1.2 Statement of The Problem
1.2 Statement of The Problem
1.2 Statement of The Problem
According to Hardie & Walsh (1993) and Sower and Fair (2005) quality has
many different definitions and there is no universally acceptable definition
of quality. They claim it is because of the elusive nature of the concept
from different perspectives and orientations and the measures applied in a
particular context by the person defining it. In our study, quality must be
well defined in the context of grocery stores and must focus on various
dimensions of both product and service. This therefore means the
definition of quality varies between manufacturing and services industries
and between academicians and practitioners. These variations are caused by
the intangible nature of its components since it makes it very difficult to
evaluate quality which cannot be assessed physical implying other ways must
be outlined in order to measure this quality. Quality has been considered as
being an attribute of an entity (as in property and character), a peculiar and
essential character of a product or a person (as in nature and capacity), a
degree of excellence (as in grade) and as a social status (as in rank and
aristocracy) and in order to control and improve its dimensions it must first
be defined and measured Ghylin et al (2008).
According to Ghylin et al (2008) since company managers believe that the
power of quality guarantees high profits in business, companies try to
understand how to keep the quality level high at every point within
production, manufacturing, and even providing services. Thus, they see the
product-based, user-based and manufacturing based approaches have been
the most popular in reported research. They was apply the user-based
approach because they are interested in finding out what dimensions of
service quality in grocery stores are customers satisfied with and how they
perceive this service quality. From the above discussion, they can highlight
two forms of quality; product quality and service quality which are have to
be discussed in order to clearly get their differences.
2.1.1 Product Quality
Garvin (1987) suggested eight dimensions of product quality which are very
important to consumers since they lay much emphasis on quality when buying
among many similar products and they include; Performance- primary
desires or wants of consumer i.e., what they feel a service provider should
offer rather than would offer Parasuraman et al (1988). Perceived service
is the outcome of the consumers view of the service dimensions, which are
both technical and functional in nature Gronroos (1984).
The customers total perception of a service is based on his/her perception
of the outcome and the process; the outcome is either value added or
quality and the process is the role undertaken by the customer Edvardsson,
(1998). Parasuraman et al (1988) define perceived quality as a form of
attitude, related but not equal to satisfaction, and results from a
consumption of expectations with perceptions of performance. Therefore,
having a better understanding of consumers attitudes was helping know
how they perceive service quality in ethio telecom. Negi (2009) suggests
that customer-perceived service quality has been given increased attention
in recent years, due to its specific contribution to business competitiveness
and developing satisfied customers. This makes service quality a very
important construct to understand by firms by knowing how to measure it
and making necessary improvements in its dimensions where appropriate
especially in areas where gaps between expectations and perceptions are
wide. In the context of ethio telecom, We are not only interested in
learning more about the factors associated to service quality perceived by
customers and how service quality is measured but also provide a direction
for improvement of service quality in order to bring customer satisfaction.
Douglas & Connor (2003) emphasis that the consumer who has developed
heightened perception of quality has become more demanding and less
tolerant of assumed shortfalls in service or product quality and identify the
intangible elements (inseparability, heterogeneity and perishability) of a
service as the critical determinants of service quality perceived by a
customer. It is very vital to note here that, service quality is not only
assessed as the end results but also on how it is delivered during service
process and its ultimate effect on consumers perceptions Douglas & Connor
In ethio telecom, there is a need to understand customers expectation
regarding service quality.
more than satisfactory and were tend towards ideal quality Parasuraman et
al (1985).
2.5. The Development and Evolution of the SERVQUAL Model
Parasuraman et al (1985) identified 97 attributes which were found to have
an impact on service quality. These 97 attributes were the criteria that are
important in assessing customers expectations and perceptions on delivered
service Kumar et al (2009). These attributes were categorized into ten
dimensions Parasuraman et al (1985) and later subjected the proposed 97
item instruments for assessing service quality through two stages in order
to purify the instruments and select those with significant influences. The
first purification stage came up with ten dimensions for assessing service
quality which were; tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, communication,
credibility, security, competence, courtesy, understanding, knowing,
customers, and access. They went into the second purification stage and in
this stage they concentrated on condensing scale dimensionality and
reliability. They further reduced the ten dimensions to five which were;
Tangibility: physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of personnel
Reliability: ability to perform the promised service dependably and
Responsiveness: willingness to help customers and provide prompt service
Assurance: knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire
trust and confidence
Empathy: caring individualized attention the firm provides to its customers
Assurance and empathy involve some of the dimensions that have been done
away with like communication, credibility, security, competence, courtesy,
understanding/knowing customers and access. This is because these
variables did not remain distinct after the two stages of scale purification,
Parasuraman et al (1988). These original five dimensions are subject to 22
statements derived from Parasuraman et al (1988). This scale was further
tested for reliability with the use of five independent samples in five
different service industries. These are the same as the ones used in the
purification stages. The variables proved to be very reliable and displayed
very low levels of correlation between each other in the five independent
was an inadequacy of dimensions for a perfect fit. On the other hand, based
on their feedback, respondents felt that SERVQUAL is a useful indicator
for IT center service quality in institutions of higher education. SERVQUAL
identified gaps in service quality
For the three institutions. Empirical results of SERVQUAL scores for the
IT centers in the three institutions are also presented. Negi (2009) used
the model to determine customer satisfaction through perceived quality in
the Telecommunication industry and found out that reliability, empathy and
network quality proved to significantly effective in contributing to overall
service quality and overall customer satisfaction with mobile services. Akan
(1995) used the SERVQUAL model in the four stars hotels and found out
that competence and courtesy combined with assurance where most
important attributes influencing the perception of quality. In a nutshell, we
try to apply this instrument in the context of grocery stores and find if its
dimensions do measure service quality and customer satisfaction, hence are
adequate for a perfect measure of the constructs. This was also enabling
the study to identify gaps in service quality and find out what dimensions
consumers are satisfied with. In a nutshell, the study was apply this
instrument in the context of ethio telecom and find if its dimensions do
measure service quality and customer satisfaction, hence are adequate for a
perfect measure of the constructs.
