Yeast Propagation and Maintenance 128
Yeast Propagation and Maintenance 128
Yeast Propagation and Maintenance 128
Yeast is that wonderful microbe which converts sweet wort into an enjoyable
alcoholic beverage. In addition to converting sugar to alcohol, yeast can also
influence the taste, flavor, bouquet, and even the color of beer. They do this by
secreting a variety of compounds at very low levels. Different yeast strains
produce different levels of these compounds and therefore impart their own
subtle characteristics to the wort in which they are pitched. Although yeasts may
all be the same species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, they are not created equal.
Indeed a bread yeast does not make good beer and the same may be said for
some wine yeasts. Beer yeasts also differ and anyone who has split a batch of
beer and pitched different yeasts will attest to the difference they can have in
brewing. So just as hops, malts, and water must be chosen for a specific beer, so
must the yeast. The propagation and maintenance of yeast at home adds yet
another level of control to the brewing process, allows for experimentation, and
aids in the consistent production of unique high quality beers.
The development of pure yeast strains and their importance in the brewing
process has been going on for over a century and is still an active area of
research. In 1883, Emil Christian Hansen described the first techniques for
successfully isolating single yeast cells and propagating them to a larger scale.
This was a landmark finding since up until then all yeasts were a mixture
containing various forms of brewing yeast, wild yeast, bacteria, and molds.
Brewing with these mixtures of micro-organisms was difficult. Beer spoiling was
common and there was wide variability in beer quality. Hansen's techniques
changed all that and were quickly applied to improving large scale beer
production; first in the Carlsberg brewery and a few years later in American
breweries. Current propagation techniques remain similar to those first
described by Hansen. Further characterization of yeast physiology and
fermentation technology, however, have also influenced the current methods
used to propagate and maintain yeast. The following is a discussion of some of
these aspects of yeast physiology and fermentation and how it applies to
homebrewing practices. Methods for maintaining yeast and their effectiveness
with regards to yeast viability and stability will also be discussed.
Yeast is a facultative anaerobe which is just a fancy way of saying that it can
survive and grow in the presence (aerobic) or absence (anaerobic) of oxygen.
The presence of oxygen determines the metabolic fate of the cell. In terms of the
yeast cell, its survival, growth and metabolism is optimal in the presence of
oxygen. In this case, yeast will rapidly grow to high densities and will convert
sugar (glucose) to carbon dioxide and water. Under anaerobic conditions, yeast
grows much more slowly and to lower densities and glucose is incompletely
metabolized to ethanol and carbon dioxide. It is important to realize that
optimal yeast growth is distinct from fermentation. Therefore, the conditions
and methodologies used for propagating and maintaining yeast need not be
identical to those used for fermenting wort. The purpose of a yeast starter is not
to produce an enjoyable fermented beverage but rather to produce a sufficient
quantity of yeast for subsequent fermentation. Propagation conditions should be
such that a maximal amount of yeast is produced which provides optimal
fermentation performance once pitched. What do we mean by fermentation
performance? The main criteria for fermentation performance is based on the
rate and extent of fermentation as well as the production of a beer with a
balanced sensory profile with no off-flavors/aromas or inappropriate esters. The
former refers primarily to attenuation (technically referred to as the apparent
attenuation) and is usually indicated by the percent reduction in gravity or:
Apparent Attenuation = (O.G. - F.G)
For a normal 1.050 original gravity wort, the terminal gravities should be near
1.012 or 76% attenuation. Apparent attenuation between 70-85% are normal for
most yeasts. Also fermentation should occur rapidly and be completed within 35 days.
What does this means in terms of brewing. Well since oxygen directly correlates
with rapid growth and increase in yeast mass (cell number), aeration during
yeast propagation should increase the overall number of yeast cells. In
otherwords, your starters need to be well-aerated. I have been a long-time
advocate of not using airlocks on my starters, slants, etc. In fact, I like to shake
my starters as much as possible. This will not only help introduce air into the
wort, but will also keep the yeast in suspension and exposed to all the nutrients.
