Chapter 17: Nail Disorders & Surgery: Nail Entities Nail Anatomy Surgical Nail Procedures
Chapter 17: Nail Disorders & Surgery: Nail Entities Nail Anatomy Surgical Nail Procedures
Chapter 17: Nail Disorders & Surgery: Nail Entities Nail Anatomy Surgical Nail Procedures
Nail Entities Nail Anatomy
Surgical Nail Procedures
Nails are excellent indicators of systemic disease and may provide invaluable
diagnostic information. The nails are equally sensitive to environmental and
physical stimuli and may provide vital clues that indicate toxic exposure and
traumatic insult.
Owing to the great cosmetic value of the nail, any physical derangement to
the structure can bring the patient to your office. You should check for the
following nail presentations: discoloration, anonychia, brittleness,
hypertrophy, koilonychia, onycholysis, pitting, pterygium, onychomadesis,
splitting, striations, nail thinning, ridging, change in nail consistency, change
in nail configuration, and nail clubbing.
Nail Entities
1. Anonychia: Is the complete absence of one or usually more than one nail.
This condition is a rare congenital anomaly.
i. Caused by ischemia, frostbite, toxic and infectious states, Raynaud's disease,
Darier's disease, lichen planus, subungual neoplasm, fungal infections,
psoriasis, and injuries.
10. Keratoacanthoma: This may develop in the nail beds with serious
consequences to the nail and subungual structures. The lesion appears
suddenly, ulcerated, and both clinically and histologically resembles
squamous carcinoma. Underlying bone may be involved.
13. Lichen Planus: Will result in atrophy of the nail plate and pterygium
formation, which is considered pathognomonic for the disease.
15. Mee's Lines: Is an eponym for horizontal striations that appear in the
nails as a consequence of arsenic and thallium poisoning.
16. Onychauxis: This is the thickened, elongated, raised irregular nail. The
color can be changed from white to a mixture of green, yellow, brown, or
black, all of which may obliterate the lunula.
i. Can be caused by trauma, fungal infection, nutritional disturbances, circulatory
disorders, acute rheumatic fever, secondary syphilis, TB, psoriasis, ichthyosis,
eczema, hyperuricemia, RA, venous stasis, hyperglycemia, hyperthyroidism,
leprosy, peripheral neuritis, tabes dorsalis, and scleroderma.
20. Onycholysis: Detachment of the nail bed from the overlying plate
creates a space between nail plate and nail bed in which keratin forms. This
occurs in numerous conditions:
i. Due to trauma, contact dermatitis due to nail polish, cement and topical drugs,
fungal infection, Pseudomonas infection, psoriasis, hyperthyroidism,
pregnancy, iron deficiency anemia, lichen planus, and many others.
21. Onychomadesis: The shedding of nails from the proximal to the distal
free edge. The pathology in this condition involves lesions to the matrix and
the hyponychium.
i. Due to epilepsy, peripheral neuritis, peripheral thrombosis, embolic
occlusions, diabetes mellitus, syphilis, hemiplegia, syringomyelia, and many
22. Onychorrhexis: Means the breakage of nails, the nail becoming thin
and fragile with exaggerated dermal epidermal subungual sulci.
i. Due to hypochromic anemia, hypocalcemia, lichen planus, RA,
radiation, arsenic and lead poisoning, leprosy, and syphilis.
23. Onychophagia: Means nail biting.
24. Onychoschizia: The nail becomes very fragile, and as a result, distal
splitting of the nail occurs. There are two or more laminations overlying
each other. The nail appears multilayered.
i. Due to acromegaly, chronic eczema, metabolic acidosis, peripheral nerve
lesions, trauma, infectious diseases, hyperthyroidism, and hypochromic
26. Squamous Cell Carcinoma: This occurs under nail plates usually as a
result of a progression from squamous cell Ca in situ (Bowen's disease). It
must be differentiated from keratoacanthoma. (see Dermatology section)
Nail Anatomy
1. The matrix is a stratified epithelium that produces hard keratin. Proximal
matrix forms the superior nail and the distal matrix forms the lower nail.
2. Hyponychium is an epithelial layer of the nail bed and really does not
produce much nail plate keratin. It does help, however, in subungual debris
3. Predominantly nail develops from the matrix, but the proximal nail fold,
lateral grooves, bed, and hyponychium can all be onychogenic.
4. The nail plate can be separated into 3 zones with predominantly
different beginnings. The uppermost layer is generated by the proximal
nail fold, the plate by the matrix, and the deepest section of the nail plate
is contributed to by the nail folds and bed.
5. The nail matrix is found on the proximal slope of the distal phalanx and
extends medial and lateral to the phalanx. The germinal matrix extends
laterally as far as the width of the nail plate just distal to the lunula and with
the same curvature. Proximally it extends to 1 1 /2 to 2 1 /2 times the length
of the visible lunula.
6. The lunula is a white semi-lunar area corresponding to the anterior
7. The nail bed consists of the hyponychium and corium over the matrix.
NOTE* The following are cold steel procedures. The indications are: chronically
recurring ingrown toenail, failed Phenol-Alcohol procedure, chronic
hypertrophic ungual labia, subungual exostosis in combination with
dystrophic, hypertrophic or mycotic nail, patient in whom chemical or
thermal bum is contraindicated (diabetes?), excision and biopsy of nail/nail
bed/matrix tissue, in conjunction with bunion procedures, patients who will
not comply with postoperative regimen of Phenol-Alcohol procedures,
cosmetic reconstruction of deformity, and surgeon's preference.
3. Frost Procedure:
i. For ingrown toenail with "proud flesh" and chronically hypertrophic
ungual labia
ii. Excise a piece of matrix through an inverse "L" shaped incision
iii. Nail and matrix along the problem labia is excised with the second
iv. Closure is with suture after curettement of the phalanx
v. Due to the tissue necrosis that occurs, this procedure requires both
primary and secondary wound healing, therefore of little advantage over
non-cold steel procedures
4. Zadek Procedure: Based on the premise that excision of the nail bed
was not necessary in preventing regrowth of the nail, therefore Zadik
directed his attention only to the nail matrix.
i. The incisions utilized are perhaps this procedures greatest contribution
ii. Utilized more for total nail excisions in the lesser digits
iii. Not recommended for the difficult onychauxic nail (where nail bed
removal may also he necessary)
7. Suppan Procedure:
i. Frees the eponychial fold and removes the nail
ii. Visualizes the nail matrix proximally
iii. Cut the lateral borders and the anterior borders
iv. Hold tag and remove the proximal attachment
v. Curette down to bone into the lateral cul de sac