sample tube, let us examine some of the significant details associated with it. We know that the space charge is due to the emitted electrons. Since this is the case it is only natural to wonder about a few things associated with this emission. For example, what is the relationship between the space charge and the electron emission? There must be some controlling influence, otherwise the space charge density will continue increasing -and what is its limit?
Density of Space Charge
There is such a relationship-in fact a very important one. While it may appear at first glance as if the density of the space charge would increase as long as there is emission, a limit actually exists in the space-charge density for each value of cathode temperature. In other words, for any given value of cathode temperature, which represents a certain rate of electron emission, a state of equilibrium (known as emission saturation) is established whereby the maximum density of the space charge is fixed. The fact that electrons are being emitted does not increase this density, because the electrons emitted from the cathode are repelled back to it. To express this differently, for every electron which gets into the space charge after this state of balance or equilibrium has been reached, the space charge returns an electron to the cathode.
The processes involved in this action are a subj ect of conj ecture.
For every value of cathode temperature a certain magnitude of thermal agitation occurs within the emitter material, and also a definite average
speed for the emitted electrons. The higher the temperature of the cathode, the greater is the internal thermal agitation, and the higher is the average speed of the emitted electrons. Equilibrium at any temperature is reached when the number of electrons which have formed the space charge is such that the magnitude of its electrostatic field at the cathode is sufficient to overcome the speed of the emitted electrons and repel them back to the cathode.
If the temperature of the cathode is increased, the thermal agitation is increased and the electrons are emitted with a higher average speed. This speed is sufficient to overcome the repelling force of the electrostatic field of the previously existent space charge so that electrons join this space charge, and the space charge density consequently in-
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creases. When this increase in density nas again reached such a value that the repelling force of the electrostatic field of the space charge is sufficient to overcome the higher average velocity of the electrons emitted at the increased cathode temperature, and is again repelling the emitted electrons, a new state of equilibrium has again been established and emission saturation again exists.
In this way it can be said that the space-charge density automatically increases with the increase in emitter temperature. For every fixed temperature of the cathode, a state of equilibrium develops between the amount of emission and the space-charge, so that the spacecharge density increases no further. Similarly, a reduction in temperature of the emitter causes a reduction in the density of the space charge by returning electrons to the cathode.
Current Is Space-Charge-Limited
So much for the subject of the formation of the space charge and the state of emission saturation. We shall have occasion in the next chapter to speak in more detail about its action. In the meantime, we can consider one additional significant detail. The space charge exerts a controlling influence upon the electrons emitted from the cathode in the tube, for unless something is done to prevent its action, the field of this space charge restricts the effectiveness of the emission of electrons from the emitter.
The function of the space charge is paramount, because in the operation of virtually all types of vacuum tubes, the emitted electrons travel across the inter-electrode space to other electrodes within the tube. Since the average cathode is capable of emitting more electrons per unit time than are usually called upon to move across the space between the elements, it is essential that some force exist to maintain control over the emitted electrons. This is done by the space charge and that is why the current flowing through a vacuum tube is often referred to as being space-charge-limited.
Taking all things into account, it can be said that the basic function of space charge, which is to be found in all tubes under all normal conditions, is to perform as a limiting agency upon the movement of electrons from the cathode out into the inter-electrode space.
Plate Current
Let us now put the emitted electrons to work. By this we mean that we want them to move through the space within the tube in a definitely directed manner. To do this we must exert some force upon these electrons. This force is obviously some form of attraction, for in their present condition as a space charge they are distributed throughout the space in the tube. We now desire to collect these electrons; To do this we must get the electrons to complete their journey from the cathode to another element which we shall place within the tube. This element, known as the plate or anode, is a metal surface which can be positively charged by connecting it to the positive terminal of a voltage source and by connecting the negative terminal of the same voltage source to the cathode.
'Vith an arrangement such as this we can cause the flow of electrons between the cathode and the anode and this electron flow is called plate current. The flow of this plate current is a prime requisite in all vacuum tubes and it is by means of this current that the various uses
of the vacuum tube can be achieved. This plate current is influenced by the space charge, or, to put it differently, the importance of the space charge can be appreciated by noting its effect upon the plate current. Having created that arrangement within our vacuum tube which enables investigation of the space charge-plate current relationships, let us now analyze what conditions exist inside the tube. At all times we shall try to correlate the action taking place in this tube with the subjects that have previously been discussed.
In the first place, we have arranged for the existence of certain electrostatic fields within the tube. By connecting the voltage source between the plate and the cathode--for the moment we are uninterested in either the shapes of these elements or their separation-we have duplicated the conditions described in Chapter 3 in consequence of which an electrostatic field exists between the plate and the cathode. The strength of this field is determined by the magnitude, of the voltage difference between the plate and the cathode. If we now imagine the cathode to be hot and therefore emitting electrons, we have another electrostatic field present in the tube. namely, that due to
the space charge. This is in accordance with the previous discussion of the space charge. We then" have present in this simple tube two electrostatic fields which require our attention. But before we discuss the actions of these two fields, let us see what conditions must be identified.
