Jurnal Reaksi Kimia
Jurnal Reaksi Kimia
Jurnal Reaksi Kimia
This study aims to determine prospective science student teachers’ alternative conceptions of the
chemical equilibrium concept. A 13-item pencil and paper, two-tier multiple choice diagnostic
instrument, the Test to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions (TISAC), was developed and
administered to 90 second-semester science student teachers enrolled in CHEM 102 Chemistry II
course in spring 2006, after they received fourteen 50-minute regular course instruction concerning
the equilibrium. The content validity of the test was established by the panel consisting of
lecturers. The Spearman-Brown reliability for the test was 0.71. Analysis of the results collected
with the TISAC show that students did not acquire a satisfactory understanding of the chemical
equilibrium concept. For the first tier of the test items, the range of correct answer was 48.8% to
78.8%. When both tiers were combined, the correct response was reduced to a range of 22.2% to
48.8%. In this study, seventeen alternative conceptions were also identified through analysis of the
TISAC. These conceptions were grouped under the headings of the application of Le Chatelier’s
principle, reliability of the equilibrium constant, heterogeneous equilibrium, and the effect of a
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2008, 9, 225–233 | 225
A review of relevant literature
In the chemistry education literature, there have been Table 1 Percentage of each response combination for item 4 on TISAC
numerous studies concentrating on determining and Choice of Reason (%)
classifying students’ understanding related to chemical first tier 1 2 3 4 Total
equilibrium in the past three decades, and they indicate that a 17.7 3.3 – 32.2* 53.2
some students retain many alternative conceptions about this b 1.1 3.3 15.5 – 19.9
concept (Bergquist and Heikkinen, 1990; Quilez-Pardo and c 2.2 21.1 – – 23.3
Solaz-Portoles, 1995; Thomas and Schwenz, 1998; Tyson et Note: Question 4 was:
al, 1999; Voska and Heikkinen, 2000; Solomonidou and Consider the following reaction that is in a state of equilibrium in a blue
Stavridou, 2001; Chiu et al., 2002; Kousathana and Tsaparlis, solution.
2002; Quilez, 2004a, b; Piquette and Heikkinen, 2005; Bilgin, Co(H2O)62+(aq) + 4Cl-(aq) CoCl42-(aq) + 6H2O (l)
pink blue
2006). Although these studies were conducted with subjects of What will be observed if water is added to this system?
different age levels, similar alternative conceptions were (a) *the solution turns pink
identified. (b) the solution becomes more blue
Although there is plenty of information on this in the (c) the solution remains unchanged
international literature, there are few studies focused on Reason:
determining students’ alternative conceptions at all levels on (1) to counter the increase in amount of water present the system will
this topic in Turkey, because teaching and learning chemistry, form more Co(H2O)62+(aq)
and in general teaching and learning science, is a new (2) liquids are not included in the expression for K and hence the ratio of
products to reactants will not be disturbed
research area. Studies related to the determination of (3) the forward reaction has a higher mole ratio than the backward
alternative conceptions are generally focused on secondary (4)* the ratio of concentration of products compared to reactants as
school students; studies involving university students are few. expressed by Q will decrease and more Co(H2O)62+(aq) will form
To remedy this, we decided to study Turkish first year *Correct choice and reason.
university students’ alternative conceptions on chemical Alternative Conceptions (TISAC) was developed and used to
equilibrium. In addition to the determination of the alternative determine students’ alternative conceptions and learning
conceptions, possible methods to overcome them are difficulties on the target concept in this study. The TISAC
discussed in this study. includes 13 two-tier multiple choice questions, as originally
used by Peterson et al. (1989). The first tier consisted of a
Method content question in multiple-choice format with three choices.