Alternatively you can intermittently inject air or oxygen into a starters using a
sterile filter and aeration stone. Foaming is usually a problem and therefore
aeration is usually intermittent. Another alternative which I use quite often is to
continuously stir starter cultures. A magnetic stir bar is placed in the starter
vessel and the vessel is put on a magnetic stir plate. The stir plate causes the bar
to rotate thereby mixing the contents of the starter vessel. Most stir plates have a
dial so that you can adjust the speed at which the bar spins. In each case the tube
or vessel is loosely capped so that gas can be exchanged. Comparison of the
number of yeast cells in starters which were mildly aerated (shaken
intermittently), moderately aerated (injected with air intermittently) or highly
aerated (continuously stirred) suggest that an increase in aeration/agitation does
correlate with an increase in yeast cell number (Figure 1). Continuous
agitation/aeration can yield as high as a 10- to 15-fold increase in yeast cell
number. This translates into a 10- to 15-fold higher pitching rate than what is
observed with a traditional airlocked starter. This means you can generate a
much larger amount of yeast using less wort!
Yeast counts
Starter Treatment
Figure 1. Effect of aeration on yeast cell number. 500 ml of BrewTek Superwort was pitched
with a saturated 10 ml superstarter culture of BrewTek yeast and incubated at room
temperature (75 F) for two days. Cultures were either shaken 3-6 times a day, aerated with
BrewTek aeration system for several minutes (foam permitting) 3-6 times a day, or
continuously stirred on a magnetic stir plate. Yeast cell concentration was determined on the
BrewTek hemacytometer. Traditional starter (with airlock) were taken from numbers
published by Ray Daniels in HBD #1746 using Wyeast packet as inoculum.
In terms of fermentation, aeration is also important but only in the early stages
(first 6-24 hours). Aeration in later stages can oxidize beer constituents and lead
to the development of off-flavors. Since aeration sets the stage for maltose
fermentation and alcohol tolerance, it is easy to envision why insufficient
aeration could lead to stuck fermentations or incomplete fermentations.
Incomplete fermentations can be manifested as either high finishing gravities or
the production of off-flavors especially diacetyl, acetaldehyde, and hydrogen
sulfide. Insufficient aeration is also associated with excessive ester formation.
The profound effect of aeration on yeast is further illustrated in studies where
yeast from a poorly aerated beer was repitched into aerated wort and still did not
perform well. Thus insufficient aeration can have a long-lasting effect on yeast.
In general, it is difficult for homebrewers to achieve sufficient oxygen levels. The
levels of oxygen necessary for optimal fermentation vary depending on the yeast
strain. Ale strains usually need between 8-12 part per million (ppm) while
can increase the rate of yeast growth but not the overall concentration or yield of
yeast. Thus the addition of yeast nutrient to starters can help accelerate their
growth. This is important for homebrewers since we rarely sterilize our worts
and rapid growth is necessary for the yeast to take it over the starter before any
potential bacteria can grow. Unlike the fermenting beer, yeast nutrients can be
added at relatively high concentrations (1% or about 1/4 tsp per quart) to starters
since flavor is not an issue. If you are worried about the flavor of the starter
contributing to your beer flavor, you can always let the yeast settle and decant
off the majority of the liquid.
Nutrient #1
Nutrient #2
Nutrient #3
Nutrient #4
Nutrient Control
Time (hours)
Figure 2. Effect of various yeast nutrients on yeast growth. 0.1 ml of actively growing
yeast are pitched into 10 ml laboratory wort containing different nutrient. All nutrients
tested were amino acid/peptide/vitamin-based and were added to a final concentration of
1%. Yeast cell counts are determined at various time points using a spectrophotometer
where 1 OD595 = 30 million cells/ml. Note that the addition of certain nutrients especially
samples #3 and #4 lead to maximum yeast growth in a shorter period of time (24 versus 48
Zinc also supposedly improves yeast growth and fermentation and is added to
the propagation tanks in some British breweries. 0.5 ppm zinc is optimal.
