1.2 Statement of The Problem

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1.2 Statement of the problem

Customer satisfaction is based on the level of service quality delivered by
the service providers Saravanan & Rao (2007). This shows that there is
some link between service quality and customer satisfaction which
highlights that importance of customer satisfaction when defining of quality
Wicks & Roethlein (2009). Fixed line telephone is among the telecom
services given by ethio telecom at regional level. Customers are also
frequently complaining about Over tariff payment, short bill payment
period, delay on re connection, interruption on installation, suspension on
location change, postponement on name or owner change, delay on
maintenance, accessibility, lack of confidentiality and poor network
coverage are those problems which create customer dissatisfaction. These
problems are also repeatedly observed in the study area of Hawassa city.
And this initiated the researcher to conduct the study to assess the role of
service quality on Critical customer satisfaction in Addis Ababa city. After
carefully analyzing various research studies conducted so far using the
SERVQUAL model, the study realize that many research works have been
carried in different service industries such as Retailer, education,
restaurants, banking, health care, etc, but limited empirical study has been
conducted using the SERVQUAL model to assess service quality in
telecommunication. These studies all confirm a relationship between service

quality and customer satisfaction but according to Asubonteng et al (1996)

there is no agreement on the exact kind of relationship between the two
constructs and points of out that most researchers agree that service
quality and customer satisfaction have attributes that are measurable.
Magi& Julander (2009) carried a study on grocery stores to find out the
relationship between perceived service quality, customer satisfaction and
customer loyalty. From this study, it was proven that perceived service
quality had a positive relationship with customer satisfaction and the
researcher think this supports the study argument of linking service quality
and customer satisfaction. They did not use the SERVQUAL model but
rather the performance only scale to assess service quality. The researcher
could get only one research conducted in the effect of quality services on
the customer satisfaction and loyalty at Holland Car PLC and MOENCO
using Kano model by Kindye Essa (2011) in Ethiopia, and it is not enough to
generalize the effect of quality service on customer satisfaction using this
model. Thus the researcher was try to measure the role of service quality
on customer satisfaction using the SERVQUAL model from the consumers
perspective in order to know their perceptions in ethio telecom at Addis
Ababa city for fixed line telephone .
1.3 Objectives
1.3.1 General objective:
The general objective of this study is to investigate the role service quality
on critical customer satisfaction in ethio telecom for fixed line telephone at
Addis Ababa city.
1.3.2 Specific objectives
To assess fixed line telephone service quality in Ethio telecom.
To measure the critical customer satisfaction with service quality dimension.

To identify the dimensions of service quality that are important to

critical customer of fixed line at Addis Ababa city.
1.4 Research questions
The main purpose of this study is service to assess the role of service
quality on critical customer satisfaction using the SERVQUAL model in etho
telecom. The study was interested in the dimensions of service quality from
the critical consumers perspective through assessing their expectations
and perceptions of service quality. Thus the researcher likes to answer the
following questions in the study.

How critical consumers perceive fixed line telephone service quality in

Ethio telecom?
Are critical customers satisfied with fixed line telephone service
quality offered by ethio telecom?
Which dimensions of service quality are important to fixed line
telephone critical customers at Addis Ababa city?

1.5 Scope of the Study

It is known that ethio telecom as a Company provides various services and
operates throughout the country. Thus, the scope of this study is confined
to measuring the role of service quality on critical customer satisfaction,
geographically at south region specifically in Hawassa city, from July 2014
up to December 2014 for fixed line telephone customers.
1.6 Limitation of the Study

The main limitation of these studies is constraints of resource, money and

time. The finance and material resource needed for large sample size for
these studies is inadequate. It also not likely the researcher would have
time and access to every shop of ethio telecom to distribute questionnaire.
1.7 Significance of the Study
This study was assessing the role of service quality on critical customer
satisfaction. Many researchers they did not conducted the study on telecom
fixed line telephone service. The researcher initiated to conduct the role of
fixed line telephone service quality on critical customer satisfaction.
Therefore, the results of the study may help the Company to get insight
about its important services quality dimension and customers satisfaction.
Additions to this, the customers are also the beneficiary of the study
result. Finally, the study may also serve as an input for those who are
interested to do other researches in related topics.
In this chapter, the study review relevant literature connected to our topic.
The study discusses all the concepts that are important to this study, such
are service quality, customer satisfaction, customers expectations and
perceptions are discussed. Also, a proper explanation of the SERVQUAL
model is outlined in this chapter. The various dimensions (tangibles,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy) of the SERVQUAL model
are discussed. Models measuring service quality and customer satisfaction
are discussed as well. The study tries to bring out the relationship between
service quality and customer satisfaction. The main reason for covering this
chapter is to enhance on understanding of the main theories involved in this
study and to answer research questions.
2.1 Understanding Quality Concept