Subjects The second tier consisted of four possible reasons for a
possible answer to the first part: three erroneous reasons and
The subjects of this study were ninety prospective student- one correct reason. In developing the process, while some of
teachers in their first year of a four-year study in the the questions were taken from the literature (Tyson et al.,
Department of Science Teacher Education. The study was 1999) and used with minor revisions, some others (Voska and
conducted at the end of the second semester in spring 2006. Heikkinen, 2000; Huddle et al., 2000; Piquette and Heikkinen,
All the students took Chemistry I and Chemistry II courses in 2005) were re-designed in accord with the two-tier multiple
two semesters. Each course involved four 50 minutes lectures choice format. The rest of the questions were developed by
and two 50 minutes laboratory sessions per week and was the researcher. Table 1 offers an example of an item (Tyson et
compulsory for all undergraduate students in the first and al., 1999) that assesses understanding of the application of Le
second-semester of the first year, respectively. All the Chatelier’s principle, as well as the item analysis.
students enrolled on the courses had completed the study of
the chemical equilibrium concept, which was discussed in Scoring the items
fourteen 50-min lectures in Chemistry II in the second An item was scored as correct on the TISAC when both the
semester. They also took Analytical Chemistry and Organic desired content and reason were selected. Items were
Chemistry in the third and fourth semesters. There are no evaluated for both correct and incorrect response
chemistry courses in third and fourth years. Therefore, combinations selected. For example, Table 2 shows response
Chemistry II is the last course in which chemical equilibrium combinations selected by the students in an item dealing with
is taught. the application of Le Chatelier’s principle. 32.2% of the
Instrument student teachers selected the desired correct answer
One of the methods to diagnose alternative conceptions is to
develop multiple choice responses to questions based on
Results and discussion
students’ reasoning, including alternative conceptions. This
type of questions is called the two-tier multiple choice Table 2 summarizes the characteristics of TISAC, and a copy
question in related literature (Peterson et al., 1989). Such of the test is presented in Appendix. The reliability of the test
questions allow researchers to determine the reason behind the was estimated to be 0.71 using the Spearman-Brown formula
choice of the students and are readily available to teachers. (Ferguson and Takane, 1989). The difficulty indices ranged
Accordingly, the Test to Identify Students’ from 0.23 to 0.86, providing a wide range of difficulty items.
226 | Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2008, 9, 225–233 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008
Table 2 Characteristics of the Test to Identify Students’ Alternative Table 3 Percentages of content choice and correct combination
Conceptions (TISAC)
Items Content Choice Combination
Areas Approach to equilibrium: items 3, 7 and 8 1 58.8 32.2
evaluated Application of Le Chatelier’s principle: items 4, 12 and 13. 2 75.5 47.7
Constancy of the equilibrium constant: items 1, 5 and 11 3 54.4 23.3
Heterogeneous equilibrium: items 2 and 9 4 53.2 32.2
Effect of a catalyst: items 6 and 10 5 56.6 34.4
Number of 6 62.2 26.6
items 7 76.6 45.5
Response Two-tier multiple-choice 8 56.6 24.4
format First tier: content knowledge 9 78.8 48.8
Second tier: reason for the content response
10 73.3 36.6
Time to 11 48.8 22.2
25 to 35 minutes
complete test
12 55.5 27.7
Discrimination Mean range (items) 13 61.1 46.6
indices 0.48 .
0.30-0.39 (3)
0.40-0.49 (5)
0.50-0.59 (2) Table 4 Percentages of students’ alternative conceptions
0.60-0.69 (2
0.70-0.79 (1) % of
Alternative Conceptions
Difficulty Mean range (items) students
indices Approach to equilibrium
Forward reaction goes to completion before the reverse
0.20-0.29 (2) 32.2
reaction starts
0.30-0.39 (2)
When there are equal concentrations of substances on both
0.40-0.49 (4) 23.3
sides of an equation, chemical equilibrium has been reached
0.50-0.59 (2)
The rate of forward reaction is greater than the reverse
0.60-0.69 (1) 26.6
reaction rate
0.70-0.79 (1)
Equilibrium reactions go on until all the reactants are
0.80-0.89 (1) 42.2
Spearman- 0.71 At equilibrium, no reaction occurs 45.5
Brown Application of Le Chatelier’s principle
Le Chatelier’s principle can be applied in the initial state
before the reaction has reached equilibrium
The discrimination indices ranged from 0.32 to 0.76. A value
When a substance is added to equilibrium mixture,
of 0.30 was established as a minimum, and those greater than 12.2
equilibrium will shift to the side of addition
