History OF THE Telescope: Ontents

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JOSEPH VON FRAUNHOFER (1787 - 1826) AND THE GREAT DORPAT REFRACTOR ......................................... 3
ALVAN CLARK (1804-1887), GEORGE BASSETT CLARK (1827-1891) AND ALVAN GRAHAM CLARK (18321897): AMERICAN MAKERS OF TELESCOPE OPTICS ................................................................................ 13
WILLIAM PARSONS (1800-1867) E O LEVIAT DE PARSONSTOWN .......................................................... 21
THE 25-INCH NEWALL REFRACTOR...................................................................................................... 29
O TELESCPIO DE CRAIG (1852) ........................................................................................................ 35
O GRANDE TELESCPIO DE MELBOURNE ............................................................................................. 41
O GRANDE REFRACTOR DA EXPOSIO DE PARIS (1900) ...................................................................... 51
THE 36-INCH CROSSLEY REFLECTOR ................................................................................................... 61
BUILDING LARGE TELESCOPES: I- REFRACTORS ...................................................................................... 69
BUILDING LARGE TELESCOPES: II- REFLECTORS ..................................................................................... 77
THE SPECTROHELIOGRAPH AND THE SPECTROHELISCOPE ........................................................................ 93
RUSSELL PORTER (1871-1949) AND THE GLASS GIANT OF PALOMAR .................................................... 105
UNUSUAL TELESCOPES: I - RUSSELL PORTERS UNUSUAL TELESCOPES ..................................................... 125
UNUSUAL TELESCOPES: II- FIXED-EYEPIECE TELESCOPES ....................................................................... 131
RICTHEYS FIXED UNIVERSAL TELESCOPE ............................................................................................ 135


The great Dorpat refractor was built in 1824 by Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787-1826). It was the
first modern, achromatic refractor and the largest in the world. The 9.5-inch, 14 foot focal
length refractor was noted for his high quality lens but also for its mounting, the first example
of what became known as the German equatorial mount. This refractor was installed by
Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve (1793-1864) at the Dorpat Observatory and extensively used in
pioneering observations of double stars and parallax measurements of several stars (Figure 1).

Figure 1- Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787-1826) (left) and Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve (1793-1864)

Fraunhofer was born in Staubing (Bavaria, Germany) on March 6, 1787, the eleventh and last
child of Xaver Fraunhofer, a glazier and builder of decorative glass. The young Fraunhofer lost
his mother at the age of eleven and his father a year later. With only twelve he became an
apprentice to a mirror maker and ornamental glass cutter in Munich (P.A. Weichselberger).
After only two years the apprenticeship ended abruptly when Weichselberger house collapsed.
Fraunhofer was protected by a cross-beam and escaped injured, but alive. In 1806 Fraunhofer
was offered a junior post at the Munich Institute by Joseph Utzschneider, a politician and
entrepreneur that left his posts to concentrate on the making of fine instruments and optics.
Within a year, he was grinding and polishing lenses and soon after took charge of a workshop
and several apprentices. Utzschneider moved his business to Benediktbeuern where he had
founded a glass melting workshop. It was there that Fraunhofer met the Swiss Pierre Louis
Guinand (a specialist in melting high quality crown and flint glass). Fraunhofer and Guinand did
not get on well together. Utzschneider instructed Guinand to introduce Fraunhofer to the

secrets of glass melting. After 1809, Fraunhofer was already a partner of the firm and in charge
of building optical instruments: microscopes, opera glasses and astronomical telescopes of
different apertures including an heliometer. The firm produced almost everything related to
telescope building: optical parts, mountings, clockwork mechanisms, precision shafts, tubes
At Benediktbeuern, Fraunhofer produced achromatic doublets of excellent quality. Surface
imperfections were corrected and the best quality glass was used. Glass melting was also
improved along the way. A 7-inch object-glass was produced and plans were made for a 10inch. Newton rings were used for the first time as well as special spherometers and
micrometers to test lens surfaces.
These new techniques enabled Fraunhofer to design and build a giant 9.5-inch refractor (the
largest aperture refractor made up to that time). This instrument was to be installed at the
Dorpat Observatory and entrusted to F.G. Wilhelm Struve (Figure 2).
The giant refractor arrived in Dorpat in November 10, 1824. Upon arrival, F.G. Wilhelm Struve
inspected the instrument and made a special report (published in Astronomische Nachrichten):
On the 10th November last this immense telescope arrived here, packed up in twenty-two
boxes, weighting altogether 5000 pounds, Russian weight. On opening the boxes, it was found
that the land carriage of more than 3000 German miles (close to 1500 English miles), had not
produced the smallest injury to the instrument, the parts of which were most excellently
secured. All the bolts and stops, for instance, which served to secure the different parts, were
lined or covered with velvet; and the most expensive part (the object-glass) occupied a large
box itself; in the center of which it was so sustained by springs, that even a fall of the box from
considerable height could not have injured it.
Considering the great number of small pieces, the putting together again of the instrument
seemed to be no easy task, and the difficulty was increased by the great weight of some of
them; and unfortunately the maker had forgotten to send the direction for doing it. However,
after some consideration of the parts, and guided by a drawing in my possession, I set to work
on the 11th, and was so fortunate as to accomplish the putting up of the instrument by the 15 th;
and on the 16th (being a clear morning) I had the satisfaction of having the first look through it
at the Moon and some double stars.
I stood astonished before this beautiful instrument, undetermined which to admire most, the
beauty and elegance of the workmanship in its minute parts, the propriety of its construction,
the ingenious mechanism for moving it, or the incomparable optical power of the telescope and
the precision with which objects are defined.
The instrument now stands in a temporary position, in the western apartment of the
observatory, where observations maybe made for an hour and a half in the vicinity of the
meridian to about 45oaltitude. Next summer it will be placed in its proper position, in the tower
of the observatory, under a rotatory cupola, where it may be used for observations in every
position of the heavens.
Wilhelm Struve later compared the performance of this telescope to the best refractors he had
used until that date:

What a difference is seen there! A mountain peak illuminated on the dark side of the Moon,
which offers me noting remarkable in the Troughton (refractor), I recognize, by means of the
Giant Refractor as consisting of 6 peaks well separated from each other. One of the most
difficult of Herschels double stars I recognize immediately.
I believe this telescope can be boldly placed alongside the giant reflecting telescope of a
Herschel, for if the latter has a greater light-gathering power, our achromat surpasses by far
any reflecting telescope in the precision of the images () By clockwork the telescope can be
given a uniform motion similar to the velocity of the fixed stars, so that the star remains in the
field of view. This is here, notwithstanding that the famous astronomer Bode has now for
several years explained that it is impossible
Fraunhofer described the instrument in a paper entitled (On the Construction of the just
finished Great Refractor) published in Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 74 (1826), 17-24 (Read
at the public meeting of the Royal Bavarian Academy of Sciences on July, 10 1824):
The instrument, about which I have the honor to speak, is for the Imperial Observatory at
Dorpat. It is the largest of its kind and new in respect to the important parts of the mounting.
The largest viewing tools existing so far are the telescopes with metal mirrors. Since even the
most perfect metal mirror reflects only a small part of the incoming light, the larger part being
absorbed, reflectors have to be very large to have a positive result, thus the intensity of the
light reaching the eye of the observer will remain low. In addition, with reflectors, the
aberration of the light rays due to the spherical form of the reflecting surfaces, which is very
prominent, cannot be corrected. For this and several other reasons the reflectors could not be
used to advance of the mathematical-astronomical observations, and the reflector was never
used as a meridian instrument.
Since almost all light is passed through the glass, and with a telescope constructed from Crown
and Flint not only the aberration by chromatic dispersion is compensated, but also that from
the spherical glass surfaces, the effect of an achromatic telescope, compared to that of a
reflector, is unequally larger. Partly to this reason, in part because their construction makes
them suitable for all kinds of observations, almost all astronomical observations are made with
achromatic telescopes.
Although the achromatic telescopes used so far, being small compared to the reflectors, the
first have achieved more in several fields than the latter. The most rigorous test of a telescope
is, as is common knowledge, the observation of double stars, and here the impact of the newer
achromatic telescopes is much greater than from the reflectors. Discovered by Bessel in
Koenigsberg, for example, with an achromatic telescope from here (Fraunhofer's workshop),
with an aperture of 48 lines, that the double star 4th class Zeta Bootis, discovered by Herschel
with his telescope, is also one of the 1st class, i.e. he saw that there is another star close to the
main star, which was not seen by Herschel. Likewise several other fixed stars, which were
observed often with telescopes in the past, were recognized as double stars by the use of
achromatic telescopes.

As it is known, the effect of a telescope is not dependent on its length, but on the aperture of its
object glass, so that with equal perfection that telescope, which has double the size of a
comparable one, has twice the effect. The difficulties which are to be faced when making
larger, equally good telescopes as smaller ones, do not grow by the relation of the diameter,
but even more, with the relation of the cubes of those. Since it has not been possible to
overcome those difficulties until now, those larger achromatic telescopes, with objective
apertures of over 48 lines, which were tried to be made, were not of equal perfection as smaller
ones, and with even larger (apertures) it (perfection) was reduced. One of the difficulties was
that the glass, which was to be used to manufacture the objectives, could not be made in that
perfect way that is necessary for larger telescopes. Namely the English Flint glass has wave-like
streaks which disperse the passing light in an irregular way. Since there are more streaks in a
larger and thicker glass than in a smaller one, which must, if an increase in impact is desired, be
the other way round, the effect was reduced with objectives of larger diameter. In addition, the
English Crown glass, as any other glass which was used so far, has these wave-like streaks,
which, although not always visible to the naked eye, giving the light rays, by uneven refraction,
a wrong direction. The Bavarian Flint as the Crown glass is free of these streaks and of equal
density (within the glass). Since the Flint glass differs from regular glass only by the stronger
color dispersion, and this dispersion of English Flint relates to normal glass as 3 : 2, but with
Bavarian Flint as 4 : 2, therefore the latter is also better in this regard.
Until now the achromatic objectives were not completely made following certain theoretical
principles, one had to rely on good luck within reasonable limits, therefore a great number of
glasses were ground and mated as pairs (by trial and error) until the errors almost
compensated. Since the probability of such a chance is much smaller with large objectives than
with smaller ones, also objectives of medium size are rarely perfect, and even with good Flint
glass no thought would be spent on large achromatic objectives. The main causes for this
procedure were: in part, the theory of achromatic objectives is not fully understood; in part,
that the refractive and color dispersing characteristic of the glass used, which must be known
exactly when calculating, was determined not exactly enough by the means employed earlier;
in part, finally, that the methods, which were used to grind and polish the glass, did not follow
the theory as predicted, if no observable deterioration should be observed.
The objective of the here discussed great refractor has 108 Parisien Line1s aperture and 160
inch focal length. The effect of a telescope is best shown when comparing with another one,
pointed at the same object. While observing with large telescopes, the largest obstacle is the
imperfect air, and here mainly the apparent undulating of it. These disadvantages grow with
larger telescopes with the square of their diameter, but the effect grows only with the (linear)
relation of the diameter; therefore, even when the sky seem to be clear and the air is only a bit
imperfect in the mentioned sense, observations are not possible with larger telescopes. Since
the air, everywhere in space, is perfect in this sense only on a few days per year, to learn about
the relative effect of this large telescope, a special object for this purpose was placed (on the
earth); because in this case a shorter layer of air has to be passed, and its imperfections would
be less harmful. The experiments, executed as described, showed that the effect of the large

In the nineteen century telescope apertures were measures in Parisien lines: one Parisien line equals
2.234 mm or 0.08795 inch.

refractor increases in relation to its diameter, fulfilling the maximum expectations. - It would be
too much to mention the means which were employed to, for example, adjust the centers of
the lenses onto a common line, remove the effects of expansion and contraction of the metal
lens cell at different temperatures etc., what had to be considered to make sure that the best
effect is achieved with this instrument.
One of the largest obstacles that was encountered when using large telescopes on celestial
objects, is the apparent daily movement of the stars, which is magnified in the same relation as
the telescope magnifies; so that stars close to the equator remain only a short time within the
field of view of a high magnifying telescope, and pass quickly through the same. Even with the
smoothest movement of the telescope by hand with screws, small oscillations will be
introduced, which will be magnified in relation to the magnification of the telescope. Before the
telescopes comes to rest, the star will have passed the field of view, making it possible almost
only by pure chance to see it for a short moment under good conditions. These favorable
conditions are even rarer since a star can only be seen with the highest precision when being
located in the middle of the field of view. The mentioned difficulties can only be met if the
telescope would move like the observed star without the interference of a human hand. This
had to be with the same precision for all stars, regardless of the ones apparently slower close
to the pole, or those located near the equator moving very fast.
For this reason the large telescope was mounted paralactic in its own way, that is, one of the
main axes around which it rotates, is elevated against the horizon in such a way, that its angle
equals the polar altitude and is pointing at the pole. The second axis, named the declination
axis, is mounted on the hour axis exactly vertical (at right angle). If the telescope, mounted in
this way, is pointed at any star, then only the hour axis needs to be turned with such a speed
that it would turn once in 24 hours, like the Earth's axis, in which case the star, whichever it
might be, remains within the field of view of the telescope as long as it is above the horizon.
This movement is applied to the hour axis by an apparatus similar to a clock, consisting of two
works. The force of one work overcomes the friction and the weight of the moving mass of
several Zentner (a unit of mass, 50 kg); the other mechanism regulates the movement. To
regulate the movement neither a pendulum nor a balance spring could be used; because in this
case the telescope would not move uninterrupted, but only in steps.
The regulator in this work is a centrifugal mechanism, which rotates uninterrupted in a conic
housing in one direction. Also, when cranking up the weights the telescope moves with the
same speed. The telescope may, while the clock moves on, be stopped at any time and set to
move again equally fast. In addition, it may be moved by hand or by means of a bolt in any
direction. The clock may be, at any time, adjusted to faster or slower, only by setting a spiral
formed disk to another degree of its division. This is to advantage, because, if a star is not at
the desired location in the field of view, it may be set to that place by using the clock, which is
of great use with micrometer observations, and not advisable by other means, because of the
dead travel etc. This spiral disk has also the advantage that the telescope can be set to a
movement equaling that of the Moon.
To assure this uniform movement of the large telescope, it must be in all positions, as different
as they may be, balanced in relation to both main axes, and these balances may not disturb the

telescope from being pointed to any part of the sky. In relation to the declination axis, the
eccentric mounted telescope is balanced by two weights close to the eyepiece, mounted on
individual conical brass tubes, each of which has two axes in the centre of gravity, at right
angles, so that in this relation the telescope is equally balanced in any position. In relation to
the hour axis this telescope is balanced by two weights, of which one is mounted directly to the
declination axis. The second weight is attached to a rod of an individual form, which is bent in
the direction of the hour axis to form a ring; this ring touches, by two opposing axes, a second
smaller; this second ring is attached to two axes, which are perpendicular to the first, a third
even smaller; and this finally turns at a bushing in which the declination axis is located, so that
in relation to the hour axis the telescope is balanced in all positions. To eliminate the friction of
the hour axis, and remove any pressure down or up, another special weight is attached which
exerts a force on the bearing of two friction rollers. It is due to this installation that the
telescope, regardless of the extraordinary weight, may be moved with one finger.
The pier of the instrument has a form that, although its position may never be altered, will
never hinder the telescope from being pointed to any location in the sky. Although it seems that
there are positions of the telescope in which the pier may prevent following a star; this
instrument is constructed in such a manner that the telescope may be directed to an object in
two ways, only by turning the hour axis by 180; if the pier is hindering in one way, it cannot in
the other, and the telescope is free in this case.
As it is, with a telescope of high magnification, very difficult to point to an object and bring it
into the field of view, usually a second smaller one is mounted with the axis exactly parallel to
the larger one. The finder of the large refractor has 29 lines aperture and 30 inch focal length.
Each of the two main axes has an individual divided circle, named the hour and declination
circle. These are fixed to their axes and turn with these. The division of the hour circle is 4 time
seconds, the division of the declination circle 10 arc seconds. With these one can (adjust) the
telescope to stars which are off the meridian, and find and observe them by day, which,
especially with stars of the 1st magnitude, may not be observed with advantage by night.
Fraunhofers design of the Great Dorpat refractor may have influenced the appearance of
modern observatories. The German equatorial mounting could be pointed to any part of the
sky above the horizon. Some regions of the sky are only accessible after performing a meridian
flip of the mount (by reversing the telescope about its polar axis).
Movement by clockwork was virtually a novelty when it was adapted by Fraunhofer in 1824.
Clockwork movement was first proposed by Robert Hooke (1635-1703) in 1674. Several
astronomers used telescopes with clockwork control during the eighteenth century but these
apparatus were not very elaborate.
As mentioned before, when the telescope arrived in Dorpat, the refractor had to be used at an
open window. Later it was mounted under a dome (rotatory cupola) at the top of the main
tower of the Observatory. The Dorpat dome was a forerunner of modern domes (Figure 3).

Fraunhofer is better known today for his invention of the spectroscope (1814) and the
diffraction grating. He placed a flint glass prism in front of the objective of a small theodolite
and fed both with sunlight from a vertical slit. In this way he noticed that the suns spectrum
was crossed by a series of vertical, dark lines of different intensity that always kept the same
position. Fraunhofer selected eight of these lines (A, B, C, H) and used them as marks to test
the refractive index of glass for different colors. Between the lines B and H he counted 574
lines (still called Fraunhofer lines in his honour) (Figure 4).
Fraunhofer's success made his name synonymous with progress. Astronomers considered it a
privilege to have their orders accepted by him. The famous refractor he made for the Dorpat
Observatory and the heliometer for the Berlin Observatory gave both institutions positions of
leadership for several decades.
Joseph Fraunhofer died on June 7, 1826 at the early age of thirty nine years. The privations of
youth and his delicate constitution and signs of tuberculosis ended a very promising scientific
Batten, A.H. (1988). Resolute and undertaking characters: The lives of Wilhelm and
Otto Struve. D. Reidel Publising Company.
King, H.C. (1955). The history of the telescope. Diver Publications Inc.
Fraunhofer, J. (1826). ber die Construction des so eben vollendeten groen
Refractors von Dr. Joseph Fraunhofer. Astronomische Nachrichten, 4: 17-24.

Figure 2- The great Dorpat refractor.


Figure 3- Dorpat Observatory main building (left) and cutaway drawing of the main tower with the great
Dorpat refractor installed under the rotatory cupola (right).

Figure 4- Joseph von Fraunhofer demonstrating the spectroscope.




Alvan Clark and his sons, George Bassett Clark and Alvan Graham Clark (Figure 1), were the
main makers of large refracting telescopes in the late ninetieth century. The firm Alvan Clark &
Sons was founded in 1846 in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts. For five times the Clarks made
the objectives for the largest refracting telescopes in the world: (i) The 18.5-inch (470 mm)
Dearborn telescope was commissioned in 1856 by the University of Mississippi; (ii) In 1873
they built the 26-inch (660 mm) objective lens for the United States Naval Observatory; (iii) In
1883, they finished the 30-inch (760 mm) telescope for the Pulkovo Observatory in Russia; (iv)
The 36-inch (910 mm) objective for the Lick Observatory refractor was made in 1887 and
finally (v) The 40-inch (102 cm) lens for the Yerkes Observatory refractor, in 1897, the largest
ever built still in operation (Figure 2 and 3).

Figure 1- Alvan Clark (center) and his sons, Alvan Graham Clark (left) and George Basset Clark (right). Lick
Observatories photograph.


Figure 2- The 26-inch U.S. Naval Observatory refractor (left) and the 30-inch Pulkovo Observatory
refractor (right).

Figure 3- The 36-inch Lick Observatory refractor (left) and the 40-inch Yerkes Observatory refractor


Alvan Clark was born in Ashfield, Massachusetts on March 8, 1804. He was the fifth of ten
chidren of Abram (a descendant of Thomas Clark, one of the early pilgrins of the Mayflower)
and Mary (Pease) Clark. Before turning to astronomy, Alvan was noted for his work in other
fields, namely drawing and engraving. Towards the end of his life Alvan wrote an
autobiography that is often quoted. This is the reason why the life and work of Alvan Clark is
better known than that of his two sons.
Both Alvan Graham Clark and George Graham Clark devoted their entire careers to building
fine astronomical telescopes. Alvan Graham did the optical work and George did the
mechanical work. It is very difficult to identify who was responsible for a particular telescope
built by the Clarks. Taking this into account all three Clarks are responsible for the
achievements of the firm Alvan Clark & Sons that later became simply Alvan Clark.
Abram Clark (Alvan Clarks father) owned and operated a rocky farm, a sawmill and a gristmill
in Ashfield leaving his son a patrimony of fifty dollars. Alvan received a formal education at a
local small grammar school and began to work with his older brother in a wagon makers shop.
Soon he turned to other interests. On March 25, 1826 Alvan married Maria Pease and they
became parents of four children (Maria Louisa and Caroline Amelia, as well as George Bassett
and Alvan Graham). Alvan earned his living as an engraver and later by painting small portraits
of exceptional quality in ink and watercolor (Figure 4). Sometimes he used a prism and a
camera lucida to outline the main features of the people in his portraits and miniatures.

Figure 4- Alvan Clark portrait as an artist in his studio (left), center and right two of A.Clark paintings
(Mrs. And Mr. Charles Henry Cummings).