According to Hardie & Walsh (1993) and Sower and Fair (2005) quality has
many different definitions and there is no universally acceptable definition
of quality. They claim it is because of the elusive nature of the concept
from different perspectives and orientations and the measures applied in a
particular context by the person defining it. In our study, quality must be
well defined in the context of grocery stores and must focus on various
dimensions of both product and service. This therefore means the
definition of quality varies between manufacturing and services industries
and between academicians and practitioners. These variations are caused by
the intangible nature of its components since it makes it very difficult to
evaluate quality which cannot be assessed physical implying other ways must
be outlined in order to measure this quality. Quality has been considered as
being an attribute of an entity (as in property and character), a peculiar and
essential character of a product or a person (as in nature and capacity), a
degree of excellence (as in grade) and as a social status (as in rank and
aristocracy) and in order to control and improve its dimensions it must first
be defined and measured Ghylin et al (2008).
According to Ghylin et al (2008) since company managers believe that the
power of quality guarantees high profits in business, companies try to
understand how to keep the quality level high at every point within
production, manufacturing, and even providing services. Thus, they see the
product-based, user-based and manufacturing based approaches have been
the most popular in reported research. They was apply the user-based
approach because they are interested in finding out what dimensions of
service quality in grocery stores are customers satisfied with and how they
perceive this service quality. From the above discussion, they can highlight
two forms of quality; product quality and service quality which are have to
be discussed in order to clearly get their differences.
2.1.1 Product Quality
Garvin (1987) suggested eight dimensions of product quality which are very
important to consumers since they lay much emphasis on quality when buying
among many similar products and they include; Performance- primary

operating characteristics of a product, Features- bells and whistles of a

product, Reliability- probability of a product failing within a specified
period of time; Durability- measure of a product life; Conformance-degree
that a products design matches established standards; Serviceabilityspeed and competency of repair; Aesthetics- subjective measure of how a
product looks, feels, sounds, smells or tastes; Perceived quality- subjective
measure of how the product measures up against a similar product. In the
case of grocery stores, these factors play a very important role in knowing
how consumers perceive service quality and therefore support in the
measurement of service quality.
Technical quality refers to what the customer receives as a result of
his/her interaction with the service firm and functional quality refers to
how the technical components are delivered to the customer Gronroos
(1984). The importance of focusing on both technical and functional aspects
of quality are being developed because there is no longer a clear distinction
between a service and product since both include each other in their
process according to Wicks & Roethlein (2009). However, they were
focusing on both the functional dimension of quality and the technical
aspect as well. However, the technical or physical aspect of quality for any
service is hard to evaluate by the customer

According to Asubonteng et al (1996) but regard our study which focuses on

grocery stores, technical quality is important since these stores deal with
tangibles which are a core component in the retailing activity. This
therefore means that, in order to know how consumers perceive service
quality in grocery stores, we must focus on both the technical and
functional aspects of quality. Wicks & Roethlein (2009) highlight that the
definition of quality is evolving, but that the common factor throughout the
evolution process is a focus on both the technical and functional aspects of
quality and that in order to become world-class, organizations need a userbased definition that is more important to the customer, and a process-

based definition that is more important to the manufacturer or service

For this study, the definition of quality used is the user-based definition
because quality is eventually evaluated by human and it is the most
appropriate method to examine dimensions of quality according to Ghylin et
al (2008). This definition of quality considers quality as subjective meaning
it is determined by the customer through his/her perceptions. This is also
supported by the view of Muffatto & Panizzolo (1995) who believe that the
most accepted definition of quality is, defining quality as the extent to
which a product and/or service meets and/or exceeds customer s
2.1.2 Service quality Concept
Service quality is considered an important tool for a firms struggle to
differentiate itself from its competitors Ladhari (2008). The relevance of
service quality to companies is emphasized here especially the fact that it
offers a competitive advantage to companies that strive to improve it and
hence bring customer satisfaction. Service quality has received a great deal
of attention from both academicians and practitioners Negi (2009) and
services marketing literature service quality is defined as the overall
assessment of a service by the customer Eshghi et al (2008). Ghylin et al
(2008) points out that, by defining service quality, companies were able to
deliver services with higher quality level presumably resulting in increased
customer satisfaction. Understanding service quality must involve
acknowledging the characteristics of service which are intangibility,
heterogeneity and inseparability Parasuraman et al (1985). In that way,
service quality was easily measured.
In this study, service quality can be defined as the difference between
customers expectation for service performance prior to the service
encounter and their perception of the service received.
Customers expectation serves as a foundation for evaluating service
quality because, quality is high when performance exceeds expectation and
quality is low when performance does not meet their expectation
Asubonteng (1996). Expectation is viewed in service quality literature as