Continuing with our new tube system, we now have a completed vacuum-tube circuit, which is something we did not have in the previous example of the emitter alone located in the glass envelope. If a movement of electrons from the cathode through the inter-electrode space ·~o the plate occurs, these electrons now can find their way back to the cathode, via the voltage source and so complete their path. You will recall that electric current was identified as a directed flow of electrons. Therefore the directed flow of electrons within our tube is the equivalent of electric current flow and, since the destination of these electrons within the tube is the plate, the current is identified as plate current. In the same way, the continued movement of electrons from the plate back to the cathode through the external system, is spoken of as the flow of plate current in the external circuit.
The voltage source which we show joined to the plate and the cathode is called the plate-voltage source, because it is applying the charging voltage to the plate, or, to say this differently, it is the voltage source which maintains the plate at a certain positive voltage with respect to the cathode. This is in contrast to other voltage sources which may be associated with a vacuum tube, as, for example, the voltage source which is responsible for heating the emitter system. Practice has resulted in the adoption of certain symbols to identify these voltage sources: the voltage associated with the emitter system is designated as the "An-voltage and that associated with the plate circuit is identified as the "B"-voltage. We speak about this "A"-voltage, although it is not shown in our basic tube circuit illustration. It will, however, appear later.
A third factor deserving mention is associated with the space charge.
Whereas, in the early part of this chapter, we stated that the space charge occupies the space within the tube, the insertion of the plate and the application of a voltage to this plate narrows down the limits of the space charge which is of interest to us. Now, we are solely concerned with that portion of the space charge which exists between the cathode and the plate. At first thought this statement may give the impression that the space charge is still spread throughout all the space within the tube. This is incorrect, for if we assume emission in the form of parallel beams from the entire surface of the cathode, and then further assume that the area of the plate is such as to cover the area of emission from the cathode, then we can imagine the space charge, with its original non-uniform distribution of electrons, to exist only between the cathode and the plate.
SPACE CHARGE AND PLATE CURRENT Fields Between Cathode and Plate
In line with this thought, there is another which we wish to advance in order to make comprehension of the subject easier. Technically, it is not absolutely correct but the error introduced is very small and, since you are familiar with the true status of conditions, no harm is done. What we have in mind is the following.
Since we shall be concerned with the actions of the various electrostatic fields within the tube, it may be difficult for you to visualize an electrostatic field due to a non-uniform space charge which reaches from a small distance from the cathode to the plate. No doubt you would be able to visualize this field better if you imagined the space charge to be concentrated in a small area between the cathode and the plate, much nearer to the cathode than to the plate, and then completely disregarded that portion which is represented by the low density portion, that is, the electrons near the plate. Since the actual density is very low in the area near the plate and extremely high near the cathode, the former contributes very little to actual space charge, whereas the latter is very much the space charge. So, taking these conditions into account, it is not a very great departure from the truth to visualize the space charge as being a concentrated layer of electrons, quite a few electrons thick, and located between the cathode and the plate very close to the cathode.
With this picture in mind, we now can investigate the action of the various fields within the tube. What fields do we have? First, we have the field due to the space charge. Being located between the cathode and the plate, the lines of force emanating from it spread in two directions. One direction is towards the cathode and the other direction is towards the plate, as shown in the last illustration. The lines which point in the direction of the cathode would tend to repel any electrons emitted from the cathode, including those which are in the space between the cathode and the space charge. The lines directed towards the plate would be in the direction from the space charge to the plate, thus indicating that electrons would move towards the plate.
Next, there is the electrostatic field due to the voltage applied between the plate and cathode. The lines of force of this field are directed from the cathode to the plate. The lines of force due to the positive charge upon the plate in effect neutralizes that of the space charge. These two forces due to the two fields tend to act in opposite directions on an electron at the cathode, and the resultant motion of the electron while under the influence of these two forces depends upon that force which predominates.
Summarizing what we have said, we find the following: both the field set up by the positively charged plate and that by the negative space charge are present in the tube. Further, the field set up by the positively charged plate acts upon the space charge. Now we are ready to note the effects of these fields.
Electrons To and From the Space Charge
Suppose that we establish the premise that we desire a movement of electrons from the cathode to the plate, that is, we desire the flow of plate current. If you recall that the existence of the space charge is dependent on the emitter temperature and that the space-charge density varies automatically with changes in the temperature of the emitter, and hence with the amount of emission, it seems that the space charge must always exist as long as emission takes place. Further, the density of this space charge remains constant for any particular value of emitter temperature or rate of emission. Under most operating conditions this is true, and departure from this condition will be dealt with separately.
If we disturb this state of equilibrium by removing electrons from one portion of the space charge, say that end which is nearer the plate, this will result in a reduction in the total magnitude of the field of the space charge. Its ability to repel the electrons emitted from the
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cathode is therefore reduced, so that the number of electrons required to restore equilibrium will be added to the space charge in the zone near the cathode. More than the required number of electrons to offset
those removed will not be added to the space charge, for the state of equilibrium previously mentioned is automatically maintained.
