Question Bank PH201

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Model Questions (2010) of Engineering Physics (PH 201)
B.Tech., 2nd Semester, All discipline

Questions of marks 1
Choose the correct answer.
1. Nature of wave front at a finite distance in free space due to point source of light is
a) spherical

b) plane

c) cylindrical

d) irregular

2. The relation between path difference ( x ) and phase difference ( ) is



b) x

c) 2 x



3. The path difference in the case of constructive interference is

a) odd multiple of

2 b) odd multiple of 6

c) odd multiple of

4 d) even multiple of 2

Double slit interference pattern is the limiting case of double slit diffraction pattern when the
a) distance between the slits tends to zero

b) distance of the source & the slits tends to infinity

c) slit width tends to zero

d) distance between the slits tends to infinity.

A source of light emits light of frequencies between to . Coherence time c of the emergent


light beam is
a) c
b) c 1 /
c) c
6. In Youngs experiment, coherent sources are produced by means of
a) division of wavelength

b) division of amplitude

c) division of wave front

d) division of colour

d) c 1 /

7. The fringe width of interference pattern of Youngs experiment, if be the wavelength of light, d be the
distance between the sources and D be the distance between the sources & the screen






8. In Newtons ring experiment, coherent waves are produced by

a) division of wave front

b) division of amplitude

c) plano-concave lens

d) double convex lens

9. If white light is used in Newtons ring experiment, then we observe

a) uniformly bright field of view

b) black and white rings

c) uniformly dark field of view

d) colored rings

10. Waves in Newtons ring experiment are the examples of

a) phase coherence

b) temporal coherence



c) spatial coherence
11. From diffracrion of light, it can be concluded that

d) both temporal coherence and spatial coherence

a) light wave is transverse

b) light wave is longitudinal

c) light can bend through sharp edge or slits

d).light wave always travels in a straight line

12. In Fresnel diffraction the incident wave front is

a) plane

b) spherical or cylindrical

c) any type

d) elliptical

13. In Fraunhofer diffraction, the distance of the source and that of the screen
a) both are finite

b) first one is finite and second one is infinite

c) both are infinite

d) first one is infinite and second one is finite

14. The intensity of principle maxima in the spectrum of a grating with N number of lines is proportional to
a) 1/N
b) N
c) N2
d) 1/N2
15. In a plane transmission grating, light
(a) diffracts to produce the resultant pattern (b) diffracts and interferes to produce the resultant pattern
(c) Interferes to produce the resultant pattern (d) either diffracts or interferes to produce the resultant pattern
16. The resolving power of a grating having N number of total rulings exposed in the n-th order isa)




c) n + N

d) nN

17. The resolving power of a microscope is limited by

a) diameter of the objective

b) wavelength of light

c) kind of glass

d) focal length of the objective

18. For plane transmission grating, the condition for maximum intensity is
a) a sin n

b) (a b) sin n

c) b sin n d) ab sin n

19. Polarization of light confirms that


a) light is a transverse wave

b) light is a longitudinal wave

c) light bends when passes by the edge of sharp object

d) light is not a wave

A light ray is passing through a calcite crystal. If the plane of vibration of the light is perpendicular to
the optic axis then the ray

(a) is O-ray

(b) is E-ray

(c) has both non-zero O & E components

(d) cannot propagate through the crystal.

21. Light is polarized by Nicol prism due to

a) diffraction

b) double reflection

c) scattering

d) double refraction

22. Number of optic axis in a bi-axial crystal is

a) 4

b) 2

c) 1

d) 5

23. In a quarter wave plate the path difference between O-ray and E-ray is
a) /8

b) /6

24. Nicol prism can be used as

c) /4

d) /2

a) a polarizer only
b) an analyser only
c) a polarizer and an analyser
d) a spectrum analyzer
Measurement done from special relativistic standpoint reduces to classical results when the relative
speed of the particles is
a) comparable to c

b) greater than c

c) very small in comparison to c

d) of any value.