desires or wants of consumer i.e., what they feel a service provider should
offer rather than would offer Parasuraman et al (1988). Perceived service
is the outcome of the consumers view of the service dimensions, which are
both technical and functional in nature Gronroos (1984).
The customers total perception of a service is based on his/her perception
of the outcome and the process; the outcome is either value added or
quality and the process is the role undertaken by the customer Edvardsson,
(1998). Parasuraman et al (1988) define perceived quality as a form of
attitude, related but not equal to satisfaction, and results from a
consumption of expectations with perceptions of performance. Therefore,
having a better understanding of consumers attitudes was helping know
how they perceive service quality in ethio telecom. Negi (2009) suggests
that customer-perceived service quality has been given increased attention
in recent years, due to its specific contribution to business competitiveness
and developing satisfied customers. This makes service quality a very
important construct to understand by firms by knowing how to measure it
and making necessary improvements in its dimensions where appropriate
especially in areas where gaps between expectations and perceptions are
wide. In the context of ethio telecom, We are not only interested in
learning more about the factors associated to service quality perceived by
customers and how service quality is measured but also provide a direction
for improvement of service quality in order to bring customer satisfaction.
Douglas & Connor (2003) emphasis that the consumer who has developed
heightened perception of quality has become more demanding and less
tolerant of assumed shortfalls in service or product quality and identify the
intangible elements (inseparability, heterogeneity and perishability) of a
service as the critical determinants of service quality perceived by a
customer. It is very vital to note here that, service quality is not only
assessed as the end results but also on how it is delivered during service
process and its ultimate effect on consumers perceptions Douglas & Connor
In ethio telecom, there is a need to understand customers expectation
regarding service quality.

Different researchers have developed models in order to get a better

understanding of service quality.

2.2 Customer Satisfaction

2.2.1. Definition of Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is conceptualized as been transaction-specific
meaning it is based on the customers experience on a particular service
encounter Cronin & Taylor (1992) and also some think customer satisfaction
is cumulative based on the overall evaluation of service experience Jones &
Suh( 2000). These highlight the fact that customer satisfaction is based on
experience with service provider and also the outcome of service. Customer
satisfaction is considered an attitude, Yi (1990). In the case of ethio
telecom, there is some relationship between the customer and the service
provider and customer satisfaction will be based on the evaluation of
several interactions between both parties. Giese & Cote (2000) clearly
state that there is not generic definition of customer satisfaction and
after carrying a study on various definitions on satisfaction they came up
with the following definition,
Customer satisfaction is identified by a response (cognitive or affective)
that pertains to a particular focus (i.e. a purchase experience and/or the
associated product) and occurs at a certain time (i.e. post-purchase, postconsumption)
. From this definition, is it clear that the consumers satisfaction is
determined for his/her perceived experience in the ethio telecom and this
is supported by Cicerone et al(2009) and Sureshchander et al (2002) who
believe customers level of satisfaction is determined by their cumulative
experiences at all of their points of contact with a supplier organization.
Fornell (1992) clearly defines customer satisfaction as an overall postpurchase evaluation by the consumer and this is similar to that of Tse &
Wilton (1988) who defined customer satisfaction as the consumers
response to the evaluation of the perceived discrepancy between prior

expectations and the actual performance of the product or service as

perceived after its consumption. These definitions consider satisfaction as
a post-purchase response and in the ethio telecom, perceived experience is
important in evaluating customer satisfaction.
According to Wicks & Roethlein (2009) customer satisfaction can be
formed through an affective evaluation process and this affective
evaluation is done following the purchase experience by the consumer.
Organizations that consistently satisfy their customers enjoy higher
retention levels and greater profitability due to increased customers
loyalty, Wicks & Roethlein (2009). This is why it is vital to keep consumers
satisfied and this can be done in different ways and one way is by trying to
know their expectations and perceptions of services offered by service
providers. In this way, service quality could be assessed and thereby
evaluating customer satisfaction. In our study, we use customers to
evaluate service quality by considering several important quality attributes
in ethio telecom and we think companies must take improvement actions on
the attributes that have a lower satisfaction level. This means customer
satisfactions were considered on specific dimensions of service quality in
order to identify which aspects customers are satisfied with.
2.2.2. Customer Satisfaction Measures
Customer satisfaction measurement involves the collection of data that
provides information about how satisfied or dissatisfied customers are with
a service. This information can be collected and analyzed in many different
ways. Many organizations regularly check the levels of customer
satisfaction to monitor performance over time and measure the impact of
service improvement. Henley center headlight vision Anon (2007) states the
research carried out in the UK with public sector organizations suggests
that there are five themes that are likely to be relevant to all organizations
in measuring customer satisfaction.
Delivery of the service
(How problems were handled, reliability, outcome etc)