Interestingly some yeast nutrients may also contain zinc. For example, the
BrewTek Yeast Nutrient if used in starters at 1/4 tsp per quart should yield
about 2-5 ppm. This is another reason for supplementing starters with yeast
nutrient. Information regarding the importance of zinc (as well as other
minerals) on yeast growth and fermentation is limited and has not been tested to
the same extent as some of the nitrogen sources.
Yeast grows perfectly fine in simple sugar solutions supplemented with a rich
nitrogen source. The standard laboratory media for growing and maintaining
yeast include YPD, potato dextrose, and sabouraud dextrose. The composition of
these media are summarized in Table 1. These media are designed for laboratory
yeast and do not contain a complex source of fermentable sugars. Laboratory
media is not recommended for extensive propagation of brewing yeast since
this may ultimately affect fermentation performance. More suitable media
appropriate for brewing yeast are listed in Table 2. These media can be used for
slants, plates and limited liquid propagation but should not be used as starters
because of the lower gravity.
Table 1. Laboratory media
Potato Dextrose
Sabouraud Dextrose
1% Yeast Extract
1% Neopeptone
2% Peptone
2% Dextrose
4% Dextrose
2% Dextrose
pH. The last factor to affect yeast growth is pH (a measure of acidity). Yeast
grow well at acidic pHs. They grow best between pH 4 to pH 6. Normal wort is
acidic with a pH near 5.2. During growth and fermentation the pH drops to
about 4.1-4.2 and in some cases even lower. The further acidification of the wort
helps to prevent bacterial infection. (Most bacteria cannot tolerate acid pH).
Yeast can survive at very low pH, as low as 2.0. This is the basis of acid washing
where the bacterial load of a yeast slurry is reduced prior to repitching by
lowering the pH to 2.2. Most bacteria will be destroyed at this pH while a good
percentage of the yeast will survive. Interestingly, diluted unfermented honey is
more acidic than wort and the production of more acid during fermentation
actually slows down its fermentation. To make matters even worse most
meadmakers add acid blend to the honey. Although the acid does help to
balance out the flavor, it will inhibit fermentation and therefore should only be
added after fermentation is complete. In fact some meadmakers will add a small
amount of calcium carbonate to buffer the acidity and raise the pH. This can
significantly accelerate fermentation. I have successfully fermented a mead out
in a week using this method (and a good healthy supercharged starter).
Artificial media such as those described in Tables 1 and 2 are neutral (pH _ 7)
when prepared, therefore, it is a good idea to adjust the pH to below 6.0. This
will help minimize bacterial contamination during propagation procedures.
Hops also supposedly have anti-bacterial effects and can also be added to these
media and starters.
Summary. Based on the above information, a yeast starter should be composed
of a 1.040 gravity wort that is supplemented with amino-acid based nutrients
(BrewTek nutrient or Superfood). It should be aerated well before adding yeast.
Once the yeast is added it should be kept at room temperature (~75 F) and
shaken as often as possible (or better yet, constantly stirred). All media used to
store brewing yeast (slants, plates, etc.) should contain yeast nutrients, some
malt, and should have an acidic pH.
pitching rate
starter pitching rates
pitching rate
without starter
Time (hours)
Figure 3. Growth curve for brewers yeast. Diagram showing typical changes in yeast cell number
when introduced into liquid media at very low concentration. The various phases of growth are
shown. Note that the actual time it takes to reach stationary phase varies depending on growth
conditions, yeast strain, and amount of yeast inoculated.