26. If the speed of a moving particle is comparable to the speed of light in free space then the mass of the
moving particle is
a) same as its rest mass

b) greater than its rest mass

c) smaller than its rest mass

d) zero.

27. If a particle of non-zero rest mass attains a speed u, then

a) the magnitude of u may be greater than c

b) u may be equal to c

c) u can never be equal to c

d) u may assume any value.

28. The velocity of a particle when its mass become twice its rest mass is
a) c/2

b) 0.9c

c) 1.5c

d) 0.86c

29. The rest mass of an electron is 9.1 x 10-31kg. Its equivalent energy is
a) 0.51 MeV

b) 939 MeV

c) 9.39 MeV

d) 2.5 MeV

30. The relation between total relativistic energy E and momentum p of a particle is
a) E

p 2 c 2 m02 c 4

b) E p 2 c 2 m02 c 4

c) E 2 p 2 c 2 m02 c 2

d) E 2 p 2 c 2 m02 c 4

31. For a blackbody spectrum, the maximum of energy density shifts with the change of temperature T. As T
increases, the peak of the spectrum shifts to
a) lower frequency region

b) infinity

c) higher frequency region

d) middle frequency region

32. A black body

a) can not radiate

b) can not reflect

c) can absorb

d) can transmit and reflect

33. Rayleigh-Jeans law explains the experimental results of blackbody radiation in

a) all wavelength regions

b) only the higher wavelength regions

c) only the lower wavelength regions

d) visible wavelength region

34. Wiens law of radiation fails to explain the blackbody spectrum in the region of
a) lower wavelength

b) small range wavelength ()

c) all the wavelengths

d) higher wavelength

35. The Plancks oscillators can radiate or absorb energy during transitions in
a) continuous process
c) only quanta of


b) only quanta of h
d) any arbitrary amount

36. The number of oscillation modes for the electromagnetic standing waves of frequency to +d or the
cavity radiation is proportional to
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 3
37. The energy of the photoelectrons from a certain emitter will be
a) same for all frequencies of incident radiation

b) more for higher frequencies

c) more for lower frequencies

d) more for higher wavelengths.

38. If the frequency of light in photoelectric effect is double, the stopping potential will
a) be halved

b) be doubled

c) become more than double

d) become less that double

39. The Compton wavelength of the scattering particle is given by

m0 c 2

a) c


b) c

m0 c

c) c

d) c

m0 c

40. The greatest wavelength change for Compton effect corresponds to

a) = 900

b) = 0

c) = 450

d) = 1800.

(where = angle between directions of the incident photons and scattered photons)
41. The de-Broglies wavelength of a material particle is

a) p




c) p

d) hp

42. The magnitude of momentum carried by a photon of frequency is a)








43. The de-Broglie wavelength for a particle of mass m and charge e subjected to a potential difference V is








44. The de-Broglie wavelength for a moving electron subjected to a potential difference of V is










45. If a proton and electron have same de-Broglie wavelength, then the energy of electron is
a) exactly half to that of proton

b) greater than that of proton

c) equal to that of proton

d) smaller than that of proton

46. An particle is 4 times heavier than a proton. If a proton and an particle are moving with the same
velocity, their de-Broglie wavelengths are related as
(a) p=

(b) p=4

(c) p=/2

(d) p=/4

47. A stone is dropped from the top of a building. During falling the de- Broglie wavelength of the stone
(a) increases

(b) decreases

(c) remains constant

48. The Davission-Germer experiment verifies

a) particle nature of photons

b) wave nature of electrons

(d) cannot be defined

c) Heisenbergs principle

d) the wave nature of photons.