We visualize a condition wherein electrons are removed from one side of the space charge at a definite rate and electrons are admitted into the space charge at the same rate on the other side. If 1,000,000 electrons move from the space charge to the plate each second, another 1,000,000 electrons enter the space charge from the cathode each second. Thus there is a progressive movement of electrons from the one side of the space charge, through the space charge, and out of the space charge on the other side, without altering the density of the space charge. Such a directed movement of the electrons is equivalent to saying that the electrons emitted from the cathode travel over to the plate and comprise the plate current. But, it is also possible to say that the space charge acts as a reservoir of electrons, from which is drawn the number of electrons which is required to equal the instantaneous value of plate current, and that the cathode is the supply which replenishes the space charge. This is similar to a supply system, wherein the city draws water from a reservoir while a stream or lake automatically supplies the equivalent amount of water required by the reservoir to maintain a certain volume of water within it.
Let us now assume that the temperature of the cathode is such that it is emitting electrons profusely and at the same moment the plate has no voltage applied to it. Under these conditions there is no current flow through the tube, except for those few very high-speed electrons which do get to the plate and which we shall neglect for the present. We then apply a small positive voltage (20 volts) to the plate. Immediately an electrostatic field is set up between the plate and the space charge. We now note a small value of plate current, which indicates that there is a movement of electrons through the inter-electrode space. What is responsible for the movement of these electrons?
Two explanations are possible, although both conclude in the same way. Let us first give the simpler of these two. We stated that the electrostatic field due to the positive voltage upon the plate extended to the space charge. The strength of this field depends upon the plate voltage and consequently the magnitude of the force exerted upon the electrons in the space charge also depends upon the plate voltage. Therefore this field will act upon the electrons in the space charge so that a certain number of electrons will be drawn off from the space charge and go to the plate. Let us suppose that this is 10,000,000 electrons per second.
This action reduces the magnitude of the total space charge, and
this in turn, reduces the intensity of the space charge field which is repelling the electrons that are emitted from the cathode. The result is that the number or electrons being repelled back into the cathode is reduced; however, the density of the space charge is fixed for any one cathode temperature. Consequently as many electrons are permitted to enter the space charge from the left as leave it from the right. This, in our example, is equal to 10,000,000 per second. As long as the plate voltage is maintained constant the movement of electrons from the space charge and the movement of electrons into the space charge continues. There is, therefore, a progressive movement of electrons through the space charge, namely, a steady flow of plate current.
The second view is slightly different, but ends up the same way. We again start with electrons being drawn off from the space charge, but we now speak about the positive field of the plate acting in opposition to the negative field of the space charge in the neighborhood of the cathode. The positive field of the plate acts in opposition to the negative field of the space charge at the cathode, and reduces the magnitude of the total repelling action sufficiently so as to permit as many electrons per unit time to enter the space charge as leave it to go to the plate.
Negative Voltage upon the Plate
When we started this discussion we stated that the condition required in order to attract electrons to the plate, is that a positive voltage be applied to the plate. What happens when a negative voltage is applied to the plate? If this is done, an electrostatic field is caused to exist between cathode and plate, and because this field is due to a negative plate voltage, it would tend to aid the space charge in repelling electrons, so that we can say that no electrons would flow.
It might also be well at this point to say that when no voltage is applied to the plate, and the plate is joined to the cathode thereby placing both elements at the same potential, there is nevertheless a small flow of electrons to the plate. This is due to the high-speed electrons which are emitted with sufficient velocity to reach the plate by penetrating the space charge. Although the value of such plate current is very small, it is nevertheless sufficiently great so that it must be taken into account in certain special applications of vacuum tubes.
You may realize that the two-element tube dealt with in this chapter is the conventional diode. This is right, but you should also understand that the general details relating to the behaviour of the space charge and the action of the electrostatic fields upon the plate current is not
specifically limited to the diode. You will find these details also apply in a great measure to multi-element tubes, that is, tubes which employ more than two electrodes.
The introduction of elements cannot help but modify the conditions existing in the tube and these will be dealt with as they are reached. As to the diode tube that which has been said is preliminary detail. Specific details regarding constants and other operating data will be handled in the following chapters.
In connection with what is to follow, you will observe that a smaller number of animated illustrations appear than were used in the first four chapters. Some will naturally appear, but they will not be as abundant. The reason is that the nature of the subject does not lend itself to such illustrations in many cases, and we are forced, frankly against our will, to resort to the usual form of representation.
Chapter 5
IT IS READILY APPARENT from all that has been said that the operation of the vacuum tube is based upon the directed motion of electrons between charged bodies. This has been referred to time and again, and we have identified this current as being the plate current. You will remember that although we have spoken quite frequently about tubes with but two elements within the envelope, we did say that the plate current as described was also to be found in vacuum tubes with more than two elements.
Also, we have shown that the charged surfaces between which these electrons move are produced by the application of fixed voltages, which we shall now identify by another name: operating potentials. Thus, the voltage which is applied between the cathode and the plate is known as the plate voltage. Since the force of attraction upon the electron originates at the positively charged plate, it stands to reason that there must be some relationship between the magnitude of the voltage applied to the plate and the number of electrons attracted to it in a unit time, say one second-in other words the value of the plate current.