I) Initially there is a lag phase. This occurs during the first few hours after
addition of the yeast. During this time there are no apparent signs of
fermentation or growth. The yeast are becoming acclimated to their new
environment. If the previous media (or starter) is similar to this new one,
acclimation will occur rapidly and the lag phase will be short. If there are major
differences in the gravity, temperature, or wort composition, the yeast may be
surprised or shocked and it may take some time to adjust to this new
environment. Major changes occur within the yeast at this time, they are
absorbing all of the oxygen in the wort, using it to synthesize all the enzymes and
other metabolic machinery necessary for growth and fermentation, and storing
oxygen up in the form of sterols for later use. This stage is critical to
fermentation and should occur as rapidly as possible, preferably within a few
II) The second phase is the accelerating growth phase during which yeast cells
start to grow and divide. Signs of fermentation will also become apparent. The
yeast begin storing sugar in the form of glycogen for later use.
III) The third phase is the exponential phase where yeast reproduction and
metabolism is in high gear. Cells are dividing every 90 - 180 minutes and
fermentation begins. During this time the number of yeast cells may increase as
much as 1000-fold (or 3.0 logs) within 24 hours. The extent to which the cells
divide is dictated primarily by the pitching rate. If appropriate pitching rates
are used, the yeast are pitched at high concentrations (5-15 million yeast cells
per ml) and undergo approximately 3 generations (23- or an 8-fold increase in
cell number) to yield 80-100 million cells per ml. 100 million cells per ml is
about the maximal concentration of yeast attainable in fermenting wort (Figure 2
& 3). Fermentation is also very active and a krausen may be beginning to form.
IV) The fourth phase is the decelerating growth which should occur 12-24 hours
after pitching. At this time the oxygen is fully depleted and fermentation and
CO2 production is taking over. Fermenting wort should be in high krausen.
Maximal fermentation occurs during 12-48 hours; heat is being generated and
there should be rapid CO2 evolution (bubbling).
V) Finally several days later, the yeast enter a stationary phase. During this
time the fermentables and nutrients are completely consumed. All yeast growth
has stopped and they are beginning to fall out of suspension or flocculate. The
sterol and glycogen stored up during early growth are beginning to be broken
down and used to continue growth. Prolonged exposure in this phase (weeks)
can lead to autolysis or total breakdown of the cell.
ml will increase the amount of time it takes to reach the stationary phase. 10 ml
is a good volume since it is small and will reach saturation in a short amount of
time and therefore should minimize potential contamination.
Now that we have an idea of how much yeast is in a 10 ml culture and how fast it
will grow. We can start estimating how large a volume of yeast we need to pitch
into a fermenter and how long it will take to reach that volume. This brings us to
pitching rates. Pitching rates have been shown to have a profound effect on
fermentation performance and are one of the main factors which contribute to
consistency between batches. The pitching rate is just the amount of yeast
added to the fermenter. It is usually expressed as the amount of yeast found in
1 ml of wort after pitching. The recommended optimal pitching rates are 6-10
million cells/ml for ales and 10-15 million cells/ml for lagers. (George Fix
recommends 10 million cells/ml for ales, 15 million cells/ml for lagers.) Higher
gravity worts require even higher pitching rates.
Ale pitching rate = 6 - 10 million cells/ml x (1 - O.G)
Lager Pitching rate = 10 - 15 million cells/ml x (1 - O.G)
For example a 1.096 gravity ale wort should be pitched with 14-20 million
What does this mean in plain English. A 5 gallon fermentation contains
approximately 20,000 ml. This means that for 1.050 gravity ale you would need
to add between 120 billion (20,000 ml x 6 million cells/ml) and 200 billion cells
(20,000 ml x 10 million cells/ml).
Table 4. Pitching Yeast Characteristics
Yeast Type
Dry (5 g)
Liquid #1
Liquid #2
Total Yeast
Pitching rate
for 5 gal
6.2 (4.96)
80% (0%)
0.18 (0.045)
25% (0%)
0.145 (0.029)
20% (5%)
1.5 (1.43)
2.3 (2.25)
95% (100%)
98% (100%)
4.5-9 (4.5)
100% (100%)
* Data adapted from those published by Ray Daniels in HBD #1746. This difference may be due
Pitching rate based on total yeast; numbers in parenthesis are corrected for viability.