49. Davisson and Germer studied electron diffraction with nickel crystal and found a first order peak at 65 0 with
electron beam of 54 eV. If, instead a 216 eV beam were used then the peak would have been at
(a) 27

(b) 54

(c) 130

(d) 260

50. The velocity with which the energy of a wave is transported through a medium is
a) phase velocity

b) critical velocity

c) light velocity

d) group velocity

51. The group velocity corresponding to a wave packet is

a) v g


b) v g

c) v g


d) v g


52. The group velocity of de Broglie wave is

a) less than the particle velocity v

b) equal to the particle velocity v

c) greater than the particle velocity v

d) independent of the particle velocity v.

53. In free space, for de Broglie waves a) v p v g

b) v p v g

c) v p v g

d) v p 2v g

b) v p v g

c) v p v g

d) v p v g

54. In a dispersive medium a) v p v g

55. The phase velocity vp of de Broglie wave is connected to the particle velocity v by the relation
a) v p


b) v p


c) vpc=v2

d) vp2=cv

56. From Heisenbergs uncertainty principle, if x is uncertainty in the position of an object and px is
uncertainty in its momentum component in the x-direction at the same instant, then
a) xp x


b) xp x


c) xp x


d) xp x h

57. , If E = uncertainty in the energy of the system and t = uncertainty of the time measurement, then the
uncertainty principle
a) Et


b) Et


c) Et


d) Et


58. If the position of a particle is measured precisely and accurately, the uncertainty in the measurement of
momentum at the same instant becomes

a) 1

c) 0

d) independent of x

59. The wave function of a moving particle for all values of x, y, z must be
a) finite

b) infinite

c) zero

d) multi-valued

60. The probability density of a moving particle with wave function is


b) dxdydz

61. If (x,t) is a normalized wave function we must have

c) * dV


(a) dx 1

(b) dx 0

(c) dx 1

(d) dx

62. If is the wave function of a particle then (r ) * (r ) dV is equal to

a) 1

b) 0

c) -1

d) 2

63. All operators in quantum mechanics have

a) one eigen function

b) one eigen value

c) eigen function and eigen value

d) two eigen value only

64. The momentum operator in one dimension is


x i

b) p x

i x

c) p x

i x



65. In one dimension the operator of kinetic energy for a moving particle is

2 2
2m x 2


2 2
2m x 2


2m 2
2 x 2


2m x

66. The eigen function of the operator
dx 2

(b) x2

(a) x

(c) e x

(d) cos(x)

67. When the Hamiltonian operator will operate on a wave function (r ) then the corresponding eigen value
is a) P.E

b) K.E

c) Total energy

d) rest mass energy

68. The ground state energy of an electron moving in one dimensional infinitely deep potential well is

n2 2


n2 2





69. If the quantum mechanical state of a particle is described by

(x) = 0eik(x-a), for xL and (x) =0 otherwise then
(a) the particle has a definite position but uncertainty in momentum
(b) the particle has a definite momentum but uncertainty in position
(c) The particle has uncertainties in both in position and momentum
(d) the particle has no uncertainties in either momentum or in position.
70. The solution of Schrodingers wave equation is
a) Acosx
b) A sinx
71. Eigen value of the function sin(x) for the operator
a) -1
72. The value of

b) 1


c) Atanx
x 2

c) 0

d) Ae x



a) -1
b) -2
c) 0
d) 1
73. A coin and a six-faced dice are thrown simultaneously. The probability that the coin shows tell and the dice
shows 5 is
a) 1/12
b) 1/8
c) 7/12
d) 5/6

74. The number of microstates for n particles distributed in k number of cells obeying M-B statistics is
a) n+k

b) n C k

c) kn

(d) nk

75. The number of possible arrangement of two fermions in 3 cells is

(a) 9

(b) 6

(c) 3

(d) 1

76. If ni is the number of identical and indistinguishable particles in the ith energy state with degeneracy g ithe
classical statistics can be applied if
(a) ni/gi=1

(b) ni/gi<<1

(c) ni/gi>>1

(d) ni/gi = 0

77. F-D statistics deals with very large number of

a) indistinguishable particles

b) nanosize particles

c) distinguishable particles

d) all subatomic particles.