Vacuum Tube Relationships
There is such a relationship, and it is called the plate voltage-plate current characteristic, being also referred to as the Eb -Ib curve; however, that is only one of the relationships between the different factors associated with the vacuum tube. We have already, described to you the conditions which determine electron emission from the heated cathode or filament in a vacuum tube, so that, considering the source of electrons by itself, we find another characteristic, namely, cathode temperature versus cathode emission. This cathode temperature may be called by two other names, depending upon the type of tube. For example, if the tube is of the filament type, the current through the filament determines its temperature, hence the characteristic associated with the filament would be filament emission versus filament current. If the tube were of the indirectly heated type, then the characteristic would be identified as cathode emission versus heater current.
For purposes of illustration it may be worthwhile to carry this a bit further by saying that the relationship between any two variable factors may be expressed as a characteristic. Thus, in the case of a filament or heater of a vacuum tube, the relationship between the. current through the filament or heater and the voltage across it may be expressed as a characteristic,-that of voltage versus current. As it happens, the filament voltage-filament current characteristic is seldom used in engineering, for the design fixes the voltage which should be applied across a filament or a heater, and this determines the current flow through these elements which, in turn, determines the operating temperature.
Many characteristics are associated with a vacuum tube and it is important for you to understand the significance of these because they are the means whereby the manner of performance of the tube may be predicted in advance for various operating conditions. While it is true that engineering design fixes certain limits of operation for all of the vacuum tubes, and the exact conditions of operation fall within these limits, it is necessary to identify just what performance can be expected from the conditions which exist.
You may be aided in understanding the full significance of characteristic curves if you view them as being charts of cause and effect. This may be a little difficult to understand in the beginning, but after a while they become easy to read. To help you read the characteristic curves which appear later in this text, the following facts are given.
Characteristic Curves
In general, characteristic curves are associated with two reference lines, which in a way act as the boundaries of the chart: one of them horizontal and the other vertical. These two lines are joined in such a way, depending upon the form of characteristic curve being shown, that the bottom of the vertical line joins the horizontal line either at the left end of the horizontal line or at some point along the length of the horizontal line. Since we desire to show the simplest illustration, we shall assume that the bottom of the vertical line joins the left end of the horizontal line.
llje. vertical h9' is ~I)OWI] GS 1I5e OIitD'NATE: or Y-AICIS G1')d. Ul)~ts of l1J(.a:su~ iodk.o.tilJq tt5f. Y1)G91)~tuck of cba."qes it") 1I'je EF"F"E C T ere arowry upot") ~t:
HOrlIOl}tal proje.ctiOl)to orfrOll) Y-AXIS parallel X-AXIS until ~t Il')~ds curve,
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l1)1Z. bor~zol)tal 1~1?e. is kl))W1) as 1t5"e Ae~CIS5A or X-AXIS and. ulJin; of l'I}eGsure i"Q.icCl;~~nCJ cbooqe.s ~o ma.gnitude. of me. CAU5f:., are ~bC7M) upon ~ t.
Certain names are associated with these "Vertical and horizontal reference lines. The former is known as the vertical axis, the Y axis, or the ordinate. The horizontal line on the other hand, is known as
the horizontal axis, the X axis, or as the abscissa. Thus when we say that the vertical axis joins the left limit of the horizontal axis, we mean that the bottom of the ordinate joins the left end of the abscissa.
These two reference lines serve as scales upon which the units of measure (volts, ohms, amperes, etc.) representative of variations in the dependent variable (effect) and the units of measure (volts, ohms, amperes, etc.) representative of variations in the independent variable (cause), can be indicated. In other words, these reference lines as a rule are marked off in divisions, each division representing some value of the unit of measure employed. It may be anything from volts to pounds or gallons of flow of water, depending entirely upon the information shown upon the chart.
Generally changes in magnitude of the cause (independent variable) are shown upon the horizontal reference line or abscissa, and changes in magnitude of the effect (dependent variable) are shown upon the vertical reference line or ordinate.
In general, these scales of magnitude upon both the abscissa and ordinate start at zero (0), so that the junction of the two axes is the zero point upon both scales. This, however, is not necessarily true in all cases, because some charts require that the starting point, of the units indicated upon either the abscissa or the ordinate, begin at some value other than zero. The units indicated along these axes are as you can readily appreciate, strictly dependent upon what information is to be conveyed to the reader. For the sake of simplicity we can assume that the scales on both axes start at zero.
The characteristic curve or curves, as the case may be, appears inside the space bounded by the two axes. Whether or not the curves will start at the common zero point and advance straight upwards, namely, advance diagonally away from the point of junction, or whether it is a curve, is of little consequence. Again, it is a matter of the relationship between cause and effect or the relationship between the units
designated upon the two axes. \
Accordingly, more than one characteristic curve may appear upon a single chart, as you will see in subsequent chapters, or different shapes or curves may appear upon the same chart. But no matter what the shape or the number of the curves, those which shall appear in this text are read in a certain way: by projections to and from the axes, with the junction of either projection upon the desired characteristic as the reference point .from which the projection to the other axis is made.
Thus if we desire to note the effect of a change in the magnitude
of the cause, we project upwards from the abscissa towards the characteristic. From the junction of this upward projection and the curve, we project a line which is parallel to the abscissa towards the ordinate. The junction of this horizontal projection with the ordinate indicates the magnitude of the effect. in whatever units of measure are indicated upon the ordinate.