Clark maintained the studio until 1860 when the firm Alvan Clark & Sons became lucrative. It
seems that Alvan Clark turned to telescope making almost by accident. His eldest son, George
Basset, while a student at Andover (Phillips Academy), melted down a metal bell in order to
make a reflecting telescope. Alvan attention was caught and by 1850 the firm Alvan Clark &
Sons was founded. The firm grew out of a small shop in East Cambridge used by George Basset
to repair optical instruments.
In 1850 the largest refractors were the 15-inch (38 cm) instruments at Pulkovo and Harvard
Observatories both made by the Merz & Mahler in Munich (Germany). The largest reflector
was the 72-inch (182 cm) Levithan erected in 1845 by the Third Earl of Rosse, William
Parsons, at the Birr Castle in Ireland. In the middle of the nineteen century refractors were
regarded as precision instruments while reflectors were considered much more crude and
difficult to use. For this reason refractors were the preferred instruments for astronomical
work at observatories worldwide.

Alvan Clark started by building metal reflectors with aperture as large as 8-inch. In 1847-48
Alvan using a 7.5 inch reflector build by himself made a drawing of the Orion nebula. William
Cranch Bond, director of the Harvard Observatory, was very impressed with this sketch (the
drawing was more complete than the sketch made by William Herschel using his 20-foot
Clark soon realized that refractors had better light gathering power and definition than metal
reflectors and started building objective lenses around 1846. The first lenses he made were
similar to ones built by the only contemporary American lens maker, Henry Fitz (1808-1863).
William Rutter Dawes (1799-1868) an English amateur bought several Clark objectives, one of
which was used from 1869 to 1869 by William Huggins (1824-1910) for his monumental work
in spectroscopy. A trip to England in 1859 (the only time Alvan Clark left the United States) was
very important for establishing Clarks reputation as a maker of telescope optics both abroad
and in the U.S. Soon after, Clark was asked to make a refractor with an aperture of 19 inches
(48 cm) for the University of Mississippi. The firm Alvan Clark & Sons had only built objectives
of apertures up to 8 inches. After examining the 15-inch lens of the Harvard Observatory and
recognizing its imperfections, Clark offered to make a 15-inch. The University wanted the
largest telescope of the world and Clark agreed to make an 18.5-inch (47 cm) objective.
The firm moved to a new location with larger facilities near Harvard to work on this lens. The
two crown and flint discs (ordered from the Chance Brothers Company of Birmingham) were
finished in 1862. Alvan Graham Clark while testing this lens discovered the companion of Sirius
on January 31 1862. By this time the American Civil War had began and the University of
Mississippi was unable to fulfill the agreement with the Clark firm. The Chicago Astronomical
Society bought the lens and the telescope was installed in the Dearborn Observatory of the
University of Chicago in 1866.
The 18.5-inch refractor did not remain the largest refractor in the world for a long time. Robert
Stirling Newall (1812-1889) a wealthy Scottish engineer and amateur astronomer,
commissioned Thomas Cooke (1807-1868) to build a telescope for his private observatory at
Ferndene. The discs for a 25-inch (64 cm) refractor were ordered from the Chance Brothers
Company in 1863. The lens had a focal length of 9.1 m and a combined weight of 66 kg.
Altogether the Newall refractor took seven years to build. It was for a few years the largest in
the world. Newall erected this telescope in 1871 on his estate, a very unfavorable site: during a
period of fifteen years he had only one night in which he could use its full aperture (Figure 5).
In 1871, Clark agreed to make an instrument that surpassed the Newall refractor. By this time
Alvan Clark & Sons had already refigured the lenses of several telescopes of the U.S. Naval
Observatory with excellent results. The 26-inch (66 cm) crown and flint discs weighting 50 kg
were again commissioned from the Chance Brothers Company. The lenses were finished in two
years (1873). The objective was mounted on a metal tube (previous Clark instruments were
provided with a wooden tube. With this instrument (installed by late 1873) Asaph Hall (18291907) discovered the two satellites of Mars (Phobos and Deimos) in 1877 ) (Figure 2).
In 1872 Karl Ludwig von Littrow (1811-1877), director of the Vienna Observatory, made plans
for a large refractor and the contract went to Howard Grubb (1844-1931) of Dublin. The young
Grubb together with his father Thomas Grubb (1800-1878) were mainly specialized in building
reflectors with heavy equatorial mountings. For this project H. Grubb designed a German
equatorial mounting that was a great improvement over the mountings supplied by the Clarks
in such a way that it became a model for all future mountings of large refractors (Figure 5).

Figure 5- The 26-inch Newall refractor (left) and the 27-inch Grubb refractor of the Vienna Observatory
(right). The 27-inch surpassed the 26-inch Clark of the U.S. Naval Observatory becoming the model of all
mountings for subsequent large refractors.

Otto W. Struve (1819-1905) director of the Pulkovo Observatory ordered a 30-inch (76 cm)
objective from the Clarks in 1879. The lens was not completed until 1884. The mount was
finished on the same year by Repsold (Hamburg) (Figure 2). This refractor (then the world
largest) went into operation at Pulkovo in 1885. It was extensively used in the study of double
and proper motion of stars.
In 1880 the Clark firm was again given a contract to build a 36-inch (91 cm) objective and
photographic corrector. The blanks were ordered from the firm Field in Paris. The lens with a
focal length of 17.6 m was finished in 1885 but the photographic corrector (33-inch, 84 cm)
was only completed in 1887. The mount for this refractor was built by the firm Warner &
Swasey and erected on Mount Hamilton (Lick Observatory) in 1887. The Lick refractor was one
of the most productive instruments in the history of astronomy (Figure 3).
With the completion of this instrument the representatives of the University of Southern
California asked the Clarks to make an objective for a larger telescope. In 1889 they agreed to
built a 40-inch (102 cm) lens and the blanks were ordered from the firm Mantois in Paris.
When the disks arrived the University was unable to pay the bill and the opportunity to obtain
the largest refractor in the world went to another Institution. George Ellery Hale (1868-1938)
that had just been appointed Associate Professor at the University of Chicago was able to raise
the necessary sum to buy the lens by convincing the Magnate Charles Tyson Yerkes (18371905). Yerkes contributed with $300.000 to establish what would become known as the Yerkes
Observatory, located in Williams Bay, Wisconsin.
Alvan Graham Clark, the last surviving member of the Clark family began figuring the lenses
and Warner & Swasey were asked to supply the equatorial mount. The mount was finished in

1893 being displayed at the Columbia Exhibition in Chicago that same year (Figure 6). The 40inch refractor (19.3 m focal length) went into operation only in 1897 after the foundation of
the Yerkes Observatory in 1895 (Figure 3). This refractor is still the largest in the world today.
The combined weight of the two components of the 40-inch objective was 225 kg (Figure 7).
James Edward Keeler (1857-1900) that examined the lens in 1896 wrote in a paper published
in the Astrophysical Journal:
From these tests it appears that the character of the image varies with the position of the
lenses relative to each other, and, to a less extent, with the position of the objective as a whole
relatively to its cell. It is probable that flexure of the lenses is the principal cause of the
observed changes, and it is interesting to note that there is here evidence, for the first time,
that we are approaching the limit of size in the construction of great objectives.

Figure 6- Mounting of the 40-inch Yerkes refractor on display at the Columbia Exposition in Chicago


Before his death in 1897, Alvan Graham Clark declared his intention to make a 60-inch (152
cm) lens. In the twentieth century several attempts were made to build larger refractors
without any success (Figure 8). By this time reflectors were the main instruments used for
spectroscopy and astrophotography.

Figure 7- Alvan Graham Clark and Carl Lundin with the 40-inch object glass.

Figure 8- 50-inch optical disks made by the Mantoins firm (Paris).


Very little is known regarding the Clark methods for grinding lenses. The Clark left no records
of these procedures. Many people visited the Clark factory and were shown every detail of the
process. One visitor wrote that the methods employed were crude and inferior to those used
by European optical makers. The success of Clarks lenses was attributed to skilful
manipulation and supervision rather than the use of precise mechanisms. It seems that the
techniques used were nothing extraordinaire. Great care was taken in the grinding and
polishing of a lens. The blank disk was always tested for purity and evenness (glasses with
evident striation were discarded). Grinding and preliminary polishing was done with
rudimentary machines which consisted of horizontal tables rotated by a steam engine. Early
Clark lenses were ground with emery, but later (1887) cast iron sand was used as an abrasive.
When grinding was finished the metal lap used for this purpose was changed for one made of
grooved pitch fed with water and rouge for polishing. The Clarks never used cloth polishers.
The process of correcting and perfecting the lenses was always performed. Local correction
was suggested to the Clarks Henry Fitz. Fitz only retouched one surface whilst the Clarks
regularly retouched all four surfaces of each objective. This maybe the explanation for the
superior quality of the Clarks object glasses.
Local corrections were used to remove small errors after grinding and polishing. To locate this
errors the Clarks developed a test similar (but prior) to the one described as the Foucault knifeedge test for mirrors. This test was performed either on a star or on an artificial star (inside a
horizontal tunnel with almost 70 m of length). Tests on photographic lenses involved
photographing a star several times in focus and out of focus in order to examine the images
obtained. A perfect lens would form even images.
Once the irregularities were found these were marked and the lens had to be retouched
several times until a perfect shape was reached. Alvan Clark seemed to have a special sense of
touch in such a way that he could detect irregularities with his fingers. He repeatedly used his
bare thumbs to make local corrections.
Most of the Clarks objectives are similar to Fraunhofer lenses consisting of an equiconvex
crown (R1 = R2) and a meniscus flint in which R3 is made a few percent shorter in radius than
R2. R4 (closer to the eyepiece) becomes a long radius convex surface being almost flat. There
are mainly two drawbacks in this type of lenses. It is an airspaced design, similar to the
Fraunhofer, but with weaker curves. R1, R2, and R3 are all close in radius to one another.
Spherical aberration can be canceled (corrected) just as in the Fraunhofer design. In addition, if
R1 and R2 become reversed during cleaning, there is no apparent change in performance.
Most of the Clark objectives are corrected for visual use. However two methods were
developed for adapting the lenses for photographic applications. The Lick refractor was
provided with a third (smaller) photographic lens. In 1887, with the assistance of Edward C.
Pickering (1846-1919) the Clarks developed a clever combination of two lenses that could be
used for either visual or photographic observations. Is this design the Crown component is
more convex on one side than the other. For visual applications the flatter side was put in
contact with the flint and for photography the crown lens was reversed and separated from
the flint.
The Clarks were great opticians, perhaps the most skillful ever. The excellence of their
achromatic objectives is recognized even today in an era where apochromatic refractors are
readily available.



William Parsons (3o Conde de Parsonstown, Lord Rosse) nasceu em York no Reino Unido em 17
de Junho de 1800. Estudou em Dublin e em Oxford (Magdalen College) onde completou com
distino os seus estudos graduados em matemtica (1822) (Figura 1).

Figura 1- William Parsons (Lord Rosse).

Aps o falecimento do pai, foi membro do parlamento entre os anos de 1841 e 1834 e a partir
de 1845 representante irlands no parlamento. Foi igualmente presidente da Royal Society
(1848-1854) e chanceler do Trinity College (Dublin) (1862-1867). Em 1841, herda o Castelo de
Birr e torna-se no 3o Conde de Parsonstown. Lord Rosse aliou os seus conhecimentos de
engenharia a um elevado interesse que evidenciou desde cedo pela astronomia e pela
construo de telescpios. Construiu diversos telescpios a partir de 1827 nas oficinas que
fundou no condado de Parsonstown. Efectuou diversas experincias com espelhos metlicos
(specula) construidos inicialmente a partir de um mosaico de peas distintas. O primeiro
espelho composto tinha um dimetro de 15 (38 cm) e uma distncia focal de 12 ps (360 cm).
Com o auxlio deste instrumento efectua as primeiras observaes da Lua e de estrlas duplas
usando amplificaes que variaram entre 80 a 600x. Ao espelho de 15 seguiram-se dois
espelhos de 24 e de 36 (1839), este ltimo constitudo por 16 segmentos distintos. Em 1840
Rosse consegue finalmente construir um espelho metlico slido de 36 que foi instalado
numa montagem azimutal semelhante s utilizadas por William Herschel (1738-1822) (Figura


Figura 2- Telescopio de 3 ps (91 cm) construdo por Lord Rosse em 1839/1840.

John Thomas Romney Robinson (1792-1882)2, director do observatrio de Armagh, descreve

em 1840 algumas observaes efectuadas com o auxlio deste instrumento:
Both specula, the divided and the solid, seem exactly parabolic, there being no sensible
difference in the focal adjustment of the eyepiece with the whole aperture of 36 inches, or one
of twelve; in the former case there is more flutter, but apparently no difference in definition,
and the eyepiece comes to its place of adjustment very sharply. The solid speculum showed
Lyrae round and well defined, with powers up to 1000 inclusive, and at moments even with
1600; but the air was not fit for so high a power on any telescope. Rigel, two hours from the
meridian, with 600, was round, the field quite dark, the companion, separated by more than a
diameter of the star from its light, and so brilliant that it would certainly be visible before
sunset ()
Rosse utilizou o telescpio de 3 ps at 1874. A montagem azimutal de madeira foi substituda
por uma montagem equatorial em metal em 1876 (Figura 3). Pouco tempo aps ter
completado o telescpio de 3 ps, Rosse iniciou (1839) a construo do um novo telescpio

King, H.C. (1955). The History of the Telescope. Dover Publications, Inc. New York.


como o dobro da abertura (6 ps, 183 cm). O Leviat de Parsonstwon, como ficou
posteriormente conhecido, foi utilizado pela primeira vez em 1845 (Figura 4).

Figura 3- Telescpio de 3 ps (91 cm), montagem equatorial (ca. 1876).

Figura 4- Leviat de Parsonstwon (ca. 1845).


John Louis Emil Dreyer (1852-1926)3, um dos ltimos astrnomos a usar o Leviat, descreve
em 1914 o instrumento bem como as tcnicas de observao:
Since the telescope was erected between two high walls in the direction north and south, an
object on the equator could only be observed within half an hour east or west of the meridian,
and after a clock movement had been applied to it in 1869 it could only pick up an object on the
equator some five or ten minutes east of the meridian. The range was further limited by the
fact that the telescope could not be brought much beyond the zenith, as the top gallery ended
about 10o north of it. Objects within about 25o of the pole could, therefore, not be observed.
When furnished with a clock movement, the instrument was certainly a most convenient and
comfortable one to use. Three workmen were in attendance every night; one at the windlass in
the north to raise or lower the tube, one in a little hut close east of the lower end of the tube to
move it in hour-angle by turning a large wheel or to start or stop the clock, and one in the
gallery to move the gallery out of the tube and gradually to move it back as the tube was
driven westward by the clock. There was a slow motion in R.A., but it was rarely or never used,
as two eyepieces (one a finder eyepiece of low power, the other a micrometer with bars visible
without illumination) were mounted side by side on a slide movable to the extent of some 15
to 20. The flat mirror was sufficiently large to allow this to be done with little or no loss of
light. The galleries were so constructed that the observer always stood upright and looked
horizontally into the eyepiece and as he had no body labor to do, observing was not more
fatiguing than it would have been with quite a small instrument.

Figura 5- Fotografia vitoriana do Leviat de Parsonstown.

Dreyer, J.L.E. (1914). Lord Rosses Six-foot Reflector. Observatory, Volume XXXVII, No. 480:399-402.


Figura 6- Telescpio de 6 ps de Lord Rosse (Fotografias da poca).

Figura 7- Desenho da estrutura espiral observada em M 51 por Lord Rosse (Abril de 1845).

O telescpio de 6 ps foi utilizado pela primeira vez no incio de 1845. Em Abril do mesmo ano,
Lord Rosse descreve estruturas espirais nalgumas nebulosas. A primeira nebulosa em que foi
observada este tipo de estrutura foi M 51 (NGC 5194) (Figura 7). Entre os anos de 1845 e 1850,
Rosse e os seus assistentes descrevem estruturas espirais em 14 nebulosas distintas. Num


trabalho recente Malcom Thompson4 refere que foram observadas com o auxlio do Leviat
estruturas espirais nas seguintes nebulosas:
NGC 108, 275, 337, 520, 598, 628, 660, 772, 877, 894/895, 941, 972, 1012, 1068, 1421, 1518,
1637, 2537, 2608, 2619, 12903/2905, 2964, 3021, 3055, 3067, 3167, 3184, 3190, 3198, 3294,
3310, 3344, 3351, 3359, 3367, 3368, 3395, 3423, 3430, 3445, 3448, 3485, 3504, 3507, 3521,
3596, 3627, 3646, 3672, 3675, 3689, 3726, 3893, 3938, 4038, 4039, 4051, 4088, 4102, 4189,
4192, 4253, 4254, 4303, 4389, 4414, 4501, 4536, 4625, 4639, 2689, 4736, 4900, 5005, 5033,
5112, 5194, 5378, 5468, 5474, 5622, 5907, 5985, 7331, 7606, 7678, 7717, 7817.
interessante comparar as observaes de M 51 efectuadas por John Herschel em 1828 com
os resultados obtidos por Lord Rosse em 1845 (Figura 8). Herschel utilizou um telescpio de 20
ps de distncia focal munido de um espelho com 18 (45 cm) de abertura. A comparao das
duas observaes revela bem o poder do Leviat relativamente aos restantes telescpios
reflectores da poca5 (Figura 9).

Figura 8- M 51: Desenho de John Herschel em 1828 (esquerda); Desenho de Lord Roose em 1845
(centro); Fotografia de Pedro R obtida em 2006 (direita).

Thompson, M. (2001). Revealing the Rosse Spirals. Astronomy & Geophysics, Volume 42, Issue 4, pp.
O telescpio de 6 ps de Lord Rosse foi o maior reflector do mundo at construo do telescpio de
2,5 m do observatrio do Mounte Wilson em 1917


Figura 9- Estruturas espirais detectadas por Lord Rosse nas nebulosas M 99 e M 101.

O Leviat de Parsonstown foi sobretudo usado na observao de nebulosas. Com o auxlio

deste instrumento, Lord Rosse e J.T.R. Robinson resolveram numerosas estrelas nestes
objectos de tal modo que chegaram a afirmar que todas as nebulosas eram constitudas por
estrelas. Em Maro de 1846, Rosse refere a observao de numerosas estrelas na nebulosa de
Orion (M 42), observao confirmada por W.C. Bond que utilizou o refractor de 38 cm de
abertura do observatrio de Harvard. Estas observaes foram no entanto contestadas por
inmeros astrnomos.

Figura 10- M 1 e M 42 desenhadas por Lord Rosse com o auxlio de diferentes instrumentos: M 1
telescpio de 3 ps (1844); M 42 telescpio de 6 ps (1865/1867).

A controvrsia manteve-se at 1864, ano em que William Huggins (1824-1910) descreve um

espectro descontnuo em M 42, tpico de uma nebulosa de emisso composta por gs. Aps
esta descoberta, Rosse desenha um sofisticado espectroscpio com cerca de 35 kg de peso
que foi instalado no Leviat. Efectou numerosas observaes do espectro da nebulosa bem
como um desenho minucioso da sua estrutura (Figura 10). Foi Lord Rosse que designou M 1
pela primeira vez como nebulosa do caranguejo. As observaes que efectuou com o auxlio
do telescpio de 3 ps mostraram uma estrutura semelhante a um caranguejo (Figura 10)6.
Aps a morte do 4O Conde de Parsonstown em 1908, o Leviat deixou de ser utilizado e foi
finalmente desmantelado em 1914. Grande parte do metal do telescpio foi fundido e reutilizado durante a 1 Grande Guerra Mundial. Um dos seus espelhos metlicos foi depositado
no Museu de Cincia de Londres (Figura 11). Recentemente (1996/1998) o telescpio foi

Mais tarde Rosse redesenhou M 1 com o auxlio do telescpio de 6 ps. A gravura que publicou foi
completamente distinta do desenho original.


completamente restaurado tendo-se mantido tanto quanto possivel a sua configurao

original (Figura 12).

Figura 11- Espelho metlico do telescpio do 6 ps depositado em 1914 no Museu de Cincia de


Figura 12- Leviat de Parsonstown restaurado.


Dreyer, J.L.E. (1914). Lord Rosses Six-foot Reflector. Observatory, Volume XXXVII, No.
480: 399-402.
Hoskins, M. (ed.) (1997). Cambridge Illustrated History of Astronomy. Cambridge
University Press.
King, H.C. (1955). The History of the Telescope. Dover Publications, Inc. New York.
Thompson, M. (2001). Revealing the Rosse Spirals. Astronomy & Geophysics, Volume
42, Issue 4, pp. 4.09-4.11.



Pedro R
Robert Stirling Newall (1812-1889) was a wealthy Scottish engineer and amateur astronomer.
Newall commissioned Thomas Cooke (1807-1868) to build a telescope for his private
observatory at Ferndene (Gateshead). The discs for a 25-inch (640 mm) refractor were ordered
from the Chance Brothers Company in 1862. The lens had a focal length of 9.1 m and a
combined weight of 66 kg. The Newall refractor took seven years to build (it was for a few
years the largest in the world). It was erected in 1870 on Newalls estate, a very unfavorable
site: during a period of fifteen years Newall had only one night in which he could use its full
aperture (Figure 1 and Figure 2).
The Newall telescope was described in detail in an article that appeared in Nature (February
17, 1870). The full text of this article in transcribed below:
The 25-inch Equatorial Telescope, commenced several years ago by T. Cooke and Sons, of York,
for R. S. Newall, Esq. of Gateshead, is now so far completed that it has been removed from the
works at York into its observatory in Mr. Newall's grounds, at Ferndene.
The completion of a telescope with an object glass of 25 inches aperture, marks an epoch in
astronomy, and its completion in England again places us in the front rank in the matter of the
optical art, as we were in Dolland's time.
The history of the progress of the manufacture of telescopes since the time referred to shows
very clearly the long-lasting effects of bad legislation; for it is not too much to say that the duty
on glass stifled, if indeed it did not kill, the optical art in England. Hence we depended for many
years upon France and Germany for our telescopes to such an extent indeed that the largest
object-glasses at Greenwich, Oxford, and Cambridge are all of foreign make. The labors of the
Germans culminated in the two magnificent instruments of 15 inches aperture in the
observatories of Pulkowa and Cambridge, U.S. And then for a time America, thanks to the
genius of Alvan Clarke, took the lead with the 18-inch glass now beginning to do good work in
the observatory of Chicago. This instrument is at last eclipsed by the magnificent one now
being erected at Gateshead.
In what we have said we have purposely omitted to touch upon reflecting telescopes, in the
construction of which, since the time of Newton, England has always been pre-eminent,
because we shall take occasion to refer to the reflector of four feet aperture, completed last
year by Mr. Grubb, of Dublin, and now erected at Melbourne when it is fairly at work.
The general design and appearance of this monster among telescopes, which will be gathered
from the accompanying woodcut (Figure 3), is the same as that of the well-known Cooke
equatorials; but the extraordinary size of all the parts has necessitated the special
arrangements of most of them.