This is alot of yeast!! So how do we go about propagating 200 billion yeast cells
so that we can hit this pitching rate. Above is a table which shows the yeast cell
counts for various yeast sources as well as for 2 cup (500 ml) starters propagated
in nutrient fortified wort (see Table 3 for recipe). Aside from dry yeast, the only
method which can yield a suitable pitching rate with two cups is the stir plate
method. This is my method of choice since it is efficient and non-invasive which
means that I have minimal chances of infection during propagation. The main
disadvantage is that stir plates are expensive ($75-$150 new) although you may
be able to find some relatively inexpensive ones at a scientific surplus or
electronic stores.
Most homebrewers start out pitching a Wyeast packet. How much are you
actually underpitching with one of these 50 ml pouches? Assuming all the yeast
in a Wyeast packet are viable (only about 25% truly are!), we are adding only 50
ml of about 60 million/cells per ml. This translates into a pitching rate of 150,000
cells per ml (Table 4). Thus with a single Wyeast packet you are underpitching
by a factor of at least 35 for ales and almost 100-fold for lagers. What is the big
deal about underpitching. Well remember that very little yeast growth should
go on in the fermenter. There should be no more than 3 or 4 cell division which
should take place during the first few hours of fermentation. If underpitched the
yeast will spend much more time trying to grow to adequate quantities. During
this extended growth period the yeast tend to secrete more esters and fusel
alcohols. Moreover they may not have a sufficient number to adequately
metabolize (digest) all of the fermentable sugars. So what you end up with is a
beer with off-flavors (such as esters, fusel alcohols, diacetyl, acetaldehyde) and a
high finishing gravity. Thus it is important to always make a starter and make it
a relatively big one. Remember that you want the yeast to spend most of their
energy making alcohol not babies in a fermenter!!
So how big a starter do you need to make to hit the pitching rate. Table 5
estimates the approximate volumes of starters necessary to pitch 5 gallons of
wort at 10 million cells per ml. The traditional airlock starter is very inefficient
at generating yeast and it would take almost 2.5 gallons (5-10 liters) of starter to
generate enough yeast for a 5 gallon batch! Mechanically shaking your starter
50-100 fold
Pure Yeast culture
(good for 6-12 months)
1-3 days
1-2 days
10 ml sterile
laboratory propagation media
1-2 days
8-fold step-up
Figure 4. Propagation of yeast for pitching. The various steps involved in building up
enough yeast to pitch is depicted. The stir plate method (top) is shown with the
intermittent shaking method. Liquid yeast packet ( ~50 ml) could be substituted for 10
ml tube. Each step-up should be incubated for at least one day and as long as 3 days at
room temperature (75 F).
4 to 8-fold
4 to 8-fold
10 ml wort or
laboratory propagation media
Figure 5. Brewery Propagation of yeast for pitching. The various steps involved in
building up enough yeast to pitch is depicted. Typical brewery propagation scheme is
shown where later step-ups are limited to 8-fold increases. Each step-up should be
incubated for 1-3 days at room temperature (75 F) with intermittent shaking or aeration.
In general using a clean, healthy 2 liter yeast starter, aerating well, and
fermenting at an appropriate temperature will produce outstanding beers.