The reverse procedure can be used to employ the curve as the means of identifying how much change in cause is necessary to create a desired effect or change in effect.
Finally, simultaneous projections from both axes for various magnitudes of whatever is indicated upon the abscissa and the ordinate will intersect and establish points from which a characteristic curve may be drawn which will identify the relationship between the quantities indicated upon the two reference axes. Examples of these appear later on in this book.
Expression of Relationship of Characteristic Curves
For example, suppose you wanted to show by a curve how far an arrow would be shot by an archer for various degrees of pull on the string of his bow. Even if you have never used a bow and arrow, you
can easily realize that the further back from the bow the archer stretches the string on which the arrow is notched, the further will the arrow travel when it is released. For the sake if illustration, let us say that if he draws the string to 1,4 of its full capacity, the arrow
goes 100 yards when it is released. When he draws it half way, it travels 200 yards; 300 yards when he pulls it % of the whole way, and 400 yards when he draws the bow to its full capacity. In other words, the greater the pull the archer exerts on the string of the bow, the further the arrow will travel.
The relationship between the pull of the archer and the length of the arrow's flight can be shown in the form of a curve, assuming the angle of the arrow with the ground is kept constant. One of the variables can be the percentage pull on the bow-string, with 100% being the full draw, and the other variable can be the distance in yards traveled by the arrow. Here then is a characteristic of cause and effect, where the pull is the cause and the distance of travel the effect.
The parallel between a vacuum-tube characteristic and a bow-string pull versus arrow flight chart is not very close, yet surprisingly enough, the two charts bear a close resemblance. Perhaps the exact shapes are not the same, but the ability to predict performance is existent in both -for that matter, it is existent in all characteristic curves. In fact, such prediction is a function of the majority of tube characteristics, for characteristic curves not only show what conditions exist in anyone relationship of two variables, but they are also used to show what happens when the variable representative of the cause is changed by a known amount.
Characteristics Have Two Variables
As a general rule, such characteristic curves involve two variable factors. That which is the primary factor and which we have seen fit to consider as being the cause, is usually mentioned first. The effect is mentioned second in the name which identifies the characteristic. Thus, the plate voltage determines the amount of plate current, and consequently the characteristic curve which would picture this condition would be known as the plate voltage-plate current characteristic curve. If the curve shows the cathode temperature for varying heater current, the curve would be identified as heater current-cathode temperature curve, for it is the changes in heater current which vary the cathode temperature. As you may realize, these characteristic curves operate in both directions. If we consider the curve from the viewpoint of the cause and its resultant effect, we note the effect resulting from a change in the cause. But it is also possible to view this curve in another manner. We may desire to know what state must be created in the primary variable in order to result in a definite condition in the second variable. Thus we may examine a plate voltage-plate current
curve in terms of the plate voltage that is required for a certain plate current, or the bow-string pull-arrow flight curve in terms of the percentage pull required for a certain distance of arrow travel, rather than the effect upon the plate current by a certain change in plate voltage, or the variation in distance of throw for different amounts of bow-string pull.
All of this can be described in another manner. The curves operate with equal facility in two ways, one manner being the resultant change in effect as the cause is varied, and the other being the required change in cause to produce a certain change in effect.
Although such characteristic curves illustrate the relationship between two variables, one being the result of the other, a third quantity is usually associated with the curves. This is a fixed quantity and is required in order to tella more complete story. For example, getting back to our bow and arrow illustration, it is not sufficient to show bow-string pull against distance of arrow travel. It is important to identify the basic condition which exists and makes possible such a characteristic curve. In this case the fixed quantity is the initial angle with the ground at which the arrow is shot from the bow. Thus, if this angle is 20 degrees in one case and 40 degrees in another case, the distance the arrow will travel will be different.
This same applies to the plate voltage-plate current curve. It is necessary to state the temperature of the cathode, or the current
through the filament or heater wires, or the voltage applied to the filament or heater wires. If the temperature, or current flow, or voltage associated with the emitter is not given, the plate voltage-plate current characteristic cannot be identified as being that for anyone condition, for while the curve shown may be representative of behaviour, the exact values of plate current in milliamperes, microamperes, or amperes mean nothing. The exact conditions productive of the state of behaviour are not identified!
n,ird co"d~tjo., of 'ftfre.e. d.~ffe.rel)t va.loe.., -A,B, o.,c1- c- Is CQ1Ifod.e te",pua.ture
'Pla.t""e Volts
It is because of the above that you will usually see at least three quantities given in connection with anyone vacuum-tube characteristic curve: the two variables illustrated in the curve and a third, each indicating the exact condition the other factor contributes to the behaviour illustrated in the characteristic curve.
Linear and Non-Linear Characteristics
When the relationship between the quantity being varied and the resultant changes in the second quantity appears as a straight line over the full range of variation, it is said that the characteristic being represented is linear. This can be described in a different way. If the resultant change in the second quantity is directly proportional to the variations in the first quantity, then the relationship between the two shown as a characteristic curve, i.e. a curve of behaviour, is linear. For example, if a d-c voltage is applied across a fixed resistor, and the current in the circuit is measured while the voltage is being varied, the relationship between the voltage and the current will be linear and, if
this is shown as a characteristic, it will appear as a straight line over the full range of variation of the voltage and the resultant changes in the current. In this case, since the resistance remains fixed in value at all time, the changes in current flow are directly proportional to the changes in applied voltage.