The length of the tube, including dew-cap and eye-end, is 32 feet, and it is of cigar shape; the
diameter at the object-end being 27 inches, and at the centre of the tube 34 inches. The castiron pillar supporting the whole is 29 feet in height from the ground to the centre of the
declination axis, when horizontal; and the base of it is 5 feet 9 inches in diameter. The trough
for the polar axis alone weighs 24 cwt., the weight of the whole instrument being nearly 9 tons.
The tube is constructed of steel plates riveted together, and is made in five lengths, screwed
together with bolts and flanges. The plates of the central length are one-eighth of an inch thick,
and those of each end one-sixteenth thick, so as to reduce the weight of the ends as much as
possible, and avoid flexure.
Inside the outer tube are five other tubes of zinc, increasing in diameter from the eye to the
object-end; the wide end of each zinc tube overlapping the narrow end of the following tube,
and leaving an annular space of about an inch in width round the end of each for the purpose
of ventilating the tube, and preventing, as much as possible, all interference by currents of
warm air, with the cone of rays. The zinc tubes are also made to act as diaphragms.
The object-glass has an aperture of 25 inches (nearly), and in order as much as possible to
avoid flexure from unequal pressure on the cell, it is made to rest upon three fixed points in its
cell, and between each of these points are arranged three levers and counterpoises round a
counter-cell, which act through the cell direct on to the glass, so that its weight in all positions
is equally distributed among the 12 points of support, with a slight excess upon the three fixed
ones. The focal length of the lens is 29 feet. A Barlow lens is arranged to slide on a brass
framework within the tube. The hand is passed through an opening in the side of the tube, and
by means of a handle attached to the cell the lens may be pushed into or out of the cone of
Attached to the eye-end of the tube are two finders, each 4 inches aperture; they are fixed
above and below the eye-end of the main tube, so that one may be readily accessible in all
positions of the instrument. It is also supplied with a telescope having an O. G. of 6 ". This is
fixed between the two finders, and is for the purpose of assisting in the observations of comets
and other objects for which the large instrument is not suitable. This assistant telescope is
provided with a rough position circle and micrometer eye-pieces, and is illuminated by new
apparatus lately described in NATURE.
Two reading microscopes for the declination circle are brought down to the eye-end of the
main tube; the circle-38 inches in diameter-is divided on its face, and read by means of the
microscopes and prisms.
The slow motions in declination and R. A. are given by means of tangent screws, carrying
grooved pulleys, over which pass endless cords brought to the eye-end. The declination
clamping handle is also at the eye-end.
The clock for driving this monster telescope is in the upper part of the pillar, and is of
comparatively small proportions, the instrument being so nicely counterpoised that a very
slight power is required to be exerted by the clock, through the tangent screw, on the driving
wheel (seven feet diameter), in order to give the necessary equatorial motion.

The declination axis is of peculiar construction, necessitated by the weight of the tubes and
their fittings, and corresponding counterpoises on the other end, tending to cause flexure of the
axis. This difficulty is entirely overcome by making the axis hollow, and passing a strong iron
lever through it, having its fulcrum immediately over the bearing of the axis near the main
tube, and acting upon a strong iron plate rigidly fixed as near the centre of the tube as possible,
clear of the cone of rays. This lever, taking nearly the whole weight of the tubes, &c., off the
axis, frees it from all liability to bend.
The weight of the polar axis on its upper bearing is relieved by friction rollers and weighted
levers; the lower end of the axis is conical, and there is a corresponding conical surface on the
lower end of the trough; between these two surfaces and three conical rollers carried by a loose
or "live" ring, which adjust themselves to equalize the pressure.
The hour circle on the bottom of the polar axis is 26 inches in diameter, and is divided on the
edge, and read roughly from the floor by means of a small diagonal telescope attached to the
pillar; a rough motion in R. A. by hand is also arranged for by a system of cog-wheels moved by
a grooved wheel and endless cord at the lower end of the polar axis, so as to enable the
observer to set the instrument roughly in R. A. by the aid of the diagonal telescope.
The declination and hour circles will probably be illuminated by means of Geissler tubes, and
the dark and bright field illuminations for the micrometers will be effected by the same means.
Mr. Newall, after the preliminary testing of this magnificent instrument at his own residence,
purposes to erect it in some climate favorable for astronomical observation. It is very
unfortunate that this means in other words that the telescope cannot remain in England. It is or
should be among the things generally known that every increase in the size of an object-glass
or mirror increases the perturbating effects of the atmosphere, so that the larger the telescope,
the purer must be the air. In the absence of this latter condition, a "big" telescope is a "big
evil," and skilled observers, mindful of this, reduce the apertures of their instruments when the
air is not good.
We may regard this telescope as a clear gain to English science, for Mr. Newall with princely
liberality has expressed his intention of allowing observes with a special research on hand to
have the use of the instrument during certain regulated hours.
The observatory, of which we also give a sketch, is nearly 50 feet in diameter, and
notwithstanding the enormous weight of the dome, like the telescope, it is easily moved into
any required position.
When completed it will have attached to it a transit-room. And this reminds us that Mr. Marth,
so well known for his great work done at Malta with the Lassell Reflector and elsewhere will
have charge of this noble instrument of research.


Figure 1- Photographs of the 25-inch Newall refractor and equatorial mount by Cooke of York (1872).

Figure 2- 25-inch Newall refractor and dome (1872).


Figure 3- Figures from the Nature article. Captions: The great Newall telescope of 25 inches aperture,
now being erected at Gaterhead (left); The observatory for the Newall Telescope (right).

After years of bad weather and sporadic use, Newall offered to loan the instrument to the
Cape Observatory. David Gill (1834-1914), director of the observatory was eager to determine
the parallax of alpha Centauri. The cost of dismounting and transporting the telescope to
South Africa was considered prohibitive and the whole matter was put to rest.

Figure 4- Newall telescope at the University of Cambridge: spectroscope (left); telescope and dome
(center); dome (ca. 1906).

In 1890 the 25-inch refractor was offered to the University of Cambridge (the telescope was
moved in 1891). Newalls son, Hugh Frank Newall, worked for five years without any payment

as the main observer responsible for the telescope. From 1891 to 1911, H.F. Newall conducted
a huge series of spectroscopic observations with excellent results. The work continued until
1930 when the telescope became gradually outdated (Figure 4 and Figure 5).

Figure 5- Newall telescope and dome at the University of Cambridge (ca. 1930).

In 1950 the telescope was rarely used and the dome needed repair. The University of
Cambridge decided to donate the instrument. The National Observatory of Athens accepted
the donation and the Newall refractor was transported to the Koufos hill near the Pendeli
mountain (Greece). The construction of the new observatory started in 1957. The 25-inch
refractor was installed at the top of a 5 m concrete pier (access to the eyepiece is facilitated by
a moving floor). The new dome has a diameter of 14 m (Figure 6).

Figure 6- The Newall 25-inch refractor and new dome at the Penteli Astronomical Station (National
Observatory of Athens - Greece).


King, H.C. (1955). The history of the telescope. Charles Griffin, High Wycombe, England.



O reverendo John Craig (1805-1877) construiu em 1852 um telescpio refractor com 24 (61
cm) de abertura em Wandsworth, prximo de Londres (Figura 1). Apesar de no pertencer a
qualquer Associao astronmica, Craig tencionava realizar com este instrumento (o maior
refractor existente at ao momento), observaes do anl C de Saturno e verificar se o planeta
Vnus possuia satlites.
Segundo Henry King (1955)7 este telescpio refractor was a complete failure. Alguns
trabalhos recentes descrevem de um modo pormenorizado este instrumento, dotado de uma
montagem azimutal fora do comum8 e que foi utilizado unicamente durante um perodo de 6

Figura 1- Telescpio de Craig (1852). John Craig (esquerda), gravuras e aguarela (centro e direita).

O telescpio de Craig descrito na revista Illustrated London News em 18 de agosto de 1852:

During the past three months, the construction of a building on Wandsworth Common, for the reception
of a monster achromatic telescope, has been rapidly progressing, and is, with telescope itself, now nearly
completed. This great work is under the supervision of William Gravatt, Esq., F.R.S., or Rev. Mr. Craig,
vicar of Leamington. The site, consisting of two acres, has been liberally presented by Earl Spencer, in
perpetuity, or as long as the telescope shall be maintained.
As this gigantic instrument should have some distinctive name, the various friends of science who have
been admitted to view it have denominated it 'The Craig Telescope' considering as the Duke of
Northumberland's name has been handed down in connection with the Cambridge refractor - so, also,
the originator, in fact, of this 85 feet focal length achromatic telescope, with an object-glass of two feet
aperture and already capable of doing marvels, should have his name associated with a work completely
novel in all its part, and we are happy to add, entirely of English workmanship. All other achromatic
telescopes of any pretensions are foreign.

King, H.C. (1955). The history of the telescope. Diver Publications Inc.
http://www.craig-telescope.co.uk/, http://homepage.ntlworld.com/greg.smyerumsby/craig/
Steel, D. (1982). The Craig Telescope of 1852. Sky and Telescope, 7: 12-13.


The Duke of Northumberland's telescope is foreign, the Oxford telescope is foreign, Sir James South's
telescope is foreign, in fact, and these instruments were merely purchased by English money. Not so the
present instrument, by far the largest achromatic telescope in the world.
In the retired study of a country clergyman, the idea of this instrument struck him, and having made in
his own peculiar way his calculations the result was a fixed determination to carry them out, which he
has more especially shown in the choice of his engineer, for many were those he had to reject, after
looking into their plans of mounting his telescope. He has selected Wm. Gravatt, Esq., FRS, whose name,
we believe, Mr. Craig, is more desirous to connect with his wonderful telescope than his own.
The powers of this Telescope, as a measuring instrument, are unapproachable by all others. It separates
minute points of light so distinctly that its space penetrating qualifications will render it, as a discovering
instrument, one of a most superior order. It resolves the Milky Way, not simply into beautiful and
brilliant 'star dust', to use the language of astronomers, but actually subdivides it into regular
constellations. We thus in what at best was heretofore separated into minute points of light, can now
behold counterparts of our own Orion and Cassiopeia, our Greater and Lesser Bears and also evidently
adorned with the most generous colors.
The Telescope is perfectly achromatic; Saturn exhibits itself with milky-light whiteness. Now that the
instrument is adjusted, Mr Craig wishes the Planet Venus to be examined, for he hopes to settle the
question as to whether she has a satellite or not, and we need not say what an advantage the solution of
this fact would be to science. The moon is a magnificent object and perfectly colorless, so that the
observer can behold her mountains and rocks with a vivid distinctness that makes us long for clear
weather to bring the whole of the powers of this marvelous instrument to bear upon our planet. On a
favorable evening, were such a building, for instance, as Westminster Abbey in the moon, this Telescope
would reveal all its parts and proportions.
The central tower is of brick, and 61 feet in height, 15 feet in diameter, and weighs 220 tons. Every
precaution has been taken in its construction to prevent the slightest vibration, which can still further be
provided for by loading the several floors, and the most perfect steadiness will be thus ensured.
By the side of this sustaining tower hangs the telescope. The length of the main tube, which is somewhat
shaped like a cigar, is 76 feet, having an eyepiece at the narrow end, and a dew cap, at the other: the
total length in use will be 85 feet. The design of the dew cap is to prevent obscuration by the
condensation of moisture, which takes place during the night, when the instrument is most in use.
Its exterior is of bright metal: the interior is painted black. The focal distance will vary from 76 to 85 feet.
The tube at its greatest circumference measures 13 feet and this part is about 24 feet from the objectglass. The determination of this point was the result of repeated experiments, and minute and careful
calculation. It was essential to the object in view that there should not be the slightest vibration in the
instrument, and Mr. Gravatt has made the vibration at one end of the tube neutralize that at the other.
The ironwork of the tube, which is a splendid specimen of English workmanship, was manufactured by
Messrs. Rennie, under the direction of Mr. Gravatt. The tube rests upon a light wooden framework with
iron wheels attached, and is fitted to a circular iron railway at a distance of 52 feet from the centre of the
tower. The chain by which it is lowered is capable of sustaining a weight of fifteen tons, though the
weight of the tube is only three.
Notwithstanding the immense size of the instrument, it can move either in azimuth, or up to an altitude
of 80 degrees, with as much ease and rapidity as an ordinary telescope, and from the nature of the
mechanical arrangements, with far greater certainty as to results. The slightest force applied to the
wheel on the iron rail causes the instrument to move round the central tower.
All the optical work has been executed by Mr. F. Slater, of Somer-place West, Euston-square. The two
lenses, one of flint and the other of plate glass, are thus used: The plate-glass lens has a positive focal
length of 30 feet 11/2 inch; its refractive index is 15103. The flint-glass lens has a negative focal length of


40 feet 101/2 inches; and the refractive index of this glass is 16308. These two lenses, placed in contact,
are used in combination, and constitute the achromatic object-glass, the focal length of which is 76 feet
to parallel rays that is, to all celestial objects.

John Craig ocupou o cargo de reverendo em Leamington. Era um figura muito respeitada na
sua parquia e trabalhou intensamente para reconstruir a igreja de todos os santos em
Leamington. Vistou diversas igrejas na Europa e em 1849, recorrendo a diversas doaes,
terminou a referida reconstruo. Em 1852 foi construdo um novo transecto na referida
igreja. A reconstruo da igreja coincidiu com a construo do telescpio. William Gravatt
(1806-1866), membro da Royal Society, foi responsvel pela parte mecnica do telescpio e
Thomas Slater (1817-1889) foi encarregue da construo da objectiva.
A motagem do telescpio era constituda por uma torre construda com tijolos que suportava
o tubo do telescpio (Figura 1, Figura 2).

Figura 2- Telescpio de Craig: fotografia da poca (esquerda) e reconstituio do telescpio (direita),


A torre foi construda num perodo de apenas um ms. Tinha uma altura de 64 ps (19,5 m),
um dimetro de 15 ps (4,6 m) e um peso aproximado de 220 Toneladas. O tubo, em forma
de charuto, foi construdo a partir de peas metlicas rebitadas, segundo os mtodos utilizados
na indstria naval da poca. Com um comprimento de 85 ps (25,9 m) e um peso aproximado
de 3 Toneladas, o tubo no podia atingir altitudes superiores a 75/80 graus ou inferiores a 5
graus (Figura 3).

Figura 3- reconstiruio do telescpio de Craig ilustrando a altura mxima e mnima por este atingida


O tubo do telescpio podia rodar livremente volta da torre. Estava suportado por uma
corrente fixa a cerca de 24 ps (7,3 m) da extremidade do tubo e provida de um contrapeso.
Na extremidade da ocular, o tubo era apoiado por um suporte em madeira provido de rodas
(Figura 4).

Figura 4- Reconstituio do tudo do telescpio de Craig, (http://www.craig-telescope.co.uk/).

O telescpio guia foi igualmente construdo por Slater e devia ter uma abertura de 10 a 15 cm
(Figura 4).
A objectiva do telescpio de Craig foi construda entre 1850 e 1852. Era constituda por um
elemento flint fornecido pela firma Chance Company e por um elemento em vidro vulgar (plate
glass Thames Plate Glass Company). Aparentemente objectiva no era de grande qualidade e
necessitava de ser diafragmada para ser utilizada em boas condies (Figura 5).

Figura 5- Reconstituio da objectiva de 24 ps do telescpio de Craig.

Um artigo da revista Illustrated London News refere-se fraca qualidade da objectiva:

The Craig Telescope is, in a small portion of one of its lenses, too flat by about the five thousandth part of
an inch. This has been stopped out when extreme accuracy of definition is required, as, for instance, in


observing such fine point of an object as Saturns third ring. To many of our readers it will seem
incredible that the five thousandth part of an inch is rendered, as to its results, in any degree evident,
and is a quantity that can be positively measured. But so it is.

Este erro representa uma correco inferior a um comprimento de onda o que totalmente
inaceitvel no que diz respeito prestao de uma objectuva acromtica.
O telescpio de Craig foi utilizado apenas entre 1852 e 1858. Durante este perodo de 6 anos
foram realizadas sobretudo observaes dos planetas Vnus e Saturno (Figura 6). A revista
Illustrated London News em 16 de Outubro de 1852, refere a propsito da observao de
When news of this reached England, the Northumberland achromatic, at our Cambridge University, was
brought to bear, by Professor Challis, on the rings of Saturn, and he failed in discovering the third: so,
also, with the giant reflector of the Earl of Rosse. Hence it became a matter of intense interest, as to
whether there was in reality a third ring. We are happy now to exhibit an Engraving of the Ring, as seen
in this country. In the Craig Telescope - engraved and described in the Illustrated London News for
August 28 - this third ring is quite palpable; so that there can be no longer any doubt as to its existence.
The colour of this ring is a brilliant slate. The great quantity of light which the telescope at Wandsworth
brings to the eye of the observer from this planet gives, we presume. This bright appearance to what in
instruments of less power is in fact completely invisible.

Figura 6- Observao ilusria dos satlites de Vnus efectuada em 1761 por Jacques Leibax Montaigne
(1716 - 1785?) e observao do sistema de anis de Saturno efectuada com o auxlio do telescpio de
Craig (http://www.craig-telescope.co.uk/).

Apesar da montagem azimutal do telescpio no ser adequada para a realizao de fotografias

astronmicas, so feitas referncias a imagens obtidas com o auxlio deste instrumento num
trabalho apresentado British Association em 1854:
Dr. Diamond, who printed the positive of the moon, found the sun picture, however, rather overdone for
transferring. "It will be necessary, therefore, either to use collodion and nitrate of silver simply without
any or but little sensitive solution or else pass the sun's rays through some colored glass, which will
partially retard their energy. A series of pictures of the spots of the sun, as well as of the general surface,
may then be successfully obtained; and hence it is not too much to anticipate some accession to our
knowledge of the physical character of both our great luminaries by means of this gigantic telescope,
which Dr. Diamond enables me to exhibit photographically to the [Astronomy] section.


O telescpio de Craig foi totalmente desmantelado no ano de 1870 (Figura 7). Existe uma
referncia observao do cometa de Donati, efectuada em 1858 por Thomas Slater, com o
auxlio de um telescpio refractor de 38 cm de abertura, em que referida a seguinte
Slater's telescope is the largest refractor at present in use in this kingdom

Este facto parece indicar que o telescpio de Craig j no era utilizado regularmente em 1858.
Hery King (1955) refere ainda:
The crude structure was dismantled after a few years' use, but not before
it had formed a strange landmark for the residents of Wandsworth ()

A melhor descrio do desmantelamente do telescpio efectuada por Slater na revista The

English Mechanic em Maio de 1870:
Having recently come to reside in this locality (Clapham Junction), and
noticing Mr. Webb's late remarks respecting the great Wandsworth
Telescope, I have been induced to try and seek it out. After two or three
failures I met near the spot on which it used to stand a gentleman named
Stilwell, an inhabitant of Wandsworth, who gave me the following
Pointing out the enclosure within which the instrument was erected, and
indicating markings in the ground left by the tower from which it swung,
he said that the whole affair was removed four or five years ago. The
bricks were employed to aid in the erection of an [sic] hotel visible a few
hundred yards off; the tube was bought by a Wandsworth broken [sic],
who cut it into sections, and sold them to a gentleman at Wimbledon.
These sections with bottoms inverted, formed tanks, from which the
gentleman's cattle now drink. About the tramway there was some four
tons of wrought iron, which M., Stilwell himself had converted into horseshoes. As to the object glass, my informant could tell me nothing

Figura 7- Construo e desmantelamento do telescpio de Craig (http://www.craig-telescope.co.uk/).


King, H.C. (1955). The history of the telescope. Diver Publications Inc.
The Craig Telescope websites http://www.craig-telescope.co.uk/



Pedro R
O grande telescpio de Melbourne (GTM) foi construdo em 1869 por Howard Grubb (18441931) (Figura 1). Foi o ultimo grande telescpio reflector a ser equipado com espelhos de
metal (specula). O GTM foi utilizado entre 1869 e 1893, ano em que foi desactivado at ser
adquirido pelo observatrio de Mount Stromlo aps a segunda grande guerra. O falhano
deste instrumento normalmente atribudo ao facto dos seus elementos pticos serem
constitudos por uma liga metlica e no por vidro. Estudos recentes indicam que a equipa de
observadores que o utilizou era demasiado inexperiente e com poucos contactos com outros
centros astronmicos da poca. O telescpio foi construdo com uma nica finalidade: realizar
desenhos das nebulosas descobertas no cu austral por John Herschel (1792-1871) (Figura 1).
Aps o aparecimento das placas de gelatino-brometo de prata no final da dcada de 1870, o
GTM rapidamente tornou-se num instrumento obsoleto uma vez que no tinha sido concebido
para a realizao de fotografias de longa pose.