Underpitching by large amounts should be avoided since they will increase yeast
growth and may lead to excess ester formation, unreduced diacetyl, hydrogen
sulfide, or stuck fermentations. Another alternative is to save the yeast from the
primary fermenter in a sanitized jar (store it as cold as possible without freezing
it) and repitch all or part of it into the next batch. It will keep fine in the residual
beer its suspended in. Prior to pitching, the trub (cold break) can be removed by
washing the yeast with sterile water or acid. I usually don't bother; instead I
only resuspend the top two-thirds of the yeast for pitching and discard the
remainder. If you plan on storing the yeast for more than a couple weeks, it is
best to wash the yeast with some yeast after a day or two in the refrigerator. Let
the yeast settle out, then pour off the residual beer and resuspend the top twothirds of yeast in sterile water and transfer to a new sanitized jar. Storing yeast
on the trub supposedly reduces its viability and therefore reduces how long you
can store it. The amount of yeast slurry you should pitch depends on the yeast
viability. Yeast viability will vary depending on the yeast strain, how long it's
stored, how cold it's been stored, and whether it's been acid washed. The only
good way to quantify this is by staining some of the yeast with methylene blue
and examining it under a microscope. If it's been several weeks, it is usually a
good idea to reactivate the yeast by pitching some (about half) into a quart of
wort the day before brewing. Breweries tend to repitch one-third to one-fifth of
the last batch, but this is straight out of the primary fermenter into a new batch.
Note that breweries usually collect only the middle third out of the conical
fermenters. Repitching yeast is really the cheapest, easiest way to achieve
appropriate pitching rates for lager and/or high gravity beers or if brewing large
batches. In general, I do not recommend reusing the yeast more than 2 or three
times because of the possible contamination. Some brewers like to acid wash
their yeast at pH 2.2. This reduces the amount of bacteria picked up during
fermentation, but will also reduce yeast viability. It also does not get rid of wild
yeast which is a common problem in home breweries.
open to air
sterile broth
dust particles
trapped here
Figure 6. Pasteur's gooseneck flask. Only air and not dust
particles can reach the broth. Therefore it remains sterile.
why plates can be left unsealed and stay sterile or why it is sufficient to cover
sterile glassware with a sheet of heavy duty aluminum foil. In all of these cases it
is nearly impossible for dust to get into the sample. Below are a few tips which
can help create a bacteria-poor environment at home.
1. Work in a draft-free clean area. All manipulations should be performed
within a 2-4 square foot area. I've used a desk, coffee table, or dining table. The
depicted in Figure 4. This method involves dragging lightly (like writing with a
pencil) an inoculating loop containing yeast over one quarter of the plate
(quadrant) using a back and forth motion. The inoculating loop is then
resterilized, cooled and used to transfer a small amount of the spread sample
into the next quadrant. Again this diluted sample is then spread back and forth
in the upper area of the quadrant. The inoculating loop is resterilized, cooled
and used to transfer some diluted sample from the second quadrant into the
third quadrant. After spreading over the third quadrant, the inoculating loop is
resterilized and cooled, then used to transfer diluted sample from the third
quadrant into the fourth and last quadrant. This sample is spread back and forth
and should fill in any remaining unstreaked area on the plate. By sterilizing the
loop between each transfer to a new quadrant, a dilution is made such that
finally a single yeast will be deposited on the plate. After incubation at room
temperature for 3-5 days, these single cells will divide many times and finally
form a dull white mass of growth on the agar surface. Streaked plates are
incubated inverted (agar side up) since condensation can form and drip onto
plate and disperse the colonies. Plates are sealed with electrical tape, saran wrap,
or parafilm and store inverted in the refrigerator.
Figure 7. Quadrant streak method for applying yeast to an agar plate. Schematic
diagram showing the 4 areas or quadrant over which yeast is applied and the
approximate number of back and forth streaks to be used in each quadrant. Note that the
inoculating loop is sterilized between streaking of each quadrant and therefore should
dilute the yeast such that a single yeast is applied.
The main advantage of agar plates allow separation of yeast from possible
contaminants. Also the large working area is readily visible and easily accessed.