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To state this quantitatively) if in a circuit the application of 20 volts causes the flow of 2 milliamperes, 40 volts causes the flow of 4 milliamperes, 60 volts causes the flow of 6 milliamperes, you can readily see that the change in current is proportional to the change in voltage -hence, the relationship between the two quantities is linear. Such linear relationships are not necessarily shown by a single line; instead, three, four, or more such linear characteristics may be contained upon the same characteristic chart.
Not many characteristics of vacuum tubes are linear throughout their length. They may be linear over a certain portion and this portion of the complete curve may be used. Those portions of the curve
which are not straight, are known as non-linear, so that tube characteristics may be linear over one portion and non-linear over another.
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On the other hand, the entire characteristic may be non-linear, depending upon the conditions of operation. A quantitative example of a non-linear curve is given herein and it can be compared with the linear example also given. In contrast to the linear example, the conditions in the non-linear case are such that the change in effect is not directly proportional to the change in the cause. Stated differently, a uniform change in voltage does not produce a uniform change in current.
Static and Dynamic Characteristics
Linear as well as non-linear characteristic curves of vacuum tubes can be of two bypes. These are known as static and dynamic characteristics and differ in their shape as well as the actual numerical values which are shown associated with the variation in the quantities being represented. In other words, both static and dynamic characteristic curves exist for each vacuum tube. Thus, there is a static as well as dynamic characteristic curve illustrating the relationship between plate voltage and plate current, as well as similar curves for the other characteristics which are associated with vacuum tubes and which will make their appearance as we progress through this text.
'Without recourse to specific illustrations, which would be premature if shown at this time, a simple explanation of the difference between
the static and dynamic characteristics is that the static characteristic expresses relationships. under conditions which are not usually typical of actual operation. The dynamic characteristic, on the other hand, expresses the relationships that exist when the tube is used in a manner which is equivalent to the actual operating conditions with respect to the associated electrical systems external to the tube.
This explanation may not be as clear as we should like it to be, but whatever confusion may exist in your mind will be cleared up later in this book when we discuss the different types of tubes. Unfortunately, we cannot, at this time, mention those conditions which are productive of the dynamic state in a vacuum tube without involving terms and
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conditions which have not as yet been discussed. However, we felt that this was a good place to advise you of the fact that two general kinds of characteristic curves exist, for relationships in vacuum tubes.
N umber of Characteristics for Each Tube
The number of different types of characteristic curves which are
established for anyone tube depends upon the information desired, the more detailed and elaborate the required information, the greater the number of types of characteristic curves. The manufacturers of vacuum tubes in general have standardized upon a certain number, usually either one or two different relationships, and it is these which they furnish in the handbooks and reference guides. Since we have not discussed specific tube types as yet, it would be premature W speak about these specific kinds, but you shall become acquainted with them in due time.
Families of Curves
In many instances characteristic curves are shown as families, that is, a number of different curves which show the relationship between the same two quantities but under different conditions, are indicated upon the same chart. For example, again referring to our archer, we showed four curves illustrating the distance the arrow would fly when shot at a number of different angles with the ground. In like manner we showed different plate voltage-plate current curves for different values of cathode temperature. Families of characteristic curves are quite commonplace in tube literature and you will see many of them later in this book.
The most common and perhaps one of the most important vacuumtube characteristics is that which illustrates the magnitude of the electron stream moving across the inter-electrode space within a vacuum tube for various values of positive voltage applied to the plate of the tube. This, as has already been mentioned, is the plate voltage-plate current characteristic.
That such should be the case is not difficult to understand if you bear the following in mind. It is in terms of the plate current that most applications of the vacuum tube are judged, for it is by means of the flow of this plate current through the various electrical devices associated with the vacuum tube and connected externally to it, that the various functions of the vacuum tube are put to use.
Whether the vacuum tube is a converter of electrical power of alternating character into electrical power of direct character, or is used inversely as an inverter, or if the device is one wherein electrical power of alternating character is utilized to control the release of energy from another electrical source and thus create a state tantamount to the process of amplification-in all instances, this is expressed in terms of the plate current which flows through the tube and through the devices externally connected to the tube. Hence you can expect to find
very frequent reference to the plate current in vacuum-tube characteristic curves.
Resistance Within a Vacuum Tube
In a sense a vacuum tube is an unusual device for we find therein a condition which is difficult to duplicate elsewhere. This is the flow of electric current through an empty space, the inter-electrode space. A common statement is that electric current cannot flow unless a continuous path is provided for the moving electrons. This is true external to the vacuum tube, but inside of the tube we find free movement of electrons through a vacuum.
But when we say free movement of electrons we neglect one thing, namely, that a force is necessary to get these electrons to move. This is the force exerted' by the lines of force of the electrostatic field due to the charged plate. But why this force? There must be something existent inside the vacuum tube and associated with the electrons which makes it necessary that a force be used to make the electrons move in the manner desired. There must exist within the vacuum tube some retarding influence which acts upon the electrons and which must be overcome in order to get the desired flow of plate current.