Figura 1- Howard Grubb, GTM e John Herschel (da esquerda para a direita).

Os primeiros grandes telescpios reflectores

Aps a inveno do telescpio reflector por Isaac Newton (1643-1727), os primeiros
reflectores munidos de espelhos metlicos de grandes dimenses foram construidos e
utilizados por William Herchel (1738-1822) e pelo seu filho John Herschel. Ao longo da sua vida
W. Herschel construiu mais de 400 espelhos metlicos. Estes telescpios, apesar de serem
relativamente simples (montagens azimutais de madeira), foram usados por Herschel para
observar pela primeira vez um elevado nmero de nebulosas (Figura 2). John Herschel
transportou um dos telescpios construdos pelo seu pai para o hemisfrio Sul (Cidade do
Cabo) onde realizou uma srie de observaes de enorme importncia (Figura 3).
Na primeira metade do sculo XIX, James Nasmyth (1808-1890), William Lassel (1799-1880),
William Parsons (3o Conde de Parsonstown, Lord Rosse) (1800-1867), Thomas Grubb (18001868) e Howard Grubb construiram telescpios reflectores com uma abertura considervel
(Figura 4, 5 e 6).
O primeiro reflector a ser montado equatorialmente foi o telescpio construdo por William
Lassel em 1860. Este instrumento possuia uma montagem em garfo macia que era demasiado
pesada para ser movida pelos mecanismos de relojoaria usados na poca (Figura 5).

Figura 2- Telescpios construdos por William Herschel, da esquerda para a direita: 7 ps (15 cm de
abertura); 20 ps (47,5 cm de abertura ); 40 ps (126 cm de abertura).

Figura 3- Telescpio de 20 ps (cidade do Cabo, ca. 1835) (esquerda), Fotografia do desmantelamento

do telescpio de 40 ps obtida por J. Herschel em 1839 (Slough, Reino Unido) (direita).

Figura 4- Telescpio Cassegrain-Newton de 50 cm de abertura construdo por James Nasmyth (ca. 1845).


Figura 5- William Lassel (esquerda), telescpio equatorial de 48 (122 cm de abertura) (direita).

Figura 6- William Parsons (Lord Rosse) (esquerda) e o Leviat de Parsonstwon (ca. 1845) (centro e

Estes primeiros telescpios reflectores eram instrumentos muito difcies de usar com um peso
elevado e sistema de guiagem muito deficiente. O movimento sideral do telescpio de Lassell
era assegurado por um assistente, que accionava manualmente um dispositivo de arraste do
garfo (uma rotao completa em cada minuto). O espelho primrio (48) pesava mais de uma
O telescpio construido por William Parsons s podia ser utilizado cerca de 30 min antes ou
depois da culminao do objecto (passagem pelo meridiano do lugar) o que inviabilizava
algumas observaes de objectos celestes.
O Grande Telescpio de Melbourne
O GTM foi o ltimo grande telescpio reflector o ser construdo recorrendo ao uso de espelhos
metlicos. Foi concebido por Thomas Grubb e pelo seu filho Howard Grubb. O telescpio de
Melbourne foi o primeiro reflector de grandes dimenses a ser equipado com mecanismo de
relojoaria que assegurava o movimento sideral. Possuia ainda um sistema de suporte
adequado para o espelho primrio (Figura 7). Alguns destes melhoramentos constituram
importantes inovaes para a poca, sendo ainda hoje usados em alguns instrumentos actuais.
O GTM podia ser usado nas configuraes Newton e Cassegrain com vantagens obvias para o

observador (Figura 8). O sistema de movimentos era assegurado por chumaceiras percursoras
dos rolamentos de esferas actuais.

Figura 7- Grande telescpio de Melbourne: sistema de relojoaria (esquerda) e suporte do espelho

promrio (direita).

Figura 8- Telescpio de Melbourne (esquerda), observatrio de tecto-de-correr (direita).

Figura 9- Telescpio reflector de 80 cm de abrtura construdo por Leon Foucault.

Em 1862, Leon Foucault (1819-1868) constroi o primeiro telescpio reflector (80 cm de

abertira) munido de um espelho de vidro espelhado a prata (Figura 9). As vantagens eram
bvias. Foucault desenvolve um sistema de teste das superfcies pticas (teste de Foucault)
que ainda utilizado na actualidade. Ao contrrio dos espelhos metlicos que necessitavam de
um polimento frequente para manter o seu nvel de eficincia, os espelhos de vidro, alm de
mais leves, eram mais fceis de trabalhar. Uma vez construda a superfcie ptica, bastava
renovar a camada de prata com uma periodicidade de alguns meses ou anos. A montagem do

telescpio de Foucault pesava apenas 1,5 T (montagem equatorial de garfo em madeira)

enquanto que o GTM atingia 8,3 T.
Com o auxlio deste telescpio reflector L. Foucault, realiza numerosas observaes de
nebulosas, utiliza pela primeira vez um interfermetro de Fizeau e um talon Fabry-Prot.
Realiza igualmente uma longa srie de medies de estrelas duplas. Este telescpio foi usado
at 1965 quase ininterruptamente.
Durante a segunda metade do sculo XIX a maioria dos astrnomos estavam sobretudo
interessados em determinar paralaxes de estrelas e estudar estrelas duplas. Por este motivo
usavam telescpios refractores que eram considerados como os instrumentos de preciso por
excelncia. Alm destes estudos, os telescpios refractores eram tambm usados em
instrumentos de passagem meridiana, essencias na determinao da hora e na catalogao de
estrelas. Os telescpios reflectores eram considerados como instrumentos menores, e o
falhano do GTM no contribuiu em nada para alterar esta convico que se manteve
inalterada at ao incio do sculo XX.
H.C. King refere no seu livro History of the telescope em 1955:
(...) by the middle of the late 19th century the refractor was more than ever before the basic
instrument in both private and national observatories. A census of observatory instruments at
this time shows that, out of the 40 British observatories, 32 possessed an equatorial refractor, 8
had alt-azimuth refractors, while only 7 possessed a reflector.
O trabalho desenvolvido por William Herschel (hemisfrio Norte) e John Herschel (hemisfrio
Sul) era considerado como definitivo por muitos astrnomos neste perodo. Segundo alguns
autores pouco mais havia a fazer no que dizia respeito observao de objectos do cu
profundo (nebulosas e enxames estelares).
O Leviat de Parsonstown foi muito pouco usado e em apenas alguns meses esgota o seu
potencial ao registar estruturas em espiral nalgumas nebulosas. O telescpio de Lassell foi
usado durante cerca de 3 anos na ilha de Malta. O GTM ao ser instalado no hemisferio Sul
tinha como principal objectivo observar em mais promenor e registar graficamente as
nebulosas observadas por John Herschel alguns anos antes (1833-1838).
O observatrio de Melbourne dirigido por Robert Lewis John Ellery (1827-1908)9 (Figura 10) foi
o primeiro a ser equipado com um reflector de grandes dimenses no hemisfrio Sul. Ellery
no tinha grande experincia prvia na utilizao deste tipo de instrumentos:
(...) It is a somewhat difficult matter to speak critically of the merits of this telescope, as there
are only three in the world that reach the dimensions of this, namely, Herschels, Lord Rosse,
and Mr. Lassells, and these are again of a different form, which renders even a comparison
difficult. I have no experience with the reflectors in question.
A proposta para o GTM ser instalado no hemisfrio Sul partiu do reverendo John Thomas
Romney Robinson (1792-1882), director do observatrio de Armagh (Figura 10). Robinson
refere em 1850, numa alocuo que fez British Association for the Advancement of Science
de que era presidente:

Ellery ocupou o cargo de director do observatrio durante um perodo de 42 anos.


That work implies a minute re-examination of at least all the brighter nebulae of Sir John
Herschel catalogues; embodied in drawings, based on micrometer measures, and so correct
that each of them may be referred to as an authentic record of the original appearance at a
given epoch.

Figura 10- Robert Lewis John Ellery (esquerda) e Rev. John Thomas Romney Robinson (direita).

Como resultado destas observaes a Royal Society nomeou uma comisso que inclua
Robinson, Lord Rosse, Warren de la Rue e John Herschel. Esta comisso estudou as propostas
apresentadas por Thomas Grubb para a construo do grande telescpio reflector.
Em 1857, Leon Foucault apresenta uma comunicao intitulada A telescope speculum of
silvered glass na reunio da British Association que decorreu em Dublin. Na mesma sesso,
Grubb descreve os seus planos para a construo do telescpio de Melbourne. Foucault visita
o telescpio de Lord Rosse e descreve o que observou aps o seu regresso ao observatrio de
(...) Le tlescope de Lord Rosse est une blague. Pour les anglais le mien nexiste pas, il a t, il
est, il sera encore quelque temps come non avenue; il ne men ont pas moins fait docteur in
A comisso decide que o telescpio devia ser equipado com espelhos metlicos apesar de no
desconhecer os trabalhos de Foucault. Robinson refere a este propsito num relatrio:
It seemed imprudent to risk the success of the undertaking by venturing on an experiment
whose success was not assured; it was not known whether the silver could be uniformly
deposited on so large scale; some facts appear to show that glass is more liable to irregular
action than speculum metal; and the intensity of light in these telescopes is not as great as had
been expected.
Os espelhos em vidro espelhados a prata foram pela primeira vez utilizados com sucesso em
1856. As suas vantagens so bem conhecidas. A prata (recentemente aplicada) reflecte cerca


de 92% da luz incidente, mais duradoura do que os espelhos metlicos, pode ser reaplicada
inmeras vezes e uma vez construda a superficie ptica no necessita de ser refeita.
John Herschel, um dos membros da comisso, no desconhecia estes factos. Em 1860 num
artigo que escreve para a Enciclopdia Britnica refere:
The advantages offered by its construction (a glass as opposed to a metal mirror) are immense.
In the first place, glass, weight for weight, is incomparably stiffer than metal; so that a glass
speculum, to be equally strong to resist change of figure by flexure, need weigh only one-fourth
of a metallic one. Secondly, a glass disc of 6 or 8 feet (1,8 to 2,4m) in diameter may be cast,
annealed, and wrought with infinitely less labour, hazard, and cost than one of speculum
metal. Thirdly, supposing a slight tarnish to arise from sulphuration, the reproduction of the
polish is the work of a few minutes, and is performed without any chance of injuring the figure.
Even if irretrievably spoilt, the silver coating may be instantly removed, and a fresh one laid on
at a comparatively trifling cost, the parabolic figure once given being indestructible. Fourthly
and lastly, the reflective power of pure silver is, to that of the best speculum alloy, as 91 to 67,
or as 1.36 to 1.
A Comisso decide igualmente que o telescpio devia poder ser utilizado no foco Cassegrain,
algo que no era muito comum nos telescpios da poca. O espelho primrio de 48 tinha na
sua concepo original uma distancia focal de 9,3 m (f/ 7,6) no foco Newton e de 51 m (f/41)
no foco Cassegrain. As observaes visuais no foco Cassegrain eram por este motivo
dificultadas devido enorme distncia focal e a realizao de fotografias praticamente
Aps a sua construo pela firma de Grubb, o telescpio chegou a Melbourne em 1868 (6 de
Novembro). Foi instalado de um modo definitivo em Junho de 1869, num observatrio de
tecto-de-correr, ficando assim exposto ao vento, durante os perodos de observao. Grubb
construiu dois espelhos metlicos (A e B) que produziram resultados distintos. O espelho B foi
montado de um modo deficiente e de incio no produziu boas imagens. O espelho A teve que
voltar a ser polido uma vez que antes do transporte para Melbourne Grubb aplicou uma
camada protectora de verniz que detriorou a sua superfcie ptica.
Tal como j foi anteriormente referido o telescpio foi sobretudo utilizado para efectuar
desenhos de nebulosas no foco Cassegrain. Existem no entanto registos de algumas
experincias fotogrficas realizadas no foco principal do GTM. Estas imagens foram
consideradas como as melhores fotografias lunares da poca. Para o efeito foi usado um
porta-chapas e obturador concebido por Warren de la Rue. Um dos cadernos de observao
do GTM refere a tcnica usada:
The photographs of the Moon have been taken at or near a fixed focus, viz. 9.0-11.5 of scale.
() Many of these suggest that they are not in proper focus, and point to the desirability of a
correct focus being obtained each evening that photographs are attempted, the focus for each
night being obtained upon the Moon herself. The difficulty of obtaining such focus has occupied
much of my (Joseph Turner) attention, and tonight I tested a plan that I had for some time
being considering. A light ladder lashed inside the telescope tube and of such a length as to
extend the entire length of the lattice work and project about four feet beyond the mouth of
the tube. When about to take photographs the end of the tube is lowered toward the travelling
steps on the outside stage, the ladder being already securely lashed inside the tube, and the
tube being lowered in such a manner that it can be raised and pointed to the Moon by the
declination movement alone. When thus lowered I got inside the tube going as far down the
tube as the length of the ladder will permit (). I then carefully ascend the ladder, passing out

beyond the mouth of the tube and a little beyond the extremity of the camera. Then () I focus
by means of a ground glass screen and magnifier as accurately as possible upon some
prominent crater etc. Having obtained the best possible focus I descend the ladder, the tube is
lowered, I come out upon the travelling steps, the ladder is removed from inside the tube, and
the photographing proceed as usual () This method of obtaining correct focus, though very
excellent, is attended with so much danger to the observer that some safer plan will require to
be devised as missing ones hold at such elevation in the dark might prove fatal.
O espelho A, aps ter sido polido foi instalado no telescpio em 1871. Este espelho foi usado
durante um perodo de 2 anos sem sofrer um novo polimento. O mesmo espelho foi usado nos
17 anos seguintes tendo sido limpo e polido por diversas vezes. Em 1883, aps a morte de um
dos observadores mais activos (Joseph Turner) referido nos cadernos de observao que:
The mirror now dismounted did tolerably good work, yet I (Pietro Baracchi) have never been
able to get a large star in proper focus, and Jupiter and Saturn never appeared well defined
even on the best night and lowest power.
Estas observaes atestam bem os problemas que os diversos observadores tiveram que
superar (deficiente colimao, problemas de reflectividade dos espelhos metlicos, m
qualidade do polimento...). Robert Ellery tentou observar os dois satlites de Marte pouco
tempo aps a sua descoberta por Asaph Hall em 17 de Agosto de 1877. A observao de Marte
era bem mais favorvel no hemisfrio Sul, mas apesar disso Ellery no conseguiu detectar os
dois satlites (efectou observaes durante 16 noites sem sucesso). provavel que este
insucesso esteja relacionado com uma m colimao bem como com a difuso de luz
provocada pelo deficiente polimento dos espelhos. Aps este episdio o GTM foi considerado
como um telescpio obsoleto e passou a ser utilizado intermitentemente.
Joseph Turner obteve em 1883 com o auxlio de placas de gelatino-brometo de prata, algumas
imagens da nebulosa de Orion (M 42) com o auxlio do GTM. Estas fotografias foram as
primeiras obtidas no hemisfrio Sul. Turner enviou algumas cpias para a Royal Astronomical
Society. Apesar destes primeiros resultados e de outras tentativas subsequntes, o GTM no se
revelou adequado para a realizao de fotografias de longa pose, devido sobretudo ao
deficiente sistema de guiagem.
Em 1885, Ellery publica finalmente os desenhos e descries de 49 nebulosas observadas com
o auxlio do GMT. No ano anterior (1884), Andrew Ainslie Common (1841-1903), realizou com
o auxlio do seu telescpio de 36 (92 cm) algumas fotografias da nebulosa de Orion10. As
fotografias de Common tornam os desenhos de nebulosas obtidos pelo telescpio de
Melbourne totalmente obsoletos. Em 1886 o espelho primrio estava de tal modo detriorado
que o GTM deixou de ser usado regularmente. Apesar disso o espelho foi removido e polido,
tendo sido usado pela primeira vez o teste de Foucault nas oficinas de ptica do observatrio.
O telescpio de Common foi mais tarde utilizado por James Edward Keeler (1857-1900)
director do observatrio de Lick. Keeler inicia um extenso programa com o principal objectivo
de registar fotograficamente os objectos mais brilhantes (nebulosas) do catlogo de Herschel.
Mais de metade destes objectos foram registados satisfatoriamente. Foi deste modo possvel
verificar pela primeira vez que a maioria das nebulosas apresentava uma estrutura espiral e
no irregular como se pensava na poca.


Como resultado destes trabalhos, atribuda a Common a Medalha de mrito da Royal Astronomical


George Willis Ritchey, pioneiro da astrofotografia e da construo dos primeiros telescpios

reflectores de grande abertura, escreveu em 1904 o seguinte comentrio sobre o GTM:
I consider the failure of the Melbourne Instrument to have been one of the greatest calamities
in the history of instrumental astronomy; for by destroying confidence in the usefulness of
great reflecting telescopes, it has hindered the development of this type of instrument, so
wonderfully efficient in photographic and spectroscopic work, for nearly a third of a century.

Figura 11- GMT, esquerda e centro (Dublin Fbrica de Grubb) e direita (Melbourne).


Gascoigne, S.C.B. (1996). The Great Melbourne Telescope and other 19th-century
Reflectors. Q.J. R. astr. Soc., 37:101-128.
Glass, I.S. (1997). Victorian Telescope Makers. The lives and Letters of Thomas and
Howard Grubb. Institute of Physics Publishing: 279pp.
Herschel, J. (1860). Telescope. Encyclopaedica Britannica, 8th edition, vol. 21.
Hogg, A.R. (1959). The last of the specula. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, No. 364:
King, H.C. (1955). The history of the telescope. Charles Griffin, High Wycombe, England.




Pedro R

O grande telescpio da Exposio Universal de Paris (1900), com uma objectiva acromtica de
1,25 m de dimetro, foi o maior refractor construdo at aos nossos dias. Este telescpio
constituiu a maior atraco da referida exposio. O mentor deste ambicioso projecto, foi
Franois Deloncle (1856-1922), membro da cmara de deputados de Paris. O grande refractor
foi utilizado somente durante a exposio e no produziu quaisquer resultados significativos
por duas razes principais: (i) a montagem no era adequada para a realizao de observaes
astronmicas e (ii) o local em que foi instalado (Palais de lOptique em Paris) estava sujeito a
diversos tipos de perturbaes (turbulncia, poluio luminosa, poeira...).
Os grandes refractores do sculo XIX
O primeiro refractor moderno foi construdo em 1824 por Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787-1930).
Este telescpio foi instalado no observatrio de Dorpat. Fraunhofer construiu a objectiva
acromtica de 23 cm e a montagem equatorial. A maioria dos refractores da primeira metade
do sculo XIX so no essencial idnticos a este instrumento (Figura 1).

Figura 1 Refractor de Fraunhofer: 230 mm f/18.


Figura 2- Refractor Northumberland (Cambridge) de 30 cm de abertura (esquerda) e refractor de 38 cm

(Harvard) (direita).

Figura 3- Telescpio de Craig (1852). Fotografia da poca (esquerda) e reconstituio do telescpio

(centro e direita).

Figura 4- Refractor de Newall: 64 cm f/14.


Em 1835, Robert-Agla Cauchoix (1776-1845) fabrica uma objectiva com 30 cm de dimetro de

excelente qualidade e George Bidell Airy (1801-1892) desenha uma montagem equatorial em
bero ingls que instalada em Cambridge (Reino Unido). Em 1839 a firma alem Merz &
Mahler (sucessores de Fraunhofer) constri um refactor com uma objectiva de 30 cm para o
novo observatrio de Pulkovo (S. Petesburgo, Russia) (Figura 2). Um instrumento idntico
encomendado pelo observatorio de Harvard em 1847 (Figura 2).
Em 1852 o reverendo John Craig constroi um refractor com uma objectiva de 61 cm de fraca
qualidade. Este refractor foi instalado prximo do centro de Londres numa montagem
azimutal (Figura 3). O telescpio de Craig foi utilizado apenas durante de 3 anos.
Em 1862, Robert Stirling Newall (1812-1889) encomenda a Thomas Cooke (1807-1868) um

refractor de 64 cm f/14. O telescpio foi instalado em 1869/1870 num local muito pouco
apropriado para a realizao de observaes astronmicas (Newall durante um perodo de 15
anos teve apenas uma noite em que pode utilizar o refractor em boas condies) (Figura 4).
A maioria dos telescpios refractores desta poca eram instalados sob cpulas hemifricas
idnticas que foi construda no observatrio de Paris em 1847 (Figura 5).

Figura 5- Cpula hemisfrica do observatrio de Paris (1847): Refractor de 38 cm.

O refractor de Lick (91 cm f/19) foi construdo em 1888 pela firma Clark & Sons (Figura 8). A
montagem Warner & Swasey foi a montagem standard deste tipo de instrumentos no final do
sculo XIX. Em 1893 instalado no observatrio de Greenwich um refractor de 71 cm f/12 na
mesma montagem desenhada por Airy em 1835. Este refractor podia ser usado em modo
visual ou fotogrfico, alterando a posio dos dois elementos da objectiva acromtica. Este
interessante sistema no produziu resultados satisfatrios e o telescpio foi sobretudo
utilizado na observao visual de estrelas duplas (Figura 6). Em 1896 instalado em Greenwich
um refractor fotogrfico de 66 cm f/10 de abertura construdo por Thomas Grubb (1800-1878).


Figura 6- Refractor de Greenwich: 71 cm f/12.