0.30 were considered acceptable without the need for further When the temperature is changed, whether the reaction is
revision of the test items (Peterson et al., 1989). The content endothermic or exothermic does not affect the direction of 17.7
the equilibrium shift
validity of the test was established by a commission
When the temperature is increased, more products form 23.3
consisting of a professor and three assistant professors in Constancy of the equilibrium constant
chemistry education, and also five lecturers who teach An increase in temperature always increases the numerical
chemistry in a different department of the university. value of Keq
Equilibrium constant, Keq, will increase with increasing
Analysis of the results collected with the TISAC show that 12.2
temperature in an exothermic reaction
students did not acquire a satisfactory understanding of the When more products are added to an equilibrium system at
chemical equilibrium concept. For the first tier of the test constant temperature, Keq will increase
items, the range of correct answer was 48.8% to 78.8% (Table The numerical value of Keq changes with amounts present of
reactants or products
3). When both tiers were combined, the correct response was
Heterogeneous equilibrium
reduced to a range of 22.2% to 48.8%. Le Chatelier’s principle can be applied in all systems,
As seen in Table 3, the percentages of correct responses to including heterogeneous equilibrium systems
the first parts of the questions (content choice) are generally Increasing the amount of a solid ionic substance that is at
equilibrium causes more dissolved ions to be produced
above 50%. Unfortunately, it is not possible to say same thing
for the correct answer combination. By referencing Gilbert
(1977), Odom and Barrow (1995) stated that if a multiple- Seventeen alternative conceptions were identified through
choice item has four to five distractors, understanding is analysis of items on the TISAC. These were grouped under
considered satisfactory if 75% of the students answer the item the headings: the application of Le Chatelier’s principle,
correctly. With a two-tier item with two selections on the first constancy of the equilibrium constant, heterogeneous
tier and four selections on the second one, there is 8.3 % equilibrium, and effect of a catalyst. Table 4 shows the
chance of guessing the correct answer combination. Because proportions of the students showing them.
none of the student teachers scored above 75% on the correct Chemical equilibrium is a difficult concept in which
answer combination (Table 3), the results of the study suggest students in all levels have alternative conceptions. Here,
that student teachers did not acquire a satisfactory students’ alternative conceptions are grouped under five
understanding of the chemical equilibrium concept. t categories and discussed below in detail.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2008, 9, 225–233 | 227
Approach to equilibrium that if we introduce more of one reactant, the reaction will
proceed to the right side that consumes this reactant, and vice
In this research, 32.2% of students believed that forward
versa. This shows the erroneousness of the students’ ideas.
reaction goes to completion before the reverse one starts,
Another way to disturb equilibrium is to change the
26.6% of them believed that the rate of forward reaction is
temperature, and we can use Le Chatelier’s principle to
greater than the reverse reaction rate before and after the
predict the direction of the shift. Two alternative conceptions
equilibrium, which may be true until the equilibrium is
related to the effects of temperature change on a system at
established but it is not true at equilibrium. 42.2% of them
equilibrium were determined. One of them is that when the
believed that equilibrium reactions go on until all the
temperature is changed, whether the reaction is endothermic
reactants run out, and 45.5% of them believed that no reaction
or exothermic does not affect the direction of the equilibrium
occurs at equilibrium (see Table 4). Similar alternative
shift, which is held by 17.7% of the student teachers, and the
conceptions were reported by Wheeler and Kass (1978),
other is that when the temperature is increased, more products
Hackling and Garnett (1985), Banerjee (1991), and Griffiths
form, which is held by 23.3% of the participant. Voska and
(1994). As time passes, reactants are being turned into
Heikkinen (2000) reported a similar alternative conception
products and product is being turned into reactants at the same
that when the temperature is changed, the direction of an
rate (Russo and Silver, 2006). Based on this knowledge, we
equilibrium shift can be predicted without knowing whether
conclude that the idea that the rate of forward reaction is
the reaction is endothermic or exothermic.