That which the lines of force of the electrostatic field within the vacuum tube must overcome to secure the definitely directed movement of a certain number of electrons represents the resistance to the directed movement or motion of the electrons within the vacuum tube. Thus, the factor of resistance is associated with the flow of plate current within the vacuum tube. In other words, the statement that electrons are capable of moving through a vacuum does not eliminate the presence of resistance. In fact, the resistance associated with the movement of the electrons within the vacuum tube plays a dominant role in the operation and application of the vacuum tube, as you will see later.
We have already associated the plate current flow with plate voltage and if we now associate the resistance with the place current, since the electrons moving through the space within the tube is the plate current, we find that in the vacuum tube, as in the external electrical system, we experience the three quantities of voltage, current, and resistance.
In this relationship between voltage, current, and resistance within the vacuum tube we find a very interesting condition, namely, a nonlinear relationship between plate voltage and plate current. We shall not discuss this now, because we are not yet ready to do so, but we can state that the internal resistance of the vacuum tube does not
behave like an external fixed resistance which remains constant in value for various values of applied voltage.
It is of interest to realize that the resistance to the flow of electrons within the vacuum tube, that is, the resistance to the flow of plate current, is to be found in all vacuum tubes regardless of the number of elements within the tube, and this factor is important irrespective of the function or application of the tube.
Power in Vacuum Tubes
Perhaps this is an ambiguous title for this portion of the text since there is more than one way of interpreting it, but proper identification in this text will narrow down its application. Since we have spoken about current, voltage, and resistance as applied to vacuum tubes, although strictly in a general way+-we might also mention power. Again you will find that this is closely affiliated with the plate current.
When electrons move across the inter-electrode space of a vacuum tube under the influence of the various electrostatic fields, they possess the energy of motion, otherwise known as kinetic energy. When they reach and strike the plate, they give up this energy and heat the plate. The amount of heat generated can be so great as to actually heat the plate to a white-hot temperature and eventually destroy it. Normally, the amount of heat generated in the plate under the impact of the arriving electrons does not result in any visible change in the color of the plate, except under certain conditions when the temperature of the plate may be raised so that it glows cherry red.
The heat must be dissipated, which means that the heat must be radiated from the plate as fast as it is generated. Now, since the heat is caused by the electron bombardment of the plate, it stands to reason that this heat depends on the plate current, that is, the total number of electrons striking the plate per second and the voltage applied to the plate, which in turn governs not only the number of electrons which strike the plate but also the speed with which these electrons move across the inter-electrode space, and hence the greater the kinetic energy possessed by the electrons which -is converted into heat when they strike the plate, and then go out into the external plate circuit.
These electrons striking the plate do work in heating the plate. If we correlate the amount of work done with time, we arrive at the value of power consumed per unit time. For a static operating condition, the power dissipated at the plate of a vacuum tube is equal to the value of plate current multiplied by the plate voltage. E[luilibrium is reached at the plate when the power radiated from the plate as heat is equal
to the kinetic energy of the impinging electrons. This, too, is a characteristic of the vacuum tube, although it is of less importance in some applications than in others and hence is not always shown.
Chapter 6
THE MATERIAL GIVEN thus far in this book has prepared us for what shall follow in this and subsequent chapters. We have, up to now, given certain facts relating to the operation of the vacuum tube: the manner in which and the reasons why, the electrons, so essential to the vacuum tube, are liberated; the basic reasons for the movement of electrons between charged surfaces, that . s, the underlying basis for plate current within the vacuum tube. Tr e, we have not as yet, mentioned types of vacuum tubes, but the sp cific type has very little to do with the principles which govern the motion of the electrons.
Weare now ready to investigate what happens in the different types of vacuum tubes and to investigate the variation in th magnitude of the inter-electrode electron stream as the result of hanges in the strength of the electrostatic fields which exist in the v cuum tube. In practical language, these electrostatic fields are referre to in terms of voltage,-operating voltages and control voltages,-a d the changes in the magnitude of the electron stream within the v cuum tube are referred to as changes in plate current. Almost all f the essential conditions normally associated with the operation 0 the tube are
considered in connection with the plate current. That which we call the operating characteristics, the behaviour of the tube, is usually interpreted in terms of the plate current.
This fact will become indelibly impressed upon you as you progress through this section. You will see how even the selection of the electrical components associated with the vacuum tube, but located outside it, are chosen because of the facts which are learned from a study of the behaviour of the plate current within the vacuum tube when the tube is operated in a certain manner. In fact, observation of the plate current by means of special electrical devices, gives an excellent insight into the actual performance of the vacuum tube.
The Diode
Of the many types of tubes which are in use, the simplest is the diode. This is a two-element tube, invented before 1900 by J. A. Fleming, and which consists of an emitter of electrons and a collector of electrons. The term diode, by the way, refers to the number of elements within the tube envelope rather than to the specific application of the tube. Many different names are applied to the diode which indicate the specific function of the tube in any particular electrical circuit. For example, the diode may be used in one circuit to perform the function of developing an automatic-volume-control voltage; hence it would be called the. avc tube without necessarily stating that it is a diode. That it is a diode would become evident upon an examination of the wiring diagram of the system which would show the symbol for such a tube. There are many more such occasions wherein the diode is known as a rectifier, demodulator, detector, etc. So, when discussing the basic diode, we have no particular application in mind. These we will consider later.