2.8 For this study
In spite of the criticisms in the applicability of the SERVQUAL model by
some researchers Buttle (1994); Cronin & Taylor (1992) for this study it is
good in assessing the role of service quality on customer satisfaction in
ethio telecom for fixed line telephone, even though it has its weaknesses
due to the abstract and elusive nature of service quality concept which is
resultant from the fact that services are intangible, heterogeneous and
inseparable from production and consumption Parasuraman et al ( 1988).
Buttle (1994) and Cronin & Taylor (1992) however support the fact that this
model is good for retailers to understand the service expectations and
Thus for this study, the researcher was adapted a SERVQUAL model with
five dimensions: Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, empathy.
The service quality gap is going to be measured with these five dimensions
with the application of an adaptable 22 item survey instruments statements
(see appendix 1)
This chapter was deal with methodology of the study; it comprise
description of the study, research design, types and sources of data,
population of the study, sampling design, data collection methods and
method of data analysis.
3.1 Description of study area
Hawassa is located in the southern nations nationalities and peoples Region
on the shores of Lake Hawassa in the Great Rift Valley; 273 km south of
Addis Ababa via Debre Zeit. Hawassa is served as the Capital of the
southern Nations Nationalities & peoples Region and the Sidama zone. The
city has total area of 157.2 sq.km Deviated in to Eight (8) sub cities and
each sub cities divided in to 32 Kebeles. According to the result of Housing
and Population Census of May, 2008, The Hawassa city administration has a
Population of 259,803 people, out of which 133,637 are male and 126,166
are female. Ethio telecom has nine regional offices throughout the country.
Out of this south region is the one, and the largest geographical coverage.
Under southern region, there are 33 shops. Hawassa shop is the one in
which I was conducted my study. The shop offered various products like
mobile, internet and fixed telephone. Source,
https://www.ethiotelecom.et. Thus, my study was conducted on the role of
service quality on customer satisfaction in Hawassa city, for fixed line
3.2 Research design
A research design provides a framework for the collection and analysis of
data. A choice of research design reflects decisions about the priority
being given to the following; expressing causal connections between
variables, generalizing to larger groups of individuals than those actually
forming part of the investigation, understanding behavior and meaning of
that behavior
In its specific social context and having a temporal (i.e. over time)
appreciation of social phenomena and their interconnections Bryman & Bell
(2007). The researcher used descriptive research design. This design it
enables us to be able to identify and categorize our variables which ease
our design of questionnaires such that they can capture all the data we need
from the respondents. The study was approach the respondents to find out
their perceptions of service quality based on the dimensions of the
3.3 Types and sources of data
The research methods which are used in this study are both quantitative
and qualitative data. Both primary and secondary data are used to collect
the required information. Structured questionnaires are distributed to
collect the primary data, while secondary sources like past studies and
archives were accessed from various databases like company policy,
procedure and process regarding to the provision of quality service.
The population of this study was consisted of fixed line telephone critical
customers in Addis Ababa city. A list of the population formally registered
in south region ethio telecom Fixed access network section until July 2014.
Accordingly, the formally registered total population of the study is 7685.
There are four categories of fixed line telephone users: residential
customers, government organizations, private organizations and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) sample strata looks like table below:
After having the sample size for the whole population, further calculation
was needed to decide the number of customers to be taken from each
stratum using proportional allocation. Thus, the customers were grouped
into four strata and to choose respondents from their respective strata.
After determining the number of respondent within a stratum, simple
random sampling was used to select them. The reliability and efficiency of