always greater than the reverse reaction, including at
equilibrium, which is held by 26.6% of the students, is an Constancy of the equilibrium constant
alternative conception. In the literature, Hackling and Garnett
Although students think that the numerical value of Keq
(1985) reported a similar finding. Similarly, Niaz (1995)
changes with amounts of reactants or products present, which
reported an alternative conception that after the reaction has
is held by 11.1% of them, we know that the numerical value
started, the rate of forward reaction increases with time and
of the equilibrium constant for a reaction is the same for all of
that of the reverse reaction decreases, until equilibrium is
the infinite number of equilibrium positions as long as the
reached. These findings show that students do not have an
temperature does not change. These students also think that
appropriate understanding about the equality of the rate of
the numerical value of equilibrium constant depends on the
forward and reverse reactions at equilibrium.
concentrations and changes with the amounts of reactants or
Another alternative conception is that when there are equal
products present. Students also think that when more products
concentrations of substances on both sides of an equation,
are added to an equilibrium system at constant temperature,
chemical equilibrium has been reached which is held by
Keq will increase, which is held by 37.7% of them. Voska and
23.3% of the participants. These students think that
Heikkinen (2000) reported a similar alternative conception.
concentrations of reactants and products become equal at
Three alternative conceptions were determined related to
equilibrium. Hackling and Garnett (1985) and Huddle and
the effect of temperature change on equilibrium conditions
Pillay (1996) reported a similar alternative conception. This
and equilibrium constant. These are; an increase in
idea may result from the explanation of equilibrium state
temperature always increases the numerical value of Keq,
when, while explaining the equilibrium, we say that when the
which is held by 17.7%, equilibrium constant and equilibrium
rates of forward and reverse reactions become equal, dynamic
constant, Keq, will increase with increasing temperature in an
equilibrium is established, and there are no further changes in
exothermic reaction, which is held by 12.2% of the student
concentrations (Russo and Silver, 2006). Probably students
teachers. Similar alternative conceptions reported in the
interpret this statement that the concentration of reactants and
related literature (Hackling and Garnett, 1985; Voska and
products become equal at equilibrium. As a result, the
Heikkinen, 2000).
concentrations themselves may vary, but the ratios between
the concentrations in a given situation do not. Heterogeneous equilibrium
Application of Le Chatelier’s principle Item 9 in TISAC was about the effect to the position of the
equilibrium and equilibrium constant of adding excess of a
One of the alternative conceptions determined in this study is
solid reactant to a system at equilibrium. The CaCO3-CaO-
that Le Chatelier’s principle can be applied in the initial state
CO2 system is typical of heterogeneous equilibria. In this
before the reaction has reached equilibrium which is held by
item, students were asked about the effects of adding more
13.3% of the participants. In the literature, Solomonidou and
CaCO3 and CaO separately to the closed container at
Stavridou (2001) reported a similar alternative conception.
equilibrium. Related to the two additions, two alternative
They stated that students made overextended use of the Le
conceptions were identified. Firstly, 16.6% of the participants
Chatelier’s law, as they applied it in predicting the evolution
believe that Le Chatelier’s principle can be applied in all
of a system of initial substances before the system had
systems, including heterogeneous equilibrium systems. These
reached chemical equilibrium. However, this principle is only
students applied Le Chatelier’s principle in both additions,
used when the system is at equilibrium. With this point,
and arrived at the wrong conclusions. This alternative
another alternative conception of the students is that when a
conception has been reported in the literature (Wheeler and
substance is added to an equilibrium mixture, the equilibrium
Kass, 1978; Gorodetsky and Gussarsky, 1986; Banerjee, 1991;
will shift to the side of addition, which is held by 12.2% of
Kousathana and Tsaparlis, 2002). Secondly, 22.2% of the
them. Moving from the Le Chatelier’s principle, we can say
228 | Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2008, 9, 225–233 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008
students believed that increasing the amount of a solid ionic teaching methods are the best in correcting them. Once a
substance that is at equilibrium causes more dissolved ions to student’s particular alternative conceptions are identified, the
be produced. However, we know that adding or removing a teacher can help her/him to achieve an understanding of the
solid to the system at equilibrium does not change the scientifically accepted concept (Piquette and Heikkinen,
equilibrium state if the solid is present originally when the 2005).