(Waiting times, number of times contacted)

(Accuracy, enough information, kept informed)
(Competent staff, fair treatment)
Staff attitude
(Friendly, polite, sympathetic)
2.2.3. Factors that Affect Customer Satisfaction
Satisfaction which is vaguely defined as fulfilling the needs for which a
good or service was made (Merriam websters Dictionary), is viewed
differently in various industries, over various demographic backgrounds, as
well as for individuals and institutions Center for the study of Social Policy
(2007). Moreover, it has a totally different approach when it comes to
services and products Center for the study of Social Police (2007). All along
we have been trying to understand quality of services, quality of products,
and satisfaction both in the arena of comfort and in terms of utility that is,
the product or service fulfilling the actual purpose for which it was made
and bought. This is however very important but the fore mentioned
intricacies about satisfaction cannot be under looked. Sahim et al (2006) in
an effort to find out whether customers were satisfied with the food
services in the military hospital in Turkey realized that specific
demographic characteristics were not of significance in determining the
satisfaction of the patients but the appearance and taste of food. Their
emphasis on demographic characteristics gives the reader the impression
that they thought it was going to be an important factor. Another study in
Jiangsu province, China seeking to find out the differences in food
preferences between students of different socio-demographic backgrounds
and characteristics stated in their literature that societal and cultural
factors as well as environmental and indigenous factors shape childrens
food choices, Shi et al (2005). This makes them appreciate food quality
differently and often because they are not used to it, or they do not like it
at all or because of some traditional beliefs associated with the different

demographic characteristics. It is however a little contradiction but it is a

depiction of the complexities in the concept of satisfaction that some
researchers seek to explain. Bailey et al (1983) identified 38 factors that
affected the satisfaction of consumers of computers which are customized
for computer users some of which were quality of the product, flexibility,
reliability, priorities determination, security and expectations. In online
education structure, transparency and communication potentials influence
the satisfaction of students and enhance the learning process Karen (2001).
It has however been identified that human needs, quality of services and
products, the user friendly nature of product and services, and comfort
assurance Bailey et al ( 1983); Karen (2001) are some of the important
determinants of customer satisfaction. Even though different customers
will require different levels and combinations of these variables, they
generally are important factors that affect customer satisfaction. Matzler
et al (2002) went a step forward to classify factors that affect customers
satisfaction into three factor structures;
1. Basic factors:
These are the minimum requirements that are required in a product to
prevent the customer from being dissatisfied. They do not necessarily
cause satisfaction but lead to dissatisfaction if absent. These are those
factors that lead to the fulfillment of the basic requirement for which the
product is produced. These constitute the basic attributes of the product
or service. They thus have a low impact on satisfaction even though they are
a prerequisite for satisfaction. In a nutshell competence and accessibility
2. Performance factors:
These are the factors that lead to satisfaction if fulfilled and can lead to
dissatisfaction if not fulfilled. These include reliability and friendliness.
3. Excitement factors:
These are factors that increase customers satisfaction if fulfilled but
does not cause dissatisfaction if not fulfilled which include project

2.3 Relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction

According to Sureshchandar et al (2002) customer satisfaction should be
seen as a multi-dimensional construct just as service quality meaning it can
occur at multi levels in an organization and that it should be operationalized
along the same factors on which service quality is operationalized.
Parasuraman et al (1985) suggested that when perceived service quality is
high, then it will lead to increase in customer satisfaction. He supports that
fact that service quality leads to customer satisfaction and this is in line
with Saravana & Rao (2007) and Lee et al (2000) who acknowledge that
customer satisfaction is based upon the level of service quality provided by
the service provider.
According to Negi (2009) the idea of linking service quality and customer
satisfaction has existed for a long time. He carried a study to investigate
the relevance of customer-perceived service quality in determining
customer overall satisfaction in the context of mobile services
(telecommunication) and he found out that reliability and network quality (an
additional factor) are the key factors in evaluating overall service quality
but also highlighted that tangibles, empathy and assurance should not be
neglected when evaluating perceived service quality and customer
satisfaction. This study was based only on a specific service industry
(mobile service) and we think it is very important to identify and evaluate
those factors which contribute significantly to determination of customerperceived service quality and overall satisfaction. Fen & Lian (2005) found
that both service quality and customer satisfaction have a positive effect
on customers re-patronage intentions showing that both service quality and
customer satisfaction have a crucial role to play in the success and survival
of any business in the competitive market. This study proved a close link
between service quality and customer satisfaction. Su et al (2002) carried a
study to find out the link between service quality and customer satisfaction,
from their study, they came up with the conclusion that, there exist a great
dependency between both constructs and that an increase in one is likely to
lead to an increase in another. Also, they pointed out that service quality is
more abstract than customer satisfaction because, customer satisfaction