78. Fermions are

a) heavy ions

b) particles of zero or integral spin value

c) classical particle

d) particles of half-integral spin value

79. Photons are

a) waves

b) fermions

c) bosons

d) protons

c) 2 He 4 atom

d) electron

80. F-D statistic is applicable for

a) ideal gas

b) photon

81. F.D distribution approaches to M-B distribution at

(a) low temperature and high pressure

(b) low temperature and low particle mass

(c) high temperature and high particle mass

(d) high density and low energy range

82. Average energy of electron in a metal at T = 0K is

a) F







83. Plancks radiation law for blackbody radiation can be derived from
a) B-E statistics

b) F-D statistics

c) M-B statistics

d) Gaussian distribution

84. M-B statistics is applicable for

a) particles with zero rest mass

b) indistinguishable particles

c) spin half particles

d) distinguishable particles

85. The The maximum energy state that can be occupied by an electron at T = 0K is called
a) Chemical potential energy

b) zero point energy

c) ionization energy

d) Fermi energy.

86. In three dimensions, number of Bravais lattices are

a) 7

b) 4

c) 2

d) 14

87. In a face center cubic (f.c.c) crystal structure, the effective number of atoms per unit cell is
a) 4

b) 2

88. Co-ordination number of b.c.c lattice is

c) 6

d) 1

a) 8

b) 12

c) 6

89. The miller indices for planes having intercepts

a) (421)


d) 4.

,b and 2c is -

b) (241)

c) (124)

d) (211)

90. The neighbor distance in the case of bcc lattice is


a 3

a 2






91. X-rays are

a) high energy negatively charged particles

b) electromagnetic radiations

c) high energy positively charged particles

d) a stream of high energy neutrons.

92. The short wavelength limit of x-rays depend on

a) potential deference across the electrodes of x-ray tube

b) nature of the target

c) nature of the filament used

d) temperature of the target.

93. Origin of continuous x-rays is due to the process of

a) ionization

b) energy state transition

c) bremsstralung

d) annihilation.

94. If 50kV is the applied potential in an x-ray tube, then the minimum wavelength of x-rays produced is
a) 0.2nm

b) 2nm

c) 0.2

d) 2

95. For Laser action to occur, the medium used must have at least
a) 2 energy levels

b) 4 energy levels

c) 3 energy levels

d) one energy level

96. In a Ruby laser, population inversion is achieved by

(a) optical pumping

(b) inelastic collision between atoms

(c) chemical reactions

(d) applying strong electric field

97. In He-Ne Laser, neon atoms obtain energy from

(a) electrical field

(b) optical pumping

(c) chemical reactions

(d) collision with He atoms

98. The mechanism of optical fibre communication is based on

a) diffraction of light

b) polarization of light

c) total internal reflection of light

d) dispersion light

99. In optical fibre the refractive index of core in comparison to that of cladding is
a) smaller

b) greater

c) equal

d) very large

An optical fibre of refractive indices n1 and n2 for core and cladding respectively is placed in air

medium. The numerical aperture is defined as

a) sin 1

n12 n22


n12 n22


n22 n12


n22 n12

101. The unit of measurement of attenuation in optical fiber is

a) watt

b) volt/meter

c) Joule/m

d) dB/km

Questions of marks 5

Define wave front. Explain with diagram how three types of wave fronts are obtained.


State and explain with diagram Huygenss principle in wave theory of light.


State and explain the conditions for obtaining stable interference pattern of light.


a) What is meant by interference of light? State the conditions for the stable interference pattern.
b) In Youngs interference experiment, d is the distance between the two coherent sources of light with
wavelength , and D is the source-screen distance. Show that fringe width



(a) In Youngs double slit interference experiment distance between the coherent sources are 1.15mm.
Calculate the fringe with that would be observed on the screen placed at a distance 85 cm from the source of
=5893A0. (b) A convex lens of focal length 40cm is employed to focus the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern
of a single slit of 0.3 mm width. Calculate the linear distance of the first order dark band from the central
band for =5893A0.


a) How is the coherence condition achieved in formation of Newtons ring?

b) Explain that the center of Newtons rings formed by reflection is dark.