O refractor duplo do observatrio de Meudon foi construdo por Gauthier e pelos irmos
Henry em 1896. Este telescpio possui duas objectivas, uma fotogrfica com 83 cm f/20 e
outra visual com 62 cm f/26, montadas lado a lado num tubo de seco rectangular (Figura 7)

Figura 7- Observatrio e grande luneta de Meudon (1896).

O refractor de Yerkes, o maior refractor existente (102 cm f/19), foi construdo em 1897 por
Clark & Sons (ptica) e Warner & Swasey (montagem) (Figura 8).
A qualidade ptica de diversos refractores do sculo XIX foi avaliada por E. Baillaud em 1913
(teste de Hartmann), revelando algumas diferenas importantes (Figura 9)11. A evoluo das
dimenses dos refractores construdos neste perodo ilustrada na Figura 9. James Lequeux
(2009) ilustra nesta figura a cronologia da construo dos diversos telescpios refractores com
um dimetro superior a 40 cm.


A qualidade ptica do refractor de Yerkes excelente


O refractor de 76 cm do observatrio de Allegheny foi um dos ltimos refractores a ser

construdo no sculo XX (1912) (Figura 10). A firma Zeiss construiu diversas lunetas aps esta
data e os dois timos telescpios refractores foram instalados na Venezuela em 1955 e no
Japo em 1972 (65 cm f/16).

Figura 8- Refactor de Lick (esquerda) e de Yerkes (direita).

Figura 9- Resultados do teste de Hartmann relativos a diversas objectivas de refractores do sculo XIX
(esquerda). Cronologia da dimenso dos refractores (dimetro da objectiva): os quadrados indicam os
refractores que no produziram resultados relevantes. Adaptado de Lequeux (2009).


Figura 10. Observatrio de Allegheny e refractor de 76 cm (ca. 1914).

O grande refractor de Paris

A concepo do grande telescpio refractor de Paris data de 1892. A exposio universal de
Paris surge na sequncia das exposies de 1878 e 1889. A ideia subjacente construo deste
telescpio foi a de apresentar na exposio uma estrutura que rivalizasse com a Torre Eiffel.
Franois Deloncle contacta a Paul Gauthier (1842-1909) encarregando-o da construo deste
instrumento (ptica e mecnica). O grande refractor tinha uma abertura de 1,25 m e uma
distncia focal de 60 m. O tubo foi instalado em posio horizontal e a luz dos objectos
celestes era dirigida para a objectiva por um gigantesco celstato com um espelho plano de 2
m de dimetro (Figura 11). A construo deste telescpio constituiu um enorme desafio para
os vidreiros, pticos e engenheiros da poca. Alguns desenhos publicados antes da construo
do instrumento ilustram os planos iniciais (Figura 11).
Paul Gauthier comeou por construir o espelho do celstato. Aps 9 meses de trabalho
intenso, utilizando diversas mquinas construidas expressamente para o efeito, o espelho
plano de 2 m foi terminado (Figura 12). Foi o maior espelho plano realizado at poca.
depois do espelho de 90 cm do observatrio de Paris. O vidro foi fornecido pela firma
Jeumont em 1895.
douard Mantois (1848-1900) sucessor de Henry Guinand e Charles Feil forneceu as bolachas
de vidro para a construo das duas objectivas (visual e fotogrfica). Gauthier foi encarregado
de construir as superfcies pticas apesar de no ter grande experincia prvia neste tipo de
trabalhos. A objectiva visual no foi completada a tempo da exposio universal (Figura 12).
A grande luneta foi instalada no Palais de lOptique prximo da Torre Eiffel. A galeria
Foucault onde o tubo com 60 m foi erigido, encontrava-se orientada no sentido Norte/Sul. O
tubo era constituido por 24 seces cilndricas com 1,5 m de dimetro, suportadas por pilares
de cimento e ao (Figura 12). O tubo encontrava-se a cerca de 7 m do solo e o celstato,
protegido por uma estrutura mvel, foi instalado no mesmo pavilho. A ocular do telescpio

situava-se na sala Galileo prximo de uma sala com uma capacidade de 300 lugares sentados.
Nesta sala eram projectadas imagens da Lua fornecidas por Maurice Loewy (director do
observatrio de Paris), do Sol e nebulosas providenciadas por Jules Janssen (director do
observatrio de Paris/Meudon). Aps a falncia da companhia que construiu o telescpio, o
refractor foi colocado venda em 1909. O que resta do telescpio encontra-se actualmente no
observatrio de Meudon (mecnica) e no observatrio de Paris (ptica).

Figura 11- Gravura do grande refractor de Paris publicada em 11 de Fevereiro de 1899 na revista La

Figura 12- Espelho plano do celstato (2 m) e objectiva fotogrfica do grande telescpio de Paris.
Adaptado de Launay (2007) e revista Knowledge.


Figura 13- Grande refractor de Paris. Le Panorama, Strand Magazine, Lencyclopdie du sicle (1900).

Figura 14- Desenhos de uma mancha solar (17 de Junho de 1900) e de nebulosas, obtidos com a grande
luneta de Paris (da esquerda para a direita NGC 6894, NGC 6905 e NGC 7009).

O grande refractor foi unicamente utilizado durante a exposio universal. Poucos

observadores realizaram diversas observaes apesar das condies adversas que se fazim
sentir no local (e.g poluio luminosa, poeira, turbulncia, nmero elevado de visitantes). A
objectiva usada foi a objectiva fotogrfica (corrigida para a regio violeta do espectro
O padre Thophile Moreux (1864-1954), director de um observatrio privado em Bourges e
conhecido astrnomo amador, observou uma mancha solar que desenhou
pormenorizadamente (Figura 14). Eugne-Michel Antoniadi (1870-1944), astrnomo de origem
grega na altura assistente de Camille Flamarion no observatrio de Juvisy, realizou alguns

desenhos de nebulosas (Figura 14) bem como observaes do planeta Vnus. Antoniadi refere
que o celstato era relativamente fcil de operar e que o movimento horrio era
extremamente preciso. Finalmente so conhecidas trs fotografias da Lua obtidas por Charles
Le Morvan (1865-1933), astrnomo do observatrio de Paris, em trs noites sucessivas (Agosto
de 1900) (Figura 15). Estas imagens, publicadas na revista londrina Strand Magazine em
Novembro de 1900, tinham cerca de 60 cm de dimetro nas chapas originais.

Figura 15- Fotografias da Lua obtidas com a grande luneta de Paris (15, 16 e 17 de Agosto de 1900).


King, H.C. (1955). The History of the Telescope. Dover Publications, Inc. New York.
Launay, F. (2007). The great Paris exhibition telescope of 1900. Journal for the History
of Astronomy, 38 (4): 459-475.
Lequeux, J. (2009). The great 19th century refractors. Experimental Astronomy, 25 (13): 43-61.
Manly, P.L. (1995). Unusual Telescopes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Vandevyver, L. N. (1899). La grande lunette de 1900. Ciel et Terre, 19: 257-267.




The 36-inch Crossley Reflector was used by James Edward Keeler (1857-1900) during the last
two years of his short productive scientific life for a systematic and epoch making
astrophotographic study of diffuse, planetary and spiral nebulae. Keeler became one of the
first astronomers to successfully use large reflecting telescopes in the United States.
This telescope was built by Andrew Ainslie Common (1841-1903), a wealthy engineer and
amateur astronomer of Ealing, London. Common commissioned a 36-inch silver-on-glass
mirror from George Calver (1834 - 1927) and mounted it in 1879 as a newtonian with a fork
mount. Common used this instrument mainly as a photographic telescope. Several
photographs of the Orion nebulae were obtained with considerable success. In 1883, Common
produced images that showed for the first time, stars that were not seen by visual observers
(Figure 1).

Figure 1- Andrew Ainslie Common (left), 36-inch reflector (center), M 42 photograph obtained in 1883

Figure 2- 36-inch Crossley reflector (left) and iron dome (right).


The telescope was sold to Edward Crossley (1841-1901) in 1885. Crossley, also a British
amateur astronomer, installed it in Halifax (Yorkshire, England). Crossley designed and
constructed a dome to house the telescope. This iron covered dome was almost 40 feet in
diameter and weighted 15 tons. It was moved by a water engine (one full turn lasting 5 min).
Heat exchange was minimized by a clever system of water pipes running on the ground of the
observatory. There was also an elevated platform for the observer (Figure 2).
The Halifax climate was very unfavourable and in 1883 Crossley decided to sell the observatory
and telescope. Edward Singleton Holden (1846-1914), director of the Lick Observatory in
Mount Hamilton California, was very interested in acquiring this instrument. After an exchange
of several letters, Crossley decided to donate his telescope and dome to the Lick Observatory.
In 1895 the whole package was finally shipped to California. By June 1986 it was installed on
Mount Hamilton (Figure 3). The dome was provided with a rope and pulley system instead of
the native water engine. Calver built two mirrors for the Crossley telescope (A and B). When it
was installed at Lick the B mirror was used (36-inch f/5.8) which proved to be of excellent
quality. The equatorial mount was however not suitable for long exposure direct photographs.

Figure 3- Lick observatory (left) and dome of the 36-inch Crossley reflector (right).

When the Crossley reflector was installed at Mount Hamilton in 1896 it was the largest
reflector telescope in the United States. The telescope was first mounted by William Joseph
Hussey (1862-1926). Progress was very slow and for Hussey it was a never-ending bad dream.
When the telescope arrived at Lick it was a real mechanical nightmare. The open tube was not
well designed and proper collimation of the optical components was very difficult. The drive
clock was inefficient meaning that direct photography was very difficult.
James Edward Keeler assumed the directorship of Lick observatory on January 1, 1898. Keeler
first job was to align the mount to the pole12. Keeler introduced many modifications in order to
improve the operation of the Crossley reflector. The pier was cut down by two feet providing
more clearance between it and the dome. Other modifications included the addition of a
windscreen, a new drive clock and improvements to the double-sided plate holder. Keeler also
adjusted the mirror so that its optical axis was accurately aligned with the center of the tube
and added a new low-power finder telescope. Keeler was able to obtain long exposures of up
to four hours by 1899 but the instrument still proved difficult to handle and inadequate for

Husseys previous alignment was incorrect by more than 2 degrees.


longer direct photographs. The major problem was the mount, which was inadequate in
holding the telescope steady during high winds conditions and flexed excessively near the
zenith. Adding to these problems was the occasional slippage of the mirror in its cell.
Keeler described in detail the adjustments he made to make the Crossley reflector operation in
a 1900 publication of the Astrophysical Journal13:
() On taking charge of the Lick Observatory in 1898, I decided to devote my own observing
time to the Crossley reflector, although the whole of my previous experience had been with
refracting telescopes. I was particularly desirous of testing the reflector with my own hands,
because such preliminary trials of it as had been made had given rise to somewhat conflicting
opinions as to its merits ().
Keeler also designed a spectrograph for the Crossley reflector (Figure 4). It consisted
() of a 50o quartz prism with a circular aperture of 27 mm, placed directly in the converging
beam of light of the main mirror, at a distance of 15 cm inside the focus; of a plate-holder
suitably placed; and of a guiding eyepiece working in the same principle as that employed in
ordinary nebular photograph () The instrument was completed on the day Professor Keeler
left Mount Hamilton for the last time, about a fortnight before his death.

Figure 4- Spectrograph designed by E. Keeler for the Crossley reflector (left) and several spectra
obtained with this instrument (right).

Keeler initiated an extended program of nebular photography showing for the first time that a
great majority of these objects exhibited a spiral structure. After Keelers death, Charles Dillon
Perrine (1867-1951) completed the project and renewed the telescope completely between
1902 and 1904. Common original open tube and mount were replaced with a much more rigid
closed tube on an English equatorial mount (Figure 5).


Keeler, J. (1900). The Crossley refector of the Lick observatory. Astrophysical Journal, XI (5): 325-353.
Palmer, H.K. (1903). An application of the Crossley reflector of the Lick observatory to the study of
very faint spectra. Lick Observatory Bulletin No. 35:218-235.


Perrine improved the mount, mechanical drive and gears. He also removed the secondary
mirror and mounted the plate-holder directly at the prime focus of the telescope. A clever
system of prisms and lenses were also installed so that the observer could guide during the
long exposures directly from an eyepiece outside the telescope tube. In this way the Crossley
reflector became a much faster and efficient instrument for direct nebular photography.

Figure 5- Charles Dillon Perrine (left) and the rebuilt Crossley reflector (right) (ca.1905).

These first successful photographic results obtained with this telescope helped to establish the
reflector as the preferred observatory instrument.
After Keelers death, his colleagues at Lick Observatory arranged for the publication of his and
Perrines photographs of nebulae and clusters in a special volume of the Lick Observatory
publications15 (Figure 6).
George Ellery Hale (1868-1938) wrote the following about the publication of the Crossley
direct photographs:
The resulting photographs of nebulae surpass any similar photographs ever before obtained,
and reveal new and unexpected features of the first importance (). The remarkable success of
his experiments with the Crossley reflector has impressed everyone who has seen the wonderful
photographs of nebulae and star clusters made with this instrument.
The Crossley reflector was also used for many important studies of stellar evolution, planetary
nebulae and spectral analyses of variable stars.
In 1908 Edward A. Fath (18801959) used the Crossley to obtain continuous spectra of spiral
nebulae showing that these consisted of individual stars16.

Keeler, J. E. (1908). "Photographs of Nebulae and Clusters made with the Crossley reflector.
Publications of the Lick Observatory, Vol. 8.


Between 1912 and 1923 Herber Doust Curtis (1872-1942) publishes a long list and descriptions
of nebulae and clusters based on direct photographs obtained with the Crossley reflector.
Curtis also observed many new stars (supernovae) in spiral nebulae leading to the conclusion
that these systems were outside our own galaxy. Curtis was one of the first astronomers
mentioning that spirals were island universes. His views were very different from those
expressed by Harlow Shapley (1885-1972). The two astronomers held in 1920 a great debate,
also known as Shapley/Curtis debate, concerned with the nature of spiral nebulae and the size
of the universe, at the National Academy of Sciences (Washington, DC).

Figure 6- Selection of photographs obtained by Keeler and collaborators with the Crossley reflector: 1NGC 253, 3h, November 18-20, 1902; 2- M 33, 3h30min, September, 12 1899; 3- M 74, 4h, October 31,
1899; 4- NGC 2403, 3h, February 27, 1900; 5- NGC 2683, 3h30min, February 23, 1900; 6- NGC 2903,
3h30min, February 24, 1900; 7- M 81, 3h55min, March 21, 1900; 8- NGC 3115, 2h30min, April 9, 1901;
9- NGC 4565, 3h, April 21, 1901.

The physical nature of spirals was an unsolved puzzle at the time.


Figure 7- The Crossley reflector today.



Keeler, J. (1900). The Crossley refector of the Lick observatory. Astrophysical Journal,
XI (5): 325-353.
Keeler, J.E. (1908). Photographs of nebulae and clusters made with the Crossley
reflector. Publications of Lick Observatory, Vol. 8.
Osterbrock, D. E. (1984). James E. Keeler: Pioneer American Astrophysicist and the
Early Development of American Astrophysics. Cambridge, England: Cambridge
University Press.
Osterbrock, D.E. (1988). Eye on the Sky: Lick Observatory's First Century. Berkeley,
California: University of California Press.
Palmer, H.K. (1903). An application of the Crossley reflector of the Lick observatory to
the study of very faint spectra. Lick Observatory Bulletin No. 35:218-235.
Stone, R.P.S. (1979). The Crossley Reflector: A Centennial Review - I. Sky & Telescope
Magazine, October 1979: 307-311.
Stone, R.P.S. (1979). The Crossley Reflector: A Centennial Review - II. Sky & Telescope
Magazine, November 1979: 396-311.




The second half of the nineteenth century was the age of the refractor. During this period we
saw the growth of the refracting telescope to the greatest size attained to date (Figure 1). In
the twentieth century the reflector surpassed the refractor.

Figure 1- Growth in size of refracting telescopes during the second half of the nineteenth century.
Adapted from Danjon & Couder (1935).

The first modern refractor was was built in 1824 by Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787-1826). The
great Dorpat refractor with a 9.5-inch lens (14 foot focal length) was noted for his high quality
optics but also for its mounting, the first example of what became known as the German
equatorial mount (Figure 2).
The 13.3-inch Markee Observatory refractor was built by Thomas Grubb (1800-1878). This was
T. Grubb first big contract as a telescope maker. The lens was built in 1831 by the French
optician R.A. Cauchoix (1776-1845). The equatorial mount built by Grubb in 1832 was very
solid compared to the equatorial of the great Dorpat refractor. The refractor was erected in
1834 on a triangular pier made of black marble (Figure 3). This telescope was not housed
under a dome. The instrument was exposed to the weather with only the lens covered when
not in use. Circular walls build around the mount protected the observer from the wind.

Figure 2- The great Dorpat refactor (left) was installed at Dorpat Observatory (center) under the rotatory
cupola (right).

Figure 3- Thomas Grubb (1800-1878) and the 13.3-inch Markee Observatory refractor (1834).

In 1850 the largest refractors were the 15-inch (38 cm) instruments at Pulkovo and Harvard
(Figure 4). These two telescopes were built by Merz & Mahler (Munich). In the middle of the
nineteenth century the largest reflector was the Leviathan of Parsonstown built in 1845 by
William Parsons, third Earl of Rosse (Birr Castle, Ireland). During this period refractors were
largely preferred by astronomers for precision work at the observatory. Apart from periodical
cleaning, the optical system of refractors needed no further attention. These instruments had
several drawbacks: residual chromatic aberration, high cost and size limitations (lens plus
mount). Reflectors do not exhibit chromatic aberration. The first mirrors were made of a
copper-tin alloy that tarnished and had to be frequently re-polished. Only after the


introduction silver-glass mirrors the reflector was able to compete with the refractor as far as
precision work at the observatory is concerned.

Figure 4- The Great Refractor" of the Harvard observatory installed in 1847, was for twenty years the
greatest refractor in the United States.

The next big refractor was built by Alvan Clark (1804-1887). Alvan Clark and his sons, George
Bassett Clark and Alvan Graham Clark were the main makers of large refracting telescopes in
the late nineteenth century. For five times the Clarks made the objectives for the largest
refracting telescopes in the world. The first of these object glass was the 18.5-inch (470 mm),
8.2 m focal length Dearborn telescope, commissioned in 1856 by the University of Mississippi
(Figure 5). When Alvan Graham Clark tested this objective for the first time in 31 January 1862,
he discovered the companion of Sirius. The telescope was only erected after the end of the
American Civil War in 1866, by the University of Chicago.

Figure 5- Alvan Clark & Sons (left) and the Dearborn refractor (right) erected in 1864.


The 18.5-inch refractor did not remain the largest refractor in the world for a long time. Robert
Stirling Newall (1812-1889) a wealthy Scottish engineer and amateur astronomer,
commissioned Thomas Cooke (1807-1868) to build a telescope for his private observatory at
Ferndene. The discs for a 25-inch (64 cm) refractor were ordered from the Chance Brothers
Company in 1863. The lens had a focal length of 9.1 m and a combined weight of 66 kg. The
Newall refractor took seven years to build. It was for a few years the largest in the world.
Newall erected this telescope in 1871 on his estate, a very unfavorable site: during a period of
fifteen years he had only one night in which he could use its full aperture (Figure 6).

Figure 6- The 26-inch Newall refractor (left) and the 27-inch Grubb refractor of the Vienna Observatory
(right). The 27-inch surpassed the 26-inch Clark of the U.S. Naval Observatory becoming the model of all
mountings for subsequent large refractors.

The Clark firm also built in 1873 the 26-inch (660 mm) objective lens for the United States
Naval Observatory. In 1883, they finished the 30-inch (760 mm) telescope for the Pulkovo
Observatory in Russia (Figure 7). Asaph Hall (1829- 1907) discovered the two satellites of Mars
(Phobos and Deimos) using the 26-inch lens in 1877. The mount of the United States Naval
Observatory was modeled after the Newall refractor.
The contract for building the 27-inch refractor of the Vienna Observatory was given to Thomas
Grubb in 1872. Grubb introduced many innovations in the equatorial mount. The mount was
very sturdy as compared to the Clark mounts. This equatorial mount became the model for all
future mounts of large refractors (Figure 6).
Georg Wilhelm Struve (1793-1864), director of the Pulkovo observatory contracted the
Repsold firm in Hanover for building the mount of a large 30-inch (76 cm) refractor (14.1 m


focal length). The lens was made by Clark & Sons in 1884. The world largest refractor went into
operation at the Pulkovo observatory in 1885 (Figure 7).

Figure 7- The 26-inch U.S. Naval Observatory refractor (left) and the 30-inch Pulkovo Observatory
refractor (right) built by the Clark & Sons firm.

The next two big refractors were also built by the Clarks. In 1880 the Clark firm was given a
contract to build a 36-inch (91 cm) objective and photographic corrector. The lens with a focal
length of 17.6 m was finished in 1885 but the photographic corrector (33-inch, 84 cm) was only
completed in 1887. The mount for this refractor was built by the Warner & Swasey firm and
erected on Mount Hamilton (Lick Observatory) in 1887. The Lick refractor was one of the most
productive instruments in the history of astronomy (Figure 8).
The Clarks agreed to make a 40-inch (102 cm) objective for the Yerkes observatory (Figure 8).
Alvan Graham Clark, the last surviving member of the Clark family began figuring the lenses
and Warner & Swasey were asked to supply the equatorial mount. The mount was finished in
1893 being displayed at the Columbia Exhibition in Chicago that same year. The 40-inch
refractor (19.3 m focal length) went into operation only in 1897 after the foundation of the
Yerkes Observatory in 1895. This refractor is still the largest in the world today. The combined
weight of the two components of the 40-inch objective was 225 kg (Figure 9).
Before his death in 1897, Alvan Graham Clark declared his intention to make a 60-inch (152
cm) lens. In the twentieth century several attempts were made to build larger refractors
without any success. By this time reflectors were the main instruments used for spectroscopy
and astrophotography.
The limit of refractors was reached with the 40-inch. According to James Edward Keeler (18571900) that examined the lens in 1896:
From these tests it appears that the character of the image varies with the position of the
lenses relative to each other, and, to a less extent, with the position of the objective as a whole

relatively to its cell. It is probable that flexure of the lenses is the principal cause of the
observed changes, and it is interesting to note that there is here evidence, for the first time,
that we are approaching the limit of size in the construction of great objectives.