reflects the customers feelings about many encounters and experiences

with service firm while service quality may be affected by perceptions of
value (benefit relative to cost) or by the experiences of others that may
not be as good.
2.4 Customers Expectations compared to Perceptions
Gronroos (1982) and Parasuraman et al (1985) have proposed that
customers perception of service quality is based on the comparison of their
expectations (what they feel service providers should offer) with their
perceptions of the performance of the service provider. Parasuraman et al
(1988) point out that expectation is viewed differently in both satisfaction
literature and service quality literature. In satisfaction literature,
expectations are considered as predictions by customers about what is
likely to happen during a particular transaction while in service quality
literature, they are viewed as desires or wants of consumers, that is, what
they feels a service provider should offer rather than would offer. For
this study, define expectations as desires or wants of customers because
this allows us to know exactly what service providers show offer and this is
based on based past experience and information received Douglas & Connor
(2003). It is important to understand and measure customers expectations
in order to identify any gaps in delivering services with quality that could
ensure satisfaction Negi (2009). Perceptions of customers are based solely
on what they receive from the service encounter Douglas & Connor (2003).
Parasuraman et al (1985) identified 10 determinants used in evaluating
service quality; reliability, responsiveness, competence, access, courtesy,
communication, credibility, security, understanding the customer, and
tangibles. Most of these determinants of service quality require the
consumer to have had some experience in order to evaluate their level of
service quality ranging from ideal quality to completely unacceptable quality.
They further linked service quality to satisfaction by pointing out that when
expected service is greater than perceive service, perceived quality is less
than satisfactory and will tend towards totally unacceptable quality; when
expected service equals perceived service, perceived quality is satisfactory;
when expected service is less than perceived service, perceived quality is

more than satisfactory and were tend towards ideal quality Parasuraman et
al (1985).
2.5. The Development and Evolution of the SERVQUAL Model
Parasuraman et al (1985) identified 97 attributes which were found to have
an impact on service quality. These 97 attributes were the criteria that are
important in assessing customers expectations and perceptions on delivered
service Kumar et al (2009). These attributes were categorized into ten
dimensions Parasuraman et al (1985) and later subjected the proposed 97
item instruments for assessing service quality through two stages in order
to purify the instruments and select those with significant influences. The
first purification stage came up with ten dimensions for assessing service
quality which were; tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, communication,
credibility, security, competence, courtesy, understanding, knowing,
customers, and access. They went into the second purification stage and in
this stage they concentrated on condensing scale dimensionality and
reliability. They further reduced the ten dimensions to five which were;
Tangibility: physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of personnel
Reliability: ability to perform the promised service dependably and
Responsiveness: willingness to help customers and provide prompt service
Assurance: knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire
trust and confidence
Empathy: caring individualized attention the firm provides to its customers
Assurance and empathy involve some of the dimensions that have been done
away with like communication, credibility, security, competence, courtesy,
understanding/knowing customers and access. This is because these
variables did not remain distinct after the two stages of scale purification,
Parasuraman et al (1988). These original five dimensions are subject to 22
statements derived from Parasuraman et al (1988). This scale was further
tested for reliability with the use of five independent samples in five
different service industries. These are the same as the ones used in the
purification stages. The variables proved to be very reliable and displayed
very low levels of correlation between each other in the five independent

samples. This qualified them as independent or linear factors that can be

used to assess service quality Parasuraman et al (1988). Further a validity
test was carried out on this scale and using the same samples. Normally
reliability is a first criterion for validity. To be able to determine content
validity they analyzed the thoroughness with which the construct to be
scaled were explicated and then the extent to which the scales items
represent the construct domain. However the procedures used in developing
the SERVQUAL satisfied these conditions assuring the content validity
Parasuraman et al (1988). In order to assess the scale validity they did an
empirical assessment by examining the convergent validity. This was by
looking at the association of the SERVQUAL scores and the question that
was asked to respondents to provide to provide an overall quality rating for
the companies they were evaluating which was valid Parasuraman et al
(1988). Primarily the SERVQUAL model was developed for service and retail
businesses and its objective is to know how customers of a business rate
the services offered to them Parasuraman et al (1988). This is very crucial
for growth and profitability. Parasuraman et al (1988)., propose that this
model be used on a company three to four times a year to measure the
quality of its service over different times, to know the discrepancies
between perceived and actual services so as to know what reaction is
possible. They also recommend that the model should be used in conjuncture
with other models like in a retail business another model could be used to
rate the perception of service quality by the employees, and try to find out
from these employees what they recommend to improve on the quality of
their services. They equally require that in applying the model we should try
to measure the relative importance of each dimension. This can be
considered as weighted SERVQUAL model Cronin & Taylor (1992). The
SERVQUAL model is important in grouping customers of a company into
different quality ranks by determining their SERVQUAL score which is of
course very important to know how to target the various ranks. Parasuraman
et al (1988). This is very crucial for growth and profitability. The Propose
that this model be used on a company three to four times a year to measure
the quality of its service over different times, to know the discrepancies

