Chapter 3: Tensile Testing
Chapter 3: Tensile Testing
Chapter 3: Tensile Testing
Tensile properties are used in selecting materials for
various applications. Material specifications often
include minimum tensile properties to ensure quality.
Tensile tests must be made to ensure that materials
meet these specifications. The tensile stress-strain
curves can be used to predict a materials behavior
under loading forms other than the uni-axial tension.
Tensile-testing Machine
A modern tensile-testing machine allows users to select force, strain,
strain rate, stroke motion that can be enforced upon a test specimen.
Linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs) are used to
measure displacements accurately.
Load Cell
Tensile Specimens
The figure below shows a typical tensile specimen. The crosssectional area of the gauge section is less than that of the
shoulders and grip section, so the deformation will occur in the
gauge section. According to St. Venants principle, the gauge
section should be long compared to the diameter (typically four
times). The transition between the gauge section and the
shoulders should be at least as great as the diameter so that the
larger ends do not constrain the deformation in the gauge
Tensile Specimens
The figure below show various ways of gripping specimens.
The gripping system should ensure that the maximum load can
be applied without slippage or appreciable deformation in the
grip section, i.e., bending near the grip should be avoided.
Stress-Strain Curves
A tension test involves mounting a specimen in a machine,
extending it, and recording how the tensile force changes as the
specimen is elongated.
The onset of plastic deformation is usually associated with the
first deviation of the stress-strain curve from linearity.
Typical engineering stress-engineering strain curve for ductile materials.
0.2% offset
Plastic deformation
Tensile strength
or Ultimate
tensile strength
Yield Strength
For low carbon steels and some linear polymers, their
engineering stress-strain curves have an initial maximum
followed by a lower stress. This indicates that, after the initial
maximum, at any given instant all of the deformation occurs
within a relatively small region.
Low carbon steel
Linear polymer
Necking Formation
As long as the engineering stress-strain curve passes the lower
yield strength and rises, the deformation will occur uniformly
along the length. For a ductile materials the stress will reach a
maximum well before fracture. When the maximum is reached,
deformation localizes, forming a neck.
tensile strength or max
The tensile strength
(or ultimate
strength) is defined
as the highest value
of the engineering
Necking occurs
Two common parameters are used to describe the
ductility of a material.
(1) The percent elongation
%El = (Lf Lo) / Lo x 100%
where Lo is the initial gauge length and Lf is the
length of the gauge section at fracture.
(2) The percent reduction of area
%RA = (Ao Af) / Ao x 100%
where Ao is the initial cross-sectional area and Af
is the cross-sectional area of the fracture.
Related Properties
The ability of a material to absorb energy when
deformed elastically and to return it when unloaded is
called resilience.
The toughness of a material is its ability to absorv
energy in the plastic range. The toughness of a
material enables the material to withstand stresses
above its yield stress without fracturing.
A 13 mm diameter tensile specimen has a 50 mm gage length.
The load corresponding to the 0.2% offset is 6800 kg and the
maximum load is 8400 kg. Fracture occurs at 7300 kg. The
diameter after fracture is 8 mm and the gage length at fracture is
65 mm. Calculate the standard mechanical properties (such as
the ultimate tensile strength, 0.2% offset yield strength, fracture
strength, elongation, and the reduction of area.
t = F / A
= ln (L / Lo)
Engineering stress
and engineering
= F / Ao
e = L / Lo
True stress-strain
Engineering stress-strain
Other Factors
State of stress changes from uniaxial to triaxial after neck
formation: The Bridgman correction for the stress
distribution at the neck.
(const.)() m
when and T are held constant. m is
known as the strain-rate sensitivity.
Testing-Temperature Effect
In addition to the local temperature effect, the
stress-strain curve also depends on the testing
temperature. In general, strength decreases and
ductility increases as the test temperature is
increased. However, structural changes such as
precipitation, strain aging or recrystallization may
occur in certain temperature range to alter the
general behavior.
Yield strength varies with
temperature for mild steels
(BCC materials).
(const.)eQ / RT
when strain and strain rate were
held constant. Q is the
activation energy for plastic
Testing-Temperature Effect
For FCC metals flow stress is not strongly dependent
on temperature but the strain-hardening exponent
decreases with increasing temperature. This
explains why bcc metals often exhibit brittle fracture
at low temperatures.
Tension test is one of the mechanical tests used to evaluate
materials properties. Tensile properties can be used in engineering
design and as a basis for comparing and selecting materials.
For a given stress-strain relationship, you need to know how to
determine the yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, residual strain
after unloading over the plastic region, elastic modulus, etc.
Engineering stress-strain curve vs. true stress-strain curve.
Factors that ought to be considered for an accurate measurement,
e.g., alignment of mechanical system and sample, strain rate,
temperature, necking, etc.