Describe with neat diagram the arrangement of Newtons ring experiment.


How does diffraction differ from interference? Show the single slit diffraction pattern in a diagram.


a) A parallel beam of monochromatic light is incident on a double slit. Discuss the nature of diffraction
pattern observed.
b) What are the differences between Fraunhofers diffraction and Fresnels diffraction?


a) What is plane transmission grating?

b) What is meant by resolving power of an optical instrument?


Explain how grating spectra differ from prism spectra.


Deduce the expression of wavelength in the experiment with plane diffraction grating.


a) What does polarization of light waves mean?

b) State and derive Maluss law of polarization.


Explain the meaning of Plane of vibration, Plane of polarization and Principal section of e. m. fields?


Explain the meaning of Positive & Negative Crystal and Ordinary & Extra-ordinary Rays.


a) State and explain Brewsters law of polarization indicating clearly the nature of polarization of the
reflected and refracted waves.
b) Show that the reflected and refracted components are mutually perpendicular.


What is Rayleigh Criterion of resolution? Define resolving power in connection with image formation by a


(a) Two polarizers are placed at crossed position (angle between the polarizing planes are 90 0), a third
polarizer with angle with the first one is placed between them. An unpolarized light of intensity I is
incident on the first one and passes through all three polarizers. Find the intensity of the light that comes
out. (b) Calculate the polarizing angle for light traveling from water of refractive index 1.33 to glass of
refractive index 1.53. Explain briefly the action of dichroic Polaroid.


(a) Obtain the relativistic expression for kinetic energy of a particle. (b)Compute the rest mass energy of
proton in Mev. (mp= 1.67 X 10-27 kg)


(a) If two photons are approaching each other in free space then find the relative velocity of one photon
with respect to the other. (b) If a light of wavelength 6000 falls on a metal surface and emits
photoelectrons with velocity of 4x105m/s , what is the threshold wavelength?


(a) State and explain Einsteins equation for explaining photoelectric emission. (b) In which respect
photoelectric effect is different from Compton effect?


When electromagnetic radiation of wavelength is incident on a photosensitive surface, the kinetic energy
of the photoelectrons emitted from the surface is 2eV. When the wavelength of the incident radiation is 2,
the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted from the surface is 0.5eV, then find the threshold
wavelength for photoelectron emission from the surface in terms of .


Why is Compton Effect not observed with visible light? Why do unmodified lines also appear in Compton


(a) Show that in Compton scattering it is impossible to transfer all the energy of the photon to the electron.
(b) Show that the product of group velocity and phase velocity of the de-Broglie wave is constant.


Obtain Rayleigh-Jeans law and Wiens law from Plancks law.


Show that the temperature dependence in Stephans law can be derived from Plancks radiation law.


The maximum wavelength for photoelectric emission in tungsten is 230nm. What wavelength of light must
be used in order to have emission of electrons with a maximum energy 1.5eV ?


(a) Explain why is the Compton shift of wavelength independent of scattering materials? (b) Photon of
energy 1.02 MeV undergoes Compton scattering through 1800. Calculate the energy of the scattered photon.


(a) State de-Broglies postulate on the wave like property of particles. (b) An electron and proton has same
de-broglie wavelength. Prove that the energy of electron is greater.


(a) State clearly why a moving body corresponds to a wave packet or wave group? (b) Find the deBroglie wavelength of a 1.0mg grain of sand blown by the wind at a speed of 20m/s.


Obtain the wave velocity (phase velocity) vp of de Broglie wave in terms of the velocity of the particle v.