The disadvantage is that its accessibility makes it less reliable. Not only is it
much more susceptible to mold contamination, condensation can also be a
problem and if it isn't, then the plates may dry out. The larger surface for air
(oxygen) exposure appears to diminish the shelf life of the yeast as well. There
have been claims of yeast being stored on plates for a year or longer, but usually
they are only stable for a few months. The shelf-life may actually vary
depending on whether glass or plastic plates are used, how dry they are, and
how well they are sealed. Many homebrewers prefer agar plates over slants, yet
plates are not even considered as a method of storage by professionals. Because
of the reliability factor, I prefer to use plates primarily for purification of single
yeast colonies and not for yeast maintenance.
Agar Slants- Agar slants or slopes are made usually by adding a molten agar
solution to glass culture tubes, sterilizing them, then allowing them to solidify at
a 30-45 angle. Yeast is applied with an inoculation loop and is streaked back
and forth from the bottom up. The culture tube is incubated upright at room
temperature (3-5 days) with the caps turned back one-half turn. Once a nice
lawn of yeast is present the tubes are tightly capped and stored in the
Unlike plates, slants tend to be less susceptible to mold contamination and to
drying out, and therefore are more reliable. They are slightly more difficult to
work with since you have to deal with caps and you can't see the yeast as well.
The major advantage is that yeast can readily be maintained on slants for 1-2
years. However, reculturing every year is recommended. The quality of the tube
and the how well a seal the cap forms may be a determining factor in the shelflife of yeast on agar slant. A sterile overlay of mineral oil has been reported to
extend the shelf-life of a slant by up to a year but this is can be messy.
Presumably the oil overlay helps keep the air out and prevents the yeast from
Stabs- Stabs are upright tubes or bottles of semi-solid agar media. They contain
only 0.7-1.0% agar. These are best prepared in screw-cap container with rubber
inserts in the caps such as bijou, McCartney or Universal bottles but standard
culture tubes may also be used. Yeast is applied with an inoculation loop and is
inserted or stabbed into the agar all the way to the bottom of the tube or bottle.
The stab is incubated and stored similar to a slant. Stabs are a common method
used for long term storage of bacteria. Like plates, I have not seen any reference
to this technique for yeast. The main advantage of this procedure is that it
minimizes exposure to air which appears to be the primary limiting factor for
shelf-life and stability. The disadvantage is that they are difficult to work with
since the yeast is embedded in the agar and difficult to see. Also a fair amount of
agar is usually picked up during transfer. It is unclear what the shelf-life is for
stabs but my guess is that it would be at least 2-4 years (using tight-sealing
bottles). Stabs therefore are a good for long-term storage, but not appropriate for
routine propagation.
Dried yeast- Yeast is spotted onto a 1 inch square of sterile filter paper
(Whatman 3MM) or a thick paper towel; wrapped in foil and dried (by
desiccation) in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. Yeast can be spotted in growth
media but it is better to add yeast that is suspended in condensed skim milk!
Just let the yeast settle out of suspension, decant off the majority of liquid and
resuspend in a small amount of evaporated skim milk from the grocery store.
Stored the dried yeast in an envelope in the refrigerator. Although yeast
maintained by this method is stable for 3-6 years, their manipulation during
drying and resuscitation makes them more susceptible to contamination. Dried
yeast can be resuscitated by placing in liquid media or on a plate. In general it
should be streaked out on plates prior to use. This method is commonly used for
genetic strains of yeast. I have successfully used this technique on brewing yeast,
although the shelf-life and stability has yet to be determined. Supposedly the
Siebel Institute is exploring this issue. In any case it is a great way to send yeast
around world.
With regard to the dry yeast packets available at most homebrew shops, not all
brewing yeast are amenable to the propagation and drying procedures used in
the dry yeast industry. These yeast are typically grown to mass quantities in a
dextrose/molasses mixture supplemented with nutrients at high temperatures
(85F). These adverse conditions may induce mutation or alter their performance
in wort.