Figure 8- The 36-inch Lick Observatory refractor (left) and the 40-inch Yerkes Observatory refractor

Figure 9- Alvan Graham Clark and Carl Lundin with the 40-inch object glass.



Danjon, A. & A. Couder (1935). Lunettes et Tlescopes. Livrarie Scientifique et

Technique, Paris.
Glass, I.S. (1997). Victorian Telescope Makers: The Lives & Letters of Thomas & Howard
Grubb. Institute of Physics Publishing, London
King, H.C. (1955). The History of the Telescope. Dover Publications, Inc. New York.
Warner, D.J. (1968). Alvan Clark & Sons, Artists in Optics. Smithsonian Institution Press.





On the turn of the twentieth century the refractor was rapidly approaching its limits in terms
of aperture. The main reason for this was the difficulty in manufacturing discs of crown and
flint glass with diameters greater than 100 cm. Manufactures of plate-glass could however cast
large disks of ordinary crown glass, of lower optical quality, that were suitable for mirrors. It
was also known that the light losses in lenses of more than 100 cm would be much greater that
those in mirrors of equal aperture, especially in the blue region of the electromagnetic
spectrum where the highest sensitivity of the first photographic plates lay. Lenses with
diameters of more than 1 m were also very difficult to mount and flexure was a major
drawback. Mirrors were easy to mount, the focal ratios were smaller and there were no
residual chromatic aberrations. Astrophysicists aimed at the largest possible aperture and
perfect color correction. The reflector was the way to go. The lower focal ratio of the reflector
meant shorter tubes, smaller domes and lower overall costs. Reflectors were, in spite of all,
considered by the majority of astronomers around the turn of the century, as imprecise and
difficult to use instruments. The mounts of the first big reflectors were imperfect and the
mirrors sagged under their own weight. For this reason the reflector was being mainly used by
amateur astronomers.

Figure 1- William Herschels telescopes. From left to right: seven-foot reflector, twenty-foot reflector
and forty-foot reflector.

First big reflecting telescopes

The first big reflectors were built by William Herschel (1738-1822). During the course of his
career, Herschel constructed more than four hundred telescopes. The largest of these
reflectors was the 40 ft (12 m focal length) telescope. This telescope with a primary mirror
with a diameter of 126 cm was very difficult to use and most of W. Herschels observations
were conducted with smaller instruments (15 and 48 cm apertures) (Figure 1).
Herschel cast his first solid speculum mirror in late October 1773. These consisted of a
compound of copper, tin and antimony. Its surface was shaped and finally polished to a high

gloss. Most of Herschels telescopes were mounted in wooden tubes and alt-azimuth mounts
(Figure 1). Herschel became the greatest telescope maker of the eighteenth century (between
1773 and 1795 he casted and polished 430 telescope mirrors). Herschel used no scientific
approach to test his mirrors. The mirrors were tested on a distant object and then tried on the
sky. In 1774, Herschel began his systematic survey of the heavens, observing and keeping a log
book of all his observations (planets, double stars, cluster of stars and nebulae). On March 13,
1781, observed a star that he perceived as larger than the rest. It had a perceptible disk
with a sharp border. This object was no comet but a new planet (Uranus). According to
Herschel logbook:
It was a lucky accident that brought this star to my view () in the regular manner I examine
every star of the heavens, not only of that magnitude but far inferior, it was that night its turn
to be discovered () had business prevented me that evening, I must have found it the next.
In 1783, Herschel completed a twenty-foot reflector (48 cm aperture) that he used to sweep
the heavens for the next three decades. This telescope was suspended within a rotating
wooden frame operated by assistants that raised or lowered the tube by hand. Herschel used
no secondary mirror; instead he observed near the periphery of the tube opening, on a
platform, fifteen-feet above the ground (Figure 2).

Figure 2- Herschel forty-foot reflector.

According to William Herschel sister (Caroline) astronomy was a dangerous business:

I could give a pretty long list of accidents of which my brother as well as myself narrowly
escaped of proving fatal; for observing with such large machineries, when all round in
darkness, it is not unattended with danger.
Caroline impaled her leg when she tripped over a metal hook hidden under a blanket of snow.
On another night the entire mounting of the twenty-foot reflector collapsed moments after
Herschel had climbed down from the observing platform.


In 1876, the Herschel moved to Slough in pursue of a drier climate and more space to mount
their telescopes. The forty-foot telescope was completed in 1789. This big reflector never lived
up to Herschels expectations. The mirror required frequent repolishing and sagged under his
own weight, giving imperfect images at the eyepiece. The preparation for an observing night
took many hours. Taking this into account, Herschel used mainly the twenty-foot for most of
his observing sessions. Herschels telescopes were capable of looking deeper into space than
any other telescope to date. With these instruments, Herschel collected an amazing number of
discoveries that according to his son John Herschel (1792-1871) include: the discovery of
Uranus and two of its satellites; the measurement of the rotation period of Saturns rings;
measurement of the height of lunar mountains; confirmation of the gaseous nature of the Sun;
discovery of almost 1000 double stars and more than 2000 nebulae and star clusters; discovery
of infrared light and the determination of the solar system movement thought space.
Herschel also used the twenty-foot for star gauging. With this project he hoped to
determine the shape of the local universe. Herschel counted (gauged) the number of stars in
3400 different star fields. He assumed that the fainter stars were farther from the Earth and
was able to produced a three dimensional model of our Galaxy17 (Figure 3).

Figure 3- William Herschel depiction of the shape of our Galaxy.

During the first half of the twentieth century several large reflectors were built by William
Parsons (Third Earl of Parsonstown, Lord Rosse) (1800-1867), William Lassel (1799-1880),
Thomas Grubb (1800-1868) e Howard Grubb (1844-1931) (Figure 4, 5, 6 and 7). These first big
reflectors were also very difficult to use, its weight was enormous and tracking was deficient
(see below).


Star gauging was performed under the wrong assumption that all stars are identical in their light


Figure 4- Lord Rosse and the Leviathan of Parsonstwon (ca. 1845).

Figure 5- William Lassel and the 48-inch (122 cm) equatorial telescope (ca. 1852).

Figure 6- The Great Melbourne Telescope and its roll-of-roof observatory (ca. 1869).


Figure 7- Equatorial Mount and mirror support of the Great Melbourne Telescope.

William Parsons, third Earl of Rosse was the first to surpass Herschel telescopes. Rosse
experimented with compound specula and eventually was able to cast several mirrors with
increasing diameters. In 1840, a three-foot mirror was mounted in a similar way to Herschels
telescopes. This telescope was used with a Newton configuration (plane secondary mirror).
Rosse was able to produce highly reflective surfaces. He considered that the three-foot
reflector was the best ever produced. Shortly after, Rosse drew planes for a reflector of
double the size. The six-foot reflector mount was erected from 1842 to 1844 (Figure 4). It
featured parallel piers of solid masonry that carried several observing platforms. This telescope
had very limited movements (limited to an observing window of about 15o). To raise or lower
the tube the assistance of two workmen was required. Slow motions were assured by turning
two small hand wheels on the observing platform. The mirror weighted four Tons.
Observations started in 1845. In April of the same year, Lord Rosse described for the first time
spiral structures in M 51. Together with his assistants, Rosse described these structures in a
considerable number of nebulae.
William Lassel was the first to apply Franhofers equatorial mount to large reflectors. In 1844
Lassel visited Parsonstown were he inspected the erection of the Leviathan. Lassel added a
small quantity of arsenic to his specula, but the reflective power was mainly due to the purity
and correct proportions of copper and tin. In 1861, Lassel erected a 48-inch equatorial in the
isle of Malta (Figure 5). This telescope had two alternative mirrors weighting over a Ton. The
telescope had a fork mount and an open tube. Slow motions were assured by an assistant that
turned a winch handle once every second.
The Great Melbourne Telescope (GMT) was the last great reflector that was fitted with a
speculum-metal mirror. It went into operation in 1869 and was not only the biggest equatorial
telescope in the world but also the largest and most expensive scientific equipment ever built
in the Australia (Figures 6 and 7). The telescope was built by Howard Grubb and was mainly
used to produce sketches of nebulae first discovered by John Herschel in the southern
hemisphere. George Willis Ritchey (1864-1945) published the following statement in 1904:
I consider the failure of the Melbourne Instrument to have been one of the greatest
calamities in the history of instrumental astronomy; for by destroying confidence in the
usefulness of great reflecting telescopes, it has hindered the development of this type of
instrument, so wonderfully efficient in photographic and spectroscopic work, for nearly a third
of a century.

Recent evidence has shown that the failure of the Great Melbourne Telescope should be
associated with the fact that it was built to produce drawings of nebulae: direct photography
and spectroscopy were precluded.
In 1862, Leon Focault (1819-1868) completed an 80 cm reflector with a silvered-on-glass
mirror (Figure 8). It was also the first large mirror that was figured using a novel approach:
Foucaults knife edge test. It had a fork mount and tube made of wood. The total weight of the
telescope was 1.5 Tons (much less than the GMT that weighted 8.3 Tons). This telescope was
very successful in a number of different fields: observation of faint nebulae, first application of
the Fizeau interferometer and the Fabry-Perot etalon and double star measurements.

Figure 8- Leon Focault and the 80 cm reflector.

Silver-on-glass mirrors were suggested as early as 1827 by George Biddel Airy (1801-1892). It
was only in 1856 that C.A. Steinheil and L. Focault produced independently small parabolic
glass mirrors with a thin coat of silver deposited by precipitation. Producing a good parabolic
surface in glass mirrors proved to be more difficult that in speculum-metal mirrors. These first
difficulties were overcome and the silver-on-glass mirrors became standard equipment from
1870 onwards. The advantages were obvious. Once the optical surface was produced, the
silver coating had to be renewed from time to time without the need to repolish the surface.
The reflectors were free from chromatic aberrations and its shorter focal ratios proved to be
invaluable for astrophysical work. These advantages were very instrumental for the
development of astrophotography and spectroscopy.
Henry Draper (1837-1882) started by grinding metal mirrors but soon changed to silver-coated
glass mirrors. Draper obtained the first photograph of a nebula in September 30, 1880 using an
11-inch Clark refractor. In 1864, Draper wrote an extensive monograph entitled On the
construction of a silvered glass telescope, fifteen and a half inches in aperture, and its use in
celestial photography.
Andrew Ainslie Common (1841-1903), a wealthy engineer and amateur astronomer, was
mainly interested in producing astronomical photographs. Common started with refractors
around 1870, but soon changed to silver-on-glass reflectors that were built by G. Calver (18341927). Common used two Newton reflectors with apertures of 46 and 91 cm provided with
fork mounts. These mounts had several important innovations. One of these was a mercury
floating device for the polar axis to reduce friction.


Figure 9- Andrew Ainslie Common and the five-foot reflector.

Common used his instruments mainly as photographic telescopes. Several photographs of the
Orion nebulae were obtained with considerable success. In 1883, Common produced images
that showed for the first time, stars that were not seen by visual observation. In 1885, the 91
cm reflector was sold to Edward Crossley (1841-1905) and Common started to work on a 5foot disk (155 cm) (Figure 9). The instrument was finished in 1889. The polar axis (hollow
cylinder) floated in a tank of water. This telescope in spite of its good optical quality produced
few results.
Crossley, after retiring from astronomy in 1893, offered the 91 cm Common reflector to the
Lick observatory. This instrument was extensively used by James E. Keeler (1857-1900) for
nebular photography between 1898 and 1900. After Keelers death, Charles Dillon Perrine
(1867-1951) completed the project and renewed the telescope in 1902 and 1905 (Figure 10).
These first successful photographic results helped to establish the reflector as the preferred
observatory instrument.

Figure 10- Crossley reflector at Lick observatory (ca. 1900).

Modern reflectors
The next big reflecting telescopes were built by George Willis Ritchey (1864-1945). Ritchey was
the prophet and builder of the first large successful American reflecting telescopes. He was
also a master of astronomical photography. Ritchey worked at Yerkes observatory at the turn
of the nineteenth century, a well established leading center for astrophysical research, and
was in charge of the optical and instrument shops. There he designed and produced auxiliary
equipment for the 40-inch Yerkes refractor and also grinded and finished a 60-inch disk. His
first big mirror was a 24-inch of 8-foot focal length that was also used at Yerkes (Figure 11).


Figure 11- Yerkes 24-inch (left) (ca. 1900) and Mount Wilson 60-inch (right) (ca. 1908) reflectors built by
G.W. Ritchey.

In 1904, Ritchey publishes an extensive work entitled On the Modern Reflecting Telescope and
the Making and Testing of Optical Mirrors that quickly became an essential reference. In the
introduction Ritchey refers:
The present paper describes the methods employed by the writer in the optical laboratory of
the Yerkes Observatory in making and testing spherical, plane, paraboloidal, and (convex)
hyperboloidal mirrors. On account of the very great importance of supporting mirrors properly
in their cells when in use in the telescope, a chapter is devoted to the description of an
efficient support system for large mirrors. Intimately related to this, and equally important, is
the subject of the mounting, the mechanical parts, of a modem reflecting telescope ().
Ritchey was one the first telescope makers to use standard methods at the optical shop. Every
precaution was used to exclude dust. The walls and ceiling were varnished, and the floor was
kept wet during polishing operations. Double sealed widows were also used and the incoming
air was filtered. A canvas was suspended over the mirror to protect the surface from falling
particles. Room temperature was kept constant and the optician was properly dressed with
cap and gown. The mirror was tested using the Foucault method that required the use of a
plane mirror of great precision.

Figure 12- The four possible optical configurations of the 60-inch Mount Wilson reflector.


\The Mount Wilson 60-inch reflector had an innovative design with an open tube and a fork
mount. Four optical arrangements were possible: Newton; two modified Cassegrain and a
polar or Coud Cassegrain (Figure 12).
The first visual and photographic observations with this instrument were made in 1908.
George Ellery Hale (1868-1938) wrote in a 1909 report:
Visually the images of stars, planets and nebulae obtained with it on a good night are
excellent. The star images are very small and sharp and can be observed with great precision.
Such an object as the Great Nebula in Orion shows bewildering variety of detail. Globular
clusters are especially remarkable because of the large number of stars visible by the great
light-gathering power.
The first photographic tests with this instrument were conducted by Ritchey in 1908. Several
nebulae and star clusters were imaged at the Newton and Cassegrain focus. These first results
were described in 1909:
The new plate-carrier (...) takes plates 3 inches (89 mm) square. This small size is chosen
because it allows the guiding eyepiece to be near the center of the field. It includes a clear field
about 36 minutes of arc square, and fully covers the entire central region which is free from
objectionable distortion. A second guiding eyepiece is also used, the two being on opposite
sides of the center. Each gives a magnification of about 750 diameters. This allows any slight
rotation of the field to be detected immediately; such rotation is corrected by rotating the
bronze plate which carries the guiding eyepieces and plate-holder; two fine screws with
graduated heads are provided for effecting this rotation. The small metal plate-holder, is so
designed that it can be quickly removed and replaced as frequently as desired during long
exposures, thus allowing access to the focal plane for the purpose of refocusing by means of
the knife-edge. The position of the plate-holder is defined by small hardened steel surfaces so
that when replaced it returns accurately to its original position with reference to the guiding
eyepieces. With the small apparent change of focus which takes place since the canopy has
been in use, it is found that refocusing every 25 or 30 minutes in the early part of the night,
and every 40 or 45 minutes after 11:00 P.M., is usually sufficient. With the new plate-carrier,
all of the uncertainties which usually occur in making long exposures with very large telescopes
are eliminated. A plate can be exposed night after night, if desired, with the assurance that no
error in focus greater than one or two thousandths of an inch can occur, and that no rotation
of field can take place without immediately being detected and corrected. Both of these
conditions are absolutely necessary for the finest results with an instrument as powerful and
sensitive as the 60-inch. With these conditions no injury or elongation of the star-images or
nebular details can occur and the full effect of the prolonged exposure is secured. All of the
negatives which have been secured with the new plate-carrier show perfectly round starimages. On the best negatives, with exposures of eleven hours, the smallest star-images are
1.03 in diameter.
Even before the 60-inch first light, George Ellery Hale was already planning the constructing of
a 100-inch reflector. The mirror was casted after several failures by the same firm that
supplied the 60-inch (St. Gobain Glass Company). The disc arrived at Mount Wilson in
December 1908 but was discarded by Ritchey since it was filled with gas bubbles. In spite of
this drawback Ritchey was able to start grinding in 1911. The English yoke mount was also
designed by Ritchey and further refined by Hale and Francis Gladheim Pease (1881-1938)
(Figure 13).
By the end of 1914 a near perfect spherical curvature was obtained, the mount was finished in
1917 and the telescope was in regular use in 1919.

Figure 13- 100-inch Hooke telescope (Mount Wilson observatory) (ca. 1919).

The Hooker telescope is similar in optical design to the 60-inch. It can be used as an f/5
Newton, as an f/16 modified Cassegrain and as an f/30 Coud. The 100 Ton English yoke is
supported by means of mercury flotation bearings. The dome is also similar to that of the 60inch.
Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) used the Hooke telescope to determine for the first time the
distances and red shifts of neighboring galaxies. In 1929 Hubble's proved that the universe was
expanding in all directions at a constant speed (Hubble's constant).
In 1928, Hale started a campaign to gather funds for a larger telescope. His article The
possibilities of large telescopes published in the Harpers Magazine was very instrumental.
Hale started the article with a prophetic phrase:

Like buried treasures, the outposts of the universe have beckoned to the adventurous from
immemorial times. Princes and potentates, political or industrial, equally with men of science,
have felt the lure of the unchartered seas of space, and through their provision of instrumental
means the sphere of exploration has rapidly widened ().
In a letter to the International Education Board Hale stated:
No method of advancing science is as productive as the development of new and more
powerful instruments and methods of research. A larger telescope would not only furnish the
necessary gain in light space-penetration and photographic resolving power, but permit the
application of ideas and devices derived chiefly from the recent fundamental advances in
physics and chemistry ().
Hale and its staff began to consider a telescope with an aperture of 200 or 300 inches. After
some initial difficulties, the Rockefeller foundation awarded (autumn of 1928) a sum of $6
million dollars to the California Institute of Technology to build the giant telescope.
The design and construction of the 200-inch telescope was not an easy task. The first major
problem was the cast of the primary mirror. After a series of trials with fused quartz, the
mirror was made of Pyrex with a ribbed structure by Corning Glass Works. The mount was also
another challenge. The first options were between an open-fork (preferred because it allowed
access to the North Pole) and a yolk type equatorial. In 1932 a new yolk design (horseshoe)
was adopted with considerable success. After approval, the Westinghouse Company
(Philadelphia) started work on the mount in 1936. The primary mirror has a short focal ratio
(f/3.3). This low focal ratio meant that a Field-Flattener had to be built. Frank Elmore Ross
(1874-1960) of Yerkes observatory was selected to design and built the corrector. Ross
corrector lenses made for the 60-inch and 100-inch were very successful. Ross correctors
became standard equipment for large reflectors.
The 200-inch (Figures 14 and 15) was the first telescope large enough to allow an observer to
ride in a cage at the primary focus of the telescope. The observing cage is 72-inch in diameter
and carries the secondary mirrors and the Ross correctors (Figure 16). The only other large
telescope featuring an observers cage is the 120-inch Shane reflector (Lick observatory),
completed in 1959 (Figure 18). The 120-inch primary mirror of the Shane reflector was
originally a glass test blank cast in Corning Labs for the Palomar Observatory 200-inch
In 1934, Palomar Mountain in Southern California was chosen to install the 200-inch reflector.
When G.E. Hale died in 1938, the 200-inch mirror was still in the figuring process. The 42 m
dome designed by Russell Porter (1871-1949) was already erected at Palomar. The mirror was
only finished in 1947 and "first light" photographs were taken by Edwin Hubble on January 26,
1949 (Figure 17).
The 200-inch telescope optically is similar to the 100-inch and 60-inch reflectors. At the prime
focus with the two most frequently used Ross correctors focal ratios vary (f/3.6 and f/4.7). In
the Cassegrain configuration it has a focal ratio of f/16. The 200-inch reflector was named after
G.E. Hale. It was dedicated on June 3, 1948. Most of the large reflectors that followed (third
quarter of the nineteenth century) incorporated many features of the 200-inch design.


Figure 14- 200 inch (5.08 m) Hale telescope. Cutaway drawings by Russell W. Porter.

Figure 15- Palomar observatory.


Figure 16- Observing in the prime-focus capsule. As astronomer is shown seated in the adjustable chair
with the photographic plate-holder locked to the pedestal, and his eye at the guiding eyepiece.
Exposures range from a few minutes to several hours. The astronomers seat can travel completely
around the capsule and tilt through a large angle to compensate for any position to which the telescope
may be tipped. Dials on the wall above the astronomers head tell him exactly where the telescope is
aimed, and switches below allow him to activate essential equipment. The plate-holder can be changed
for a spectrograph or a photoelectric photometer. Cutaway drawing by Russell W. Porter.