In Davission-Germer experiment explain why the nickel block target has to be baked in a hot oven to
observe the diffraction phenomena of the high energy electron beam.


The life time of an excited state of an atom is about 10 -8 sec. Calculate the minimum uncertainty in the
determination of the energy of the excited state.



Show that the angular frequency of the de Broglie waves is


Explain quantum mechanical operator, eigen functions and eigen values. Prove that

h 1 vc 2

are not


Explain: Normalization of a wave function, probability density and expectation value.


Write the time-dependent Schrodingers wave equation (3D) for the motion of a particle of mass m in an

infinite square well potential. What are limitations on the wave function (r ) ?

A particle of mass m is confined within x=0 to x=L. (a) Write the Schrodingers equation to describe the
motion of the particle. (b) Solve the equation to find out the normalized eigenfunctions. (c) Show that the
eigen functions corresponding to two different eigenvalues are orthogonal.


(a) If p denotes momentum, then find <p> as well as <p2> in the ground state of the system mentioned in the
previous problem. (b) Write down the operator L x, Ly, Lz( componenets of angular momentum) in terms of
position and linear momentum operators. Then show that [Lx, Ly]=iLz


Name the statistics followed by each of the following particles: neutrino, alpha particle, muon, photon,
neutron, pi-meson and phonon.


Write the basic assumptions in deriving the (M.B (ii) B.E and (iii) F.D statistics. How does the distribution
function differ in the three cases?


A gas has 2 distinguishable identical particles in k-th energy level in which there are 3 separate quantum
states. Find the possible number of microstates.


(a) Define (i) phase space (ii) microstate and (iii) macrostate with suitable example. (b) Consider two
particle system each of which can exist in a states 1, 2, 3. What are the possible states, if the particles are
(i) bosons and (ii) fermions?


A system has non-degenerate single-particle states with 0, 1, 2, 3 energy units. Three particles are to be
distributed in these states such that the total energy of the system is 3 units. Find the number of microstates
if the particles obey (i) MB statistics (ii) BE statistics (iii) FD statistics.


(a) In a crystal, a lattice plane cuts intercepts of 2a, 3b and 6c along the axes, where a, b and c are primitive
vectors of the unit cell. Determine the Miller indices of the given plane. (b) Find out the intercepts made by
the plane (221) in a simple cubic unit cell and draw the plane.


The lattice constants of a primitive cell are 12, 1.8 and 2 respectively. A crystal plane of Miller indices
(231) makes an intercept of 12 along x-axis. Find the intercepts along y and z axes.


Show that for a cubic lattice, the lattice constant a is given by




, where n is the number of atoms

per unit cell, M is the atomic weight, N =Avogadro number and is the density.


(a) Copper has fcc structure and the atomic radius is 0.1278nm. Calculate the interplaner spacing of (321)
planes.(b) Calculate the glancing angle on the plane (110) of a rock salt cubic crystal ( a 0.2814nm )
corresponding to second order diffraction maximum for the x-rays of wavelength 0.071nm.


Explain the spontaneous emission and stimulated emission of radiation for Laser action. What is called
optical pumping?


Describe the working principle of ruby laser. How is population inversion achieved in this laser?


What are the essential requirements for the construction of an optical fiber? Calculate the numerical
aperture of an optical fiber in which the refractive index of core and cladding are 1.58 and 1.5 respectively.
Find the maximum angle for entrance of light if the fiber is placed in a medium of refractive index 1.33.