between perceived and actual services so as to know what reaction is

possible. They also recommend that the model should be used in
conjuncture with other models like in a retail business another model could
be used to rate the perception of service quality by the employees, and try
to find out from these employees what they recommend to improve on the
quality of their services. They equally require that in applying the model we
should try to measure the relative importance of each dimension. This can
be considered as weighted SERVQUAL model Cronin & Taylor (1992). The
SERVQUAL model is important in grouping customers of a company into
different quality ranks by determining their SERVQUAL score which is of
course very important to know how to target the various ranks.
2.6 Service Quality Models
As stated earlier service quality has been defined differently by different
people and there is no consensus as to what the actual definition is. We
have adopted the definition by Parasuraman et al (1988), which defines
service quality as the discrepancy between a customers expectation of a
service and the customers perception of the service offering. Measuring
service quality has been one of the most recurrent topics in management
developed a conceptual model of service quality where they identified five
gaps that could impact the consumers evaluation of service quality in
Four different industries (retail banking, credit card, securities brokerage
and product repair and maintenance). These gaps were;
Gap 1: Consumer expectation - management perception gap
Service firms may not always understand what features a service must have
in order to meet consumer needs and what levels of performance on those
features are needed to bring deliver high quality service. This results to
affecting the way consumers evaluate service quality.
Gap 2: Management perception - service quality specification gap
This gap arises when the company identifies want the consumers want but
the means to deliver to expectation does not exist. Some factors that
affect this gap could be resource constraints, market conditions and

management indifference. These could affect service quality perception of

the consumer.
Gap 3: Service quality specifications service delivery gap
Companies could have guidelines for performing service well and treating
consumers correctly but these do not mean high service quality
performance is assured. Employees play an important role in assuring good
service quality perception and their performance cannot be standardized.
This affects the delivery of service which has an impact on the way
consumers perceive service quality.
Gap 4: Service delivery external communications gap
External communications can affect not only consumer expectations of
service but also consumer perceptions of the delivered service. Companies
can neglect to inform consumers of special efforts to assure quality that
are not visible to them and this could influence service quality perceptions
by consumers.
Gap 5: Expected Service perceived service gap
From their study, it showed that the key to ensuring good service quality is
meeting or exceeding what consumers expect from the service and that
judgment of high and low service quality depend on how consumers perceive
the actual performance in the context of what they expected.

Source: Parasuraman et al (1985), Curry (1999 and Luk (2002).

And experience. They carried this study on banking customers regardless

neither of which bank you use nor how you do your transactions, could be
domestically, internationally among others. After they carried out their
study they realized that there are four critical factors; tangibility,
reliability, convenience and competence. These variables had significant
differences between expectations and perceptions with tangibility having
the smallest gap and convenience has the largest gap. They end up with the
recommendation that banks need to be more competent in delivering their
services and fulfilling the assurance of customers and providing the banking
services more conveniently Kumar et al (2009). Curry et al (2002) in an
attempt to assess the quality of physiotherapy services used the
SERVQUAL model and three physiotherapy services in Dundee, Scotland.
They considered the ten original criteria for evaluation and combined them
into five; tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance (including
competence, courtesy, credibility, and security) and empathy (including
access, communication, and understanding). The quality gap is measured with
these five dimensions with the application of an adaptable 22 item survey
instruments. The survey involves questions relating to
customers expectations and perceptions. They sought to measure five gaps
developed by Parasuraman et al (1985). They found out that the services
were highly appreciated by customers even though they realized that the
perception gaps were slightly negative and the services could be improved.
Their studies proved that assurance and empathy were very important in
their research. In spite of the criticisms of the SERVQUAL model they
confirm its potential applicability in measuring service quality in the public
sector to determine consumer priorities and measure performance. Badri et
al (2003) made an assessment and application of the SERVQUAL model in
measuring service quality in information technology center. For their
research gap they used a larger sample which also differs from other
studies that addressed the dimensionality problem of the IT centeradapted SERVQUAL instruments. The second gap was to identify the gaps
in service quality in the IT centers in the three institutions of higher
education in the United Arab Emirates. Their findings showed that there

was an inadequacy of dimensions for a perfect fit. On the other hand, based
on their feedback, respondents felt that SERVQUAL is a useful indicator
for IT center service quality in institutions of higher education. SERVQUAL
identified gaps in service quality