system is in the equilibrium state (Umland, 1993). Because there are several alternative conceptions
determined in the literature related to chemical equilibrium,
Effect of a catalyst
alternative conceptions identified in this study may be less
Two similar alternative conceptions were identified in this important for an international audience than for a Turkish
research. One of this is that a catalyst affects the rates of the audience. But, as stated by Quilez-Pardo and Solaz-Portoles
forward and reverse reactions differently, which is held by (1995), although there are many alternative conceptions
22.2% of the participants, and the other is that a catalyst determined and known, research results have little effect on
speeds up only the forward reaction, which is held by 17.7% the actual classroom practice, and many chemistry teachers
of them. Similar alternative conceptions have been reported continue to teach their subjects as if none of these researches
previously (Hackling and Garnett, 1985; Gorodetsky and had been undertaken and, as a result of this, there is a gap
Gussarsky, 1986; Voska and Heikkinen, 2000). Existence of between research and teaching. The key problem is that
these alternative conceptions reflects incomplete teachers expect research to be presented to them in a form
understanding by students of the existence of a common they can readily apply because they are too busy doing their
reaction pathway and transition state for the forward and job to read the research literature (De Jong, 2000). For this
reverse reactions. reason, to explore and use research findings to improve
chemistry learning, it is important to develop diagnostic
Conclusion and implications for teaching instruments as well as improving curricular resources and
teaching approaches.
The study of the students’ answer to the test items revealed
Studies indicate that students experience difficulty in
that only a minority of them (22.2% to 48.8%) had
understanding the submicroscopic and symbolic
satisfactory conceptions and understanding about the chemical
representations because these representations are abstract and
equilibrium concept (see Table 3). Results show that students
can not be experienced (Griffiths and Preston, 1992;
had difficulties in representing and conceiving the dynamic
Chandrasegaran et al., 2007). Students often are not able to
nature of chemical phenomena, and especially those involving
translate one given representation into another because of
chemical equilibrium situations. A similar result has been
their limited conceptual knowledge and poor visual-spatial
reported by Solomonidou and Stavridou (2001). According to
ability (Keig and Rubba, 1993). For example, traditional
research data, participants have various alternative
teaching methods cannot supply to student the adequate
conceptions ranging from 11.1% to 45.5%. A majority of
representations of systems of substances at equilibrium related
them had inappropriate understanding of the approach to
to empirical and the atomic level, manifested serious
equilibrium, and they manifested serious difficulties in
difficulties in conceiving the initial situation of a system at
conceiving the shift of equilibrium and the constancy of the
chemical equilibrium and the equilibrium shift. For improved
equilibrium constant, and they misapplied Le Chatelier’s
conceptual understanding, it is important to help students see
principle to explain the effects of temperature, concentration,
the connections between the submicroscopic, symbolic and
and catalyst. Although students took several chemistry
macroscopic representations (Gabel, 1999).
courses during their previous schooling in order to learn
The goal of most science education researchers is to help
various science concepts, including chemical equilibrium, the
students to learn science subjects in the most appropriate way
presence of alternative conceptions in their explanations
(Bilgin and Geban, 2006). There are a few convenient ways of
indicates their fragmented understanding of these abstract
this when describing and explaining chemical phenomena,
concepts. Research findings provide evidence that
especially chemical equilibrium. Computer-assisted
misunderstandings of the concepts related to chemical
instruction, simulations, conceptual change strategies,
equilibrium are widespread at various levels of education,
analogy, laboratory activities, and etc. are among these
including among prospective chemistry teachers (Pedrosa and
(Dagher, 1994; Chambers and Andre, 1997; Huddle et al.,
Dias, 2000).