The two elements which comprise the diode have more than one name. The electron collector is known as the plate or the anode, while the electron emitter, if of the indirectly heated type, is called the cathode; while if of the directly heated type, is generally spoken of as the filament. However, the electron emitter is called the cathode without any special consideration being given to whether the emitter is indirectly or directly heated. Today this usage seems quite natural in that by far the greater number of tubes in use are of the indirectly heated type. In fact, it is our intention, as we have already mentioned, to consider the electron emitter in the vacuum tube to be of the indirectly heated type, and we shall therefore, unless statement is made to the contrary, always have that in mind.
Cathode and Filament Structure
The types of cathode, heater, and filament structures that are used in the diodes we shall discuss are quite generally employed in most of the "small" tubes, so that it might be well to describe these constructional features in this chapter and thereby avoid duplication later. However, before discussing them, it might be well to mention that some special types of diodes do use cathode systems somewhat different in physical design from those to be illustrated.
Directly and Indirectly Heated Tubes
In the directly heated tubes, the filaments are of the general construction shown in Fig. 6-1. The filaments themselves are built in the
FIG. 6-1. Directly heated filaments are of two main types. That one shown a t the left is an inverted V and the one at the right is an inverted W. The supports at the tops of the filament wires are erected from the tube base.
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form of an inverted V or W, being mounted and held in place by suitable metal supports which rest in the glass stem of the tube. The filament voltage is applied across the prong terminals of the filament in the tube base and the current flowing in the filament heats it to the electron -emitting temperature.
In the indirectly-heated tubes, the cathode-heater arrangement may be one or the other as shown in Fig. 6-2. The cathode is a sleeve which is insulated from the heater wires but surrounds them. Upon this sleeve are baked a number of layers of an oxide coating that freely emits electrons. The heat from the heater raises the temperature of the cathode sleeve to the emitting value. The essential advantage of this type of emitter over the directly-heated type is that it permits heater operation on alternating-current power circuits. The cathode material cannot follow the rapid variations of the heater current, which
therefore has very little effect upon the instantaneous temperature of the cathode. Hence a steady rate of emission can be maintained by the cathode with a uniform distribution of emission along its entire surface, despite the fact that the current through the heater varies periodically.
Furthermore, if the cathode is surrounded by a charged surface, there is a uniform distribution of the lines of force between the charged
FIG. 6-2 (left). In an indirectly heated cathode, the heater wire is usually either U-shaped, as shown on the left, or it may be twisted throughout its length. The heater wire is enclosed within the electron emitting cylinder.
FIG. 6-3 (right). The symbol of the heater and cathode of a vacuum tube that is used in schematics is an inverted V under an inverted L.
Ca."»5ock Structur~
body and the cathode along its entire length, because all of the cathode is at the same potential with respect to the surrounding charged surface. In some instances the heater wire within the cathode sleeve is an inverted U, whereas in other cases the heater is twist-ed throughout its length, as shown in Fig. 6-2.
When a cathode heater system is shown in an electrical wiring diagram, it appears as in Fig. 6-3, an inverted L over an inverted V. Since in the normal electrical system, the heater circuit is of little importance with respect to the other components associated with the performance of the circuit, it is often omitted from the schematic symbol, it being assumed that a simple reference upon the diagram is sufficient to indicate the method of connecting the tube heaters to the heater-current supply system. That shall generally be our practice, for once you understand the function of the heater and its behaviour under different conditions, there is little need for further discussion.
As to the plate or anode, its schematic representation is a short straight line, which m~y be located parallel to the vertical portion of the cathode, as shown in Fig. 6-4 (A), or it may be parallel to the horizontal part of the cathode, as shown in Fig. 6-4 (B). In the case of the filament-type tubes the plate is shown as in Fig. 6-4 (C) and (D), being vertical or located above the filament. This is merely a matter of individual preference on the part of the person making the drawing.
A circle generally surrounds these elements to show that they are in an evacuated envelope. Generally the symbol for the heater is omitted in schematic drawings as this circuit is unessential to the functioning
FIG. 6-4. The line indicating the plate may be drawn in any one of the four positions shown in the above schematic symbols of a diode.
of the other elements of the tube. Concerning the specific arrangement of emitter and plate within the actual tubes, the most general form of construction is to have the plate surround the entire cathode, as shown in Fig. 6-5.
FIG. 6-5. The cylindrical plate surrounds the cathode in the actual diode, as indicated on the right. These two electrodes are supported by wires that are embedded in the glass press at the bottom of the tube.
In connection with the actual construction of diodes, some employ two diodes located within a single envelope. In some, those of the indirectly heated variety, individual cathodes are available for each section. In other tubes, which use a filament as the emitter, two separate plates are available, and the two separate filaments are connected in series. Illustrations of these are given in Figs. 6-6 (A) and (B) together with the schematic symbols. The tube which contains separate cathodes for each plate is known as a duo-diode (for example, the 6H6 G), whereas the tube which uses a common filament for the two plates is usually called a full-wave rectifier (for example, the 80).