Questions of marks 15
1. a) Explain coherent sources of light. Distinguish between spatial and temporal coherence.
b) What is coherence time and coherence length?
c) State the conditions for the stable interference pattern.
d) What are the two types of classification of interference.
2. a) Give analytical theory of interference. Draw a curve for variation of intensity of with phase. Prove that in
interference phenomena the energy is conserved.
b) In Youngs double slit experiment, the slits are 0.2mm apart and the screen is 1.5m away. It is observed
that the distance between the central bright fringe and the fourth dark fringe is 1.8cm. Find the wavelength
of light.
3. a) Describe and explain the formation of Newtons rings in reflected monochromatic light.
b) In a Newtons ring experiment, it is observed that the diameter of the 3 rd bright ring is 0.181cm and that
of the 13th bright ring is 0.501cm. If the radius of curvature of curved surface of the lens is 100cm, calculate
the wavelength of the light used.
c) What difference in fringe system can be observed for Newtons ring experiment with reflected light and
transmitted light.
4. a) Explain the difference between interference and diffraction. Derive the expression of intensity at a point
for Fraunhoffer diffraction due to a single slit. Draw the intensity distribution curve (diffraction pattern) and
explain it.
b) A parallel beam of light of wavelength (5890) falls normally on a plane transmission grating having
4250lines/cm. Find the angle of diffraction for maximum intensity in first order.
5. a) Calculate the least width that a grating must have to resolve two components of the sodium-D line in the
second order, the grating having 800 lines/cm. The wavelength of sodium D 1 & D2 lines are 5893 A &

5896 A .

b) Deduce the missing order of a double slit Fraunhofer diffraction pattern if the slit width are 0.16 mm and
they are 0.8 mm apart.
c) Two stars are situated at a distance 9.5 x 10 12 km from the telescope of diameter 20cm are sending light
of wavelength 600nm. Find the distance of the separation of the stars for which they are just resolved.
d) In a plane transmission grating the angle of diffraction for the second order maximum for wavelength
500 nm is 30o. Calculate the number of lines/cm of the grating.
e) A film of refractive index 1.70 is placed between a plane glass plate and a equi-convex lens. The focal
length of the lens is 1 metre. Determine the radius of the 10th dark ring when light of wavelength is 600 nm.

a) What is meant by polarization of light? How does it prove the transverse character of light?
b) What are ordinary and extra-ordinary rays in a uniaxial crystal? How can you show that they are plane
c) A ray of light is incident on the surface of a glass plate of refractive index 1.55. Calculate the angle of
incidence for which the reflected light is completely plane-polarized? What is the corresponding angle of


a) Describe the construction of a Nicols prism. Explain how it can be used as a polarizer and as an
analyzer.b) What are half-wave and quarter wave plates? Explain their use in the study of different types of
polarized light. c) How can you convert plane-polarized light into circularly polarized light? d) How would
you change a left-handed circularly polarized light into a right-handed circularly polarized light?


a) What is plane diffraction grating? Describe how it is used to determine the wavelength of light.
b) Discuss resolving power of grating using Rayleighs criterion.
c) A grating of width 5cm with 6000 lines per cm. is used to just resolve wavelength separation 0.082 .
Calculate the mean wavelength.


a) Derive an expression of intensity for Fraunhoffer diffraction due to a double slit. Draw the intensity
distribution curve and explain it. Explain Missing order in double slit pattern.

10. a) What is plane transmission grating? Explain the formation of spectrum by this grating using a
monochromatic source of light and draw the graph for intensity distribution. What is absent spectra in a
11. a) What are different types of polarized light?
b) Explain the methods of their formation.
c) Discuss the structure and function of Polaroid.

a) Give the theory of Fresnel bi-prism experiment (or, Youngs experiment) and explain how the
wavelength of light is measured by bi-prism experiment.
b) In Fresnels bi-prism (or, Youngs experiment) the slit separation is 0.6mm. If the wavelength of light
used is 6000 and the distance between the slits & the screen is 50cm. Calculate the fringe width.


(a) Obtain the energy momentum relation from the expression of relativistic mass.

(b) Show that a massless particle can have a momentum.
(c) An electron (me = 0.51MeV) and a photon (m = 0) both have momentum of 2000MeV/c. Find the total
energy of each.