2000; Özmen, in press). One of the most important of them is
What should we do to make teaching more effective and to computer-assisted instruction. Computer software may contain
remediate alternative conceptions? simulations and visualizations of experiments representing
One of the most fruitful outcomes of the studies on students’ systems at chemical equilibrium, and simulations of chemical
alternative conceptions is to alert teachers to students’ reactions related to atomic and symbolic levels. These
difficulties in conceptualizing science knowledge, and hence simplify visualization of the abstract concepts by the students.
suggest more effective strategies for improving classroom Özmen (2008) suggests that teaching-learning of topics in
instruction. Before teaching a concept such as chemical chemistry can be improved by the use of computer-assisted
equilibrium, for example, the teachers should be able to check instruction. Huddle et al. (2000) reported that brighter
the literature to find out what is known about alternative students benefited greatly from the equilibrium games, in
conceptions that students may bring to class, and which which computer software addresses most of the major known
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2008, 9, 225–233 | 229
alternative conceptions in chemical equilibrium, and includes Finally, future researchers in collaboration with teachers
simulations. Computers may simplify doing experiments and curriculum developers should develop new teaching
related to chemical equilibrium and students may understand materials about the chemical equilibrium and implement them
abstract concepts such a way. In addition, the effects of the in classrooms in an experimental setting, so that they may
different factors on equilibrium may be seen by doing better understand the effects of different teaching techniques
experiments and applications in a virtual environment. Since and materials on alternative conceptions. Although the related
most of the computer software is interactive, this creates literature indicates that there is resistance to changing existing
necessary opportunities for the students in terms of ‘doing and conceptions in children’s mind, we cannot sit back and wait
learning’. Teachers can help students eliminate their for the misconceptions to be turned into the scientific
alternative conceptions by providing an adequate knowledge concepts without any effort.
base and clear understanding of these concepts by this way.
Another way of effective teaching is conceptual change Appendix
strategies. Conceptual change texts are one of the conceptual
Items used in TISAC:
change strategies and are used for changing students’ 1. The following hypothetical reaction reaches equilibrium at 25ºC:
alternative conceptions, and focus on strategies to promote A(g) + B (g) C (g) + D (g) . Once equilibrium has been reached, the
conceptual change by challenging students’ alternative concentration of C is increased by the addition of more C. Assume that
conceptions, producing dissatisfaction, followed by a correct the temperature remains constant. Which of the following can be said
explanation which is both understandable and plausible to the about the numerical value of the equilibrium constant?
(a) decreases (b) increases (c) *remains unchanged
students. In the literature, many studies in science education Reason
relate to conceptual change text, including chemistry concepts (1) the rate of reverse reaction increases and the rate of the forward
such as acids and bases, electrochemistry, solutions (Wang reaction decreases
and Andre, 1991; Yürük and Geban, 2001; Cakir et al., 2002; (2) the rate of reverse reaction increases and the rate of forward
reaction stays the same
Calik et al., 2007) and emphasize their effectiveness. (3) *the ratio between products’ concentrations and reactants’
Although there are no studies that focus specifically on the concentrations is constant at constant temperature
investigation of the effect of conceptual change texts on (4) the concentration of the products has been increased
students’ understanding of chemical equilibrium, personal 2. Limestone decomposes to form quicklime and carbon dioxide as
follow: CaCO3 (s) CaO (s) + CO2 (g). What can we say about any
experience of the author in general chemistry lessons shows
equilibrium shift after removing some solid CaCO3 from the equilibrium
that conceptual change texts may be very effective in the mixture?
teaching of such concepts. Preliminary observations, (a) shift to the reactants’ side
experience and unpublished studies of the author confirm this (b) *will not shift the equilibrium
idea. Therefore, conceptual change texts, especially focused (c) will not be predictable
on students’ alternative conceptions in chemical equilibrium, (1) the amount of CaCO3 is increased in the system and a new
should be developed and used in teaching these concepts. equilibrium is established
Literature states that such texts are apparently particularly (2) *because CaCO3 is solid, removing it does not affect the
effective in group-learning situations (Guzzetti et al., 1997). equilibrium
(3) CO2 and CaO react to form more CaCO3 according to Le
And also, Bilgin and Geban (2006) reported the positive effect Chatelier’s principle
of a cooperative learning approach based on conceptual (4) the amount of solid CaCO3 removed is not known
change condition on students’ understanding of chemical 3. Carbon monoxide and hydrogen react according to the following
equilibrium concepts. The amalgamation of the conceptual equation. CO (g) + 3H2 (g) CH4 (g) + H2O (g) When 0.02 M CO and
0.03 M H2 are introduced into a vessel at 800 K and allowed to come to
change texts and cooperative group learning may be an
equilibrium, what can we say about the rate of reverse and forward
alternative way for effective teaching of chemical equilibrium reactions at equilibrium?