Figure 17- First-light image (200-inch reflector), taken by Edwin Hubble on January 26, 1949 (NGC 2261).

Figure 18- 120-inch Shane reflector (ca. 1959).



Danjon, A. & A. Couder (1935). Lunettes et Tlescopes. Livrarie Scientifique et

Technique, Paris.
Glass, I.S. (1997). Victorian Telescope Makers: The Lives & Letters of Thomas & Howard
Grubb. Institute of Physics Publishing, London
King, H.C. (1955). The History of the Telescope. Dover Publications, Inc. New York.




The spectroheliograph was invented independently by George Ellery Hale (1868-1938) (Figure
1) and Henri-Alexandre Deslandres (1853-1948) (Figure 2) in 1890/1891. Robert Raynolds
McMath /1891-1962) extended its functionality (1932) in order to take motions pictures of the
Sun. G.H. Hale also invented the spectrohelioscope in 1924-1929.

Figure 1- George Ellery Hale (1868-1938).

Figure 2- Henri-Alexandre Deslandres (1853-1948) (left) and the Meudon Observatory

Spectroheliograph (right).

The principle of both the spectrohelioscope and spectroheliograph was described for the first
time by Jules Jansen (1824-1907). Jansen observed for the first time the spectra of solar

prominences in full sunlight during the total solar eclipse of August 18, 1868. A few months
later, Jansen addressed the Paris Academy of Sciences describing its methods18.
Cette mthode consiste, dans son principe, isoler dans le champ spectral un des faisceaux
lumineux mis par la protuberance, faisceau qui est dficient dans la lumire solaire, et
transformer ensuite les elements linaires des images protubrantielles dans les images ellesmmes, par un movement rotatif assez rapide imprim au spectroscope.
G.H. Hale invented the spectroheligraph very early in his scientific life, according to a letter
that he wrote on August 5, 188919:
Of scientific work I have accomplished but one thing this summer, and even that did not
involve much labor. It is the scheme for photographing the prominences, and after a good deal
of thought I can see no reason why it will not work. The idea occurred to me when I was coming
home from uptown the other day and it amounts to this. Stop the clock of the equatorial and
let the sun transit across the slit, which is placed radial do the limb. Bring H into the field of the
observing telescope, and replace the eyepiece by a plate-holder held in a suitable frame, and
drawn by clockwork across the field at the same rate as the sun crosses the slit. As the H line
lengthens and shortens as it will do with the variable height of the prominence, the plate will
photograph its varying lengths side by side and thus produce and image of a prominence. That
is the idea in the rough, but I have studied it out in detail, and designed a travelling plate
holder, which I will have Brashear make. I have also got an arrangement by which all fog is
avoided and I have great hopes that the thing will be a success. It is is, new changes for work of
the prominences will be opened, and in this way the changes during short intervals of time can
be noted with much greater accuracy than in drawings.

Figure 3- Principle of the spectroheliograph: Slit (1) selects a particular segment of the solar image; Slit
(2) isolates a particular wevelenth in the spectrum of that segment and allows it to impress its image on
the photographic plate. As the suns image is made to move across the slit (1), the photographic plate
moves in synchronism with the second slit (2). In this way a photographic image of the sun, in a
particular wavelength, is composed segment by segment.

Hale, G.H. (1929). The spectroshelioscope and its works. Part I. History, instruments, adjustments, and methods
of observation. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume LXX, number 5: 265-327.
Wright, H. (1966). Explorer of the Universe. A biography of George Ellery Hale. Clarke, Irwin & Compary Limited,
Toronto and Vancouver.


The principle of the spectroheliograph is very simple according to Hales own words20:
Its object is to build up to a photographic plate a picture of the solar flames, by recording side
by side images of the bright spectral lines which characterize the luminous gases. In the first
place, an image of the sun is formed by a telescope on the slit of the spectroscope. The light of
the sun, after transmission thought the spectroscope, is spread out into a long band of color,
crossed by lines representing the various elements. At points where the slit of the spectroscope
happens to intersect a gaseous prominence, the bright lines of hydrogen may be seen
extending from the base of the prominence to the outer boundary. If a series of such lines,
corresponding to different positions of the slit on the image of the prominence, were registered
side by side on a photographic plate, it is obvious that they would give a representation of the
form of the prominence itself. To accomplish this result, it is necessary to cause the solar image
to move at a uniform rate across the first slit of the spectroscope, and, with the aid of a second
slit (which occupies the place of the ordinary eyepiece of the spectroscope), to isolate one of
the lines, permitting the light from this line, and from no other portion of the spectrum to pass
through the second slit to a photographic plate. The principle of this instrument thus lies in
photographing the prominence through a narrow slit, from which all light is excluded except
that which is characteristic of the prominence itself. It is evidently immaterial whether the solar
image and photographic plate are moved with respect to the spectroheliograph slits, or the
slits with respect to the fixed solar image and plate (Figure 3).
The subject of Hales graduation thesis at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was The
Photography of Solar Prominences. While preparing this thesis, Hale spent every available
moment at Harvard observatory. The director of the observatory, Edward Charles Pickering
(1846-1919) was very much interested in Hales invention. He offered the use of the 15-inch
refractor but it turned out that the spectroheliograph build by Brashear was too heavy to be
attached to the end of the wooden tube. It was decided to adapt it to a 12-inch horizontal
refractor without much progress being made due mainly to bad weather. Finally in 1890, Hale
obtained some interesting first results. He wrote in his thesis:
On April 14 a cool breeze was blowing, making the seeing fair in spite of a little whiteness in
the sky. A hasty examination of the limb discovered a prominence in a good position for the
work, and a photograph was made through F, the slit being about 0.0005 inch wide. On
developing the plate, the outlines of two prominences could be seen rising above the limb. As
only one prominence had been noticed in observing the point in question, I returned to the
telescope, and found that there were in fact two prominences in the exact position shown in
the photograph () Given a good refracting equatorial and a plate very sensitive to the longer
waves of light, I am confident that the spectroscope and attachments described in this paper
will be sufficient to produce prominence photographs of real value for study and


Wright, H. (1966). Explorer of the Universe. A biography of George Ellery Hale. Clarke, Irwin & Compary Limited,
Toronto and Vancouver.


Figure 4- Kenwood observatory (left), spectroheliograph attached to the 12-in refractor (center), G.E.
Hale in the Kenwood laboratory (left).

Figure 5- Sunspot drawings by G.H. Hale "Kenwood Astro-Physical Observatory" notebook, June 22,
1891 to January 2, 1893.

Hale used extensively the spectroheliograph at the Kenwood observatory21. Kenwood's

principal instrument was a 12-inch refractor which was used with the spectroheliograph
(Figure 4, Figure 5). Hale hired Ferdinand Ellerman as an assistant; years later, the two would
work together again at the Mount Wilson Observatory.
Several years later, Hale designed a large horizontal refractor, the Snow telescope that was to
be installed at the Mount Wilson observatory. The Snow telescope had a 24-inch mirror with a
60-foot focal length. This instrument, provided with a high-dispersion spectrograph, was built
by George Willis Ritchey (1864-1945). It was tested in October 1903 at the Yerkes observatory
and mounted at Mount Wilson in 1905 (Figure 6, Figure 7).


The Kenwood Astrophysical Observatory was the personal observatory of George Ellery Hale, constructed by his
father, William E. Hale, in 1890 at the family home in the Kenwood section of Chicago.


Figure 6- Snow telescope at Mount Wilson observatory (ca. 1905). The 60-foot tower telescope is seen
in the background.

The Snow telescope consisted of a heavy cast-iron platform mounted on four steel balls which
run in V guides of hardened steel. Most of the weight of the instrument was floated on
mercury contained in three troughs which formed part of the cast-iron base. The platform
carried the two slits, the collimator and camera objectives and the prism-train. An image of the
sun, about 6.7-inches in diameter, was formed by the Snow telescope on the collimator slit.
This slit was long enough to extend entirely across the solar image and most prominences.
After passing through the slit the diverging rays fall upon the 8-inch collimator objective. With
the new spectroheliograph designed specifically for this telescope, Hale was able to
photograph the distribution of the white-hot clouds of individual gases that float above the
suns surface. Using a high-speed shutter, Hale recorded most of the features of the
chromosphere, with great detail. The results surpassed his greatest expectations and were
far superior with he had attained with the 40-inch Yerkes refractor (with an attached
spectroheliograph). With this telescope Hale published some of the first papers related to solar
research performed at Mount Wilson.
In 1924/1929, Hale invented the spectrohelisocope. According to Hale22, this instrument
The visual observation and analysis of the forms and motions of prominences at the suns limb
and of bright and dark flocculi on the disk.


Hale, G.H. (1929). The spectroshelioscope and its works. Part I. History, instruments, adjustments, and methods
of observation. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume LXX, number 5: 265-327.


Figure 7- Coelostat of the Snow horizontal telescope.

Figure 8- The sun in visible light (left) and in H-alpha (right). Mount Wilson observatory, August 12, 1917.

This instrument, described by Hale in 192923, consisting of a horizontal coelostat telescope and
a spectrohelioscope, could be used in a wide variety of observations. Two oscillating slits of
variable amplitude or a pair of square prisms rotating before the fixed slits were used to give a
monochromatic image of a portion of the sun, usually with H-alpha line:
Soon after we obtained on Mount Wilson the first spectroheliograms of the hydrogen flocculi
with the H-alpha line, it occurred to me to try to observe their forms visually with the 30-foot
spectroscope of the 60-foot tower telescope. This vertical spectroscope was of the Littrow type,
with the slit in the optical axis of the tower telescope and an opening for a photographic plate
at one side.

Hale, G.H. (1929). The spectroshelioscope and its works. Part I. History, instruments, adjustments, and methods
of observation. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume LXX, number 5: 265-327.


Figure 9- Spectroheliographs obtained at Meudon observatory: Calcium (left) and H-alpha (right).
March, 21, 1910.

Figure 10- Spectroheliograph images (H-alpha). Mount Wilson observatory, August, 3, 5, 7 and 9, 1915.


Thus a second slit could be placed in the plate-opening in line with the first slit, an arrangement
used when the instrument was employed as a spectroheliograph, either with a grating or with
a large liquid prism mounted at the bottom of the 30-foot pit. The distance between the slit
and centers is 6 inches, and it was a simple matter to mount in their place a circular brass disk,
with its vertical bearing halfway between them. This disk was provided with a number of radial
slits, which successively served in pairs as the first and second slit of a spectrohelioscope. As the
first slit moved to the right, the corresponding H-alpha line moved with the opposite slit at the
same speed to the left, assuming the adjustments to be properly made and the field restricted
so that only one pair of slits was illuminated at any time. Thus the observer, using a low-power
positive eyepiece or a single lens focused on the second slits, should see a monochromatic
image of a portion of the sun.
Hale described an inexpensive spectrohelioscope that consisted of: (1) a telescope, which in its
simplest and least expensive form comprises a coelostat, second mirror, and sigle lens; (2) a
spectroscope, of about 13-feet focal length, of the reflecting Littrow type; (3) a pair of
oscillating slits or a similar device for producing the necessary rapid motion of the slits and
solar image.
The general arrangement of this spectrohelioscope is shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12.

Figure 11 Coelostat telescope and spectrohelioscope. Drawing by Russel W. Porter (1929).

Figure 12- Concrete piers for the coelostat and spectrohelioscope.


The coelostat consisted of two mirrors of 5-inches and 4-inches of ordinary plate glass,
inch thick with silvered front surfaces plane to about a quarter of a wave (Figure 13). This
coelostat was driven by clock movement and slow motions for rotating and inclining the
second mirror, thus bringing any part of the solar image upon the first slit of the
spectroshelioscope. The objective lens could be focused by the observer (a single lens was

Figure 13- Coelostat, second mirror and telescope lens. Drawing by Russel W. Porter (1929).

Figure 14- Oscillating slits and eyepiece of the spectrohelioscope. Drawing by Russel W. Porter (1929).


The design of the spectroscope is shown in Figures 15 and 16. The rays diverging from the first
slit fall on a spherical concave mirror 3- inches in diameter, which renders them parallel and
return them to a grating. The grating is set at such an angle as to return the spectrum to a
second concave mirror identical to the first. This is illuminated only by the region centering on
the line employed (usually H-alpha). The lower concave mirror forms an image of the spectrum
on the second slit and the sun image can be observed through a positive eyepiece or single

Figure 15- Concave mirrors of the spectrohelioscope (left) and grating support and line-shifter.
Drawing by Russel W. Porter (1929).

Figure 16- Second slit, driving mechanism, line-shifter (left) and spinning disk with radial slits (right).
Drawing by Russel W. Porter (1929).



Hale, G.H. (1929). The spectroshelioscope and its works. Part I. History, instruments,
adjustments, and methods of observation. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume LXX,
number 5: 265-327.
Hale, G.H. (1930). The spectroshelioscope and its works. Part II. The motion of the
hydrogen flocculi near sun-spots. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume LXXI, number 2:
Hale, G.H. (1931). The spectroshelioscope and its works. Part III. Solar eruptions and
their apparent terrestrial effects. Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory /
Carnegie Institution of Washington, vol. 425: 1-34.
Hale, G.H. (1931). The spectroshelioscope and its works. Part IV. Methods of recording
observations. Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory / Carnegie Institution
of Washington, vol. 434: 1-9.
Wright, H. (1966). Explorer of the Universe. A biography of George Ellery Hale. Clarke,
Irwin & Compary Limited, Toronto and Vancouver.




Russell W. Porter (1871-1949) was one of the first leaders of the amateur telescope making
movement and as an illustrator of the Hale 200-inch telescope project. After designing
amateur telescopes, Porter was hired to help with the design of a 200-inch Hale telescope for
the Mount Palomar Observatory. His cutaway drawings for this project are nothing less than
exceptional. He also made conceptual designs for the Griffith Observatory and served as a
consultant to the architects (Figure 1).

Figure 1- Russell Porter (left) and one of his cutaway drawings (48-inch Schmidt telescope).

Russell Porter was born in 1871 as the youngest of five children in the village of Springfield,
Vermont. Russell showed an early talent for drawing as well as a restless nature. He studied
engineering for a year at Norwich University and latter at the University of Vermont. In 1891,
he moved to Boston to study architecture and art at the Massachusetts Institute of
Porter was a man of many vocations. He was an architect, arctic adventurer, builder, inventor,
mapmaker, photographer, scientist, surveyor, telescope designer, and writer.
Porter caught the Arctic fever when, in 1892, he attended a lecture by Robert Peary. The next
year, the scientist Frederick Cook came to Boston to advertise a summer cruise up the coast of
Greenland. Porter negotiated passage on Cook's voyage by offering to serve as surveyor and
artist. This would be the first of Porter's eight northern adventures over the next 15 years. The
first ended above the Arctic Circle, when the small steamship was damaged on a reef and then
collided with an iceberg. The crew was rescued by Eskimos and returned to Boston by fishing
boat (Figure 2).
In 1928 Russell Porter was employed by Caltech (California Institute of Technology) in
Pasadena after being recruited by George E. Hale to work on the design of the 200-inch


Palomar telescope. He designed three campus buildings (the astrophysics lab, machine shop,
and optical shop) that were used for work on the 200-inch telescope.
While working on the design of the Palomar telescope, Porter perfected his "cutaway" drawing
technique. During the Second World War he assisted in the war effort by designing and
drawing military hardware. He was dubbed the "Cutaway Man" by Pentagon officials for his
ability to draw the internal workings of complex machinery by cutting through the outer "skin".

Figure 2- Arctic Sketches of Russell W. Porter.

Throughout his later years he was closely involved with the Stellafane Amateur TelescopeMakers movement in his hometown of Springfield, Vermont. The Stellafane Observatory
stands at an elevation of about 1270 feet on an exposed shoulder of a hill about one-quarter
mile southeast of the Breezy Hill Road in Springfield, Vermont. The observatory complex
consists of two buildings designed by Russell W. Porter: the clubhouse of the Springfield
Telescope Makers, Inc., and the observatory containing a 16-inch, reflecting, turret telescope
also designed by Porter (Figure 3).
In 1949, while working on his last telescope project, Porter dies of a heart attack at the age of

Figure 3- Stellafane turret telescope built by Russell W. Porter.

Russell W. Porter's colleague at Caltech, James S. Fassero, wrote the following introduction in
his 1947 book of Porter's cutaway drawings which is entitled "Photographic Giants of


"Dr. Russell W. Porter made this unique collection of drawings over a period of 12 years using
his ability to faithfully portray mechanical objects in perspective. With pencil and paper he was
able to "cut away" sections of the telescope to show the inside details; something which cannot
be done with a camera. His artistic and mechanical abilities have combined to produce a set of
drawings which have proved of indispensable value not only to the laymen but to all those who
already are familiar with the instrument."
Maxfield Parrish, another fellow artist, wrote about Porter drawings:
If these drawings had been made from the telescope and its machinery after it had been
erected they would have been of exceptional excellence, giving an uncanny sense or reality,
with shadows accurately cast and well nigh perfect perspective; but to think that any artist had
his pictorial imagination in such working order as to construct these pictures with no other
material data than blue prints of plans and elevation of the various intricate forms is simply
beyond believe. These drawings should be in a government museum as standards, in a glass
case, along with the platinum pound weight, yard stick, etc. to show the world and that comes
after just what a mechanical drawing should be. Not only that, but the rendering is a work of
art, exact and lifelike, and done with a delightful freedom of technique. I doubt if there are
drawings anywhere which can in any way compare with these for perfection in showing what a
stupendous piece of machinery is going to look like when finished Their creation should be
world news.
This 200-inch (5.08 m) Palomar telescope is named after astronomer George Ellery Hale. It was
built by Caltech with a 6 million dollar grant from the Rockefeller Institute, using a Pyrex blank
manufactured by Corning Glass Works. The telescope (the largest in the world at that time)
saw "first light" in 1948 (Figure 4, Figure 5).

Figure 4- Palomar observatory: dome (R. Porter drawing), 200-inch dedication (1948), 48-inch Schmidt


Figure 5- Palomar observatory.


Figure 6- Meridian cross-sectional drawing of the 200-inch Hale Telescope and dome with marginal
identification of major features. The vertical structure near the center of the drawing is the main
telescope tube that carries the 200-inch mirror. Astronomers can work at the primary focal cage
suspended in the center of the tube at the top end, actually riding with the telescope. The main tube
weights 150 tons, is supported on ball-bearings anchored in the large yoke which consists of two 10-foot
diameter inclined tubular girders tied together at the south end (left) by a cross member supported on a
pivot bearing and at the north end by a giant horseshoe bearing. The whole telescope weights 530 tons.


Figure 7- 200-inch telescope looking north. Below the telescope at the foot of the North pier is the main
control desk where an assistant controls the mechanical operation of the instrument. At the lower right
is a console containing controls for adjusting the balance of the telescope and for inserting the
secondary mirrors that change the focal length of the instrument. The cube in the foreground is the top
of the passenger elevator shaft that carries astronomers to the observing floor.


Figure 8- Observing in the prime-focus capsule. As astronomer is shown seated in the adjustable chair
with the photographic plate-holder locked to the pedestal, and his eye at the guiding eyepiece.
Exposures range from a few minutes to several hours. The astronomers seat can travel completely
around the capsule and tilt through a large angle to compensate for any position to which the telescope
may be tipped. Dials on the wall above the astronomers head tell him exactly where the telescope is
aimed, and switches below allow him to activate essential equipment. The plate-holder can be changed
for a spectrograph or a photoelectric photometer.


Figure 9- The prime-focus observing capsule. The astronomer rides in the capsule at the top of the
telescope when taking photographs or using other equipment at the prime focus of the telescope.

Figure 10- South polar-axis bearing, yoke, and right ascension drive gears. General view of the south


Figure 11- North polar-axis bearing. This horseshoe-shaped bearing at the north end of the yoke glides
on a film of oil giving almost complete freedom from friction despite of tremendous load.


Figure 12- South polar-axis bearing. A steel hemisphere, three metal supporting pads, and a film of oil
comprise the essential parts of the bearing at the south end of the telescope yolk.


Figure 13- West declination Trunnion. One of the two bearings that support the telescope tube.


Figure 14- Right ascension drive and computer. Two large gears are used to move the telescope; one
slews it east or west to the required position, the other makes it follow the stars. A mechanical
computer system simplifies the task of aiming the telescope.


Figure 15- The 200-inch mirror. Cutaway view of the bottom of the main tube, showing the covers,
counterbalance supports and the steel cell.

Figure 16- 200-icn telescope being used at the Cassegrain focus by an astronomer on an elevating chair.


Figure 17- Cassegrain and Coud secondary mirrors. Cutaway drawing showing the lower section of the
prime-focus capsule that contains the interchangeable convex secondary mirrors used to increase the
focal length of the telescope.


Figure 18- Cassegrain-Coud diagonal mirror. Mounted in line with the declination trunnions, this
diagonal flat mirror reflects the image formed by the main mirror either into the yoke girder or down
the south polar-axis to the coud spectrograph room.


Figure 19- Mirror counterbalance supports. Thirty-six of these intricate double-acting counterbalance
devices support the 200-inch mirror at its center of gravity to prevent distortions of the huge disk when
it is tilted in different directions.


Figure 20- The coud spectrograph room containing four spectrograph mirrors of different focal lengths.

Figure 21- 48-inch Schmidt telescope (corrector plate 48-inch, main mirror 72-inch).


Figure 22- 48-inch telescopes plate-loading mechanism. Plateholders capable of holding 14-inch plates
are heavy and would be difficult to place in position in the center of the telescope tube. A mechanical
device performs this task.