Explain why Plancks quantum theory is different from classical concept. Calculate the average energy
of the Plancks oscillators. If the number of oscillators per unit volume within the frequency range to +d


8 2
d , obtain Plancks radiation formula. Obtain Wiens law from this formula.

Obtain the expression for Compton shift. A beam of gamma radiation of wavelength 2.4 x10 -12m is
incident on a foil of aluminium. Find the Compton shift for the scattering angle 900.


What do you meant by the wave function of matter waves? Is it related with the probability density?
Interpret from physical stand point. Obtain the relation between de Broglie wave (phase ) velocity v p and
the velocity of the particle v. Can vp, the phase velocity exceed the velocity of light in free space? If so, does
it violate the special relativity?


Discuss the Davission and Germers experimental setup for the study of electron diffraction. Analyze
the salient features of the experimental results obtained in the experiment.


Give an account of Heisenbergs uncertainty principle. Outline an idealized experiment to bring out the
significance and justification of the uncertainty principle.


(a) Write down Schrodingers wave equation for the motion of a particle in one dimension under the
action of a conservative force and hence obtain time independent wave equation. (b) Consider one
dimensional motion of a particle which is confined in an infinite square well potential. Obtain the
expression of energy.


In a dispersive medium why the wave-group (for de Broglie wave) has a velocity different from the
phase velocities of the waves that makes it up. How vp (phase velocity) and vg (group velocity) are related to
angular frequency and wave number k. Hence obtain the relation v p

, where v is the velocity of the


Define thermodynamic probability. Write down the basic assumptions in deriving (i) M-B (ii) B-E and
(iii) F-D statistics.Derive the expression for the Bose-Einstein statistical distribution and hence obtain
Planks formula for the blackbody radiation.


Sketch the Fermi distribution function for T=0 and T>0K and explain.What is meant by Fermi energy?
What is the occupation probability at E=EF? Calculate how the degeneracy function g(E) depends on E for a
Fermionic gas. Express the Fermi energy level in a metal in terms of free electron density.


(a) Find out the atomic packing factor of s.c, b.c.c and f.c.c unit cell. Also calculate the atomic packing
factor of the unit cell of NaCl and diamond crystal.

(b) Show that in a cubic crystal the spacing between consecutive parallel planes of Miller indices (hkl) is
given by d hkl

(h k 2 l 2 )

, where a is lattice constant.(c) A beam of x-rays (=1.54 ) is incident on a

crystal plane which intercepts at a/2, b, 2c in a f.c.c unit cell. The first order Braggs reflection is observed
at a glancing angle of 38.20. Calculate the lattice constant of the crystal unit cell.

State and explain Braggs law of x-ray diffraction in crystal. Discuss the origin of continuous x-rays and
characteristic x-rays and find an expression for minimum wavelength of x-rays produced. State the
characteristic properties of a laser that differ from those of ordinary light.Describe with energy level
diagrams the phenomenon of spontaneous emission, stimulated emission and stimulated absorption in a
two-level system. Obtain a relation between Einsteins A and B coefficient.


Why is population inversion necessary in a laser? What does metastable state mean? Describe
qualitatively the operation of a He-Ne laser with energy diagram of relevant atoms involved. Name two
laser sources in the visible region.


(a) Show that the ratio of spontaneous and stimulated emission is proportional to the cube of the
frequency. (b) Explain the construction and action of the optical resonator in a ruby laser.(c) If the energy
level of K, L, M state of Platinum are 78keV, 12 keV and 3kev respectively, then calculate the wavelengths
of K and K lines emitted from platinum. (h=6.626x1034Js)


State the working principle of optical fiber. What are step-index fiber and graded-index fiber? Define
numerical aperture of a fiber and find out an expression for the same in a step-index fiber. A silica glass
optical fiber has a core refractive index of 1.5 and that of the cladding material is 1.45. Calculate the (a)
critical angle for the core-cladding interface. (b) acceptance angle in air for the fiber. (c) numerical aperture
of the fiber.

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