concepts. (a) *the rates are equal
Laboratory activity is another teaching way used in science (b) forward reaction rate is greater than the reverse one
(c) reverse reaction rate is greater than the forward one
teaching. The literature suggests that students enjoy
laboratory work because it is more active, something they find (1) forward reaction goes to completion before the reverse reaction
more motivating (Hart et al., 2000) and students have a starts
chance to engage in hands-on activities. Both science and (2) *the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal when the
system reaches equilibrium
non-science majors are reported to find laboratory-based
(3) as time passes, the concentrations of products increase
activities to be motivating and exciting (Markow and (4) at the beginning, the concentrations of the reactants are greater than
Lonning, 1998). There have been many studies reporting on the concentrations of products
the effectiveness of the laboratory instruction (Hart et al., 4. Consider the following reversible reaction that is in a state of
equilibrium in a blue solution.
2000; Özmen et al. in press), and many authors believe that
Co(H2O)62+ (aq) + 4Cl- (aq) CoCl42- (aq) + 6H2O (l)
laboratory work helps to promote conceptual change. pink blue
Therefore, laboratory activities should also be used to teach What will be observed if water is added to this system?
some abstract concepts related to chemical equilibrium. For (a) *the solution turns pink
example, the experiment of chromate/dichromate equilibrium (b) the solution becomes more blue
(c) the solution remains unchanged
may be used to teach the application of the Le Chatelier’s Reason
230 | Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2008, 9, 225–233 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008
(1) to counter the increase in the amount of water present the system (2) because CaCO3 (s) is added to the reactants’ side, equilibrium will
will form more Co(H2O)62+(aq) shift the products’ side
(2) liquids are not included in the expression for K and hence the ratio (3) because CaCO3 (s) is added to reactants’ side, equilibrium will shift
of products to reactants will not be disturbed the reactants’ side
(3) the forward reaction has a higher mole ratio than the backward (4) *the concentrations of pure solids, that is, the quantities in a given
(4) * the ratio of concentration of products compared to reactants as volume or densities, are constant
expressed by Q will decrease and more Co(H2O)62+(aq) will form 10. Carbon monoxide reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide in
5. In the first step of the Ostwald process for the synthesis of nitric accordance with following reaction.
acid, ammonia is oxidized to nitric oxide by the reaction: 2CO (g) + O2 (g) 2CO2 (g), ∆H = - 566 kJ/mole. Suppose that you
4NH3 (g) + 5O2 (g) 4NO (g) + 6H2O (g) , ∆H = - 905.6 kJ/mole. How have a reaction vessel containing an equilibrium mixture of [CO] = 0.30
does the equilibrium constant vary with an increase in temperature? M, [O2] = 0.20 M and [CO2] = 0.25 M. What will happen to the
(a) increases (b) *decreases (c) remains the same concentration of CO2 if a catalyst is added to the equilibrium mixture?
Reason (a) will be higher than 0.25 (b) will be lower than 0.25 *(c)
(1) an increase in temperature always increases the numerical value of will be equal to 0.25
Keq Reason
(2) because the reaction is exothermic, the concentration of product (1) a catalyst speeds up the forward reaction, increases the collision
increases between reactants’ particles and produces more product
(3) *the equilibrium will shift to the left with an increase in (2) both the amounts of reactants and the amounts of products increase
temperature (3) * a catalyst has no effect on the equilibrium composition of a
(4) whether the reaction is endothermic or exothermic does not affect reaction mixture
the Keq (4) because a catalyst lowers the activation energy, more reactants turn
6. Sulphur dioxide and oxygen react to form sulphur trioxide in the into the product
following reaction: 2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) 2SO3 (g). ∆H = - 197.78 11. Consider the gaseous reaction of hydrogen with iodine;
kJ/mole. What can we say about the forward reaction rate compared with H2 (g) + I2 (g) 2HI (g) . Suppose that we have a mixture of H2 (g) and I2
the reverse reaction rate if a catalyst is added to system? (g) at 700 K with the initial concentrations [H2] = 0.1 M and [I2] = 0.2 M.