Figure 23- Vacuum aluminizing chamber of the 200-inch mirror.



Russell Williams Porter (1871-1949) studied architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. For many years Porter devoted his life to arctic exploration, making eight
extended trips north of the Arctic Circle with the Admiral Robert Peary, acting in these
expeditions in the capacity of artist, astronomer, surveyor, topographer and museum collector.
Later in his life Porter became interested in telescope making. When the United States entered
World War II he turned his skills to the advantage of the government, doing optical work
throughout the war period at the National Bureau of Standards in Washington. Later he
returned to Springfield, Vermont, his birthplace, as Optical Associate with the Jones and
Lamson Machine Co. As a side line he built about fifty Garden Telescopes, each with a 6
mirror (see below). In 1921, Porter organized the Telescope Makers of Springfield. Porter
was also involved in the design and construction of the 200-inch Palomar Telescope (1928
onwards). Many amateur astronomers worldwide regard Russell Porter as the father of
amateur astronomy and amateur telescope making.
Porter designed and built several unusual telescopes. Among these we can mention the
Garden Telescope, the Springfield equatorial Mount and the Turret Telescope.
Garden Telescope
Porter designed and patented the Garden Telescope in the 1920s. These telescopes were
meant to stay outdoors as garden ornaments. The owner had to detach the primary mirror and
eyepiece-diagonal assembly and take these indoors, out of the weather. Fewer than 60 garden
telescopes were built (Figure 1).
These instruments were fitted with a mirror cover and sometimes were left outside facing the
weather also acting as a Sundial. The castings depicted a lotus bowl holding the primary mirror
with one long leaf holding the eyepiece and prism/diagonal assembly. The mount is a threeaxis type with azimuth, right ascension and declination axis. If the azimuth axis is unclamped,
the telescope can be used to observe terrestrial objects as an alt-az instrument. During night
operation the azimuth axis is rotated until the polar axis points to the North Pole and the
telescope can be used as a classical equatorial mounted instrument (Figure 2).
Springfield Equatorial Mount
The Springfield Equatorial Mount is basically a fixed eyepiece mount. The observer is kept
stationary at the eyepiece end while the telescope swings around the sky. The optical path is
brought out through the declination axis. The first Springfield Mount was designed by Russell
Porter and build by Oscar Marshall in 1920 (assembled and tried at Stellafane24 Amateur
Telescope-Makers in Vermont). This mount employs two reflections by small prisms bringing
both right ascension and declination circles very close to the observers eye. Although there is
some light loss due to the extra mirror or prisms, the viewing position is fixed and comfortable

The term "Stellafane" refers to the site on the summit of Breezy Hill in Springfield, Vermont where a convention is
traditionally held wevery year, and where the Springfield Telescope Makers hold most of their meetings.


and compatible with sketching and note taking. The orientation of the sky rotates with respect
to the eyepiece as the telescope turns around the sky. The main counterweight of the
Springfield mount is not in line with the telescope tube. This might be considered a serious
drawback in the dark. Most Springfield mounts are known to carry Newton reflectors (Figures
3 and 4). Some were made around the tri-schiefspiegler reflector rather than the Newtonian.

Figure 1- Original Porter Garden Telescope sold in 2007 in auction for $18,000 US (serial number 53).
The primary mirror and diagonal prism are not original.

Figure 2- Replica of the Porter Garden Telescope offered by the Telescopes of Vermount for $59,000 US.


Figure 3- The Springfield Equatorial Mount, with detail of Setting Circles. Note the slow motions screws
for following the stars within reach of the observer. Drawing by Russell Porter.

Figure 4- The Springfield Equatorial Mount. The observers position is fixed and comfortable. Drawing by
Russell Porter (left).


Turret Telescope
The Hartness Turret Telescope (24.5 cm refractor) was described for the first time in 191125
(Figure 5).

Figure 5- Diagram of the Hartness turret Telescope.

In the Hartness telescope the whole turret is rotated in order to move the telescope in right
ascension. Declination motion is provided by swinging the tube of the refractor. Several
windows build on the turret allow the observer to see the sky and aim the telescope. This can
also be done using large setting circles.
A similar turret telescope was built in 1930 by Porter at Stellafane (Amateur Telescope Makers
of Sprinfield) (Figure 6). This turret telescope is a reflector instead of a refractor. Starlight
strikes a flat mirror located near the dome being reflected towards a main parabolic primary
mirror located at the end of the struts. The light is then directed back through the hole in the
flat to the eyepiece inside the dome. The flat rotates around an axis connecting the eyepiece
with the primary in order to change declination. The flat can be controlled from inside the
dome and the whole assembly move together in right ascension.


Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, December, 1911: pages 1511-1537.


Figure 6- Recent photograph of Porters turret telescope at Stellafane. The Springfield Telescope
Makers pink clubhouse is seen at the background. A Springfield mount can also be seen in front of the

Several observers can use the telescope at the same time. The Porters turret telescope after
being recently renovated is still in operation and is often used by club members.

Ingalls, A.G. (editor). Amateur Telescope Making. Book one. Scientific American Inc.,
New York.
King, H.C. (1955). History of the Telescope. Dover Publications Inc., New York.
Manly, P.L. (1995). Unusual Telescopes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.



Fixed-eyepiece or stationary-eyepiece telescopes were built since the early 1800s. James Hall
Nasmyth (1808-1890) was one of the first astronomers to tackle the problem. Nasmyth
(inventor of the steam hammer) was a master engineer with his own workshop for casting
specula in Patricroft (near Manchester, U.K.). He casted several metal mirrors (8-inch to 20inch). This large mirror was used as a Cassegrain-Newton telescope mounted in a sheet-iron
tube that was moved on trunnions, just like a cannon. Nasmyth modified and alt-az mounted
Cassegrain-Newton by adding a third mirror in front of the primary in such a way that the light
path was deflected to the side of the tube horizontally through the elevation bearing. The tube
and trunnions were mounted on a large platform. By turning two hand wheels the observer
could maneuver the telescope around the sky. In some Nasmyth reflectors the observer was
seated at the eyepiece end, literally riding the telescope (Figure 1).

Figure 1- Nasmyths 20-inch Cassegrain-Newton (around 1845) (left).

Diagram of a Nasmyth stationary-eyepiece telescope (right).

Another unusual telescope with more or less stationary eyepiece is the Treptow refractor of
the Berlin observatory. This equatorial mounted instrument weighting 120 tons was built in
1896. The 68 cm f/21 lens is still the world longest telescope with a focal length of 21 m. The
telescope was designed is such a way that the eyepiece is located at the center of rotation of
both axes (right ascension and declination). The observer stands in this position and the

telescope turns around him. The Treptow refractor was damaged during the Second World
War. Renovation took place in 1959. The telescope is still in operation at the Archenhold
Observatory (Berlin) (Figure 2).

Figure 2- Archenhold Observatory and Treptow great refractor (Berlin, Treptow).

Other types of fixed eyepiece telescopes include the Turret Telescopes that were built around
refractors as well as reflectors. The observer stays inside a closed room entirely independent
from outside temperature. Figure 3 shows some examples of fixed eyepiece and turret
refractors. The eyepiece can be fixed or it can describe a small arc of 180 (Hartness turret).

Figure 3- Fixed eyepiece refractor telescopes. Drawings by Russell Porter

(Adapted from Amateur Telescope Making, Book One).

As far as reflectors are concerned the solutions are similar. Turrets can carry several telescopes
as shown in Figure 4 (Porter Turret Telescope). Polar telescopes are also a possibility (Newton
or Cassegrain) (Figure 4).
Perhaps the best known fixed eyepiece telescope is the Paris Observatory Coud refractor
(Figure 3 and Figure 5). This telescope was designed by Moritz Loewy in 1891 at the Paris
Observatory. The image plane is kept at a fixed position while the telescope swings around the
sky. The observer stays in a warm room while observing or taking astrophotographs. The Henry

brothers of the Paris observatory26 built two Coud refractors (10-inch and 23.5-inch). Two
different objectives were built for visual and photographic work. With the aid of this unusual
telescope the first Moon photographic atlas was published between 1896 and 1910 by Moritz
Loewy (1833-1907) and Pierre-Henri Puiseux (1855-1928)27.

Figure 4- Fixed eyepiece reflector telescopes. Drawings by Russell Porter

(Adapted from Amateur Telescope Making, Book One).

Figure 5- Paris Observatory Coud refractor. Whole telescope (left), fixed eyepiece end (photographic
plate) (right).

Paul Henry (1848-1905) e Prosper Henry (1849-1903).

Atlas photographique de la lune, hliogravures, Paris, 1896-1910, Collections de l'Observatoire de Paris.



Ingalls, A.G. (editor). Amateur Telescope Making. Book one. Scientific American Inc.,
New York.
King, H.C. (1955). History of the Telescope. Dover Publications Inc., New York.
Manly, P.L. (1995). Unusual Telescopes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.



George Willis Ritchey (1864-1945) was the prophet and builder of the first large American
reflecting telescopes and a master of celestial photography. Ritchey worked closely with
George Ellery Hale28 and the Mount Wilson Observatory stands today as a monument to their
collaboration. Ritchey is usually associated with the Ritchey-Chretien system, used in almost all
large reflecting telescopes today. The largest telescopes in activity clearly demonstrate the
validity of many of Ritchey's predictions, which seemed fantastic if not impossible to most of
the astronomers of his day.
After the completion of the 100-inch, Ritchey devoted eight years to the study of a fixed,
vertical, universal reflecting telescope, with a coelostat and cellular mirrors. This unusual
telescope was designed mainly (in Ritcheys own words) to overcome the technical difficulties
and the inconveniences of all kinds which are encountered with very large equatorial
reflectors. He also mentioned that this type (of telescope) is incomparably well adapted for
the highest requirements of astronomical photography, and of astrophysical work with very
large and elaborate accessory instruments.
Ritcheys first designs of the fixed universal telescope were completed in March 1924. These
included three concave 5 m mirrors and a coelostat with two 6 m plane mirrors. The six
secondary mirrors (Newtonian plane, Schwarzschild concave, Cassegrain and RitcheyChrtien convex) also of cellular construction, varied from 1.52 m to 1.83 m in diameter. A
general view of this first fixed telescope is given in Figure 1. A later design which only
Schwarzschild and Ritchey-Chrtien combinations are used is illustrated in Figure 2.
In these telescopes, the coelostat is far above the ground in order obtain the best
atmospheric definition. The coelostat and the mounting of the second large plane mirror rest
upon the massive, horizontal summit of the inner building, which is of reinforced concrete. An
outer building of strong steel that supports the dome, entirely separated from the inner one,
acts as a protection from the wind, weather and sudden temperature changes. This outer
building and dome are protected by exterior sheet-steel sun-shield and the two sheet-steels
walls are separated by ample ventilation, and all are painted white.
Figure 1 shows two floors below ground level (marked Sol). In the first designs the vertical
distance between floors 1 and 3 was 18 m, the vertical distance between floors 3 and 4, 26 m
and the total height from floor 3 to the summit of the dome 53 m. The dome had a diameter of
32 m (fixed universal telescope of 5 m mirrors).
The second large plane mirror in the dome receives the stationary beam of light from the
coelostat, and reflects it vertically downward, in the fixed vertical tube of the telescope. On
the first floor three or more concave mirrors lie horizontally, face-up each with its mechanical
flotation system and carriage (rolling on straight horizontal rails). These mirrors could me
quickly moved into position with automatic adjustment and alignment with reference to the
fixed vertical optical axis of the telescope.


Ritcheys career is clearly intertwined with that of G.E. Hale in such a way that it is impossible to treat one without
mentioning the other.


Figure 1- Ritcheys design for a fixed vertical telescope. The coelostat consisting of two large plane
mirrors is at the top. The ground level is marked Sol. A 5 m diameter primary mirror, Marked M, is in
use, two others are on wheeled carriages on both sides of it. Several secondary mirrors, marked R and S
may be used. Adapted from Ritchey, G.W. (1928) The modern photographic telescope and the new
astronomical photography. Part I- The fixed universal telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical
Society of Canada, 12 (5): 159-177.


Figure 2- Ritcheys design for a 8 m fixed vertical Universal Telescope. Note the human figures that show
the gigantic scale of this instrument. Adapted from Ritchey, G.W. (1929) Lvolution de
lAstrophotographie et les Grands Tlescopes de LAvenir. Socit astronomique de France.

In the first design the three large concave mirrors were: Newtonian (paraboloidal) and
Cassegrain combinations (Schwarzschild and Ritchey-Chrtien). The secondary mirrors were
also supported by a flotation system and roll into position with automatic adjustment and

alignment. The accessory instruments (spectrographs, bolometers, radiometers,

interferometers, photographic apparatus) could be rolled smoothly, on straight horizontal
rails, into position. Whatever the size of the telescope, the interchange from any combination
to another could be accomplished in a few minutes.
The square tube of the fixed telescope consisted of four strong steel vertical square columns.
The combinations and focal ratios planned for the mirrors included: (i) one Schwarzschild type
with one large concave mirror and a small concave mirror, giving a very large field and a small
focal ratio (f/3); (b) one Newtonian with a paraboloidal mirror (f/6); one Ritchey-Chrtien with
one large concave and small convex mirrors (f/6.8); one low power Cassegrain combination
(f/12) and one high power Cassegrain combination (f/30).
All these plans were made by Ritchey while working at the Mount Wilson observatory (19101924). During the period of 1924-1828 Ritchey develops new designs for the fixed telescope in
the optical shop of the Paris observatory in co-operation with Henri Chrtien.
Ritchey did not publish his plan for a fixed universal telescope until 1927. He claimed that he
had been working on these designs since 1919, the year G.E. Hale fired him from the Mount
Wilson Observatory.
In these new plans, without changing the general design or the mechanical arrangements of
the universal type, the Newtonian and Cassegrain combinations were omitted in favor of the
Schwarzschild and Ritchey-Chrtien designs. These included five combinations and focal ratios
instead of the six described above. Four large concave primary mirrors and five small
secondary mirrors were described:

Schwarzschild (f/2.75);
Schwarzschild (f/4);
Ritchey-Chrtien (f/6.8);
Ritchey-Chrtien (f/12);
Ritchey-Chrtien (f/20).

Ritchey mentioned the advantages of the fixed universal telescope as follows:


Convenience, comfort and safety for the observers;

Ease of use of accessories (photographic, spectrographic);
Every known configuration of reflecting telescopes can be used;
In long-exposure photography (direct and spectrographic) all mirrors in use (with the
exception of the coelostat plane mirror) are stationary throughout the exposure;
E- The coelostat rotates only one-half as fast as that of an equatorial telescope;
A few drawbacks/limitations were also identified:
A- Large plane mirrors are subject to deviations from optical flatness as a result of
temperature change (the use of cellular mirrors can be a solution to this problem);
B- All fixed type of telescopes are subject to additional loss of light by reflection from one
to two large mirrors;


C- The fixed telescope is not adapted for the observation of the whole sky. If a declination
of 30 is considered, the telescope can be used without serious loss of light through a
range of about 40 (from 12N to 52N)29.
D- Difficulties in interchanging mirrors and accessory equipment.
Ritchey planed to install three fixed universal telescopes at different latitudes in order to cover
the whole sky (33N, 0 and 33S) each working at no farther than seventeen degrees from the
zenith and covering about 78% of the whole sky (from 50N to 50S).
The advantage of using these combinations of telescopes is stressed by Ritchey based on his
own experience while working at the Mount Wilson observatory.
Let us assume that immediately after dark, atmospheric definition is at 5 on a scale of 10 (on a
scale o 1 to 10: 1 to 2 being very bad; between 2 and 3 being usable only with the smallest
focal ratio of 2.75 to 1; 5 being moderately good and 10 being the most perfect ever seen), the
observer therefore changes to the combination best adapted for moderate seeing, that is a
medium focal length of 6.8 to 1, a medium magnifying power for a very fine climate. He begins
a long-exposure photograph of a spiral nebula with this combination, and continues it for two
hours, when he notices that the wind is gradually increasing and the definition gradually
falling. When, in another half-hour, definition has gone down to 4, which is his low limit for this
focal ratio, his assistant change the mirrors to a different combination (focal ratio of 4. He puts
away in a dark drawer the plate-holder and its guiding eyepieces used for the photograph
begun earlier, and he continues with a this combination a long exposure photograph of a very
faint, extended nebula which he had begun on the preceding night. Definition continues
between 3 and 4 until midnight; if it had fallen as low as 3 he would have changed to the
lowest-power combination. At midnight he has secured the full time of exposure desired for this
photograph. Since definition continues the same he starts another long-exposure photograph
of another faint extended nebula. At one oclock he notices a decrease in the wind, and a very
marked improvement in definition, so marked that he goes out on the balcony of the dome,
expecting to see a low fog forming in the valleys around and below the observatory. He finds
that this is so, and he returns to the telescope and to work, to see whether definition continues
to improve rapidly, or goes downward again. Within half an hour definition goes gradually up
tp 7, as the wind dies down to a dead calm. He knows that with this calm, and with this low fog
he may expect extraordinary definition (seeing), perhaps as high as 8 or 9. He cannot afford to
waste such precious conditions on low power work, and he does not need to do so, because he
has a quickly interchangeable telescope. He takes a chance, and changes to the highest-power
combination, with a focal ratio of 20, and to the photographic accessory instrument for
planetary photography with very high powers. He is not taking a serious chance, because he
can change back to another combination, if necessary, in four minutes. Definition improves to 9
and to 9.5. It is his great, long awaited opportunity, the one supreme hour of a thousand! He
and his assistants work quickly, skillfully, smoothly, in photographing very bright planetary
nebulae and planets with magnifying powers of many thousand diameters. Every known
invention for their convenience, comfort, facility and speed in their strenuous work of guiding,
occulting, re-focusing, with extremely high magnifying powers, is provided and at hand, in the
stationary, constant-temperature laboratory containing this high-power photographic
apparatus. All of the extreme speed and skill, like those of the virtuoso, which they have
acquired by long training with the double-slide practice-machine, stand them in good stead
now, and enable them to photograph smaller details and more delicate contrasts of shading
and color that any eye can detect visually with the same aperture. But without the quickly

Ritchey mentions that most of the long exposure astrophotography with large apertures should be only attempted at
a maximum distance of fifteen to twenty degrees from the zenith.


interchangeable telescope the nearly perfect atmospheric conditions, which occur so rarely,
and which continue for so short a time, could not have been taken full advantage of, unless,
indeed, a complete, separate telescope, fitted for photographic work with the highest powers,
had been kept always ready and waiting for such conditions.
In 1928, Ritchey revealed his plan to build a large fixed telescope at the edge of the Grand
Canyon in Arizona (Figure 3) and the following year he finally published his book The
Development of Astro-photography and the Great Telescopes of the Future. This relatively
short book includes many illustrations in large format was written in English and French. The
book summarizes Ritcheys work and his own ideas related to the building of large reflectors. It
includes the best astrophotographs taken by Ritchey with the 24-inch refractor and 24-inch
reflector of the Yerkes Observatory and with the 60-inche reflector of the Mount Wilson
Observatory. He also conveys the evidence that spiral nebulae are galaxies, a concept he
advanced in 1917 based on the observation of several novae. In this book Ritchey proposed
plans for 8 m fixed telescope (Figure 2) and a 6 m equatorial fork mounted reflector (Figure 4).
He also proposed building a chain of five fixed vertical observatories at several latitudes (0,
16N and 16S, 36N and 36S).

Figure 3- Ritcheys drawing of a fixed vertical telescope at the edge of the Grand Canyon.


Figure 4- Ritcheys design of a 6 m equatorially mounted Ritchey-Chrtien telescope. An observer was

drawn at the curved movable arm behind the primary mirror. Note the size of the human figures on the
floor and ground.

Ritcheys ideas were far ahead of his time. The fixed vertical telescopes were never built.
Ritchey was an outstanding craftsman; he developed and perfected the methods for making
large reflector telescope mirrors that were the best at the beginning of the twentieth century.

His outstanding astronomical photographs received lots of attention. The Ritchey-Chrtien

design, cellular mirrors, thermal control of telescope mirrors, mountings and domes, rapid
changes of telescope configurations to take advantage of the best seeing conditions never
achieved success during his life time. The fixed vertical telescope is another example of
Ritcheys prophetic views that never achieved any recognition from his peers, at least to date.

Figure 5- M51. 60-inch telescope, 10h 45m exposure (April 7 and 8, 1910). G.W. Ritchey.



Osterbrock, D.E. (1993). Pauper & Prince. Ritchey, Hale & big American telescopes. The
Universe of Arizona Press.
Ritchey, G.W. (1928). The modern photographic telescope and the new astronomical
photography. Part I- The fixed universal telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical
Society of Canada, 12 (5): 159-177.
Ritchey, G.W. (1928). The modern photographic telescope and the new astronomical
photography. Part II-The Ritchey-Chrtien Reflector. Journal of the Royal Astronomical
Society of Canada, 12 (6): 207-230.
Ritchey, G.W. (1928). The modern photographic telescope and the new astronomical
photography. Part III-The Ritchey-Chrtien Aplanatic Reflector. Journal of the Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada, 12 (8): 303-324.
Ritchey, G.W. (1928). The modern photographic telescope and the new astronomical
photography. Part IV- Astronomical photography with very high powers. Journal of the
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 12 (9): 359-382.
Ritchey, G.W. (1929). The modern photographic telescope and the new astronomical
photography. Part V-The new astronomical photography. Journal of the Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada, 23: 15-36.
Ritchey, G.W. (1929). Lvolution de lAstrophotographie et les Grands Tlescopes de
LAvenir. Socit astronomique de France.


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