Art, Philosophy Of: Distinguishing Characteristics
Art, Philosophy Of: Distinguishing Characteristics
Art, Philosophy Of: Distinguishing Characteristics
Art, philosophy of, the study of the nature of art, including such concepts as
interpretation, representation and expression, and form. It is closely related toaesthetics, the philosophical
study of beauty and taste.
Distinguishing characteristics
The philosophy of art is distinguished from art criticism, which is concerned with the analysis and
evaluation of particular works of art. Critical activity may be primarily historical, as when a lecture is given
on the conventions of the Elizabethan theatre in order to explain some of the devices used in Shakespeares
plays. It may be primarily analytical, as when a certain passage of poetry is separated into its elements and
its meaning or import explained in relation to other passages and other poems in the tradition. Or it may be
primarily evaluative, as when reasons are given for saying that the work of art in question is good or bad, or
better or worse than another one. Sometimes it is not a single work of art but an entire class of works in a
certain styleor genre (such as pastoral poems or Baroque music) that is being elucidated, and sometimes it
is the art of an entire period (such as Romantic). But in every case, the aim of art criticism is to achieve an
increased understanding or enjoyment of the work (or classes of works) of art, and its statements are
The test of the success of art criticism with a given person is: has this essay or book of art criticism
increased his understanding or enhanced his appreciation of the work of art in question? Art criticism is
particularly helpful and often necessary for works of art that are more than usually difficult, so that the
average person would be unable adequately to understand or enjoy them if left to himself.
The task of the philosopher of art is more fundamental than that of the art critic in that the critics
pronouncements presuppose answers to the questions set by the philosopher of art. The critic says that a
given work of music is expressive, but the philosopher of art asks what is meant by saying that a work of
art is expressive and how one determines whether it is. In speaking and writing about art, the critic
presupposes that he is dealing with clear concepts, the attainment of which is the task of the philosopher of
The task of the philosopher of art is not to heighten understanding and appreciation of works of art but to
provide conceptual foundations for the critic by (1) examining the basic concepts underlying the critics
activities to enable him to speak and write more intelligibly about the arts, and by (2) arriving at true
conclusions about art, aesthetic value, expression, and the other concepts that the critic employs.
Upon what does the philosopher of art direct his attention? Art, is the ready answer, but what is art and
what distinguishes it from all other things? The theorists who have attempted to answer this question are
many, and their answers differ greatly. But there is one feature that virtually all of them have in common: a
work of art is a human-made thing, an artifact, as distinguished from an object in nature. A sunset may be
beautiful, but it is not a work of art. A piece of driftwood may have aesthetic qualities, but it is not a work
of art since it was not made by a human. On the other hand, a piece of wood that has been carved to look
like driftwood is not an object of nature but of art, even though the appearance of the two may be exactly
the same. This distinction was challenged in the 20th century by artists who declared thatobjets
trouvs (found objects) are works of art, since the artists perception of them as such makes them so, even
if the objects were not human-made and were not modified in any way (except by exhibition) from their
natural state.
Nevertheless, according to the simplest and widest definition, art is anything that is human-made. Within
the scope of this definition, not only paintings and sculptures but also buildings, furniture, automobiles,
cities, and garbage dumps are all works of art: every change that human activity has wrought upon the face
of nature is art, be it good or bad, beautiful or ugly, beneficial or destructive.
The ordinary usage of the term is clearly less wide. In daily life when works of art are spoken of, the
intention is to denote a much narrower range of objectsnamely, those responded to aesthetically. Among
the things in this narrower range, a distinction, although not a precise one, is made between fine and useful
art. Fine art consists of those works designed to produce an aesthetic response or that (regardless of
design) function as objects of aesthetic appreciation (such as paintings, sculptures, poems, musical
compositions)those human-made things that are enjoyed for their own sake rather than as means to
something else. Useful art has both an aesthetic and a utilitarian dimension: automobiles, glass tumblers,
woven baskets, desk lamps, and a host of other handmade or manufactured objects have a primarily useful
function and are made for that purpose, but they also have an aesthetic dimension: they can be enjoyed as
objects of beauty, so much so that a person often buys one brand of car rather than another for aesthetic
reasons even more than for mechanical reasons (of which he may know nothing). A borderline case
is architecture: many buildings are useful objects the aesthetic function of which is marginal, and other
buildings are primarily objects of beauty the utility of which is incidental or no longer existent (Greek
temples were once places of worship, but today their value is entirely aesthetic). The test in practice is not
how they were intended by their creators, but how they function in present-day experience. Many great
works of painting and sculpture, for example, were created to glorify a deity and not, insofar as can be
ascertained, for an aesthetic purpose (to be enjoyed simply in the contemplation of them for their own
sake). It should be added, however, that many artists were undoubtedly concerned to satisfy their aesthetic
capabilities in the creation of their work, since they were highly perfectionistic as artists, but in their time
there was no such discipline as aestheticsin which they could articulate their goals; in any case, they chose
to create for the greater glory of God by producing works that were also worthwhile to contemplate for
their own sake.
This aesthetic sense of the word art, whether applied to fine art or useful art, is the one most employed by
the majority of critics and philosophers of art today. There are two other senses of art, however, that are
still narrower, and, to avoid confusion, their use should be noted: (1) Sometimes the term art is restricted
to the visual arts alone or to some of the visual arts. But as philosophers of art use the term (and as it is used
here), art is not limited to visual art; music and drama and poetryare as much arts as are painting, sculpture,
and architecture. (2) Sometimes the term art is used in a persuasive sense, to include only those works
considered good art. Thats not art! exclaims the viewer at an art gallery as he examines a painting he
dislikes. But if the term art is to be used without confusion, it must be possible for there to be bad art as
well as good art. The viewer, then, is not really denying that the work in question is art (it is a human-made
object presented to be contemplated for its own sake) but only that it is worthwhile.
The word art is also ambiguous in another way: it is sometimes used to designate the activity of creating
a work of art, as in the slogan Art is expression; but it is more often used to designate the product of that
process, the completed artwork or artifact itself, as in the remark Art is a source of great enjoyment to
me. There will be occasion later to remark on this ambiguity.
Countless proffered definitions of art are not definitions at all but theories about the nature of art that
presuppose that the ability to identify certain things in the world as works of art already exists. Most of
them are highly unsatisfactory even as theories. Art is an exploration of reality through a sensuous
presentationbut in what way is it an exploration? Is it always concerned with reality (how is music
concerned with reality, for example)? Art is a re-creation of realitybut is all art re-creation, even
music? (It would seem likely that music is the creation of something, namely, a new set of tonal
relationships, but not that it is the re-creation of anything at all.) Art is an expression of feeling through a
mediumbut is it always an expression (see below Art as expression) and is it always feeling that is
expressed? And so on. It appears more certain that Shakespeares King Lear is a work of art than that these
theories are true. All that seems to be required for identifying something as a work of art in the wide sense
is that it be not a natural object but something made or transformed by a human being, and all that is
required for identifying it as art (not as good art but as art) in the narrower sense is that it function
aesthetically in human experience, either wholly (fine art) or in part (useful art); it is not even necessary, as
has been shown, that it be intended by its creator to function in this way.