(a) higher (d) lower *(c) the same When the system reaches equilibrium, the numerical value of equilibrium
Reason constant equals, K eq = 57.0. If the initial concentration is 0.3 M H2 and 0.
(1) a catalyst increases the collisions between reactants’ particles and 3 M I2, what would say the numerical value of Keq when the system
produces more product reaches equilibrium?
(2) *a catalyst lowers the activation energy for the forward and reverse (a) increases (b) decreases (c) *remains the same
reactions by exactly the same amount Reason
(3) a catalyst affects the rates of the forward and reverse reactions (1) an increase in the concentrations of the reactants increases the
differently concentrations of the products
(4) because more products are produced, the reverse one speeds up (2) *the numerical value of K eq does not depend on the initial
7. The equilibrium between sulphur dioxide gas, oxygen gas and concentrations of the reactants
sulphur trioxide gas is as follows: (3) the numerical value of K eq changes with amounts present of
2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) 2SO3 (g) . If the reaction starts with the reactants
concentration of 0.02 M SO2, 0.01 M O2 and 0.00 M SO3, and reaches (4) because more product will form, the numerical value of K eq
equilibrium at a constant temperature, what can we say about the changes with the same ratio
equilibrium concentrations of SO2 gas and O2 gas? 12. If you have a 0.5 M solution of sodium dichromate (Na2Cr2O7) in
(a) *decrease (b) become zero (c) remain unchanged which the following equilibrium is established
Reason 2CrO42— (aq) + 2H+ (aq) Cr2O72— (aq) + H2O(l)
(1) equilibrium reactions go on until all of the reactants run out yellow orange
(2) concentrations are constant because no reaction occurs at and you add 10 mL of 0.5 M solution of sodium dichromate to the
equilibrium original solution what would you observe?
(3) *as time passes, SO2 and O2 reactants are consumed, decreasing (a) the solution becomes yellow
their concentrations (b) the solution becomes deeper orange
(4) this system does not reach equilibrium because there is no SO3 at (c) *the solution remains unchanged
the beginning Reason
8. Suppose that 0.30 mol PCI5 is placed in a reaction vessel of volume (1) to counteract the increased amount of Cr2O72— (aq) the system will
1000 mL and allowed to reach equilibrium with its decomposition form more CrO42— (aq)
products: phosphorus trichloride and chlorine at 250ºC, when K eq= 1.8 (2) there will be more collisions between particles of Cr2O72— (aq) and
for PCI5 (g) PCI3(g) + CI2(g) . What can we say about the H2O(l)
concentration of the PCI3 gas and CI2 gas at equilibrium? (3) *there is no change in the concentration of any species
(a) higher than 0.30 M (b) *lower than 0.30 M (c) equals to 0.30 M (4) because of increase in Cr2O72—, Q will be greater than Keq
Reason 13. Consider the following reversible reaction that is in a state of
(1) concentrations of all species in the reaction mixture are equal at equilibrium.
equilibrium N2 (g)+3H2 (g) 2NH3 (g) , ∆H = - 92.4 kJ/mole
(2) all the phosphorus pentachloride turns into the products
(3) *phosphorus pentachloride decomposes to an extent less than 100% If the temperature of the system is increased, the equilibrium position will
to produce phosphorus trichloride and chlorine (a) *shift to the left (b) shift to the right (c) remain unchanged
(4) because the total moles of the products is higher than the reactants’ Reason
ones (1) when the temperature is increased, more products form
9. Calcium carbonate decomposes to form calcium oxide and carbon (2) *if the temperature is increased, more reactants are formed
dioxide according to the equation: CaCO3 (s) + heat CaO(s) + CO2 (g) (3) when the temperature is changed, whether the reaction is
After the system reaches equilibrium in a closed container, extra solid endothermic or exothermic does not affect the direction of the
CaCO3 is added to the equilibrium mixture. What will happen to the equilibrium shift
concentration of carbon dioxide after addition? (4) temperature changes do not affect the system that is at equilibrium.
(a) increases (b) decreases (c) *remains unchanged
(1) increasing the amount of CaCO3 (s) that is at equilibrium causes
more dissolved ions to be produced.
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