Freezing- Yeast can be frozen if a cryoprotectant is added. Glycerin and sucrose
are commonly used and should be added to exponentially growing yeast at a
final concentration of 5-15% (5-15 g/100 ml). Yeast stored at ultra cold
temperatures (in liquid nitrogen or -112 F) are stable for almost indefinitely (at
least over 5 years) with over 99% of the cells surviving freezing. Freezing at
higher temperatures (6.4 F) yields shorter shelf-lives and less viability. It is
important that once you freeze your yeast that, it does not thaw. This requires a
really good quality non-frostfree freezer which maintains temperatures at or near
6.4 F. Some homebrewers place their tubes of in is some denatured alcohol
which has a supercooling effect and helps stabilize the temperature. Others
imbed the tubes in ice. If you're going to use this method freeze small aliquots
(1-5 ml), then just thaw your yeastsicle and pitch it into a starter.
Homebrewers are faced with a variety of options on maintaining their yeast
(summarized in Table below). The method of choice depends solely on the needs
of the individual and their equipment. We are fortunate that there is an ever
increasing number of inexpensive commercial sources of yeast so long-term
storage by the homebrewer is not the necessity it once was. No matter what
source of yeast or how it is stored, further propagation along with adequate
aeration and fermentation at the correct temperature are sure to improve the
quality of the beers you make at home.
Table 6. Summary of methods for yeast storage.
Advantages /Disadvantages
Liquid media
Convenient but low viability and stability,
questionable purity
Agar plate
Pure cultures but unreliable shelf-lives.
Agar slant
Easy, reliable, but moderate shelf-life
Agar stab
Easy, reliable, good shelf-life, but messy.
Inconvenient, requires purification.
Need special freezer or liquid nitrogen
1. D.R. Berry and C. Brown, "Physiology of yeast growth" in Yeast Biotechnology
(Allen & Umwin, Boston, Massachusetts, 1987).
2. DIFCO Manual (DIFCO Laboratories Inc., Detroit, Michigan, 1984).
3. W.A. Hardwick, "Beer" in Biotechnology Vol. 5 ( Verlag Chemie, Weinheim,
Germany, 1983)
4. J. R. Helbert, "Beer" in Prescot & Dunn's Industrial Microbiology (AVI
Publishing Co., Westport, Connecticut, 1983).
5. B. Kirsop, "Maintenance of yeast cultures" in Yeast Biotechnology (Allen &
Umwin, Boston, Massachusetts, 1987).
6. B. E. Kirsop, "Maintenance of Yeasts" in Maintenance of Microorganisms
(Academic Press London, 1984).
7. E. O. Morris, "Yeast Growth" from some unknown yeast textbook.
8. C. Pederson, "Alcoholic Beverages" in Microbiology of Food Fermentation (AVI
Publishing Co., Westport, Connecticut, 1979)
9. Microbiological Methods (Siebel Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois,
10. The Practical Brewer (Master Brewers Association of the Americas, Madison,
Wisconsin, 1977).
11. C. Rainbow, "Brewer's Yeasts" in The Yeasts (Academic Press London,1970).
12. M. Raines, Advanced Yeast Culturing Kit Instruction Booklet (Brewers
Resource, Camarillo, California, 1992).
13. M. Raines, "Yeast Freezing" Zymurgy 15 (4) pp. 1992.
14. M. Raines, Wort Aeration Instruction Booklet (Brewers Resource, Camarillo,
California, 1994).
15. M. Raines, "Laboratory Methods" in Course Manual (American Craftbrewers
Academy, Torrance, California, 1995)
16. Recommended Methods of Analysis Part 2 (Institute of Brewers, London, 1991).
17. D. Ryder, "The Fermentation Cycle" from Siebel Institute of Technology 1993
Yeast Culturing Class Handout, Portland, OR.
18. J. P. van der Walt and D. Yarrow, "Methods for isolation, maintentance,
classification and identification of yeasts" in The Yeasts a taxonomic study
(Elsevier Science Publishing Co., New York, New York 1984).
19. Patrick Weix, "Frequently asked Question about Yeast" Zymurgy 17 (3) pp. ,