For the three institutions. Empirical results of SERVQUAL scores for the
IT centers in the three institutions are also presented. Negi (2009) used
the model to determine customer satisfaction through perceived quality in
the Telecommunication industry and found out that reliability, empathy and
network quality proved to significantly effective in contributing to overall
service quality and overall customer satisfaction with mobile services. Akan
(1995) used the SERVQUAL model in the four stars hotels and found out
that competence and courtesy combined with assurance where most
important attributes influencing the perception of quality. In a nutshell, we
try to apply this instrument in the context of grocery stores and find if its
dimensions do measure service quality and customer satisfaction, hence are
adequate for a perfect measure of the constructs. This was also enabling
the study to identify gaps in service quality and find out what dimensions
consumers are satisfied with. In a nutshell, the study was apply this
instrument in the context of ethio telecom and find if its dimensions do
measure service quality and customer satisfaction, hence are adequate for a
perfect measure of the constructs.
2.8 For this study
In spite of the criticisms in the applicability of the SERVQUAL model by
some researchers Buttle (1994); Cronin & Taylor (1992) for this study it is
good in assessing the role of service quality on customer satisfaction in
ethio telecom for fixed line telephone, even though it has its weaknesses
due to the abstract and elusive nature of service quality concept which is
resultant from the fact that services are intangible, heterogeneous and
inseparable from production and consumption Parasuraman et al ( 1988).
Buttle (1994) and Cronin & Taylor (1992) however support the fact that this
model is good for retailers to understand the service expectations and

perceptions of customers and make improvements because of its good

reliability and validity. The researcher believes that customer satisfaction
and service quality can be measured along the same dimensions as proposed
by Parasuraman et al (1988).

Thus for this study, the researcher was adapted a SERVQUAL model with
five dimensions: Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, empathy.
The service quality gap is going to be measured with these five dimensions
with the application of an adaptable 22 item survey instruments statements
(see appendix 1)

This chapter was deal with methodology of the study; it comprise
description of the study, research design, types and sources of data,
population of the study, sampling design, data collection methods and
method of data analysis.
3.1 Description of study area
Hawassa is located in the southern nations nationalities and peoples Region
on the shores of Lake Hawassa in the Great Rift Valley; 273 km south of
Addis Ababa via Debre Zeit. Hawassa is served as the Capital of the
southern Nations Nationalities & peoples Region and the Sidama zone. The
city has total area of 157.2 sq.km Deviated in to Eight (8) sub cities and
each sub cities divided in to 32 Kebeles. According to the result of Housing
and Population Census of May, 2008, The Hawassa city administration has a
Population of 259,803 people, out of which 133,637 are male and 126,166
are female. Ethio telecom has nine regional offices throughout the country.
Out of this south region is the one, and the largest geographical coverage.
Under southern region, there are 33 shops. Hawassa shop is the one in

which I was conducted my study. The shop offered various products like
mobile, internet and fixed telephone. Source,
https://www.ethiotelecom.et. Thus, my study was conducted on the role of
service quality on customer satisfaction in Hawassa city, for fixed line
3.2 Research design
A research design provides a framework for the collection and analysis of
data. A choice of research design reflects decisions about the priority
being given to the following; expressing causal connections between
variables, generalizing to larger groups of individuals than those actually
forming part of the investigation, understanding behavior and meaning of
that behavior

In its specific social context and having a temporal (i.e. over time)
appreciation of social phenomena and their interconnections Bryman & Bell
(2007). The researcher used descriptive research design. This design it
enables us to be able to identify and categorize our variables which ease
our design of questionnaires such that they can capture all the data we need
from the respondents. The study was approach the respondents to find out
their perceptions of service quality based on the dimensions of the
3.3 Types and sources of data
The research methods which are used in this study are both quantitative
and qualitative data. Both primary and secondary data are used to collect
the required information. Structured questionnaires are distributed to
collect the primary data, while secondary sources like past studies and
archives were accessed from various databases like company policy,
procedure and process regarding to the provision of quality service.

3.4 Population of the study

The population of this study was consisted of fixed line telephone critical
customers in Addis Ababa city. A list of the population formally registered
in south region ethio telecom Fixed access network section until July 2014.
Accordingly, the formally registered total population of the study is 7685.
There are four categories of fixed line telephone users: residential
customers, government organizations, private organizations and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) sample strata looks like table below:

3.5 Sampling Design

Stratified random sampling was employed to collect information from
different sizes of the ethio telecom customers. This technique was
preferred because it is used to assist in minimizing bias when dealing with
the population those which are heterogeneous in nature. With this
technique, the sampling frame can be organized into relatively strata before
selecting elements for the sample. According to Janet (2006), this
technique increases the probability that the final sample
will be representative in terms of the stratified groups. The stratas are s

ectors including four categories of users: residential customers,

government organizations, private organizations and non-governmental
organizations (NGOs). According to Catherine Dawson (2009), the right
sample size in a study is dependent on the nature of the population and the
purpose of the study. In addition to the purpose of the study and
population size, three criteria usually was need to be specified to
determine the appropriate sample size: the level of precision, the level of
confidence or risk, and the degree of variability in the attributes being
measured (Miaoulis and Michener, 1976) Even though there are no general
rules, the sample size usually relies on the population to be sampled. In this
study to select sample size, a list of the population formally registered in
south region ethio telecom Fixed access network section until July 2014.
Accordingly, the formally registered total population of the study is 7685.
Finally, a sample size determination equation by Yamane (1967:886) was
used to arrive at a sample size of 380 customers with a 95 percent
confidence level and 5 percent level of precision since it was relevant to
studies. The equation was showed below:
The equation was showed below:

After having the sample size for the whole population, further calculation
was needed to decide the number of customers to be taken from each
stratum using proportional allocation. Thus, the customers were grouped
into four strata and to choose respondents from their respective strata.
After determining the number of respondent within a stratum, simple
random sampling was used to select them. The reliability and efficiency of

stratified random samples depends upon the allocation of sample size to

strata. In this study proportional allocation was used so that each stratum
contributes to the sample a number that is proportional to its size in the
population. Thus, to determine the sample size by strata from each stratum
the following formula was used.

3.6 Data Collection methods

As a way of trying to measure service quality, researchers have developed a

methodology known as SERVQUAL

a perceived service quality questionnaire survey methodology. It examines

five dimensions of service quality: Reliability, Responsiveness Assurance;
Empathy, and Tangible. These questionnaires were having two sections: The
first part intended to acquire the demographic profile of the respondents,
and the other section comprised a dimension of service quality and customer
satisfaction measurement (P-E).
3.6.1 The Questionnaire
We used the SERVQUAL 5 dimensions (Tangibles, Reliability,
Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy) which are subdivided into 22
statements, which were directed to measuring service quality in ethio
telecom in our case. As stipulated by the SERVQUAL model, the statements
are divided into two parts, the first part seeks to measure the expectations
of customers and the second part seeks to measure their perceptions.
There is also a demographic part that provides general information about
respondents on age, gender, education, average, monthly income and average
monthly expenditures. This is to enable us get a better understanding of
the type respondents and relate it to how they perceive service quality in
ethio telecom. We used the SERVQUAL model as the basis for the
structured questionnaire because it provides information on our research
questions in which we are trying to know how consumers perceive service
quality in ethio telecom by assessing the difference between the
expectation and perception of services experienced by consumers in the
company. This was know over perceived service quality by customers and
identity what items of the SERVQUAL dimensions consumers are satisfied
3.6.2 Administering of questionnaires
As mentioned earlier in this study, the study using a convenience sampling
technique. It was a little challenging experience but it was fun all the same.
We had 380 questionnaires to administer and it took us 2 weeks to
administer these 380 questionnaires and fortunately we received 380

questionnaires that were complete. This is because of the researcher are

the employee of the company and they distributed the questioner during
the bill payment period, when the customer came to the company to settle
their bill. The researcher located in front of the sales person at Hawassa
shop, of ethio telecom to collected the questioner.
3.6.3 Measurement
The SERVQUAL model is used to assess consumers expectations and
perceptions regarding
service quality in ethio telecom. Both expectations and perceptions are
measured using a 7-point scale to rate their level of agreement or
disagreement (1strongly disagree and 7- strongly agree), on which the
higher numbers indicate higher level of expectation or perceptions.
Perceptions are based on the actual service they receive in ethio telecom
while expectations are based on past experiences and information received
about the company service. Service quality scores are the difference
between the perception and expectation scores (P-E) with a possible range
of values from -6 to +6 (-6 stands for very dissatisfied and +6 means very
satisfied). The quality score measures the service gap or the degree to
which expectations exceed perceptions. The more positive the P-E scores,
the higher the level of service quality leading to a higher level of customer
satisfaction. Satisfaction and service quality are both treated together as
functions of
a customers perceptions and expectations. In most cases, when
expectation and perception are
equal, service quality is satisfactory.
3.6.4 Reliability Coefficient
Cronbachs alpha reliability coefficient normally ranges between 0 and 1.
However, there is actually no lower limit to the coefficient. The closer
Cronbachs alpha coefficient is to 1.0 the greater the internal consistency
of the items in the scale. George and Mallery (2003) provide the following
rules of thumb: _ > .9 Excellent, _ > .8 Good, _ > .7 Acceptable, _ > .6
Questionable, _ > .5 Poor and _ <.5 Unacceptable

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